Зглавкари или чланконошци (лат. Arthropoda, од грч. ἄρθρον [arthron] — „зглоб” и πούς [pous] — „нога”) су бескичмењачке животиње које имају егзоскелетон (спољашњи скелетон), сегментирано тело, и парне зглобне екстремитете. Зглавкари су добили назив по томе што имају ноге састављене од чланака (сегмента) који су међусобно зглавкасто (зглобно и покретно) повезане, и направљене од хитина, често минерализоване калцијум карбонатом. Основна одлика зглавкара је хетерономна сегментација тела. За разлику од сегментације анелида, код којих су сви сегменти међусобно једнаки, код зглавкара се сегменти јасно морфолошки разликују. Телесни сегменти се групишу у два или три телесна региона. Поред сегментације тела они имају сегментисане и екстремитете (ноге).
Зглавкари | |
![]() | |
Изумрли и модерни зглавкари | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Надтип: | Ecdysozoa |
(нерангирано): | Panarthropoda |
(нерангирано): | Tactopoda |
Тип: | Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848[1] |
Потфамилије, нераспоређени родови, и класе | |
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Синоними | |
Condylipoda Latreille, 1802 |
Артроподи формирају раздео Euarthropoda,[3][4] који обухвата инсекте, арахниде, стоноге, и ракове. Првобитно је било предложено да се термин Arthropoda односи на предложену групу Euarthropoda и раздео Onychophora. Зглавкари су најобимнија и најразноврснија група животиња. Скоро три четвртине свих познатих врста припада овој групи животиња. Постоји више од милион описаних врста, што је око 80% свих описаних постојећих животињских врста, неке од којих су за разлику од већине других животиња веома успешно прилагођене сувим окружењима. Зглавкари насељавају сва животна станишта: морску, слатководна и копнена станишта и ваздух.
Артроподи покривају опсег телесних величина од микроскопских ракова Stygotantulus до јапанског пауколиког рака. Артроподна примарна унутрашња шупљина је хемокоел, у којој су смештени њихови унутрашњи органи, и кроз који њихова хемолимфа – течност аналогна крви – циркулише. Они имају отворене циркулаторне системе. Попут њихове спољашњости, унутрашњи органи артропода су генерално изграђени од понављајућих сегмената. Њихов нервни систем наликује на мердевине, са упареним трбушним нервним влакнима која пролазе кроз све сегменте и формирају упарене ганглије у сваком сегменту.
Њихове главе су формиране фузијом различитог броја сегмената, а њихови мозгови су формирани фузијом ганглија тих сегмената и окружени су једњаком. Респираторни и екскреторни системи артропода варирају, и зависе у истој мери од њиховог животног окружења, као и од потколена коме припадају.
Њихов вид се базира на разним комбинацијама фацетованих очију и пигментних јама, оцела: код већине врста оцеле једино могу да детектују смер из кога светло долази, а фосетиране очи су главни извор информација. Главне очи паука су оцеле које могу да формиају слике, и у неколико случајева се могу окретати да би се пратио плен. Артроподи исто тако имају широк опсег хемијских и механичких сензора, углавном базираних на модификацијама многих сета (чекиња) које пролазе кроз њихове кутикуле. Артроподни методи репродукције и развоја су разноврсни. Све копнене врсте користе унутрашњу оплодњу, али до тога често долази путем индиректног трансфера сперме путем једног телесног додатка или земљишта, пре неко путем директног убризгавања.
Водене врсте користе било унутрашњу или спољашњу оплодњу. Скоро сви артроподи легу јаја, док скорпије рађају живе младе, након што су се јаја излегла унутар мајке. Младунци артропода варирају од минијатурних одраслих, до ларви и гусеница којима недостају зглобасти удови и који коначно подлежу тоталној метаморфози да би попримили одраслу форму. Ниво материнске бриге за подмадак варира од непостојећег до дуготрајне бриге коју пружају шкорпије.
Еволуционо наслеђе артропода датира из камбријумског периода. Ова група се генерално сматра монофилетичком, и мноштво анализа подржава груписање артропода са Cycloneuralia (или њиховим конститутивним кладусима) у надраздео Ecdysozoa. Свеукупно гледано, међутим, базални односи Metazoa још увек нису у довољној мери разрешени. Слично томе, везе између разних артроподних група се још увек предмет активних дебата.
Артроподи доприносе људском снабдевању храном директно као храна, и што је важније индиректно као опрашивачи усева. Познато је да неке врсте преносе озбиљне болести код људи, стоке, и усева.
уредиРеч артропод потиче од грчке речи ἄρθρον árthron, "зглоб", и πούς pous (gen. podos), i.e. „стопало” или „нога”, што заједно значи „зглавкаста нога”.[5]
уредиАртроподи су бескичмењаци са сегментираним телима и зглавкастим ногама.[6] Њихов егзоскелетон или кутикуле се састоје од хитина, полимеризованог глукозамина.[7] Кутикуле многих љускара, Oribatida, и милипеда (изузев Polyxenida) су такође биоминерализоване са калцијум карбонатом.
уредиПроцене броја артроподних врста варирају између 1.170.000 и 5 до 10 милиона, што представља преко 80% свих познатих животињских врста.[8][9] Прецизан број врста је и даље тешко одредити. Претпоставке пописног моделовања се типично пројектују на друге регионе да би се из броја врста на спефицичним локацијама проценио број врста у целом свету. Једна студија из 1992. је проценила да постоји преко 500.000 врста животиња и биљки у самој Костарики, од којих су 365.000 артроподи.[10]
Зглавкари су значајни чланови у морским, слатководним, копненим и ваздушним екосистемима, и они су једна од две главне групе животиња које су се адаптирале на живот у сувим окружењима; друга су амниоте, чији постојећи чланови су рептили, птице и сисари.[11] Једна артроподна подгрупа, инсекти, су врстама најбогатији члан од свих еколошких цехова у копненим и слатководним животним окружењима.[10] Најлакши инсекти теже мање од 25 микрограма (милионитих делова грама),[12] док најтежи имају преко 70 g (2,5 oz).[13] Неки од постојећих љускара су знатно већи; на пример, ноге јапанског паучастог рака могу да досегну до 4 m,[12] док су најтежи од свих живих артропода представници америчког јастога, који могу да премаше 20 kg (44 lbs).
уредиЦефализација је код њих на много вишем нивоу него код анелида. Основни телесни региони су:
- глава,
- груди и
- трбух (абдомен), мада се код појединих група ови региони другачије групишу.
На површини тела имају чврсту хитинску кутикулу. Чврст омотач је добра заштита телу и ослонац за мишиће па се због тога назива спољашњи скелет (егзоскелет). Егзоскелет је грађен од већег броја плоча које покривају тело и екстремитете. Појединачне скелетне плоче су у највећем броју случајева међусобно покретно спојене, што уосталом и омогућава покретљивост ових организама. Осим те, скелет има и заштитну улогу – организма од предатора, а унутрашње органе од повреда. Истовремено, егзоскелет ограничава раст зглавкара, па због тога да би могли да расту они се морају пресвлачити (екдизис). Пресвлачење представља повремено одбацивање старе кутикуле, а затим образовање нове. Код многих врста пресвлачење се одвија у низу ларвалних ступњева (стадијума), при чему ларва сваким наредним пресвлачењем постаје све сличнија адулту, док се код других ларва и адулт веома разликују (нпр. гусеница и лептир). Пресвлачење је под контролом хормона при чему учествује јувенилни хормон.
Органи и системи органа
уредиМишићни систем, за разлику од анелида, није распоређен у слојевима, већ је организован у мишићне снопове (ту се први пут у животињском свету јављају) који су причвршћени за унутрашњу површину егзоскелета. Мишићи и скелетне плоче функционишу као систем полуга.
Телесна дупља је миксоцел, што значи да је то мешовита дупља – настаје у току ембрионалног развића спајањем остатка бластоцела и целома.
Крвни систем је отвореног типа. Срце се састоји из једне или више комора, које су линеарно распоређене и имају бочне, парне отворе – остије, кроз које крв (хемолимфа) из перикардијалног простора улази у срце. Из срца полазе крвни судови који одводе крв до ткива и органа, где се она излива у шупљине и лакуне око тих органа.
Респираторни органи водених зглавкара су шкрге, а код сувоземних су трахеје, мада код неких облика постоје плућа (пауци, шкорпије). Трахеје су разгранате цевчице које почињу ситним отворима на кутикули (стигме), а затим се гранају по читавом телу.
Екскреторни органи су различити:
- антеналне жлезде,
- максиларне жлезде
- Малпигијеви судови (нешто измењене метанефридије).
Нервни систем је лествичаст. Он достиже висок степен развоја, што је сигурно у вези и са њиховим сложеним понашањем. Имају развијен мозак који се састоји из три дела:
- предњег (протоцеребрум),
- средњег (деутероцеребрум) и
- задњег (тритоцеребрум) мозга.
Од мозга полази трбушно нервно стабло лествичастог изгледа (лествичаст тип нервног система).
Чула су добро развијена, посебно чуло вида које је главно оријентационо чуло. Очи могу бити покретне, на дршкама или непокретне на предњем делу главе. Постоје просте (оцеле) и фацетоване очи, које се састоје од великог броја [од неколико хиљада до неколико стотина хиљада] оцела. Вид је сложен – мозаичан.
Полни органи су по правилу одвојени, чест је полни диморфизам, а полне жлезде и њихови одводи су парни. Оплођење је унутрашње. Код неких представника развиће је директно (аметаболно), односно из јајета излази јединка која личи на имаго (одрасла јединка).
Код сложенијих зглавкара развиће је са метаморфозом и може бити:
- непотпуно (хемиметаболно) и
- потпуно (холометаболно).
уредиЈедна процена указује на то да су зглавкари 1.170.000 описаних врста, и чине преко 80% свих познатих врста живих животиња. Друга тврдња указује на то да зглавкари чине преко 75% свих познатих врста животиња. Трећа студија процењује да има од 5 до 10 милиона врста инсеката. Проценити укупан број живих врста је изузетно тешко. Студија 1992. процењује да је било 500.000 врста животиња и биљака само у Костарики, од чега 365.000 су зглавкари. Зглавкари су једна од најбројнијих група вишећелијских организама.
уредиТип зглавкара дели се на 4 подтипа (subphylum) :
- трилобити (Trilobitomorpha), обухвата изумрле примитивне, водене зглавкаре, познате само на основу фосилних остатака;
- пауколике животиње (Chelicerata);
- ракови (Crustacea);
- стоноге и инсекти (Uniramia).
уредиЗадњи заједнички предак
уредиЗадњи заједнички предак свих артропода је реконструисан као модуларни организам са свим модулим покривеним његовим сопственим склеритом (оклопним плочама) и који је имао пар двокраких удова.[14] Међутим, да ли су удови претка били једнокраки или двокраки је питање по коме тренутно не постоји сагласност. Овај пра-артропод је имао вентрална уста, преоралне антене и дорсалне очи на фронталном делу тела. Претпоставља се да се недискриминаторно хранио седиментом, сварујући какав год седимент би нашао као храну.[14] Фосилни налази сугеришу да су последњи заједнички преци артропода и пријапулиде имали исте специјализоване усне апарате; кружна уста са прстеновима зуба који су кориштени за хватање плена и да су стога били месоједи.[15]
Фосилни запис
уредиПредложено је да су едијакаријумске животиње Parvancorina и Spriggina, од пре око 555 милиона година, били артроподи.[16][17][18] Мали артроподи са бивалвулараним шкољкама су нађени међу фосилима из раног камбријума који су датирани на пре 541 до 539 милиона година у Кини и Аустралији.[19][20][21][22] Најранији камбријански трилобитни фосили потичу из периода од пре око 530 милиона година, мада је та класа већ била прилично разноврсна и распрострањена широм света, те се може претпоставити да су они већ били присутни дуже времена.[23] Поновно испитивање фосила откривених током 1970-их на локалитету Бургесовог Шејла од пре око 505 милиона година идентификовало је мноштво артропода, неки од којих нису могли да се асоцирају са било којом од познатих група, и стога је интензивирана дебата о Камбријумској експлозији.[24][25][26] Фосил припадника рода Marrella из Бургесовог Шејла је произвео најранију јасну евиденцију митарења.[27]
Најранији фосил љускара датира из периода пре око 511 милиона година током камбријума,[28] а фосили шкампа од пре око 500 милиона година били су очигледно формирани у густо испреплетаној процесији широм морског дна.[29] Фосили љускара се често срећу од ордовицијумског периода надаље.[30] Они су остали скоро у потпуности акватични, вероватно зато што они нису никад развили системе за излучивање којима се штеди вода.[31]
Артроподи пружају најраније препознатљиве фосиле копнених животиња, од око 419 милиона година до касног силура,[32] а постоје индикације да су копнени трагови били присутни од пре око 450 милиона година и да су настали захваљујући артроподима.[33] Артроподи су били добро пре-адаптирани да колонизују копно, пошто су њихови постојећи зглобни егзоскелети пружали заштиту против исушивања, подршку против гравитације и начин кретања који није био зависан од воде.[34] У исто време водени, скорпиону слични еуриптериди су постали највећи артроподи свих времена, неки од њих су били дуги и до 2,5 m.[35]
Најстарији познати арахнид је тригонотарбид Palaeotarbus jerami, од пре око 420 милиона година у силуријанском периоду.[36][Note 1] Attercopus fimbriunguis, од пре око 386 милиона година у девонијанском периоду, има најраније познате органе за формирање свиле, али одсуство спинерете индицира да то није био припадник правих паука,[38] који су се први пут појавили у касном карбону пре преко 299 милиона година.[39] Периоди јуре и креде пружили су велики број фосила паука, укључујући представнике многих модерних фамилија.[40] Фосили водених скорпиона са шкргама појавили су се у периодима силура и девона, а најранији фосил скорпиона који је дисао ваздух са предаластим плућима датира из периода раног карбона.[41]
Најстарији дефинитивни инсектни фосил је девонски Rhyniognatha hirsti, који датира од пре 396 до 407 милиона година, али су спољашњи делови његових доњих вилица типа који се налази код криластих инсеката, што значи да су се најранији инсекти појавили у силурном периоду.[42] Фосилно налазиште Мејзон крик из касне креде, од пре око 300 милиона година, обухвата око 200 врста, неке од којих су гигантске по модерним стандардима, и то је индикација да су инсекти заузели своје место у модерним еколошким нишама као хербивори, детритивори и инсективори. Друштвени термити и мрави су се први пут појавили у раној креди, а напредне друштвене пчеле су нађене у стенама из касне креде али нису постале широко заступљене до средине кенозоика.[43]
уреди- Abacionidae Shelley, 1979
- Acalyptonotidae
- Acanaloniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthametropodidae
- Acanthaspidiidae Menzies, 1962
- Acanthephyridae Spence Bate, 1888
- Acanthocnemidae Crowson, 1964
- Acanthogammaridae Garjajev, 1901
- Acanthonotozomellidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991
- Acanthopteroctetidae
- Acanthosomatidae Signoret, 1864
- Acaridae
- Acaronychidae Grandjean, 1932
- Acarophenacidae
- Acartiidae Sars, 1900
- Acartophthalmidae
- Acerentomidae Silvestri, 1907
- Acetidae Vereshchaka, 2017
- Achaemenothrombiidae
- Acheliidae Semper, 1874
- Acherontacaridae
- Achilidae Stål, 1866
- Achilixiidae Muir, 1923
- Achipteriidae Thor, 1929
- Aclerdidae Cockerell, 1905
- Acrididae MacLeay, 1819
- Acroceridae
- Acrolepiidae
- Acrolophidae
- Acropsopilionidae Roewer, 1924
- Actaeciidae Vandel, 1952
- Actaletidae
- Actinopodidae Simon, 1892
- Acucapitidae
- Adamystidae Cunliffe, 1957
- Adelgidae
- Adelidae
- Adelphacaridae Grandjean, 1954
- Adenopleurellidae Huys, 1990
- Aderidae Winkler, 1927
- Adhaesozetidae Hammer, 1973
- Adiheterothripidae Shumsher, 1946
- Adritylidae Shear, 1971
- Aegidae White, 1850
- Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Aeglidae Dana, 1852
- Aenictequidae
- Aenictopecheidae Usinger, 1932
- Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Aepophilidae Lethierry and Severin, 1896
- Aeroglyphidae
- Aeshnidae
- Aethridae Dana, 1851
- Aetideidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Agaonidae
- Agapythidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1969
- Agathotanaidae Lang, 1971
- Agelenidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Agoristenidae Silhavý, 1973
- Agostocarididae C. W. J. Hart & Manning, 1986
- Agromyzidae
- Agyrtidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Akalyptoischiidae Lord, Hartley, Lawrence, McHugh, Whiting and Miller, 2010
- Akravidae Levy, 2007
- Alainosquillidae Moosa, 1991
- Albuneidae Stimpson, 1858
- Aleurodamaeidae Paschoal & Johnston, 1985
- Alexiidae Imhoff, 1856
- Aleyrodidae Westwood, 1840
- Algophagidae Fain, 1974
- Alicorhagiidae Grandjean, 1939
- Allochaetophoridae
- Allocrangonyctidae Holsinger, 1989
- Alloniscidae Schmidt, 2003
- Allopocockiidae Keeton, 1960
- Alloptidae
- Allotanaupodidae
- Allothyridae Van der Hammen, 1972
- Alpheidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Alucitidae
- Alvinocarididae Christoffersen, 1986
- Alycidae G. Canestrini and Fanzago, 1877
- Alydidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Amaryllididae Lowry & Stoddart, 2002
- Amathillopsidae Pirlot, 1934
- Amaurobiidae Thorell, 1870
- Ambunguipedidae Huys, 1990
- Ameiridae Monard, 1927
- Ameletidae
- Ameridae Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1957
- Amerobelbidae Grandjean, 1954
- Ameronothridae Vitzthum, 1943
- Ameroseiidae Evans in Hughes, 1961
- Ametropodidae
- Ametroproctidae Subías, 2004
- Ammotrechidae Roewer, 1934
- Ammoxenidae Simon, 1893
- Amoenacaridae
- Ampeliscidae Costa, 1857
- Amphientomidae
- Amphilochidae Boeck, 1871
- Amphinectidae Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Amphipauropodidae Scheller, 2008
- Amphipsocidae
- Amphipterygidae
- Amphisbatidae
- Amphisopodidae Nicholls, 1943
- Amphizoidae LeConte, 1853
- Amphotrombiidae
- Ampithoidae Stebbing, 1899
- Ampulicidae Shuckard, 1840
- Anacalliacidae Manning & Felder, 1991
- Anajapygidae Paclt, 1957
- Analgidae
- Anamorphidae Strohecker, 1953
- Anapidae Simon, 1895
- Anapronoidae Bowman & Gruner, 1973
- Anarthruridae Lang, 1971
- Anaspididae Thomson, 1893
- Anaxyelidae
- Anchialocarididae Mejía-Ortíz, Yañez & López-Mejía, 2017
- Anchimolgidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Ancinidae Dana, 1852
- Ancorabolidae Sars, 1909
- Anderemaeidae Balogh, 1972
- Andrenidae
- Andrognathidae Cope, 1869
- Anelasmatidae Gruvel, 1905
- Angarosphecidae
- Anisembiidae
- Anisitsiellidae Koenike, 1910
- Anisogammaridae Bousfield, 1977
- Anisopodidae
- Anobiidae Fleming, 1821
- Anomalopsychidae Flint, 1981
- Anomoclausiidae Gotto, 1964
- Anostostomatidae
- Antarcturidae Poore, 2001
- Antelientomidae Yin, 1983
- Antennochelidae Lindquist and Moraza, 2014
- Antennophoridae
- Antheacheridae Sars, 1870
- Antheluridae Poore & Lew Ton, 1988
- Anthessiidae Humes, 1986
- Anthicidae Latreille, 1819
- Anthocoridae Fieber, 1837
- Anthomyiidae
- Anthomyzidae
- Anthracocarididae Schram, 1979
- Anthribidae Billberg, 1820
- Anthuridae Leach, 1814
- Antichtopauropodidae Scheller, 2010
- Antipodoeciidae Ross, 1967
- Antrodiaetidae Gertsch, in Comstock, 1940
- Anuropidae Stebbing, 1893
- Anyphaenidae Bertkau, 1878
- Anystidae Oudemans, 1902
- Aoridae Walker, 1908
- Apataniidae Wallengren, 1886
- Aphelidesmidae Brolemann, 1916
- Aphelinidae
- Aphelocheiridae Fieber, 1851
- Apheviderulicidae
- Aphididae
- Aphrophoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Apidae
- Apioceridae
- Apionacaridae
- Apionidae Schönherr, 1823
- Aprosphylosomatidae Hoffman, 1961
- Apseudellidae Gutu, 1972
- Apseudidae Leach, 1814
- Apteropanorpidae
- Apterouridae Loomis, 1966
- Aradidae Spinola, 1837
- Araneidae Clerck, 1757
- Arborichthoniidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Arceremaeidae Balogh, 1972
- Archaeidae Koch & Berendt, 1854
- Archaeobalanidae Newman & Ross, 1976
- Archaeobuthidae Lourenço, 2001
- Archaeocynipidae
- Archaeoscinidae Stebbing, 1904
- Archeocrypticidae Kaszab, 1964
- Archidactylinidae Izawa, 1996
- Archinotodelphyidae Lang, 1949
- Archipsocidae
- Arctacaridae
- Arcturidae Dana, 1849
- Arcturididae Poore, 2001
- Arenohydracaridae
- Argasidae
- Argestidae Por, 1986
- Argidae
- Argissidae Walker, 1904
- Argulidae Yamaguti, 1963
- Aribatidae Aoki, Takaku & Ito, 1994
- Arietellidae Sars, 1902
- Aristeidae Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
- Aristiidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Arkyidae L. Koch, 1872
- Armadillidae Brandt, 1831
- Armadillidiidae Brandt, 1833
- Armilliferidae Fain, 1961
- Arrenuridae
- Arrhopalitidae
- Artematopodidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Artemiidae Grochowski, 1896
- Artesiidae Holsinger, 1980
- Artheneidae Stål, 1872
- Arthropleidae
- Artotrogidae Brady, 1880
- Ascalaphidae Rambur, 1842
- Ascidae Voigts and Oudemans, 1905
- Ascidicolidae Thorell, 1860
- Asconiscidae Bonnier, 1900
- Ascorhynchidae Hoek, 1881
- Ascothoracidae Grygier, 1987
- Ascouracaridae
- Asellidae Latreille, 1802
- Asilidae
- Asiopsocidae
- Asmussidae Kobayashi, 1954
- Aspidytidae Ribera, Beutel, Balke and Vogler, 2002
- Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884
- Astacidae Latreille, 1802
- Astacocrotonidae
- Astegistidae Balogh, 1961
- Asteiidae
- Asternoseiidae
- Asterocheridae Giesbrecht, 1899
- Asterolecaniidae Cockerell, 1896
- Atelecyclidae Ortmann, 1893
- Atelestidae
- Atemnidae Kishida, 1929
- Athericidae
- Athienemanniidae
- Athyreacaridae
- Atlantasellidae Sket, 1979
- Atlantidiidae Arcangeli, 1954
- Atopetholidae Chamberlin, 1918
- Atopochthoniidae Grandjean, 1949
- Atopomelidae
- Atriplectididae Neboiss, 1977
- Attalomimidae Majer, 1995
- Attelabidae Billberg, 1820
- Aturidae
- Atyidae De Haan, 1849
- Atypidae Thorell, 1870
- Audyanidae
- Augaptilidae Sars, 1905
- Aulacidae
- Aulacigastridae
- Australomicroprotopidae Myers, Lowry & Billingham, 2016
- Austrarcturellidae Poore & Bardsley, 1992
- Austrochilidae Zapfe, 1955
- Austrocynipidae
- Austrodecidae Stock, 1954
- Austroniidae
- Austroniphargidae Iannilli, Krapp & Ruffo, 2011
- Austropetaliidae
- Austrophasmatidae Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Autognetidae Grandjean, 1960
- Autostichidae
- Avenzoariidae
- Axiidae Huxley, 1879
- Axymyiidae
- Baetidae
- Baetiscidae
- Bahiaxenidae Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto and Beutel, 2009
- Baikalogammaridae Kamaltynov, 2001
- Bairdiidae Sars, 1887
- Balaenophilidae Sars, 1910
- Balanidae Leach, 1817
- Balloniscidae Vandel, 1963
- Baloghjkaszabiidae
- Bandakiopsidae
- Barbarochthonidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Barbouriidae Christoffersen, 1987
- Barbutiidae Robaux, 1975
- Barychelidae Simon, 1889
- Basilobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Basipodellidae Boxshall & Lincoln, 1983
- Bateidae Stebbing, 1906
- Bathylasmatidae Newman & Ross, 1971
- Bathynataliidae Kensley, 1978
- Bathynellidae Chappuis, 1915
- Bathypalaemonellidae de Saint Laurent, 1985
- Bathypontiidae Brodsky, 1950
- Bathysquillidae Manning, 1967
- Bathytropidae Vandel, 1952
- Batrachedridae
- Bdellidae
- Bedelliidae
- Beesoniidae Ferris, 1950
- Behningiellidae Kamaltynov, 2001
- Behningiidae
- Belidae Schönherr, 1826
- Belisariidae Lourenço, 1998
- Belliidae Dana, 1852
- Belohinidae Paulian, 1959
- Belostomatidae Leach, 1815
- Benthesicymidae Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
- Bentheuphausiidae Colosi, 1917
- Beraeidae Wallengren, 1891
- Berothidae Handlirsch, 1906
- Berytidae Fieber, 1851
- Berytoniscidae Vandel, 1973
- Bethylidae
- Bethylonymidae
- Biancolinidae J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Biantidae Thorell, 1889
- Bibionidae
- Biphyllidae LeConte, 1861
- Bittacidae
- Blaberidae
- Blaniulidae Koch, 1847
- Blasticotomidae
- Blattellidae
- Blattidae
- Blattisociidae Garman, 1948
- Blephariceridae
- Blepharipodidae Boyko, 2002
- Blissidae Stål, 1862
- Bochicidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Bodotriidae Scott, 1901
- Boganiidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Bogatiidae
- Bogidiellidae Hertzog, 1936
- Bohartillidae Kinzelbach, 1969
- Boholinidae Fosshagen & Iliffe, 1989
- Bolithophilidae
- Bolttsiidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Bombycidae
- Bombyliidae
- Bomolochidae Sumpf, 1871
- Boopiidae
- Bopyridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Boreidae
- Boridae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Bosminidae Baird, 1845
- Bostrichidae Latreille, 1802
- Bothrideridae Erichson, 1845
- Bothriuridae Simon, 1880
- Bougisidae Zeidler, 2004
- Bourletiellidae
- Brachycentridae Ulmer, 1903
- Brachychthoniidae Thor, 1934
- Brachycytheridae Puri, 1954
- Brachypauropodidae Silvestri, 1902
- Brachypsectridae LeConte and Horn, 1883
- Brachystomellidae
- Braconidae Nees von Esenbeck, 1811
- Bradynobaenidae
- Branchinectidae Daday, 1910
- Branchipodidae
- Branneriidae Cook, 1896
- Brasiluropodidae
- Braulidae
- Brentidae Billberg, 1820
- Bresiliidae Calman, 1896
- Brychiopontiidae Humes, 1974
- Bryopsocidae
- Bucculatricidae
- Buddelundiellidae Verhoeff, 1930
- Buprestidae Leach, 1815
- Buproridae Thorell, 1859
- Buthidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Byrrhidae Latreille, 1804
- Bythocarididae Christoffersen, 1987
- Bythocyprididae Maddocks, 1969
- Bythocytheridae Sars, 1866
- Bythograeidae Williams, 1980
- Byturidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Cabiropidae Giard & Bonnier, 1887
- Caddidae Banks, 1892
- Caeciliusidae
- Caeculidae Berlese, 1883
- Caenidae
- Calabozoidae Van Lieshout, 1983
- Calamoceratidae Ulmer, 1905
- Calanidae Dana, 1846
- Calanticidae Zevina, 1978
- Calappidae Milne Edwards, 1837
- Calcitronidae Petrunkevitch, 1945
- Caleremaeidae Grandjean, 1965
- Caligidae Burmeister, 1834
- Caligonellidae Grandjean, 1944
- Caliscelidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Callianassidae Dana, 1852
- Callianideidae Kossmann, 1880
- Callianopsidae Manning & Felder, 1991
- Callichiridae Manning & Felder, 1991
- Calliopiidae Sars, 1895
- Callipallenidae Hilton, 1942
- Callipappidae
- Calliphoridae
- Callirhipidae Emden, 1924
- Calocidae Ross, 1967
- Caloppiidae Balogh, 1960
- Calopsocidae
- Calopterygidae
- Calverocheridae Stock, 1968
- Calyptostomatidae Oudemans, 1923
- Cambalidae Bollman, 1893
- Cambalopsidae Cook, 1895
- Cambaridae Hobbs, 1942
- Cambaroididae Villalobos, 1955
- Camerobiidae Southcott, 1957
- Camillidae
- Campichoetidae
- Campodeidae Lubbock, 1873
- Camptandriidae Stimpson, 1858
- Campylonotidae Sollaud, 1913
- Canaceidae
- Cancerillidae Giesbrecht, 1897
- Cancridae Latreille, 1802
- Cancrincolidae Fiers, 1990
- Candaciidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Candonidae Kaufmann, 1900
- Canestriniidae Berlese, 1884
- Cantharidae Imhoff, 1856
- Canthocamptidae G. O. Sars, 1906
- Canuellidae Lang, 1944
- Capniidae Banks, 1900
- Caponiidae Simon, 1890
- Caprellidae Leach, 1814
- Caprellinoididae Laubitz, 1993
- Caprogammaridae Kudrjaschov & Vassilenko, 1966
- Carabidae Latreille, 1802
- Caraboacaridae
- Caraboctonidae Kraepelin, 1905
- Carabodidae Koch, 1843
- Carangoliopsidae Bousfield, 1977
- Carayonemidae
- Carcinophoridae Hincks, 1954
- Cardenioidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Caridae Thompson, 1992
- Carnidae
- Carpiliidae Ortmann, 1893
- Carpoglyphidae Oudemans, 1923
- Carposinidae
- Caseyidae Verhoeff, 1909
- Caspicolidae Birstein, 1945
- Catiniidae Bocquet & Stock, 1957
- Catlaphilidae Tripathi, 1960
- Catophragmidae Utinomi, 1968
- Caudiferidae
- Cavognathidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Cebocaridae Lowry & Stoddart, 2011
- Cecidomyiidae
- Cecropidae Dana, 1849
- Ceinidae J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Celaenopsidae
- Centropagidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Cephalobaenidae Fain, 1961
- Cepheusidae Berlese, 1896
- Cephidae
- Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802
- Ceraphronidae
- Ceratocombidae Fieber, 1860
- Ceratocumatidae Calman, 1905
- Ceratokalummidae Balogh, 1970
- Ceratophyllidae
- Ceratopogonidae
- Ceratoppiidae Grandjean, 1954
- Ceratozetidae Jacot, 1925
- Cercomegistidae
- Cercopagididae Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1968
- Cercopidae Leach, 1815
- Cerocepheidae Mahunka, 1986
- Ceromidae Roewer, 1933
- Cerophytidae Latreille, 1834
- Cerviniidae Sars, 1903
- Cerylonidae Billberg, 1820
- Chactidae Pocock, 1893
- Chaerilidae Pocock, 1893
- Chaerilobuthidae Lourenço and Beigel, 2011
- Chaetiliidae Dana, 1849
- Chaetodactylidae Zachvatkin, 1941
- Chaetosomatidae Crowson, 1952
- Chalcididae
- Chalcodryidae Watt, 1974
- Chamaemyiidae
- Chamobatidae Thor, 1937
- Chaoboridae
- Chappuisididae
- Chappuisiidae Chappuis, 1940
- Charassobatidae Grandjean, 1958
- Charilaidae
- Charinidae Quintero, 1986
- Charontidae Simon, 1892
- Chathamiidae Tillyard, 1925
- Cheidae Thurston, 1982
- Cheiragonidae Ortmann, 1893
- Cheiridiidae Hansen, 1894
- Cheirocratidae d'Udekem d'Acoz, 2010
- Cheliferidae Risso, 1827
- Chelisochidae Burr, 1907
- Chelodesmidae Cook, 1895
- Chelojulidae Enghoff, 1991
- Chelonariidae Blanchard, 1845
- Chelonibiidae Pilsbry, 1916
- Cheluridae Allman, 1847
- Chernetidae Menge, 1855
- Chetochelacaridae Fain, 1987
- Cheylabididae
- Cheyletidae Leach, 1815
- Chillagoeidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Chiltoniidae J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Chimabachidae
- Chionelasmatidae Buckeridge, 1983
- Chirocephalidae Daday, 1910
- Chirodiscidae
- Chironomidae
- Chirorhynchobiidae
- Chirostylidae Ortmann, 1892
- Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko, 1991
- Chloroperlidae
- Chloropidae
- Chlorotocellidae Komai, T.-Y. Chan & De Grave, 2019
- Choctellidae Chamberlin & Hoffman, 1950
- Chondracanthidae Milne Edwards, 1840
- Chordeumiidae Boxshall, 1988
- Choreutidae
- Choristidae Esben-Petersen, 1915
- Chorotypidae
- Chortoglyphidae
- Chrysididae
- Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802
- Chrysopidae Schneider, 1851
- Chthamalidae Darwin, 1854
- Chthamalophilidae Bocquet-Védrine, 1961
- Chthoniidae Daday, 1888
- Chulacaridae Fuangarworn, Lekprayoon and Butcher, 2016
- Chummidae Jocqué, 2001
- Chuneolidae Woltereck, 1909
- Chydoridae Stebbing, 1902
- Chyromyidae
- Chyzeriidae
- Cicadellidae
- Cicadidae Batsch, 1789
- Ciidae Leach in Samouelle, 1819
- Cillibidae
- Cimbicidae
- Cimicidae Latreille, 1802
- Cirolanidae Dana, 1852
- Cithaeronidae Simon, 1893
- Cixiidae Spinola, 1839
- Cladiopsocidae
- Clambidae Fischer, 1821
- Clarenciidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Clastopteridae Dohrn, 1859
- Clausiadinychidae
- Clausidiidae Embleton, 1901
- Clausiidae Giesbrecht, 1895
- Clausocalanidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Cleidogonidae Cook, 1896
- Cleridae Latreille, 1802
- Cletodidae T. Scott, 1905
- Cletopsyllidae Huys & Williams, 1989
- Clistosaccidae Boschma, 1928
- Cloacaridae Camin, Moss, Oliver and Singer, 1967
- Clubionidae Wagner, 1887
- Clusiidae
- Clytemnestridae Scott, 1909
- Cneoglossidae Champion, 1897
- Cobanocytheridae Schornikov, 1975
- Cocceupodidae Jesionowska, 2010
- Coccidae Stephens, 1829
- Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807
- Codobidae Boxshall & Ohtsuka, 2001
- Coelopidae
- Coelostomidiidae Morrison, 1927
- Coenagrionidae
- Coenaletidae
- Coenobitidae Dana, 1851
- Coleophoridae
- Colinauropodidae Scheller, 1985
- Colletidae
- Colletteidae Larsen & Wilson, 2002
- Collohmanniidae Grandjean, 1958
- Collophoridae
- Colobathristidae
- Colomastigidae Stebbing, 1899
- Colossendeidae
- Compsocidae
- Conchaspididae Green, 1896
- Condukiidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Conicostomatidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2012
- Coniopterygidae Burmeister, 1839
- Conoesucidae Ross, 1967
- Conopidae
- Conotylidae Cook, 1896
- Cooloolidae
- Copromorphidae
- Coprozerconidae
- Coralaxiidae Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Corallanidae Hansen, 1890
- Coralliomyzontidae Humes & Stock, 1991
- Corallovexiidae Stock, 1975
- Cordulegastridae
- Corduliidae
- Coreidae Leach, 1815
- Corethrellidae
- Corinnidae Karsch, 1880
- Corioxenidae Kinzelbach, 1970
- Corixidae Leach, 1815
- Coronididae Manning, 1980
- Coronulidae Leach, 1817
- Corophiidae Leach, 1814
- Corycaeidae Dana, 1852
- Corydalidae
- Corylophidae LeConte, 1852
- Corystidae Samouelle, 1819
- Cosmetidae Koch, 1839
- Cosmochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Cosmopterigidae
- Cossidae
- Costacaridae
- Crabronidae Latreille, 1802
- Crambidae
- Crangonidae Haworth, 1825
- Crangonyctidae Bousfield, 1973
- Crangoweckeliidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Craspedosomatidae Gray, 1843
- Craterostigmidae Pocock, 1902
- Cressidae Stebbing, 1899
- Cretostylopidae Kathirithamby and Engel, 2014
- Cristacoxidae Huys, 1990
- Crotalomorphidae
- Crotoniidae Thorell, 1876
- Crowsoniellidae Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1983
- Crymostygiidae Kristjánsson & Svavarsson, 2004
- Cryptocercidae
- Cryptochetidae
- Cryptochiridae Paulson, 1875
- Cryptococcidae
- Cryptodesmidae Karsch, 1880
- Cryptognathidae Oudemans, 1902
- Cryptolaryngidae Schalkwyk, 1966
- Cryptoniscidae Kossmann, 1880
- Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1826
- Cryptophialidae Gerstaecker, 1866
- Cryptopidae Kohlrausch, 1881
- Cryptorhamphidae
- Crypturoptidae
- Ctenacaridae Grandjean, 1954
- Ctenidae Keyserling, 1877
- Ctenizidae Thorell, 1887
- Ctenobelbidae Grandjean, 1965
- Ctenochelidae Manning & Felder, 1991
- Ctenosculidae Thiele, 1925
- Ctenothyadidae
- Cucujidae Latreille, 1802
- Cucumaricolidae Bouligand & Delamare-Deboutteville, 1959
- Culicidae Meigen, 1818
- Cunaxidae
- Cuneoppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Cupedidae Laporte, 1836
- Curaliidae Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Curculionidae Latreille, 1802
- Curtonotidae
- Cushmanideidae Puri, 1973
- Cyamidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Cyatholipidae Simon, 1894
- Cybaeidae Banks, 1892
- Cybocephalidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Cyclaxyridae Gimmel, Leschen and Slipinski, 2009
- Cyclestheriidae G. O. Sars, 1899
- Cycloctenidae Simon, 1898
- Cyclocyprididae Kaufmann, 1900
- Cyclodorippidae Ortmann, 1892
- Cyclopidae Dana, 1846
- Cyclopinidae Sars, 1913
- Cydnidae Billberg, 1820
- Cylindrachetidae
- Cylindroleberididae Müller, 1906
- Cylindropsyllidae Sars, 1909
- Cylisticidae Verhoeff, 1949
- Cyllibulidae
- Cyllopodidae Bovallius, 1887
- Cymbaeremaeidae Sellnick, 1928
- Cymidae Baerensprung, 1860
- Cymonomidae Bouvier, 1897
- Cymothoidae Leach, 1814
- Cynipidae
- Cyphocarididae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Cyphoderidae
- Cyprididae Baird, 1845
- Cypridinidae Baird, 1850
- Cyproideidae J. L. Barnard, 1974
- Cyproniscidae Bonnier, 1900
- Cypselosomatidae
- Cyrtaucheniidae Simon, 1889
- Cyrtodesmidae Cook, 1896
- Cystisomatidae Willemöes-Suhm, 1875
- Cytherellidae Sars, 1866
- Cytherettidae Triebel, 1972
- Cytheridae Baird, 1850
- Cytherideidae Sars, 1925
- Cytheromatidae Elofson, 1939
- Cytheruridae Müller, 1894
- Cytoditidae
- Cyzicidae Stebbing, 1910
- Dactylopiidae Signoret, 1875
- Daesiidae Kraepelin, 1899
- Dairellidae Bovallius, 1887
- Dairidae Ng & Rodriguez, 1986
- Dajidae G. O. Sars, 1882
- Dakoticancridae
- Dalceridae
- Daldorfiidae Ng & Rodriguez, 1986
- Damaeidae Berlese, 1896
- Damaeolidae Grandjean, 1965
- Dampfiellidae Balogh, 1961
- Daphniidae Straus, 1820
- Darcythompsoniidae Lang, 1936
- Darwinulidae Brady & Norman, 1889
- Dascillidae Guérin-Méneville, 1843
- Dasydemellidae
- Dasyponyssidae Fonseca, 1940
- Dasythyreidae Walter and Gerson, 1998
- Davacaridae
- Deckeniidae Ortmann, 1897
- Decliniidae Nikitsky, Lawrence, Kirejtshuk and Gratshev, 1994
- Decoroppiidae Mahunka, 2009
- Deinopidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Delphacidae Leach, 1815
- Demodecidae Nicolet, 1855
- Dendrochaetidae Olivier, 2008
- Dendroeremaeidae Behan-Pelletier, Eamer & Clayton, 2005
- Dendrogastridae Gruvel, 1905
- Dendrotiidae Vanhöffen, 1914
- Deoclonidae
- Deoterthridae Boxshall & Lincoln, 1987
- Deraiophoridae
- Derbidae Spinola, 1839
- Dericorythidae
- Derjugianidae Lowry & Myers, 2017
- Dermanyssidae Kolenati, 1859
- Dermationidae
- Dermestidae Latreille, 1804
- Dermoglyphidae
- Derocheilocarididae Pennak & Zinn, 1943
- Derodontidae LeConte, 1861
- Desidae Pocock, 1895
- Desmocarididae Borradaile, 1915
- Desmosomatidae Sars, 1899
- Detonidae Budde-Lund, 1906
- Deuterophlebiidae
- Dexaminidae Leach, 1814
- Diadocidiidae
- Diaixidae Sars, 1902
- Diapheromeridae
- Diapriidae
- Diaptomidae Baird, 1850
- Diarthrophallidae
- Diaspididae Maskell, 1878
- Diastatidae
- Diastylidae Bate, 1856
- Dichelesthiidae Milne Edwards, 1840
- Dichelinidae Boxshall & Ohtsuka, 2001
- Dicranolasmatidae Simon, 1879
- Dicteriadidae
- Dictynidae O. P.-Cambridge, 1871
- Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839
- Dicyrtomidae
- Didymocheliidae Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1986
- Diesingidae Fain, 1961
- Digamasellidae
- Diguetidae F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899
- Dikwidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991
- Dilaridae Newman, 1853
- Dinidoridae Stål, 1867
- Dinjapygidae Womersley, 1939
- Dinopontiidae Murnane, 1967
- Dinorhaxidae Roewer, 1933
- Dinychidae
- Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892
- Diopsidae
- Diosaccidae G. O. Sars, 1906
- Diphyllostomatidae Holloway, 1972
- Diplocentridae Karsch, 1880
- Diplogyniidae
- Diplopauropodidae Scheller, 1988
- Dipluridae Simon, 1889
- Diprionidae
- Dipseudopsidae Ulmer, 1904
- Dipsocoridae Dohrn, 1859
- Diptilomiopidae
- Dirivultidae Humes & Dojiri, 1981
- Disciadidae M. J. Rathbun, 1902
- Discoidae Gordejeva, 1975
- Discolomatidae Horn, 1878
- Discourellidae
- Discozerconidae
- Dissonidae Yamaguti, 1963
- Ditomyiidae
- Dixidae
- Dogielinotidae Gurjanova, 1953
- Doidae Donahue and Brown, 1987
- Dolabellopsocidae
- Dolichocybidae
- Dolichopodidae
- Dorippidae MacLeay, 1838
- Dorsoporidae Loomis, 1958
- Doryphallophoridae Huys, 1991
- Douglasiidae
- Drepanidae Boisduval, 1828
- Drilidae Blanchard, 1845
- Dromiidae De Haan, 1833
- Drosophilidae
- Dryinidae
- Drymobatidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Drymusidae Simon, 1893
- Dryomyzidae
- Dryopidae Billberg, 1820
- Dubioniscidae Schultz, 1995
- Dulichiidae Dana, 1849
- Duplorbidae Høeg & Rybakov, 1992
- Dussartiellidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Dynomenidae Ortmann, 1892
- Dysderidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Dytiscacaridae Hajikanbar and Lindquist, 2018
- Dytiscidae Leach, 1815
- Ebboidae Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ecbathyriontidae Humes, 1987
- Eccoptarthridae Arnoldi, 1977
- Echimyopodidae
- Echinophthiriidae Enderlein, 1904
- Echinothambematidae Menzies, 1956
- Echiurophilidae Delamare-Deboutteville & Nunes-Ruivo, 1955
- Ecnomidae Ulmer, 1903
- Ectinosomatidae Sars, 1903
- Ectopsocidae
- Eirmopauropodidae Scheller in Scheller and Minor, 2010
- Elachistidae
- Elateridae Leach, 1815
- Electrentomidae
- Elenchidae Perkins, 1905
- Elipsocidae
- Elliptochthoniidae Norton, 1975
- Elmidae Curtis, 1830
- Embolemidae
- Empididae
- Encyrtidae
- Endeidae Norman, 1908
- Enderleinellidae Ewing, 1929
- Endevouridae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Endomychidae Leach, 1815
- Eneopteridae
- Enicocephalidae Stål, 1860
- Eniochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Enoplometopidae de Saint Laurent, 1988
- Entobiidae Ho, 1984
- Entocytheridae Hoff, 1942
- Entomobryidae
- Entomolepididae Brady, 1899
- Entoniscidae Kossmann, 1881
- Entonyssidae Ewing, 1923
- Eobelidae Arnoldi, 1977
- Eocyzicidae Schwentner, Rabet and Rogers, 2020
- Eoichneumonidae
- Eomeropidae
- Eophliantidae Sheard, 1936
- Eosentomidae Berlese, 1909
- Epacteriscidae Fosshagen, 1973
- Epactozetidae Grandjean, 1930
- Epedanidae Sørensen, 1886
- Epermeniidae
- Ephemerellidae
- Ephemeridae
- Ephydridae
- Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838
- Epicopeiidae
- Epicriidae
- Epidermoptidae
- Epilohmanniidae Oudemans, 1923
- Epimerellidae Ayyildiz & Luxton, 1989
- Epimeriidae Boeck, 1871
- Epimetopidae Zaitzev, 1908
- Epimyodicidae Fain, Lukoschus and Rosmalen, 1982
- Epipsocidae
- Epipygidae Hamilton, 2001
- Epipyropidae
- Episactidae
- Erebidae Leach, 1815
- Erebonasteridae Humes, 1987
- Eremaeidae Oudemans, 1900
- Eremaeozetidae Piffl, 1972
- Eremellidae Balogh, 1961
- Eremobatidae Kraepelin, 1901
- Eremobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Eremulidae Grandjean, 1965
- Eresidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Ereynetidae
- Ergasilidae von Nordmann, 1832
- Eriococcidae
- Eriocraniidae
- Eriophyidae
- Eriopisidae Lowry & Myers, 2013
- Eriorhynchidae Qin and Halliday, 1997
- Eriosomatidae
- Erirhinidae Schönherr, 1825
- Erotylidae Latreille, 1802
- Eryonidae De Haan, 1841
- Erythracaridae Oudemans, 1936
- Erythraeidae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1828
- Erythrosquillidae Manning & Bruce, 1984
- Escadabiidae Kury and Pérez, 2003
- Estheriellidae Kobayashi, 1954
- Eubelidae Budde-Lund, 1904
- Eucalanidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Eucalliacidae Manning & Felder, 1991
- Eucandonidae Swain, 1961
- Euchaetidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Eucharitidae
- Eucinetidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829
- Eucopiidae G. O. Sars, 1885
- Eucytheridae Puri, 1954
- Eudactylinidae Wilson, 1922
- Euglycyphagidae
- Eugonatonotidae Chace, 1937
- Eukoeneniidae Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Eulichadidae Crowson, 1973
- Eulohmanniidae Grandjean, 1931
- Eulophidae
- Eumastacidae Burr, 1898
- Eumedonidae Dana, 1853
- Eumunididae A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1900
- Eunicicolidae Sars, 1918
- Eupalopsellidae Willmann, 1952
- Eupelmidae
- Euphausiidae Dana, 1852
- Euphthiracaridae Jacot, 1930
- Euphysalozerconidae
- Eupodidae C. L. Koch, 1842
- Eupsilobiidae Casey, 1895
- Eurybrachidae Stål, 1862
- Eurymerodesmidae Causey, 1951
- Eurypauropodidae Ryder, 1879
- Euryphoridae Wilson, 1905
- Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950
- Eurysquillidae Manning, 1977
- Eurytomidae
- Euryuridae Pocock, 1909
- Euschmidtiidae
- Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896
- Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888
- Eustathiidae
- Eutegaeidae Balogh, 1965
- Euteliidae Grote, 1882
- Euterpinidae Brian, 1921
- Euthyplociidae
- Eutrachytidae
- Euxestidae Grouvelle, 1908
- Euzerconidae
- Evaniidae
- Eviphididae
- Exoedicerotidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Expanathuridae Poore, 2001
- Eylaidae
- Falculiferidae
- Falklandellidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Falsiformicidae
- Fanniidae
- Fauriellidae Priesner, 1949
- Feaellidae Ellingsen, 1906
- Fedrizziidae
- Feltriidae
- Ferradasiidae
- Figitidae
- Filistatidae Ausserer, 1867
- Fissiphalliidae Martens, 1988
- Flatidae Spinola, 1839
- Floridobolidae Keeton, 1959
- Forficulidae Stephens, 1829
- Formicidae
- Fortuyniidae Hammen, 1963
- Fosshageniidae Suárez-Moráles & Iliffe, 1996
- Fratiidae Ho, Conradi & López-González, 1998
- Freyanidae
- Frontipodopsidae
- Fuhrmannodesmidae Brolemann, 1916
- Fujientomidae Tuxen and Yin, 1982
- Fulgoridae
- Gabuciniidae
- Galacticidae
- Galatheidae Samouelle, 1819
- Galeodidae Sundevall, 1833
- Gallieniellidae Millot, 1947
- Galumnellidae Balogh, 1960
- Galumnidae Jacot, 1925
- Gammaracanthidae Bousfield, 1989
- Gammarellidae Bousfield, 1977
- Gammaridae Latreille, 1802
- Gammaroporeiidae Bousfield, 1978
- Garypidae Simon, 1879
- Garypinidae Daday, 1888
- Gasteruptiidae
- Gastrodelphyidae List, 1889
- Gastronyssidae
- Gaudiellidae
- Gaudoglyphidae
- Gecarcinidae MacLeay, 1838
- Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904
- Gehypochthoniidae Strenzke, 1963
- Gelastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gelechiidae
- Gelyellidae Rouch & Lescher-Moutoué, 1977
- Gengidae Fennah, 1949
- Geocoridae Baerensprung, 1860
- Geogarypidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Geometridae
- Geophilidae Leach, 1815
- Georyssidae Laporte, 1840
- Geotrupidae Latreille, 1802
- Gerridae Leach, 1815
- Geryonidae Colosi, 1923
- Gigantapseudidae Kudinova-Pasternak, 1978
- Giniphargidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Glaphyridae MacLeay, 1819
- Glaresidae Kolbe, 1905
- Glomeridae Leach, 1815
- Glomeridesmidae Latzel, 1884
- Glossosomatidae Wallengren, 1891
- Glycacaridae
- Glycyphagidae
- Glypheidae Winkler, 1881
- Glyphidoceridae
- Glyphipterigidae
- Glyphocrangonidae S. I. Smith, 1884
- Glyptograpsidae Schubart, Cuesta & Felder, 2002
- Gnaphosidae Pocock, 1898
- Gnathiidae Leach, 1814
- Gnathophausiidae Udrescu, 1984
- Gnathostenetroididae Kussakin, 1967
- Godzilliidae Schram, Yager & Emerson, 1986
- Goeridae Ulmer, 1903
- Gomphidae
- Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838
- Gonibregmatidae Cook, 1896
- Gonodactylidae Giesbrecht, 1910
- Gonyleptidae Sundevall, 1833
- Gracillariidae
- Gradungulidae Forster, 1955
- Grandiunguidae Pearse, 1852
- Grandjeanicidae Kethley, 1977
- Granuloppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Grapsidae MacLeay, 1838
- Gretacaridae
- Gryllacrididae Blanchard, 1845
- Gryllidae
- Grylloblattidae E. M. Walker, 1914
- Gryllotalpidae Saussure, 1870
- Guanolichidae Fain, 1968
- Guasiniidae González-Sponga, 1997
- Gulgastruridae
- Gustaviidae Oudemans, 1900
- Gylippidae Roewer, 1933
- Gymnobisiidae Beier, 1947
- Gymnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Gynodiastylidae Stebbing, 1912
- Gyrinidae Latreille, 1810
- Gyropidae
- Hadromastacidae Bruce & Müller, 1991
- Hadruridae Stahnke, 1974
- Hadziidae S. Karaman, 1943
- Haematomyzidae
- Haematopinidae Enderlein, 1904
- Haemogamasidae
- Haglidae
- Hahniidae Bertkau, 1878
- Halacaridae
- Halarachnidae Oudemans, 1906
- Halictidae
- Halictophagidae Perkins, 1905
- Halimococcidae Brown and McKenzie, 1962
- Haliplidae Aubé, 1836
- Halocyprididae Dana, 1853
- Halolaelapidae
- Halophilosciidae Verhoeff, 1908
- Halosbaenidae Monod & Cals, 1988
- Hamondiidae Huys, 1990
- Hamophthiriidae Johnson, 1969
- Hansenauropodidae Remy, 1954
- Hapalogastridae Brandt, 1850
- Haplochthoniidae Hammen, 1959
- Haplodesmidae Cook, 1895
- Haplomunnidae Wilson, 1976
- Haploniscidae Hansen, 1916
- Haplozetidae Grandjean, 1936
- Harpacticidae Dana, 1846
- Harpagopalpidae
- Harpirhynchidae Dubinin, 1957
- Hatschekiidae Kabata, 1979
- Haustoriidae Stebbing, 1906
- Heatherellidae
- Hebridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hekelidae Ferrara, 1977
- Heleomyzidae
- Helicophidae Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Helicopsychidae Ulmer, 1906
- Heliodinidae
- Heliozelidae
- Helophoridae Leach, 1815
- Heloridae
- Helotidae Reitter, 1876
- Helotrephidae Esaki and China, 1927
- Hemerobiidae Latreille, 1802
- Hemicytheridae Puri, 1953
- Hemileiidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Hemipsocidae
- Hemisarcoptidae Oudemans, 1908
- Hemiscorpiidae Pocock, 1893
- Hemisquillidae Manning, 1980
- Henicocoridae Woodward, 1968
- Henicopidae Pocock, 1901
- Hepatidae Stimpson, 1871
- Hepialidae Stephens, 1828
- Heptageniidae
- Hermanniellidae Grandjean, 1934
- Hermanniidae Sellnick, 1928
- Hermatobatidae Coutière and Martin, 1901
- Herpyllobiidae Hansen, 1892
- Hersiliidae Thorell, 1870
- Hesperentomidae Price, 1960
- Hesperiidae Latreille, 1809
- Hesperinidae
- Hesperolpiidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Heteralepadidae Nilsson-Cantell, 1921
- Heterobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Heteroceridae MacLeay, 1825
- Heterocheylidae
- Heterochthoniidae Grandjean, 1954
- Heterocoptidae Fain, 1967
- Heterogastridae Stål, 1872
- Heterogynaidae Nagy, 1969
- Heterorhabdidae Sars, 1902
- Heteroscorpionidae Kraepelin, 1905
- Heterothripidae Bagnall, 1912
- Heterozerconidae
- Hexapodidae Miers, 1886
- Hexathelidae Simon, 1892
- Hexisopodidae Pocock, 1897
- Hilarimorphidae
- Himantariidae Bollman, 1893
- Hippidae Latreille, 1825
- Hippoboscidae
- Hippolytidae Spence Bate, 1888
- Hirsutiidae Sanders, Hessler & Garner, 1985
- Hirudisomatidae Silvestri, 1896
- Hispanocaderidae Golub and Popov, 2012
- Histeridae Gyllenhal, 1808
- Histiostomatidae Berlese, 1897
- Hobartiidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Hodotermitidae Desneux, 1904
- Holarchaeidae Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Holidoteidae Wägele, 1989
- Holistophallidae Silvestri, 1909
- Holognathidae G. Thomson, 1904
- Holopediidae Sars, 1865
- Holothyridae Thorell, 1882
- Homalonychidae Simon, 1893
- Homocaligidae Wood, 1970
- Homolidae De Haan, 1839
- Homolodromiidae Alcock, 1900
- Hoplomegistidae
- Hoplopleuridae Ewing, 1929
- Hormuridae Laurie, 1896
- Hornelliidae d'Udekem d'Acoz, 2010
- Hubbardiidae Cook, 1899
- Humerobatidae Grandjean, 1971
- Hungarobelbidae Miko & Travé, 1996
- Hungarohydracaridae
- Huntemanniidae Por, 1986
- Hutchinsoniellidae Sanders, 1955
- Huttoniidae Simon, 1893
- Hutufeideriidae
- Hyadesiidae Halbert, 1915
- Hyalellidae Bulycheva, 1957
- Hyalidae Bulycheva, 1957
- Hyblaeidae
- Hybophthiridae Ewing, 1929
- Hybosoridae Erichson, 1847
- Hybotidae
- Hydrachnidae
- Hydraenidae Mulsant, 1844
- Hydrobiosidae Ulmer, 1905
- Hydrochidae Thomson, 1859
- Hydrodromidae
- Hydrometridae Billberg, 1820
- Hydrophilidae Latreille, 1802
- Hydropsychidae Curtis, 1835
- Hydroptilidae Stephens, 1836
- Hydrosalpingidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Hydroscaphidae LeConte, 1874
- Hydrovolziidae
- Hydrozetidae Grandjean, 1954
- Hydryphantidae
- Hygrobatidae
- Hygrobiidae Régimbart, 1878
- Hyidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Hymenopodidae
- Hymenosomatidae MacLeay, 1838
- Hyocephalidae Stål, 1874
- Hyperbionychidae Ohtsuka, Roe & Boxshall, 1993
- Hyperiidae Dana, 1852
- Hyperiopsidae Bovallius, 1886
- Hypochilidae Marx, 1888
- Hypochthonellidae China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypochthoniidae Berlese, 1910
- Hypoderatidae
- Hypogastruridae
- Hyponeoidae Heegaard, 1962
- Hypsimetopodidae Nicholls, 1943
- Hypsipterygidae Drake, 1961
- Hyssuridae Wägele, 1981
- Hystrichonyssidae Keegan, Yunker and Baker, 1960
- Hystrichopsyllidae
- Ibaliidae Thomson, 1862
- Iblidae Leach, 1825
- Icaleptidae Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Ichneumonidae
- Ichthyostomatogasteridae
- Iciliidae Dana, 1849
- Ideoroncidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Idiopidae Simon, 1889
- Idiostolidae Scudder, 1962
- Idoteidae Samouelle, 1819
- Ignotingidae Zhang et al., 2005
- Ilyocryptidae Smirnov, 1992
- Ilyocyprididae Kaufmann, 1900
- Inachidae MacLeay, 1838
- Inachoididae Dana, 1851
- Incurvariidae
- Indosquillidae Manning, 1995
- Ingolfiellidae Hansen, 1903
- Inocelliidae
- Intramolgidae Marchenkov & Boxshall, 1995
- Iolinidae
- Ipanemidae Barnard & Thomas, 1988
- Iphigenellidae Kamaltynov, 2001
- Iphimediidae Boeck, 1871
- Iphiopsididae
- Ipsiloniidae Novojilov, 1958
- Irmaosidae Ferrara & Taiti, 1983
- Isaeidae Dana, 1852
- Ischnomesidae Hansen, 1916
- Ischnopsyllidae
- Ischyroceridae Stebbing, 1899
- Ischyropsalididae Simon, 1879
- Isonychiidae
- Isotogastruridae
- Isotomidae
- Issidae Spinola, 1839
- Ithonidae Newman, 1853
- Ithyceridae Schönherr, 1826
- Iulopididae Zeidler, 2004
- Iuridae Thorell, 1876
- Ixodidae
- Ixodorhynchidae
- Izinkalidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2010
- Jacobsoniidae Heller, 1926
- Janirellidae Menzies, 1956
- Janiridae Sars, 1897
- Japygidae Lubbock, 1873
- Joeropsididae Nordenstam, 1933
- Johnstonianidae
- Joppeicidae Reuter, 1910
- Julidae Leach, 1814
- Jurapriidae
- Jurodidae Ponomarenko, 1985
- Kairosidae Lowry & Myers, 2013
- Kalliapseudidae Lang, 1956
- Kalotermitidae Froggart, 1897
- Kantacaridae
- Karschiidae Kraepelin, 1899
- Kaszabjbaloghiidae
- Kateretidae Erichson in Agassiz, 1846
- Katianiridae Svavarsson, 1987
- Katiannidae
- Kelleriidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Kergueleniolidae Lowry & Myers, 2013
- Kermesidae Signoret, 1875
- Kermidae
- Keroplatidae
- Keuphyliidae Bruce, 1980
- Kimulidae Pérez Gonzalez, Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2007
- Kinnaridae Muir, 1925
- Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005
- Kiwilichidae
- Kliellidae Schäfer, 1945
- Klinckowstroemiidae
- Kodiakellidae Hammer, 1967
- Kokiriidae McFarlane, 1964
- Koleolepadidae Hiro, 1933
- Koonungidae Sayce, 1908
- Kotumsaridae Messouli, Holsinger & Reddy, 2007
- Kramerellidae
- Krendowskiidae
- Krithidae Mandelstam, 1958
- Kroyeriidae Kabata, 1979
- Kuriidae Walker & Scott, 1903
- Kuwaniidae MacGillivray, 1921
- Labidostommatidae Oudemans, 1904
- Labiduridae Verhoeff, 1902
- Labiidae Burr, 1909
- Lacciferidae
- Lachesillidae
- Lacturidae
- Laelapidae
- Laelaptonyssidae
- Laemobothriidae
- Laemophloeidae Ganglbauer, 1899
- Lafystiidae Sars, 1893
- Lamellareidae Balogh, 1972
- Lamingtoniidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1969
- Laminosioptidae
- Lamippidae Joliet, 1882
- Lamponidae Simon, 1893
- Lampropidae Sars, 1878
- Lampyridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Lanceolidae Bovallius, 1887
- Laomediidae Borradaile, 1903
- Laophontidae Scott, 1905
- Laophontopsidae Huys & Willems, 1989
- Laphystiopsidae Stebbing, 1899
- Larcidae Harvey, 1992
- Lardoglyphidae
- Largidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Larvamimidae
- Lasiocampidae
- Lathiceridae
- Latiremidae Bozic, 1969
- Latreilliidae Stimpson, 1858
- Latridiidae Erichson, 1842
- Lauridae Gruvel, 1905
- Lauxaniidae
- Laversiidae
- Leaiidae Raymond, 1946
- Lebertiidae Thor, 1900
- Lecanodiaspididae Targioni Tozzetti, 1869
- Leeuwenhoekiidae Womersley, 1944
- Leguminocythereididae Howe, 1961
- Leiodidae Fleming, 1821
- Lemanniellidae
- Lemurnyssidae
- Lentulidae
- Lepadidae Darwin, 1852
- Lepiceridae Hinton, 1936
- Lepidomysidae Clarke, 1961
- Lepidopsocidae
- Lepidostomatidae Ulmer, 1903
- Lepidotrichidae Silvestri, 1912
- Lepismatidae
- Leptanthuridae Poore, 2001
- Leptastacidae Lang, 1948
- Leptestheriidae Daday, 1923
- Leptoceridae Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Leptocheliidae Lang, 1973
- Leptocytheridae Hanai, 1957
- Leptodoridae Lilljeborg, 1861
- Leptognathiidae Sieg, 1976
- Leptohyphidae
- Leptolaelapidae
- Leptonetidae Simon, 1890
- Leptophlebiidae
- Leptopodidae Brullé, 1836
- Leptopontiidae Lang, 1948
- Leptopsyllidae
- Lernaeidae Cobbold, 1879
- Lernaeodiscidae Boschma, 1928
- Lernaeopodidae Milne Edwards, 1840
- Lernaeosoleidae Yamaguti, 1963
- Lernanthropidae Kabata, 1979
- Lestidae
- Lestrigonidae Zeidler, 2004
- Lethaxonidae
- Leuconidae Sars, 1878
- Leucosiidae Samouelle, 1819
- Leucospidae Walker, 1834
- Leucothoidae Dana, 1852
- Leuctridae
- Liacaridae Sellnick, 1928
- Libellulidae
- Lichomolgidae Kossmann, 1877
- Licneremaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Licnobelbidae Grandjean, 1965
- Licnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Liebstadiidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Ligiidae Leach, 1814
- Liljeborgiidae Stebbing, 1899
- Limacodidae
- Limnadiidae Burmeister, 1843
- Limnephilidae Kolenati, 1848
- Limnesiidae
- Limnichidae Erichson, 1846
- Limnocentropodidae Tsuda, 1942
- Limnocharidae
- Limnocytheridae Klie, 1938
- Limnoriidae White, 1850
- Limnozetidae Thor, 1937
- Limulidae
- Linguatulidae Heymons, 1935
- Linognathidae Webb, 1946
- Linotetranidae
- Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859
- Liocranidae Simon, 1897
- Lioestheriidae Raymond, 1946
- Liopteridae
- Liphistiidae Thorell, 1869
- Lipkiidae Burukovsky, 2012
- Lipophagidae Wharton, 1981
- Liposcelididae
- Listrophoridae
- Listropsoralgidae Fain, 1965
- Lithidiidae
- Lithobiidae Newport, 1844
- Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819
- Lithoglyptidae Aurivillius, 1892
- Lithotryidae Gruvel, 1905
- Lobalgidae
- Lohmanniidae Berlese, 1916
- Lomisidae Bouvier, 1895
- Lonchaeidae
- Lonchopteridae
- Longipediidae Sars, 1903
- Lophogastridae G. O. Sars, 1870
- Lophonotacaridae Fain, 1987
- Lophopidae Stål, 1866
- Lophoproctidae Silvestri, 1897
- Lordalycidae Grandjean, 1939
- Louriniidae Monard, 1927
- Loxoconchidae Sars, 1925
- Lubbockiidae Huys & Böttger-Schnack, 1997
- Lucanidae Latreille, 1804
- Lucicutiidae Sars, 1902
- Luciferidae De Haan, 1849
- Luciobliviidae Tomikawa, 2007
- Lutrochidae Kasap and Crowson, 1975
- Lycaeidae Claus, 1879
- Lycaenidae [Leach], 1815
- Lycaeopsidae Chevreux, 1913
- Lychnocolacidae Bohart, 1951
- Lycidae Laporte, 1836
- Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833
- Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829
- Lygistorrhinidae
- Lymexylidae Fleming, 1821
- Lynceidae Baird, 1845
- Lyonetiidae
- Lyroppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Lysianassidae Dana, 1849
- Lysiosquillidae Giesbrecht, 1910
- Lysmatidae Dana, 1852
- Maamingidae
- Machadobelbidae Balogh, 1972
- Machaerotidae Stål, 1866
- Machilidae
- Machuellidae Balogh, 1983
- Mackenziellidae
- Macrochelidae
- Macrochironidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Macrocyprididae Müller, 1912
- Macrodinychidae
- Macrohectopidae Sowinsky, 1915
- Macromaxillocarididae Alvarez, Iliffe and Villalobos, 2006
- Macronyssidae Oudemans, 1936
- Macrosternodesmidae Brolemann, 1916
- Macrostylidae Hansen, 1916
- Macrothricidae Norman & Brady, 1867
- Macroveliidae McKinstry, 1942
- Maeridae Krapp-Schickel, 2008
- Maimetshidae
- Majidae Samouelle, 1819
- Malacolepadidae Hiro, 1937
- Malaconothridae Berlese, 1916
- Malcidae Stål, 1865
- Malgasacaridae
- Malgasiidae
- Malkaridae Davies, 1980
- Manitherionyssidae Radovsky and Yunker, 1971
- Mantidae
- Mantispidae Leach, 1815
- Mantoididae
- Mantophasmatidae Zompro, Klass, Kristensen and Adis, 2002
- Mantridae Leigh-Sharpe, 1934
- Margarodidae Newstead, 1901
- Mastacideidae
- Matutidae De Hann, 1841
- Maudheimiidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Mauroniscidae Majer, 1995
- Maxillipiidae Ledoyer, 1973
- Mecicobothriidae Holmberg, 1882
- Mecistocephalidae Bollman, 1893
- Mecognathidae Gerson and Walter, 1998
- Mecynoceridae Andronov, 1973
- Mecysmaucheniidae Simon, 1895
- Meenoplidae Fieber, 1872
- Megacalanidae Sewell, 1947
- Megacelaenopsidae
- Megachilidae
- Megalodontesidae Konow, 1897
- Megalopodidae Latreille, 1802
- Megalopygidae
- Megaluropidae Thomas & J. L. Barnard, 1986
- Megalyridae
- Megapodagrionidae
- Megapontiidae Heptner, 1968
- Megaspilidae
- Megisthanidae
- Meinertellidae Verhoeff, 1910
- Melandryidae Leach, 1815
- Melanoblossiidae Roewer, 1933
- Melanthripidae Bagnall, 1913
- Melicharidae Hirschmann, 1962
- Melinnacheridae
- Meliponocoptidae Fain and Rosa, 1983
- Melitidae Bousfield, 1973
- Melittidae
- Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810
- Melphidippidae Stebbing, 1899
- Melyridae Leach, 1815
- Membracidae
- Mengeidae Pierce, 1908
- Mengenillidae Hofeneder, 1910
- Menippidae Ortmann, 1893
- Menoponidae
- Menthidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Merguiidae Christoffersen, 1990
- Meropeidae
- Merothripidae Hood, 1914
- Mesaiokeratidae Matthews, 1961
- Mesogammaridae Bousfield, 1977
- Mesoglicolidae de Zulueta, 1911
- Mesoniscidae Verhoeff, 1908
- Mesoplophoridae Ewing, 1917
- Mesopsocidae
- Mesoserphidae
- Mesosignidae Schultz, 1969
- Mesoveliidae Douglas and Scott, 1867
- Messicobolidae Loomis, 1968
- Messoracaridae
- Metacrangonyctidae Boutin & Missouli, 1988
- Metagynuridae
- Metaingolfiellidae Ruffo, 1969
- Metapseudidae Lang, 1970
- Metasarcidae Kury, 1994
- Metaxinidae Kolibác, 2004
- Metidae Sars, 1910
- Metretopodidae
- Metridinidae Sars, 1902
- Micheleidae Sakai, 1992
- Micrallectidae Huys, 2001
- Micreremidae Grandjean, 1954
- Microcerberidae Karaman, 1933
- Microcytheridae Klie, 1938
- Microdajidae Boxshall & Lincoln, 1987
- Microdispidae Cross, 1965
- Microfalculidae
- Microgyniidae
- Microlepadidae Zevina, 1980
- Micromalthidae Barber, 1913
- Micronectidae Jaczewski, 1924
- Micropacteridae Koenemann, Iliffe and van der Ham, 2007
- Microparasellidae Karaman, 1933
- Micropezidae
- Microphasmatidae Stephensen & Pirlot, 1931
- Micropholcommatidae Hickman, 1944
- Microphoridae
- Microphysidae Dohrn, 1859
- Micropontiidae Gooding, 1957
- Micropsammidae Coineau and Théron, 1983
- Micropterigidae
- Microstigmatidae Roewer, 1942
- Microtegeidae Balogh, 1972
- Microthoraciidae Kim and Ludwig, 1978
- Microtrombidiidae
- Microzetidae Grandjean, 1936
- Micruropidae Kamaltynov, 1999
- Mictocarididae Bowman & Iliffe, 1985
- Mictosomatidae Wolff, 1965
- Mictyridae Dana, 1851
- Mideidae
- Mideopsidae
- Migidae Simon, 1889
- Milichiidae
- Millotauropodidae Remy, 1950
- Mimallonidae
- Mimetidae Simon, 1881
- Mimonectidae Bovallius, 1885
- Mimopidae Lewis, 2006
- Miraciidae Dana, 1846
- Miramarassidae Lowry, 2006
- Miridae
- Misophriidae Brady, 1878
- Mithracidae Balss, 1929
- Miturgidae Simon, 1886
- Mochlozetidae Grandjean, 1960
- Mogoplistidae
- Moinidae Goulden, 1968
- Molannidae Wallengren, 1891
- Momoniidae
- Monodellidae Taramelli, 1954
- Monomachidae
- Monotomidae Laporte, 1840
- Monstrillidae Dana, 1849
- Morabidae
- Mordellidae Latreille, 1802
- Mormonillidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Multoribulidae Balogh, 1972
- Mummuciidae Roewer, 1934
- Munididae Ahyong, Baba, Macpherson & Poore, 2010
- Munidopsidae Ortmann, 1898
- Munnidae Sars, 1897
- Munnopsidae Lilljeborg, 1864
- Murmidiidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Musapsocidae
- Muscidae
- Mutillidae
- Mycetaeidae Jacquelin du Val, 1857
- Mycetomorphidae Høeg & Rybakov, 1992
- Mycetophagidae Leach, 1815
- Mycetophilidae
- Mycteridae Blanchard, 1845
- Mydidae
- Myicolidae Yamaguti, 1936
- Mymaridae
- Mymarommatidae
- Myobiidae
- Myocoptidae
- Myopsocidae
- Myraboliidae Lawrence and Britton, 1991
- Myrmecolacidae Saunders, 1872
- Myrmecophilidae
- Myrmeleontidae Latreille, 1802
- Mysidae Haworth, 1825
- Mysmenidae Petrunkevitch, 1928
- Mytilicolidae Bocquet & Stock, 1957
- Nabidae Costa, 1853
- Najnidae J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Namibesiidae Wharton, 1981
- Nanaspididae Humes & Cressey, 1959
- Nanhermanniidae Sellnick, 1928
- Nannastacidae Bate, 1866
- Nannochoristidae
- Nannoniscidae Hansen, 1916
- Nannosquillidae Manning, 1980
- Nanohystricidae Norton & Fuangarworn, 2015
- Nanophyidae Gistel, 1856
- Nanorchestidae Grandjean, 1937
- Naobranchiidae Yamaguti, 1939
- Naucoridae Leach, 1815
- Neanuridae
- Nearctodesmidae Chamberlin & Hoffman, 1950
- Nebaliidae Samouelle, 1819
- Nebaliopsididae Hessler, 1984
- Neelidae J. W. Folsom, 1896
- Nehypochthoniidae Norton & Metz, 1980
- Nemasomatidae Bollman, 1893
- Nemastomatidae Simon, 1872
- Nematalycidae Strenzke, 1954
- Nematocarcinidae S. I. Smith, 1884
- Nemesiidae Simon, 1889
- Nemestrinidae
- Nemonychidae Bedel, 1882
- Nemopteridae
- Nemouridae
- Nenteriidae
- Neoacaridae
- Neobisiidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Neobrachylepadidae Newman & Yamaguchi, 1995
- Neobradyidae Oloffson, 1917
- Neocytherideidae Puri, 1957
- Neoephemeridae
- Neogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Neolinognathidae Fahrenholz, 1936
- Neoliodidae Sellnick, 1928
- Neomegamphopidae Myers, 1981
- Neoniphargidae Bousfield, 1977
- Neopetaliidae
- Neopilionidae Lawrence, 1931
- Neopygmephoridae Cross, 1965
- Neotanaidae Lang, 1956
- Neotenogyniidae
- Neothrombiidae
- Neothyridae Lehtinen, 1981
- Neotrombidiidae
- Neoverrucidae Newman, 1989
- Nephropidae Dana, 1852
- Nepidae Latreille, 1802
- Nepticulidae
- Nereicolidae Claus, 1875
- Neriidae
- Nesozetidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Nesticidae Simon, 1894
- Neurostigmatidae
- Nevrorthidae
- Nicodamidae Simon, 1897
- Nicoletiidae
- Nicothoidae Dana, 1849
- Nihotungidae J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Ninidae Barber, 1956
- Niphargidae Bousfield, 1977
- Niphocepheidae Travé, 1959
- Nippobodidae Aoki, 1959
- Nipponacaridae
- Nippononychidae Suzuki, 1975
- Nipponopsalididae Martens, 1976
- Nitidulidae Latreille, 1802
- Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
- Nodocepheidae Piffl, 1972
- Nogodinidae Melichar, 1898
- Nolidae Bruand, 1846
- Normanellidae Lang, 1944
- Nosodendridae Erichson, 1846
- Nosybeidae Mahunka, 1993
- Noteridae C. G. Thomson, 1860
- Nothogynidae
- Nothridae Berlese, 1896
- Notodelphyidae Dana, 1852
- Notodontidae Stephens, 1829
- Notodromadidae Kaufmann, 1900
- Notonectidae Latreille, 1802
- Nototanaidae Sieg, 1976
- Novocriniidae Huys & Iliffe, 1998
- Nucellicolidae Lamb, Boxshall, Mill & Grahame, 1996
- Nudomideopsidae
- Nullosetigeridae Soh, Ohtsuka, Imabayashi & Suh, 1999
- Nuttalliellidae
- Nuuanuidae Lowry & Myers, 2013
- Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Nymphomyiidae
- Nymphonidae Leach, 1816
- Obrieniidae Zherikhin and Gratshev, 1994
- Ochlesidae Stebbing, 1910
- Ochodaeidae Mulsant and Rey, 1871
- Ochrolichidae
- Ochteridae Kirkaldy, 1906
- Ochyroceratidae Fage, 1912
- Oconnoriidae
- Octopicolidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Octostigmatidae Rusek, 1982
- Ocypodidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Odiidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991
- Odiniidae
- Odontellidae
- Odontoceridae Wallengren, 1891
- Odontodactylidae Manning, 1980
- Oecanthidae
- Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862
- Oeconesidae Tillyard, 1921
- Oecophoridae
- Oedemeridae Latreille, 1810
- Oedicerotidae Lilljeborg, 1865
- Oehserchestidae Kethley, 1977
- Oestridae
- Ogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Ogyrididae Holthuis, 1955
- Oithonidae Dana, 1852
- Okeanobatidae Verhoeff, 1942
- Olibrinidae Vandel, 1973
- Oligoneuriidae
- Oligotomidae
- Ologamasidae Ryke, 1962
- Olpiidae Banks, 1895
- Omalisidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Omaniidae Cobben, 1970
- Omartacaridae
- Omentolaelapidae
- Omethidae LeConte, 1861
- Ommatidae Sharp and Muir, 1912
- Ommexechidae
- Oncaeidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Onceroxenidae Huys, 1991
- Oncobryidae
- Oncopoduridae
- Oniscidae Latreille, 1802
- Oniscodesmidae DeSaussure, 1860
- Onychiuridae
- Oonopidae Simon, 1890
- Opilioacaridae With, 1902
- Opisidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1995
- Oplitidae
- Oplophoridae Dana, 1852
- Opostegidae
- Oppiidae Sellnick, 1937
- Oregoniidae Garth, 1958
- Oribatellidae Jacot, 1925
- Oribatulidae Thor, 1929
- Oribellidae Kunst, 1971
- Oribotritiidae Balogh, 1943
- Oripodidae Jacot, 1925
- Orithyiidae Dana, 1853
- Ormyridae
- Orsodacnidae Thomson, 1859
- Orsolobidae Cooke, 1965
- Ortheziidae Green, 1896
- Orthopsyllidae Huys, 1990
- Orussidae
- Oryidae Cook, 1896
- Osmylidae Leach, 1815
- Otagiidae Hughes & Lörz, 2013
- Otitidae
- Otocepheidae Balogh, 1961
- Otopheidomenidae
- Oxidae Viets, 1926
- Oxyameridae Aoki, 1965
- Oxycarenidae Stål, 1862
- Oxycephalidae Dana, 1852
- Oxynaspididae Gruvel, 1905
- Oxyopidae Thorell, 1870
- Ozmanidae Ho & Thatcher, 1989
- Pachybolidae Cook, 1897
- Pachygronthidae Stål, 1865
- Pachylaelapidae Berlese, 1913
- Pachylasmatidae Utinomi, 1968
- Pachyneuridae
- Pachyschesidae Kamaltynov, 1999
- Pachytroctidae
- Pachytullbergiidae
- Paeromopodidae Cook, 1895
- Pagetinidae K. H. Barnard, 1931
- Pagurapseudidae Lang, 1970
- Paguridae Latreille, 1802
- Palaeacaridae Grandjean, 1932
- Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Palaeoburmesebuthidae Lourenço, 2015
- Palaeoeuscorpiidae Lourenço, 2003
- Palaeoleptidae Poinar and Buckley, 2009
- Palaeotrilineatidae Lourenço, 2012
- Paleomelittidae
- Paleotullbergiidae
- Palicidae Bouvier, 1898
- Palingeniidae
- Palinuridae Latreille, 1802
- Pallaseidae Takhteev, 2000
- Pallenopsidae Fry, 1978
- Pallopteridae
- Palpimanidae Thorell, 1870
- Palpophriidae Boxshall & Jaume, 2000
- Pamphagidae
- Pamphiliidae Cameron, 1890
- Pandalidae Haworth, 1825
- Pandaridae Milne Edwards, 1840
- Panopeidae Ortmann, 1893
- Panorpidae
- Panorpodidae
- Pantophthalmidae
- Papilionidae Latreille, 1802
- Papillonotidae Balogh, 1983
- Parabathynellidae Noodt, 1965
- Paracalanidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Paracalliacidae Sakai, 2005
- Paracalliopidae Barnard & Karaman, 1982
- Paracercopidae Vassilenko, 1968
- Paracharontidae Weygoldt, 1996
- Paracrangonyctidae Bousfield, 1983
- Paracytherideidae Puri, 1957
- Paradoxosomatidae Daday, 1889
- Paradoxostomatidae Brady & Norman, 1889
- Paragammaropsidae Myers & Lowry, 2003
- Paragryllidae
- Parahyidae Harvey, 1992
- Parajapygidae Womersley, 1939
- Parajulidae Bollman, 1893
- Parakalummidae Grandjean, 1936
- Paraleptamphopidae Bousfield, 1983
- Paralubbockiidae Boxshall & Huys, 1989
- Paramegistidae
- Paramelitidae Bousfield, 1977
- Paramesochridae Lang, 1944
- Paramunnidae Vanhöffen, 1914
- Paranebaliidae Walker-Smith & Poore, 2001
- Paranonychidae Briggs, 1971
- Parantennulidae
- Paranthuridae Menzies & Glynn, 1968
- Parapaguridae S. I. Smith, 1882
- Paraphronimidae Bovallius, 1887
- Paraphrynoveliidae Andersen, 1978
- Parapontellidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Parapseudidae Gutu, 1981
- Pararchaeidae Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Parartemiidae Daday, 1910
- Parascelidae Bate, 1862
- Parasitidae
- Parasquillidae Manning, 1995
- Parastacidae Huxley, 1879
- Parastenheliidae Lang, 1936
- Parastenocarididae Chappuis, 1933
- Paratanaidae Lang, 1949
- Parathelphusidae Alcock, 1910
- Paratropididae Simon, 1889
- Paratydeidae Baker, 1949
- Pardaliscidae Boeck, 1871
- Parholaspididae Evans, 1956
- Parhypochthoniidae Grandjean, 1932
- Pariambidae Laubitz, 1993
- Parkiidae Ferrari & Markhaseva, 1996
- Paronellidae
- Parthenopidae MacLeay, 1838
- Parvocytheridae Hartmann, 1959
- Pasiphaeidae Dana, 1852
- Passalidae Leach, 1815
- Passalozetidae Grandjean, 1954
- Passandridae Erichson, 1845
- Pauropodidae Lubbock, 1867
- Pecaroecidae Kéler, 1963
- Pectocytheridae Hanai, 1957
- Pedetopodidae
- Pedicinidae Enderlein, 1904
- Pediculidae Leach, 1817
- Pediculochelidae Lavoipierre, 1946
- Pelecinidae
- Pelecorhynchidae
- Peleopodidae
- Peloppiidae Balogh, 1943
- Peloridiidae
- Peltidiidae Sars, 1904
- Peltogastridae Lilljeborg, 1860
- Peltoperlidae
- Penaeidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Pennellidae Burmeister, 1834
- Pentapalpidae Olivier and Theron, 2000
- Pentatomidae Leach, 1815
- Penthaleidae Oudemans, 1931
- Penthalodidae Thor, 1933
- Peradeniidae
- Pergidae
- Periegopidae Simon, 1893
- Perilampidae
- Perilestidae
- Perimylopidae St. George, 1939
- Peripsocidae
- Periscelididae
- Periscyphicidae Ferrara, 1973
- Perlidae
- Perlodidae
- Perlohmanniidae Grandjean, 1954
- Perthiidae Williams & Barnard, 1988
- Petalidiumidae Vereshchaka, 2017
- Petalophthalmidae Czerniavsky, 1882
- Petaluridae
- Petrarcidae Gruvel, 1905
- Petrobunidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Petrothrincidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Pettalidae Shear, 1980
- Pezidae
- Phaennidae Sars, 1902
- Phalacridae Leach, 1815
- Phalangiidae Latrelle, 1802
- Phalangodidae Simon, 1879
- Phalangopsidae
- Pharodidae Illg, 1948
- Phasmatidae
- Phengodidae LeConte, 1861
- Phenopelopidae Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Pheroliodidae Paschoal, 1987
- Philichthyidae Vogt, 1877
- Philoblennidae Izawa, 1976
- Philodanidae
- Philodromidae Thorell, 1870
- Philomedidae Müller, 1906
- Philopotamidae Stephens, 1829
- Philopteridae
- Philorheithridae Mosely, 1936
- Philosciidae Kinahan, 1857
- Philotarsidae
- Phlaeothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899
- Phloeostichidae Reitter, 1911
- Phloiophilidae Kiesenwetter, 1863
- Pholcidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Phoratopodidae Hale, 1925
- Phoridae
- Photidae Boeck, 1871
- Phoxichilidiidae G. O. Sars, 1891
- Phoxocephalidae G. O. Sars, 1891
- Phoxocephalopsidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Phreatogammaridae Bousfield, 1982
- Phreatoicidae Chilton, 1891
- Phronimidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Phrosinidae Dana, 1852
- Phryganeidae Leach, 1815
- Phryganopsychidae Wiggins, 1959
- Phrynichidae Simon, 1892
- Phrynidae Blanchard, 1852
- Phthiracaridae Perty, 1841
- Phtisicidae Vassilenko, 1968
- Phycosecidae Crowson, 1952
- Phyllodicolidae Delamare-Deboutteville & Laubier, 1961
- Phyllognathopodidae Gurney, 1932
- Phyllotymolinidae Tavares, 1998
- Phylloxeridae
- Phymatodiscidae
- Physetocarididae Chace, 1940
- Phytoptidae
- Phytoseiidae
- Phyxelididae Lehtinen, 1967
- Pieridae Swainson, 1820
- Piersigiidae
- Piesmatidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pilumnidae Samouelle, 1819
- Pimoidae Wunderlich, 1986
- Pinnotheridae De Haan, 1833
- Pionidae
- Piophilidae
- Pipunculidae
- Pirimelidae Alcock, 1899
- Pisauridae Simon, 1890
- Pisidae Dana, 1851
- Pisuliidae Ross, 1967
- Plagusiidae Dana, 1851
- Plakarthriidae Hansen, 1905
- Plasmobatidae Grandjean, 1961
- Plastoceridae Crowson, 1972
- Plataspidae
- Plateremaeidae Trägårdh, 1926
- Platyameridae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1983
- Platyarthridae Vandel, 1946
- Platycopiidae Sars, 1911
- Platydesmidae DeSaussure, 1860
- Platygastridae Haliday, 1833
- Platyischnopidae Barnard & Drummond, 1979
- Platylepadidae Newman & Ross, 1976
- Platypezidae
- Platyrhacidae Pocock, 1895
- Platyscelidae Bate, 1862
- Platystictidae
- Platystomatidae
- Platythelphusidae Colosi, 1920
- Platyxanthidae Guinot, 1977
- Pleciidae
- Plectreuridae Simon, 1893
- Plectrotarsidae Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Pleidae Fieber, 1851
- Pleocomidae LeConte, 1861
- Pleurocopidae Fresi & Schiecke, 1972
- Pleustidae Buchholz, 1874
- Plioplateidae J. L. Barnard, 1978
- Plumariidae
- Plutellidae
- Plutoniumidae Bollman, 1893
- Pneumocoptidae
- Pneumoridae
- Podabrocephalidae Pic, 1930
- Podapolipidae
- Podasconidae Bonnier, 1900
- Podoceridae Leach, 1814
- Podocinidae Berlese, 1913
- Podoctidae Roewer, 1912
- Podonidae Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1968
- Podoprionidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1996
- Podopterotegaeidae Piffl, 1972
- Podoscirtidae
- Podosiridae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Poduridae
- Poecilasmatidae Annandale, 1909
- Pollicipedidae Leach, 1817
- Polyankylidae Ho & Kim, 1997
- Polyaspididae
- Polycentropodidae Ulmer, 1903
- Polychelidae Wood-Mason, 1875
- Polycopidae Sars, 1865
- Polyctenidae Westwood, 1874
- Polydesmidae Leach, 1815
- Polymitarcyidae
- Polypauropodidae Remy, 1932
- Polyphagidae
- Polyphemidae Baird, 1845
- Polyplacidae Fahrenholz, 1912
- Polypterozetidae Grandjean, 1959
- Polysaccidae Lützen & Takahashi, 1996
- Polythoridae
- Polyxenidae Lucas, 1840
- Polyzoniidae Newport, 1844
- Pomerantziidae Baker, 1949
- Pompilidae
- Ponderellidae Wilson and Keable, 2004
- Pontarachnidae
- Pontellidae Dana, 1852
- Pontocyprididae Müller, 1894
- Pontoeciellidae Giesbrecht, 1895
- Pontogammaridae Bousfield, 1977
- Pontogeneiidae Stebbing, 1906
- Pontoporeiidae Dana, 1853
- Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825
- Porcellidiidae Boeck, 1865
- Porcellionidae Brandt, 1831
- Porocephalidae Fain, 1961
- Portunidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Potamanthidae
- Potamidae Ortmann, 1896
- Potamocoridae Usinger, 1941
- Potamonautidae Bott, 1970
- Poupiniidae Guinot, 1991
- Praeaulacidae
- Praeichneumonidae
- Praentomobryidae
- Priasilphidae Crowson, 1973
- Prionoceridae Lacordaire, 1857
- Prionoglarididae
- Priscomilitaridae Hirayama, 1988
- Procampodeidae Silvestri, 1948
- Procarididae Chace & Manning, 1972
- Processidae Ortmann, 1896
- Proctophyllodidae
- Proctorenyxidae
- Proctotrupidae
- Prodinychidae
- Prodoxidae
- Progonocytheridae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948
- Projapygidae Cook, 1896
- Prokoeneniidae Condé, 1996
- Promegistidae
- Pronoidae Dana, 1852
- Prophalangopsidae Saussure, 1878
- Proscinidae Pirlot, 1933
- Proscopiidae
- Prosopidae
- Prostomidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Protellidae McCain, 1970
- Protelmidae Jeannel, 1950
- Protentomidae Ewing, 1936
- Protentomobryidae
- Proteonematalycidae Kethley, 1989
- Proterorhagiidae Lindquist and Palacios-Vargas, 1991
- Protocucujidae Crowson, 1954
- Protocytheridae Ljubimova, 1956
- Protodinychidae
- Protognathiidae Wägele & Brandt, 1988
- Protoischnuridae Carvalho and Lourenço, 2001
- Protojaniridae Fresi, Idato & Scipione, 1980
- Protolophidae Banks, 1893
- Protoneuridae
- Protoplophoridae Ewing, 1917
- Protoribatidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1984
- Protoschizomidae Rowland, 1975
- Protosolpugidae Petrunkevitch, 1953
- Protosquillidae Manning, 1980
- Protoxenidae Pohl, Beutel and Kinzelbach, 2005
- Protroctopsocidae
- Psalidopodidae Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1892
- Psammaspididae Schminke, 1974
- Psammochthoniidae Fuangarworn & Norton, 2013
- Psammocyclopinidae Martínez Arbizu, 2001
- Psammocytheridae Klie, 1938
- Psechridae Simon, 1890
- Pselliodidae Chamberlin, 1955
- Psephenidae Lacordaire, 1854
- Pseudamphilochidae J. L. Barnard & Kamaran, 1982
- Pseudanthessiidae Humes & Stock, 1972
- Pseudarmadillidae Vandel, 1973
- Pseudidotheidae Ohlin, 1901
- Pseudingolfiellidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Pseudironidae
- Pseudocaeciliidae
- Pseudochactidae Gromov, 1998
- Pseudochelidae De Grave & Moosa, 2004
- Pseudocheylidae Oudemans, 1909
- Pseudochiridiidae Chamberlin, 1923
- Pseudococcidae Heymons, 1915
- Pseudocrangonyctidae Holsinger, 1989
- Pseudocumatidae Sars, 1878
- Pseudocyclopidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Pseudocyclopiidae Sars, 1902
- Pseudocycnidae Wilson, 1922
- Pseudodiaptomidae Sars, 1902
- Pseudogarypidae Chamberlin, 1923
- Pseudojaniridae Wilson, 1986
- Pseudonannolenidae Silvestri, 1895
- Pseudoniphargidae G. Karaman, 1993
- Pseudophasmatidae
- Pseudoppiidae Mahunka, 1975
- Pseudorhombilidae Alcock, 1900
- Pseudospirobolellidae Brolemann, 1913
- Pseudosquillidae Manning, 1977
- Pseudostigmatidae
- Pseudotachidiidae Lang, 1936
- Pseudotanaidae Sieg, 1976
- Pseudothelphusidae Ortmann, 1893
- Pseudotyrannochthoniidae Beier, 1932
- Pseudozeuxidae Sieg, 1982
- Psilidae
- Psilopsocidae
- Psocidae
- Psoquillidae
- Psorergatidae Dubinin, 1955
- Psoroptidae
- Psoroptoididae
- Psychidae
- Psychodidae
- Psychomyiidae Walker, 1852
- Psyllidae
- Psyllipsocidae
- Pterogeniidae Crowson, 1953
- Pterolichidae
- Pteromalidae
- Pteronarcyidae
- Pteronyssidae
- Pterophoridae
- Pteroplistidae
- Pterygosomatidae
- Pthiridae Ewing, 1929
- Ptiliidae Erichson, 1845
- Ptilodactylidae Laporte, 1836
- Ptiloneuridae
- Ptiloxenidae
- Ptinidae Latreille, 1802
- Ptochacaridae
- Ptychopteridae
- Ptyssalgidae
- Pudeoniscidae Lemos de Castro, 1973
- Pulicidae
- Punciidae Hornibrook, 1949
- Punctoribatidae Thor, 1937
- Pycnogonidae Latreille, 1803
- Pyemotidae
- Pygmephoridae Cross, 1965
- Pylochelidae Spence Bate, 1888
- Pylojacquesidae McLaughlin & Lemaitre, 2001
- Pyralidae
- Pyramidopidae Sharma, Prieto and Giribet, 2011
- Pyrgacrididae
- Pyrgodesmidae Silvestri, 1896
- Pyrgomatidae Gray, 1825
- Pyrgomorphidae
- Pyrgotidae
- Pyrochroidae Latreille, 1807
- Pyroglyphidae
- Pyrosejidae
- Pyrrhocoridae Fieber, 1860
- Pythidae Solier, 1834
- Quadroppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Raillietiidae Vitzthum, 1943
- Rakiroidae Myers & Lowry, 2003
- Raninidae De Haan, 1839
- Raphidiidae
- Raphignathidae Kramer, 1877
- Rasnicynipidae
- Rataniidae Giesbrecht, 1897
- Ratemiidae Kim and Ludwig, 1978
- Raymondionymidae Reitter, 1913
- Rectarcturidae Poore, 2001
- Rectijanuidae
- Reduviidae Latreille, 1807
- Reginacharlottiidae
- Reighardiidae Heymons, 1935
- Resinacaridae
- Retroplumidae Gill, 1894
- Rhachodesmidae Carl, 1903
- Rhagidiidae Oudemans, 1922
- Rhagionidae
- Rhagodidae Pocock, 1897
- Rhagophthalmidae Olivier, 1907
- Rhaphidophoridae
- Rhincalanidae Geletin, 1976
- Rhinocricidae Brolemann, 1913
- Rhinonyssidae Trouessart, 1895
- Rhinophoridae
- Rhinorhipidae Lawrence, 1988
- Rhinotermitidae Froggart, 1897
- Rhipiceridae Latreille, 1834
- Rhiscosomididae Silvestri, 1909
- Rhizolepadidae Zevina, 1980
- Rhizothricidae Por, 1986
- Rhodacaridae Oudemans, 1902
- Rhopalidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhopalopsyllidae
- Rhopalosomatidae
- Rhyacophilidae Stephens, 1836
- Rhynchocinetidae Ortmann, 1890
- Rhynchohydracaridae
- Rhynchomolgidae Humes & Stock, 1972
- Rhynchoribatidae Balogh, 1961
- Rhynchothoracidae Thompson, 1909
- Rhyncoptidae
- Rhyparochromidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhyscotidae Budde-Lund, 1908
- Rhysodidae Laporte, 1840
- Ricaniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Richardidae
- Ricinidae
- Ricinoididae Ewing, 1929
- Ridgewayiidae Wilson, 1958
- Riodinidae Grote, 1895
- Rioppiidae Balogh & Mahunka, 1977
- Ripiphoridae Gemminger and Harold, 1870
- Ripipterygidae
- Romaleidae
- Ropalomeridae
- Roproniidae
- Rosensteiniidae
- Rossianidae Gall, 1996
- Rotoitidae
- Rotundabaloghiidae
- Rotundiclipeidae Huys, 1988
- Rugodentidae Bastawade, Sureshan and Radhakrishnan, 2005
- Rutidermatidae Brady & Norman, 1896
- Rutripalpidae
- Ryocalanidae Andronov, 1974
- Sabaconidae Dresco, 1970
- Sabelliphilidae Gurney, 1927
- Saccopsidae Lützen, 1964
- Sacculinidae Lilljeborg, 1860
- Saipanettidae McKenzie, 1968
- Saldidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Salentinellidae Bousfield, 1977
- Salpingidae Leach, 1815
- Salticidae Blackwall, 1841
- Saltiseiidae
- Salvidae Özdikmen, 2008
- Sambonidae Fain, 1961
- Samoidae Sørensen, 1886
- Sanchoidae Lowry, 2006
- Sandokanidae Özdikmen and Kury, 2007
- Sandroidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Santiidae Wilson, 1987
- Sapphirinidae Thorell, 1860
- Sapygidae
- Sarcophagidae
- Sarcoptidae
- Sarsiellidae Brady & Norman, 1896
- Saturniidae Boisduval, 1837
- Scalpellidae Pilsbry, 1907
- Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802
- Scathophagidae
- Scatoglyphidae
- Scatopsidae
- Scelionidae Haliday, 1839
- Scenopinidae
- Scheloribatidae Grandjean, 1933
- Schendylidae Cook, 1896
- Schizocytheridae Howe, 1961
- Schizodactylidae
- Schizoglyphidae Mahunka, 1978
- Schizogyniidae
- Schizopetalidae Verhoeff, 1909
- Schizopodidae LeConte, 1859
- Schizopteridae Reuter, 1891
- Schoebliidae Verhoeff, 1938
- Schreckensteiniidae
- Sciaridae
- Scinidae Stebbing, 1888
- Sciomyzidae
- Scirtidae Fleming, 1821
- Sclerogibbidae
- Scleropactidae Verhoeff, 1938
- Sclerosomatidae Simon, 1879
- Scolebythidae
- Scolecitrichidae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Scoliidae
- Scolopendrellidae Newport, 1844
- Scolopendridae Leach, 1814
- Scolopocryptopidae Pocock, 1896
- Scopelocheiridae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Scorpionidae Latreille, 1802
- Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905
- Scottomyzontidae Ivanenko, Ferrari & Smurov, 2001
- Scraptiidae Mulsant, 1856
- Scutacaridae Oudemans, 1916
- Scutelleridae Leach, 1815
- Scutigerellidae Bagnall, 1913
- Scutigeridae Leach, 1814
- Scutigerinidae Attems, 1926
- Scutoverticidae Grandjean, 1954
- Scydmaenidae Leach, 1815
- Scyllaridae Latreille, 1825
- Scyphacidae Dana, 1852
- Scytodidae Blackwall, 1864
- Sebekidae Sambon, 1922
- Sebidae Walker, 1908
- Segestriidae Simon, 1893
- Seiodidae
- Sejidae
- Selenopidae Simon, 1897
- Selenoribatidae Schuster, 1963
- Sematuridae
- Senoculidae Simon, 1890
- Sensonatoridae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Sepsidae
- Sergestidae Dana, 1852
- Sericostomatidae Stephens, 1836
- Serolidae Dana, 1852
- Serphitidae
- Serpulidicolidae Stock, 1979
- Sesarmidae Dana, 1851
- Sesiidae
- Shiinoidae Cressey, 1975
- Sialidae
- Sicafodiidae Just, 2004
- Sicariidae Keyserling, 1880
- Sicyonellidae Vereshchaka, 2017
- Sicyoniidae Ortmann, 1898
- Sididae Baird, 1850
- Sierolomorphidae
- Sigilliidae Mandelstam, 1960
- Signiphoridae
- Silphidae Latreille, 1806
- Silvanidae Kirby, 1837
- Simuliidae
- Sinentomidae Yin, 1965
- Sinopimoidae Li & Wunderlich, 2008
- Sinurothoidae Ren, 1999
- Siphlonuridae
- Siphoniulidae Pocock, 1894
- Siphonophoridae Newport, 1844
- Siphonorhinidae Cook, 1895
- Siphonotidae Cook, 1895
- Siricidae
- Sironidae Simon, 1879
- Sisyridae Handlirsch, 1908
- Smarididae Vitzthum, 1929
- Smicripidae Horn, 1879
- Sminthuridae
- Sminthurididae
- Solenoceridae Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
- Solpugidae Leach, 1815
- Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872
- Spelaeogriphidae Gordon, 1957
- Spelaeoniscidae Vandel, 1948
- Spelaeorhynchidae Oudemans, 1902
- Speleoithonidae da Rocha & Iliffe, 1991
- Speleonectidae Yager, 1981
- Speleophriidae Boxshall & Jaume, 2000
- Spercheidae Erichson, 1837
- Sperchontidae
- Sphaeriodesmidae Humbert & DeSaussure, 1869
- Sphaeritidae Shuckard, 1839
- Sphaeriusidae Erichson, 1845
- Sphaeroceridae
- Sphaerochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Sphaerolichidae
- Sphaeromatidae Latreille, 1825
- Sphaeroniscidae Vandel, 1964
- Sphaeropauropodidae Verhoeff, 1934
- Sphaeropsocidae
- Sphecidae Latreille, 1802
- Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, 1860
- Sphingidae Latreille, 1802
- Sphyrapidae Gutu, 1980
- Sphyriidae Wilson, 1919
- Spinocalanidae Vervoort, 1951
- Spinothecidae
- Spinozetidae Balogh, 1972
- Spinturnicidae Oudemans, 1902
- Spiophanicolidae Ho, 1984
- Spirobolellidae Brolemann, 1913
- Spirobolidae Bollman, 1893
- Spirostreptidae Brandt, 1833
- Splanchnotrophidae Norman & Scott, 1906
- Spongicolidae Schram, 1986
- Sponginticolidae Topsent, 1928
- Spongiocnizontidae Stock & Kleeton, 1964
- Squillidae Latreille, 1802
- Staphylinidae Latreille, 1802
- Staurobatidae Grandjean, 1966
- Stegocephalidae Dana, 1852
- Stellicomitidae Humes & Cressey, 1958
- Stemmiulidae Pocock, 1894
- Stemmocryptidae Stys, 1983
- Stenasellidae Dudich, 1924
- Stenetriidae Hansen, 1905
- Stenocephalidae Dallas, 1852
- Stenochilidae Thorell, 1873
- Stenoniscidae Budde-Lund, 1904
- Stenopelmatidae Burmeister, 1838
- Stenopodidae Claus, 1872
- Stenopsocidae
- Stenopsychidae Martynov, 1924
- Stenothoidae Boeck, 1871
- Stenotrachelidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Stenotritidae
- Stephanidae
- Stephidae Sars, 1902
- Sternophoridae Chamberlin, 1923
- Sternophysingidae Holsinger, 1992
- Sternoppiidae Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Sternostylidae Baba, Ahyong & Schnabel, 2018
- Stigmaeidae Oudemans, 1931
- Stigmaphronidae
- Stigmocheylidae Berlese, 1910
- Stilipedidae Holmes, 1908
- Stiphidiidae Dalmas, 1917
- Strahlaxiidae Poore, 1994
- Strandtmanniidae Zacharda, 1979
- Stratiomyidae Latreille, 1802
- Streptocephalidae Daday, 1910
- Striariidae Bollman, 1893
- Strongylophthalmyiidae
- Sturmiidae
- Stygiomysidae Caroli, 1937
- Stygnidae Simon, 1879
- Stygnommatidae Roewer, 1923
- Stygnopsidae Sørensen, 1932
- Stygocarididae Noodt, 1963
- Stygothrombiidae Thor, 1935
- Stygotoniidae
- Stylocellidae Hansen and Sørensen, 1904
- Stylodactylidae Spence Bate, 1888
- Styloniscidae Vandel, 1952
- Stylopidae Kirby, 1813
- Styracothoracidae Huys, 1993
- Subtriquetridae Fain, 1961
- Sucinlourencoidae Rossi, 2015
- Suctobelbidae Jacot, 1938
- Suidasiidae
- Sulcanidae Nicholls, 1945
- Superornatiremidae Huys, 1997
- Superstitioniidae Stahnke, 1940
- Syarinidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Symbioribatidae Aoki, 1966
- Symethidae Goeke, 1981
- Symphytognathidae Hickman, 1931
- Synagogidae Gruvel, 1905
- Synaphridae Wunderlich, 1986
- Synapticolidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Synaptiphilidae Bocquet, 1953
- Synchroidae Lacordaire, 1859
- Synichotritiidae Walker, 1965
- Synlestidae
- Synneuridae
- Synopiidae Dana, 1852
- Synotaxidae Simon, 1894
- Synteliidae Lewis, 1882
- Synthetonychiidae Forster, 1954
- Syringobiidae
- Syringophilidae Lavoipierre, 1953
- Syrphidae
- Tabanidae
- Tachidiidae Boeck, 1865
- Tachinidae
- Taeniacanthidae Wilson, 1911
- Taeniopterygidae
- Tainisopidae Wilson, 2003
- Takuidae Manning, 1995
- Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Tanaellidae Larsen & Wilson, 2002
- Tanaidae Dana, 1849
- Tanaoceridae Rehn, 1948
- Tanaostigmatidae
- Tanaupodidae
- Tanyderidae
- Tanymastigidae Brtek, 1972
- Tanypezidae
- Tanypleuridae Kabata, 1969
- Tanzanapseudidae Bacescu, 1975
- Tanzaniophasmatidae Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Taracidae Schönhofer, 2013
- Tarsocheylidae Berlese, 1904
- Tarsonemidae
- Tasimiidae Riek, 1968
- Tasmosalpingidae Lawrence and Britton, 1991
- Tecticipitidae Bruce, 1993
- Tectocepheidae Grandjean, 1954
- Tegastidae Sars, 1904
- Tegeocranellidae P. Balogh, 1987
- Tegobomolochidae Avdeev, 1978
- Tegoribatidae Grandjean, 1954
- Telegeusidae Leng, 1920
- Telemidae Fage, 1913
- Telsidae Ho, 1967
- Telsonemasomatidae Enghoff, 1991
- Temnophliantidae Griffiths, 1975
- Temoridae Giesbrecht, 1893
- Tendosphaeridae Verhoeff, 1930
- Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802
- Teneriffiidae Thor, 1911
- Tengellidae Dahl, 1908
- Tenthredinidae
- Tenuialidae Jacot, 1929
- Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913
- Tephritidae Newman, 1834
- Teranyssidae
- Teratembiidae
- Teratoppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Teratothyadidae
- Teredidae Seidlitz, 1888
- Termitaphididae
- Termitidae Latreille, 1802
- Termopsidae Holmgren, 1911
- Terpnacaridae Grandjean, 1939
- Terrestricytheridae Schornikov, 1969
- Tesnusocarididae Brooks, 1955
- Tessaratomidae Stål, 1864
- Tethinidae
- Tetrablemmidae O. P.-Cambridge, 1873
- Tetracampidae
- Tetraclitidae Gruvel, 1903
- Tetracondylidae Aoki, 1961
- Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866
- Tetragonicipitidae Lang, 1944
- Tetranychidae
- Tetrasejaspidae
- Tetrasquillidae Manning & Camp, 1993
- Tetratomidae Billberg, 1820
- Tetrigidae
- Tettigarctidae Distant, 1905
- Tettigometridae Germar, 1821
- Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902
- Teutoniidae Koenike, 1910
- Thaerocytheridae Hazel, 1967
- Thalassinidae Latreille, 1831
- Thalestridae Sars, 1905
- Thambematidae Stebbing, 1913
- Thamnocephalidae Packard, 1883
- Thamnomolgidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996
- Thanerocleridae Chapin, 1924
- Tharybidae Sars, 1902
- Thaumaleidae
- Thaumastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1908
- Thaumatocyprididae Müller, 1906
- Thaumatopsyllidae Sars, 1913
- Thelyphonidae Lucas, 1835
- Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869
- Therevidae
- Thericleidae
- Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833
- Theridiosomatidae Simon, 1881
- Thermacaridae
- Thermosbaenidae Monod, 1927
- Thiidae Dana, 1852
- Thinozerconidae
- Thomisidae Sundevall, 1833
- Thompsoniidae Høeg & Rybakov, 1992
- Thompsonulidae Lang, 1944
- Thoracosathesidae
- Thoridae Kingsley, 1879
- Thoriellidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2011
- Thripidae Stephens, 1829
- Throscidae Laporte, 1840
- Thurstonellidae Lowry & Zeidler, 2008
- Thyreocoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Thyrididae
- Thyrisomidae Grandjean, 1954
- Thysanocercidae
- Timematidae
- Tineidae
- Tingidae
- Tingupidae Loomis, 1966
- Tiphiidae
- Tipulidae
- Tisbidae Stebbing, 1910
- Tischeriidae
- Titaniidae Verhoeff, 1938
- Titanoecidae Lehtinen, 1967
- Tithaeidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Tokunocepheidae Aoki, 1966
- Tomoceridae
- Torrenticolidae Thor, 1902
- Torridincolidae Steffan, 1964
- Tortanidae Sars, 1902
- Tortricidae
- Torymidae
- Trachelipodidae Strouhal, 1953
- Trachelostenidae Lacordaire, 1859
- Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948
- Trachypachidae C. G. Thomson, 1857
- Trachytidae
- Trachyuropodidae
- Trapeziidae Miers, 1886
- Travuniidae Absolon and Kratochvíl, 1932
- Trebiidae Wilson, 1905
- Trechaleidae Simon, 1890
- Trematuridae
- Trhypochthoniidae Willmann, 1931
- Triaenonychidae Sørensen, 1886
- Trichoceridae
- Trichocyllibidae
- Trichodactylidae Milne Edwards, 1853
- Trichodectidae
- Trichogrammatidae
- Trichoniscidae Sars, 1899
- Trichopetalidae Verhoeff, 1914
- Trichopsocidae
- Trichouropodellidae
- Trichthoniidae Lee, 1982
- Tricommatidae Roewer, 1912
- Tricorythidae
- Trictenotomidae Blanchard, 1845
- Tridactylidae
- Tridentellidae Bruce, 1984
- Tridontomidae Loomis & Hoffman, 1962
- Trigonalidae
- Trigonidiidae
- Trigoniulidae Attems, 1909
- Trigonopterygidae
- Trigonuropodidae
- Trimenoponidae
- Triophtydeidae
- Triopsidae Keilhack, 1909
- Triplogyniidae
- Trischizostomatidae Lilljeborg, 1865
- Tristiridae
- Trizetidae Ewing, 1917
- Trochanteriidae Karsch, 1879
- Trochometridiidae
- Troctopsocidae
- Trogidae MacLeay, 1819
- Trogiidae
- Trogloraptoridae Griswold, Audisio & Ledford, 2012
- Troglosironidae Shear, 1993
- Trogossitidae Latreille, 1802
- Trogulidae Sundevall, 1833
- Trombellidae
- Trombiculidae Ewing, 1929
- Trombidiidae
- Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866
- Trouessartiidae
- Trypetesidae Stebbing, 1910
- Tryphosidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Tubulozetidae P. Balogh, 1989
- Tuccidae Vervoort, 1962
- Tuckerellidae
- Tulearidae Ledoyer, 1979
- Tullbergiidae
- Tulumellidae Wagner, 1994
- Tumerozetidae Hammer, 1966
- Tuparezetidae Balogh, 1972
- Turanoniscidae Borutzkii, 1969
- Turbinoptidae
- Tychidae Dana, 1851
- Tydeidae
- Tylidae Dana, 1852
- Typhlobolellidae Hoffman, 1980
- Typhlocarididae Annandale & Kemp, 1913
- Typhlogammaridae Bousfield, 1978
- Uchidastygacaridae
- Uenoidae Iwata, 1927
- Uloboridae Thorell, 1869
- Ulodidae Pascoe, 1869
- Ulyanidae Zherikhin, 1993
- Unduloribatidae Kunst, 1971
- Unguicheylidae Khaustov, Vorontsov and Lindquist, 2023
- Unionicolidae
- Upogebiidae Borradaile, 1903
- Uraniidae
- Uristidae Hurley, 1963
- Uroactiniidae
- Urochordeumatidae Silvestri, 1909
- Urocopiidae Humes & Stock, 1972
- Urodiaspididae
- Urodidae
- Urodinychidae
- Urohaustoriidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Uronyctidae Lowry & Myers, 2012
- Uropodellidae
- Uropodidae
- Urothoidae Bousfield, 1979
- Vaejovidae Thorell, 1876
- Vahiniidae Humes, 1967
- Valettidae Stebbing, 1888
- Valettiopsidae Lowry & De Broyer, 2008
- Vanhorniidae
- Varroidae Delfinado and Baker, 1974
- Varunidae Milne Edwards, 1853
- Veigaiidae
- Veliidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Velocipedidae Bergroth, 1891
- Vemanidae Lowry & Myers, 2017
- Ventriculinidae Leigh-Sharpe, 1934
- Vermectiadidae Just & Poore, 1992
- Vermilconidae
- Vermileonidae
- Vermipsyllidae
- Verrucidae Darwin, 1854
- Vespidae
- Vexillariidae
- Vibiliidae Dana, 1853
- Vicmusiidae Just, 1990
- Vitjazianidae Birstein & Vinogradov, 1955
- Vitzthumegistidae
- Wandinidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1990
- Wettinidae
- Whiteleggiidae Gutu, 1972
- Winterschmidtiidae Oudemans, 1923
- Withiidae Chamberlin, 1931
- Xanthidae MacLeay, 1838
- Xarifiidae Humes, 1960
- Xenarcturidae Sheppard, 1957
- Xenidae Saunders, 1872
- Xenillidae Woolley & Higgins, 1966
- Xenocaligonellididae González-Rodríguez, 1978
- Xenocoelomatidae Bresciani & Lützen, 1966
- Xestoleberididae Sars, 1928
- Xiphocarididae Ortmann, 1895
- Xiphocentronidae Ross, 1949
- Xiphydriidae
- Xolalgidae
- Xyelidae
- Xylomyidae
- Xylophagidae
- Xyloryctidae
- Xyronotidae
- Xystodesmidae Cook, 1895
- Yponomeutidae
- Ypsolophidae
- Yurebillidae
- Zalmoxidae Sørensen, 1886
- Zapfellidae
- Zaramillidae Lowry & Myers, 2016
- Zelandothyadidae
- Zelanophilidae Bonato, Drago and Murienne, 2014
- Zerconidae
- Zetomotrichidae Grandjean, 1934
- Zetorchestidae Michael, 1898
- Zobrachoidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Zodariidae Thorell, 1881
- Zopheridae Solier, 1834
- Zoridae F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1893
- Zorocratidae Dahl, 1913
- Zoropsidae Bertkau, 1882
- Zorotypidae Silvestri, 1913
- Zosteractinidae Loomis, 1943
- Zygaenidae
уреди- Aaages Barovsky, 1926
- Aaata Semenov, 1906
- Aaptolasma Newman and Ross, 1971
- Aaroniella Mockford, 1951
- Aatolana Bruce, 1993A
- Ababa Casey, 1897
- Abablemma Nye, 1975
- Abacaria Mosely, 1941
- Abachrysa Banks, 1938
- Abacion Rafinesque, 1820
- Abacoceraphron Dessart, 1975
- Abacoproeces Simon, 1884
- Abaeis Hübner, 1819
- Abaeletes Cooman, 1940
- Abagazara Distant, 1905
- Abagrotis Smith, 1890
- Abantiades Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Abapa
- Abapeba Bonaldo, 2000
- Abaria Mosely, 1948
- Abaris Dejean, 1831
- Abaristophora
- Abasanistus Kertesz, 1923
- Abasia Wilson, 1908
- Abathescalpellum Newman and Ross, 1971
- Abatoleon Banks, 1924
- Abatorus Chamberlin, 1965
- Abavus Enderlein, 1914
- Abax Bonelli, 1810
- Abboticoptes Haitlinger, 1996
- Abbrosoga Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Abdastartus Distant, 1910
- Abdia Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Abditicoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1975
- Abdiunguis Park and Wagner, 1962
- Abebaioscia Vandel, 1973
- Abedus Stål, 1862
- Abelamocoris Miller, 1958
- Abelocephala Maldonado, 1996
- Aberdaria Holm, 1962
- Aberomysis Bacescu and Iliffe, 1986
- Aberratylus Bousfield and Kendall, 1994
- Abgrallaspis
- Abila Stål, 1878
- Abiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Abiskoa Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2000
- Abiskomyia
- Ablabesmyia Johannsen, 1905
- Ablautus
- Ablemma Roewer, 1963
- Ableptemetes Wiersema and McCafferty, 2003
- Abludomelita Karaman, 1981
- Aborolobatea Ledoyer, 1984
- Abracadabrella Zabka, 1991
- Abraeomorphus Reitter, 1886
- Abraeus Leach, 1817
- Abrentodes Sharp, 1895
- Abricta Stål, 1866
- Abrocomaphthirus Durden and Webb, 1999
- Abrolophus Berlese, 1891
- Abroma Stål, 1866
- Abrosiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Abrostola Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Abscondita Ballantyne, Lambkin and Fu in Ballantyne et al., 2013
- Absidiella Wittmer, 1972
- Absonus González-Sponga, 1987
- Abtrichia Mosely, 1939
- Abulites Stål, 1876
- Abutiloneus Bridwell, 1946
- Abyssaranea Wilson & Hessler, 1974
- Abyssarcturella Poore & Bardsley, 1992
- Abyssianira Menzies, 1956
- Abyssoniscus Birstein, 1971
- Acacesia Simon, 1895
- Acaciacoris Schaffner, 1977
- Acaeroplastes Verhoeff, 1918
- Acalcarella
- Acallepitrix J. Bechyné, 1956
- Acalles Schönherr, 1825
- Acallodes LeConte, 1876
- Acallurothrips Bagnall, 1921
- Acalvolia Fain, 1971
- Acalymma Barber, 1947
- Acalypta Westwood, 1840
- Acalyptomerus Crowson, 1979
- Acalyptonotus Walter, 1911
- Acalyptus Schönherr, 1833
- Acamerobia Fan and Walter, 2011
- Acampsis Wesmael, 1835
- Acamptocladius
- Acamptopoeum Cockerell, 1905
- Acamptus LeConte, 1876
- Acanonicus Dallas, 1852
- Acanthacaris Bate, 1888
- Acanthaclisis Rambur, 1842
- Acanthagrion Selys, 1876
- Acanthallagma Williamson and Williamson, 1924
- Acanthametropus Tshernova, 1948
- Acanthamunnopsis Schultz, 1978
- Acanthanas Anker, Poddoubtchenko & Jeng, 2006
- Acantharachne Tullgren, 1910
- Acantharcturus Schultz, 1981
- Acantharctus Holthuis, 2002
- Acanthasargus White, 1914
- Acanthaspidia Stebbing, 1898
- Acanthaspis Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthastenasellus Chelazzi & Messana, 1985
- Acanthaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Acantheis Thorell, 1891
- Acanthepeira Marx, 1883
- Acanthephyra A. Milne-Edwards, 1881
- Acantherus Scudder and Cockerell, 1902
- Acanthicochernes Beier, 1964
- Acanthilia Galil, 2000
- Acanthinevania Bradley, 1908
- Acanthinomyia Hunter, 1901
- Acanthinus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Acanthiophilus Becker, 1908
- Acanthischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthobelba Enami & Aoki, 1993
- Acanthocarpus Stimpson, 1871
- Acanthocaudus Smith, 1944
- Acanthocausus Fritz and Toro, 1977
- Acanthocephala Laporte, 1833
- Acanthocerus Palisot de Beauvois, 1818
- Acanthoceto Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Acanthocheila Stål, 1858
- Acanthochondria Oakley, 1930
- Acanthochondrites Oakley, 1930
- Acanthocinus Megerle in Dejean, 1821
- Acanthocnema Becker, 1894
- Acanthococcus
- Acanthocolax Vervoort, 1969
- Acanthocope Beddard, 1885
- Acanthocoris Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthocreagris Mahnert, 1974
- Acanthocrios Del Ponte and Riesel, 1945
- Acanthoctenus Keyserling, 1877
- Acanthocyclops Kiefer, 1927
- Acanthocythereis Howe, 1963
- Acanthodes Baly, 1864
- Acanthodiaptomus Kiefer, 1932
- Acanthodillo Verhoeff, 1926
- Acanthodotheca
- Acanthogeophilus Minelli, 1982
- Acanthogethes Reitter, 1871
- Acanthognathus Mayr, 1887
- Acanthogonatus Karsch, 1880
- Acanthogylippus Birula, 1913
- Acanthohaustorius Bousfield, 1965
- Acantholeberis Lilljeborg, 1853
- Acantholeria
- Acantholespesia Wood, 1987
- Acantholithodes Holmes, 1895
- Acantholochus Cressey and Cressey, 1984
- Acantholomidea Sailer, 1945
- Acantholybas Breddin, 1898
- Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908
- Acantholyctus Lesne, 1924
- Acantholyda Costa, 1894
- Acanthomigdolus Bruch, 1941
- Acanthominua Sørensen, 1932
- Acanthomolgus Humes and Stock, 1972
- Acanthomunna Beddard, 1886
- Acanthomyops Mayr, 1862
- Acanthomyrmex Emery, 1893
- Acanthomysis Czerniavsky, 1882
- Acanthonevra Macquart, 1843
- Acanthonevroides Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Acanthoniscus Kinahan, 1859
- Acanthonotozoma Boeck, 1876
- Acanthonotozomella Schellenberg, 1926
- Acanthonotozomoides Schellenberg, 1931
- Acanthonotozomopsis Watling & Holman, 1980
- Acanthonyssus Yunker and Radovsky, 1966
- Acanthonyx Latreille, 1825
- Acanthopagurus de Saint Laurent, 1968
- Acanthopelma F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897
- Acanthophorides
- Acanthophrynus Kraepelin, 1899
- Acanthoplectron Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Acanthoponera Mayr, 1862
- Acanthopus Klug, 1807
- Acanthorhinocoris Miller, 1940
- Acanthormius Ashmead, 1906
- Acanthoscelides Schilsky, 1905
- Acanthoscelidius Hustache, 1930
- Acanthoscelio Ashmead, 1893
- Acanthoscina
- Acanthoscurria Ausserer, 1871
- Acanthoserolis Brandt, 1988
- Acanthosoma Curtis, 1824
- Acanthosquilla Manning, 1963
- Acanthostepheia Boeck, 1871
- Acanthostethus Smith, 1869
- Acanthostichus Mayr, 1887
- Acanthothrips Uzel, 1895
- Acanthotingis Monte, 1940
- Acanthotoca Fletcher, 1979
- Acanthotrichia Wells, 1982
- Acanthotyla Stål, 1873
- Acanthoventris Ruschel in Ruschel et al., 2023
- Acanthozetes Balogh, 1958
- Acaricesa Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Acaricis Beard and Gerson, 2009
- Acaricoris Harris and Drake, 1944
- Acarihygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Acarinus Kapur, 1948
- Acaroceras Grandjean, 1936
- Acaromimus Jordan, 1907
- Acaronychus Grandjean, 1932
- Acaropsella Volgin, 1969
- Acaropsellina Summers, 1976
- Acartauchenius Simon, 1884
- Acartia Dana, 1846
- Acartiella Sewell, 1914
- Acartophthalmus
- Acasis Duponchel, 1845
- Acasta Leach, 1817
- Accalathura Barnard, 1925
- Accedomoera J. L. Barnard, 1964
- Acedanthidium Michener, 2000
- Acemya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acentrella Bengtsson, 1912
- Acentria Stephens, 1829
- Acentrinops Casey, 1920
- Acentropelma Pocock, 1901
- Acentroptera Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Acentropus Curtis, 1834
- Acentroscelus Simon, 1886
- Aceodromus Muma, 1961
- Aceratophallus Carl, 1902
- Acerbia Sotavalta, 1963
- Acerella Berlese, 1909
- Acerentomon Silvestri, 1907
- Acerentuloides Ewing, 1921
- Acerentulus Berlese, 1908
- Acericecis
- Acerocnema Becker, 1894
- Aceroides Sars, 1895
- Aceropyga Duffels, 1977
- Acerotella Masner, 1964
- Aceroteta Kozlov & Masner, 1977
- Acerpenna Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Acerra Grote, 1874
- Acestra Dallas, 1852
- Acetabulastoma Schornikov, 1970
- Acetes H. Milne Edwards, 1830
- Acetropis Fieber, 1858
- Achaea Hübner, 1823
- Achaearanea Strand, 1929
- Achaearyopa Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
- Achaeridion Wunderlich, 2008
- Achaetodactylus Fain, 1981
- Achaeus Leach, 1817
- Achaiabracon Belokobylskij, 2009
- Achalarus Scudder, 1872
- Achalcus Loew, 1857
- Achatia Hübner, 1813
- Achatodes Guenée, 1852
- Acheleopsis Willmann, 1951
- Achelia Hodge, 1864
- Acheliana Arnaud, 1971
- Achemenides Shear, 1971
- Acherdoa Walker, 1865
- Acherongia Massoud & Thibaud, 1985
- Acheronia Lowry, 1984
- Acherontacarus Viets, 1932
- Acherontia Laspeyres, 1809
- Acherontides Bonet, 1945
- Acherontiella Absolon, 1913
- Acheroxenylla Ellis, 1976
- Acheta Linnaeus, 1758
- Achillas Torre Bueno, 1914
- Achilophilus Attems, 1926
- Achilorma Metcalf and Bruner, 1930
- Achipteria Berlese, 1885
- Achipterina Berlese, 1916
- Achlyodes Hübner, 1819
- Acholla Stål, 1862
- Achoropsyche Holzenthal, 1984
- Achorotile Fieber, 1866
- Achradocera
- Achrastenus Horn, 1876
- Achrionota Pascoe, 1872
- Achromoporus Loomis, 1936
- Achryson Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Achtheres Nordmann, 1832
- Achurum Saussure, 1861
- Acidia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acidiella Hendel, 1914
- Acidiostigma Hendel, 1927
- Acidogona Loew, 1873
- Acidomeria Stål, 1870
- Acidosterna Stål, 1872
- Acidostoma Liljeborg, 1865
- Acidoxantha Hendel, 1914
- Acidoxanthopsis Hering, 1941
- Acilius Leach, 1817
- Acinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acinocoris Hahn, 1834
- Acinoeuphranta Hardy, 1971
- Acinopterus
- Aciura Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aciurina Curran, 1932
- Aciuropsis Hardy, 1974
- Acizzia
- Acladocera Wittmer, 1981
- Aclerda Signoret, 1874
- Aclitus Förster, 1862
- Aclosma Morse, 1974
- Aclypea Reitter, 1885
- Aclytia Hübner, 1819
- Acmaegenius LeConte, 1876
- Acmaeodera Eschscholtz, 1829
- Acmaeoderoides Van Dyke, 1942
- Acmaeoderopsis Barr, 1974
- Acmaeops LeConte, 1850
- Acmaeopsoides Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Acmenychus Weise, 1905
- Acmonotus McLachlan, 1871
- Acnemia
- Acneus Horn, 1880
- Acoccidula Barovsky, 1928
- Acocopus Stål, 1864
- Acoenonia
- Acolobicus Sharp, 1894
- Acolomorpha Dodd, 1914
- Acolonia Casey, 1894
- Acoma Casey, 1889
- Acomatacarus Ewing, 1942
- Acomoptera
- Acompocoris Reuter, 1875
- Aconchus Horváth, 1905
- Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Acontiostoma Stebbing, 1888
- Acontistoptera
- Acontius Karsch, 1879
- Acontosceles Champion, 1924
- Acopa Harvey, 1875
- Acopauropus Cook, 1896
- Acoptus LeConte, 1876
- Acordulecera Say, 1836
- Acoridon Adkison, Heard and Hopkins, 1983
- Acorigone Wunderlich, 2008
- Acosmetocoris Miller, 1954
- Acostatrichia Mosely, 1939
- Acracanthostoma Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Acragas Simon, 1900
- Acramorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Acrapex Hampson, 1894
- Acraspis Mayr, 1881
- Acratodes Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Acratoleon Banks, 1915
- Acratus Lacordaire, 1865
- Acrenhydrosoma Lang, 1948
- Acreophthiria
- Acricotopus
- Acridiophaga
- Acridomyia
- Acrimea Casey, 1911
- Acrisis Foerster, 1863
- Acrisius Stål, 1862
- Acritispa Uhmann, 1940
- Acritodes Cooman, 1935
- Acritogramma Franclemont, 1986
- Acritomorphus Wenzel, 1944
- Acritoptila Wells, 1982
- Acritosoma Pakaluk and Slipinski, 1995
- Acritrombium Southcott, 1986
- Acritus J. L. LeConte, 1853
- Acroaspis Karsch, 1878
- Acrobelione Bourdon, 1981
- Acrobleps Hickman, 1979
- Acrocalanus Giesbrecht, 1888
- Acrocassis Spaeth, 1922
- Acrocera
- Acroceratitis Hendel, 1913
- Acrochaeta Wiedemann, 1830
- Acrocyum Jacoby, 1885
- Acrodectes Rehn and Hebard, 1920
- Acrodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Acroelytrum Mayr, 1865
- Acrolister Bickhardt, 1917
- Acrolophitus Thomas, 1871
- Acromacer Kuschel, 1989
- Acromis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865
- Acronesia
- Acroneuria Pictet, 1841
- Acronicta Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Acronneus Munro, 1939
- Acropeltates Kertesz, 1923
- Acroperus Baird, 1843
- Acrophaga
- Acrophylax Brauer, 1867
- Acrophyma Bergroth, 1917
- Acroplectis Meyrick, 1927
- Acroppia Balogh, 1983
- Acropteromma Bezzi, 1926
- Acropteroxys Gorham, 1887
- Acropyga Roger, 1862
- Acroria Walker, 1858
- Acrosathe
- Acrosomoides Simon, 1887
- Acrosothrips Stannard, 1963
- Acrossus Mulsant, 1842
- Acrosternum Fieber, 1860
- Acrosticta
- Acrotaenia Loew, 1873
- Acrotaeniacantha Hering, 1939
- Acrotaeniostola Hendel, 1914
- Acrotelsa Escherich, 1905
- Acrotocarus Banks, 1915
- Acrotona Thomson, 1859
- Acrotrichis
- Acrotritia Jacot, 1923
- Acsala Benjamin, 1935
- Actacarus Schulz, 1937
- Actaea De Haan, 1833
- Actaecia Dana, 1853
- Actaeomorpha Miers, 1878
- Actaletes Giard, 1889
- Actebia Stephens, 1829
- Actenobius Fall, 1905
- Actenodes Dejean, 1833
- Actenoptera
- Acteoniscus Vandel, 1955
- Actia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Actias Leach, 1815
- Actiastes Casey, 1897
- Actidium
- Actina Meigen, 1804
- Actinacantha Simon, 1864
- Actinacanthus Stebbing, 1888
- Actinimenes Duris & Horká, 2017
- Actinocoris Reuter, 1878
- Actinocythereis Puri, 1953
- Actinomyia Lindner, 1949
- Actinoptera Rondani, 1871
- Actinopus Perty, 1833
- Actinoseta Kornicker, 1958
- Actinosoma Holmberg, 1883
- Actium Casey, 1886
- Actizona Chandler, 1985
- Actopsyllus
- Actumnus Dana, 1851
- Acuclavella Shear, 1986
- Acugamasus Lee, 1970
- Aculepeira Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Acuminochernes Hoff, 1949
- Acuminocythere Swain and Gilby, 1974
- Acuminodeutopus J. L. Barnard, 1959
- Acumontia Loman, 1898
- Acupalpus Latreille, 1829
- Acuphis Karg, 1998
- Acusilas Simon, 1895
- Acutangulus Attems, 1898
- Acutibaeus Meunier, 1917
- Acuticephala Torres, 1958
- Acuticythereis Edwards, 1944
- Acutigebia Sakai, 1982
- Acutipetala Dankittipakul & Zhang, 2008
- Acutiserolis Brandt, 1988
- Acutomunna Winkler, 1994
- Acutoppia Balogh, 1983
- Acutozetes Balogh, 1970
- Acyphoderes Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Acyrocera Lindner, 1937
- Acyrocerops James, 1978
- Acyroneura Torres, 1958
- Acyrthosiphon
- Acysta Champion, 1898
- Adaeulum Roewer, 1914
- Adaeum Karsch, 1880
- Adaleres Casey, 1895
- Adalia Mulsant, 1846
- Adalurnus Maulik, 1936
- Adamystis Cunliffe, 1957
- Adcatomus Karsch, 1880
- Adectophylax Neboiss, 1982
- Adejeania Townsend, 1913
- Adelia Moulds, 2012
- Adeliella Nicholls, 1938
- Adelina
- Adelocosa Gertsch, 1973
- Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897
- Adeloneivaia Travassos, 1940
- Adelonetria Millidge, 1991
- Adelopygus Desbordes, 1917
- Adeloscia Vandel, 1977
- Adelothrips Hood, 1938
- Adelpha Hübner, 1819
- Adelphacarus Grandjean, 1952
- Adelphagrotis Smith, 1890
- Adelphochernes Beier, 1937
- Adelphocoris Reuter, 1896
- Adelphopauropus Scheller, 2013
- Adelphydraena Perkins, 1989
- Ademon Haliday, 1833
- Ademula McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Adenacarus Hammen, 1966
- Adendrocera Wittmer, 1976
- Adeniana Distant, 1905
- Adenodictyna Ono, 2008
- Adenostomocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Aderus Westwood, 1829
- Adetomyrma Ward, 1994
- Adetus LeConte, 1852
- Adhaerensis Loots and Theron, 1992
- Adhaesozetes Hammer, 1966
- Adhemarius Oiticica, 1939
- Adia
- Adialytus Foerster, 1863
- Adicella McLachlan, 1877
- Adicophasma Engel and Grimaldi, 2004
- Adicroneura
- Adicrophleps Flint, 1965
- Adidactus Senna, 1894
- Adinarthrella Mosely, 1941
- Adinarthrum Mosely, 1949
- Adinda Budde-Lund, 1904
- Adinolepis Neboiss, 1984
- Adinopsis Cameron, 1918
- Adiplosis
- Adira Gordon and Almeida, 1986
- Adisomus Cokendolpher and Reddell, 2000
- Adlerzia Forel, 1902
- Admestina Peckham & Peckham, 1888
- Admesturius Galiano, 1988
- Admetovis Grote, 1873
- Admontia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Adoceta Bourgeois, 1882
- Adonea Simon, 1873
- Adoneta Clemens, 1860
- Adoniscus Vandel, 1955
- Adopaeoides Godman, 1900
- Adoretus Dejean, 1833
- Adoribatella Woolley, 1967
- Adoristes Hull, 1916
- Adota Casey, 1910
- Adoxellus Weise, 1895
- Adoxomyia Kertesz, 1907
- Adoxotoma Simon, 1909
- Adraga Walker, 1858
- Adrama Walker, 1859
- Adramoides Hardy, 1973
- Adraneothrips Hood, 1925
- Adranes LeConte, 1849
- Adrania Stål, 1863
- Adricomius Distant, 1903
- Adrityla Causey, 1961
- Adroctenes Jordan, 1912
- Adrodamaeus Paschoal, 1984
- Adusella Haupt, 1918
- Advena Kabata, 1979
- Aebutina Simon, 1892
- Aedeastria Boer, 1990
- Aedeomyia Theobald, 1901
- Aedes Meigen, 1818
- Aega Leach, 1815
- Aegaeobuthus Kovarík, 2019
- Aegaeon Agassiz, 1846
- Aegathoa Dana, 1853
- Aegialia Latreille, 1807
- Aegialites Mannerheim, 1853
- Aegilipsicola J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Aegilipsovelia J. Polhemus, 1970
- Aeginecta Rogers, Archangelsky and Pessacq, 2018
- Aeginella Boeck, 1861
- Aeginina Norman, 1905
- Aegisthus Giesbrecht, 1891
- Aegla Leach, 1820
- Aegomorphus Haldeman, 1847
- Aegonethes Frankenberger, 1938
- Aegyptobia Sayed, 1950
- Aegyptocheyla Yousef, 1979
- Aeipeplus Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Aeithauma Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aeletes Horn, 1873
- Aeletodes Gomy, 1977
- Aelia Fabricius, 1803
- Aellopos Hübner, 1819
- Aelurillus Simon, 1884
- Aemngvantom Prendini, Ehrenthal and Loria, 2021
- Aemulister Reichensperger, 1938
- Aenetus Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Aenictocoris Woodward, 1956
- Aenictogiton Emery, 1901
- Aenictopechys Breddin, 1905
- Aenictus Shuckard, 1840
- Aenigmabracon Perrichot, Nel and Quicke, 2009
- Aenigmarachne Schmidt, 2005
- Aenigmathura Thomson, 1950
- Aenigmatias
- Aenigmaticum Matthews, 1888
- Aenigmopus Loomis & Hoffman, 1962
- Aeolagrion Williamson, 1917
- Aeoloplides Caudell, 1915
- Aeolothrips Haliday, 1836
- Aeolus
- Aeopelys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepinus Rathbun, 1897
- Aepophilus Signoret, 1879
- Aepycysta Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Aepykorys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepytus Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Aerenicopsis Bates, 1885
- Aeropedellus Hebard, 1935
- Aerophilus Szépligeti, 1901
- Aeroppia Hammer, 1961
- Aeropteryx Riek, 1968
- Aeschnosoma Selys, 1870
- Aesepus Stål, 1876
- Aeshna Fabricius, 1775
- Aesobia Jäch, 1982
- Aestuansella Boulard, 1981
- Aetana Huber, 2005
- Aetanna Lee, 2014
- Aethaloida McDunnough, 1920
- Aethaloptera Brauer, 1875
- Aethalura McDunnough, 1920
- Aethammobates Baker, 1994
- Aethecerinus Fall and Cockerell, 1907
- Aethina Erichson, 1843
- Aethionectes Sharp, 1882
- Aethiopella Handschin, 1942
- Aethiopocassis Spaeth, 1922
- Aethiopodillo Verhoeff, 1942
- Aethiopopactes Verhoeff, 1942
- Aethioppia Balogh, 1983
- Aethiothemara Hendel, 1928
- Aethodelphax Bartlett and Hamilton, 2011
- Aethogebia A. B. Williams, 1993
- Aetholagynodes Dessart, 1994
- Aethomyctus Williams, 1981
- Aethon Krøyer, 1837
- Aethosolenia Baker and Lindquist, 2002
- Aethra Leach, 1816
- Aethriscus Pocock, 1902
- Aethrodiscus Strand, 1913
- Aethus Dallas, 1851
- Aetideopsis G. O. Sars, 1903
- Aetideus Brady, 1883
- Aetiopedes
- Aetius O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Aetrocantha Karsch, 1879
- Afghanoderus B. Lis, 2001
- Afghanoleon Hölzel, 1972
- Afgoia Linnavuori, 1976
- Afidenta Dieke, 1947
- Afidentula Kapur, 1958
- Afilia Schaus, 1901
- Afissa Dieke, 1947
- Afotella Barnes and Benjamin, 1925
- Afracantha Dahl, 1914
- Afracarella Vercammen-Grandjean and Kolebinova, 1968
- Afraciura Hering, 1941
- Afraflacilla Berland & Millot, 1941
- Aframixia Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Afranthidium Michener, 1948
- Afrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Afrauropus Remy, 1959
- Afreutreta Bezzi, 1924
- Afrevania Benoit, 1953
- Afribactrus Wunderlich, 1995
- Africactenus Hyatt, 1954
- Africanister Gomy, 2010
- Africepheia Miller, 2007
- Africodytes Biström, 1988
- Africoecetes
- Africogalumna Starý, 2005
- Africophilus Guignot, 1948
- Africoribates Evans, 1953
- Africoseius Krantz, 1962
- Afrida Möschler, 1886
- Afrilobus Griswold & Platnick, 1987
- Afrisolia Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Afrobeata Caporiacco, 1941
- Afrobittacus Londt, 1994
- Afroblemma Lehtinen, 1981
- Afrocanestrinia Cooreman, 1955
- Afrocastra Breddin, 1903
- Afrocerberus Waegele, 1983
- Afrochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Afrochiltonia K. H. Barnard, 1955
- Afrochthonius Beier, 1930
- Afrocimex Schouteden, 1951
- Afrocneros Bezzi, 1924
- Afrocordus Damoiseau, 1980
- Afrocoronacella Asche, 1988
- Afrocorynus Marshall, 1955
- Afrocypholaelaps Elsen, 1972
- Afrodacarellus Hurlbutt, 1974
- Afrodasypoda Engel, 2005
- Afrodecius Jeannel, 1919
- Afrodermus Mantilleri, 2005
- Afrodiaphanes Geisthardt, 2007
- Afrodontomyia James, 1940
- Afroelfus Gnezdilov, 2012
- Afrofilistata Benoit, 1968
- Afrogamasellus Loots and Ryke, 1968
- Afrogarypus Beier, 1931
- Afrogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Afrogitanopsis Karaman, 1980
- Afrogorytes Menke, 1967
- Afroheriades Peters, 1970
- Afrohister Mazur, 2006
- Afroisometrus Kovarík, 1997
- Afrokalpa Fennah, 1969
- Afrolaophonte Chappius, 1960
- Afroleius Mahunka, 1984
- Afrolimnichus Delève, 1968
- Afrolychas Kovarík, 2019
- Afromantispa Snyman and Ohl in Snyman et al., 2012
- Afromarengo Benjamin, 2004
- Afromelampsalta Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Afromelecta Lieftinck, 1972
- Afromenotes Kment and Kocorek, 2014
- Afromynoglenes Merrett & Russell-Smith, 1996
- Afromysis Zimmer, 1916
- Afroneta Holm, 1968
- Afronothrus Wallwork, 1961
- Afronychus Meyer, 1979
- Afrophioptes Fain, 1962
- Afropisaura Blandin, 1976
- Afropolonia Goff, 1983
- Afroppia Koçak & Kemal, 2008
- Afroprinus Lackner, 2013
- Afrorhysipolis Belokobylskij, 1999
- Afroroncus Mahnert, 1981
- Afrosaprinus Vienna, 2015
- Afrosellana Asche, 1988
- Afrosoma Mazur, 1999
- Afrostelis Cockerell, 1931
- Afrosternophorus Beier, 1967
- Afrosydne Fennah, 1969
- Afrotaenia Chamberlin, 1951
- Afrotheora Nielsen & Scoble, 1986
- Afrotingis Drake and Hill, 1964
- Afrotocepheus Mahunka, 1985
- Afrotritermus Belokobylskij, 1995
- Afrotrombicula Kolebinova and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1978
- Afroxyidris Belshaw & Bolton, 1994
- Afrozetes Engelbrecht, 1972
- Afrozomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Afticarabodes Fernández, Theron & Rollard, 2013
- Afzeliada Boulard, 1972
- Aga Distant, 1910
- Agabetes Crotch, 1873
- Agabiformius Verhoeff, 1908
- Agabinus Crotch, 1873
- Agabus Leach, 1817
- Agachila Drake and Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Agaeocera Saunders, 1871
- Agalenatea Archer, 1951
- Agalenocosa Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Agallia
- Agallissus Dalman, 1823
- Agamedes Stål, 1876
- Aganippe O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Agaotingis Drake, 1954
- Agapanthinus LaBerge, 1957
- Agapema Neumoegen and Dyar, 1894
- Agapetus Curtis, 1834
- Agapophyta Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Agaporomorphus Zimmermann, 1921
- Agapostemon Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Agapostemonoides Roberts & Brooks, 1987
- Agaraea Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Agaricochara Kraatz, 1856
- Agaricochirus McLaughlin, 1981
- Agaricomorpha Ashe, 1984
- Agarna Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Agarodes Banks, 1899
- Agasicles Jacoby, 1904
- Agasphaerops Horn, 1876
- Agastoschizomus Rowland, 1971
- Agathacrista Sharkey, 2013
- Agathidium Panzer, 1797
- Agathigma Sharkey, 2017
- Agathirsia Westwood, 1882
- Agathis Latreille, 1804
- Agathispa Weise, 1905
- Agathobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Agathomerus Lacordaire, 1845
- Agathomyia
- Agathon Rodor, 1890
- Agathotanais Hansen, 1913
- Agathothus Bollman, 1893
- Agathymus H. Freeman, 1959
- Agathyrna Stål, 1861
- Agaue Lohmann, 1889
- Agauopsis Viets, 1927
- Agdistocoris Kormilev, 1962
- Ageiton Kertesz, 1914
- Agelastica Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Agelena Walckenaer, 1805
- Agelenella Lehtinen, 1967
- Agelenopsis Giebel, 1869
- Ageleradix Xu & Li, 2007
- Agelescape Levy, 1996
- Ageneotettix McNeill, 1897
- Agenodesmus Loomis, 1934
- Agenysa Spaeth, 1905
- Agistemus Summers, 1960
- Agkistrocerus
- Aglae Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825
- Aglaiocypris Sylvester-Bradley, 1947
- Aglais Dalman, 1816
- Aglaoapis Cameron, 1901
- Aglaochitra J. C. Chamberlin, 1952
- Aglaoctenus Tullgren, 1905
- Aglaodiaptomus Light, 1938
- Aglaomelissa Snelling and Brooks, 1985
- Aglaomyia
- Aglaonice Möschler, 1890
- Aglaothorax Caudell, 1907
- Aglenus Erichson, 1845
- Aglotingis Drake, 1954
- Aglycyderes Westwood, 1864
- Aglymbus Sharp, 1880
- Aglyptinus Cockerell, 1906
- Agna Smetana, 1978
- Agnara Budde-Lund, 1908
- Agnathodon Folkmanová and Dobroruka, 1960
- Agnesiotis Pascoe, 1870
- Agnetina Klapálek, 1907
- Agnocoris Reuter, 1875
- Agnorisma Lafontaine, 1998
- Agnoshydrus Biström, Nilsson and Wewalka, 1997
- Agnostokasia Gurney and Rentz, 1964
- Agnostopelma Pérez-Miles & Weinmann, 2010
- Agnostrup Foddai, Bonato, Pereira and Minelli, 2003
- Agnyphantes Hull, 1932
- Agobardus Keyserling, 1885
- Agoerodella Mosely, 1941
- Agoerodes Mosely, 1949
- Agoliinus Schmidt, 1913
- Agoniella Weise, 1911
- Agonita Strand, 1942
- Agonoleptus Casey, 1914
- Agononida Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1996
- Agonoscelis Spinola, 1837
- Agonum Bonelli, 1810
- Agorioides Maddison & Szuts, 2019
- Agorius Thorell, 1877
- Agostocaris C. W. J. Hart & Manning, 1986
- Agostodina Bruce, 1994A
- Agra Fabricius, 1801
- Agraecina Simon, 1932
- Agramma Stephens, 1829
- Agraphus Say, 1831
- Agraptocorixa Kirkaldy, 1898
- Agraulis Boisduval and Le Conte, 1835
- Agraulomyrmex Prins, 1983
- Agraylea Curtis, 1834
- Agrenia Boerner, 1906
- Agrenocythere Benson, 1972
- Agreuocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Agria
- Agrilaxia Kerremans, 1903
- Agrilinellus Dellacasa, Dellacasa and Gordon, 2008
- Agrilus Curtis, 1825
- Agrioblepis Kleine, 1921
- Agriocleptes Stål, 1866
- Agrioclopius Stål, 1866
- Agriocoris Stål, 1866
- Agriogomphus Selys, 1869
- Agriolestes Stål, 1866
- Agriopocodemus Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocoris Miller, 1954
- Agriopocoscelis Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocostella Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopodes Hampson, 1908
- Agriorrhynchus Power, 1878
- Agriosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Agriotes
- Agripialus C. Mielke, Grehan & Koike, 2021
- Agrisicula Asche, 1980
- Agrius Hübner, 1819
- Agrochola Hübner, 1821
- Agroeca Westring, 1861
- Agroecomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908
- Agroiconota Spaeth, 1913
- Agromyza
- Agronus Horn, 1876
- Agrothrips Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939
- Agrotis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Agrotisia Hampson, 1908
- Agrypnetes McLachlan, 1876
- Agrypnia Curtis, 1835
- Aguapanela Perafán & Cifuentes, 2015
- Agularcturus Kensley, 1984B
- Agulla Navás, 1914
- Aguna R. Williams, 1927
- Agupta Fernández-Triana, 2018
- Agylla Walker, 1854
- Agymnastus Scudder, 1897
- Agyneta Hull, 1911
- Agyphantes Saaristo & Marusik, 2004
- Agyrius Stål, 1863
- Agyrtes Froelich, 1799
- Aha Menke, 1977
- Ahasverus Gozis, 1881
- Ahomana Distant, 1905
- Ahua Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aidemona Brunner, 1893
- Aidium Popov, 1968
- Aidochara Casey, 1906
- Aidoia Spaeth, 1952
- Aidomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Aidoneus Distant, 1909
- Aidophus Balthasar, 1963
- Aigondiceps Fiers, 1995
- Aillutticus Galiano, 1987
- Ainerigone Eskov, 1993
- Aiolocaria Crotch, 1871
- Airamia Barnes and Benjamin, 1926
- Airocaulon Loomis, 1964
- Aischrocrania Hendel, 1927
- Aisthetowithius Beier, 1967
- Aitkenius Brennan, 1970
- Aituaria Esyunin & Efimik, 1998
- Ajaraneola Wesolowska & A. Russell-Smith, 2011
- Ajmonia Caporiacco, 1934
- Akamasia Bosselaers, 2002
- Akamba Distant, 1905
- Akamptogonus Attems, 1914
- Akansilvanus Fujikawa, 1993
- Akatorea Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Akdalima Silhavý, 1977
- Akela Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Akemetopon Weglarz and Bartlett, 2011
- Akentrobuthus Lamoral, 1976
- Akephorus LeConte, 1852
- Akermania Collinge, 1919
- Akilas Distant, 1916
- Akodonacarus Goff and Webb, 1989
- Akorhexoza
- Akrav Levy, 2007
- Akrostomma Robaux, 1977
- Akymnopellis Shelley, 2008
- Akyttara Jocqué, 1987
- Alabagrus Enderlein, 1920
- Alabama Grote, 1895
- Alabamocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Alachosquilla Schotte and Manning, 1993
- Alacia Martens, 1979
- Alacran Francke, 1982
- Alainius Baba, 1991
- Alainopaguroides McLaughlin, 1997
- Alainopagurus Lemaitre & McLaughlin, 1995
- Alainopasiphaea Hayashi, 1999
- Alakene Chamberlin, 1941
- Alania Berge and Vader, 2001
- Alaocybites Gilbert, 1956
- Alaranea Griswold, 1997
- Alarcta Torres, 1958
- Alaskaentomon Nosek, 1977
- Alaskaperla Stewart and DeWalt, 1991
- Alaskobius Chamberlin, 1946
- Alaskozetes Hammer, 1955
- Alastria Lafontaine and Troubridge, 2004
- Alaus
- Alavametra Sánchez-García and Nel in Sánchez-García et al., 2016
- Alaxchelicera Butler, 1932
- Alayocimex Hernández Triana and de la Cruz, 1994
- Alayotityus Armas, 1973
- Albanthura Wagele, 1985B
- Albanycada Villet, 1989
- Albardia van der Weele, 1903
- Albeckia Vercammen-Grandjean and Watkins, 1966
- Alberprosenia Martínez and Carcavallo, 1977
- Albertosphoera Caruso & Lombardo, 1983
- Albia Thor, 1899
- Albinorattia Haitlinger, 1989
- Albionella Kabata, 1979
- Albionella Chickering, 1946
- Albiorix J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Alboscia Schultz, 1995
- Albunea Weber, 1795
- Alcaeorrhynchus Bergroth, 1891
- Alcestis Stål, 1862
- Alcidion Sturm, 1843
- Alcimobolus Loomis, 1936
- Alcimochthes Simon, 1885
- Alcimosphenus Simon, 1895
- Alcirona Hansen, 1890
- Alcmena Stål, 1859
- Alcmena C. L. Koch, 1846
- Alcmenoides Miller, 1954
- Alcocerniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Alcockianum Zevina, 1978
- Alcockpenaeopsis Sakai & Shinomiya, 2011
- Alcumena Schmidt, 1932
- Alcyonohippolyte Marin, T.-Y. Chan & Okuno, 2011
- Aldabrinus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Aldrichia
- Aldrichina
- Aldrichiomyza
- Alebion Krøyer, 1863
- Alecton Laporte, 1833
- Aleeta Moulds, 2003
- Alena Navás, 1916
- Alenatea Song & Zhu, 1999
- Aleochara Gravenhorst, 1802
- Aleodorus Say, 1830
- Alepas Rang, 1829
- Alepidiella Poppius, 1914
- Alepidosceles Moure, 1947
- Aleptina Dyar, 1902
- Aleptinoides Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Aletopauropus MacSwain and Lanham, 1948
- Aleurocanthus
- Aleurocybotus
- Aleurodamaeus Grandjean, 1954
- Aleurodicus
- Aleurodothrips Franklin, 1909
- Aleuropteryx Löw, 1885
- Aleurothrixus
- Aleurotuberculatus
- Aleurotulus
- Alexandrella Chevreux, 1911
- Alexfainia Yunker and Jones, 1961
- Alexicles Grote, 1883
- Aleyroctonus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Aleyrodes Latreille, 1796
- Alfenus Simon, 1902
- Alfocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Alfredella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Algarobius Bridwell, 1946
- Algerophilus Brölemann, 1925
- Algidia Hogg, 1920
- Algidiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Algidus Simon, 1898
- Algophagopsis Fain and Johnston, 1975
- Algophagus Hughes, 1955
- Algunguis Chamberlin, 1950
- Aliaporcellana Nakasone & Miyake, 1969
- Aliatypus Smith, 1908
- Alicella Chevreux, 1899
- Alicenula Rossetti and Martens, 1998
- Alicorhagia Berlese, 1910
- Alienacanthomysis Holmquist, 1981
- Alienates Barber, 1953
- Alienaxiopsis Sakai, 2011
- Alienister Reichensperger, 1926
- Alienocacculus Kanaar, 2008
- Alienodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Alima Leach, 1817
- Alincocallistomyia Hardy, 1986
- Alinia Antropov, 1993
- Alinotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Alioranus Simon, 1926
- Alipes Imhoff, 1854
- Alisalia Casey, 1911
- Alismobates Luxton, 1992
- Alisotrichia Flint, 1964
- Alistra Thorell, 1894
- Alitropus H. Milne-Edwards, 1840
- Aliulus Causey, 1950
- Aljassa Brescovit, 1997
- Alkowdiella Stys, 2002
- Allacompsus Kleine, 1921
- Allacrotelsa Silvestri, 1935
- Allactaea Williams, 1974
- Allaeometrus Senna, 1903
- Allagelena Zhang, Zhu & Song, 2006
- Allagogus Gahan, 1909
- Allagrapha Franclemont, 1964
- Allajulus Koch, 1847
- Allandrus LeConte, 1876
- Allanthalia
- Allantus Jurine, 1807
- Allarete
- Allarithmus Attems, 1933
- Allaxiopsis Sakai, 2011
- Allaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Alleloplasis Waterhouse, 1839
- Allenanicia
- Allende Alvarez-Padilla, 2007
- Allenhyphes Hofmann and Sartori, 1999
- Allerastria Brown, 1987
- Allicella Chevreux, 1899
- Alliea Yunker, 1960
- Alliocera Saunders, 1845
- Alliophleps Becker, 1908
- Alliopsis
- Alloaepytus Viette, 1951
- Alloanthura Kensley, 1980A
- Allobelba Kunst, 1961
- Allobiosis Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Alloblackburneus Bordat, 2009
- Allobopyrus Bourdon, 1983A
- Allobracon Gahan, 1915
- Allobroma Duffels, 2011
- Allobrox Fletcher, 1928
- Allobunus Hickman, 1958
- Allocader Drake, 1950
- Allocaeculus Franz, 1952
- Allocalvolia Fain and Rack, 1987
- Allocapnia Claassen, 1928
- Allocara Bergroth, 1894
- Allochernes Beier, 1932
- Allochorema Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Allochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992
- Allococalodes Wanless, 1982
- Allocosa Banks, 1900
- Allocosmoecus Banks, 1943
- Allocotidus Muesebeck, 1963
- Allocotocera
- Allocrangonyx Schellenberg, 1936
- Allocyclosa Levi, 1999
- Allodamaeus Banks, 1947
- Allodape Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
- Allodapinus Hedicke, 1923
- Allodapula Cockerell, 1934
- Allodardanus Haig & Provenzano, 1965
- Allodecta Bryant, 1950
- Allodessus Guignot, 1953
- Allodia
- Allodiopsis
- Allodioxys Popov, 1947
- Allodiplophryxus Markham, 1985
- Allodromia
- Alloecella Banks, 1939
- Alloecentrella Wise, 1958
- Alloecentrellodes Flint, 1979
- Alloeocranum Reuter, 1881
- Alloeoderes Drake, 1961
- Alloeohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Alloeoleucon Watling and McCann, 1997
- Alloeomyia Hardy, 1986
- Alloeopagurodes Komai, 1998
- Alloeorhynchus Fieber, 1860
- Alloformica Dlussky, 1969
- Allogalathea Baba, 1969
- Allogalumna Grandjean, 1936
- Allogamasellus Athias-Henriot, 1961
- Allogamus Schmid, 1955
- Allogaussia Schellenberg, 1926
- Allognosta Osten Sacken, 1883
- Allogorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Allograpta
- Allohelea
- Alloiodites Reichensperger, 1939
- Alloiothucha Drake, 1927
- Allojapyx Silvestri, 1948
- Allokepon Markham, 1982
- Allokermes Bullington and Kosztarab, 1985
- Allokoenenia Silvestri, 1913
- Allomantispa Liu, Wu, Winterton and Ohl in Liu et al., 2015
- Allomelita Stock, 1984
- Allomengea Strand, 1912
- Allomerus Mayr, 1878
- Allomethus
- Allomicythus Ono, 2009
- Allomunida Baba, 1988
- Allomycobates Aoki, 1976
- Allomyella Malloch, 1923
- Allomyia Banks, 1916
- Alloneda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1979
- Allonemobius Hebard, 1913
- Allonicoletia Mendes, 1992
- Alloniscus Dana, 1854
- Allonothrus Hammen, 1953
- Allonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Allopachria Zimmermann, 1924
- Allopauropus Silvestri, 1902
- Alloperla Banks, 1906
- Allopetalia Selys, 1873
- Allopeza Bergroth, 1912
- Allophorocera Hendel, 1901
- Allopiophila
- Alloplitis Nixon, 1965
- Allopocockia Brolemann, 1913
- Allopoda LeConte, 1866
- Allopodagrion Förster, 1910
- Allopodops Harris and Johnston, 1936
- Allopogonia Cockerell, 1906
- Allopontonia Bruce, 1972
- Allorbimorphus Bourdon, 1976A
- Allorchestes Dana, 1849
- Alloretochus Sun and McCafferty, 2008
- Allorhinocoris Reuter, 1876
- Allorostrata Winkler, 1994
- Alloschizidium Verhoeff, 1919
- Alloschizotaenia Brölemann, 1909
- Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909
- Allosergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008
- Allosmaitia Clench, 1964
- Allostemma Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Allostigmus Melo and Naumann, 1999
- Allosuctobelba Moritz, 1970
- Allotanais Shiino, 1979
- Alloteleia Kieffer, 1917
- Allotexiweckelia Holsinger, 1980
- Allothele Tucker, 1920
- Allothereua Verhoeff, 1905
- Allothrips Hood, 1908
- Allothymoites Ono, 2007
- Allothyrus Van der Hammen, 1961
- Allotingis Drake, 1930
- Allotiso Tanasevitch, 1990
- Allotria Hübner, 1823
- Allotrichoma
- Allotrimium Park, 1943
- Allotrochosina Roewer, 1960
- Allotropa Förster, 1856
- Alloweckelia Holsinger and Peck, 1968
- Alloxaea Ascher, Engel and Griswold, 2006
- Alloxycorynus Voss, 1957
- Allozelotes Yin & Peng, 1998
- Allozetes Berlese, 1913
- Alluaudomyia
- Alluropus Silvestri, 1911
- Almafuerte Grismado & Carrión, 2017
- Almargella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Almodes Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Almuerzothyas Goldschmidt & Gerecke, 2003
- Almyracuma N. S. Jones and Burbanck, 1959
- Alniphagus Swaine, 1918
- Alocandrena Michener, 1986
- Alocha Melichar, 1926
- Alocobisium Beier, 1952
- Alocodesmus Silvestri, 1896
- Aloconota Thomson, 1858
- Alofa Herring, 1976
- Aloha Kirkaldy, 1904
- Aloiloi J. L. Barnard, 1970
- Alona Baird, 1850
- Alonella G. O. Sars, 1862
- Alonopsis G. O. Sars, 1862
- Alope White, 1847
- Alopecosa Simon, 1885
- Alopecuroceras Lindner, 1936
- Alosternida Podany, 1961
- Alotanypus Roback, 1971
- Alpagut Kryak, 1995
- Alpaida O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889
- Alpazia Özdikmen and Kury, 2006
- Alpheopsis Coutière, 1896
- Alphesiboea Schmidt, 1932
- Alpheus Fabricius, 1798
- Alphitobius
- Alphomelon Mason, 1981
- Alpioniscus Racovitza, 1908
- Alpiscorpius Gantenbein, Fet, Largiadèr and Scholl, 1999
- Alsangelisca Ito, 1984
- Alsophila Hübner, 1825
- Altekon Fennah, 1975
- Altelatipes Crosnier & Vereshchaka, 2008
- Altella Simon, 1884
- Altellopsis Simon, 1905
- Alternochelata Kornicker, 1958
- Alteutha Baird, 1845
- Althaeus Bridwell, 1946
- Althanus Lewis, 1903
- Althepus Thorell, 1898
- Althos Kirkaldy, 1904
- Altica Geoffroy, 1762
- Alticuma Day, 1978
- Altiverruca Pilsbry, 1916
- Altopontonia Bruce, 1990
- Alumeda Popov, 1989
- Alurnus Fabricius, 1775
- Alveotingis Osborn and Drake, 1916
- Alvilla Stål, 1874
- Alvinocaridinides Komai & Chan, 2010
- Alvinocaris A. B. Williams & Chace, 1982
- Alycosmesis Grandjean, 1939
- Alycus C. L. Koch, 1842
- Alydus Fabricius, 1803
- Alypia Hübner, 1818
- Alypiodes Grote, 1883
- Alysia Latreille, 1804
- Alysson Panzer, 1806
- Amaclardea Muir, 1931
- Amakusanthura Nunomura, 1977
- Amallothrix G. O. Sars, 1925
- Amaloxenops Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1958
- Amalus Schönherr, 1825
- Amannus LeConte, 1858
- Amansiella Khaustov and Eidelberg, 2001
- Amapala Melichar, 1914
- Amapalea Silva & Lise, 2006
- Amara Bonelli, 1810
- Amarochara Thomson, 1858
- Amarodytes Régimbart, 1900
- Amartus LeConte, 1861
- Amarucoptes Haitlinger, 2001
- Amarygmus
- Amaryllis Haswell, 1880
- Amathillopsis Heller, 1875
- Amathimysis Brattegard, 1969
- Amathomyia
- Amatiguakius Coleman and J. L. Barnard, 1991
- Amatiquakius Coleman & Barnard, 1991
- Amatola Lawrence, 1931
- Amatorculus Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005
- Amaurobioides O. P.-Cambridge, 1883
- Amaurobius C. L. Koch, 1837
- Amaurochelifer Beier, 1951
- Amaurochrous Stål, 1872
- Amauroclopius Stål, 1868
- Amauromyza
- Amauropelma Raven, Stumkat & Gray, 2001
- Amazonacarus Vázquez, Araújo and Feres, 2014
- Amazonentulus Yin, 1989
- Amazonepeira Levi, 1989
- Amazoneura Machado, 2004
- Amazoniscus Lemos de Castro, 1967
- Amazoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Amazoromus Brescovit & Höfer, 1994
- Ambarcader Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ambarvalia Distant, 1917
- Ambasia Boeck, 1871
- Ambasiella Schellenberg, 1935
- Ambasiopsis K. L. Barnard, 1931
- Ambastus Stål, 1872
- Ambengana Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Amberiana Distant, 1911
- Amberobyrsa Heiss, 2009
- Ambiaxiopsis Komai, 2011
- Ambiaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Ambicholestes Just, 1998
- Ambicodamus Harvey, 1995
- Ambidexter Manning & Chace, 1971
- Ambigonalia
- Ambilobea Villiers, 1971
- Ambilohylla Haitlinger, 1990
- Amblispa Baly, 1858
- Amblonoxia Reitter, 1902
- Amblopusa Casey, 1893
- Amblyaspis Förster, 1856
- Amblycephalon Pillai, 1954
- Amblycerus Thunberg, 1815
- Amblycheila Say, 1830
- Amblycorypha Stål, 1873
- Amblycoryphenes
- Amblycotis Stål, 1853
- Amblyderus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Amblygnathus Dejean, 1829
- Amblyolpium E. Simon, 1898
- Amblyomia Stål, 1870
- Amblyomma Koch, 1844
- Amblyonychus
- Amblyopone Erichson, 1842
- Amblyops G. O. Sars, 1872
- Amblyopsoides O. Tattersall, 1955
- Amblyothele Simon, 1910
- Amblypalpus Mitrofanov and Strunkova, 1978
- Amblypelta Stål, 1873
- Amblyscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Amblyscirtes Scudder, 1872
- Amblysterna Saunders, 1871
- Amblystira Stål, 1873
- Amblythyreus Westwood, 1842
- Amblytropidia Stål, 1873
- Amblytylus Fieber, 1858
- Ambocythere van den Bold, 1957
- Ambohima Griswold, 1990
- Amboinophela Haitlinger, 1993
- Amboleberis Kornicker, 1981
- Ambostracon Hazel, 1962
- Ambotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Ambounia Dollfus, 1895
- Ambragaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Ambrinemesa Villiers, 1971
- Ambrocharis Sicard, 1909
- Ambrosiodmus Hopkins, 1915
- Ambrosiophilus Hulcr and Cognato, 2009
- Ambrysus Stål, 1861
- Ambtonia Malz, 1982
- Ambulantactus Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Ambunguipes Huys, 1990
- Ambycysta Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Amedissia Kirejtshuk and Mantic, 2015
- Ameenocoris Ahmad and Moizuddin, 1990
- Ameghinoia Viana & Haedo Rossi, 1957
- Amegilla Friese, 1897
- Ameira Boeck, 1864
- Ameiropsis G. O. Sars, 1907
- Ameletus Eaton, 1885
- Ameliotes Por, 1969
- Amemboa Esaki, 1925
- Amemboides J. Polhemus and Andersen, 1984
- Amenophia Boeck, 1864
- Ameractis Causey, 1959
- Ameranoetus Ide and Mahunka, 1978
- Amercaenis Provonsha and McCafferty, 1985
- Amercedes Casey, 1894
- Americabaetis Kluge, 1992
- Americamysis Price, Heard and L. Stuck, 1994
- Americhelidium Bousfield and Chevrier, 1996
- Americhernes Muchmore, 1976
- Americina Malloch, 1923
- Americobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1972
- Americocreagris B. Curcic, 1982
- Americodema Henry, 2000
- Americorchestia Bousfield, 1991
- Americorophium Bousfield and P. M. Hoover, 1997
- Ameridion Wunderlich, 1995
- Amerigoniscus Vandel, 1950
- Amerinus Casey, 1884
- Amerioppia Hammer, 1961
- Amerismus Lacordaire, 1865
- Amerizus Chaudoir, 1868
- Amerobelba Berlese, 1908
- Amerocroce Mansell, 1983
- Ameroculodes Bousfield and Chevrier, 1996
- Ameroduvalius Valentine, 1952
- Amerohelea
- Amerolaophontina Fiers, 1991
- Ameromyia Banks, 1913
- Ameronothrus Berlese, 1896
- Ameropterus Esben-Petersen, 1922
- Ameroseiella Bregetova, 1977
- Ameroseius Berlese, 1904
- Amerothyasella Smith & Cook, 1999
- Amerus Berlese, 1896
- Amesopous Stebbing, 1905
- Ametadoria Townsend, 1927
- Ametastegia Costa, 1882
- Ametor Semenow, 1900
- Ametris Hübner, 1822
- Ametrodiplosis
- Ametroproctus Higgins & Woolley, 1968
- Ametropus Albarda, 1878
- Amhyadesia Fain and Ganning, 1979
- Ami Pérez-Miles, 2008
- Amiana Dyar, 1904
- Amiculus Dégallier and Bello, 2008
- Amida Lewis, 1896
- Amigdoscalpellum Zevina, 1978
- Amintinus Anonymous, 1939
- Amiocentrus Ross, 1938
- Amiota
- Amischa Thomson, 1858
- Amissus Stål, 1863
- Amitermes Silvestri, 1901
- Amitus Haldeman, 1850
- Ammatomus A. Costa, 1859
- Ammianus Distant, 1903
- Ammobaenetes Hubbell, 1936
- Ammobates Latreille, 1809
- Ammobatoides Radoszkowski, 1867
- Ammogarypus Beier, 1962
- Ammonaios
- Ammonius Thorell, 1899
- Ammopelmatus Rentz and Weissman, 1965
- Ammophila W. Kirby, 1798
- Ammophorus
- Ammoplanellus Gussakovskij, 1931
- Ammoplanops Gussakovskij, 1931
- Ammoplanus Giraud, 1869
- Ammopsen Krombein, 1959
- Ammostigmus Antropov, 2010
- Ammostyphrus Reichardt, 1924
- Ammothea Leach, 1814
- Ammothella Verrill, 1900
- Ammotrecha Banks, 1900
- Ammotrechelis Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechella Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechesta Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechinus Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechula Roewer, 1934
- Ammoxenus Simon, 1893
- Amnemochthonius Grandjean, 1949
- Amnestus Dallas, 1851
- Amniscus Dejean, 1835
- Amobaeus Kleine, 1925
- Amobia
- Amoea Lefèbvre, 1842
- Amolita Grote, 1874
- Amonardia Lang, 1948
- Amorbus Dallas, 1852
- Amorpha Hübner, 1809
- Amorphocephala Damoiseau, 1966
- Amorphococcus Green, 1902
- Amotus Casey, 1888
- Ampelisca Krøyer, 1842
- Ampelisciphotis Pirlot, 1938
- Ampeloglypter LeConte, 1876
- Amphaces Dallas, 1851
- Amphasia Newman, 1838
- Amphelasma Barber, 1947
- Amphelictogon Chamberlin, 1918
- Ampheremus Fall, 1917
- Amphiagrion Selys, 1876
- Amphialycus Zachvatkin, 1949
- Amphiareus Distant, 1904
- Amphiascoides Nicholls, 1941
- Amphiascopsis Gurney, 1927
- Amphiascus G. O. Sars, 1905
- Amphibetaeus Coutière, 1896
- Amphibiperita Fiers and Rutledge, 1990
- Amphibolips Reinhard, 1865
- Amphibolus Klug, 1830
- Amphicerus LeConte, 1861
- Amphichorema Schmid, 1989
- Amphicnephes
- Amphicordus Heller, 1913
- Amphicosmoecus Schmid, 1955
- Amphicosmus
- Amphicrossus Huys, 1991
- Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843
- Amphicypris Sars, 1901
- Amphideutopus J. L. Barnard, 1959
- Amphidraus Simon, 1900
- Amphientulus Tuxen, 1981
- Amphigerontia Kolbe, 1880
- Amphilecta Brauer, 1882
- Amphiledorus Jocqué & Bosmans, 2001
- Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926
- Amphilochoides Sars, 1895
- Amphilochopsis Stephensen, 1925
- Amphilochus Bate, 1862
- Amphimallon Latreille, 1825
- Amphinecta Simon, 1898
- Amphinemura Ris, 1902
- Amphion Hübner, 1819
- Amphionides Zimmer, 1904
- Amphipauropus Scheller, 1984
- Amphipoea Billberg, 1820
- Amphipontonia Bruce, 1991
- Amphipopon
- Amphiporeia Shoemaker, 1929
- Amphipsalta Fleming, 1969
- Amphipsyche McLachlan, 1872
- Amphipteryx Selys, 1853
- Amphipyra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Amphisopus Nicholls, 1926
- Amphithetobrentus Damoiseau, 1963
- Amphithoides Kossmann, 1880
- Amphitholina Ruffo, 1953
- Amphithopsis Boeck, 1861
- Amphithyrus Claus, 1879
- Amphitornus McNeill, 1897
- Amphizoa LeConte, 1853
- Amphoroidea H. Milne-Edwards, 1840
- Amphoroidella Baker, 1908
- Amphoropsyche Holzenthal, 1985
- Amphotis Erichson, 1843
- Amphycyrta Erichson, 1843
- Amphylaeus Michener, 1965
- Ampithoe Leach, 1814
- Amplinus Attems, 1898
- Ampsalis Walker, 1859
- Ampulex Jurine, 1807
- Ampullobates Grandjean, 1962
- Ampumixis Sanderson, 1954
- Amputoearinus Sharkey, 2006
- Amsaria Adisoemarto, 1974
- Amuletta Wilson & Thistle, 1985
- Amulius Stål, 1866
- Amurodytes Fery and Petrov, 2013
- Amusia Tullgren, 1910
- Amyciaea Simon, 1885
- Amycus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Amydetes Hoffmannsegg in Illiger, 1807
- Amydropa Reitter, 1877
- Amygdalops Lamb
- Amygdonia Schouteden, 1938
- Amyna Guenée, 1852
- Amynothrips O'Neill, 1968
- Amyssonotum Horvath, 1919
- Amythra Spaeth, 1913
- Amyzanoetus Fain, 1976
- Anaballus Blanchard, 1849
- Anabittacus Kimmins, 1929
- Anabolia Stephens, 1837
- Anabrus Haldeman, 1852
- Anacaena Thomson, 1859
- Anacalliax de Saint Laurent, 1973
- Anacanthella Macquart, 1855
- Anacanthesancus Miller, 1955
- Anacanthiocnemis Reuter, 1882
- Anacanthopus Montandon, 1894
- Anacassis Spaeth, 1913
- Anacentrinus Buchanan, 1932
- Anacepon Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1931
- Anacerilocus Miller, 1957
- Anaceros Lawrence, 1959
- Anacestra Hsiao, 1964
- Anacharis Dalman, 1823
- Anachemmis Chamberlin, 1919
- Anachipteria Grandjean, 1932
- Anachlorocurtis Hayashi, 1975
- Anachyra van Achterberg, 1995
- Anacimas
- Anaclileia
- Anaclubiona Ono, 2010
- Anacornia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Anacrabro Packard, 1866
- Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909
- Anacrunoecia Mosely, 1949
- Anactorus Damoiseau, 1967
- Anacyptus Horn, 1877
- Anadasynus China, 1934
- Anadenobolus Silvestri, 1897
- Anadrilus Kirsch, 1875
- Anaea Hübner, 1819
- Anagapetus Ross, 1938
- Anagarypus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Anaglymma Lewis, 1894
- Anagrapha McDunnough, 1944
- Anagraphis Simon, 1893
- Anagrina Berland, 1920
- Anagrus Haliday, 1833
- Anahita Karsch, 1879
- Anahuacia Hoffmann, 1963
- Anajapyx Silvestri, 1903
- Anakelisia Wagner, 1963
- Anakingia Hammer, 1961
- Analamyctes Chamberlin, 1955
- Analanca Miller, 1955
- Analcoceroides Hollis, 1962
- Analcocerus Loew, 1855
- Analeptura Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Analetris Edmunds, 1972
- Anallacrotelsa Mendes, 1996
- Analysson Krombein, 1985
- Anamaera Thomas and Barnard, 1985
- Anambodera Barr, 1974
- Aname L. Koch, 1873
- Anametis Horn, 1876
- Anamixis Stebbing, 1897
- Anamoera
- Anamorphus LeConte, 1878
- Anamota Silhavý, 1979
- Anampyx Damoiseau, 1963
- Ananca Fairmaire and Germain, 1863
- Anandromesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Ananeon Richardson, 2013
- Ananesiotes Kleine, 1922
- Anansi Benavides & Hormiga, 2017
- Anansia Lehtinen, 1981
- Anansus Huber, 2007
- Ananteris Thorell, 1891
- Ananteroides Borelli, 1911
- Ananthidium Urban, 1991
- Ananthura Barnard, 1925
- Anapagrides de Saint Laurent-Dechancé, 1966
- Anapagurus Henderson, 1886
- Anapausis
- Anaperochernes Beier, 1964
- Anaphiloscia Racovitza, 1907
- Anaphothrips Uzel, 1895
- Anapis Simon, 1895
- Anapisona Gertsch, 1941
- Anapistes Summers and Schuster, 1982
- Anapistula Gertsch, 1941
- Anaplectoides McDunnough, 1929
- Anapleus Horn, 1873
- Anapogonia Simon, 1905
- Anapontonia Bruce, 1966
- Anaprixia Mason, 1991
- Anapronoe Stephensen, 1925
- Anapsaltoda Ashton, 1921
- Anaptomecus Simon, 1903
- Anaptus Kerzhner, 1968
- Anapus Stål, 1858
- Anaraiorrhinus Damoiseau, 1987
- Anarchaea Rix, 2006
- Anarete
- Anaretella
- Anargemus Lindner, 1965
- Anarrhotus Simon, 1902
- Anarrup Chamberlin, 1920
- Anarta Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Anarthrura G. O. Sars, 1882
- Anarthruropsis Lang, 1968
- Anartia Hübner, 1819
- Anasa Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Anasaitis Bryant, 1950
- Anascirtothrips Bhatti, 1961
- Anasimus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Anaspis Geoffroy, 1762
- Anastatus Motschulsky, 1860
- Anastoechus
- Anastrangalia Casey, 1924
- Anastrepha Schiner, 1868
- Anastrephoides Hendel, 1927
- Anastrus Hübner, 1824
- Anasynodites Reichensperger, 1935
- Anatanais Nordenstam, 1930
- Anatea Berland, 1927
- Anatella
- Anatemnus Beier, 1932
- Anathelges Bonnier, 1900
- Anatheta Casey, 1910
- Anathix Franclemont, 1937
- Anathracophaga
- Anatis Mulsant, 1846
- Anatolidion Wunderlich, 2008
- Anatoliscus Verhoeff, 1949
- Anatoliurus Parmakelis et al., 2022
- Anatopynia Johannsen, 1905
- Anatralata Munroe, 1961
- Anatrichis LeConte, 1853
- Anatrytone Dyar, 1905
- Anatya Kirby, 1889
- Anatylus
- Anaulacodithella Beier, 1944
- Anaulacus W. McLeay, 1825
- Anaurus Simon, 1900
- Anavinemina Rindge, 1964
- Anavitrinella McDunnough, 1922
- Anax Leach, 1815
- Anaxibia Thorell, 1898
- Anaxipha Saussure, 1874
- Ancepitilobus Richardson, 2016
- Anchastus
- Anchiacanthonevra Hardy, 1986
- Anchialella
- Anchialina Norman and Scott, 1906
- Anchialocaris Mejía-Ortíz, Yañez & López-Mejía, 2017
- Anchiarthrus Markham, 1992
- Anchicolurus Stebbing, 1912
- Anchicubaris Collinge, 1920
- Anchidelphax Fennah, 1965
- Anchieta Navás, 1909
- Anchigarypus Harvey in Harvey, Hillyer, Carvajal and Huey, 2020
- Anchiopontonia Bruce, 1992
- Anchiphiloscia Stebbing, 1908
- Anchiphimedia K. H. Barnard, 1930
- Anchisteus Kolbe, 1883
- Anchistioides Paul'son, 1875
- Anchistrocheles Brady and Norman, 1889
- Anchistropus G. O. Sars, 1862
- Anchistus Borradaile, 1898
- Anchitelus Van Dyke, 1936
- Anchitrichia Flint, 1970
- Anchodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Anchognatha Thorell, 1881
- Anchomenus Bonelli, 1810
- Anchonastus Simon, 1898
- Anchonoderus Reiche, 1843
- Anchonus Schönherr, 1825
- Anchorius Casey, 1900
- Anchycteis Horn, 1880
- Anchylarthron Brendel, 1887
- Anchylomera Milne-Edwards, 1830
- Anchytarsus Guérin-Méneville, 1843
- Ancinus H. Milne Edwards, 1840
- Ancistrochelifer Beier, 1951
- Ancistronycha Märkel, 1852
- Ancistroplax Waterston, 1929
- Ancognatha Erichson, 1847
- Ancohenia Kornicker, 1976
- Anconia Scudder, 1876
- Ancoracarus Takahashi, Misumi and Takahashi, 2012
- Ancyla Lepeletier, 1841
- Ancylandrena Cockerell, 1930
- Ancylobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Ancylocaris Schenkel, 1902
- Ancylocera Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Ancylocheles Haig, 1978
- Ancylodiplosis
- Ancylomenes Okuno & Bruce, 2010
- Ancylometes Bertkau, 1880
- Ancyloscelis Latreille, 1829
- Ancylotrypa Simon, 1889
- Ancyloxypha C. Felder, 1863
- Ancyranoetus Fain and Santiago-Blay, 1993
- Ancyridris Wheeler, 1935
- Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847
- Ancystropus Kolenati, 1856
- Andaeschna De Marmels, 1994
- Andalgalomacarus Goff and Whitaker, 1984
- Andamancalliax Sakai, 2011
- Andaniella Sars, 1895
- Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906
- Andaniopsis Sars, 1895
- Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897
- Andaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Andasta Simon, 1895
- Andeabatis Nielsen & Robinson, 1983
- Andenoniscus Verhoeff, 1951
- Anderemaeus Hammer, 1958
- Andersenella J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Andersenius Zettel and Chen, 1996
- Andesamerus Hammer, 1962
- Andesipolis Whitfield and Choi, 2004
- Andethele Coyle, 1995
- Andevocassis Spaeth, 1924
- Andex Sharp, 1882
- Andinagrion Bulla, 1973
- Andinaugochlora Eickwort, 1969
- Andinentulus Tuxen, 1984
- Andinopanurgus Gonzalez and Engel, 2011
- Andocaeculus Coineau, 1974
- Andogyrus Ochs, 1924
- Andoharano Lehtinen, 1967
- Andonectes Guéorguiev, 1971
- Andrallus Bergroth, 1905
- Andrena Fabricius, 1775
- Andrenosoma
- Andrevella Southcott, 1961
- Andricophiloscia Vandel, 1973
- Andricus Hartig, 1840
- Andriscus Stål, 1876
- Androchorema Flint, 1979
- Androclus Stål, 1863
- Androctonus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Androdeloscia Leistikow, 1999
- Andrognathia Sieg, 1983
- Andrognathus Cope, 1869
- Androloma Grote, 1873
- Androlyperus Crotch, 1873
- Andromma Simon, 1893
- Androniscus Verhoeff, 1908
- Andropolia Grote, 1895
- Androtanais Sieg, 1976
- Androya Spaeth, 1911
- Andrzej Slipinski, 2007
- Aneaporia Casey, 1908
- Anectadius Kieffer, 1905
- Anectopia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Aneflomorpha Casey, 1912
- Aneflus LeConte, 1873
- Anegleis Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Anelaphus Linsley, 1936
- Anelasma Darwin, 1851
- Anelasmopus
- Anelastes
- Anelosimus Simon, 1891
- Anelpistina Silvestri, 1905
- Anelpistus Horn, 1870
- Anelus Cook, 1911
- Anemesia Pocock, 1895
- Aneorhachis Kleine, 1923
- Anepeorus McDunnough, 1925
- Anephiasca Athias-Henriot, 1969
- Aneplasa Tucker, 1923
- Anepsiomorpha Spaeth, 1913
- Anepsion Strand, 1929
- Anepsiotes Kleine, 1917
- Anepsiozomus Harvey, 2001
- Anergates Forel, 1874
- Aneuidellana Asche, 1988
- Aneuides Fennah, 1969
- Aneuretellus Dlussky, 1988
- Aneuretus Emery, 1893
- Aneurobaeus Kieffer, 1912
- Aneurobracon Brues, 1930
- Aneurocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aneurops Sharp, 1900
- Aneuroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Aneurus Curtis, 1825
- Aneuterapus Reichensperger, 1958
- Anevrina
- Anexaireta Woodley, 1995
- Angaeus Thorell, 1881
- Angamiana Distant, 1890
- Angaribia Barnard, 1932
- Angaronecta Popov, 1971
- Angelogelasinus Ito, 1984
- Angilia Stål, 1865
- Angilovelia Andersen, 1981
- Anginopachria Wewalka, Balke and Hendrich, 2001
- Angiocader Drake, 1950
- Angka Raven & Schwendinger, 1995
- Angkapauropus Scheller, 2011
- Angliera Chappuis & Delamare, 1952
- Angolotingis Drake, 1955
- Angolusa Drake, 1958
- Anguliphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Angullozetes Hammer, 1967
- Angulochterus Yao, Zhang and Ren in Yao et al., 2011
- Angulorostrum Kornicker, 1981
- Angulosaccus Reinhard, 1944
- Anguloscalpellum Zevina, 1978
- Angulostiria Poole, 1995
- Angusta Wang and Cong, 2024
- Angustia Sellers, 1943
- Anharpyrhynchus Fain, 1972
- Anhimella McDunnough, 1943
- Anhomoeus Hsiao, 1963
- Anhypotrix Lafontaine, Ferris and Walsh, 2010
- Aniatrus Brennan and Jones, 1961
- Anibontes Chamberlin, 1924
- Anicia
- Anicius Chamberlin, 1925
- Anicla Grote, 1874
- Aniculus Dana, 1852
- Anidiops Pocock, 1897
- Anidrytus Gerstaecker, 1858
- Anillaspis Casey, 1918
- Anillidris Santschi, 1936
- Anillinus Casey, 1918
- Anillodes Jeannel, 1963
- Anillomyrma Emery, 1913
- Anilocra Leach, 1818
- Animoceradocus
- Animomyia Dyar, 1908
- Anirama Kozlov, 1970
- Anisacate Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Anisaedus Simon, 1893
- Anisagrion Selys, 1876
- Anisandrus Ferrari, 1867
- Anisarthrus Giard, 1907
- Anisaspis Simon, 1891
- Anisaspoides F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Anischys Dallas, 1851
- Anisembia Krauss, 1911
- Anisentomon Yin, 1977
- Anisia Wulp, 1890
- Anisocentropus McLachlan, 1863
- Anisochalepus Uhmann, 1940
- Anisodactylus Dejean, 1829
- Anisodera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Anisoditha J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Anisogammarus Derzhavin, 1927
- Anisogamodes Martynov, 1924
- Anisogamus McLachlan, 1874
- Anisoiphimedia Karaman, 1980
- Anisolabis Fieber, 1853
- Anisolemnia Crotch, 1874
- Anisomenaeus Bruce, 2010
- Anisomorpha Gray, 1835
- Anisomysis Hansen, 1910
- Anisopagurus McLaughlin, 1981
- Anisopheidole Forel, 1914
- Anisopilothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Anisops Spinola, 1837
- Anisopus
- Anisorbione Bourdon, 1981D
- Anisorcus Crotch, 1874
- Anisorhizobius Hofmann, 1970
- Anisoscapus McFadden, 1970
- Anisoscelis Latreille, 1829
- Anisostena Weise, 1910
- Anisosticta Dejean, 1836
- Anisota Hübner, 1820
- Anisotoma Panzer, 1797
- Anitra Casey, 1894
- Aniulus Chamberlin, 1940
- Anjouanella Baert, 1986
- Ankaratridium Paulian de Felice, 1950
- Ankaratrix Lawrence, 1959
- Ankelothyas Besch, 1964
- Ankleineella Zimmerman, 1994
- Ankonophallus Zaragoza and Navarrete, 2014
- Ankothrips D. L. Crawford, 1909
- Ankylacantha Lindner, 1955
- Ankylocythere Hart, 1962
- Ankylomyrma Bolton, 1973
- Ankylonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Annandaleum Newman and Ross, 1971
- Annandaliella Hirst, 1909
- Annaphila Grote, 1873
- Annapolis Millidge, 1984
- Annazomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Anneckella Chappuis & Delamare, 1957
- Annectacarus Grandjean, 1950
- Annegialia Howden, 1971
- Annerossella Habeeb, 1966
- Annettella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Annina Budde-Lund, 1908
- Annitella Klapalek, 1907
- Annobodillo Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1983
- Annobonzetes Pérez-Íñigo, 1983
- Anoamyia Lindner, 1935
- Anobiopsis Fall, 1905
- Anobium Fabricius, 1775
- Anoblepsis Engel and Bennett, 2008
- Anocamara Kleine, 1920
- Anocha
- Anochetus Mayr, 1861
- Anodocheilus Babington, 1841
- Anodonthobius Matic, 1983
- Anodoration Millidge, 1991
- Anoediceros Pirlot, 1932
- Anoetoglyphus Oudemans, 1927
- Anoetus Dujardin, 1842
- Anogdus LeConte, 1866
- Anokopsis Bauab & Soares, 1980
- Anolisimyia
- Anomala Samouelle, 1819
- Anomalacanthimyia Woodley, 2001
- Anomalacra Casey, 1915
- Anomalaspis Brennan, 1952
- Anomalempis
- Anomalobittacus Kimmins, 1928
- Anomalobuthus Kraepelin, 1900
- Anomalocera Templeton, 1837
- Anomalochrysa McLachlan, 1883
- Anomalococcus Green, 1902
- Anomalocosmoecus Schmid, 1957
- Anomalogalumna Ermilov & Martens, 2021
- Anomalohalacarus Newell, 1949
- Anomalohimalaya Hoogstraal, Kaiser and Mitchell, 1970
- Anomalomma Simon, 1890
- Anomalomyrma Taylor, 1990
- Anomalopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Anomalophlebia Belle, 1995
- Anomaloplectron Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Anomaloppia Subías, 1978
- Anomalopsyche Flint, 1967
- Anomalopterygella Fischer, 1966
- Anomalosa Roewer, 1960
- Anomalothir Miers, 1879
- Anombrocheir Buckett & Gardner, 1969
- Anomis Hübner, 1821
- Anomisma McLachlan, 1877
- Anommatelmis Spangler, 1981
- Anommatocoris China, 1945
- Anommatus Wesmael, 1835
- Anomobrenthus Fairmaire, 1881
- Anomoea Agassiz, 1847
- Anomoeomunida Baba, 1993
- Anomognathus Solier, 1849
- Anomoia Walker, 1835
- Anomophryxus Shiino, 1937
- Anomopsocus Roesler, 1940
- Anonychocheirus
- Anonychomyrma Donisthorpe, 1947
- Anonyx Krøyer, 1838
- Anopedias Förster, 1856
- Anopercalna Boulard, 2008
- Anopheles Meigen, 1818
- Anophtaeletes Olexa, 1976
- Anophthalmaxius De Man, 1905
- Anophthalmoonops Benoit, 1976
- Anopisthocrania Lindner, 1935
- Anopliomorpha Linsley, 1936
- Anoplius Dufour, 1834
- Anoplocerus Kiritshenko, 1926
- Anoplocheylus Berlese, 1910
- Anoplocnemis Stål, 1873
- Anoplocopea Racovitza, 1908A
- Anoplocurius Fisher, 1920
- Anoplodactylus Wilson, 1878
- Anoploderma Guérin-Méneville, 1840
- Anoplodonta James, 1936
- Anoplognatho Rivers, 1888
- Anoplolepis Santschi, 1914
- Anoplomus Bezzi, 1913
- Anoplonida Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1996
- Anoplophora Hope, 1839
- Anoploscelus Pocock, 1897
- Anoplosoma G. O. Sars, 1911
- Anoplotermes Mueller, 1873
- Anoplozetes Lee & Pajak, 1987
- Anopsicus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938
- Anopsilana Paulian & Delamare-Deboutteville, 1956
- Anopsobiella Attems, 1938
- Anopsobius Silvestri, 1899
- Anopsolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Anoripoda Sellnick, 1959
- Anoropallene Stock, 1956
- Anorostoma
- Anortalia Weise, 1902
- Anorthodes Smith, 1891
- Anorus LeConte, 1859
- Anoteropsis L. Koch, 1878
- Anotheorus Blackburn, 1877
- Anotylus Thomson, 1859
- Anoxynops Townsend, 1927
- Ansiea Lehtinen, 2005
- Ansienulina Wesolowska, 2015
- Antabhoga Distant, 1912
- Antanambecoris Brailovsky, 2001
- Antanambeus Villiers, 1948
- Antankaria Distant, 1904
- Antarcticodomus Brookes, 1951
- Antarcticola Wallwork, 1967
- Antarctoecia Ulmer, 1907
- Antarctogeneia Thurston, 1974
- Antarctomysis Coutière, 1906
- Antarctonomus Chaudoir, 1861
- Antarctophorus Potapov, 1992
- Antarctophthirus Enderlein, 1906
- Antarctozetes Balogh, 1961
- Antarcturus zur Strassen, 1902
- Antarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Antatelson J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Antecaridina Edmondson, 1954
- Antecerococcus
- Antelientomon Yin, 1974
- Antennocheles Lindquist and Moraza, 2014
- Antennolaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Antennoleon New, 1985
- Antennoseius Berlese, 1916
- Antennuloniscus Menzies, 1962
- Antennulosignum Nordenstam, 1933
- Anteos Hübner, 1819
- Antepione Packard, 1876
- Antepirrhoe Warren, 1905
- Anterastria Sugi, 1982
- Anteris Förster, 1856
- Anteromorpha Dodd, 1913
- Anthalia
- Anthanassa Scudder, 1875
- Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829
- Anthelephila Hope, 1833
- Anthelura Norman & Stebbing, 1886
- Anthepiscopus
- Antheraea Hübner, 1819
- Antherophagus Dejean, 1821
- Anthessius Della Valle, 1880
- Anthicus Paykull, 1798
- Anthidiellum Cockerell, 1904
- Anthidioma Pasteels, 1984
- Anthidium Fabricius, 1804
- Anthocharis Boisduval, Rambur, [Duméril] and Graslin, 1833
- Anthocoris Fallén, 1814
- Anthodioctes Holmberg, 1903
- Anthomuda Schultz, 1979
- Anthomyia
- Anthomyiopsis Townsend, 1916
- Anthomyza
- Anthonaeus Horn, 1879
- Anthonomopsis Dietz, 1891
- Anthonomus Germar, 1817
- Anthonyon Huggert & Masner, 1983
- Anthophora Latreille, 1803
- Anthophorula Cockerell, 1897
- Anthophylax LeConte, 1850
- Anthopotamus McCafferty and Bae, 1990
- Anthosoma Leach, 1816
- Anthrax
- Anthrenochernes Lohmander, 1939
- Anthrenoides Ducke, 1907
- Anthrenus O. F. Müller, 1764
- Anthribicheyla Thewke, 1980
- Anthribus Geoffroy, 1762
- Anthrobia Tellkampf, 1844
- Anthrodillo Verhoeff, 1946
- Anthrohoekia De la Cruz and Daniel, 1994
- Anthura Leach, 1814
- Anthylla Stål, 1876
- Antiagrion Ris, 1904
- Antianthe
- Antiblemma Hübner, 1821
- Antiboreodiosaccus Lang, 1948
- Anticarsia Hübner, 1818
- Antichaeta
- Antichthonidris Snelling, 1975
- Antichtopauropus Scheller, 2010
- Anticlea Stephens, 1831
- Antidorcasia Kensley, 1971
- Antidryas Asche, 1998
- Antidythemis Kirby, 1889
- Antigonus Hübner, 1819
- Antihepialus Janse, 1942
- Antilissus Sharp, 1879
- Antillattus Bryant, 1943
- Antillauropus Remy, 1958
- Antillea Higgins, 1959
- Antillena Bertani, Huff & Fukushima, 2017
- Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963
- Antillesia Humes, 1958
- Antillimunida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Antilliscaris Bänninger, 1949
- Antillobisium Dumitresco and Orghidan, 1977
- Antillochernes Muchmore, 1984
- Antillocladius
- Antillocoris Kirkaldy, 1904
- Antillodesmus Chamberlin, 1918
- Antillognatha Bryant, 1945
- Antillolpium Muchmore, 1991
- Antillopsyche Banks, 1941
- Antillorena Jocqué, 1991
- Antillostenochrus Armas and Teruel, 2002
- Antillothrips Stannard, 1957
- Antillotrecha Armas, 1994
- Antineda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Antiopula Bergroth, 1863
- Antiopuloides Miller, 1952
- Antipetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Antiphoides Rindge, 1990
- Antiplecta Warren, 1900
- Antipodoecia Mosely, 1934
- Antiporus Sharp, 1882
- Antisophira Hardy, 1974
- Antispila Hübner, 1825
- Antissa Walker, 1854
- Antissella White, 1914
- Antistea Simon, 1898
- Antistrophus Walsh, 1869
- Antliarhinus Schoenherr, 1823
- Antocha Osten Sacken, 1859
- Antomartinezius Fritz, 1955
- Antonaria Jacoby and Clavareau, 1905
- Antongila Roewer, 1931
- Antongilibodes Fernández, Theron, Leiva, Rollard & Tiedt, 2014
- Antongilus Gomy, 1969
- Antonina Signoret, 1875
- Antoonops Fannes & Jocqué, 2008
- Antopocerus Hardy, 1965
- Antoxya Munro, 1957
- Antricola Cooley and Kohls, 1942
- Antridiscalceatus Rossi, 2018
- Antrodiaetus Ausserer, 1871
- Antrogonodesmus Hoffman, 1959
- Antrohyphantes Dumitrescu, 1971
- Antrolana Bowman, 1964
- Antromysis Creaser, 1936
- Antronicippe Stock & Iliffe, 1990
- Antroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Anurapteryx Hampson, 1918
- Anuretes Heller, 1865
- Anurida Laboulbene, 1865
- Anuridella Willem, 1906
- Anuroctonus Pocock, 1893
- Anurogryllus Saussure, 1877
- Anurophorus Nicolet, 1842
- Anuropodione Bourdon, 1967
- Anuropus Beddard, 1886
- Anuvinda Lehtinen, 1967
- Anycteola Barnes and Benjamin, 1929
- Anyphaena Sundevall, 1833
- Anyphaenoides Berland, 1913
- Anyphops Benoit, 1968
- Anysrius Harvey, 1998
- Anystipalpus Berlese, 1911
- Anystis von Heyden, 1826
- Anyttus Stål, 1865
- Anzacia Dalmas, 1919
- Aokiella Balogh & Mahunka, 1967
- Aon Neumögen, 1892
- Aonidiella Berlese and Leonardi, 1895
- Aops Volschenk and Prendini, 2008
- Aora Krøyer, 1845
- Aoraia Dumbleton, 1966
- Aorangia Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aorcho
- Aorchoides
- Aorella
- Aoroides Walker, 1898
- Aorphallus Zaragoza and Gutiérrez, 2018
- Aoteapsyche McFarlane, 1976
- Aotearoa Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Aoteasalda Larivière and Larochelle, 2016
- Aoyuanus Ding and Chen in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Apacheiulus Loomis, 1968
- Apachekolos
- Apachemiris Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Apagobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Apagodiplosis
- Apallates
- Apalocnemis
- Apalonia Casey, 1906
- Apalotacarus Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Apamea Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Apanisagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Apanteles Foerster, 1863
- Apantesis Walker, 1855
- Apanthura Stebbing, 1900
- Apanthuroides Menzies & Glynn, 1968
- Apanthuropsis Poore & Lew Ton, 1985B
- Apastillus Kirejtshuk and Mantic, 2015
- Apatania Kolenati, 1848
- Apataniana Mosely, 1936
- Apatanodes Navás, 1934
- Apate Fabricius, 1775
- Apateticus Dallas, 1851
- Apatidelia Mosely, 1942
- Apatides Casey, 1898
- Apatochernes Beier, 1948
- Apatolestes
- Apechtia Reuter, 1881
- Apedilum Townes, 1945
- Apegus Förster, 1856
- Apeltastes Howden, 1968
- Apemosphaera Bruce, 1994A
- Apenes LeConte, 1851
- Apeplopoda Watson, 1980
- Aperittochelifer Beier, 1955
- Apetasimus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Aphaenogaster Mayr, 1853
- Aphaniosoma Becker
- Aphanister Reichensperger, 1933
- Aphanisticus Latreille, 1829
- Aphanodactylus Tesch, 1918
- Aphanodomus C. B. Wilson, 1924
- Aphanogmus Thomson, 1858
- Aphanomerella Dodd, 1913
- Aphanomerus Perkins, 1905
- Aphanotrigonum
- Aphantaulax Simon, 1878
- Aphantochilus O. P.-Cambridge, 1870
- Apharus Reitter, 1882
- Aphelacarus Grandjean, 1932
- Aphelagathis Sharkey, 2015
- Aphelampyx Quentin, 1966
- Aphelidesmus Brolemann, 1898
- Aphelinus Dalman, 1820
- Aphelocheirus Westwood, 1833
- Aphelolpium Hoff, 1964
- Aphelonecta Lansbury, 1965
- Aphelonyx Mayr, 1881
- Apheloria Chamberlin, 1921
- Aphelosternus Wenzel in Arnett, 1962
- Aphelotingis Drake, 1948
- Aphelotoma Westwood, 1841
- Aphenolia Reitter, 1884
- Apherusa Walker, 1891
- Apheviderulix Gerecke, Smith & Cook, 1999
- Aphidecta Weise, 1893
- Aphidius Nees von Esenbeck, 1819
- Aphidoletes
- Aphilanthops Patton, 1881
- Aphileta Hull, 1920
- Aphilodon Silvestri, 1898
- Aphilorheithrus Mosely, 1936
- Aphiloscia Budde-Lund, 1908
- Aphirape C. L. Koch, 1850
- Aphis
- Aphlebocoris Handlirsch, 1908
- Aphleboderrhis Stål, 1860
- Aphodanoetus Bongers, OConnor and Lukoschus, 1985
- Aphodiplosis
- Aphodius Illiger, 1798
- Aphoebantus
- Aphomomyrmex Emery, 1899
- Aphonocoris Miller, 1950
- Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901
- Aphonus LeConte, 1856
- Aphorista Gorham, 1873
- Aphotaenius Cartwright, 1952
- Aphotopontius Humes, 1987
- Aphrania Jordan and Rothschild, 1912
- Aphrastochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1962
- Aphrastomyia
- Aphrastus Say, 1831
- Aphria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aphrissa Butler, 1873
- Aphrophora Germar, 1821
- Aphrosylus Haliday, 1851
- Aphrovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1988
- Aphthona Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Aphylla Selys, 1854
- Apianthidium Pasteels, 1969
- Apicrenus Maldonado, Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1993
- Apiculonia Wang, 1990
- Apidaurus Stål, 1870
- Apiloscatopse
- Apimela Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Apiocera
- Apiomerus Hahn, 1831
- Apion Herbst, 1797
- Apis Linnaeus, 1758
- Apistobuthus Finnegan, 1932
- Aplanodes Fennah, 1965
- Aplatissa Viette, 1953
- Aplatyphylax Kimmins, 1950
- Aplectoides Butler, 1878
- Apleurus Chevrolat, 1873
- Aplocera Stephens, 1827
- Aploderus Stephens, 1833
- Aplodontophila Wrenn and Maser, 1981
- Aplogompha Warren, 1897
- Aplomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aplomyopsis Townsend, 1927
- Apneumonella Fage, 1921
- Apoavga van Achterberg, 1995
- Apobaetis Day, 1955
- Apobaeus Masner, 1964
- Apobletes Marseul, 1860
- Apobletodes Desbordes, 1918
- Apobrata Miller, 2004
- Apocaligonellidus Fan and Chen, 2008
- Apocaucus Distant, 1909
- Apocedria van Achterberg and Chen, 2004
- Apocellus Erichson, 1839
- Apocemus Calabresi, 1921
- Apocephalus
- Apocepon Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1930
- Apocheiridium J. C. Chamberlin, 1924
- Apochinomma Pavesi, 1881
- Apochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Apocorophium Bousfield and P. M. Hoover, 1997
- Apocrisias Franclemont, 1966
- Apocuma Jones, 1973
- Apocyclops Lindberg, 1942
- Apodemia C. Felder and R. Felder, 1865
- Apodemodex Bukva, 1996
- Apoderus Olivier, 1807
- Apodicheles Fain, 1979
- Apodisyringiana Skoracki, 2005
- Apodisyringophilus Skoracki and OConnor, 2010
- Apodopsyllus Kunz, 1962
- Apodrassodes Vellard, 1924
- Apodrassus Chamberlin, 1916
- Apodrepanulatrix Rindge, 1949
- Apogeophilus Silvestri, 1905
- Apohya Muchmore, 1973
- Apokayana Huber, 2018
- Apolania Simon, 1898
- Apoleon Gorham, 1885
- Apolephthisa
- Apolethon
- Apolinus Pope and Lawrence, 1990
- Apollophanes O. P.-Cambridge, 1898
- Apolochus P. M. Hoover and Bousfield, 2001
- Apolonia Torres and Braga, 1938
- Apolpium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Apolysis
- Apomastus Bond & Opell, 2002
- Apomecyna Latreille, 1829
- Apomerantzia Q.-H. Fan and Y. Chen, 2005
- Apometriocnemus
- Apomyrma Brown, Gotwald & Levieux, 1971
- Aponephus Booth, 1991
- Aponwaopterus García and Jiménez-Ramos, 2019
- Apophrixus Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1931
- Apoplophora Aoki, 1980
- Apopontonia Bruce, 1976
- Apopyllus Platnick & Shadab, 1984
- Aporhina Boisduval, 1835
- Aporobopyrina Shiino, 1934
- Aporobopyroides Nobili, 1906C
- Aporobopyrus Nobili, 1906
- Aporocassida Spaeth, 1952
- Aporochelifer Beier, 1953
- Aporodesminus Silvestri, 1904
- Aposigalphus van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Aposopsyllus
- Apostenus Westring, 1851
- Aposthonia Krauss, 1911
- Apote Scudder, 1897
- Apotomaspis Lindner, 1972
- Apotomocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Apotrepus Casey, 1892
- Apotrigona Moure, 1961
- Apotritia Norton & Lions, 1992
- Apozomus Harvey, 1992
- Apozyx Mason, 1978
- Appalachia Rehn and Rehn, 1936
- Appaleptoneta Platnick, 1986
- Appasus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Aprepolestes Stål, 1868
- Apricia Richardson, 2016
- Aprifrontalia Oi, 1960
- Aprionus
- Apristus Chaudoir, 1846
- Aproida Pascoe, 1863
- Apronius Stål, 1865
- Aprosphylosoma Hoffman, 1961
- Aprostocetus Westwood, 1833
- Aprusia Simon, 1893
- Apsaphida Franclemont, 1973
- Apsectrotanypus
- Apsectus LeConte, 1854
- Apseudella Lang, 1968
- Apseudes Leach, 1814
- Apseudomorpha Miller, 1940
- Apseudoscymnus Hoang, 1984
- Apsilocephala
- Apsilochorema Ulmer, 1907
- Apsilops Förster, 1868
- Aptenopedes Scudder, 1877
- Apterachalcus Bickel, 1991
- Apterobittacus MacLachlan, 1893
- Apterocis Perkins, 1900
- Apterocyclus Waterhouse, 1871
- Apteroloma Hatch, 1927
- Apteromechus Faust, 1896
- Apteromyia
- Apteropanorpa Carpenter, 1941
- Apteroperla Matsumura, 1931
- Apteroreduvius Villiers, 1975
- Apteroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Apterostigma Mayr, 1865
- Apterothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Apterourus Loomis, 1966
- Apterygothrips Priesner, 1933
- Aptilotus
- Aptinocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aptinothrips Haliday, 1836
- Aptostichus Simon, 1891
- Apulvillus Malloch
- Apunguis Chamberlin, 1947
- Apyretina Strand, 1929
- Apyrrothrix Lindsey, 1921
- Apystomyia
- Aqaballianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Aquanothrus Engelbrecht, 1975
- Aquarius Schellenberg, 1800
- Aquatica Fu, Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2010
- Aquilonia Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Aquulavelia Thirumalai, 1999
- Arabanthura Kensley & Reid, 1984
- Arabapolonia Stekolnikov, Carranza and Gomez-Diaz, 2012
- Arabelia Bosselaers, 2009
- Arabiconida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Arabigebicula Sakai, 2006
- Arabiopsis
- Aracanthus Say, 1831
- Arachnidomyia
- Arachnis Geyer, 1837
- Arachnochium Wowor & Ng, 2010
- Arachnomura Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Arachnomysis Chun, 1887
- Arachnopsis Stimpson, 1871
- Arachnotermes Mello-Leitão, 1928
- Arachnura Vinson, 1863
- Arachnyssus Ma Liming, 2002
- Arachosia O. P.-Cambridge, 1882
- Arachosinella Denis, 1958
- Aracus Thorell, 1887
- Aradelloides Malipatil, 1983
- Aradellus Westwood, 1874
- Aradomorpha Champion, 1899
- Aradophagus Ashmead, 1893
- Aradus Fabricius, 1803
- Araecerus Schoenherr, 1823
- Araegeus Simon, 1901
- Araeoderes Schaeffer, 1906
- Araeodontia Barr, 1952
- Araeoncus Simon, 1884
- Araeopidius Cockerell, 1906
- Araeopteron Hampson, 1893
- Araeopus Spinola, 1839
- Arafurapenaeopsis Sakai & Shinomiya, 2011
- Aragnomus Horn, 1876
- Aragualna Champanhet, Boulard and Gaiani, 2000
- Araguita González-Sponga, 1987
- Araiobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Araiopontonia Fujino & Miyake, 1970
- Araiorrhinus Senna, 1893
- Araiya Ramirez, 2003
- Aralius Kuschel, 1990
- Arandisa Lawrence, 1938
- Araneaster Hesse, 1925
- Araneotanna Özdikmen & Kury, 2006
- Araneus Clerck, 1757
- Arangina Lehtinen, 1967
- Araniella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Aranoethra Butler, 1873
- Araphocoris Miller, 1954
- Araphura Bird and Holdich, 1984
- Araptus Eichhoff, 1878
- Arasia Simon, 1901
- Aratus H. Milne Edwards, 1853
- Araucaleon Banks, 1938
- Araucania Chamberlin, 1956
- Araucanobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1973
- Araucariocladus Silveira and Mermudes, 2017
- Araucastigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Arauchemus Ott & Brescovit, 2012
- Araucoscia Verhoeff, 1939
- Arawacus Kaye, 1904
- Arawana Leng, 1908
- Arballurops Gamo, 1983
- Arbanitis L. Koch, 1874
- Arbasus Roewer, 1935
- Arbolister Mazur, 1990
- Arboribelba Miko, 2021
- Arborichthonius Norton, 1982
- Arcangeloscia Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Arcanobisium Zaragoza, 2010
- Arcantivelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Arceremaeus Hammer, 1961
- Arcesius Stål, 1863
- Archaeatya F. Villalobos, 1960
- Archaebranchinecta Rogers and Coronel in Rogers, 2019
- Archaeoaenetus Simonsen, 2018
- Archaeoananteroides Lourenço in Lourenço and Velten, 2016
- Archaeobemlos
- Archaeobuthus Lourenço, 2001
- Archaeocroton Barker and Burger, 2018
- Archaeocuma Bacescu, 1972
- Archaeodictyna Caporiacco, 1928
- Archaeoditomotarsus Faúndez, Carvajal and Rider, 2014
- Archaeogomphus Williamson, 1919
- Archaeomysis Czerniavsky, 1882
- Archaeophylax Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Archaeopodagrion Kennedy, 1939
- Archaeopone Dlussky, 1975
- Archaeoptilomera Zettel, 2009
- Archaeorhyssalus Engel, 2016
- Archaeoroncus B. Curcic, Dimitrijevic, T. Rada, Makarov and Ilic, 2012
- Archaeoscelio Brues, 1940
- Archaeoscia Vandel, 1973
- Archaeoscina
- Archaeoscorpiops Lourenço, 2015
- Archaeoteleia Masner, 1968
- Archaesalepta Grimaldi and Engel in Grimaldi et al., 2013
- Archanara Walker, 1866
- Archaphidus Starý and Schlinger, 1967
- Archaraeoncus Tanasevitch, 1987
- Archarias Dejean, 1821
- Archegleis Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1984
- Archegocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Archegozetes Grandjean, 1931
- Archeoglenes
- Archeonothrus Trägårdh, 1906
- Archepandemis Mutuura, 1978
- Archephedrus Ortega-Blanco, Bennett, Delclòs and Engel, 2009
- Archepopovia Golub, 2001
- Archeremella Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Archethopolys Chamberlin, 1925
- Archiboreoiulus Brolemann, 1921
- Archiconchoecemma Chavtur, 2003
- Archiconchoecerra Chavtur, 2003
- Archiconchoecetta Chavtur, 2003
- Archiconchoecia G. W. Müller, 1894
- Archiconchoecilla Chavtur, 2003
- Archiconchoecinna Chavtur, 2003
- Archiconchoecissa Chavtur, 2003
- Archiearis Hübner, 1823
- Archilagarinus Enderlein, 1932
- Archileptastacus Huys, 1992
- Archileptocera
- Archilestes Selys, 1862
- Archilestidium Breddin, 1900
- Archilestris
- Archimimus
- Archimyrmex Cockerell, 1923
- Archimyza Enderlein, 1921
- Archinotodelphys Lang, 1949
- Archipines Strohecker, 1953
- Archipirata Simon, 1898
- Archiponera Carpenter, 1930
- Archipraon Starý, 1973
- Archips Hübner, 1822
- Archipsocopsis Badonnel, 1948
- Archipsocus Hagen, 1882
- Archirhoe Herbulot, 1951
- Archisenia Huys and Gee, 1993
- Archisotoma Linnaniemi, 1912
- Archistratiomys Enderlein, 1913
- Archisynarsis Szabó, 1973
- Archithremma Martynov, 1935
- Architis Simon, 1898
- Archodontes Lameere, 1903
- Archoleptoneta Gertsch, 1974
- Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910
- Archoplophora Hammen, 1959
- Archytas Jaennicke, 1867
- Arcifrons Ding and Yang in Ding et al., 1986
- Arcitalitrus Hurley, 1975
- Arcobara Walker, 1863
- Arcochthonius Schatz, 2021
- Arcofaciella Fennah, 1956
- Arcofacies Muir, 1915
- Arcophilus Chamberlin, 1943
- Arcoppia Hammer, 1977
- Arcoscalpellum Hoek, 1907
- Arcozetes Hammer, 1958
- Arctella Holm, 1945
- Arcterigone Eskov & Marusik, 1994
- Arctia Schrank, 1802
- Arctides Holthuis, 1960
- Arctobius Lehtinen, 1967
- Arctobyrrhus Münster, 1902
- Arctoconopa
- Arctocorisa Wallengren, 1894
- Arctocyclopina Mohammed and Neuhof, 1985
- Arctodiamesa
- Arctodiaptomus Kiefer, 1932
- Arctodium Burmeister, 1844
- Arctogeophilus Attems, 1909
- Arctolembos Myers, 1979
- Arctonotus Boisduval, 1852
- Arctopelopia
- Arctopiophila
- Arctopleustes Gurjanova, 1972
- Arctopontius G. O. Sars, 1915
- Arctopora Thomson, 1891
- Arctopsis Barnard, 1920
- Arctopsyche McLachlan, 1868
- Arctorhagidia Zacharda, 1980
- Arctorthezia
- Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847
- Arctoseiodes Willmann, 1949
- Arctoseius Thor, 1930
- Arctosippa Roewer, 1955
- Arctosomma Roewer, 1960
- Arctostaphylocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Arctotanais Sieg, 1980
- Arcturella G. O. Sars, 1897
- Arcturides Studer, 1901
- Arcturina Koehler, 1911
- Arcturinella Poisson & Maury, 1931
- Arcturinoides Kensley, 1977
- Arcturopsis Koehler, 1911
- Arcturus Latreille, 1829
- Arcuaplectron New, 1985
- Arcuavena Woodley, 1995
- Arculfia
- Arcuphantes Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943
- Arcynopteryx Klapálek, 1904
- Arcystasia Distant, 1882
- Ardistomis Putzeys, 1846
- Arebius Chamberlin, 1916
- Arefbea Jessop, 1983
- Arenaeocoris Blinn, 2012
- Arenaeus Dana, 1851
- Arenallianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Arenasella Schmidt, 1932
- Arenigena
- Arenita Huber & Carvalho, 2019
- Arenivaga Rehn, 1903
- Arenobius Chamberlin, 1912
- Arenocaris Nicholls, 1935
- Arenocoris Hahn, 1834
- Arenolaophonte Lang, 1965
- Arenophilus Chamberlin, 1912
- Arenopontia Kunz, 1937
- Arenopsaltria Ashton, 1921
- Arenosetella C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Arenozetes Krivolutsky, 1971
- Areopaguristes Rahayu & McLaughlin, 2010
- Areopraon Mackauer, 1959
- Areozetes Hammer, 1961
- Arescus Perty, 1832
- Arete Stimpson, 1860
- Arethaea Stål, 1876
- Aretopsis De Man, 1910
- Arfaka Distant, 1905
- Arganotus Silhavý, 1977
- Argas Latreille, 1796
- Argathona Stebbing, 1905
- Arge Schrank, 1802
- Argeia Dana, 1852
- Argeiopsis Kensley, 1974
- Argenna Thorell, 1870
- Argennina Gertsch & Mulaik, 1936
- Argenta Granara de Willink in Granara de Willink et al., 2023
- Argentinacarus Goff and Gettinger, 1995
- Argentipilosa Gordon and Almeida, 1991
- Argentoleon Stange, 1994
- Argentostiria Poole, 1995
- Argestes G. O. Sars, 1910
- Argia Rambur, 1842
- Argiacris Hebard, 1918
- Argilloecia G. O. Sars, 1866
- Argillophora Grote, 1873
- Argiope Audouin, 1826
- Argis Krøyer, 1842
- Argissa Boeck, 1871
- Argistes Simon, 1897
- Argitis Yunker and Saunders, 1973
- Argoctenus L. Koch, 1878
- Argogorytes Ashmead, 1899
- Argopistes Motschulsky, 1860
- Argoravinia
- Argosadalia Vandenberg, 2019
- Argulus Müller, 1785
- Argyra
- Argyrobrithes Grunberg, 1915
- Argyrocoris Van Duzee, 1912
- Argyrodella Saaristo, 2006
- Argyrodes Simon, 1864
- Argyrogramma Hübner, 1823
- Argyroneta Latreille, 1804
- Argyrophylax Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Argyrostrotis Hübner, 1821
- Argyrothemis Ris, 1909
- Arhagidia Lindquist and Zacharda, 1987
- Arhaphe Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Arhina Budde-Lund, 1904
- Arhinobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Arhodeoporus Newell, 1947
- Arhopalus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Arhysoceble Moure, 1948
- Arhysosage Brèthes, 1922
- Arhyssus Stål, 1870
- Ariadna Audouin, 1826
- Ariamnes Thorell, 1869
- Arianops Brendel, 1893
- Ariasa Distant, 1905
- Aribates Aoki, Takaku & Ito, 1994
- Aridella Saaristo, 2002
- Aridonevra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Arietellus Giesbrecht, 1892
- Arigomphus Needham, 1897
- Arigorytes Rohwer, 1912
- Arilus Hahn, 1831
- Arinolus Chamberlin, 1940
- Arioge Stål, 1867
- Ariotus Casey, 1895
- Ariphanarthra Moure, 1951
- Aripoa Fennah, 1945
- Aristaeomorpha Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
- Aristaeopsis Wood-Mason, 1891
- Aristaria Guenée, 1854
- Aristathlus Bergroth, 1913
- Aristeus Duvernoy, 1840
- Aristias Boeck, 1871
- Aristiopsis J. L. Barnard, 1961
- Aristobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Aristomorphus Lewis, 1913
- Ariston O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Aristonister Dégallier, 1998
- Aritaerius Kovarik and Tishechkin, 2004
- Arizonacritus Gomy and Warner, 2013
- Arkansobius Chamberlin, 1938
- Arkys Walckenaer, 1837
- Armadillidium Brandt, 1833
- Armadillo Dumeril, 1816
- Armadilloniscus Uljanin, 1875
- Armania Dlussky, 1983
- Armaniella Dlussky, 1983
- Armases Abele, 1992
- Armatobalanus
- Armigeres Theobald, 1901
- Armilargulus Stehlík and Jindra, 2007
- Armstrongocoris Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Armstrongula Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Arnapa Huber, 2019
- Arnoldita Pate, 1948
- Arnoliseus Braul, 2002
- Arocha Simon, 1893
- Arochoides Mello-Leitão, 1935
- Aroliagorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Arolus Chamberlin, 1922
- Arorathrips Bhatti, 1990
- Arotis Mabille, 1904
- Arotrobates Luxton, 1992
- Aroui Chevreux, 1911
- Arpactophilus F. Smith, 1863
- Arpediothrips Hood, 1927
- Arphia Stål, 1873
- Arractocetus Kurosawa, 1985
- Arraphosoma Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Arrenodes Schoenherr, 1823
- Arrenurus Dugès, 1834
- Arrhenoseius Walter and Lindquist, 2000
- Arrhinactia Townsend, 1927
- Arrhinopsis Stappers, 1911
- Arrhis Stebbing, 1906
- Arrhopalites Börner, 1906
- Arrilpecoris Malipatil, 1988
- Arrunsithiana Haitlinger, 1991
- Arrup Chamberlin, 1912
- Arsapnia Banks, 1897
- Artabrus Simon, 1902
- Artacarus Cook, 1899
- Artema Walckenaer, 1837
- Artemesia Spence Bate, 1888
- Artemia Leach, 1819
- Artemiopsis G. O. Sars, 1897
- Artemita Walker, 1854
- Artemitomima James, 1948
- Artesia Holsinger, 1980
- Arteurotia Butler and H. Druce, 1872
- Artheneis Spinola, 1837
- Arthmius LeConte, 1849
- Arthrhoplophora Berlese, 1910
- Arthria
- Arthroceras
- Arthrocnodax
- Arthrodamaeus Grandjean, 1954
- Arthrolips Wollaston, 1854
- Arthromacra
- Arthromysis Colosi, 1924
- Arthronemina Lindner, 1980
- Arthropeas
- Arthrophryxus H. Richardson, 1908
- Arthroplea Bengtsson, 1908
- Arthrorhabdus Pocock, 1891
- Arthrovertex Balogh, 1970
- Arthrura Kudinova-Pasternak, 1966
- Arthurhumesia Bresciani and Lopez-Gonzalaz, 2001
- Arthuricornua Conroy-Dalton, 2001
- Articullichirus Poore, Dworschak & Schnabel, 2022
- Artifex Kallal & Hormiga, 2018
- Artipus Sahlberg, 1823
- Artonis Simon, 1895
- Artopoles Barnard, 1920
- Artoria Thorell, 1877
- Artoriellula Roewer, 1960
- Artoriopsis Framenau, 2007
- Artotrogus Boeck, 1859
- Artystone Schioedte, 1866
- Aruana Strand, 1911
- Aruattus Logunov & Azakina, 2008
- Arubolana Botosaneanu & Stock, 1979
- Aruga Holmes, 1908
- Arugella Pirlot, 1936
- Arugisa Walker, 1865
- Arulla Suzuki, 1969
- Arunta Distant, 1904
- Arushia Drake, 1951
- Arushina Caporiacco, 1947
- Arvechambus Causey, 1963
- Arvelius Spinola, 1840
- Asadipus Simon, 1897
- Asagena Sundevall, 1833
- Asahaya Schmid, 1991
- Asamangulia Maulik, 1915
- Asanada Meinert, 1886
- Asanadopsis Würmli, 1972
- Asaphidion des Gozis, 1886
- Asaphobelis Simon, 1902
- Asaphomyia
- Asaracus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Asbolis Mabille, 1904
- Asca von Heyden, 1826
- Ascalapha Hübner, 1809
- Ascalaphomerus Walker, 1852
- Ascalobyas Penny, 1981
- Ascaloptynx Banks, 1915
- Ascalorphne Banks, 1915
- Asceloconchaspis Williams, 1992
- Ascetocythere Hart, 1962
- Ascetomylla Kethley, 1970
- Ascetophantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Ascetotrephes J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2003
- Asceua Thorell, 1887
- Aschema Jocqué, 1991
- Aschistocoris Bergroth, 1909
- Ascia Scopoli, 1777
- Ascidicola Thorell, 1859
- Ascidioxynus Humes and Stock, 1972
- Ascidonia Fransen, 2002
- Asciodema Reuter, 1878
- Ascioplaga Neboiss, 1984
- Asclepios Distant, 1915
- Asclera Stephens, 1839
- Ascomyzon Thorell, 1859
- Ascorhynchus G. O. Sars, 1877
- Ascoschoengastia Ewing, 1948
- Ascothorax Djakonov, 1914
- Ascotrichia Flint, 1983
- Ascurisoma Strand, 1928
- Ascuta Forster, 1956
- Ascyltus Karsch, 1878
- Aselas Barnard, 1934
- Asellopsis Brady and Robertson, 1873
- Asellus Geoffroy, 1764
- Asemesthes Simon, 1887
- Asemonea O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1869
- Asemoplus Scudder, 1897
- Asemostera Simon, 1898
- Asemum Eschscholtz, 1830
- Aseptis McDunnough, 1937
- Ashantina Kertesz, 1914
- Asheum
- Ashlockaria Harrington, 1980
- Ashlockhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Ashmeadiella Cockerell, 1897
- Ashmira Mosely, 1939
- Ashtabula Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Ashtonia Vandel, 1973
- Asiabadus Roewer, 1961
- Asianellus Logunov & Heciak, 1996
- Asiarcha Stål, 1870
- Asiaster Cooman, 1948
- Asiceratinops Eskov, 1992
- Asilus
- Asimoneura Czerny, 1909
- Asindulum
- Asiocoris Tomokuni and Cai, 2002
- Asiohahnia Ovtchinnikov, 1992
- Asiomorpha Verhoeff, 1939
- Asiophantes Eskov, 1993
- Asioplax Wiersema and McCafferty, 2000
- Asiopsocus Günther, 1968
- Asiraca Latreille, 1796
- Asiracemus Asche, 1988
- Asiracina Melichar, 1912
- Aslamidium Borowiec, 1984
- Asmea Gray & Smith, 2008
- Asmicridea Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Asobara Förster, 1862
- Asolenus Lewis, 1906
- Asotana Schioedte & Meinert, 1881
- Aspartimas Woodley, 1995
- Aspathines Champion, 1888
- Asperagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Asperala Lambkin, 1986
- Asperemaeus Behan-Pelletier, 1982
- Asperolaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Asperotingis Péricart, 2000
- Asperthorax Oi, 1960
- Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842
- Asphinctanilloides Brandao, Diniz, Agosti & Delabie, 1999
- Asphinctopone Santschi, 1914
- Asphondylia
- Aspidacantha Kertesz, 1916
- Aspidacanthina Lindner, 1966
- Aspidelmis Delève, 1954
- Aspidiella
- Aspidimerus Mulsant, 1850
- Aspidimorpha Hope, 1840
- Aspidiotus Bouche, 1833
- Aspidispa Baly, 1869
- Aspidoconcha de Vos, 1953
- Aspidoglossa Putzeys, 1846
- Aspidolasius Simon, 1887
- Aspidolister Bickhardt, 1920
- Aspidomolgus Humes, 1969
- Aspidoniscus Menzies & Schultz, 1968
- Aspidopleres Porat, 1893
- Aspidosmia Brauns, 1926
- Aspilodemon Fischer, 1966
- Aspilosterna Stål, 1873
- Aspiodiotus
- Aspisoma Laporte, 1833
- Aspisomoides Zaragoza, 1995
- Aspistes
- Aspitates Treitschke, 1825
- Asprothrips J. C. Crawford, 1938
- Aspurochelifer Benedict and Malcolm, 1979
- Asseclamyia Reinhard, 1956
- Astacilla Cordiner, 1793
- Astacoides Guérin-Méneville, 1839
- Astacopsis Huxley, 1879
- Astacus Fabricius, 1775
- Astalione Markham, 1975A
- Astalotesia Ferguson, A. Blanchard and Knudson, 1983
- Astata Latreille, 1797
- Astavakra Lehtinen, 1967
- Astegistes Hull, 1916
- Asteia Meigen
- Asteliamiris Schwartz and Polhemus, 1999
- Astenophylina Mosely, 1936
- Asterix Mazur, 1993
- Asteriza Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Asterocampa Röber, 1916
- Asterocheres Boeck, 1859
- Asterochernes Beier, 1955
- Asterodiaspis Signoret, 1877
- Asterolecanium Targioni Tozzetti, 1868
- Asteromyia
- Asteron Jocqué, 1991
- Asterope Philippi, 1840
- Asteropella Poulsen, 1965
- Asteropteron Skogsberg, 1920
- Asteropterygion Kornicker, 1981
- Asthenargellus Caporiacco, 1949
- Asthenargoides Eskov, 1993
- Asthenargus Simon & Fage, 1922
- Asthenesita Casey, 1893
- Asthenocoris Usinger, 1938
- Asthenoctenus Simon, 1897
- Astia L. Koch, 1879
- Astictoneura
- Astigmapraon Tian and Chen, 2017
- Astilodes Zabka, 2009
- Astinus Stål, 1859
- Astiosoma
- Astolphos Distant, 1904
- Astraptes Hübner, 1819
- Astraptor Murray, 1868
- Astratodina Mosely, 1936
- Astromula Chemsak and Linsley, 1965
- Astrophanes
- Astrurus Beddard, 1886
- Astygiton Berg, 1884
- Astylidius Casey, 1913
- Astylopsis Casey, 1913
- Astyra Boeck, 1871
- Astyroides Birstein & Vinogradova, 1960
- Asygyna Agnarsson, 2006
- Asymmetricata Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Asymmetrione Codreanu, Codreanu and Pike, 1965
- Asymphylomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Asynapta
- Asynarchus McLachlan, 1880
- Asyncritula Strand, 1929
- Asyndetus
- Atacta Schiner, 1868
- Atactopsis Townsend, 1917
- Ataeniopsis Petrovitz, 1973
- Ataenius Harold, 1867
- Ataenogera
- Ataktopauropus Scheller in Scheller and Barratt, 2012
- Atalantycha Kazantsev, 2005
- Atalopedes Scudder, 1872
- Atalotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Atanatolica Mosely, 1936
- Atarba Osten-sacken, 1869
- Atarbolana Bruce & Javed, 1987
- Atarsacheylus Thewke, 1980
- Ataxia Haldeman, 1847
- Atelecyclus
- Ateledera Lacordaire, 1845
- Ateledrosophila Hardy, 1965
- Atelepalme Brennan and Reed, 1973
- Atelidea Simon, 1895
- Ateloglossa Coquillett, 1899
- Atelolathys Simon, 1892
- Ateloplus Scudder, 1894
- Atelurius Simon, 1901
- Atemnus Canestrini, 1884
- Atenophthalmus Kleine, 1920
- Atergatis De Haan, 1833
- Aterigena Bolzern, Hänggi & Burckhardt, 2010
- Atethobius Chamberlin, 1915
- Ateuchus Weber, 1801
- Athamas O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877
- Athanas Leach, 1814
- Athanopsis Coutière, 1897
- Athaumastus Mayr, 1865
- Atheas Champion, 1898
- Athelges Hesse, 1861
- Atherigona
- Atherix Meigen, 1803
- Atherochernes Beier, 1954
- Athesapeuta Faust, 1894
- Athestia Melichar, 1914
- Atheta Thomson, 1858
- Athetis Hübner, 1821
- Athiasella Lee, 1973
- Athiashenriotis Özdikmen, 2008
- Athienemannia Viets, 1920
- Athleticatemnus Beier, 1979
- Athogavia Haitlinger, 1989
- Atholus C. Thomson, 1859
- Athomalus Mazur, 1993
- Athripsodes Billberg, 1820
- Athrostictus Bates, 1878
- Athrycia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Athyrma Hübner, 1823
- Athyroglossa
- Atimia Haldeman, 1847
- Atinus Horn, 1868
- Atisne Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Atissa Haliday, 1837
- Atlantapseudes Bacescu, 1978
- Atlantasellus Sket, 1979
- Atlantea Higgins, 1959
- Atlanterythrops Nouvel and Lagardère, 1976
- Atlanticus Scudder, 1894
- Atlantocuma Bacescu and Muradian, 1974
- Atlantoniscus Vandel, 1959
- Atlantopandalus Komai, 1999
- Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti, 1981
- Atlantoserolis Wagele, 1994
- Atlantotrichus Vandel, 1958
- Atlides Hübner, 1819
- Atmetochilus Simon, 1887
- Atomaria Stephens, 1829
- Atomoscelis Reuter, 1875
- Atomosia
- Atomosphyrus Simon, 1902
- Atoniomyia
- Atopetholus Chamberlin, 1918
- Atopobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Atopochthonius Grandjean, 1949
- Atopomacer Kuschel, 1989
- Atopomyrmex Andre, 1889
- Atopophlebia Flowers, 1980
- Atopophthirus Kim, 1977
- Atoposmia Cockerell, 1935
- Atopozelus Elkins, 1954
- Atopsyche Banks, 1905
- Atrachelus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Atracheodillo Arcangeli, 1950
- Atrachorema McFarlane, 1964
- Atractelmis Chandler, 1954
- Atractides C. L. Koch, 1837
- Atractocerus Palisot de Beauvois, 1801
- Atractomorpha Saussure, 1861
- Atractothrips Hood, 1938
- Atractotomus Fieber, 1858
- Atractuchus Vanin, 1976
- Atranus LeConte, 1847
- Atrapsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Atrax O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Atrazonotus Slater and Ashlock, 1966
- Atribalus Bickhardt, 1921
- Atricholeon Stange, 1994
- Atrichomelina
- Atrichonotus Buchanan, 1939
- Atrichonyssus Radovsky, 2010
- Atrichopogon
- Atriplectides Mosely, 1936
- Atritermus Belokobylskij, Zaldívar-Riverón and Quicke, 2007
- Atropacarus Ewing, 1917
- Atrophia Huys and Böttger-Schnack, 1997
- Atrophothele Pocock, 1903
- Atropsocus Mockford, 1993
- Atrusca Kinsey, 1930
- Atrytone Scudder, 1872
- Atrytonopsis Godman, 1900
- Atta Fabricius, 1804
- Attacobius Mello-Leitão, 1925
- Attagenus Latreille, 1802
- Attaleachernes Mahnert, 2009
- Attalister Bruch, 1937
- Attaneuria Ricker, 1954
- Attaphila Wheeler, 1900
- Attelabus Linnaeus, 1758
- Attenella Edmunds, 1971
- Attenuella Boulard, 1973
- Attenuizomus Harvey, 2000
- Attheyella Brady, 1880
- Attidops Banks, 1905
- Attopsis Heer, 1850
- Attulus Simon, 1889
- Aturus Kramer, 1875
- Atya Leach, 1816
- Atyaephyra de Brito Capello, 1867
- Atydina Cai, 2010
- Atyella Calman, 1906
- Atyloella Schellenberg, 1929
- Atylopsis Stebbing, 1888
- Atylostagma White, 1853
- Atylotus
- Atylus Leach, 1815
- Atyoida Randall, 1840
- Atyopsis Chace, 1983
- Atypena Simon, 1894
- Atyphella Olliff, 1890
- Atypocepon Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1931
- Atypopenaeus Alcock, 1905
- Atypus Latreille, 1804
- Aucana Huber, 2000
- Auchenochondria Dojiri and Perkins, 1979
- Auchenophorus R. Turner, 1907
- Audacallichirus Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Audernaculus Miller, 1941
- Audernacus Distant, 1904
- Audifia Keyserling, 1884
- Audulla Chevreux, 1901
- Audytrombicula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1963
- Aufeius Stål, 1870
- Augacephalus Gallon, 2002
- Augaptilina G. O. Sars, 1920
- Augaptilus Giesbrecht, 1889
- Augochlora Smith, 1853
- Augochlorella Sandhouse, 1937
- Augochlorodes Moure, 1958
- Augochloropsis Cockerell, 1897
- Augocoris Burmeister, 1835
- Augusta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877
- Augustaea Szombathy, 1915
- Augustsonella Southcott, 1961
- Augyles Schiødte, 1866
- Auhunga Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aulacaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Aulacidea Ashmead, 1897
- Aulacigaster
- Aulacochthebius Kuwert, 1887
- Aulacoclopius Breddin, 1903
- Aulacoderes Chevrolat, 1839
- Aulacodillo Verhoeff, 1942
- Aulacogenia Stål, 1870
- Aulacolambrus Paulson, 1875
- Aulaconiscus Taiti and Howarth, 1997
- Aulacophilinus Lomholdt, 1980
- Aulacophilus F. Smith, 1869
- Aulacopone Arnol'di, 1930
- Aulacorthum
- Aulacoscelis Duponchel and Chevrolat in d'Orbigny, 1842
- Aulacosolus Jäch and Boukal, 1997
- Aulacosphodrus Stål, 1870
- Aulacosterjanus Brailovsky, 2002
- Aulacosternum Dallas, 1852
- Aulacosternus Marseul, 1853
- Aulacus Jurine, 1807
- Auladoria Brèthes, 1925
- Aulana Walker, 1864
- Auletobius Desbrochers, 1869
- Auleutes Dietz, 1896
- Aulicus Spinola, 1841
- Aulis Mulsant, 1850
- Aulobaris LeConte, 1876
- Aulobia Kethley, 1970
- Aulocara Scudder, 1876
- Auloceromyia Lindner, 1969
- Aulonastus Kethley, 1970
- Aulonia C. L. Koch, 1847
- Auloniella Roewer, 1960
- Aulonium Erichson, 1845
- Aulonogyrus Motschulsky, 1853
- Aulonothroscus Horn, 1890
- Aulosaphanes Belokobylskij, 2004
- Aulosaphes Muesebeck, 1935
- Aulosaphobracon Belokobylskij and Long, 2005
- Aulosaphoides van Achterberg, 1995
- Aulostyrax Maulik, 1929
- Aulotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Aumakua Hayes and Sattler, 1980
- Auracricus Pérez-Asso, 1998
- Aurantiocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Aurantothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Aurecocrypta Raven, 1994
- Aurelianus Distant, 1902
- Auricanoetus Fain and Zumpt, 1974
- Aurila Pokorný, 1955
- Aurilossongia Haitlinger, 1989
- Auritibicen Lee, 2015
- Aurivilliana Distant, 1881
- Aurohornellia
- Aurometopa Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Aurungabada Distant, 1906
- Ausatelson J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Auscala Moulds, 2012
- Austinicotesia Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Austinixa Heard and Manning, 1997
- Austinogebia Nguyen Ngoc-Ho, 2001
- Austmusia Gray, 1983
- Austracantha Dahl, 1914
- Austracarus Lawrence, 1949
- Austrachelas Lawrence, 1938
- Austrachipteria Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Australaena Berland, 1942
- Australanius Gomy, 2009
- Australaphodius Balthasar, 1942
- Australatya Chace, 1983
- Australcmena Miller, 1958
- Australentulus Tuxen, 1967
- Australeon Miller and Stange, 2012
- Australerythrops W. M. Tattersall, 1928
- Australicythere Benson, 1964
- Australimnadia Timms and Schwentner, 2012
- Australinocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Australiodillo Verhoeff, 1926
- Australiophilus Verhoeff, 1925
- Australiothyas Cook, 1986
- Australoactina Woodley, 1995
- Australoberis Lindner, 1958
- Australobiosis Schmid, 1958
- Australobius Chamberlin, 1920
- Australobranchipus Rogers, Timms, Jocquè and Brendonck, 2007
- Australobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Australobuthus Locket, 1990
- Australocader B. Lis, 1997
- Australocaris Poore & Collins, 2009
- Australochelifer Beier, 1975
- Australocleptes Miller, 1951
- Australoecetes
- Australoechemus Schmidt & Piepho, 1994
- Australolinyphia Wunderlich, 1976
- Australoluciola Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2013
- Australomalus Mazur, 1981
- Australomicrodeutopus
- Australomimetus Heimer, 1986
- Australomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1927
- Australonannopus Hamond, 1974
- Australoneda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1984
- Australoniscus Vandel, 1973
- Australoonops Hewitt, 1915
- Australopalpus Smiley and Gerson, 1995
- Australophiloscia Green, 1990
- Australoschendyla Jones, 1996
- Australostolus Stys, 1980
- Australothele Raven, 1984
- Australothyrus Van der Hammen, 1983
- Australotingis Hacker, 1927
- Australoxenos Kathirithamby, 1990
- Australphilus Watts, 1978
- Australscalpellum Newman and Ross, 1971
- Australutica Jocqué, 1995
- Australymexylon Wheeler, 1986
- Austrammo Platnick, 2002
- Austranoetus Fain, 1976
- Austrapiersigia Smit, 1998
- Austrarcesius Miller, 1957
- Austrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Austrarcturella Poore & Bardsley, 1992
- Austratrichia Wells, 1982
- Austrelmis Brown, 1984
- Austrheithrus Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Austridotea Poore, 2001
- Austroarcturus Kensley, 1975C
- Austrobates Andersen and Weir, 1994
- Austrobittacus Riek, 1954
- Austrocarabodes Hammer, 1966
- Austrocentrus Schmid, 1964
- Austrocephaloides Berge and Vader, 2001
- Austroceratoppia Hammer, 1979
- Austrochaetilia Poore, 1978A
- Austrochernes Beier, 1932
- Austrochilus Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955
- Austrochorema Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Austrochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Austroclimaciella Handschin, 1961
- Austrocosmoecus Schmid, 1955
- Austrocotesia Austin and Dangerfield, 1992
- Austrocuma Day, 1978
- Austrodamaeus Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Austrodecus Hodgson, 1907
- Austrodomus Lawrence, 1947
- Austrodytes Watts, 1978
- Austroeremulus Mahunka, 1985
- Austrofilius Hodgson, 1910
- Austrogastrura Thibaud & Palacios-Vargas, 1999
- Austrogneta Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Austrogonium Menzies & George, 1972
- Austrogorytes R. Bohart, 1967
- Austrogymnocnemia Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Austrohahnia Mello-Leitão, 1942
- Austrohebrus Andersen and Weir, 2004
- Austrohormius Belokobylskij, 1989
- Austrohorus Beier, 1966
- Austrokatanga Weirauch, Rabitsch and Rédei, 2009
- Austroleon Banks, 1909
- Austrolepidopa Efford & Haig, 1968
- Austrolimnius Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Austrolimnochares Harvey, 1998
- Austrolimnophila Alexander, 1920
- Austrolysitermus Belokobylskij, 1999
- Austromantispa Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Austrombicula Lawrence, 1949
- Austromerope Killington, 1933
- Austromerus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Austromontia Lawrence, 1931
- Austronecta Tinerella, 2013
- Austronepa Menke and Stange, 1964
- Austronevra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Austroniscus Vanhoeffen, 1914
- Austronothrus Hammer, 1966
- Austronuncia Lawrence, 1931
- Austropallene Hodgson, 1914
- Austropandalus Holthuis, 1952
- Austropanurgus Toro, 1980
- Austropenaeus Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997
- Austrophaea Lawrence, 1952
- Austrophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Austropheonoides J. L. Barnard, 1972
- Austropholcomma Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Austrophorocera Townsend, 1916
- Austroplebeia Moure, 1961
- Austropleustes K. H. Barnard, 1931
- Austropotamobius Skorikov, 1907
- Austroppia Balogh, 1983
- Austropsecadia Hincks, 1950
- Austropsyche Banks, 1939
- Austroraptus Hodgson, 1907
- Austroregia
- Austrorioxa Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Austrosignum Hodgson, 1910
- Austrostelis Michener and Griswold, 1994
- Austrosyrrhoe K. H. Barnard, 1925
- Austrothurgus Gonzalez and Engel, 2013
- Austrotinodes Schmid, 1955
- Austrotritia Sellnick, 1959
- Austrotyla Causey, 1961
- Austrovelia Malipatil and Monteith, 1983
- Austrovelinus Malipatil, 1991
- Ausulus Roewer, 1927
- Auta Distant, 1897
- Autalia Leach, 1819
- Autarcus Senna, 1892
- Autenriethia Oudemans, 1936
- Authenta Bergroth, 1894
- Autochton Hübner, 1823
- Autogneta Hull, 1916
- Autographa Hübner, 1821
- Automate De Man, 1888
- Automeris Hübner, 1819
- Autometrus Kleine, 1922
- Automola
- Autonoe Bruzelius, 1859
- Autoplusia McDunnough, 1944
- Autosebus Kolbe, 1916
- Autotela Weise, 1900
- Autriquella Starý, 1988
- Autumnimiris Schwartz, 1989
- Auturus Chamberlin, 1942
- Auxanommatidia
- Auximella Strand, 1908
- Auyantepuia González-Sponga, 1978
- Avarua Marples, 1955
- Avelis Simon, 1895
- Avella O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Avellopsis Purcell, 1904
- Averithiana Haitlinger, 1999
- Avicularia Lamarck, 1818
- Avilaia González-Sponga, 1998
- Avitus Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Avpanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Axarus Roback
- Axelinus Kryzhanovskij in Kryzhanovskij and Reichardt, 1976
- Axelsonia Boener, 1906
- Axenus Grote, 1873
- Axestinus LeConte, 1873
- Axestotrigona Moure, 1961
- Axianassa Schmitt, 1924
- Axinidris Weber, 1941
- Axinopalpus LeConte, 1846
- Axinoscymnus Kamiya, 1963
- Axiocerina Ross, 1957
- Axiogastia Loomis, 1966
- Axiokersos Distant, 1909
- Axion Mulsant, 1850
- Axiopsis Borradaile, 1903
- Axiorygma Kensley & Simmons, 1988
- Axiothauma Munro, 1946
- Axius Leach, 1815
- Axonopsis Piersig, 1893
- Axylophilus Casey, 1895
- Axymyia
- Axyracrus Simon, 1884
- Axysta
- Ayesha Distant, 1905
- Aykhustigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Aylax Hartig, 1840
- Aymaria Huber, 2000
- Aysenia Tullgren, 1902
- Aysenoides Ramírez, 2003
- Aysha Keyserling, 1891
- Ayuthia Distant, 1919
- Ayyalonia B. Curcic, 2008
- Azana
- Azanialobus Griswold & Platnick, 1987
- Azelia
- Azemius Damoiseau, 1961
- Azenia Grote, 1882
- Azerithonica Guseinov, Marusik & Loginov, 2005
- Azeta Guenée, 1852
- Azilia Keyserling, 1881
- Azoria Mulsant, 1850
- Azotostoma J. L. Barnard, 1965
- Azteca Forel, 1878
- Aztecacris Roberts, 1947
- Aztecanthidium Michener and Ordway, 1964
- Aztecarpalus Ball, 1970
- Aztecocheyletus Bochkov and Klimov, 2004
- Aztecolus Chamberlin, 1943
- Aztekophilus Verhoeff, 1934
- Azulitaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Azya Mulsant, 1850
- Azygokeras Koeller and Littlepage, 1976
- Azygopleon Markham, 1985
- Baalrog Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Baalzebub Coddington, 1986
- Babalimnichus Satô, 1994
- Babamunida Cabezas, Macpherson & Machordom, 2008
- Babia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Babiangia Southcott, 1954
- Babras Jacobi, 1907
- Babrius Thorell, 1891
- Babycurus Karsch, 1886
- Bacaniomorphus Mazur, 1989
- Bacanius J. L. LeConte, 1853
- Baccha
- Bacelarella Berland & Millot, 1941
- Bacescapseudes Gutu, 1981
- Bacescomysis Murano and Krygier, 1985
- Bacillemma Deeleman-Reinhold, 1993
- Bacillochilus Gallon, 2010
- Bacillocnemis Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Bacillometra Esaki, 1927
- Bacillometroides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2010
- Backobourkia Framenau, Dupérré, Blackledge & Vink, 2010
- Backomyia
- Baclozygum Bergroth, 1909
- Baconaoscia Vandel, 1981
- Baconia Lewis, 1885
- Bactridium LeConte, 1861
- Bactrocera Macquart, 1835
- Bactrocerus LeConte, 1866
- Bactrocoris Kormilev, 1953
- Bactrodes Stål, 1860
- Bactrodosoma Stål, 1860
- Bactrogyna Millidge, 1991
- Bactromantis Scudder, 1896
- Bactromesus Wolff, 1962
- Bactropalpus
- Bactrophya Breddin, 1901
- Bactrophyamixia Brailovsky, 1991
- Bactropota Bezzi, 1924
- Bactrothrips Karny, 1912
- Bactrurus Hay, 1902
- Baculentulus Tuxen, 1977
- Baculigerus H. Soares, 1979
- Badessa Sørensen, 1886
- Badessania Roewer, 1949
- Badia Roewer, 1961
- Badilloniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Badister Clairville, 1806
- Badukiella Mey in Mey & Mueller, 1979
- Badumna Thorell, 1890
- Baebius Stål, 1865
- Baeochila Drake and Poor, 1937
- Baeoctenus
- Baeonectes G. Wilson, 1982
- Baeonotus
- Baeopterogyna
- Baeotingis Drake and Poor, 1939
- Baetiella Ueno, 1931
- Baetis Leach, 1815
- Baetisca Walsh, 1862
- Baetodes Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Baetopus Keffermüller, 1960
- Baeturia Stål, 1866
- Baeus Haliday, 1833
- Baffinicythere Hazel, 1967
- Bafutalna Boulard, 1993
- Bagauda Bergroth, 1903
- Bagaudella Miller, 1952
- Bagaudina Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Bagheera Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Bagisara Walker, 1858
- Bagnalliella Karny, 1920
- Bagous Germar, 1817
- Bagriella McAtee and Malloch, 1923
- Bahalana Carpenter, 1981
- Bahiaxenos Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto and Beutel, 2009
- Bahrucoptes Haitlinger, 1999
- Baiami Lehtinen, 1967
- Baicalasellus Stammer, 1932
- Baicalina Martynov, 1914
- Baicalinella Martynov, 1924
- Baicaloides Martynov, 1924
- Baichila Drake and Slater, 1955
- Baikalolkhonia Naganawa, 1999
- Baikaloperla Zapekina-Dulkeit and Zhiltzova, 1973
- Baikuris Dlussky, 1987
- Baileya Grote, 1896
- Baileyothrips Kono and O'Neill, 1964
- Bairdia Mccoy, 1844
- Bairdoppilata Coryell, Sample and Jennings, 1935
- Bajacalilena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Bajcaridris Agosti, 1994
- Bak Yunker, 1961
- Bakala Davies, 1990
- Bakerella Crawford, 1914
- Bakericheyla Volgin, 1966
- Bakerinia Kormilev, 1962
- Bako Schouteden, 1923
- Balaenophilus Aurivillius, 1879
- Balanopleon Markham, 1974A
- Balanowithius Beier, 1959
- Balanus Da Costa, 1778
- Balaustium von Heyden, 1826
- Balbidocolon Hessler, 1970
- Balboa Distant, 1893
- Balclutha Kirkaldy, 1900
- Baldus Stål, 1868
- Balearonethes Dalens, 1977
- Balega Reitter, 1882
- Balgachernes Harvey, 2018
- Baliemocoris Miller, 1958
- Baliga Navás, 1912
- Balinta Distant, 1905
- Baliomorpha Neboiss, 1984
- Baliosus Weise, 1905
- Baliothrips Uzel, 1895
- Balkanoniscus Vandel, 1965
- Balkanoroncus B. Curcic, 1975
- Balkanostenasellus Cvetkov, 1975
- Ballella Knight, 1959
- Ballhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Ballida Mulsant, 1850
- Balliella Badonnel, 1949
- Ballodillium Vandel, 1961
- Ballonema Verhoeff, 1904
- Ballonemella Verhoeff, 1944
- Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908
- Ballophilus Cook, 1896
- Ballucus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Ballus C. L. Koch, 1850
- Balmaceda Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Baloghacarus Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Balogheremaeus Arillo & Subías, 2006
- Baloghia Mahunka, 1994
- Baloghicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Baloghiella Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1972
- Baloghoppia Mahunka, 1983
- Balolina
- Baloorthochirus Kovarík, 1996
- Balsa Walker, 1860
- Balsateres González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Balssaxius Sakai, 2011
- Balsscallichirus Sakai, 2011
- Balssia Kemp, 1922
- Balta Tepper, 1893
- Balticovelia Andersen, 2000
- Balucopsylla
- Balyana Péringuey, 1898
- Bamazomus Harvey, 1992
- Bamberene Staples, 2014
- Bambucibatus Muir, 1915
- Bambusaspis Cockerell, 1902
- Bambusiphaga Huang and Ding in Huang et al., 1979
- Bamona Sharp, 1883
- Banahaona Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Banaidja Lehtinen, 1967
- Bananellodes Strand, 1928
- Banareia A. Milne-Edwards, 1869
- Banarocoris Miller, 1958
- Banasa Stål, 1860
- Banatoniscus Tabacaru, 1991
- Bandakia Thor, 1913
- Bandakiopsis Smith, 1979
- Bandelia Lindsey, 1923
- Bandidus Navás, 1914
- Bango Bamber, 2004
- Baniana Walker, 1858
- Bankisus Navás, 1912
- Banksetosa Chickering, 1946
- Banksinoma Oudemans, 1930
- Banksiola Martynov, 1924
- Banksolpium Muchmore, 1986
- Banksula Roewer, 1949
- Bannania Hsiao, 1973
- Bannereus Bruce, 1988
- Banobius Chamberlin, 1938
- Banyallarga Navas, 1916
- Banyutus Navás, 1912
- Baolacus Pic, 1915
- Baptarma Smith, 1904
- Baptista Distant, 1904
- Baracidris Bolton, 1981
- Baracuma
- Barahna Davies, 2003
- Barbaetis Waltz and McCafferty, 1985
- Barbagastrura Massoud, Najt & Thibaud, 1975
- Barbaracurus Kovarík, Lowe and Stáhlavsky, 2018
- Barbaraella Harvey, 1995
- Barbarochthon Barnard, 1934
- Barbarosphaera Vandel, 1948
- Barbarus Mazur, 2005
- Barbascalpellum Zevina, 1978
- Barberiella Poppius, 1914
- Barbiangia Haitlinger, 1993
- Barbicambarus Hobbs, 1969
- Barbiellinia Bezzi, 1922
- Barbotinia Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Barbouria M. J. Rathbun, 1912
- Barbutia Oudemans, 1927
- Barce Stål, 1866
- Bardala Saaristo, 2006
- Bardesanes Distant, 1909
- Barellea Oudemans, 1936
- Bargylia Stål, 1865
- Bariaka Cressey, 1966
- Bariamyrma Lattke, 1990
- Barilepis Casey, 1920
- Barilepton LeConte, 1876
- Barinus Casey, 1887
- Baris Germar, 1817
- Barlireduvius Malipatil, 1988
- Barnardillo Arcangeli, 1934
- Barnardoscia Taiti & Ferrara, 1982
- Barracris Gurney, Strohecker and Helfer, 1964
- Barraina Richardson, 2013
- Barrellus Nelson and Bellamy, 1996
- Barreratalpa Brailovsky, 1988
- Barretthydrus Lea, 1927
- Barrisca Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936
- Barrodesmus Chamberlin, 1940
- Barronopsis Chamberlin & Ivie, 1941
- Barropelma Chamberlin, 1940
- Barrophilus Chamberlin, 1940
- Barrowammo Platnick, 2002
- Barrowdillo Dalens, 1993
- Barrowgammarus Bousfield, 1979
- Barrus Simon, 1880
- Barrussus Roewer, 1928
- Barticaria Jacoby and Clavareau, 1905
- Barusia Kratochvíl, 1978
- Barycheloides Raven, 1994
- Barychelus Simon, 1889
- Baryconus Förster, 1856
- Barydesmus Cook, 1896
- Baryglossa Bezzi, 1918
- Barylestis Simon, 1910
- Barynema Banks, 1939
- Barynotus Germar, 1817
- Barypeithes Jacquelin du Val, 1854
- Barypenthus Burmeister, 1839
- Baryphas Simon, 1902
- Baryphyma Simon, 1884
- Baryphymula Eskov, 1992
- Baryplegma Wulp, 1899
- Baryrhynchus Lacordaire, 1865
- Barytettix Scudder, 1897
- Basa Distant, 1905
- Basasteron Baehr, 2003
- Basenius Kolbe, 1892
- Basentidema Macquart, 1838
- Basiaeschna Selys, 1883
- Basiceremaeus Corpuz-Raros, 1979
- Basiceros Schulz, 1906
- Basicondyla
- Basidoppia Mahunka, 1983
- Basilia
- Basiliobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Basilobelba Balogh, 1958
- Basilodes Guenée, 1852
- Basiloppia Balogh, 1983
- Basiprionota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Basipta Chevrolat, 1849
- Bassaniana Strand, 1928
- Bassaniodes Pocock, 1903
- Bassareus Haldeman, 1849
- Basserolis Poore, 1985
- Basslerites Howe, 1937
- Bassus Fabricius, 1804
- Bastactister Reichensperger, 1939
- Basuto Barnard & Drummond, 1978
- Batea F. Müller, 1865
- Batedotea Poore & Lew Ton, 1993
- Batella Holthuis, 1955
- Batepenaeopsis Sakai & Shinomiya, 2011
- Batesiella Pocock, 1903
- Bathanthidium Mavromoustakis, 1953
- Batheuchaeta Brodsky, 1950
- Bathippus Thorell, 1892
- Bathocepheus Aoki, 1978
- Bathyamaryllis Pirlot, 1933
- Bathyarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Bathyaxius Sakai, 2014
- Bathybadistes Hessler and Thistle, 1975
- Bathycalanus G. O. Sars, 1905
- Bathycalliax Sakai & Türkay, 1999
- Bathycamptus Huys and Thistle, 1989
- Bathyceradocus
- Bathycheles Forest, 1987
- Bathyconchoecia Deevey, 1968
- Bathycopea Tattersall, 1905
- Bathycuma Hansen, 1895
- Bathygnathia Dollfus, 1901
- Bathygonium Kussakin & Vasina, 1984
- Bathygyge Hansen, 1897
- Bathyhippolyte Hayashi & Miyake, 1970
- Bathyidia Farran, 1926
- Bathylamprops Zimmer, 1908
- Bathylana Kensley, 1989
- Bathylasma Newman and Ross, 1971
- Bathyleberis Kornicker, 1975
- Bathylinyphia Eskov, 1992
- Bathymedon Sars, 1895
- Bathymenes Kou, X. Li & Bruce, 2016
- Bathymunida Balss, 1914
- Bathymysis W. M. Tattersall, 1907
- Bathynarius Forest, 1989
- Bathynatalia Barnard, 1957A
- Bathynectes Stimpson, 1871
- Bathynella Vejdovsky, 1882
- Bathynomus A. Milne-Edwards, 1879
- Bathyopsurus Nordenstam, 1955
- Bathypaguropsis McLaughlin, 1994
- Bathypalaemonella Balss, 1914
- Bathypalaemonetes Cleva, 2001
- Bathypallenopsis Stock, 1975
- Bathypanoploea Schellenberg, 1939
- Bathyphantes Menge, 1866
- Bathyphotis Stephensen, 1944
- Bathyplax A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Bathypontia G. O. Sars, 1905
- Bathyporeia Lindstrom, 1855
- Bathyporeiapus Schellenberg, 1931
- Bathyschraderia Dahl, 1959
- Bathysolen Fieber, 1860
- Bathysquilla Manning, 1963
- Bathystegocephalus Schellenberg, 1926
- Bathystylodactylus Hanamura & Takeda, 1996
- Bathytanais Beddard, 1886
- Bathythrix Förster, 1868
- Bathytropa Budde-Lund, 1885
- Bathyvargula Poulsen, 1962
- Bathyzetes Stock, 1955
- Batmanacarus Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Ochoa in Bassini-Silva et al., 2021
- Batocera Dejean, 1835
- Batrachomatus Clark, 1863
- Batrachonotus Stimpson, 1871
- Batriasymmodes Park, 1951
- Batrisodes Reitter, 1882
- Battalus Karsch, 1878
- Battus Scopoli, 1777
- Batueta Locket, 1982
- Batyle Thomson, 1864
- Bauchania Beard and Seeman in Beard et al., 2022
- Baulius Casey, 1895
- Baumannella Stark and Stewart, 1985
- Baumannhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Bavea Distant, 1905
- Bavia Simon, 1877
- Baviola Simon, 1898
- Bavirecta Kanesharatnam & Benjamin, 2018
- Bayerus Distant, 1904
- Bdellophaga Wharton, 1981
- Bdellozonium Cook & Loomis, 1928
- Bealeyia Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Beamerella Knight, 1959
- Beamerella Brennan, 1958
- Beameria Davis, 1934
- Beameromyia
- Beanana Villiers, 1960
- Beardius Reiss and Sublette, 1985
- Beata Peckham & Peckham, 1895
- Beatadesmus Loomis, 1934
- Beaudettia
- Bebaeus Dallas, 1851
- Bebedoura Roewer, 1949
- Bebekium Verhoeff, 1941
- Beckerina
- Beckidia
- Beckiella Grandjean, 1964
- Beckocoris Knight, 1968
- Becquartina Kato, 1940
- Bedoslohmannia Fernández, Theron, Rollard & Castillo, 2014
- Beerellus Nelson, 1982
- Beeriphotia Haitlinger, 1994
- Beesonia Green, 1926
- Befotaka Villiers, 1962
- Behanpseudoppia Subías, 2017
- Beharus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Behrensia Grote, 1875
- Beierius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Beierobisium Vitali-di Castri, 1970
- Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977
- Beierolpium Heurtault, 1976
- Beierowithius Mahnert, 1979
- Bekilia Benoist, 1962
- Bekilya Villiers, 1949
- Beklemishevia Zachvatkin, 1945
- Belaphotroctes Roesler, 1943
- Belarnoldus Antropov, 2007
- Belba Heyden, 1826
- Belbodamaeus Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1967
- Belemarua Roewer, 1949
- Belemnocoris Miller, 1952
- Belenus Distant, 1909
- Belicenochrus Armas and Víquez, 2010
- Belida Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Belippo Simon, 1910
- Belisana Thorell, 1898
- Belisarius Simon, 1879
- Belladessus K. B. Miller and Short, 2015
- Bellamira LeConte, 1873
- Bellamynacoris Brailovsky, 1997
- Bellardia
- Bellibos Haugsness and Hessler, 1979
- Belliena Simon, 1902
- Bellieria
- Belloppia Hammer, 1968
- Bellota Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Bellura Walker, 1865
- Belminus Stål, 1859
- Belocephalus Scudder, 1875
- Belocera Muir, 1913
- Belohina Paulian, 1959
- Belokohlus Antropov, 2007
- Belomicrinus Antropov, 2000
- Belomicroides Kohl, 1899
- Belomicrus A. Costa, 1867
- Belonectes Wilson and Hessler, 1981
- Beloneuria Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Belonochilus Uhler, 1871
- Belonocnema Mayr, 1881
- Belonomus Uhler, 1869
- Belonopelta Mayr, 1870
- Belonopteryx Gerstaecker, 1863
- Belonuchus Bordmann, 1837
- Belopherus Schoenherr, 1833
- Belorchestes Grandjean, 1951
- Belorhynchus Berthold, 1827
- Belosta
- Belosternella Maldonado and van Doesburg, 1996
- Belostoma Latreille, 1807
- Belothrips Haliday, 1836
- Belotus Gorham, 1881
- Belura Poore & Lew Ton, 1988
- Belvosia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Belzebub Vereshchaka, Olesen & Lunina, 2016
- Bembecinus A. Costa, 1859
- Bembidion Latreille, 1802
- Bembix Fabricius, 1775
- Bemisia Quaintance and Baker, 1914
- Bemlos Shoemaker, 1925
- Benacus Stål, 1861
- Benanthis Pasteels, 1969
- Bendisodes Hampson, 1924
- Benechinus Budde-Lund, 1910
- Bengalla Gray & Thompson, 2001
- Benhamyia Miller, 1945
- Benibotarus Kono, 1932
- Benjaminiola Strand, 1928
- Benoibates Balogh, 1958
- Benoinyssus Fain, 1958
- Benoitia Lehtinen, 1967
- Benoitinus Rambla, 1984
- Benoitodes Platnick, 1993
- Bensonocythere Hazel, 1967
- Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908
- Benthanoides Lemos de Castro, 1959
- Benthanops Barnard, 1932
- Benthanoscia Lemos de Castro, 1958
- Bentheogennema Burkenroad, 1936
- Benthesicymus Spence Bate, 1881
- Bentheuphausia G. O. Sars, 1885
- Benthochascon Alcock and Anderson, 1899
- Benthonectes S. I. Smith, 1885
- Benthoxynus Humes, 1984
- Beothukus Wiggins in Wiggins & Larson, 1989
- Bequaertidea Schouteden, 1932
- Beraea Stephens, 1833
- Beraeamyia Mosely, 1930
- Beraeodes Eaton, 1867
- Beraeodina Mosely, 1931
- Beraeoptera Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Berberentulus Tuxen, 1963
- Berberigetta Costa, Nunes, Marabuto, Mendes and Simões in Costa et al., 2017
- Bercaea
- Bercaeopsis
- Berchmansus Navás, 1913
- Berdura Reitter, 1882
- Berea Yamaguti, 1963
- Beregama Hirst, 1990
- Bergalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Bergamoniscus Brian & Vandel, 1949
- Bergemesa Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bergeviniella Villiers, 1948
- Berginus Erichson, 1846
- Bergrothellus Miller, 1954
- Bergrotheus Schouteden, 1913
- Beridella Becker, 1919
- Beridops Enderlein, 1913
- Berinda Roewer, 1928
- Beringiaphoxus Jarrett and Bousfield, 1994
- Beris Latreille, 1802
- Berisina Malloch, 1928
- Berismyia Giglio-Tos, 1891
- Berkshiria Johnson, 1914
- Berlandia Lessert, 1921
- Berlandiana Villiers, 1949
- Berlandiella Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Berlandina Dalmas, 1922
- Berlesedesmus Loomis, 1975
- Berlesezetes Mahunka, 1980
- Berlesiella Hammer, 1979
- Bermejanus Brailovsky, 2018
- Bermudacaris Anker & Iliffe, 2000
- Bermudamysis Bacescu and Iliffe, 1986
- Berniniella Balogh, 1983
- Beroniscus Vandel, 1967
- Berosus Leach, 1817
- Berothella Banks, 1934
- Berotingis Drake, 1956
- Bertamyia
- Bertholdia Schaus, 1896
- Bertilia Reuter, 1913
- Bertkauia Kolbe, 1882
- Bertrana Keyserling, 1884
- Berytinus Kirkaldy, 1900
- Berytoniscus Vandel, 1955
- Beskia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Besma Capps, 1943
- Bessa Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Besseria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Betaburmesebuthus Lourenço in Lourenço and Beigel, 2015
- Betaeopsis Yaldwyn, 1971
- Betaeus Dana, 1852
- Betamorpha Hessler and Thistle, 1975
- Betaryringophiloidus Skoracki, 2011
- Bethalus Budde-Lund, 1909
- Betocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Betrichia Mosely, 1939
- Bettotanocoris Miller, 1941
- Bettyella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Betuloxys Mackauer, 1960
- Beuroisia Guinot and Richer de Forges, 1981
- Beutelspacoris Brailovsky, 1987
- Bevismyia Munro, 1957
- Bewanicoris Miller, 1958
- Bewsiella Domrow, 1958
- Beyarslania Kocak and Kemal, 2009
- Beyeria Fenyes, 1910
- Bezzia
- Bezzina Munro, 1957
- Bharatovolzia Cook, 1967
- Bhutaniella Jäger, 2000
- Biacumontia Lawrence, 1931
- Biancolina Della Valle, 1893
- Bianor Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Biantella Roewer, 1927
- Biantes Simon, 1885
- Biantessus Roewer, 1949
- Biantomma Roewer, 1942
- Biaporus Loomis, 1941
- Biarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Biastes Panzer, 1806
- Biasticus Stål, 1866
- Bibio
- Bibiocephala
- Bibiodes
- Biblis [Fabricius], 1807
- Bibloplectus Reitter, 1881
- Bibloporus Thomson, 1859
- Bibulothiana Haitlinger, 1993
- Bicarinaus García, 2018
- Bicaubittacus Tan and Hua, 2009
- Bicellaria
- Bicellonycha Motschulsky, 1853
- Bichito González-Sponga, 1998
- Bicilia Amsel, 1956
- Biconibunus Roewer, 1915
- Bicyrtes Lepeletier, 1845
- Bicyrthermannia Hammer, 1979
- Bidentogon Buckett & Gardner, 1968
- Bidesmida V. Johnson, 1977
- Bidessodes Régimbart, 1895
- Bidessonotus Régimbart, 1895
- Bidessus Sharp, 1882
- Bidoma Silhavý, 1973
- Biffarius Manning & Felder, 1991
- Bifidocoelotes Wang, 2002
- Bifurcia Saaristo, Tu & Li, 2006
- Bifurgaster Stone and Moyse, 1985
- Bigelowina Schotte and Manning, 1993
- Bigenditia Platnick, 2000
- Biharoniscus Tabacaru, 1963
- Bijaurana Distant, 1912
- Billaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Billmasonius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Bimichaelia Thor, 1902
- Bimindyla Chamberlin, 1952
- Bindax Thorell, 1892
- Bindoona Roewer, 1929
- Binodacarus Castilho and Moraes, 2010
- Binodoxys Mackauer, 1960
- Bioculus Stahnke, 1968
- Biorbitella
- Biorhiza Westwood, 1840
- Biotus Casey, 1887
- Bipassalozetes Mihelcic, 1957
- Bipectilus Chu & Wang, 1985
- Bipeltochernes Dashdamirov, 2005
- Birabena Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Birabenia Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Bircenna Chilton, 1884
- Bircericola Haitlinger, 2000
- Biremia Bruce, 1985B
- Birgerius Saaristo, 1973
- Birgus Leach, 1816
- Birobates Balogh, 1970
- Biroia Szépligeti, 1900
- Bironannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bironella Theobald, 1905
- Bironiola Horváth, 1914
- Birotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Birrana Raven & Stumkat, 2005
- Birrima Distant, 1906
- Birsteinius Krivolutsky, 1965
- Birubius Barnard & Drummond, 1976
- Biruga Fennah, 1944
- Birulatus Vachon, 1974
- Birulia Braznikov, 1903
- Birupes Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019
- Bisancora Surdick, 1981
- Biscoia Salmon, 1962
- Bisetifer Tanasevitch, 1987
- Bisetocreagris B. Curcic, 1983
- Bisetulobius du Toit, Theron and Ueckermann, 1998
- Bishopella Roewer, 1927
- Bishopiana Eskov, 1988
- Bishoplinia Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1965
- Bisilvestria Arcangeli, 1930
- Bispinalta Delorme, 2017
- Bissopius Roewer, 1949
- Bistica Dyar, 1912
- Bistinda Bezzi, 1928
- Bistolodesmus Shelley, 1994
- Biston Leach, 1815
- Bistriopelma Kaderka, 2015
- Bistrispinaria Speiser, 1913
- Bitheca
- Bithoracochaeta
- Bithyniphilus Verhoeff, 1941
- Bitias Fransen, 1990
- Bitoma Herbst, 1793
- Biton Karsch, 1880
- Bitonota Roewer, 1933
- Bitonupa Roewer, 1933
- Bittacomorpha Westwood, 1835
- Bittacomorphella
- Bittacus Latreille, 1805
- Bituberochernes Muchmore, 1974
- Bituberoroncus B. Curcic, 2013
- Biturinannus Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Biturix Walker, 1855
- Biura Lee and Sanborn, 2015
- Bivalvopagurus Lemaitre, 1993
- Blaberus Serville, 1831
- Blabomma Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Blackburneus Schmidt, 1913
- Blackburnia Sharp, 1878
- Blaesodiplosis
- Blaesoxipha
- Blaisdelliana Gordon, 1970
- Blakistonia Hogg, 1902
- Blanchardinella Nielsen, Robinson & Wagner, 2000
- Blanciella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Blancoa Huber, 2000
- Blancosoma Shear & Hubbard, 1998
- Blandinia Tonini, Paulo da Silva, Serpa Filho & Freitas, 2016
- Blanioonops Simon & Fage, 1922
- Blaniulus Gervais, 1836
- Blankaartia Oudemans, 1911
- Blapstinus
- Blapton Spinola, 1850
- Blaste Kolbe, 1883
- Blastocera Gerstaecker, 1857
- Blastophaga Gravenhorst, 1829
- Blastopsocus Roesler, 1943
- Blaszakia Skoracki and Sikora, 2008
- Blatchleya Knab, 1910
- Blatta Linnaeus, 1758
- Blattella Caudell, 1903
- Blattisocius Keegan, 1944
- Blattodeaphagus Kathirithamby, 1992
- Blaudus Stål, 1872
- Bledius Leach, 1819
- Blemus Dejean, 1821
- Blepharepium
- Blepharhymenus Solier, 1849
- Blepharicera Macquart, 1843
- Blepharida Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Blepharidatta Wheeler, 1915
- Blepharidopterus Kolenati, 1845
- Blepharipa Rondani, 1856
- Blepharipoda J. W. Randall, 1840
- Blepharocaris Mitsuhashi & Chan, 2007
- Blepharomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Blepharoneura Loew, 1873
- Blepharopus Kolenati, 1859
- Bleptina Guenée, 1854
- Blera
- Blestia Millidge, 1993
- Blethisa Bonelli, 1810
- Blias Krøyer, 1863
- Blissia Rusek, 1985
- Blissoxenos Miyamoto and Kifune, 1984
- Blissus Burmeister, 1835
- Blix Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Bloeteomedes van Doesburg, 1970
- Blondelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Blossia Simon, 1880
- Blossiana Roewer, 1933
- Blypotehus Vienna, 2000
- Blysmia Pascoe, 1872
- Blyzophilus Anderson, Kjaerandsen, & Morse, 1999
- Boagrius Simon, 1893
- Boasaxius Sakai, 2011
- Bobba Bergroth, 1914
- Bobkabata Hogans and Benz, 1990
- Boca Lowry and Stoddart, 1997
- Bocana Walker, 1859
- Bocatella Villiers, 1948
- Bochica J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Bochkovia Skoracki and OConnor, 2010
- Bocquetia Pawlik, 1987
- Bocus Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Bodotria Goodsir, 1843
- Boeckosimus J. L. Barnard, 1969
- Boehmia Hoek, 1881
- Boetophela Haitlinger, 1989
- Boettcheria
- Bogcia Barr, 1978
- Bogdocosa Ponomarev & Belosludtsev, 2008
- Bogenfelsia
- Bohartella Menke, 1968
- Bohartia
- Bohartilla Kinzelbach, 1969
- Boisea Kirkaldy, 1910
- Bokokius Roewer, 1942
- Bolacothrips Uzel, 1895
- Bolbelasmus Boucomont, 1911
- Bolbocerastes Cartwright, 1953
- Bolbocerosoma Schaeffer, 1906
- Bolbocranius Kolbe, 1897
- Bolbodera Valdés, 1910
- Bolbodimyia
- Bolbomyia
- Bolborhombus Cartwright, 1953
- Boleohylla Haitlinger, 1991
- Bolephthyphantes Strand, 1901
- Boletina
- Boliscodes Simon, 1909
- Boliscus Thorell, 1891
- Bolitochara Mannerheim, 1831
- Bolitophila
- Bolivaridia Bonet, 1942
- Bolla Mabille, 1903
- Bollmanella Chamberlin, 1941
- Bollmaniulus Verhoeff, 1926
- Boloria Moore, 1900
- Bolostromoides Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1945
- Bolostromus Ausserer, 1875
- Bolothrips Priesner, 1926
- Bolotoperla Ricker and Ross, 1975
- Bolshecapnia Ricker, 1965
- Bolteria Uhler, 1887
- Bolttsia Griffiths, 1976
- Bolyphantes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Bombus Latreille, 1802
- Bombyliomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Bombylius
- Bombyx Linnaeus, 1758
- Bomis L. Koch, 1874
- Bomolochus Nordmann, 1832
- Bonapruncinia Benoit, 1977
- Bonassa Barnard & Karaman, 1991
- Bondroitia Forel, 1911
- Bonetesmus Chamberlin, 1942
- Bonetogastrura Thibaud, 1974
- Bonetrura Christiansen and Bellinger, 1980
- Boninpagurus Asakura & Tachikawa, 2004
- Bonnetina Vol, 2000
- Bonnierella Chevreux, 1900
- Bonomoia Oudemans, 1911
- Bontomtes Grigarick and Schuster, 1980
- Boolathana Platnick, 2002
- Booneacris Rehn and Randell, 1962
- Boopedon Thomas, 1870
- Booralana Bruce, 1986
- Booranus Barnard & Drummond, 1978
- Bootettix Bruner, 1890
- Bopyrella Bonnier, 1900
- Bopyrina Kossmann, 1881
- Bopyrinella Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1925
- Bopyrinina Shiino, 1933
- Bopyrione Bourdon and Markham, 1980
- Bopyriscus H. Richardson, 1905
- Bopyrissa Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1931
- Bopyroides Stimpson, 1864
- Bopyrophryxus Codreanu, 1965
- Bopyrosa Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1923
- Bopyrus Latreille, 1802
- Boraria Chamberlin, 1943
- Borboridea Kertesz, 1916
- Borborillus
- Borboropactus Simon, 1884
- Borborophilus Stål, 1865
- Borborophyes Stål, 1870
- Borboropora Kraatz, 1862
- Borboropsis
- Bordea Bosmans, 1995
- Boreades Parson, 1943
- Boreellus
- Borencona Davis, 1928
- Boreochlus Edwards
- Boreodromia
- Boreogalba Mackauer, 1962
- Boreoheptagyia Brundin, 1966
- Boreoides Hardy, 1920
- Boreomysis G. O. Sars, 1869
- Boreonectes Angus, 2010
- Boreonymphon G. O. Sars, 1888
- Boreophilia Benick, 1973
- Boreophorbia
- Boreopiophila
- Boreostiba Lohse in Lohse, Klimaszewski and Smetana, 1990
- Boreostolus Wygodzinsky and Stys, 1970
- Boreothrinax
- Boreus Latreille, 1816
- Borgatomelissa Patiny, 2000
- Borgmeierina Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Borhidia Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Borneanapis Snazell, 2009
- Bornebuschia Hammer, 1966
- Borneodessus Balke, Hendrich, Mazzoldi and Biström, 2002
- Borneoecetes
- Borneomma Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980
- Borneopauropus Scheller, 2008
- Borneoridion Deeleman & Wunderlich, 2011
- Borneozetes Mahunka, 1997
- Borneremaeus Mahunka, 1991
- Boroecia Poulsen, 1973
- Borophaga
- Boros Herbst, 1797
- Borowiecius Anton, 1994
- Borrala Gray & Smith, 2004
- Borutzkyella Tabacaru, 1993
- Boryzops Richards, 1936
- Boschalis Weise, 1897
- Boschella Barr, 1980
- Boschmaella
- Boschmaia Reinhard, 1958
- Boshellia Ewing, 1950
- Boshkerria Fauran, 1959
- Bosmina Baird, 1845
- Bosminopsis Richard, 1895
- Bostaera Ball, 1902
- Bostrichoclerus Van Dyke, 1938
- Bostrichus Geoffroy, 1762
- Bostrycharis Lesne, 1925
- Bostrychoplites Lesne, 1899
- Bostrychopsis Lesne, 1899
- Botanochara Dejean, 1836
- Botanophila
- Bothrideres Dejean, 1835
- Bothriocroton Keirans, King and Sharrad, 1994
- Bothriocyrtum Simon, 1891
- Bothriogaster Sseliwanoff, 1879
- Bothriomyrmex Emery, 1869
- Bothriophorus Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Bothriorhinus Fairmaire, 1881
- Bothrispa Uhmann, 1940
- Bothriurus Simon, 1880
- Bothrocalvia Crotch, 1874
- Bothrocheyla Volgin, 1964
- Bothromegalopus Monrós, 1947
- Bothropolys Wood, 1862
- Bothrostethus Fieber, 1860
- Bothyanoetus Fain and Camerik, 1978
- Bothynostethus Kohl, 1884
- Bothynotus Fieber, 1864
- Botocudo Kirkaldy, 1904
- Botrodus Casey, 1890
- Botrydesmus Loomis, 1934
- Botryias Richardson, 1910A
- Botryllophilus Hesse, 1864
- Botryonopa Guérin-Méneville, 1840
- Botswanoncus Harvey and Du Preez, 2014
- Botynella Weise, 1891
- Bouchardina Hobbs, 1977
- Boudinotiana Leraut, 2002
- Bougisia Laval, 1966
- Bourbonanthura Muller, 1990C
- Bourletiella Banks, 1899
- Bouscephalus Berge and Vader, 2001
- Bouvieraxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Bouvierella Chevreux, 1900
- Bovallia Pfeffer, 1888
- Bovicarabodes Fernández, Theron & Rollard, 2013
- Bovidromus Coineau, Theron and Fernandez, 2006
- Bowmaniella Bacescu, 1968
- Boyeria McLachlan, 1895
- Bracalba Dodd, 1931
- Brachevania Turner, 1927
- Brachiacantha Chevrolat, 1837
- Brachicoma
- Brachiella Cuvier, 1830
- Brachineura Rondani, 1840
- Brachinus Weber, 1801
- Brachionopus Pocock, 1897
- Brachionycha Hübner, 1819
- Brachioppia Hammer, 1961
- Brachioppiella Hammer, 1962
- Brachiopterna Bezzi, 1924
- Brachistosternus Pocock, 1893
- Brachoria Chamberlin, 1939
- Brachyaciura Bezzi, 1924
- Brachybaenus Karny, 1937
- Brachybamus Germar, 1835
- Brachycalanus Farran, 1905
- Brachycara Thomson, 1869
- Brachycarpus Spence Bate, 1888
- Brachycaudus
- Brachycentrus Curtis, 1834
- Brachycerasphora Denis, 1962
- Brachyceratocoris Knight, 1968
- Brachycercus Curtis, 1834
- Brachycerophytum Costa, Vanin, Lawrence and Ide, 2003
- Brachycerus Olivier, 1789
- Brachychthonius Berlese, 1910
- Brachycoryna Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Brachycorynus Valentine, 1998
- Brachycraera Muir, 1916
- Brachycybe Wood, 1864
- Brachycythere Alexander, 1933
- Brachydesis Hancock, 1986
- Brachydeutera
- Brachydiastylis Stebbing, 1912
- Brachygaster Leach, 1815
- Brachygastra Perty, 1833
- Brachygeophilus Brölemann, 1909
- Brachyglossula Hedicke, 1922
- Brachygluta Thomson, 1859
- Brachygonarea Ribaut, 1911
- Brachyhesma Michener, 1965
- Brachyinsara Rehn and Hebard, 1914
- Brachyiulus Berlese, 1884
- Brachylacon
- Brachylampis Van Dyke, 1939
- Brachyleon Tillyard, 1916
- Brachyleptura Casey, 1913
- Brachylinga
- Brachylobopyga Duffels, 1982
- Brachylomia Hampson, 1906
- Brachylybas Stål, 1870
- Brachylybastella Brailovsky, 1996
- Brachymelecta Linsley, 1939
- Brachymesia Kirby, 1889
- Brachymetra Mayr, 1865
- Brachymetroides Andersen, 2001
- Brachymyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Brachynemurus Hagen, 1888
- Brachynomada Holmberg, 1886
- Brachynotocoris Reuter, 1880
- Brachynotus
- Brachyodina Lindner, 1949
- Brachyogmus Linell, 1897
- Brachyopa
- Brachyoripoda Balogh, 1970
- Brachypalpus
- Brachypanorpa Carpenter, 1931
- Brachypauropoides Remy, 1952
- Brachypauropus Latzel, 1884
- Brachypelma Simon, 1891
- Brachypeplus Erichson, 1842
- Brachypeza
- Brachyphaea Simon, 1895
- Brachyphleps Lindner, 1965
- Brachyplectron Esben-Petersen, 1925
- Brachypnoea Gistel, 1850
- Brachypoda Lebert, 1879
- Brachypogon
- Brachypremna Osten Sacken, 1886
- Brachypsectra LeConte, 1874
- Brachypsyche Schmid, 1952
- Brachyptera Newport, 1851
- Brachypterodrilus Pic, 1918
- Brachypterolus Grouvelle, 1913
- Brachypterus Kugelann, 1794
- Brachys Dejean, 1833
- Brachysandalus Stål, 1866
- Brachyscelio Brues, 1940
- Brachyscelus Bate, 1861
- Brachysetodes Schmid, 1955
- Brachysomida Casey, 1913
- Brachysomus Schönherr, 1823
- Brachystegus A. Costa, 1859
- Brachysteles Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Brachystola Scudder, 1876
- Brachystoma
- Brachystomella Agren, 1903
- Brachystylus Schönherr, 1845
- Brachytes Westwood, 1842
- Brachythele Ausserer, 1871
- Brachythrix McFadden, 1970
- Brachytonus China, 1925
- Brachytrupanea Hancock, 1986
- Brachyusa Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Brachyvatus Zimmermann, 1919
- Brachyzapfes Codez, 1957
- Brackenridgia Ulrich, 1902
- Bracon Fabricius, 1805
- Bradleya Hornibrook, 1952
- Bradleystrandesia Broodbakker, 1983
- Bradoponera Mayr, 1868
- Bradya Boeck, 1872
- Bradyagaue Newell, 1971
- Bradycalanus A. Scott, 1909
- Bradycassis Spaeth, 1952
- Bradycellus Erichson, 1837
- Bradycinetulus Cockerell, 1906
- Bradyetes Farran, 1905
- Bradyidius Giesbrecht, 1897
- Bradynotes Scudder, 1870
- Bradypallene Kim & Hong, 1987
- Bradypontius Giesbrecht, 1895
- Bradyrhynchoides Pierce, 1913
- Bradysia
- Bradystichus Simon, 1884
- Braga Schioedte & Meinert, 1881
- Bragasellus Henry & Magniez, 1968
- Bramkeria Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Ochoa in Bassini-Silva et al., 2021
- Branchia Muma, 1951
- Branchinecta Verrill, 1869
- Branchinectella Daday, 1910
- Branchinella Sayce, 1903
- Branchipodopsis G. O. Sars, 1898
- Branchipus Schaeffer, 1766
- Brancuporus Hendrich, Toussaint and Balke, 2014
- Brancus Simon, 1902
- Brandtomyia Hardy, 1986
- Branneria Bollman, 1893
- Brasiella Rivalier, 1954
- Brasilacarus Vázquez, Araújo and Feres, 2015
- Brasilentulus Nosek, 1973
- Brasileon Miller and Stange, 1989
- Brasilidia Nosek, 1973
- Brasiliogomphus Belle, 1995
- Brasilionata Wunderlich, 1995
- Brasilister Dégallier, 1999
- Brasilocerus Wittmer, 1963
- Brasiloctis Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Brasilomma Brescovit, Ferreira & Rheims, 2012
- Brasilomysis Bacescu, 1968
- Brasiloniscus Lemos de Castro, 1973
- Brasiloscutigera Bücherl, 1939
- Brassicogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Brassiella Balogh, 1970
- Brassivola Distant, 1904
- Brassoppia Balogh, 1983
- Braula
- Braunsapis Michener, 1969
- Braunsia Kriechbaumer, 1894
- Bravothrips Johansen, 1966
- Brazilatemnus Muchmore, 1975
- Brazilobothriurus Lourenço and Monod, 2000
- Brazilozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Brazilserolis Wagele, 1994
- Brechivelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2004
- Brechmorhoga Kirby, 1894
- Breda Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Breddinella Dispons, 1962
- Breddinia Bergroth, 1903
- Bredinia Flint, 1968
- Bredo Schouteden, 1931
- Bregmatomyrma Wheeler, 1929
- Bregmatothrips Hood, 1912
- Bremia
- Brennanacarus Goff, Yunker and Wheeler, 1987
- Brennania
- Brentiscerus Scudder, 1962
- Brentus Fabricius, 1787
- Brephidium Scudder, 1876
- Brepholoxa Van Duzee, 1904
- Bresilia Calman, 1896
- Brettus Thorell, 1895
- Brevennia
- Breviacantha Kauri, 1954
- Brevialavenosa Sanborn, 2021
- Brevicornu
- Brevicoryne Van Der Goot, 1915
- Breviculala Ito, 1984
- Brevidorsus Kritsky, 1977
- Brevigonus Shelley, 1980
- Brevilabus Strand, 1908
- Brevipalpia Zacharda, 1980
- Brevipalpus Donnadieu, 1875
- Breviperna
- Brevipogon Lawrence, 2005
- Breviscapus
- Breviscelio Sundholm, 1970
- Brevisiana Boulard, 1972
- Brevitanna Lee, 2022
- Brevitrichia
- Brevrimatus Zhang, Yao and Ren, 2011
- Brevurus Schmalfuss, 1986
- Briancaris Sakai & Ohta, 2005
- Brianola Monard, 1926
- Briaraxis Brendel, 1894
- Briarosaccus Boschma, 1930
- Briggsus Özdikmen and Demir, 2008
- Brignolia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983
- Brignoliella Shear, 1978
- Brignolizomus Harvey, 2000
- Brillia Kieffer, 1913
- Brimocelus Arnold, 1927
- Brisbanocoris Miller, 1957
- Bristowia Reimoser, 1934
- Bristowiella Saaristo, 1980
- Brisus Navás, 1931
- Brittonella Fisher, 1932
- Brochella
- Brochia Newman and Ross, 1971
- Brochymena Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Brolgus Barnard & Drummond, 1978
- Bromeliagrion De Marmels in De Marmels and Garrison, 2005
- Bromelina Brescovit, 1993
- Bromeloecia
- Bromius Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Bromleyus
- Brommella Tullgren, 1948
- Brontaea
- Brontispa Sharp, 1904
- Brontispalaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Brontolaemus Sharp, 1885
- Brontostoma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Brookesiella Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1974
- Brooksetta Kelton, 1979
- Brooksiella Vockeroth, 1987
- Broscodera Lindroth, 1961
- Broscus Panzer, 1813
- Brotasus Roewer, 1928
- Broteochactas Pocock, 1893
- Brotheas C. L. Koch, 1837
- Brotheolus Bergroth, 1908
- Brothylus LeConte, 1859
- Bruceaxius Sakai, 2011
- Brucecaris Marin & Chan, 2006
- Bruceia Neumögen, 1893
- Bruceonia Fransen, 2002
- Bruceopsis Anker, 2010
- Brucheiser Navás, 1927
- Bruchia Weise, 1906
- Bruchidius Schilsky, 1905
- Bruchodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Bruchophagus Ashmead, 1888
- Bruchus Linnaeus, 1767
- Brucita Wilcox, 1965
- Bruggmannia
- Brulecoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Brumoides Chapin, 1965
- Brumus Mulsant, 1850
- Brundiniella
- Brunehaldia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1956
- Brunepisinus Yoshida & Koh, 2011
- Bruneria McNeill, 1897
- Brunettia
- Brunneria Saussure, 1869
- Brunsellius Distant, 1902
- Brunsonia Loomis & Schmitt, 1971
- Bruuniella Poulsen, 1965
- Bruunosa Barnard & Karaman, 1987
- Bruzelia Boeck, 1871
- Bruzeliopsis Chevreux, 1911
- Bryania Aldrich
- Bryantella Chickering, 1946
- Bryantonaria Pic, 1951
- Brychius Thomson, 1859
- Bryelmis Barr, 2011
- Brygoovia Stekolnikov and Fain, 2004
- Bryobiota Casey, 1893
- Bryocamptus Chappuis, 1928
- Bryocyclops Kiefer, 1927
- Bryodemina
- Bryolymnia Hampson, 1908
- Bryomyia
- Bryonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Bryophaenocladius Thienemann
- Bryospilus Frey, 1980
- Bryothinusa Casey, 1904
- Bubiacoris Miller, 1959
- Bubocorophium
- Bubophilus Philips and Norton, 1978
- Bucephalina Malloch, 1919
- Buchananiella Reuter, 1884
- Buchananius Kissinger, 1957
- Buchnerillo Verhoeff, 1942
- Bucimex Usinger, 1963
- Bucinozomus Armas and Rehfeldt, 2015
- Buckellacris Rehn and Rehn, 1945
- Buckupiella Brescovit, 1997
- Buclypeus Brennan, 1972
- Bucolellus Blackburn, 1889
- Bucolus Mulsant, 1850
- Bucranium O. P.-Cambridge, 1881
- Bucrates Burmeister, 1838
- Buddelundia Michaelsen, 1912
- Buddelundiella Silvestri, 1897
- Buemarinoa Roewer, 1956
- Buenoa Kirkaldy, 1904
- Buethobius Chamberlin, 1911
- Bufolucilia
- Buibui Griswold, 2001
- Buitinga Huber, 2003
- Bukacoris Miller, 1958
- Bukitritia Mahunka, 1990
- Bulaea Mulsant, 1850
- Bulbamphiascus Lang, 1944
- Bulbocepheus Mahunka, 1988
- Bulbocornis Brailovsky and Barrera, 2022
- Bulbogaster Lacordaire, 1865
- Bulgarocerberus Baldari and Argano, 1984
- Bulgaronethes Vandel, 1967
- Bulgaroniscus Vandel, 1965
- Bulia Walker, 1858
- Bullanga Navás, 1917
- Bulleremaeus Hammer, 1966
- Bullibates Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2012
- Bullowanthura Poore, 1978B
- Bulolia Zabka, 1996
- Bulolispa Gressitt and Samuelson, 1990
- Buloloa Hardy, 1986
- Buluka de Saeger, 1948
- Bumba Pérez-Miles, Bonaldo & Miglio, 2014
- Bumeralius Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Bunabodes Fujikawa, 2004
- Bunia Schouteden, 1955
- Buninotus Maldonado, 1981
- Bunites Spangler, 1972
- Bunops Birge, 1893
- Bunotingis Drake, 1948
- Buotus Chamberlin, 1940
- Buprestis Linnaeus, 1758
- Buprestodera Sicard, 1910
- Buprorus Thorell, 1859
- Buquetia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1847
- Bura Mulsant, 1850
- Burbunga Distant, 1905
- Bureschia Verhoeff, 1926
- Burmabracon Li, Shiuh and Ren, 2021
- Burmabrithes Lindner, 1937
- Burmacader Heiss and Guilbert, 2013
- Burmacharon Hu, Lei, Luo, Jarzembowski, Wang and Xiao, 2020
- Burmacicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Burmametra Huang et al., 2015
- Burmattus Prószynski, 1992
- Burmesescorpiops Lourenço, 2016
- Burmezomus Bastawade, 2004
- Burmoniscus Collinge, 1914
- Burnilia Muir and Giffard, 1924
- Burrimysis Jaume and Garcia, 1993
- Bursaustium Haitlinger, 2000
- Bursellia Holm, 1962
- Bursoplophora Subías & Pérez-Íñigo, 1978
- Burtinus Stål, 1860
- Buruhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Buruquelia González-Sponga, 1999
- Busas Jacobi, 1909
- Busquilla Manning, 1978
- Buthacus Birula, 1908
- Butheoloides Hirst, 1925
- Butheolus Simon, 1882
- Buthiscus Birula, 1905
- Buthoscorpio Werner, 1936
- Buthus Leach, 1815
- Butuanocoris Miller, 1954
- Buwatia Chamberlin, 1912
- Buyda Navás, 1926
- Buyina Davies, 1998
- Buyisa Distant, 1907
- Buzonium Cook & Loomis, 1928
- Byblis Boeck, 1871
- Byblisoides K. H. Barnard, 1931
- Bymainiella Raven, 1978
- Byrrhinus Motschulsky, 1858
- Byrrhodes LeConte, 1878
- Byrrhus Linnaeus, 1758
- Byrsochernes Beier, 1959
- Byrsodepsus Stål, 1872
- Byrsopteryx Flint, 1981
- Bystus Guérin-Méneville, 1857
- Bythinoplectus Reitter, 1882
- Bythiopagurus McLaughlin, 2003
- Bythocarides Sokolov, 2002
- Bythocaris G. O. Sars, 1870
- Bythoceratina Hornibrook, 1952
- Bythocheres Humes, 1988
- Bythocrotus Simon, 1903
- Bythocypris Brady, 1880
- Bythocythere G. O. Sars, 1866
- Bythognathia Camp, 1988
- Bythotrephes Leydig, 1860
- Byturus Latreille, 1796
- Caamembecaia Gazêta, Amorim, Bossi, Linhares and Serra-Freire, 2006
- Caayguara Rheims, 2010
- Cabanadrassus Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Cabares Godman and Salvin, 1894
- Cabecar Baumgardner in Baumgardner and Ávila, 2006
- Cabecita Lee, 2014
- Cabello Levi, 1964
- Cabera Treitschke, 1825
- Cabirops Kossmann, 1884
- Cabolena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Cabraca Shear, 1982
- Cabreraia Enderlein, 1929
- Cacama Distant, 1904
- Cacarulla Navás, 1910
- Caccodes Sharp, 1885
- Caccoplectus Sharp, 1887
- Caccothryptus Sharp, 1902
- Cachanocoris Villiers, 1959
- Cachexia Lewis, 1888
- Cacodemonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Cacodmus Stål, 1873
- Cacoides Cowley, 1934
- Cacophrissus Bates, 1885
- Cacopsalis Sharp, 1895
- Cacoschizus Sharp, 1900
- Cacosis Walker, 1856
- Cacostola Fairmaire and Germain, 1859
- Cacoxylus Beier, 1965
- Cactobia James, 1966
- Cactophagus LeConte, 1876
- Cactopinus Schwarz, 1899
- Caddo Banks, 1892
- Cadeguala Reed, 1892
- Cadegualina Michener, 1986
- Cadiz Andrews and Gilbert, 1992
- Cadmilos Distant, 1909
- Cadrema
- Caecarcturus Schultz, 1981
- Caecatemnus Mahnert, 1985
- Caecianiropsis Menzies and Pettit, 1956
- Caecidotea Packard, 1871
- Caecijaera Menzies, 1951
- Caecina Stål, 1863
- Caecobunus Roewer, 1927
- Caecocassidias Kussakin, 1967
- Caecogarypinus Dashdamirov, 2007
- Caecognathia Dollfus, 1901
- Caeconyx Barnard & Karaman, 1991
- Caecoonops Benoit, 1964
- Caecopilumnus Borradaile, 1902
- Caecoserolis Wagele, 1994
- Caecosphaeroma Dollfus, 1896
- Caecossonus Gilbert, 1955
- Caecostenetroides Fresi & Schiecke, 1968
- Caeculisoma Berlese, 1888
- Caeculus Dufour, 1832
- Caelius Lewis, 1895
- Caelostomus W. MacLeay, 1825
- Caenacantha Wulp, 1885
- Caenanthura Kensley, 1978E
- Caenaugochlora Michener, 1954
- Caenelmis Spangler, 1996
- Caenia Newman, 1838
- Caenis Stephens, 1835
- Caenobelba Norton, 1980
- Caenocara Thomson, 1859
- Caenocephaloides Strand, 1928
- Caenocholax Pierce, 1909
- Caenoculis Soldán, 1986
- Caenodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Caenohalictus Cameron, 1903
- Caenolister Bickhardt, 1921
- Caenominurus Voss, 1965
- Caenonetria Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Caenonomada Ashmead, 1900
- Caenonychus Oudemans, 1902
- Caenopachyella Szépligeti, 1908
- Caenopamera Barber, 1918
- Caenoprosopina Roig-Alsina, 1987
- Caenoprosopis Holmberg, 1886
- Caenoriata Foote, 1978
- Caenosamerus Higgins & Woolley, 1969
- Caenoscelis Thomson, 1863
- Caenosebus Kleine, 1916
- Caenota Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Caenoteleia Kieffer, 1926
- Caenotoides
- Caenotus
- Caenurgia Walker, 1858
- Caenurgina McDunnough, 1937
- Caeroplastes Verhoeff, 1918
- Caerosternus J. L. LeConte, 1852
- Caerostris Thorell, 1868
- Caesaromysis Ortmann, 1893
- Caesetius Simon, 1893
- Caffrocysta Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Caffrommatissus Fennah, 1967
- Caffrowithius Beier, 1932
- Cafius Stephens, 1829
- Cahuallitermes Constantino, 1994
- Cailloma Ross & King, 1952
- Cainonia Bruce, 2005
- Cainosternum Notman, 1921
- Calabozoa Van Lieshout, 1983
- Calabresia Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Calacadia Exline, 1960
- Calacanthia Reuter, 1891
- Calada Nielsen & Robinson, 1983
- Calafia Carvacho, 1983
- Calalimnadia Rabet and Rogers, 2012
- Calamincola Casto, 1978
- Calamispa Gressitt, 1957
- Calamistrula Dahl, 1901
- Calamoceras Brauer, 1865
- Calamocoris Breddin, 1901
- Calamomyia
- Calamoncosis
- Calamoneta Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Calamopus Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Calamorhynchus Streets, 1878
- Calamosternus Motschulsky, 1859
- Calandrinus LeConte, 1876
- Calanoides Brady, 1883
- Calanopia Dana, 1852
- Calantica Gray, 1825
- Calanus Leach, 1819
- Calaphidius Mackauer, 1961
- Calapnita Simon, 1892
- Calappa Weber, 1795
- Calasellus Bowman, 1981
- Calastacus Faxon, 1893
- Calathaemon Bruce & Short, 1993
- Calathotarsus Simon, 1903
- Calathura Norman & Stebbing, 1886
- Calathus Bonelli, 1810
- Calaxiopsis Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Calaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Calbodus Spinola, 1852
- Calcagninus Distant, 1892
- Calcaritermes Snyder, 1925
- Calcarsynotaxus Wunderlich, 1995
- Calchas Birula, 1899
- Calcibius Chamberlin and Wang, 1952
- Calcinus Dana, 1851
- Calcipila Harrison & Holdich, 1984
- Calcitro Petrunkevitch, 1945
- Calconiscellus Verhoeff, 1927
- Calcoschizomus Pierce, 1951
- Calculus Purcell, 1910
- Caledanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Caledoderus Guilbert, 2012
- Caledomedes Raven & Hebron, 2018
- Caledonillo Dalens, 1993
- Caledonispa Uhmann, 1952
- Caledonotrichia Sykora, 1967
- Caledopsalta Delorme, 2018
- Caledopsyche Kimmins, 1953
- Caledothele Raven, 1991
- Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974
- Calephelis Grote and Robinson, 1869
- Caleremaeus Berlese, 1910
- Caleupodes A. Baker, 1987
- Calholaspis Berlese, 1918
- Caliactis Shelley, 1996
- Calianotus Shelley, 1997
- Calicina Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicovatellus K. B. Miller and Lubkin, 2001
- Calicynorta C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Calidiochernes Beier, 1954
- Calidota Dyar, 1901
- Calidroides Schwartz, 2005
- Califanthura Schultz, 1977
- Califobathynella Cho, 1997
- Californiphilus Verhoeff, 1938
- Californiulus Verhoeff, 1938
- Caliginopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Caligodes Heller, 1865
- Caligodorus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Caligohomus Habeeb, 1966
- Caligonella Berlese, 1910
- Caligoneus Komai & Fujita, 2018
- Caligopsyllus Kunz, 1975
- Caligus O. F. Müller, 1785
- Calilena Chamberlin & Ivie, 1941
- Calileptoneta Platnick, 1986
- Calileuctra Shepard and Baumann, 1995
- Calima Moreno-González and Villarreal, 2012
- Calineuria Ricker, 1954
- Caliothrips Daniel, 1904
- Caliphilus Chamberlin, 1941
- Caliphis Lee, 1970
- Calipsalta Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Calipteremaeus Paschoal, 1987
- Caliroa Costa, 1859
- Calisius Stål, 1860
- Calisoga Chamberlin, 1937
- Calistocoris Reuter, 1881
- Calisuspensus Ding, 2006
- Callanispa Uhmann, 1959
- Callanocoris Villiers, 1960
- Calledapteryx Grote, 1868
- Calleida Latreille, 1824
- Calles Kissinger, 1964
- Callevophthalmus Simon, 1906
- Callevopsis Tullgren, 1902
- Callianassa Leach, 1814
- Callianidea H. Milne-Edwards, 1837
- Callianopsis de Saint Laurent, 1973
- Calliapagurops de Saint Laurent, 1973
- Calliasmata Holthuis, 1973
- Calliaspis Dejean, 1836
- Calliax de Saint Laurent, 1973
- Calliaxina Nguyen Ngoc-Ho, 2003
- Callibaetis Eaton, 1881
- Callicaria Crotch, 1871
- Callicera
- Callicerus Gravenhorst, 1802
- Callichirus Stimpson, 1866
- Callichlamydia Stål, 1873
- Callichroma Latreille, 1816
- Calliclopius Stål, 1868
- Callicorixa White, 1873
- Callidactylus Stimpson, 1871
- Callidalena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Callidiellum Linsley, 1940
- Callidium Mulsant, 1839
- Callidosoma Womersley, 1936
- Callientomon Yin, 1980
- Calligrapha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Calligypona Sahlberg, 1871
- Callihamina Roewer, 1942
- Callihamus Roewer, 1931
- Callilepis Westring, 1874
- Callilestes Stål, 1866
- Callimormus Scudder, 1872
- Callimoxys Kraatz, 1863
- Callinapaea
- Callinectes Stimpson, 1860
- Callinicus
- Calliodis Reuter, 1871
- Callionima Lucas, 1857
- Calliopiella Schellenberg, 1925
- Calliopius Liljeborg, 1865
- Calliopsida Torres, 1958
- Calliopsis Smith, 1853
- Calliopum
- Callipallene Flynn, 1929
- Callipappus Guérin-Méneville, 1841
- Callipareius Senna, 1892
- Callipelis Zamani & Marusik, 2017
- Callipenthalodes Qin, 1998
- Calliperla Banks, 1947
- Callipharixenos Pierce, 1918
- Calliphora
- Callipielus Butler, 1882
- Callipogon Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Callipogonius Linsley, 1935
- Callirhopalus Hochhuth, 1851
- Callirhynchinus Kuschel, 1955
- Callirhytis Förster, 1869
- Calliscelio Ashmead, 1893
- Callispa Baly, 1858
- Callistege Hübner, 1823
- Callistocythere Ruggieri, 1953
- Callistodema Reuter, 1890
- Callistola Dejean, 1836
- Callistoleon Banks, 1910
- Callistomyia Bezzi, 1913
- Callithrincus Horváth, 1925
- Callitrichia Fage, 1936
- Calliuncus Roewer, 1931
- Callizzia Packard, 1876
- Callobius Chamberlin, 1947
- Calloeneis Grote, 1873
- Callogaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Callohesma Michener, 1965
- Callohispa Uhmann, 1960
- Calloides LeConte, 1873
- Callomelitta Smith, 1853
- Callomyia
- Callona Waterhouse, 1840
- Callonychium Brèthes, 1922
- Callophrys Billberg, 1820
- Callopisma Motschulsky, 1853
- Callopistria Hübner, 1821
- Callopistromyia
- Callosamia Packard, 1864
- Callosobruchus Pic, 1902
- Callotillus Wolcott, 1911
- Calmanesia Collinge, 1922
- Calobatina
- Caloca Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Calocaeculus Coineau, 1974
- Calocalanus Giesbrecht, 1888
- Calocarides Wollebaek, 1908
- Calocaris Bell, 1853
- Calocheiridius Beier and Turk, 1952
- Calocheirus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Calochromus Guérin Méneville, 1833
- Calocoenia
- Calocoides Neboiss, 1984
- Calocoris Fieber, 1858
- Caloctenus Keyserling, 1877
- Calodectes Lesne, 1906
- Calodera Mannerheim, 1831
- Calodipoena Gertsch & Davis, 1936
- Calodromus Guérin-Méneville, 1832
- Calodrypta Lesne, 1906
- Caloloma Drake and Bruner, 1924
- Calolydella Townsend, 1927
- Calomacraspis Bates, 1888
- Calomantispa Banks, 1913
- Calomerella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Calommata Lucas, 1837
- Calomycterus Roelofs, 1873
- Calomyrmex Emery, 1895
- Calomyspoena Baert & Maelfait, 1983
- Calonistes Lesne, 1936
- Calonyx Walter, 1907
- Caloparyphus James, 1939
- Calopertha Lesne, 1906
- Calophagus Lesne, 1902
- Calophasia Stephens, 1829
- Calophorus Lesne, 1906
- Calopsaltria Stål, 1861
- Calopteron Laporte, 1838
- Calopteryx Leach, 1815
- Caloptognatha Green, 1954
- Calopus Fabricius, 1775
- Calorema Southcott, 1963
- Calorychodes Kleine, 1925
- Calositticus Lohmander, 1944
- Calosoma Weber, 1801
- Calosopsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977
- Calosphenisca Hendel, 1914
- Calotarsa
- Calotelea Westwood, 1837
- Calothrombium Berlese, 1919
- Calotingis Drake, 1918
- Calotrachelum Pic, 1930
- Caloundranius Miller, 1957
- Calozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Calozodion Gardiner, 1973
- Calphurniella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Calphurnioides Distant, 1913
- Calpodes Hübner, 1819
- Calponia Platnick, 1993
- Calvertagrion St. Quentin, 1960
- Calvia Mulsant, 1846
- Calvolia Oudemans, 1911
- Calybe Laporte, 1834
- Calycomyza
- Calycopis Scudder, 1876
- Calycuoniscus Collinge, 1915
- Calymmachernes Beier, 1954
- Calymmaderus Solier, 1849
- Calymmaria Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Calymmodesmus Carl, 1914
- Calypsopycnon Hedgpeth, 1948
- Calyptillus Horn, 1876
- Calyptites Scudder, 1877
- Calyptobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Calyptocephala Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Calyptocephalus Gray in Griffiths, 1832
- Calyptodesmus Schubart, 1944
- Calyptolana Bruce, 1985A
- Calyptomerus Redtenbacher, 1849
- Calyptomma W. M. Tattersall, 1909
- Calyptomyrmex Emery, 1887
- Calyptoseius Lindquist and Moraza, 2016
- Calyptostoma Cambridge, 1875
- Calyptra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Calyptulus Kleine, 1922
- Calyria Stål, 1862
- Calythea
- Calytheca White, 1973
- Calytohygia Brailovsky, 1998
- Calyxochaetus
- Camacho
- Camargoia Moure, 1989
- Camaricus Thorell, 1887
- Cambala Gray, 1832
- Cambalida Simon, 1910
- Cambalomma Loomis, 1941
- Cambarellus Ortmann, 1905
- Cambaroides Faxon, 1884
- Cambarus Erichson, 1846
- Cambridgea L. Koch, 1872
- Camcarabodes Ermilov & Starý, 2018
- Camelobaetidius Demoulin, 1966
- Camelopsocus Mockford, 1965
- Cameraverruca Pilsbry, 1916
- Camerobia Southcott, 1957
- Cameroneta Bosmans & Jocqué, 1983
- Cameronidion Wunderlich, 2011
- Cameronieta Machado-Allison, 1965
- Camerunilla Haglund, 1899
- Camilla
- Camillina Berland, 1919
- Caminacarus Fain, 1968
- Camincheyletus Smiley and Whitaker, 1981
- Camirohylla Haitlinger, 1991
- Camirus Stål, 1862
- Camisia Heyden, 1826
- Camnula Stål, 1873
- Campachipteria Aoki, 1995
- Campaea Lamarck, 1816
- Campanacella Handschin, 1961
- Campanicola Yoshida, 2015
- Campbellobates Wallwork, 1964
- Campecopea Leach, 1814
- Campeprosopa Macquart, 1850
- Campichoeta
- Campiglossa Rondani, 1870
- Campion Navás, 1914
- Campodea Westwood, 1842
- Camponotites Dlussky, 1981
- Camponotus Mayr, 1861
- Campostichomma Karsch, 1891
- Campostrecha Mello-Leitão, 1937
- Campsicnemus
- Campsiophora Flint, 1964
- Campsocnemis Stål, 1870
- Campsolomus Stål, 1870
- Campsurus Eaton, 1868
- Camptibia Cai and Tomokuni, 2003
- Camptischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptocercus Baird, 1843
- Camptocladius
- Camptocosa Dondale, Jiménez & Nieto, 2005
- Camptodes Erichson, 1843
- Camptomyia
- Camptoneuromyia
- Camptonotus Uhler, 1864
- Camptopoeum Spinola, 1843
- Camptoprosopella
- Camptops
- Camptopteromyia Meijere, 1914
- Camptopus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934
- Camptothlipsis Enderlein, 1920
- Camptozygum Reuter, 1896
- Campylacantha Scudder, 1897
- Campylaspenis Bacescu and Muradian, 1974
- Campylaspis Sars, 1865
- Campylirhynchus Dejean, 1821
- Campylocheta Rondani, 1859
- Campylocia Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Campylocythere Edwards, 1944
- Campylomma Reuter, 1878
- Campylomyza
- Campyloneura Fieber, 1860
- Campylonotus Spence Bate, 1888
- Campylorhabdus Schmidt, 1889
- Campylorhyncha Stål, 1870
- Campylosteira Fieber, 1844
- Campylostigmus Ribaut, 1923
- Campylotingis Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Canacea
- Canaceoides Cresson, 1934
- Canaima Huber, 2000
- Canala Gray, 1992
- Canalidion Wunderlich, 2008
- Canama Simon, 1903
- Canarichelifer Beier, 1965
- Canariellanum Wunderlich, 1987
- Canarinus Mazur, 1993
- Canariognapha Wunderlich, 2011
- Canarionesticus Wunderlich, 1992
- Canariphantes Wunderlich, 1992
- Canberria Belokobylskij, 1991
- Cancellocheles Forest, 1987
- Cancellus H. Milne-Edwards, 1836
- Cancer Linnaeus, 1758
- Cancerilla Dalyell, 1851
- Cancricepon Giard and Bonnier, 1887
- Cancrincola C. B. Wilson, 1913
- Cancrion Giard and Bonnier, 1886
- Candace Stål, 1870
- Candacia Dana, 1846
- Candidiopotamon Bott, 1967
- Candocypria Furtos, 1933
- Candocyprinotus Delorme, 1970
- Candona Baird, 1845
- Candonocypris Sars, 1895
- Canephorula Jörgensen, 1909
- Canestrinia Berlese, 1881
- Canestriniella Berlese, 1910
- Cangazomus Pinto-da-Rocha, Andrade and Moreno-González, 2016
- Cangoderces Harington, 1951
- Canifa LeConte, 1866
- Canistes Casey, 1892
- Canistra Erichson, 1847
- Cannaphila Kirby, 1889
- Canoptila Mosely, 1939
- Cantabrochthonius Zaragoza, 2017
- Cantabroniscus Vandel, 1965
- Cantacader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cantata Lee and Pham in Pham and Lee, 2021
- Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758
- Cantharoctonus Viereck, 1912
- Cantharozetes Hammer, 1961
- Canthesancus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Canthidium Erichson, 1847
- Canthocalanus A. Scott, 1909
- Canthocamptus Westwood, 1836
- Canthon Hoffmannsegg, 1817
- Canthydrus Sharp, 1882
- Canthyporus Zimmermann, 1919
- Canthysellus Baca and Toledo, 2015
- Cantikus Huber, 2018
- Cantinona Distant, 1913
- Cantopelopia
- Cantoreanus Dlabola, 1971
- Cantuaria Hogg, 1902
- Canualna Boulard, 1985
- Canuella T. Scott and A. Scott, 1893
- Canuellina Gurney, 1927
- Canuellopsis
- Canungrantmictis Brailovsky, 2002
- Canyra Stål, 1862
- Capcicada Villet, 1989
- Capedulia Meyer, 1979
- Capelatus Turner and Bilton, 2015
- Capelocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Caperhantus Balke, Hájek and Hendrich, 2017
- Capeta Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005
- Capeyorkia Richardson, 2016
- Caphalia
- Capheris Simon, 1893
- Capicola Friese, 1911
- Capicua Navás, 1921
- Capidava Simon, 1902
- Capillibates Hammer, 1966
- Capilliporcellana Haig, 1978
- Capilloppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Capis Grote, 1882
- Capitites Foote & Freidberg, 1981
- Capitonisalda J. Polhemus, 1981
- Capitonisaldoida J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Capitophorus Van Der Goot, 1913
- Capnia Pictet, 1841
- Capniella Klapálek, 1920
- Capnioneura Ris, 1905
- Capnobotes Scudder, 1897
- Capnochroa
- Capnopsis Morton, 1896
- Capnura Banks, 1900
- Caponia Simon, 1887
- Caponina Simon, 1891
- Capophanes Banks, 1938
- Caporiaccosa Roewer, 1960
- Capparimyia Bezzi, 1920
- Capraita J. Bechyné, 1957
- Caprella Lamarck, 1801
- Caprilesia Gil-Santana, Marques and Costa, 2006
- Caprithrips Faure, 1933
- Caprocethera Breddin, 1903
- Capronomoia Mahunka, 1976
- Capsula Fibiger, Zilli, Ronkay and Goldstein, 2005
- Capsulia Saaristo, Tu & Li, 2006
- Capsus Fabricius, 1803
- Car Blackburn, 1897
- Carabdytes Balke, Hendrich and Wewalka, 1992
- Carabella Chickering, 1946
- Carabhydrus Watts, 1978
- Carabocepheus Berlese, 1910
- Caraboctonus Pocock, 1893
- Carabodes Koch, 1835
- Caraboecius Cooreman, 1950
- Carabus Linnaeus, 1758
- Caracladus Simon, 1884
- Caracoris Schwartz, 1989
- Caradrina Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Caraibodesmus Chamberlin, 1918
- Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968
- Caraimatta Lehtinen, 1981
- Carales Walker, 1855
- Caralinda Hoffman, 1978
- Caramba Shear, 1977
- Carangolia J. L. Barnard, 1961
- Carangoliopsis Ledoyer, 1970
- Caraphractus Walker, 1846
- Carapoia González-Sponga, 1998
- Carastrum Southcott, 1988
- Carathea Moran, 1986
- Carathrips Hood, 1950
- Carayaca González-Sponga, 1998
- Carayonella Poisson, 1948
- Carayonema Richard, 1986
- Carayonhygia Brailovsky, 2002
- Carayonia Villiers, 1951
- Carbinea Davies, 1999
- Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Carcinarachne Schmidt, 1956
- Carcinione Bourdon, 1983
- Carcinochelis Fieber, 1861
- Carcinocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Carcinomma Bergroth, 1894
- Carcinophora Scudder, 1876
- Carcinoplax H. Milne Edwards, 1852
- Carcinops Marseul, 1855
- Carcinoscorpius Pocock, 1902
- Carcinus Leach, 1814
- Cardenio Stebbing, 1888
- Cardiastethus Fieber, 1860
- Cardiocepon Nobili, 1906C
- Cardiocladius Keiffer
- Cardiocondyla Emery, 1869
- Cardiodectes C. B. Wilson, 1917
- Cardiolpium Mahnert, 1986
- Cardiopelma Vol, 1999
- Cardiophorus
- Cardisoma Latreille in Latreille, Le Peletier, Serville and Guérin, 1828
- Cardomanica Lowry, 1985
- Cardopomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Cardus Galil, 2000
- Carebara Westwood, 1840
- Carebareia Goff and Brennan, 1977
- Carebarella Emery, 1906
- Carectocultus Blanchard, 1975
- Carepalxis L. Koch, 1872
- Cargasdama Villiers, 1950
- Cargida Schaus, 1901
- Caria Hübner, 1823
- Caribattus Bryant, 1950
- Caribbella Teeter, 1975
- Caribbiantes Silhavý, 1973
- Caribboecetes
- Caribbula Huys and Gee, 1990
- Caribchthonius Muchmore, 1976
- Caribeacarus Vázquez and Klompen, 2009
- Caribena Fukushima & Bertani, 2017
- Caribezomus Armas, 2011
- Cariblatta Hebard, 1916
- Caribochernes Beier, 1976
- Cariboptila Flint, 1964
- Caribothyrus Kontschán and Mahunka, 2004
- Caribseba Shaw, 1989
- Caribula Silhavý, 1979
- Caricea
- Caricelea Silva & Lise, 2007
- Caridella Calman, 1906
- Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837
- Caridinopsis Bouvier, 1912
- Caridion Goës, 1863
- Caridomma Bergroth, 1894
- Carinabella Hammer, 1977
- Carinametra Andersen and Grimaldi, 2001
- Carinatala Hill, 2015
- Carineogammarus Bousfield, 1979
- Carineta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Carinichremylus van Achterberg, 2000
- Cariniocoris Henry, 1989
- Carinispa Uhmann, 1930
- Carinisphindus McHugh, 1900
- Carinitermus van Achterberg, 2000
- Carinocythereis Ruggieri, 1956
- Carinodelphax Ding and Yang, 1987
- Carinodula Gordon, Pakaluk and Slipinski, 1989
- Carinodulina Slipinski and Jadwiszczak, 1995
- Carinodulinka Slipinski and Tomaszewska, 2002
- Carinofrons Chen and Li, 2000
- Carinogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973
- Carinophallus Rogers, 2006
- Carinopontonia Bruce, 1988
- Carinostigmus Tsuneki, 1954
- Carinozetes Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012
- Caripeta Walker, 1863
- Caripetella Strand, 1928
- Cariridris Brandao & Martins-Neto, 1990
- Caritohallex Crabill, 1960
- Carldrakeana Froeschner, 1968
- Carlisis Stål, 1858
- Carlmuesebeckius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Carlobembix Willink, 1958
- Carlobruchia Spaeth, 1911
- Carloniscus Verhoeff, 1936
- Carmenula Maldonado, 1992
- Carnarimelita Bousfield, 1989
- Carneocephala
- Carniella Thaler & Steinberger, 1988
- Carnus
- Carodes Zimmerman, 1994
- Carolinaxius Kou, Poore & X. Li, 2021
- Carolinicola Huys and Thistle, 1989
- Carololangia Gardiner, 1975
- Carorita Duffey & Merrett, 1963
- Carparachne Lawrence, 1962
- Carpathonesticus Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980
- Carpelimus Leach, 1819
- Carphobius Blackman, 1943
- Carphoborus Eichhoff, 1864
- Carphoides McDunnough, 1920
- Carphonotus Casey, 1892
- Carphuroides
- Carpias Richardson, 1902
- Carpilis Stål, 1874
- Carpilius Leach, 1823
- Carpoapseudes Lang, 1968
- Carpoglyphus Robin, 1869
- Carpomya Costa, 1854
- Carpona Dohrn, 1863
- Carpophilus Stephens, 1830
- Carpophthoracidia Shiraki, 1968
- Carpophthorella Hendel, 1914
- Carpophthoromyia Austen, 1910
- Carpoporus Stimpson, 1871
- Carptima Pearsall, 1906
- Carrai Raven, 1984
- Carrhenes Godman and Salvin, 1895
- Carrhotus Thorell, 1891
- Carsia Hübner, 1825
- Carteris Dognin, 1914
- Carterocephalus Lederer, 1852
- Carteroniella Strand, 1907
- Carteronius Simon, 1897
- Cartetolana Bruce, 1981
- Carthasis Champion, 1900
- Cartodere
- Cartodiplosis
- Carulaspis
- Carupa Dana, 1851
- Carvalhoiella De Carlo, 1963
- Carvalhotingis Froeschner, 1995
- Carvalhygia Brailovsky, 1995
- Caryedes Hummel, 1827
- Caryedon Schoenherr, 1823
- Caryobruchus Bridwell, 1929
- Caryomyia
- Casaleia Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1990
- Cascadoperla Szczytko and Stewart, 1979
- Casco Shoemaker, 1930
- Caseya Cook & Collins, 1895
- Caspicosa Ponomarev, 2007
- Caspiomysis G. O. Sars, 1907
- Cassafroneta Blest, 1979
- Cassida Linnaeus, 1758
- Cassidias Richardson, 1906
- Cassidina H. Milne-Edwards, 1840
- Cassidinella Whitelegge, 1901
- Cassidinidea Hansen, 1905
- Cassidinoma Hincks, 1950
- Cassidinopsis Hansen, 1905
- Cassidispa Gestro, 1899
- Cassidomorphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Cassidopsis Fairmaire, 1899
- Cassiocoptes Haitlinger, 1996
- Castanilla Caporiacco, 1936
- Castellanethes Brian, 1952
- Castianeira Keyserling, 1879
- Castilia Higgins, 1981
- Castolus Stål, 1858
- Castoponera Deeleman-Reinhold, 1993
- Castoraeschna Calvert, 1952
- Castrione Brasil Lima, 1980
- Catabena Walker, 1865
- Catabenoides Poole in Becker and Miller, 2002
- Catablysmia Kleine, 1926
- Catacercus Millidge, 1985
- Catachlorops
- Cataclinusa
- Catacraerus Bickhardt, 1920
- Catadipson Breddin, 1903
- Catagapetus McLachlan, 1884
- Catageus Thorell, 1889
- Cataglyphis Förster, 1850
- Catagogus Kleine, 1926
- Catajapyx Silvestri, 1933
- Catala Villiers, 1951
- Catalauniscus Vandel, 1953
- Cataleptodius Guinot, 1968
- Cataleptoneta Denis, 1955
- Catalinia Soleglad, Ayrey, Graham and Fet, 2017
- Catamiarus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Catanduba Yamamoto, Lucas & Brescovit, 2012
- Catanoplotina Kovar, 1995
- Catanopsobius Silvestri, 1909
- Catapaguroides A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1892
- Catapaguropsis Lemaitre & McLaughlin, 2006
- Catapagurus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Catapastus Casey, 1892
- Cataphryxus Shiino, 1936B
- Catapleuradesmus Loomis, 1964
- Catapotia Thomson, 1860
- Cataractocoris Usinger, 1941
- Catasphactes Stål, 1866
- Catasticta Butler, 1870
- Catatasis Kertesz, 1912
- Catatemnus Beier, 1932
- Cataulacus Smith, 1853
- Cataxia Rainbow, 1914
- Catharosia Rondani, 1868
- Cathartocryptus Sharp, 1886
- Cathartosilvanus Grouvelle, 1912
- Cathartus Reiche, 1854
- Catherinum Zevina, 1978
- Cathetopteron Hamilton in Leng and Hamilton, 1896
- Catinathrips O'Neill, 1967
- Cativella Coryell and Fields, 1937
- Catocala Schrank, 1802
- Catocha
- Catoessa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Catogenus Westwood, 1830
- Catonetria Millidge & Ashmole, 1994
- Catophragmus Sowerby, 1827
- Catoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Catopocerus Motschulsky, 1870
- Catops Paykull, 1798
- Catoptrichus Murray, 1856
- Catoptrus A. Milne-Edwards, 1870
- Catorhintha Stål, 1859
- Catotricha
- Catoxyethira Ulmer, 1912
- Cattasoma
- Catullia Stål, 1870
- Catulliaria Muir, 1931
- Catullioides Bierman, 1910
- Catumiri Guadanucci, 2004
- Caucanannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Caucaseremaeus Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2006
- Caucasiozetes Shtanchaeva, 1984
- Caucasocyphoniscus Borutzkii, 1948
- Caucasoligidium Borutzkii, 1950
- Caucasonethes Verhoeff, 1932
- Caucasopisthes Tanasevitch, 1990
- Caudacheles Gerson, 1968
- Caudalia Alayón, 1980
- Caudamaeolus P. Balogh, 1988
- Caudatella Edmunds, 1959
- Caudites Coryell and Fields, 1937
- Caularis Walker, 1858
- Caulophilus Wollaston, 1854
- Caulopsis Redtenbacher, 1891
- Caulotops Bergroth, 1898
- Cauloxenus Cope, 1872
- Caunus Stål, 1865
- Caupolicana Spinola, 1851
- Caurinella Allen, 1984
- Caurinus Russell, 1979
- Causerium Chamberlin, 1964
- Cautethia Grote, 1865
- Cautinella Millidge, 1985
- Cauvetauropus Remy, 1952
- Cavaecarabodes Fernández, Theron, Rollard & Castillo, 2014
- Cavariella Del Guercio, 1911
- Cavasteron Baehr & Jocqué, 2000
- Cavaticovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Cavellopsis
- Caveremulus Mahunka, 1983
- Cavernicola Barber, 1937
- Cavernocarabodes Mahunka, 1974
- Cavernocepheus Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Cavernocymbium Ubick, 2005
- Cavernocypris Hartmann, 1964
- Cavernozetes Mahunka, 1984
- Caviallianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Cavillator Wesolowska, 2000
- Caviphantes Oi, 1960
- Cavisternum Baehr, Harvey & Smith, 2010
- Cavocoris La Rivers, 1971
- Cazierius Francke, 1978
- Ceblurgus Urban & Moure, 1993
- Cebrenis Stål, 1862
- Cebreniscella Brailovsky, 1995
- Cebrenistella Brailovsky, 1995
- Cebrenninus Simon, 1887
- Cebrennus Simon, 1880
- Cecconia Kieffer, 1902
- Cecharismena Möschler, 1890
- Cechorismenus Kertesz, 1916
- Cecidocharella Hendel, 1936
- Cecidochares Bezzi, 1910
- Cecidomyia
- Cecidopus Karsch, 1879
- Cecrops Leach, 1816
- Cederhjelmia Oudemans, 1931
- Cedicoides Charitonov, 1946
- Cedicus Simon, 1875
- Cedius LeConte, 1849
- Cedria Wilkinson, 1934
- Cedrosella Barnard and Karaman, 1987
- Ceglusa Thorell, 1895
- Ceinina Stephensen, 1933
- Celaenia Thorell, 1868
- Celaenorrhinus Hübner, 1819
- Celaenotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Celaetycheus Simon, 1897
- Celantia Distant, 1903
- Celastrina Tutt, 1906
- Celaticoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1976
- Celatopesia Chiong and Ng, 1998
- Celatoria Coquillett, 1890
- Celegastrura Palacios-Vargas, Mendoza & Villalobos, 2000
- Celerobates Zettel, 2009
- Celidodacus Hendel, 1914
- Celidosoma Hardy, 1965
- Celidosphenella Hendel, 1914
- Celina Aubé, 1837
- Celiptera Guenée, 1852
- Celithemis Hagen, 1861
- Cellariella Strand, 1926
- Celotes Godman and Salvin, 1899
- Celtia Neale, 1973
- Celticecis
- Cembalea Wesolowska, 1993
- Cemolobus Robertson, 1902
- Cemopsis Fennah, 1978
- Cemus Fennah, 1964
- Cenefia Roewer, 1931
- Cenemus Saaristo, 2001
- Cenocorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Cenomanoscelio Schlüter, 1978
- Cenopalpus Pritchard and Baker, 1958
- Cenophengus LeConte, 1861
- Censorinus Distant, 1903
- Centranthura Wagele, 1981C
- Centraspis Schaum in Peters and Schaum, 1853
- Centraugaptilus G. O. Sars, 1920
- Centrelus Cook, 1911
- Centriacarus Klimov and OConnor, 2007
- Centrinaspis Casey, 1920
- Centrinites Casey, 1892
- Centrinogyna Casey, 1892
- Centrinopus Casey, 1892
- Centrinus Schönherr, 1825
- Centris Fabricius, 1804
- Centrocalia Platnick, 2000
- Centrochelifer Beier, 1959
- Centrochilus Krikken, 1976
- Centrochthonius Beier, 1931
- Centroclisis Navás, 1909
- Centrocnemis Signoret, 1852
- Centrocnemoides Miller, 1956
- Centrocoris Kolenati, 1845
- Centrocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Centroctenus Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Centrodera LeConte, 1850
- Centrogastocoris Miller, 1958
- Centrogonus Bergroth, 1894
- Centroina Platnick, 2002
- Centrolimnesia Lundblad, 1935
- Centromachetes Lönnberg, 1897
- Centromacronema Ulmer, 1905
- Centromedon Sars, 1895
- Centromerita Dahl, 1912
- Centromerus Dahl, 1886
- Centromyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Centropages Krøyer, 1849
- Centrophantes Miller & Polenec, 1975
- Centroplax Horváth, 1932
- Centropleurocoris Miller, 1955
- Centroptilum Eaton, 1869
- Centroribates Berlese, 1914
- Centrothele L. Koch, 1873
- Centruroides Marx, 1890
- Centsymplia Platnick, 2000
- Centuriatus Pacheco, 1964
- Ceocephalus Guérin-Méneville, 1833
- Ceoncophalus Villiers, 1961
- Ceophyllus LeConte, 1849
- Cephalalna Boulard, 2006
- Cephalidiosus Guilbert, 1999
- Cephalobares O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
- Cephalobarus Schoenherr, 1840
- Cephalobyrrhinus Pic, 1922
- Cephalobyrrhus Pic, 1923
- Cephalochrysa Kertesz, 1912
- Cephalocyclus Dellacasa, Gordon and Dellacasa, 1998
- Cephalodolichus Verhoeff, 1938
- Cephalohygia Brailovsky, 2005
- Cephaloleia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cephalolimnius Delève, 1973
- Cephalometra D. Polhemus and Ferreira, 2018
- Cephalomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Cephaloniscus Ferrara & Taiti, 1989
- Cephalonomia Westwood, 1833
- Cephaloon Newman, 1838
- Cephalophanes G. O. Sars, 1907
- Cephalophoxoides Gurjanova, 1977
- Cephalophrixothrix Wittmer, 1976
- Cephalophysa Hering, 1940
- Cephaloscymnus Crotch, 1873
- Cephalospargeta Möschler, 1890
- Cephalosphaera
- Cephalotes Latreille, 1802
- Cephalothrips Uzel, 1895
- Cephalotoma Lesne, 1911
- Cephalotrigona Schwarz, 1940
- Cephaloxynum Bernhauer, 1907
- Cepheia Simon, 1894
- Cephenemyia
- Cephennodes
- Cepheus Koch, 1835
- Cephise Evans, 1952
- Cephisus Stål, 1866
- Cephus Latreille, 1802
- Cepphis Hübner, 1823
- Ceraarachne Keyserling, 1880
- Cerachipteria Grandjean, 1935
- Ceracia Rondani, 1865
- Ceracis Mellié, 1848
- Ceraclea Stephens, 1829
- Ceradocus Costa, 1853
- Ceraeochrysa Adams, 1982
- Ceragogus Kleine, 1925
- Ceraleptus Costa, 1847
- Cerapachys Smith, 1857
- Cerapanorpa Gao, Ma and Hua, 2016
- Ceraphron Jurine, 1807
- Cerapteryx Curtis, 1833
- Cerapus Say, 1817
- Cerasma McLachlan, 1876
- Cerasmatrichia Flint, Harris & Botosaneanu, 1994
- Cerastipsocus Kolbe, 1884
- Cerastis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Ceratacis Thomson, 1859
- Ceratalictus Moure, 1943
- Cerataltica Crotch, 1873
- Cerataphis Lichtenstein, 1882
- Ceratempis
- Cerathosia Smith, 1887
- Ceraticelus Simon, 1884
- Ceratina Latreille, 1802
- Ceratinella Emerton, 1882
- Ceratinoderma Stål, 1873
- Ceratinops Banks, 1905
- Ceratinopsidis Bishop & Crosby, 1930
- Ceratinopsis Emerton, 1882
- Ceratinostoma Meade, 1885
- Ceratispa Gestro, 1895
- Ceratitella Malloch, 1939
- Ceratitis Macleay, 1829
- Ceratitoides Hendel, 1928
- Ceratobaeus Ashmead, 1893
- Ceratobarys
- Ceratobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Ceratobiton Delle Cave and Simonetta, 1971
- Ceratocader Drake, 1950
- Ceratocanthus White, 1842
- Ceratocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Ceratocephalus Woodward, 1877
- Ceratochaetops Mesnil, 1954
- Ceratochernes Mahnert, 1994
- Ceratocolax Vervoort, 1965
- Ceratocomboides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Ceratocombus Signoret, 1852
- Ceratoconcha Kramberger-Gorjanovic, 1889
- Ceratocoris White, 1842
- Ceratoculicoides
- Ceratocuma Calman, 1905
- Ceratocyba Holm, 1962
- Ceratodacus Hendel, 1914
- Ceratodalia Packard, 1876
- Ceratogyrus Pocock, 1897
- Ceratohister Reichensperger, 1924
- Ceratolana Bowman, 1977
- Ceratolasma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Ceratoleon Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Ceratomegilla Crotch, 1873
- Ceratomia Harris, 1839
- Ceratomonia Michener, 1981
- Ceratomontia Roewer, 1915
- Ceratomysis Faxon, 1893
- Ceratonyx Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Ceratopachys Westwood, 1842
- Ceratopagurus Yokoya, 1933
- Ceratophysella Börner in Brohmer, 1932
- Ceratophyus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823
- Ceratopidea Knight, 1968
- Ceratopirates Schouteden, 1933
- Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803
- Ceratoppia Berlese, 1908
- Ceratoppiella Hammer, 1977
- Ceratopsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977
- Ceratorchestes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Ceratoserolis Cals, 1977
- Ceratostigmus Melo and Naumann, 1999
- Ceratotenuiala Aoki & Maruyama, 1983
- Ceratothoa Dana, 1852
- Ceratothripoides Bagnall, 1918
- Ceratothrips Reuter, 1899
- Ceratotingis Montemayor, 2008
- Ceratotrichia Flint in Quintero & Aiello, 1992
- Ceratotrupes Jekel, 1865
- Ceratozetella Shaldybina, 1966
- Ceratozetes Berlese, 1908
- Ceraturgus
- Cerbalus Simon, 1897
- Cerberoides Jackson, 1938
- Cerceis H. Milne Edwards, 1840
- Cerceris Latreille, 1802
- Cercidia Thorell, 1869
- Cercinthinus Kiritshenko, 1916
- Cercinthus Stål, 1860
- Cercobrachys Soldán, 1986
- Cercomantispa Handschin, 1959
- Cerconeotes Huys, 1992
- Cercopagis G. O. Sars, 1897
- Cercopedius Sleeper, 1955
- Cercopeus Schönherr, 1842
- Cercophonius Peters, 1861
- Cercops Krøyer, 1843
- Cercotmetus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cercyon Leach, 1817
- Cercyonis Scudder, 1875
- Cerellius Distant, 1903
- Cerenotoides
- Ceresium Newman, 1842
- Cerethmus Chamberlin, 1941
- Ceriana
- Cerilocus Stål, 1859
- Ceriochernes Beier, 1937
- Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853
- Ceriomura Simon, 1901
- Cerionesta Simon, 1901
- Cerma Hübner, 1818
- Cermatobius Haase, 1885
- Cernotina Ross, 1938
- Cerobasis Kolbe, 1882
- Cerobates Schoenherr, 1840
- Cerocepheus Trägårdh, 1931
- Cerocida Simon, 1894
- Cerodontha
- Ceroma Karsch, 1885
- Ceromasia Rondani, 1856
- Ceromella Roewer, 1933
- Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Cerophanes Tobias, 1971
- Cerophytum Latreille, 1809
- Ceroplastes
- Ceropsilopa
- Ceroptera
- Ceroptres Hartig, 1840
- Cerotainia
- Cerotainiops
- Cerotelion
- Cerotoma Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cerotrioza Crawford, 1918
- Ceroxys
- Cerrobius Chamberlin, 1942
- Cersa Silhavý, 1979
- Ceruchus MacLeay, 1819
- Cerura Schrank, 1802
- Cervantistellus Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Cervarita Tseng, Chu & Chen, 1992
- Cervinia Norman, 1878
- Cerviniella Smirnov, 1946
- Cerviniopsis G. O. Sars, 1903
- Ceryerda Simon, 1909
- Cerylon Latreille, 1802
- Cesonia Simon, 1893
- Cestopagurus Bouvier, 1897
- Cetanthura Kensley, 1982C
- Cetema
- Cethegus Thorell, 1881
- Cethera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cetheromma Jeannel, 1917
- Cetiothucha Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Cetonana Strand, 1929
- Cetonicola Cooreman, 1955
- Cetopirus Ranzani, 1817
- Cetratus Kulczynski, 1911
- Ceuthauxus Chamberlin, 1942
- Ceuthophilus Scudder, 1863
- Ceuthothrips Hood, 1938
- Ceuthothrombium Robaux, Webb & Campbell, 1976
- Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1824
- Ceylalictus Strand, 1913
- Ceylanodrilus Pic, 1929
- Ceylanoetus Mahunka, 1974
- Ceylanopsyche Fischer, 1970
- Ceylobodes Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Chacella Bruce, 1986
- Chacellus Guinot, 1969
- Chaceon Manning and Holthuis, 1989
- Chaco Tullgren, 1905
- Chacocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Chactas Gervais, 1844
- Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912
- Chactopsoides Ochoa, Rojas-Runjaic, Pinto-da-Rocha and Prendini, 2013
- Chaenosternum Blackburn, 1885
- Chaenusa Haliday, 1839
- Chaerea Simon, 1884
- Chaeridiona Baly, 1869
- Chaerilobuthus Lourenço and Beigel, 2011
- Chaerilus Simon, 1877
- Chaetabraeus Portevin, 1929
- Chaetacantha Bergroth, 1895
- Chaetaglaea Franclemont, 1943
- Chaetanaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Chaetarcturus Brandt, 1990
- Chaetarthria Stephens, 1833
- Chaetaspis Bollman, 1887
- Chaetechidius Sleeper, 1955
- Chaetellipsis Bezzi, 1913
- Chaetexorista Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1895
- Chaetilia Dana, 1853
- Chaetisothrips Priesner, 1957
- Chaetobacanius Gomy, 1977
- Chaetochlorops
- Chaetocladius Kieffer
- Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831
- Chaetococcus Maskell, 1898
- Chaetocrania Townsend, 1915
- Chaetodactylus Rondani, 1866
- Chaetodellus Masán and Halliday, 2013
- Chaetofoveolocoris Knight, 1968
- Chaetogaedia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Chaetogammarus Martynov, 1925
- Chaetoglossa Townsend, 1892
- Chaetohermetia Lindner, 1929
- Chaetoleon Banks, 1920
- Chaetolonchaea
- Chaetolotis Slipinski, 2004
- Chaetometra Hungerford, 1950
- Chaetomiris Bliven, 1973
- Chaetonodexodes Townsend, 1916
- Chaetonopsis Townsend, 1915
- Chaetopauesia Mackauer, 1967
- Chaetopelma Ausserer, 1871
- Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908
- Chaetophloeus Leconte, 1876
- Chaetophora Kirby and Spence, 1823
- Chaetoplagia Coquillett, 1895
- Chaetopleurophora
- Chaetopsis
- Chaetopterna Martynov, 1913
- Chaetopteroides Kumanski, 1987
- Chaetopterygopsis Stein, 1874
- Chaetopteryx Stephens, 1829
- Chaetorellia Hendel, 1927
- Chaetosa Coquillett, 1898
- Chaetosargus Roder, 1894
- Chaetosciara
- Chaetostigmoptera Townsend, 1916
- Chaetostomella Hendel, 1927
- Chaetovoria Villeneuve, 1920
- Chagasia Cruz, 1906
- Chainochora van Achterberg and Chen, 2021
- Chalaraspidum Willemoes-Suhm, 1895
- Chalarostylis Norman, 1879
- Chalarus
- Chalcidomorphina Enderlein, 1914
- Chalcionellus Reichardt, 1932
- Chalciope Hübner, 1823
- Chalcodermus Dejean, 1835
- Chalcolecta Simon, 1884
- Chalcolemia Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Chalcolepidus
- Chalcopasta Hampson, 1908
- Chalcophora Dejean, 1833
- Chalcopteryx Selys, 1853
- Chalcoscirtus Bertkau, 1880
- Chalcosyrphus
- Chalcothore De Marmels, 1985
- Chalcotropis Simon, 1902
- Chalcurgus H. Kolbe, 1897
- Chalepispa Uhmann, 1955
- Chalepogenus Holmberg, 1903
- Chaleponotus Casey, 1892
- Chalepotatus Weise, 1910
- Chalepoxenus Menozzi, 1923
- Chalepus Thunberg, 1805
- Chalixanthura Kensley, 1984A
- Challengerosergia Vereshchaka, Olesen & Lunina, 2014
- Chalumalna Boulard, 1998
- Chalybdicus Kleine, 1922
- Chalybion Dahlbom, 1843
- Chamaeclea Grote, 1883
- Chamaemyia
- Chamaesyrphus
- Chamaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Chamberlinarius Heurtault, 1990
- Chamberlinia Machado, 1951
- Chamobates Hull, 1916
- Champaka Distant, 1905
- Chanbria Muma, 1951
- Chanea Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Chaneke Francke, Teruel and Santibáñez-López, 2014
- Changeondelphax Kwon, 1982
- Chanopagurus Lemaitre, 2003
- Chaoa Luo and You, 2004
- Chaoborus Lichtenstein, 1800
- Chapinaria Laczynski and Tomaszewska, 2012
- Chapinula Ukrainsky, 2006
- Chapischema Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Chapoda Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Charadra Walker, 1865
- Charadriineopicobia Skoracki, Spicer and OConnor, 2014
- Charadrinyssus Butenko, 1984
- Charadriphilus Bochkov and Chistyakov, 2001
- Charadrodromia
- Charadropsyche Flint, 1970
- Charaphloeus Casey, 1916
- Charassobates Grandjean, 1929
- Charassocarcinus Van Straelen, 1925
- Charidotella Weise, 1896
- Charidotis Boheman, 1854
- Chariessa Perty, 1830
- Chariesterus Laporte, 1833
- Charinus Simon, 1892
- Chariobas Simon, 1893
- Charippus Thorell, 1895
- Charisalia Casey, 1913
- Charisina Lindner, 1951
- Charistena Baly, 1864
- Charletonia Oudemans, 1910
- Charmatometra Kirkaldy, 1899
- Charminus Thorell, 1899
- Charmus Karsch, 1879
- Charon Karsch, 1879
- Charopinopsis Yamaguti, 1963
- Charopinus Krøyer, 1863
- Charoxus Sharp, 1883
- Chartosaldoida Cobben, 1987
- Chartoscirta Stål, 1868
- Charybdis De Haan, 1833
- Chasmacephala Fennah, 1945
- Chasmatonotus
- Chasmocarcinus Rathbun, 1898
- Chasmocephalon O. P.-Cambridge, 1889
- Chasmogenus Sharp, 1882
- Chathamia Tillyard, 1925
- Chatia Brennan, 1946
- Chatzakia Lissner & Bosmans, 2016
- Chaudhripalpus Mesa, Welbourn and Evans in Mesa et al., 2009
- Chauliodes Latreille, 1796
- Chauliodoniscus Lincoln, 1985B
- Chauliognathus Hentz, 1830
- Chauliopleona Dojiri and Sieg, 1997
- Chauliops Scott, 1874
- Chaunocolus Saylor, 1937
- Chaussieria Oudemans, 1937
- Chavinia Hammer, 1961
- Chazeauiana Tomaszewska and Szawaryn in Szawaryn et al., 2015
- Chedima Simon, 1873
- Cheesmanomyia Malloch, 1939
- Cheguevaria Kazantsev, 2007
- Cheiletha Chamberlin, 1946
- Cheilister Reichensperger, 1924
- Cheilomenes Dejean, 1836
- Cheilopallene Stock, 1955
- Cheilosia
- Cheilotrichia
- Cheimacheramus Barnard, 1934
- Cheiracanthium C. L. Koch, 1839
- Cheiramiona Lotz & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1999
- Cheiridium Menge, 1855
- Cheirimedeia J. L. Barnard, 1962
- Cheirimedon Stebbing, 1888
- Cheirochela Hope, 1841
- Cheirochelifer Beier, 1967
- Cheirocratus Norman, 1867
- Cheirogonus Hoffman, 1982
- Cheirophotis Walker, 1904
- Cheiroplatea Spence Bate, 1888
- Cheiropus Loomis, 1944
- Cheiroseiulus Evans and Baker, 1991
- Cheiroseius Berlese, 1916
- Chejuparia Kwon, 1985
- Chelacaropsis Baker, 1949
- Chelacheles Baker, 1958
- Cheladonta Lipovsky, Crossley and Loomis, 1955
- Chelanops Gervais, 1849
- Chelanthura Poore & Bardsley, 1990
- Chelanyssus Zumpt and Till, 1953
- Chelapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Chelarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Chelator Hessler, 1970
- Cheletacarus Volgin, 1961
- Cheletogenes Oudemans, 1905
- Cheletoides Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletomimus Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletomorpha Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletonella Womersley, 1941
- Cheletophanes Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletophyes Oudemans, 1914
- Cheletopsis Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletosoma Oudemans, 1905
- Cheliceroides Zabka, 1985
- Chelicopia Kornicker, 1958
- Chelifer Geoffroy, 1762
- Chelifera
- Cheliferoides F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Chelignathus Menge, 1854
- Chelinidea Uhler, 1863
- Chelinochroa Summers and Schuster, 1982
- Cheliomyrmex Mayr, 1870
- Chelipoda
- Chelisoches Scudder, 1876
- Chelobasis Gray, 1832
- Chelocoris Bianchi, 1899
- Cheloctonus Pocock, 1892
- Chelodamus R. V. Chamberlin, 1925
- Chelogonobolus Carl, 1919
- Chelojulus Enghoff, 1982
- Chelomadillo Herold, 1931
- Chelomideopsis Romijn, 1920
- Chelonacarus Pence and Wright, 1998
- Chelonarhister Dégallier, 2004
- Chelonarium Fabricius, 1801
- Chelonibia Leach, 1817
- Chelonika Fransen, 1997
- Chelonomima Enderlein, 1914
- Chelonosternus Bickhardt, 1909
- Chelonotus Berlese, 1893
- Chelonychus Dietz, 1891
- Cheloppia Hammer, 1971
- Chelorchestia Bousfield, 1984
- Chelorhinus Kleine, 1922
- Cheloscina Shih and Hendrycks, 1996
- Chelostoma Latreille, 1809
- Chelura Philippi, 1839
- Chelymorpha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Chelyocephalus Schmidt, 1893
- Chelyophora Rondani, 1875
- Chelyoxenus Hubbard, 1894
- Chelypus Purcell, 1902
- Chelysida Fairmaire, 1882
- Chenacidiella Shiraki, 1968
- Chenevelia Zettel, 1996
- Cheniseo Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Chenisides Denis, 1962
- Chenistonia Hogg, 1901
- Chenophila Kethley, 1970
- Chepuvelia China, 1963
- Cheramoides Sakai, 2011
- Cheramus Spence Bate, 1888
- Cherax Erichson, 1846
- Chernes Menge, 1855
- Chernokrilus Ricker, 1952
- Chernovskiia
- Cherokia Chamberlin, 1949
- Cheronea Stål, 1863
- Cheronella Miller, 1955
- Cherserigone Denis, 1954
- Chersinellina Hincks, 1950
- Chersodromia
- Chersonesometrus Couzijn, 1978
- Chersotis Boisduval, 1840
- Chesiadodes Hulst, 1896
- Chesippus Reinhard, 1967
- Chespirito Ferreira, Keller and Branham, 2020
- Chetochelacarus Fain, 1987
- Chetogena Rondani, 1856
- Chetostoma Rondani, 1856
- Cheumatopsyche Wallengren, 1891
- Cheus Thurston, 1982
- Chevalia Walker, 1904
- Cheyletia Haller, 1884
- Cheyletiella Canestrini, 1886
- Cheyletus Latreille, 1796
- Cheylostigmaeus Willmann, 1952
- Chiangmaia Millidge, 1995
- Chiapacheylus De Leon, 1962
- Chiasmanyssus Gomes-Almeida and Pepato, 2021
- Chiasmognathus Engel, 2006
- Chiasmopes Pavesi, 1883
- Chiastocheta
- Chibchea Huber, 2000
- Chibidoronus Satô, 1966
- Chicobolus Chamberlin, 1947
- Chicosciencea Bochini, Cunha, Terossi and Almeida, 2020
- Chihuahuanus González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Chikunia Yoshida, 2009
- Chilacarus Webb, Bennett and Loomis, 1986
- Chilacis Fieber, 1864
- Chilaphrodesmus Loomis, 1934
- Chilarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Chilaspis Mayr, 1881
- Chilearinus Sharkey, 2022
- Chilecar Kuschel, 1992
- Chilecicada Sanborn, 2014
- Chilehexops Coyle, 1986
- Chilelopsis Goloboff, 1995
- Chilenius Lesne, 1921
- Chilenodes Platnick & Forster, 1987
- Chilenophilus Attems, 1909
- Chileolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Chileomma Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chileoniscus Taiti, Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1986
- Chileotaxus Platnick, 1990
- Chileotrecha Maury, 1987
- Chileuma Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chilicola Spinola, 1851
- Chilimalopsis Toro, 1976
- Chiliochthonius Vitali-di Castri, 1975
- Chilo Zincken, 1817
- Chiloanoetus Fain, 1974
- Chilobrachys Karsch, 1892
- Chilobunus Hickman, 1958
- Chilocentropus Navás, 1934
- Chilocorellus Miyatake, 1994
- Chilocoris Mayr, 1865
- Chilocorus Leach, 1815
- Chilodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Chiloecia Navas, 1930
- Chilongius Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chilophaga
- Chilosphex Menke in R. Bohart and Menke, 1976
- Chilostictia Gillaspy, 1983
- Chilostigma McLachlan, 1876
- Chilostigmodes Martynov, 1914
- Chilothorax Motschulsky, 1859
- Chilothrips Hood, 1916
- Chiloxanthus Reuter, 1891
- Chilumena Jocqué, 1995
- Chimaeragathis Sharkey, 2017
- Chimaeridris Wilson, 1989
- Chimaeromyrma Dlussky, 1988
- Chimarocephala Scudder, 1875
- Chimarra Stephens, 1829
- Chimarrhodella Lestage, 1925
- Chimarrhometra Bianchi, 1896
- Chimerathyas Mitchell, 2003
- Chimila Pate, 1944
- Chimiloides Leclercq, 1951
- Chinannus Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Chinaola Blatchley, 1928
- Chinaria Davis, 1934
- Chinattus Logunov, 1999
- Chinchippus Chamberlin, 1920
- Chinemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Chinophrys Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Chinoscopus Simon, 1901
- Chinquipellobunus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1944
- Chioides Lindsey, 1921
- Chiomara Godman and Salvin, 1899
- Chionaspis
- Chionea
- Chionelasmus Pilsbry, 1911
- Chionoecetes Krøyer, 1838
- Chionomus Fennah, 1971
- Chionophylax Schmid, 1951
- Chipingomyia Hancock, 1986
- Chira Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Chiricahua Ferris, 2010
- Chiricahuia Townsend, 1918
- Chiricocoris Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Chiridiella G. O. Sars, 1907
- Chiridiochernes Muchmore, 1972
- Chiridius Giesbrecht, 1892
- Chiridopsis Spaeth, 1922
- Chiridotea Harger, 1878
- Chiridula Weise, 1889
- Chirimena González-Sponga, 1999
- Chirocephalus Prévost, 1803
- Chiroecetes Herrin and Radovsky, 1974
- Chiromachetes Pocock, 1899
- Chiromachus Pocock, 1893
- Chiromantes Gistel, 1848
- Chiromyza Wiedemann, 1820
- Chirona Gray, 1835
- Chironomus
- Chiroptella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Chiropteranoetus Womersley, 1942
- Chiroptonyssus Augustson, 1945
- Chirosia
- Chirostylus Ortmann, 1892
- Chirothecia Taczanowski, 1878
- Chirothripoides Bagnall, 1915
- Chirothrips Haliday, 1836
- Chirripeckia Hoffman, 1976
- Chirundina Giesbrecht, 1895
- Chirundinella Tanaka, 1957
- Chisosa Huber, 2000
- Chistyakovella Ermilov, Aoki & Anichkin, 2013
- Chitonopsis Whitelegge, 1902
- Chitonosphaera Kussakin & Malyutina, 1993
- Chitrella Beier, 1932
- Chitrellina Muchmore, 1996
- Chivaenius Olexa, 1980
- Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810
- Chlamisus Rafinesque, 1815
- Chlamydatus Curtis, 1833
- Chlamydocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Chlamydonia Caterino, 2006
- Chlamydonotum Lindner, 1949
- Chlamydopsis Westwood, 1869
- Chlamydotheca Saussure, 1858
- Chlamyopsallus Schwartz, 2005
- Chlerogas Vachal, 1904
- Chlerogella Michener, 1954
- Chlerogelloides Engel, Brooks & Yanega, 1997
- Chloealtis Harris, 1841
- Chlorichaeta Becker
- Chlorida Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Chlorion Latreille, 1802
- Chloriona Fieber, 1866
- Chlorionidea Löw, 1885
- Chlorixanthe Bates, 1889
- Chlorizococcus
- Chlorocanta Chatfield-Taylor in Cole et al., 2023
- Chlorochlamys Hulst, 1896
- Chlorochroa Stål, 1872
- Chloroclystis Hübner, 1825
- Chlorococcus
- Chlorocoris Spinola, 1837
- Chlorocurtis Kemp, 1925
- Chlorocysta Westwood, 1851
- Chlorodiella Rathbun, 1897
- Chlorohystricia Townsend, 1927
- Chloromelas Enderlein, 1914
- Chloromyia Duncan, 1837
- Chloroneda Timberlake, 1943
- Chloronia Banks, 1908
- Chloroperla Newman, 1836
- Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863
- Chloroplus Hebard, 1918
- Chloroprocta
- Chlorops
- Chloropsalta Haupt, 1920
- Chloropsina Becker
- Chloropteryx Hulst, 1896
- Chlorosea Packard, 1873
- Chlorostrymon Clench, 1961
- Chlorotabanus
- Chlorotocella Balss, 1914
- Chlorotocoides Kemp, 1925
- Chlorotocus A. Milne-Edwards, 1882
- Chlosyne Butler, 1870
- Chnaunanthus Burmeister, 1844
- Chnoodes Chevrolat, 1837
- Chnootriba Chevrolat, 1837
- Choctella Chamberlin, 1918
- Choephora Grote and Robinson, 1868
- Choeras Mason, 1981
- Choerommatus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Choiroblemma Bourne, 1980
- Choixenillus Subías, 2016
- Cholidya Farran, 1914
- Cholinobaris Casey, 1920
- Cholomyia Bigot, 1884
- Chomatobius Humbert and Saussure, 1870
- Chomatophilus Pocock, 1896
- Chonaphe Cook, 1904
- Chondracanthodes C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Chondracanthus Delaroche, 1811
- Chondrocera Laporte, 1832
- Chondrodesmus Silvestri, 1897
- Chondrolophus Bergroth, 1895
- Chondromorpha Silvestri, 1897
- Chondrotropis Loomis, 1936
- Choneiulus Brolemann, 1921
- Chonocephalus
- Chonosia Distant, 1905
- Chonothea Nakamura & Child, 1983
- Chopardita Villiers, 1944
- Choragus Kirby, 1819
- Choranthus Scudder, 1872
- Chordonota Gerstaecker, 1857
- Chorebus Haliday, 1833
- Choreopraon Mackauer, 2012
- Choreutinula Paclt, 1944
- Choreutocoris Miller, 1957
- Chorilia Dana, 1851
- Chorinus Latreille, 1825
- Choriolaus Bates, 1885
- Chorismus Spence Bate, 1888
- Chorisoneura Brunner, 1865
- Chorisops Rondani, 1856
- Chorista Klug, 1836
- Chorizomma Simon, 1872
- Chorizopella Lawrence, 1947
- Chorizopes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
- Chorizopesoides Mi & Wang, 2018
- Chorophthalmyia Lindner, 1964
- Choroterpes Eaton, 1881
- Chorotingioites Wappler, 2003
- Chorotingis Drake, 1961
- Chorthippus Fieber, 1852
- Chortinaspis
- Chortophaga Saussure, 1884
- Chosonentulus Imadaté and Szeptycki, 1976
- Chostonectes Sharp, 1880
- Choucoris Cai in Cai, Yan and Chen, 2000
- Chramesus LeConte, 1868
- Chremistica Stål, 1870
- Chremyloides van Achterberg, 1995
- Chremylomorpha Belokobylskij, 1986
- Chremylus Haliday, 1833
- Chresiona Simon, 1903
- Chrestobunus Roewer, 1915
- Christometra Pêgas, Leal and Damgaard, 2017
- Christovizetes Krivolutsky, 1975
- Chromagrion Needham, 1903
- Chromatocera Townsend, 1915
- Chromatomyia
- Chromatopelma Schmidt, 1995
- Chromatopoda Brauer, 1882
- Chromodesmus Loomis, 1976
- Chromolepida
- Chromopleustes Bousfield and Hendrycks, 1995
- Chromoteleia Ashmead, 1893
- Chromotydaeus Berlese, 1903
- Chrosioderma Simon, 1897
- Chrosiothes Simon, 1894
- Chrotoma Casey, 1891
- Chrysagria
- Chrysanthrax
- Chrysanympha Grote, 1896
- Chrysendeton Grote, 1881
- Chrysetaerius Reichensperger, 1923
- Chrysilla Thorell, 1887
- Chrysina Kirby, 1828
- Chrysis Linnaeus, 1761
- Chrysispa Weise, 1897
- Chrysobasis Rácenis, 1959
- Chrysobothris Eschscholtz, 1829
- Chrysochernes Hoff, 1956
- Chrysochlora Latreille, 1829
- Chrysochlorina James, 1939
- Chrysochraon Fischer, 1853
- Chrysochromioides Brunetti, 1926
- Chrysochus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Chrysocicada Boulard, 1989
- Chrysocolletes Michener, 1965
- Chrysodeixis Hübner, 1821
- Chrysodinopsis J. Bechyné, 1950
- Chrysoecia Hampson, 1908
- Chrysoexorista Townsend, 1915
- Chrysogaster
- Chrysolasia Moulds, 2003
- Chrysoleon Banks, 1910
- Chrysolina Motschulsky, 1860
- Chrysomela Linnaeus, 1758
- Chrysometa Simon, 1894
- Chrysomphalus Ashmead, 1880
- Chrysopa Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Chrysoperla Steinmann, 1964
- Chrysophana LeConte, 1860
- Chrysopilus
- Chrysopodes Navás, 1913
- Chrysops
- Chrysosoma
- Chrysosyrphus
- Chrysotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Chrysotimus
- Chrysotoxum
- Chrysotrichia Schmid, 1958
- Chrysotus
- Chrysso O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
- Chryxus Champion, 1898
- Chthamalophilus
- Chthamalus Ranzani, 1817
- Chthiononetes Millidge, 1993
- Chthonasellus Argano & Messana, 1991
- Chthonius C. L. Koch, 1843
- Chthonos Coddington, 1986
- Chudalupia Wallwork, 1981
- Chujochilus Sasaji, 2005
- Chulacarus Fuangarworn, Lekprayoon and Butcher, 2016
- Chumma Jocqué, 2001
- Chuneola Woltereck, 1909
- Chunomysis Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 1905
- Chydorus Leach, 1816
- Chyliza
- Chymomyza
- Chyranda Ross, 1944
- Chyromya
- Chytodesmus Cook, 1896
- Chytolita Grote, 1873
- Chytonix Grote, 1874
- Cibolacris Hebard, 1937
- Ciboneya Pérez, 2001
- Cibotogaster Enderlein, 1914
- Cibyra Walker, 1856
- Cicada Linnaeus, 1758
- Cicadatra Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadetta Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadettana Marshall and Hill, 2017
- Cicadmalleus Boulard and Puissant, 2013
- Cicileiurus Teruel, 2007
- Cicileus Vachon, 1948
- Cicindela Linnaeus, 1758
- Cicirra Simon, 1886
- Cicurina Menge, 1871
- Cicynethus Simon, 1910
- Cidoria Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cilicaea Leach, 1818
- Cilicaeopsis Hansen, 1905
- Ciliometra J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Ciliopagurus Forest, 1995
- Cillaeopeplus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Cillenus Samouelle, 1819
- Cilunculus Loman, 1908
- Cimberis Gozis, 1881
- Cimbex Olivier, 1790
- Cimbocera Horn, 1876
- Cimbus Hahn, 1831
- Cimex Linnaeus, 1758
- Cimexopsis List, 1925
- Cimmerius Jones, 1973
- Cimolus Stål, 1862
- Cinacanthus Schmidt, 1913
- Cinara Curtis, 1835
- Cinderella
- Cinetata Wunderlich, 1995
- Cinetorhynchus Holthuis, 1995
- Cingilia Walker, 1862
- Ciniflella Mello-Leitão, 1921
- Cinochira Zetterstedt, 1844
- Cinusa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Cinygma Eaton, 1885
- Cinygmula McDunnough, 1933
- Cionomimus Marshall, 1939
- Cionopsis Champion, 1903
- Cionus Clairville, 1798
- Cipia Stål, 1866
- Circellobates Luxton, 1992
- Circocerus Motschulsky, 1855
- Circoniscus Pearse, 1917
- Circotettix Scudder, 1876
- Circulifer
- Cirocolla Vandenberg, 1992
- Cirolana Leach, 1818
- Cirolanides J. E. Benedict, 1896
- Cirratodactylus Gardiner, 1972
- Cirrhophanus Grote, 1872
- Cirrispa Uhmann, 1936
- Cirrula
- Cis Latreille, 1796
- Cispinilus Roewer, 1955
- Cispius Simon, 1898
- Cisseps Franclemont, 1936
- Cissites Latreille, 1804
- Cissusa Walker, 1856
- Cistalia Stål, 1874
- Cisthene Walker, 1854
- Cistudinella Champion, 1894
- Cistudinomyia
- Cithadius Bowman, 1972
- Cithaeron O. P.-Cambridge, 1872
- Citharacanthus Pocock, 1901
- Citharognathus Pocock, 1895
- Citheronia Hübner, 1819
- Citroriginis Sanborn, 2021
- Ciucephalus Stys, 1982
- Civizelotes Senglet, 2012
- Cixiopsis Matsumura, 1900
- Claassenia Wu, 1934
- Cladara Hulst, 1896
- Cladella
- Cladis Mulsant, 1850
- Cladispa Baly, 1858
- Cladius Illiger, 1807
- Cladochaeta
- Cladodes Solier in Gay, 1849
- Cladomelea Simon, 1895
- Cladomyrma Wheeler, 1920
- Cladopelma Kieffer, 1921
- Cladorostrata Shen and Tai, 1963
- Cladotanytarsus Kieffer, 1921
- Cladothela Kishida, 1928
- Cladoxycanus Dumbleton, 1966
- Cladura Osten Sacken, 1859
- Cladycnis Simon, 1898
- Claeoderes Schoenherr, 1833
- Clairvillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Clambus Fischer, 1820
- Clanis Hübner, 1819
- Clanoneurum
- Clardea Signoret, 1862
- Clarencia K. H. Barnard, 1931
- Clarissimyia Woodley, 2001
- Clarkhydrus Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Clarkinella Mason, 1981
- Clasiopella
- Claspettomyia
- Clastes Walckenaer, 1837
- Clastoneuriopsis Reinhard, 1939
- Clastoptera Germar, 1839
- Clastotoechus Haig, 1960
- Clathroneuria Banks, 1913
- Clathrosperchon Lundblad, 1936
- Clathrosperchonella Lundblad, 1937
- Clausicella Rondani, 1856
- Clausidium Kossmann, 1875
- Clausocalanus Giesbrecht, 1888
- Clavaspis
- Clavatus Duverger, 2001
- Clavella Oken, 1816
- Clavellisa C. B. Wilson, 1915
- Clavellodes C. B. Wilson, 1915
- Clavellomimus Kabata, 1969
- Clavellopsis C. B. Wilson, 1915
- Clavellotis Castro-Romero and Baeza-Kuroki, 1984
- Claverythraeus Trägårdh, 1937
- Claveupodes Strandtmann and Prasse, 1977
- Clavichorema Schmid, 1955
- Clavicoccus Ferris, 1948
- Clavigeroniscus Arcangeli, 1930
- Clavigralla Spinola, 1837
- Clavigralloides Dolling, 1978
- Clavilispinus Bernhauer, 1926
- Clavimyia Lindner, 1924
- Clavipanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Claviphantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Clavismaris Southcott, 1963
- Clavizomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Clavopelma Chamberlin, 1940
- Clavophilus Chamberlin, 1950
- Cleantiella H. Richardson, 1912
- Cleantioides Kensley and Kaufman, 1978
- Cleantis Dana, 1849
- Cleidogona Cook, 1895
- Cleippides Boeck, 1871
- Cleitamiphanes Hering, 1941
- Clematochaeta Hering, 1941
- Clematodes Scudder, 1900
- Clemensia Packard, 1864
- Clemmus Hampe, 1850
- Clemnius Villastrigo, Ribera, Manuel, Millán and Fery, 2017
- Cleobora Mulsant, 1850
- Cleocnemis Simon, 1886
- Cleoliturus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cleombrotus Sørensen, 1932
- Cleonardo Stebbing, 1888
- Cleonardopsis K. H. Barnard, 1916
- Cleonice Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Cleonidius Casey, 1891
- Cleonis Dejean, 1821
- Cleontes Stål, 1874
- Cleora Curtis, 1825
- Cleothera Mulsant, 1850
- Cleotopetalops Brailovsky, 2000
- Cleptelmis Sanderson, 1954
- Cleptes Latreille, 1802
- Cleptoria Chamberlin, 1939
- Cleptotrigona Moure, 1961
- Cleptria Stål, 1853
- Clerada Signoret, 1862
- Cletocamptus Shmankevich, 1875
- Cletocythereis Swain, 1963
- Cletodes Brady, 1872
- Cletomorpha Mayr, 1866
- Cletopyllus Willey, 1933
- Cletoscellus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cletus Stål, 1859
- Cliamenella Kussakin & Malyutina, 1987
- Clianella Boone, 1923
- Clibanarius Dana, 1852
- Clidophleps Van Duzee, 1915
- Clientister Reichensperger, 1935
- Cligenes Distant, 1893
- Climacia McLachlan, 1869
- Climaciella Enderlein, 1910
- Climacoidea Puri, 1956
- Climeniperaeus Bruce, 1995
- Clinata Moulds, 2012
- Clinidium Kirby, 1835
- Clinobiantes Roewer, 1927
- Clinocarispa Uhmann, 1935
- Clinocera Meigen, 1803
- Clinodiplosis
- Clinohelea
- Clinopleura Scudder, 1894
- Clinopodes C. L. Koch, 1847
- Clinopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Clinotaenia Bezzi, 1920
- Clinotanypus
- Clioperla Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Clistoronia Banks, 1916
- Clistosaccus Lilljeborg, 1860
- Clitaetra Simon, 1889
- Clitellaria Meigen, 1803
- Clitemnestra Spinola, 1851
- Clitostethus Weise, 1885
- Clivina Latreille, 1802
- Clivinema Reuter, 1876
- Clivocampa Allen, 1994
- Cloacarus Camin, Moss, Oliver and Singer, 1967
- Cloeodes Traver, 1938
- Cloeon Leach, 1815
- Cloresmus Stål, 1860
- Cloridopsis Manning, 1968
- Clostera Samouelle, 1819
- Closterocoris Uhler, 1890
- Clostoeca Banks, 1943
- Clubiona Latreille, 1804
- Clubionina Berland, 1947
- Cluniella Forster, 1955
- Clunio
- Clusia
- Clusiodes
- Clusiosoma Malloch, 1926
- Clusiosomina Malloch, 1939
- Clusiota Casey, 1910
- Cluthia Neale, 1973
- Cluzobra
- Clydonagma Fennah, 1969
- Clynis Mulsant, 1850
- Clynotis Simon, 1901
- Clynotoides Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Clypastraea Haldeman, 1842
- Clypeadon Patton, 1897
- Clypeasterophilus Campos and Griffith, 1990
- Clypeodytes Régimbart, 1894
- Clytemnestra Dana, 1849
- Clythrocerus A. Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, 1899
- Clythrocytheridea
- Clytoleptus Casey, 1912
- Clytomanningus Chace, 1997
- Clytus Laicharting, 1784
- Cnecoderma Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Cneius Stål, 1865
- Cnemiandrus Distant, 1902
- Cnemodus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Cnemogonus LeConte, 1876
- Cnemomis Stål, 1860
- Cnemonyx Eichhoff, 1868
- Cnemotettix Caudell, 1916
- Cnemyrtus Stål, 1860
- Cnephalocotes Simon, 1884
- Cnephia Enderlein, 1921
- Cnesinus LeConte, 1868
- Cnestus Sampson, 1911
- Cnethocymatia Jansson, 1982
- Cnetispa Maulik, 1930
- Cnidocampa Dyar, 1905
- Cnizocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Cnodacophara
- Cnodalia Thorell, 1890
- Cnodocentron Schmid, 1982
- Cnopus Champion, 1893
- Coartobelba Mahunka, 2001
- Coata Distant, 1906
- Coatonia Kensley, 1971
- Cobalocephalus Morimoto, 1982
- Cobalos Smith, 1899
- Cobaloscelio Johnson & Masner, 2007
- Cobanocythere Hartmann, 1959
- Cobanus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1900
- Coboldia
- Coboldus Krapp-Schickel, 1974
- Cobranyssus Fain, 1960
- Cobubatha Walker, 1863
- Cocalodes Pocock, 1897
- Cocalus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Cocceupodes Thor, 1934
- Coccidomyia
- Coccidophilus Brèthes, 1905
- Coccidula Kugelann, 1798
- Coccinella Linnaeus, 1758
- Coccinula Dobzhansky, 1925
- Coccivora McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Coccobaphes Uhler, 1878
- Coccodiplosis Meijere, 1917
- Coccoelasma Loomis, 1936
- Coccographis Lesne, 1901
- Coccopsis
- Coccorchestes Thorell, 1881
- Coccorhagidia Thor, 1934
- Coccotorus LeConte, 1876
- Coccotrypes Eichhoff, 1878
- Coccus Linnaeus, 1758
- Coccygidium Saussure, 1892
- Cochabambia Pirán, 1959
- Cochisea Barnes and McDunnough, 1916
- Cochleopsaltria Pham and Constant, 2017
- Cochliomyia
- Cochlochila Stål, 1873
- Cocinachernes Hentschel and Muchmore, 1989
- Cockerelliana Townsend, 1915
- Cocles Bergroth, 1905
- Cocytius Hübner, 1819
- Codatractus Lindsey, 1921
- Coddingtonia Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Codiulus Chamberlin, 1940
- Codocera Eschscholtz, 1821
- Codophila Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Codotingis Drake, 1942
- Coelaenomenodera Blanchard, 1845
- Coelhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Coeliaria Mulsant, 1850
- Coelioxoides Cresson, 1879
- Coelioxys Latreille, 1809
- Coelister Bickhardt, 1917
- Coelocarcinus Edmondson, 1930
- Coelocerus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875
- Coelocraera Marseul, 1857
- Coelofletium Orchymont, 1925
- Coelolotis Miyatake, 1994
- Coelometopon Janssens, 1972
- Coelopa Meigen, 1830
- Coelopacidia Enderlein, 1911
- Coelophora Mulsant, 1850
- Coelophthinia
- Coelopina
- Coelopterus Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Coelosia
- Coelossia Simon, 1895
- Coelostoma Brullé, 1835
- Coelostomidia Cockerell, 1900
- Coelotanypus Kieffer, 1913
- Coelotes Blackwall, 1841
- Coelotrachelus Schmidt, 1913
- Coelotrypes Bezzi, 1923
- Coenagrion Kirby, 1890
- Coenia
- Coenipeta Hübner, 1818
- Coenobita Latreille, 1829
- Coenomyia
- Coenonica Kraatz, 1857
- Coenonycha Horn, 1876
- Coenonympha Hübner, 1819
- Coenophila Stephens, 1850
- Coenopoeus Horn, 1880
- Coenoptychus Simon, 1885
- Coenoria Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Coenosia
- Coenosopsia
- Coenus Dallas, 1851
- Coenypha Simon, 1895
- Coetzeella Ermilov, Hugo-Coetzee & Khaustov, 2017
- Cogia Butler, 1870
- Coillina Yin & Peng, 1998
- Coilopus Elkins, 1969
- Cokendolpherius Armas, 2002
- Colacanthotelson Nicholls, 1944
- Colacina Westwood, 1877
- Colactis Loomis, 1937
- Colactoides Shelley, 1997
- Colanthura Richardson, 1902
- Colapteroblatta Hebard, 1920
- Colaranea Court & Forster, 1988
- Colaspidea Laporte, 1833
- Colaspis Fabricius, 1801
- Colastes Haliday, 1833
- Colastinus Belokobylskij, 1984
- Colastocoris Miller, 1959
- Colaxes Simon, 1900
- Colcarteria Gray, 1992
- Colchidoniscus Borutzkii, 1974
- Colcondamyia
- Coleacarus Meyer, 1979
- Colecerus Schönherr, 1840
- Colemanus Fisher, 2015
- Colemonia Bruce, 2005
- Colenis Erichson, 1842
- Coleogyphus Berlese, 1910
- Coleomegilla Timberlake, 1920
- Coleomethia Linsley, 1940
- Coleomyia
- Coleophora Hübner, 1822
- Coleopterodes Philippi, 1864
- Coleopterophagus Berlese, 1882
- Coleorozena Moldenke, 1970
- Coleosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
- Coleothorpa Moldenke, 1981
- Coleotichus White, 1839
- Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Colias [Fabricius], 1807
- Colicus Brennan, 1970
- Colidotea H. Richardson, 1899
- Colima Jocqué & Baert, 2005
- Colinauropus Remy, 1956
- Coliniella Schouteden, 1932
- Colinophilus Kethley, 1973
- Colisyringophilus Skoracki, Unsoeld and Ozminski, 2013
- Collarhamphus P. Putshkov and Popov, 1995
- Collaria Provancher, 1872
- Collartida Villiers, 1949
- Collartiella Schouteden, 1931
- Collatia Stål, 1862
- Collemboerythraeus Noei, Saboori and Hakimitabar in Noei et al., 2017
- Collessomyia Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Colletes Latreille, 1802
- Collettea Lang, 1973
- Collina Urquhart, 1891
- Collinsia O. P.-Cambridge, 1913
- Collinutius Distant, 1903
- Colliuris De Geer, 1774
- Collodes Stimpson, 1860
- Collohmannia Sellnick, 1922
- Collomena Möschler, 1891
- Collophora Richards, 1964
- Colobaea
- Colobicus Latreille, 1807
- Colobochyla Hübner, 1825
- Colobodesmus Brolemann, 1905
- Colobomatus Hesse, 1873
- Colobopterus Mulsant, 1842
- Colobopyga Bréthes, 1912
- Colobostema
- Colobostroter Enderlein, 1911
- Colobostruma Wheeler, 1927
- Coloburella Latzel, 1918
- Colocasia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Colomastix Grube, 1861
- Colombiazomus Armas and Delgado-Santa, 2012
- Colomboniscus Vandel, 1972
- Colombophiloscia Vandel, 1968
- Colomboscia Vandel, 1972
- Colomyia
- Colon Herbst, 1797
- Coloncus Chamberlin, 1948
- Colonides Schmidt, 1889
- Colonus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Colopalpus Pritchard and Baker, 1958
- Colopea Simon, 1893
- Colophon Gray, 1832
- Colophotia Motschulsky, 1853
- Colopisthus Richardson, 1902
- Colopterus Erichson, 1842
- Coloradia Blake, 1863
- Coloradoa Wilson, 1910
- Coloradomyia Arnaud, 1963
- Colossendeis Jarzynsky, 1870
- Colostygia Hübner, 1825
- Colotois Hübner, 1823
- Colovocera
- Colphepeira Archer, 1941
- Colpochilocoris Reuter, 1881
- Colpodes MacLeay, 1825
- Colpoproctus Stål, 1870
- Colporidius J. Lis, 1990
- Colposternus Fall, 1905
- Colubotelson Nicholls, 1944
- Columbaora Conlan and Bousfield, 1982
- Columbasellus Lewis, Martin and Wetzer, 2003
- Columbiaemysis Holmquist, 1982
- Columbiana Muir, 1919
- Columbiathyas Smith & Cook, 1998
- Columbicheyla Thewke and Enns, 1972
- Columbiphilus Kivganov and Sharafat, 1995
- Columbisoga Muir, 1921
- Colurostylis
- Colydium Fabricius, 1792
- Colymbetes Clairville, 1806
- Colyphus Spinola, 1841
- Colyttus Thorell, 1891
- Comachara Franclemont, 1939
- Comacmaeops Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Comaldessus Spangler and Barr, 1995
- Comanchelus Hoffman & Orcutt, 1960
- Comantella
- Comantenna C. B. Wilson, 1924
- Comaroma Bertkau, 1889
- Comasarcophaga
- Comatacarus Ewing, 1942
- Comeremaeus Hammer, 1962
- Commensipleustes Bousfield and Hendrycks, 1995
- Commoptera
- Commoris Simon, 1902
- Comorella Jocqué, 1985
- Comorozetes Mahunka, 1994
- Compactozetes Hammer, 1966
- Composia Hübner, 1820
- Compsaditha J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Compseuta Stål, 1873
- Compsidolon Reuter, 1899
- Compsilura Bouché, 1834
- Compsobata
- Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949
- Compsodecta Simon, 1903
- Compsodes Hebard, 1917
- Compsoleon Banks, 1913
- Compsomelissa Alfken, 1924
- Compsothrips Reuter, 1901
- Compsus Schönherr, 1823
- Compteromesa
- Compterosmittia
- Comstockiella Cockerell, 1896
- Conaea Giesbrecht, 1891
- Conakrya Schmidt, 1956
- Conalcaea Scudder, 1897
- Conalia Mulsant and Rey, 1858
- Conanthalictus Cockerell, 1901
- Conarete
- Conasellus Stammer, 1932
- Concana Walker, 1857
- Concarnes Barnard and Karaman, 1991
- Concavocephalus Eskov, 1989
- Conchapelopia Fittkau
- Conchaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Conchita Mazur, 1994
- Conchoderma Olfers, 1818
- Conchodytes Peters, 1852
- Conchoecetta Claus, 1890
- Conchoecia Dana, 1853
- Conchoecilla Claus, 1890
- Conchoecissa Claus, 1890
- Concholestes Giles, 1888
- Conchopterella Handschin, 1955
- Conchotingis Drake, 1954
- Conchycoptes Haitlinger, 2002
- Conchyloctenia Spaeth, 1902
- Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860
- Concoctio Brown, 1974
- Conculus Komatsu, 1940
- Condeellum Tuxen, 1963
- Condeicampa Ferguson, 1996
- Condica Walker, 1856
- Condocerus Neboiss, 1977
- Condukius Barnard & Drummond, 1982
- Condylobelba Mahunka, 2001
- Condylona Chamberlin, 1941
- Condyloppia Balogh, 1983
- Condylostylus
- Confluens Wise, 1962
- Conga Evans, 1955
- Congethelum Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1985
- Conglanoetus Mahunka, 1978
- Conglobatus T. R. Smith, 2020
- Congobuthus Lourenço, 1999
- Congocellio Arcangeli, 1950
- Congocepheus Balogh, 1958
- Congochila Drake, 1954
- Congochthonius Beier, 1959
- Congophiloscia Arcangeli, 1950
- Congoppia Balogh, 1983
- Congovidia Fain and Elsen in Fain, 1971
- Congoxenus Kinzelbach, 1972
- Conibosa Distant, 1905
- Coniceps
- Conicera
- Coniceromyia
- Conicochernes Beier, 1948
- Conifaber Opell, 1982
- Coniferocoris Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Conilera Leach, 1818
- Conilorpheus Stebbing, 1905
- Coninomus
- Coniocompsa Enderlein, 1905
- Coniophyrta Breddin, 1912
- Coniopteryx Curtis, 1834
- Conioscinella
- Connithorax Eskov, 1993
- Conocassis Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Conocephalocoris Knight, 1927
- Conocephalus Thunberg, 1815
- Conocraera Muir, 1916
- Conoderus
- Conoesucus Mosely, 1936
- Conomelus Fieber, 1866
- Conopea Say, 1822
- Conophorus
- Conophthorus Hopkins, 1915
- Conoplectus Brendel, 1888
- Conoppia Berlese, 1908
- Conops
- Conostethus Fieber, 1858
- Conostigmus Dahlbom, 1858
- Conotelus Erichson, 1843
- Conothele Thorell, 1878
- Conotrachelus Dejean, 1835
- Conotyla Cook & Collins, 1895
- Conozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Conozoa Saussure, 1884
- Conradtina Enderlein, 1911
- Conservula Grote, 1874
- Consociata Qin and Zhang, 2006
- Consorophylax Schmid, 1955
- Constempellina Brundin
- Constrictobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Contacyphon Des Gozis, 1886
- Contarinia Rondani, 1860
- Contiger Lange, 1956
- Contipus Marseul, 1854
- Contramelisia Samsinák, 1969
- Contulma Flint, 1969
- Contuor Roewer, 1963
- Conura Spinola, 1837
- Convexa Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Convivister Reichensperger, 1936
- Conwentzia Enderlein, 1905
- Coomanister Kryzhanovskij, 1972
- Cooremania Nesbitt, 1976
- Cooronga Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Copa Simon, 1886
- Copablepharon Harvey, 1878
- Copaeodes Speyer, 1877
- Copanarta Grote, 1895
- Copecrypta Townsend, 1908
- Copelatus Erichson, 1832
- Coperonus Wilson, 1989
- Copestylum
- Cophes Champion, 1905
- Cophura
- Copibryophila Smith, 1900
- Copicerus Swartz, 1802
- Copidita LeConte, 1866
- Copidognathus Trouessart, 1888
- Copilia Dana, 1849
- Copiolepis Enderlein, 1920
- Copiphora Serville, 1831
- Copium Thunberg, 1822
- Copivaleria Grote, 1883
- Copocrossa Simon, 1901
- Copris Geoffroy, 1762
- Coproglyphus E. Türk and F. Türk, 1957
- Coproica
- Copromyza
- Coprophanaeus D'Olsoufieff, 1924
- Coprophilus Latreille, 1829
- Coproxenus Lewis, 1897
- Coptoborus Hopkins, 1915
- Coptocarpus Chaudoir, 1857
- Coptocatus Montandon, 1909
- Coptocheles Summers and Schlinger, 1955
- Coptocycla Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Coptodera Dejean, 1825
- Coptodisca Walsingham, 1895
- Coptoprepes Simon, 1884
- Coptops Serville, 1835
- Coptosternus Lewis, 1914
- Coptotermes Wasmann, 1896
- Coptotomus Say, 1830
- Coptotrophis Lewis, 1902
- Copturus Schönherr, 1825
- Coquillettia Uhler, 1890
- Coquillettidia Dyar, 1905
- Coquillettomyia
- Coquimba Ohmert, 1968
- Cora Selys, 1853
- Coracodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Coraia H. Clark, 1865
- Coralanthura Poore & Kensley, 1981
- Coralaxius Kensley & Gore, 1981
- Coraliomela Jacobson, 1899
- Corallana Dana, 1853
- Corallianassa Manning, 1987
- Corallicletodes Soyer, 1966
- Coralliocaris Stimpson, 1860
- Coralliogalathea Baba & Javed, 1974
- Corallocoris Cobben, 1970
- Corambis Simon, 1901
- Coranarta Beck, 1991
- Coranopsis Horváth, 1892
- Coranus Curtis, 1832
- Coras Simon, 1898
- Corasoides Butler, 1929
- Corcia Stål, 1859
- Corcovetella Galiano, 1975
- Cordalia Jacobs, 1925
- Cordillacris Rehn, 1901
- Cordillonotus Scudder, 1984
- Cordilura Fallen, 1810
- Cordioniscus Graeve, 1914
- Cordiozetes Mahunka, 1983
- Cordiseta Hoffmann, 1954
- Cordobulgida Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Corduba Stål, 1862
- Cordulecerus Rambur, 1842
- Cordulegaster Leach, 1815
- Cordulia Leach, 1815
- Cordus Schoenherr, 1847
- Cordyla
- Cordyligaster Macquart, 1844
- Cordylochele G. O. Sars, 1888
- Cordylochernes Beier, 1932
- Cordylodiplosis
- Cordylomyia
- Cordylopteryx Hering, 1941
- Cordylospasta Horn, 1875
- Cordylurella Malloch, 1919
- Cordysceles Hsiao, 1963
- Coremiocnemis Simon, 1892
- Coreodrassus Paik, 1984
- Coreorgonal Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Corethrella
- Coreus Fabricius, 1794
- Corhinoris Villiers, 1953
- Coriarachne Thorell, 1870
- Coribergia Casini, 1984
- Coridiellus J. Lis, 1990
- Coridius Illiger, 1807
- Coridromius Signoret, 1862
- Corilana Kossman, 1880
- Corimelaena White, 1839
- Corinna C. L. Koch, 1841
- Corinnomma Karsch, 1880
- Corinthiscus Fairmaire and Germain, 1861
- Corinthomyia
- Corinthus Distant, 1920
- Coriollianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Coriomeris Westwood, 1842
- Coriophagus Kinzelbach, 1971
- Corioxenos Blair, 1936
- Corisella Lundblad, 1928
- Corixa Geoffroy, 1762
- Corixidea Reuter, 1891
- Corizoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Cormidius Emeljanov, 1972
- Cormocephalus Newport, 1844
- Cormopus Kolbe, 1892
- Cornicephalus Saaristo & Wunderlich, 1995
- Cornifalx Hickman, 1979
- Cornitermes Wasmann, 1897
- Cornonannus Luo, Gong and Xie, 2022
- Cornucalanus Wolfenden, 1905
- Cornuplura Davis, 1944
- Cornuroncus Nassirkhani, Zaragoza and Mumladze, 2019
- Cornutosergestes Vereshchaka, Olesen & Lunina, 2014
- Cornutrypeta Han & Wang, 1993
- Coronacella Metcalf, 1950
- Coronadillo Vandel, 1977
- Coronagathis van Achterberg & Long, 2010
- Coronalpheus Wicksten, 1999
- Coronibatula Mahunka, 1988
- Coronida Brooks, 1886
- Coronis Desmarest, 1823
- Coronula Lamarck, 1802
- Corophium Latreille, 1806
- Corosoma Karsch, 1879
- Corporaalia Kleine, 1921
- Corrinea Wooldridge, 1980
- Cortestina Knoflach, 2009
- Cortezura Schultz, 1977A
- Corthylus Erichson, 1836
- Corticalinus Gomy, 2004
- Corticaria
- Corticattus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Corticea Evans, 1955
- Corticochernes Tooren, 2008
- Corticoris McAtee and Malloch, 1922
- Cortodera Mulsant, 1864
- Corupaia Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Corusca Zhou & Li, 2013
- Corvitorotroglus Skoracki and Bochkov, 2010
- Corycaeus Dana, 1846
- Corycera Drake, 1922
- Corydalus Latreille, 1802
- Corynethrix L. Koch, 1876
- Corynispa Uhmann, 1940
- Corynocera
- Corynomalus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Corynoneura
- Corynoppia Balogh, 1983
- Corynoptera
- Corynothrix Tullberg, 1876
- Corynura Spinola, 1851
- Coryphaeschna Williamson, 1903
- Coryphasia Simon, 1902
- Coryphista Hulst, 1896
- Corypus Loomis & Schmitt, 1971
- Coryssiphus Simon, 1903
- Coryssocnemis Simon, 1893
- Corystes
- Corythaica Stål, 1873
- Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850
- Corythauma Drake and Poor, 1939
- Corythotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Corythucha Stål, 1873
- Cosberella Wray, 1963
- Coscinida Simon, 1895
- Coscinocephalus Prell, 1936
- Coscinoptera Lacordaire, 1848
- Cosina Navás, 1912
- Cosipara Munroe, 1972
- Cosmariomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Cosmeodillo Vandel, 1972
- Cosmetopus Becker, 1894
- Cosmetothrix Munro, 1952
- Cosmia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Cosmiomma Schulze, 1919
- Cosmobaris Casey, 1920
- Cosmobates Balogh, 1959
- Cosmocalanus Bradford and Jillett, 1974
- Cosmochthonius Berlese, 1910
- Cosmoclopius Stål, 1866
- Cosmococcus Borchsenius, 1959
- Cosmogneta Grandjean, 1960
- Cosmohermannia Aoki & Yoshida, 1970
- Cosmoleptus Stål, 1873
- Cosmolestes Stål, 1866
- Cosmopelma Simon, 1889
- Cosmopepla Stål, 1867
- Cosmophasis Simon, 1901
- Cosmopirnodus Balogh, 1970
- Cosmopolites Chevrolat, 1885
- Cosmopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Cosmopterix Hübner, 1825
- Cosmosalia Casey, 1913
- Cosmosoma Hübner, 1823
- Cosmosycanus Ishikawa and Tomokuni, 2004
- Cosmozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Cossonus Clairville, 1798
- Cossula Bailey, 1882
- Cossutia Stål, 1866
- Cossyphodister Reichensperger, 1936
- Costa Neviani, 1928
- Costabrimma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Costacarabodes Fernández, Theron, Leiva & Jordaan, 2018
- Costachorema McFarlane, 1939
- Costaconvexa Agenjo, 1949
- Costacosa Framenau & Leung, 2013
- Costalampys Silveira, Roza, Vaz and Mermudes, 2021
- Costatoverruca Young, 1998
- Costatrichia Mosely, 1937
- Costeremus Aoki, 1970
- Costomedes van Doesburg, 2004
- Costora Mosely, 1936
- Cosumnoperla Szczytko and Bottorff, 1987
- Cotalpa Burmeister, 1844
- Cotesia Cameron, 1891
- Cotinis Burmeister, 1842
- Cotinusa Simon, 1900
- Cotoya Anufriev, 1977
- Cottothucha Drake and Poor, 1941
- Cotztetlana Mendoza, 2012
- Coullana Por, 1984
- Coullia Hamond, 1973
- Coulmannia Hodgson, 1910
- Couranga Gray & Smith, 2008
- Cousinea Saaristo, 2001
- Coutieralpheus Anker & Felder, 2005
- Coutierea Nobili, 1901
- Covellia Ferguson, 2009
- Cowichania Smith, 1983
- Coxalione Bourdon, 1977
- Coxapopha Platnick, 2000
- Coxelmis Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Coxelus Dejean, 1821
- Coxicerberus Wägele, Voelz and McArthur, 1995
- Coxina Guenée, 1852
- Coxophoxus J. L. Barnard, 1966
- Cozyptila Marusik & Lehtinen, 2005
- Crabro Fabricius, 1775
- Crabrovidia Zachvatkin, 1941
- Crabyzos Bate, 1863
- Cracenpsaltria Sanborn, 2016
- Crama Galloway, 1984
- Crambelea Spaeth, 1913
- Crambidia Packard, 1864
- Crambodes Guenée, 1852
- Crambomorphus McLachlan, 1867
- Crambostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Cramptonomyia
- Craneiobia
- Crangon Fabricius, 1798
- Crangonyx Bate, 1859
- Crangoweckelia Stock, 1985
- Cranocephalus Bovallius, 1890
- Cranoecephalus
- Cranophorus Mulsant, 1850
- Cranoryssus Brèthes, 1921
- Craponius LeConte, 1876
- Craspedisia Simon, 1894
- Craspedometopon Kertesz, 1909
- Craspedonispa Weise, 1910
- Craspedonotus Schaum, 1863
- Craspedonta Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Craspedosoma Leach, 1814
- Craspedoxantha Bezzi, 1913
- Craspedoxanthitea Hardy, 1987
- Craspeduchus Stål, 1874
- Crassacarus Bochkov, OConnor and Klompen, 2015
- Crassanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Crassantenna Cole, Green, Croft and Rawlins, 1972
- Crassicimex Ferris and Usinger, 1957
- Crassicorophium Bousfield and P. M. Hoover, 1997
- Crassicrus Reichling & West, 1996
- Crassignatha Wunderlich, 1995
- Crassisternalna Boulard, 1980
- Crassitarsus Martin, 2019
- Crassocheles Zacharda, 1980
- Crassomicrodus Ashmead, 1900
- Crassopsaltria Boulard, 2008
- Crassoribatula Hammer, 1967
- Cratacanthus Dejean, 1829
- Crataraea Thomson, 1858
- Craterodesmus Loomis, 1941
- Craterostigmus Pocock, 1902
- Cratocora Martins-Neto in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Cratomorphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Cratonerthra Martins-Neto, 2005
- Cratopelocoris López Ruf and Perez Goodwyn in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Cratosolpuga Selden, 1996
- Cratypedes Scudder, 1876
- Crawforda Caldwell, 1940
- Crawfordapis Moure, 1964
- Crawfordia Pierce, 1908
- Creagonycha Kethley, 1970
- Creaseria Holthuis, 1950
- Creaseriella Rioja, 1953
- Creaserinus Hobbs, 1973
- Creator Alekseev, 1980
- Cregya LeConte, 1861
- Creightonidris Brown, 1949
- Cremastobaeus Ashmead, 1893
- Cremastocheilus Knoch, 1801
- Cremastus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Crematogaster Lund, 1831
- Cremersia
- Cremifania
- Cremnops Foerster, 1863
- Cremnoptoides van Achterberg & Chen, 2004
- Crenarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Crenidorsum
- Creniola Bruce, 1987
- Crenisopus Wilson and Keable, 1999
- Crenitis Bedel, 1881
- Crenoicus Nicholls, 1944
- Crenulister Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Creoleon Tillyard, 1918
- Creontiades Distant, 1883
- Creophilus
- Crephalia Casey, 1910
- Crepidodera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Crescoccus Wang, 1982
- Cresmatoneta Simon, 1929
- Cressa Boeck, 1871
- Cressina Stephensen, 1931
- Cresson Pate, 1938
- Cressonomyia
- Cretaceometra Nel and Popov, 2000
- Cretaceomira McKellar and Engel, 2014
- Cretaceousbuthus Lourenço, 2022
- Cretaceoushormiops Lourenço, 2018
- Cretaceousopisthacanthus Lourenço in Lourenço and Velten, 2021
- Cretaceozomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Cretaxenomerus Nel & Azar, 2005
- Cretevania Rasnitsyn, 1975
- Cretiscalpellum Withers, 1922
- Cretogerris Perrichot, Net and Neraudeau, 2005
- Cretomyrma Dlussky, 1975
- Cretoniscellus Vandel, 1957
- Cretonthophilus Caterino, Wolf-Schwenninger and Bechly, 2015
- Cretopone Dlussky, 1975
- Cretorhyssalus Belokobylskij, 2012
- Cretostylops Grimaldi and Kathirithamby in Grimaldi et al., 2005
- Creugas Thorell, 1878
- Creutzeria Oudemans, 1932
- Cribrorioxa Hering, 1952
- Cribrozetes Balogh, 1970
- Cricetopareis Breddin, 1903
- Cricotopus Wulp, 1874
- Crimona Smith, 1902
- Crinitisophira Hardy, 1986
- Crinocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Crinodes Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
- Crinodessus K. B. Miller, 1997
- Crinoniscus Perez, 1900
- Crinophleba
- Crinotonia Marin, 2006
- Crioceris Geoffroy, 1762
- Criocoris Fieber, 1858
- Criodion Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Criokeron Volgin, 1966
- Criomica Kozlov, 1975
- Criomorphus Curtis, 1833
- Crioprosopus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Criorhina
- Crispiphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Cristapseudes Bacescu, 1980
- Cristarmadillidium Arcangeli, 1937
- Cristarmadillo Arcangeli, 1950
- Cristaserolis Brandt, 1988
- Cristeremaeus Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Cristicaudus Starý and Remaudière, 1982
- Cristimenes Duris & Horká, 2008
- Cristobalia Malloch, 1939
- Critomolgus Humes and Stock, 1983
- Croatania Shelley, 1977
- Crociaeus Breddin, 1900
- Crocidema Van Dyke, 1934
- Crocigrapha Grote, 1875
- Crocinosoma Reinhard, 1947
- Crocodilosa Caporiacco, 1947
- Crocothemis Brauer, 1868
- Crocutasis Lindner, 1935
- Croesus
- Cromerus Distant, 1902
- Cronius Stimpson, 1860
- Crophius Stål, 1874
- Cropia Walker, 1858
- Crorhopalum Tsuneki, 1984
- Crosbyarachne Charitonov, 1937
- Crosbycus Roewer, 1914
- Crosbyella Roewer, 1927
- Crosbylonia Eskov, 1988
- Croscius Stål, 1874
- Crosniera Kensley & Heard, 1991
- Crosnierita Macpherson, 1998
- Crossidius LeConte, 1851
- Crossipalpus Smiley, Frost and Gerson, 1996
- Crossocerus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835
- Crossopalpus
- Crossopriza Simon, 1893
- Crossotonotus A. Milne-Edwards, 1873
- Crotiscus Ewing, 1944
- Crotonasis Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Crotonia Thorell, 1876
- Crotophagisyringophilus Skoracki, 2008
- Crotopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Crowsoniella Pace, 1975
- Crozetulus Hickman, 1939
- Crucisoma Kabata, 1981
- Crumomyia
- Crunoecia McLachlan, 1876
- Cruranthura Thomson, 1946
- Cruregens Chilton, 1882
- Crustulina Menge, 1868
- Cruzobius Chamberlin, 1942
- Crybelocephalus Tattersall, 1906
- Crymostygius Kristjánsson & Svavarsson, 2004
- Cryodesma Svavarsson, 1988A
- Cryophila Edwards, 1930
- Cryphalus Erichson, 1836
- Cryphia Hübner, 1818
- Cryphocricos Signoret, 1850
- Cryphoeca Thorell, 1870
- Cryphoecina Deltshev, 1997
- Cryphula Stål, 1874
- Cryptacarus Grandjean, 1950
- Cryptachaea Archer, 1946
- Cryptadaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Cryptamorpha Wollaston, 1854
- Cryptapseudes Bacescu, 1976
- Cryptaranea Court & Forster, 1988
- Cryptarcha Shuckard, 1839
- Crypticolus Strohecker, 1953
- Cryptobiantes Kauri, 1961
- Cryptobiosella Henderson, 1983
- Cryptobium
- Cryptobopyrus Schultz, 1977B
- Cryptobothria Wallwork, 1963
- Cryptocala Benjamin, 1921
- Cryptocarenus Eggers, 1937
- Cryptocaris Schram, 1974
- Cryptocellus Westwood, 1874
- Cryptocephalus Geoffroy, 1762
- Cryptocercus Scudder, 1862
- Cryptocheiridium J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Cryptocheles G. O. Sars, 1870
- Cryptochetum
- Cryptochia Ross, 1950
- Cryptochironomus
- Cryptochirus Heller, 1861
- Cryptochrysa Freitas and Penny, 2001
- Cryptocladopelma
- Cryptococcus Douglass, 1890
- Cryptocope G. O. Sars, 1882
- Cryptocopoides Sieg, 1976
- Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907
- Cryptocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Cryptocyclops G. O. Sars, 1927
- Cryptodacus Hendel, 1914
- Cryptoditha J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Cryptodius Moore, 1992
- Cryptodrassus Miller, 1943
- Cryptodromia Stimpson, 1858
- Cryptodromiopsis Borradaile, 1903
- Cryptoerithus Rainbow, 1915
- Cryptofavognathus Sa. Dogan and Dönel, 2010
- Cryptogalumna Grandjean, 1957
- Cryptognatha Mulsant, 1850
- Cryptognathus Kramer, 1879
- Cryptogonus Mulsant, 1850
- Cryptoiclus Teruel and Kovarík, 2012
- Cryptolabis
- Cryptolaemus Mulsant, 1853
- Cryptolarynx Schalkwyk, 1966
- Cryptolepas Dall, 1872
- Cryptolepidus Van Dyke, 1936
- Cryptolestes Ganglbauer, 1899
- Cryptolinyphia Millidge, 1991
- Cryptolithodes Brandt, 1848
- Cryptomalus Mazur, 1993
- Cryptomannus Hill, 1984
- Cryptomaster Briggs, 1969
- Cryptomeigenia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Cryptonannus Dougherty, 1995
- Cryptonychus Gyllenhal, 1817
- Cryptonyssus Radovsky, 1966
- Cryptoparachtes Dunin, 1992
- Cryptopenaeus de Freitas, 1979
- Cryptopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Cryptophagus Herbst, 1792
- Cryptophialus Darwin, 1853
- Cryptophilus Reitter, 1874
- Cryptophorellia Freidberg & Hancock, 1989
- Cryptophysoderes Wygodzinsky and Maldonado, 1972
- Cryptopleurum Mulsant, 1844
- Cryptoplophora Grandjean, 1932
- Cryptopodia Milne-Edwards, 1834
- Cryptopone Emery, 1893
- Cryptopontius Giesbrecht, 1899
- Cryptoppia Csiszár, 1961
- Cryptops Leach, 1814
- Cryptopygus Willem, 1901
- Cryptorama Fall, 1905
- Cryptoramorphus White, 1966
- Cryptorhopalum Guérin-Méneville, 1838
- Cryptorhynchus Illiger, 1807
- Cryptoribatula Jacot, 1934
- Cryptoscatomaseter Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Cryptosoma Brullé, 1837
- Cryptostemma Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835
- Cryptotendipes Lenz
- Cryptotermes Banks, 1906
- Cryptothele L. Koch, 1872
- Cryptothir Dana, 1852
- Cryptothrips Uzel, 1895
- Cryptothrix McLachlan, 1867
- Cryptotreta Blanc & Foote, 1961
- Cryptotympana Stål, 1861
- Cryptovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Cryptowithius Beier, 1967
- Crypturgus Erichson, 1836
- Cryptyma Chamberlin, 1943
- Csiroleon New, 1985
- Cteisella Weise, 1896
- Ctenacarus Grandjean, 1939
- Ctenamerus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Ctenandropus
- Ctenaphydes Pascoe, 1870
- Ctenelmis Delève, 1964
- Ctenicera
- Ctenioschelus Romand, 1840
- Ctenipocoris Montandon, 1897
- Ctenisis Raffray, 1890
- Ctenisodes Raffray, 1897
- Cteniza Latreille, 1829
- Ctenjapyx Silvestri, 1948
- Ctenobelba Balogh, 1943
- Ctenobium LeConte, 1865
- Ctenobostrychus Reichardt, 1962
- Ctenocalanus Giesbrecht, 1888
- Ctenocassida Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenocharidotis Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenocheles Kishinouye, 1926
- Ctenocheloides Anker, 2010
- Ctenocolletes Cockerell, 1929
- Ctenodactylomyia
- Ctenolepisma Escherich, 1905
- Ctenolophus Purcell, 1904
- Ctenomelynthus Breddin, 1903
- Ctenophilaspis Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenophilothis Kryzhanovskij, 1987
- Ctenophilus Cook, 1896
- Ctenophora Meigen, 1803
- Ctenophthirus Ferris, 1922
- Ctenophysis Millidge, 1985
- Ctenoplectra Kirby, 1826
- Ctenoplusia Dufay, 1970
- Ctenopontonia Bruce, 1979
- Ctenoppia Balogh, 1983
- Ctenorillo Verhoeff, 1942
- Ctenorya Cook, 1896
- Ctenoscia Verhoeff, 1928
- Ctenoscina
- Ctenosculum Heath, 1910
- Ctenothrips Franklin, 1907
- Ctenothyas Lundblad, 1936
- Ctenotrachelus Stål, 1868
- Ctenucha W. Kirby, 1837
- Ctenus Walckenaer, 1805
- Cterissa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Ctesias Stephens, 1830
- Ctesibius Champion, 1897
- Ctydinna Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Cuahtemoca Hogue, 1963
- Cuangoblemma Brignoli, 1974
- Cuapetes Clark, 1919
- Cubabodes Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Cubacanthozomus Teruel, 2007
- Cubachelifer Hoff, 1946
- Cubachipteria Balogh & Mahunka, 1979
- Cubanana Ortiz, 2008
- Cubanomysis Bacescu, 1968
- Cubanophiloscia Vandel, 1973
- Cubanoptila Sykora in Botosaneanu & Sykora, 1973
- Cubanopyllus Alayón & Platnick, 1993
- Cubanoscia Vandel, 1981
- Cubanothrombidium Feider, 1983
- Cubaoppia Balogh, 1983
- Cubaris Brandt, 1833
- Cubaroides Vandel, 1973
- Cubazomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Cubiria González-Sponga, 1987
- Cubispa Barber, 1946
- Cubitalia Friese, 1911
- Cubodesmus Chamberlin, 1918
- Cuca Navás, 1923
- Cuckoldillo Lewis, 1998
- Cucochodaeus Paulsen, 2007
- Cucudeta Maddison, 2009
- Cucujopsis Crowson, 1946
- Cucujus Fabricius, 1775
- Cuculisyringophilus Skoracki, 2008
- Cucullia Schrank, 1802
- Cucullomyia
- Cuernolestes Miller, 1954
- Cueta Navás, 1911
- Culcua Walker, 1856
- Culex Linnaeus, 1758
- Culicoides Latreille, 1809
- Culiseta Felt, 1904
- Culoptila Mosely, 1954
- Cultellunguis McKey-Fender, 1950
- Cultrobates Willmann, 1930
- Cultroribella Mahunka, 1985
- Cultroribula Berlese, 1908
- Cultus Ricker, 1952
- Cumare Blöte, 1945
- Cumella Sars, 1865
- Cumellopsis
- Cumopsis Sars, 1878
- Cuneifrons Munroe, 1961
- Cuneoceps Williams, 1981
- Cuneogaster Choi and Whitfield, 2006
- Cuneopalpus Badonnel, 1943
- Cuneoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Cunliffea Schubart, 1973
- Cunliffella Volgin, 1969
- Cunnawarra Davies, 1998
- Cupa Strand, 1906
- Cupes Fabricius, 1801
- Cupido Schrank, 1801
- Cupiennius Simon, 1891
- Cupila Casey, 1897
- Curalium Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Curanahuel Botero-Trujillo, 2019
- Curassanthura Kensley, 1981
- Curculanoetus Fain, 1974
- Curculio Linnaeus, 1758
- Curelius Casey, 1900
- Curicaberis Rheims, 2015
- Curicta Stål, 1861
- Curidia Thomas, 1983
- Curimagua Forster & Platnick, 1977
- Curimaguanus González-Sponga, 2003
- Curimopsis Ganglbauer, 1902
- Curinus Mulsant, 1850
- Curius Newman, 1840
- Curodesmus Chamberlin, 1922
- Curranops
- Curteria Southcott, 1961
- Curticella Hardy, 1959
- Curticornis Gordon, 1971
- Curtipleon Bacescu, 1976
- Curtius Stål, 1870
- Curtomerus Stephens, 1839
- Curtometopum Muir, 1926
- Curtonida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Curtonotum
- Curtos Motschulsky, 1845
- Curubis Simon, 1902
- Curupironomus Tavares, 1993
- Curvicicauda Chou and Lu, 1997
- Cushmanidea Blake, 1933
- Cuspidevia Jäch and Boukal, 1995
- Cuspidoserolis Brandt, 1988
- Cuspidozetes Hammer, 1962
- Cuspitegula Hammer, 1966
- Custotychus Park and Wagner, 1962
- Cuterebra
- Cutina Walker, 1866
- Cuyana Ronderos and Capri, 1969
- Cuyanopuga Iuri in Iuri, Ramírez, Mattoni and Ojanguren-Affilastro, 2021
- Cyaforma Wang, 1989
- Cyamops
- Cyamus Latreille, 1796
- Cyanallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Cyananthrax
- Cyanauges Rondani, 1863
- Cyanogomphus Selys, 1873
- Cyanolicimex Carpintero, Di Iorio, Masello and Turienzo in Di Iorio et al., 2010
- Cyanophrys Clench, 1961
- Cyanus
- Cyatholipus Simon, 1894
- Cyathura Norman and Stebbing, 1886
- Cybaeina Chamberlin & Ivie, 1932
- Cybaeodamus Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Cybaeodes Simon, 1878
- Cybaeolus Simon, 1884
- Cybaeopsis Strand, 1907
- Cybaeota Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Cybaeozyga Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Cybaeus L. Koch, 1868
- Cybella Judson, 2017
- Cybister Curtis, 1827
- Cybocephalus Erichson, 1844
- Cycais Thorell, 1877
- Cycetopagurus McLaughlin, 2004
- Cychramus Kugelann, 1794
- Cychrus Fabricius, 1794
- Cyclargus Nabokov, 1945
- Cyclaspis Sars, 1865
- Cyclaspoides Bonnier, 1896
- Cyclatemnus Beier, 1932
- Cyclax Dana, 1851
- Cyclechinus Bickhardt, 1917
- Cyclestheria G. O. Sars, 1887
- Cyclica Grote, 1882
- Cyclobacanius G. Müller, 1925
- Cyclocarcina Komatsu, 1942
- Cyclocaris Stebbings, 1888
- Cyclocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821
- Cyclochernes Beier, 1970
- Cyclochila Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclocosmia Ausserer, 1871
- Cycloctenus L. Koch, 1878
- Cyclocypria Dobbin, 1941
- Cyclocypris Brady and Norman, 1889
- Cyclodesmus Humbert & DeSaussure, 1869
- Cyclodinus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Cyclodorippe A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Cycloes De Haan, 1837
- Cyclogastridea Reuter, 1884
- Cyclograpsus H. Milne Edwards, 1837
- Cyclohydryphantes Lundblad, 1941
- Cycloleberis Skogsberg, 1920
- Cyclolimnichus Delève, 1968
- Cycloneda Crotch, 1871
- Cyclopelta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclophleps James, 1943
- Cyclophora Hübner, 1822
- Cyclopina Claus, 1863
- Cyclopinodes Wilson, 1932
- Cyclopinoides Lindberg, 1953
- Cyclopoapseudes Menzies, 1953
- Cyclopocoris Miller, 1950
- Cycloppia Balogh, 1983
- Cyclops O. F. Müller, 1776
- Cyclopsia Malloch, 1939
- Cyclopsiella Kjaerandsen, 1997
- Cyclopsodesmus Loomis, 1964
- Cycloptiloides Sjöstedt, 1909
- Cycloptilum Scudder, 1869
- Cyclorhipidion Hagedorn, 1912
- Cyclorhiza Heegaard, 1942
- Cyclosa Menge, 1866
- Cyclosoma Guérin-Méneville, 1835
- Cyclosternum Ausserer, 1871
- Cyclotaspis Lindner, 1964
- Cyclotelus
- Cyclothyas Lundblad, 1941
- Cyclothyrophorus Pocock, 1908
- Cyclotoma Mulsant, 1851
- Cyclotrachelus Chaudoir, 1838
- Cyclotrypema Blake, 1966
- Cyclotynaspis Montandon, 1892
- Cyclotypus Sharp, 1882
- Cycloxanthops Rathbun, 1897
- Cyclozodion Williams and Child, 1989
- Cycnia Hübner, 1818
- Cycrillum Knisch, 1921
- Cydamus Stål, 1860
- Cydistus Bourgeois, 1885
- Cydnocoris Stål, 1859
- Cydnoides Malloch, 1919
- Cydnus Fabricius, 1803
- Cydosia Duncan and Westwood, 1841
- Cydrela Thorell, 1873
- Cylapus Say, 1832
- Cylas Latreille, 1802
- Cylicovelia J. Polhemus and Copeland, 1996
- Cylindera Westwood, 1831
- Cylindrarcturus Schultz, 1981
- Cylindrarctus Schaufuss, 1887
- Cylindridia Casey, 1920
- Cylindrobates Wappler and Andersen, 2004
- Cylindrocnema Mayr, 1864
- Cylindrocopturinus Sleeper, 1963
- Cylindrocopturus Heller, 1895
- Cylindrodesmus Pocock, 1889
- Cylindrogonus Loomis, 1964
- Cylindroiulus Verhoeff, 1894
- Cylindroleberis Brady, 1867
- Cylindrolepas Pilsbry, 1916
- Cylindrolister Bickhardt, 1921
- Cylindromus Loomis, 1977
- Cylindromyia Meigen, 1803
- Cylindromyrmex Mayr, 1870
- Cylindronannopus Coull, 1973
- Cylindroniscus Arcangeli, 1930
- Cylindronotum Putzeys, 1845
- Cylindropsyllus Brady, 1880
- Cylindropygus Deharveng, Potapov & Bedos, 2005
- Cylindrostethus Mayr, 1865
- Cylindrotoma Macquart, 1834
- Cylinula Coull, 1971
- Cylionus Cook, 1898
- Cylistella Simon, 1901
- Cylisticus Schnitzler, 1853
- Cylistosoma Lewis, 1905
- Cyllarus Stål, 1866
- Cyllodania Simon, 1902
- Cyllodes Erichson, 1843
- Cylloepus Erichson, 1847
- Cyllognatha L. Koch, 1872
- Cyllopsis R. Felder, 1869
- Cyllopus Dana, 1853
- Cymadusa Savigny, 1816
- Cymaenes Scudder, 1872
- Cymagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Cymatala C.-k. Yang, 1986
- Cymatia Flor, 1860
- Cymatodera Grey, 1832
- Cymatoderella Barr, 1962
- Cymatophora Hübner, 1812
- Cymbacha L. Koch, 1874
- Cymbachina Bryant, 1933
- Cymbaeremaeus Berlese, 1896
- Cymbicopia
- Cymbiodyta Bedel, 1881
- Cymindis Latreille, 1805
- Cymiphis Lee, 1970
- Cymochilus Chamberlin, 1947
- Cymocythere Hart, 1962
- Cymodema Spinola, 1837
- Cymodetta Bowman & Kuhne, 1974
- Cymodoce Leach, 1814
- Cymodocella Pfeffer, 1887
- Cymodopsis Baker, 1926
- Cymoninus Breddin, 1907
- Cymonomus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Cymopolus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Cymothales Gerstaecker, 1893
- Cymothoa Fabricius, 1787
- Cymus Hahn, 1832
- Cynapes Simon, 1900
- Cynathea Simon, 1895
- Cynedesmus Cook, 1895
- Cynegetis Dejean, 1837
- Cynipimorpha Brauer, 1882
- Cynips Linnaeus, 1758
- Cynomya
- Cynorhinella
- Cynosa Caporiacco, 1933
- Cyoceraphron Dessart, 1975
- Cyperacarus Beard and Ochoa, 2011
- Cyperispa Gressitt, 1957
- Cyperobia Bergroth, 1927
- Cypha Leach, 1819
- Cyphacolus Priesner, 1951
- Cyphagogus Parry, 1849
- Cyphalonotus Simon, 1895
- Cyphanthidium Pasteels, 1969
- Cyphea Fauvel, 1863
- Cyphobrembana Verhoeff, 1931
- Cyphocaris Boeck, 1871
- Cyphoceratops Uhler, 1901
- Cyphodemidea Reuter, 1903
- Cyphoderris Uhler, 1864
- Cyphoderus Nicolet, 1842
- Cyphodesmus Peters, 1864
- Cyphodillidium Verhoeff, 1939
- Cyphoidris Weber, 1952
- Cypholambrana Verhoeff, 1938
- Cyphomella Saether
- Cyphomyia Wiedemann, 1819
- Cyphomyrmex Mayr, 1862
- Cyphonetria Millidge, 1995
- Cyphoniscellus Verhoeff, 1927
- Cyphonisia Simon, 1889
- Cyphonocerus Kiesenwetter, 1879
- Cyphonotida Casey, 1913
- Cyphopelta Van Duzee, 1910
- Cyphopleon Frankenberger, 1940
- Cyphoprosopa James, 1975
- Cyphosaccus Reinhard, 1958
- Cyphostethus Fieber, 1860
- Cyphotendana Verhoeff, 1936
- Cyphotylus Loomis, 1936
- Cypretta Vavra, 1895
- Cypria Zenker, 1854
- Cypricercus Sars, 1895
- Cypriconcha Sars, 1926
- Cyprideis Jones, 1857
- Cypridina H. Milne Edwards, 1840
- Cypridopsis Brady, 1868
- Cyprinotus Brady, 1885
- Cypris O. F. Müller, 1776
- Cyproidea Haswell, 1880
- Cyprois Zenker, 1854
- Cyptocephala Berg, 1883
- Cypturus Erichson, 1834
- Cyrba Simon, 1876
- Cyrea Gordon and Canepari in Gordon et al., 2013
- Cyrema Blackburn, 1889
- Cyrenoberotha MacLeod and Adams, 1968
- Cyriocosmus Simon, 1903
- Cyrioctea Simon, 1889
- Cyriodontus Kirsch, 1868
- Cyriogonus Simon, 1886
- Cyriopagopus Simon, 1887
- Cyrnellus Banks, 1913
- Cyrnodes Ulmer, 1910
- Cyrnoniscus Vandel, 1953
- Cyrnopsis Martynov, 1935
- Cyrnus Stephens, 1836
- Cyrotyphus Pascoe, 1870
- Cyrtaphe Loomis, 1936
- Cyrtarachne Thorell, 1868
- Cyrtauchenius Thorell, 1869
- Cyrtaulis Crotch, 1874
- Cyrtepistomus Marshall, 1913
- Cyrthermannia Balogh, 1958
- Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852
- Cyrtobagous Hustache, 1929
- Cyrtobill Framenau & Scharff, 2009
- Cyrtocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtocarcinus Ng and Chia, 1994
- Cyrtocarenum Ausserer, 1871
- Cyrtocaria Crotch, 1874
- Cyrtodesmus Gervais, 1847
- Cyrtognatha Keyserling, 1881
- Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895
- Cyrtolaelaps Berlese, 1887
- Cyrtomaia Miers, 1886
- Cyrtomenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyrtomoptera Motschulsky, 1860
- Cyrtomycta Williams, 1981
- Cyrtonota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cyrtopeltis Fieber, 1860
- Cyrtopeltocoris Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtophleba Rondani, 1856
- Cyrtopholis Simon, 1892
- Cyrtophora Simon, 1864
- Cyrtophorus LeConte, 1850
- Cyrtophyllicus Hebard, 1908
- Cyrtopogon
- Cyrtopus Bigot, 1883
- Cyrtorhinus Fieber, 1858
- Cyrtowithius Beier, 1955
- Cyrtoxipha Saussure, 1874
- Cyrtusa Erichson, 1842
- Cysteochila Stål, 1873
- Cysteodemus LeConte, 1851
- Cystiphora
- Cystisoma Guérin-Méneville, 1842
- Cystopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Cystosoma Westwood, 1842
- Cystowithius Harvey, 2004
- Cytaea Keyserling, 1882
- Cythere O. F. Müller, 1785
- Cythereis Jones, 1849
- Cytherella Jones, 1849
- Cytherelloidea Alexander, 1929
- Cytheretta G. W. Müller, 1894
- Cytheridea
- Cytheridella Daday, 1905
- Cytherissa Sars, 1925
- Cytherois G. W. Müller, 1884
- Cytheromorpha Hirschmann, 1909
- Cytheropteron G. O. Sars, 1866
- Cytherura G. O. Sars, 1866
- Cythrereis
- Cytilus Erichson, 1847
- Cyzenis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Cyzicus Audouin, 1837
- Czenspinskia Oudemans, 1923
- Dacatria Rigato, 1994
- Dacerla Signoret, 1881
- Dacetellum Hedicke, 1922
- Dacetinops Brown & Wilson, 1957
- Daceton Perty, 1833
- Daclera Signoret, 1863
- Dacne Latreille, 1796
- Dacnitus
- Dacnophora
- Dacnusa Haliday, 1833
- Dacoderus LeConte, 1858
- Dacopsis Hering, 1944
- Dacota Uhler, 1872
- Dactuliothrips Moulton, 1931
- Dactylacantha Lindner, 1964
- Dactylamblyops Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 1906
- Dactylerythrops Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 1905
- Dactylispa Weise, 1897
- Dactylocerca Ross, 1940
- Dactylochelifer Beier, 1932
- Dactylocythere Hart, 1962
- Dactylodeictes Kertesz, 1914
- Dactylokepon Stebbing, 1910
- Dactylolabis
- Dactylonia Fransen, 2002
- Dactylonida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Dactylonotum Chou and Xang, 1981
- Dactylopia Becker, 1974
- Dactylopisthes Simon, 1884
- Dactylopisthoides Eskov, 1990
- Dactylopius Costa, 1829
- Dactylopleustes Karaman and Barnard, 1979
- Dactylopodamphiascopsis Lang, 1944
- Dactylopodella G. O. Sars, 1905
- Dactylopodia Lang, 1948
- Dactylopodocoris Miller, 1957
- Dactylopodopsis G. O. Sars, 1911
- Dactylopusia Norman, 1903
- Dactylopusioides Brian, 1928
- Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854
- Dactylostylis Richardson, 1911
- Dactylotinda Lindner, 1965
- Dactylotrypes Eggers, 1927
- Dactylotum Charpentier, 1843
- Dactylurina Cockerell, 1934
- Dacus Fabricius, 1805
- Dadaya G. O. Sars, 1901
- Dadophora Duponchel, 1844
- Daesiella Hewitt, 1934
- Daesiola Roewer, 1933
- Dagbertus Distant, 1904
- Dagon Higgins, 1981
- Dahana Grote, 1875
- Dahlgrenius Penati and Vienna, 1996
- Daihinia Haldeman, 1850
- Daihinibaenetes Tinkham, 1962
- Daihiniella Hubbell, 1936
- Daihiniodes Hebard, 1929
- Daillea Péricart, 1991
- Daira De Haan, 1833
- Dairella Bovallius, 1887
- Dairoides Stebbing, 1920
- Daitrosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Dakrobius Zalesskaja, 1975
- Dalaca Walker, 1856
- Dalader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Daladeropsis Karsch, 1894
- Dalara Ritsema, 1884
- Dalcantha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Dalcerides Neumogen and Dyar, 1893
- Daldorfia M. J. Rathbun, 1904
- Daleapidea Knight, 1968
- Dalensocoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Dallasiellus Berg, 1901
- Dalmannia
- Dalmatomammurius Brailovsky, 1982
- Dalmonexus Park, 1942
- Dalmosanus Park, 1952
- Dalmosella Casey, 1897
- Dalotia Casey, 1910
- Dalquestia Cokendolpher, 1984
- Damaeolus Paoli, 1908
- Damaeus Koch, 1835
- Damarchus Thorell, 1891
- Damaromyia Kertesz, 1916
- Damastes Simon, 1880
- Damatula Gordon, 1975
- Dambullaeus Haitlinger, 2001
- Dameobelba Sellnick, 1928
- Damoetas Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Damoisiella Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Damon C. L. Koch, 1850
- Damothus Chamberlin, 1960
- Dampfiella Sellnick, 1931
- Danae Reiche, 1847
- Danaithiana Haitlinger, 1991
- Danascelis Tomaszewska, 1999
- Danaus Kluk, 1780
- Danepteryx Uhler, 1889
- Daniavelia Andersen, 1998
- Danielopolina Kornicker and Sohn, 1976
- Danielssenia Boeck, 1872
- Danielum Vázquez-Bader and Gracia, 1995
- Dannella Edmunds, 1959
- Danodes Wilson, 1942
- Danothrips Bhatti, 1971
- Dantya Kornicker and Cohen, 1978
- Danumococcus Takagi and Hodgson, 2005
- Danzigia Popov, 2003
- Daphnasa Brailovsky, 1984
- Daphnia O. F. Müller, 1785
- Daphniopsis G. O. Sars, 1903
- Daphnis Hübner, 1819
- Dapolia Mulsant, 1850
- Daptesister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Daradacella Fennah, 1949
- Daradax Walker, 1857
- Daradaxoides Distant, 1917
- Daramulunia Lehtinen, 1967
- Darapsa Walker, 1856
- Daraxa Stål, 1859
- Darchenia Vachon, 1977
- Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906
- Dardanus Paul'son, 1875
- Dardurus Davies, 1976
- Dargida Walker, 1856
- Darkoneta Ledford & Griswold, 2010
- Darlingtonea Valentine, 1952
- Darlingtoniella Loomis, 1938
- Darmistus Stål, 1860
- Darwinhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Darwinivelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Darwinneon Cutler, 1971
- Darwinula Brady and Robertson, 1885
- Dascillus Latreille, 1796
- Dasella Lebour, 1945
- Dasineura
- Dasiops Rondani, 1856
- Dasitrombium Zhang, 1994
- Dasongius Sun and Guo in Qian et al., 2015
- Dasumia Thorell, 1875
- Dasyblemma Dyar, 1923
- Dasycaris Kemp, 1922
- Dasycerus
- Dasychernes J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dasychira Hübner, 1809
- Dasycleobis Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Dasycnemus Bergroth, 1898
- Dasycorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Dasycyptus Simon, 1902
- Dasydactylus Gorham, 1887
- Dasyfidonia Packard, 1876
- Dasyhelea
- Dasyhesma Michener, 1965
- Dasylagon Muesebeck, 1958
- Dasylamprops Reyss, 1978
- Dasylechia
- Dasylophia Packard, 1864
- Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899
- Dasynus Burmeister, 1834
- Dasyopa
- Dasypoda Latreille, 1802
- Dasyponyssus Fonseca, 1940
- Dasyproctus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835
- Dasyrhicnoessa Hendel
- Dasysyrphus
- Dasytanobium Pic, 1902
- Dasythemis Karsch, 1889
- Dasythyreus Atyeo, 1961
- Dasytingis Drake and Poor, 1936
- Dasyuris Guenée, 1868
- Datana Walker, 1855
- Dautzenbergia Chevreux, 1900
- Davidraena Jäch, 1994
- Daviesa Kocak & Kemal, 2008
- Davus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892
- Dawsonius Manning & Felder, 1991
- Daza Distant, 1905
- Dazollina Sanborn, 2018
- Dearthrus LeConte, 1861
- Debilia Stål, 1859
- Debora Power, 1879
- Decachaetophora
- Decachela Hilton, 1939
- Decadiomus Chapin, 1933
- Decamastinocerus Wittmer, 1988
- Decamorium Forel, 1913
- Decapauropus Remy, 1931
- Decaphora Franganillo, 1931
- Decaphyllobius Bolland, 1986
- Decaphyllus de Saint Laurent, 1968
- Decaporodesmus Kenyon, 1899
- Decarloa La Rivers, 1969
- Decarthrocerus Orchymont, 1948
- Decarthron Brendel, 1865
- Decarynella Fage, 1945
- Decatelia Weise, 1904
- Deccanometrus Prendini and Loria, 2020
- Decebalus Distant, 1920
- Deceia
- Decevania Huben, 2003
- Decinea Evans, 1955
- Decipiphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Declivitata Fürsch, 1964
- Decolopoda Eights, 1835
- Decoroppia Mahunka, 2009
- Dectes LeConte, 1852
- Decticita Hebard, 1939
- Dectodesis Munro, 1957
- Decuana Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1987
- Decuella Avram, 1977
- Decusa Casey, 1900
- Deelemanella Yoshida, 2003
- Deelemania Jocqué & Bosmans, 1983
- Deelemanikara Jäger, 2021
- Deeveya Kornicker and Iliffe, 1985
- Defectrix Petrunkevitch, 1925
- Deflexilodes Bousfield and Chevrier, 1996
- Degallierister Gomy, 2001
- Degamaea Yosii, 1965
- Deidamia Clemens, 1859
- Deielia Kirby, 1889
- Deilephila Laspeyres, 1809
- Deilocerus Tavares, 1993
- Deilus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Deinelenchus Perkins, 1905
- Deinocerites Theobald, 1901
- Deinocossonus Perkins, 1900
- Deinomimesa Perkins, 1899
- Deinopa Walker, 1856
- Deinophloeus Sharp, 1899
- Deinopis MacLeay, 1839
- Deinopsis Matthews, 1838
- Deione Thorell, 1898
- Deioneus Dworschak, Anker & Abed-Navandi, 2000
- Dejerosa Roewer, 1960
- Dejuna Navás, 1924
- Dekanoscia Verhoeff, 1936
- Dekanphilus Verhoeff, 1938
- Delacampius Distant, 1903
- Delamarentulus Tuxen, 1963
- Deleaster Erichson, 1839
- Delena Walckenaer, 1837
- Delfimeus Navás, 1912
- Delgadus Navás, 1914
- Delia
- Delina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Deliochus Simon, 1894
- Deliriosa Kovblyuk, 2009
- Dellacasiellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Delobius Chamberlin, 1915
- Delochilocoris Bergroth, 1893
- Delocrania Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Delophon Chamberlin, 1943
- Deloyala Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Delphacellus Haupt, 1929
- Delphacinus Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodes Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodoides Muir, 1929
- Delphastus Casey, 1899
- Delphax Fabricius, 1798
- Delphinia
- Delta Saussure, 1855
- Deltamysis Bowman and Orsi, 1992
- Deltaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Deltocephalus Burmeister, 1838
- Deltochilum Eschscholtz, 1822
- Deltoclita Simon, 1887
- Deltopauropus MacSwain and Lanham, 1948
- Deltoptila LaBerge and Michener, 1963
- Deltostethus Sharp, 1882
- Deltotaria Causey, 1942
- Deltote R.L., 1817
- Deltshevia Maruskin & Fet, 2009
- Demadiana Strand, 1929
- Demeijerea
- Demelodos Mello-Leitão, 1943
- Demicryptochironomus
- Demisalto Coetzee, 1993
- Demodex Owen, 1843
- Demogenes Simon, 1895
- Demoleus Heller, 1865
- Demoticus Macquart, 1854
- Demotina Baly, 1863
- Demotispa Baly, 1858
- Dendracarus Balogh, 1961
- Dendrapta Kabata, 1964
- Dendrobiella Casey, 1898
- Dendrocephalus Daday, 1908
- Dendrocerus Ratzeburg, 1852
- Dendrochaetus Olivier, 2008
- Dendrochernes Beier, 1932
- Dendrocoris Bergroth, 1891
- Dendrocranulus Schedl, 1937
- Dendroctonus Erichson, 1836
- Dendroeremaeus Behan-Pelletier, Eamer & Clayton, 2005
- Dendrogaster Knipovich, 1890
- Dendrohermannia P. Balogh, 1985
- Dendroides
- Dendrolasma Banks, 1894
- Dendroleon Brauer, 1866
- Dendrolycosa Doleschall, 1859
- Dendromunna Menzies, 1962
- Dendromyrmex Emery, 1895
- Dendronetria Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Dendrophagus Schönherr, 1809
- Dendrophilus Leach, 1817
- Dendroseius Karg, 1965
- Dendrosinus Chapuis, 1869
- Dendroterus Blandford, 1904
- Dendrotettix Packard, 1890
- Dendrothereua Verhoeff, 1944
- Dendrothripoides Bagnall, 1923
- Dendrothrips Uzel, 1895
- Dendrotion G. O. Sars, 1872
- Dendrozetes Aoki, 1970
- Dendryphantes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Denigastrura Stach, 1949
- Denisiella Folsom & Mills, 1938
- Denisiphantes Tu, Li & Rollard, 2005
- Denopelopia Roback and Rutter, 1988
- Denophoelus Stephan, 1989
- Dentachipteria Nevin, 1974
- Dentalopagurus McLaughlin, 2007
- Dentatella Allen, 1980
- Denticynorta Roewer, 1947
- Dentifibula
- Dentigryps C. B. Wilson, 1913
- Dentisebus De Muizon, 1960
- Dentizetes Hammer, 1952
- Dentocreagris Dashdamirov, 1997
- Deopalpus Townsend, 1908
- Deosergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008
- Deporaus Samouelle, 1819
- Depreissia Lessert, 1942
- Deraeocapsus Knight, 1921
- Deraeocoris Kirschbaum, 1856
- Derallus Sharp, 1882
- Dercylinus Chaudoir, 1883
- Derelomus Schönherr, 1825
- Deremeces Sanborn, 2021
- Derephysia Spinola, 1837
- Derepteryx White, 1839
- Deretaphrus Newman, 1842
- Dermacentor Koch, 1844
- Dermadelema Pomeroy and Loomis, 1984
- Dermanyssus Dugès, 1834
- Dermaturus Brandt, 1850
- Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758
- Dermochrosia Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Dermoergasilus
- Derobrachus Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Derocheilocaris Pennak and Zinn, 1943
- Derocrepis Weise, 1886
- Derodontus LeConte, 1861
- Derolathrus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Deronectes Sharp, 1882
- Deroparia Munro, 1957
- Derophthalma Berg, 1883
- Derospidea Blake, 1931
- Derotettix Berg, 1882
- Derotmema Scudder, 1876
- Derovatellus Sharp, 1882
- Derrima Walker, 1858
- Dersagrena Kirkaldy, 1904
- Desbordesia Mazur, 1999
- Descanso Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Descarpentriesus Villiers, 1961
- Desdimelita Jarrett and Bousfield, 1996
- Desectophis Karg, 2003
- Desertoniscus Verhoeff, 1930
- Desertosphaera Vandel, 1948
- Desgodinsia Senna, 1894
- Desis Walckenaer, 1837
- Desmatogaster Knutson, 1963
- Desmatomyia
- Desmatoneura
- Desmella Munro, 1957
- Desmethus Chamberlin, 1922
- Desmiphora Audinet-Serville, 1835
- Desmocaris Sollaud, 1911
- Desmocerus Dejean, 1821
- Desmoglyptus Casey, 1892
- Desmogomphus Williamson, 1920
- Desmometopa
- Desmona Denning, 1954
- Desmonus Cook, 1898
- Desmopachria Babington, 1841
- Desmopauropus Scheller in Scheller and Bernard, 2005
- Desmosoma G. O. Sars, 1864
- Desmosomella Kussakin, 1965
- Desmostylis Brandt, 1992B
- Desognanops Platnick, 2008
- Desognaphosa Platnick, 2002
- Despaxia Ricker, 1943
- Destutia Grossbeck, 1908
- Desystellores Villiers, 1958
- Detlefilus Roewer, 1949
- Deto Guérin, 1836
- Detonella Lohmander, 1927
- Dettopsomyia
- Deutella Mayer, 1890
- Deuterixys Mason, 1981
- Deuteronectes Guignot, 1945
- Deuterophlebia Edwards, 1922
- Deutoleon Navás, 1927
- Deutominettia
- Devade Simon, 1884
- Devendra Lehtinen, 1967
- Devia Blackwelder, 1952
- Dexamine Leach, 1814
- Dexamonica
- Dexia Meigen, 1826
- Dexicrates Lesne, 1899
- Dexiogyia Thomson, 1858
- Dexippus Thorell, 1891
- Dexosarcophaga
- Dexteria Brtek, 1965
- Dextritubus Hill, 2015
- Dhanus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Dhatrichia Mosely, 1948
- Diabletes Reichardt, 1933
- Diabolicoris Wall and Cassis, 2003
- Diabrotica Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Diacamma Mayr, 1862
- Diacanthurus McLaughlin & Forest, 1997
- Diacara Budde-Lund, 1908
- Diacheila Motschulsky, 1844
- Diachlorus
- Diachrysia Hübner, 1821
- Diachus J. L. LeConte, 1880
- Diacrisia Hübner, 1819
- Diacrita
- Diactis Loomis, 1937
- Diactor Perty, 1830
- Diacyclops Kiefer, 1927
- Diadasia Patton, 1879
- Diadasina Moure, 1950
- Diademophora Lindner, 1955
- Diadiplosis
- Diaditus Stål, 1859
- Diadocidia
- Diaea Thorell, 1869
- Diaenobunus Roewer, 1915
- Diaeretellus Starý, 1960
- Diaeretiella Starý, 1960
- Diaeretus Foerster, 1863
- Diagoniceps A. Willey, 1932
- Diagrynia Melichar, 1914
- Diaguitacarus Stekolnikov and González-Acuña, 2015
- Diahogna Roewer, 1960
- Diaixis G. O. Sars, 1902
- Dialampsis Kertesz, 1916
- Dialeurodes Cockerell, 1902
- Dialineura
- Diallactia
- Diallomus Simon, 1897
- Dialysis
- Dialytellus Brown, 1929
- Dialytes Harold, 1869
- Dialytodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Diambon O'Brien, 2010
- Diamesa
- Diamimus Horn, 1876
- Diamysis Czerniavsky, 1882
- Dianleucauge Song & Zhu, 1994
- Dianomictis O'Shea, 1980
- Dianthidium Cockerell, 1900
- Dianus Ding, 2006
- Dianusa Casey, 1906
- Diaperis
- Diaphanacme Loomis, 1964
- Diaphanes Motschulsky, 1853
- Diaphanosoma Fischer, 1850
- Diapheromera Gray, 1835
- Diaphlebia Selys, 1854
- Diaphnidia Uhler, 1895
- Diaphorina
- Diaphorocellus Simon, 1893
- Diaphorocoris Montandon, 1897
- Diaphorostylus Kertesz, 1908
- Diaphorus Meigen, 1824
- Diaphractus Purcell, 1907
- Diapontia Keyserling, 1876
- Diapontonia Bruce, 1986
- Diaprepes Schönherr, 1823
- Diaprepocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Diaprograpta Simon, 1909
- Diapterna Horn, 1887
- Diapterobates Grandjean, 1936
- Diaptomus Westwood, 1836
- Diargemus Kertesz, 1916
- Diariptus Stål, 1859
- Diarrhegma Bezzi, 1913
- Diarrhegmoides Malloch, 1939
- Diarsia Hübner, 1821
- Diarthrodella Klie, 1949
- Diarthrodes Thomson, 1882
- Diarthrotarsus Bergroth, 1905
- Diasia Sørensen, 1902
- Diaspidius Westwood, 1837
- Diaspis Costa, 1828
- Diastanillus Simon, 1926
- Diastata
- Diastatops Rambur, 1842
- Diastema Guenée, 1852
- Diasterope Poulsen, 1965
- Diastictus Mulsant, 1842
- Diastophthalmus Lindner, 1949
- Diastrophocoleps Damoiseau, 1967
- Diastrophus Hartig, 1840
- Diastylis Say, 1818
- Diastylopsis S. I. Smith, 1880
- Diatraea Guilding, 1828
- Diaulota Casey, 1893
- Diazonema Weise, 1926
- Diazosoma
- Dibaryconus Kieffer, 1926
- Diblemma O. P.-Cambridge, 1908
- Dibolia Latreille, 1829
- Dibusa Ross, 1939
- Dicaelus Bonelli, 1813
- Dicaminus Mueller, 1879
- Dicamptocrana Frey, 1934
- Dicanestrinia Berlese, 1911
- Dicatozetes Grandjean, 1956
- Dicellarius Chamberlin, 1920
- Dicellophilus Cook, 1896
- Dicentropyx Emeljanov, 1972
- Dicentrus LeConte, 1880
- Dicerapanorpa Zhong and Hua, 2013
- Diceratobasis Kennedy, 1920
- Diceratothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Dicerca Eschscholtz, 1829
- Diceroprocta Stål, 1870
- Diceropyga Stål, 1870
- Diceroscalpellum Zevina, 1978
- Dicerura
- Dichaetocoris Knight, 1968
- Dichagyris Lederer, 1857
- Dichaina Weise, 1923
- Dicheirotrichus Jacquelin du Val, 1855
- Dicheirus Mannerheim, 1843
- Dichela Menge, 1854
- Dichelacera
- Dichelesthium Hermann, 1804
- Dichelobius Attems, 1911
- Dichelonyx Harris, 1827
- Dichelopandalus Caullery, 1896
- Dicheniotes Munro, 1938
- Dichocera Williston, 1895
- Dichocysta Champion, 1898
- Dichodactylus Okumura, 2017
- Dichoglena
- Dichoneura Lethierry, 1890
- Dichopetala Brunner, 1878
- Dichorda Warren, 1900
- Dichordophora Prout, 1913
- Dichoteleas Kieffer, 1907
- Dichotomiopus Fain and Camerik, 1978
- Dichotomius Hope, 1838
- Dichoxenus Horn, 1876
- Dichozoma Munroe, 1961
- Dichromorpha Morse, 1896
- Dichromothrips Priesner, 1932
- Dichrooscytus Fieber, 1858
- Dicladispa Gestro, 1897
- Diclasiopa
- Diclidia LeConte, 1862
- Dicolonus
- Diconocoris Mayr, 1865
- Dicordylus Lacordaire, 1863
- Dicornua Oi, 1960
- Dicorymbimyia Woodley, 2001
- Dicorymbus Bergroth, 1918
- Dicosmoecus McLachlan, 1875
- Dicraeus
- Dicranocephalus Hahn, 1826
- Dicranoclista
- Dicranodromia A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Dicranophora Macquart, 1834
- Dicranopselaphus Guérin-Méneville, 1861
- Dicranoptycha Coquillett, 1910
- Dicranorhina Shuckard, 1840
- Dicranota
- Dicranotropis Fieber, 1866
- Dicranus
- Dicroaspis Emery, 1908
- Dicrobomolochus Vervoort, 1969
- Dicrodiplosis
- Dicrognatus Gerlach, Lehtinen and Madl, 2010
- Dicromantispa Hoffman in Penny, 2002
- Dicropaltum
- Dicropleon Markham, 1972
- Dicropus Loomis, 1972
- Dicroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Dicrotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Dicrotelus Erichson, 1842
- Dicrotendipes Kieffer, 1913
- Dicrotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Dicterias Selys, 1853
- Dictis L. Koch, 1872
- Dictya
- Dictyacium
- Dictyla Stål, 1874
- Dictyna Sundevall, 1833
- Dictynomorpha Spassky, 1939
- Dictyobia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyoleon Esben-Petersen, 1923
- Dictyonia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyonissus Uhler, 1876
- Dictyonota Curtis, 1827
- Dictyophorodelphax Swezey, 1907
- Dictyoptera Latreille, 1829
- Dictyotangia Fennah, 1945
- Dictyotingis Drake, 1942
- Dictyotrypeta Hendel, 1914
- Dictyssa Melichar, 1906
- Dictyssonia Ball, 1936
- Dicymbium Menge, 1868
- Dicyphoma James, 1937
- Dicyphus Fieber, 1858
- Dicyrtoma Bourlet, 1841
- Dicyrtomina Börner, 1903
- Dicysta Champion, 1897
- Didactylomyia Felt, 1911
- Didasys Grote, 1875
- Didea
- Didectoprocnemis Denis, 1949
- Didelphialges Bochkov, OConnor and Grootaert, 2013
- Dideomima
- Didima Budde-Lund, 1908
- Didineis Wesmael, 1852
- Didion Casey, 1899
- Didugua Druce, 1891
- Didymocentrus Kraepelin, 1905
- Didymochelia K. H. Barnard, 1931
- Didymops Rambur, 1842
- Diechomma Millidge, 1991
- Diekeana Tomaszewska and Szawaryn in Szawaryn et al., 2015
- Diemeniana Distant, 1906
- Diestota Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Dietheria Hardy, 1973
- Dietopsa Strand, 1932
- Dietzella Champion, 1907
- Dietzianus Sleeper, 1953
- Dieunomia Cockerell, 1899
- Dieuryneura James, 1937
- Digitipes Attems, 1930
- Diglotta Champion, 1887
- Dignathodon Meinert, 1870
- Digrammia Gumppenberg, 1887
- Diguetia Simon, 1895
- Dihammaphora Chevrolat, 1859
- Diister Mazur, 1989
- Dikwa Griffiths, 1974
- Dilacra Thomson, 1858
- Dilar Rambur, 1838
- Dilatitibialis Duverger, 2001
- Dilobocondyla Santschi, 1910
- Dilobopyga Duffels, 1977
- Dilophocoris Miller, 1959
- Dilophops Loomis, 1934
- Dilophus
- Diloponis Pope, 1962
- Dilychnia Motschulsky, 1853
- Dilycochtha Karsch, 1895
- Dimalus Marseul, 1870
- Dimarella Banks, 1913
- Dimares Hagen, 1866
- Dimecoenia
- Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913
- Dimeringophrys Enderlein, 1911
- Dimetrota Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Dimidamus Harvey, 1995
- Dimidiogalumna Engelbrecht, 1972
- Diminutella Rheims & Alayón, 2018
- Dimissalna Boulard, 2007
- Dimitshydrus Uéno, 1996
- Dimizonops Pocock, 1903
- Dimorphognathia Sieg, 1986
- Dimorphostylis
- Dinacoma Casey, 1889
- Dinagapostemon Moure & Hurd, 1982
- Dinapate Horn, 1886
- Dinaraea Thomson, 1858
- Dinardilla Wasmann, 1901
- Dinaria Roewer, 1915
- Dinarobia Mamet, 1957
- Dinarthrella Ulmer, 1907
- Dinarthrena Mosely, 1941
- Dinarthrodes Ulmer, 1907
- Dinarthropsis Ulmer, 1913
- Dinarthrum McLachlan, 1871
- Dinema Fairmaire, 1849
- Dinemoura Latreille, 1829
- Dinera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Dinetus Panzer, 1806
- Dineutus Macleay, 1825
- Dingiana Qin, 2005
- Dingosa Roewer, 1955
- Dingupa Forster, 1952
- Dinidor Latreille, 1829
- Dinocheirus J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dinochelus Ahyong, T. Y. Chan and Bouchet, 2010
- Dinochernes Beier, 1933
- Dinocleptes Stål, 1866
- Dinocoryna Casey, 1893
- Dinocras Klapálek, 1909
- Dinoderopsis Lesne, 1906
- Dinoderus Stephens, 1830
- Dinogeophilus Silvestri, 1909
- Dinomyia Martynov, 1909
- Dinoponera Roger, 1861
- Dinorhax Simon, 1879
- Dinosargus Lindner, 1968
- Dinozetes Balogh, 1962
- Dinumma Walker, 1858
- Dinurothrips Hood, 1913
- Diocalandra Faust, 1894
- Diochanthrax
- Diochus
- Diocles Stål, 1866
- Diocophora
- Dioctria
- Diocus Krøyer, 1863
- Diodelphax Yang, 1989
- Diodontus Curtis, 1834
- Diogenes Dana, 1851
- Diogmites
- Dioithona Kiefer, 1935
- Diokterocoris Miller, 1959
- Diolcogaster Ashmead, 1900
- Diolcus Mayr, 1864
- Diolenius Thorell, 1870
- Diomus Mulsant, 1850
- Dione Hübner, 1819
- Dioptoma Pascoe, 1860
- Dioptopsis
- Dioptromysis Zimmer, 1915
- Diores Simon, 1893
- Diorhabda Weise, 1883
- Diorhyssalus Engel, 2016
- Dioria Mulsant, 1850
- Diorymeropsis Champion, 1908
- Diosaccopsis Brian, 1925
- Diosaccus Boeck, 1872
- Dioscoridillo Ferrara & Taiti, 1996
- Diospilites Brues, 1933
- Diostracus
- Diotrephes Reinhard, 1964
- Dioxycanus Dumbleton, 1966
- Dioxyna Frey, 1945
- Dioxyomus Fennah, 1945
- Dioxys Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Dipalta
- Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939
- Diphaglossa Spinola, 1851
- Diphetor Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Diphleps Bergroth, 1924
- Diphthera Hübner, 1809
- Diphtherogaster Attems, 1909
- Diphuia
- Diphya Nicolet, 1849
- Diphyllostoma Fall, 1901
- Diphyonyx Bonato, Zapparoli and Minelli, 2008
- Diphyothrips Stannard, 1963
- Diplacaspis Jacobson, 1924
- Diplacrophor Chamberlin, 1920
- Diplatygaster Kieffer, 1926
- Diplectrona Westwood, 1840
- Diplectronella Ulmer, 1928
- Diplephippium Speiser, 1908
- Diplethmus Cook, 1899
- Diplex Mosely, 1951
- Diplocanthopoda Abraham, 1925
- Diplocentria Hull, 1911
- Diplocentrus Peters, 1861
- Diplocephaloides Oi, 1960
- Diplocephalus Bertkau, 1883
- Diplochaetus Chaudoir, 1872
- Diplocheila Brullé, 1835
- Diplochorda Osten Sacken, 1881
- Diplocladius
- Diplocladon Gorham, 1883
- Diplocoelus Guérin-Ménéville, 1838
- Diplocysta Horváth, 1925
- Diplodontus Dugès, 1834
- Diploexochus Brandt, 1833
- Diploglena Purcell, 1904
- Diplognathophilus Cooreman, 1955
- Diplolepis Geoffroy, 1762
- Diplomorium Mayr, 1901
- Diplonevra
- Diplonychus Laporte, 1833
- Diplopauropus Scheller, 1988
- Diplopeltina Lindner, 1972
- Diploperla Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Diplophryxus Richardson, 1904
- Diploplecta Millidge, 1988
- Diploplectron W. Fox, 1893
- Diplopodocoptes Fain, 1987
- Diploptera Saussure, 1864
- Diplosiacanthia Breddin, 1903
- Diplosmittia
- Diplostix Bickhardt, 1921
- Diplostyla Emerton, 1882
- Diplotaxis Kirby, 1837
- Diplotemnus J. C. Chamberlin, 1933
- Diplothele O. P.-Cambridge, 1890
- Diplothelopsis Tullgren, 1905
- Diplothrixochernes Beier, 1962
- Diplothyron Millidge, 1991
- Diplothyrus Lehtinen, 1999
- Diplotoxa
- Diplotychus Simon, 1903
- Diplous Motschulsky, 1850
- Diplozona Van Duzee, 1915
- Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850
- Dipoena Thorell, 1869
- Dipoenata Wunderlich, 1988
- Dipoenura Simon, 1909
- Diporeia Bousfield, 1989
- Diporocyclus Attems, 1951
- Dippenaaria Wunderlich, 1995
- Diprion Schrank, 1802
- Dipristes Roewer, 1931
- Dipseudopsis Walker, 1852
- Dipsopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Dipterophagus Drew and Allwood, 1985
- Dirabius Casey, 1920
- Diradius Friederichs, 1934
- Dircenna E. Doubleday, 1847
- Dirhiza
- Dirioxa Hendel, 1928
- Dirivultus Humes and Dojiri, 1980
- Dirksia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Dirotognathus Horn, 1876
- Disacanthomysis Holmquist, 1981
- Disargus Cook, 1896
- Discapseudes Bacescu & Gutu, 1975
- Discerceis Richardson, 1905
- Dischizocera Lindner, 1952
- Discias M. J. Rathbun, 1902
- Discidina Bruce, 1994A
- Disclisioprocta Wallengren, 1861
- Discocerina
- Discoconchoecia Martens, 1979
- Discocoris Kormilev, 1955
- Discoderus LeConte, 1853
- Discodon Gorham, 1881
- Discogaster Burmeister, 1835
- Discoharpacticus Noodt, 1954
- Discomorpha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Discomyza
- Disconectes Wilson and Hessler, 1981
- Discoplax A. Milne-Edwards, 1867
- Discoppia Balogh, 1983
- Discopteromyia Meijere, 1913
- Discorsopagurus McLaughlin, 1974
- Discoscelis Schmidt, 1889
- Discoseius Lindquist and Moraza, 2012
- Discotenes Labram and Imhoff, 1839
- Discothyrea Roger, 1863
- Discotoma Mulsant, 1850
- Discozantaena Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Disembolus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Disersus Sharp, 1882
- Disholcaspis Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910
- Dismodicus Simon, 1884
- Disonycha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Disophrys Foerster, 1863
- Disparalona Fryer, 1968
- Disparella Hessler, 1970A
- Disphaerobius Attems, 1926
- Disphragis Hübner, 1820
- Disponsopsis Villiers, 1979
- Disseta Giesbrecht, 1889
- Dissiminassa Barnard and Karaman, 1991
- Dissochaetus Reitter, 1884
- Dissodactylus Smith, 1870
- Dissonus
- Dissorhina Hull, 1916
- Dissosteira Scudder, 1876
- Distantada Orian, 1963
- Distantalna Boulard, 2009
- Distantus Villiers, 1943
- Distatrix Mason, 1981
- Distenia Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Latreille, 1828
- Distichona Wulp, 1890
- Distigmoptera Blake, 1943
- Distioculus Huys and Bottger-Schnack, 1994
- Distirogaster Horváth, 1914
- Distocader Froeschner, 1968
- Distocambarus Hobbs, 1981
- Distocupes Neboiss, 1984
- Distoleon Banks, 1910
- Distonemurus Krivokhatsky, 1992
- Distoplectron Banks, 1943
- Distotrephes J. Polhemus, 1990
- Distremocephalus Wittmer, 1976
- Ditaxis McLachlan, 1867
- Ditha J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dithectocoris Swanson, 2017
- Dithella J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Dithmarus Distant, 1904
- Dithryca Rondani, 1856
- Dithygater Moure and Michener, 1955
- Ditomotarsus Spinola, 1850
- Ditomyia
- Ditora Schouteden, 1938
- Ditrichophora
- Ditropis Kirschbaum, 1868
- Ditropsis Wagner, 1963
- Ditulocoris Miller, 1955
- Ditylometopa Kertesz, 1923
- Ditylus Fischer, 1817
- Diuncustoma Shelley, 1997
- Diura Billberg, 1820
- Diurocoris Maa and Lin, 1956
- Divilia Sevastianov, 1969
- Dixa
- Dixella
- Dixioria Chamberlin, 1947
- Djalmabatista
- Dlusskyidris Bolton, 1994
- Doa Neumögen and Dyar, 1894
- Doblepardocoris Dougherty, 1995
- Doblina Navás, 1927
- Dochmiocera Hardy, 1922
- Dochmonota Thomson, 1859
- Docimocaria Crotch, 1874
- Docodesmiella Loomis, 1961
- Docodesmus Cook, 1896
- Docophthirus Waterston, 1923
- Docosia
- Dodacles E. Olivier, 1885
- Doddiella Kieffer, 1913
- Doddsia Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Dodecalana Carpenter, 1994
- Dodecatoma Westwood, 1843
- Dodecolopoda Calman & Gordon, 1933
- Dodia Dyar, 1901
- Dodogaster Rousse, 2013
- Doenitzius Oi, 1960
- Doeringiella Holmberg, 1886
- Doesbergiana Durai, 1987
- Doesburgella Rédei and Jindra, 2013
- Dogielinotus Gurjanova, 1953
- Dogodelphax Lindberg, 1956
- Dohrnemesa Wygodzinsky, 1945
- Dohrniphora
- Doilene Chamberlin, 1941
- Doithrix
- Dolabritor Millidge, 1991
- Dolania Edmunds and Traver, 1959
- Dolba Walker, 1856
- Dolbogene Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Doldina Stål, 1859
- Dolerocypria Tressler, 1937
- Dolerocypris Kaufmann, 1900
- Doleromyrma Forel, 1907
- Dolicheremaeus Jacot, 1938
- Dolichiscus Richardson, 1913
- Dolichobostrychus Lesne, 1899
- Dolichocentrus Martynov, 1935
- Dolichocephala
- Dolichocephalometra Hungerford, 1939
- Dolichocis Dury, 1919
- Dolichocodia Townsend, 1908
- Dolichodema Kertesz, 1916
- Dolichoderus Lund, 1831
- Dolichogenidea Viereck, 1911
- Dolichognatha O. P.-Cambridge, 1869
- Dolicholana Bruce, 1986A
- Dolicholister Bickhardt, 1917
- Dolicholygus Bliven, 1957
- Dolichomiris Reuter, 1882
- Dolichomyia
- Dolichomyrma Dlussky, 1975
- Dolichoneon Caporiacco, 1935
- Dolichopeza
- Dolichopus
- Dolichotarsus Brooks, 1945
- Dolichotelus
- Dolichotetranychus Sayed, 1938
- Dolichothele Mello-Leitão, 1923
- Dolichothrix McFadden, 1970
- Dolichotrombicula Feider, 1977
- Dolichovespula Rohwer, 1916
- Dolichowithius J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Dolichurus Latreille, 1809
- Doliomalus Simon, 1897
- Dolioponera Brown, 1974
- Dollingocoris O'Shea, 1980
- Doloclanes Banks, 1937
- Dolocosa Roewer, 1960
- Dolocucullia Poole, 1995
- Doloisia Oudemans, 1910
- Dolomedes Latreille, 1804
- Dolomyia Schmid, 1991
- Dolophilodes Ulmer, 1909
- Dolophones Walckenaer, 1837
- Dolopsidea Hinks, 1944
- Dolopsyche Schmid, 1991
- Dolurgus Eichhoff, 1868
- Domatha Simon, 1895
- Domecia Eydoux and Souleyet, 1842
- Domenechus Navás, 1913
- Dometorina Grandjean, 1951
- Dominicicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Domnus Stål, 1858
- Donaceus Cresson
- Donacia Fabricius, 1775
- Donaciella Reitter, 1920
- Donacochara Simon, 1884
- Donacosa Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 1991
- Donadiola Dessart, 1975
- Donaldius Chickering, 1946
- Donara Richter, 1972
- Doncricotopus
- Dongyangsha Wen, 1984
- Donnaldsoncythere Rioja, 1942
- Donnelaphontia Lavoipierre, 1959
- Donsiella Stephenson, 1939
- Donuea Strand, 1932
- Donzelotauropus Remy, 1957
- Dorachosa Distant, 1892
- Dorcaschema Haldeman, 1847
- Dorcasina Casey, 1913
- Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858
- Dorcathispa Weise, 1901
- Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792
- Dorceus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Dorcus MacLeay, 1819
- Dorhynchus Thomson, 1873
- Doridicola Leydig, 1853
- Dorisiana Metcalf, 1952
- Dorjulopirata Buchar, 1997
- Dorocordulia Needham, 1901
- Dorodotes Spence Bate, 1888
- Doroneuria Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Doronomyrmex Kutter, 1945
- Doropygella G. O. Sars, 1921
- Doropygopsis G. O. Sars, 1921
- Doropygus Thorell, 1859
- Doros
- Dorphinaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989
- Dorrigocoris Miller, 1957
- Dorsiceratus Drzycimski, 1967
- Dorsoporus Loomis, 1958
- Doru Burr, 1907
- Dorycricus Munro, 1947
- Doryctomorpha Ashmead, 1900
- Dorylomorpha
- Dorylus Fabricius, 1793
- Dorymetaecus Rainbow, 1920
- Dorymyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Dorynota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Dorynothiana Haitlinger, 1999
- Doryodes Guenée, 1857
- Doryonychus Simon, 1900
- Dorypoditius Verhoeff, 1942
- Dorypteryx Aaron, 1883
- Dorytomus Germar, 1817
- Dosima Gray, 1825
- Dossenus Simon, 1898
- Downeshelea
- Downesia Baly, 1858
- Doxocopa Hübner, 1819
- Doxomysis Hansen, 1912
- Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999
- Dracontomyia Becker, 1919
- Draconyssus Yunker and Radovsky in Wenzel and Tipton, 1966
- Dracotettix Bruner, 1889
- Draculoides Harvey, 1992
- Draeculacephala
- Drapetis
- Drapetisca Menge, 1866
- Draposa Kronestedt, 2010
- Drassinella Banks, 1904
- Drassodella Hewitt, 1916
- Drassodes Westring, 1851
- Drassodex Murphy, 2007
- Drassyllus Chamberlin, 1922
- Drasteria Hübner, 1818
- Drasterius
- Draymonia Aubertin, 1932
- Drepana Schrank, 1802
- Drepanacanthoides Schmidt, 1913
- Drepanicus Blanchard in Gay, 1851
- Drepanocassis Spaeth, 1936
- Drepanocentron Schmid, 1982
- Drepanocerus
- Drepanochthonius Beier, 1964
- Drepanoglossa Townsend, 1891
- Drepanoppia Balogh, 1983
- Drepanopsis Wolfenden, 1911
- Drepanopus Brady, 1883
- Drepanothrips Uzel, 1895
- Drepanothrix G. O. Sars, 1862
- Drepanotylus Holm, 1945
- Drepanovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Drepanulatrix Gumppenberg, 1887
- Drescheria Weise, 1911
- Drescherocoris Miller, 1954
- Dresconella Denis, 1950
- Dresserus Simon, 1876
- Drilaster Kiesenwetter, 1879
- Drilonius Kiesenwetter, 1874
- Drino Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Drizztius Edwards, 2015
- Dromaeolus
- Dromedopycnon Child, 1982
- Dromia Weber, 1795
- Dromidia Stimpson, 1858
- Dromidiopsis Borradaile, 1900
- Dromius Bonelli, 1810
- Dromochorus Guérin-Méneville, 1849
- Dromogaster Vockeroth, 1995
- Dromogomphus Selys, 1854
- Drosimomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Drosophila
- Druceiella Viette, 1949
- Drunella Needham, 1905
- Drusilla Leach in Samouelle, 1819
- Drusus Stephens, 1833
- Druzia Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013
- Dryadillo Taiti, Ferrara & Kwon, 1992
- Dryadula Michener, 1942
- Dryas Hübner, 1807
- Drymeia
- Drymobates Grandjean, 1930
- Drymobatoides Jacot, 1936
- Drymomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Drymopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Drymus Fieber, 1860
- Drymusa Simon, 1891
- Dryobius LeConte, 1850
- Dryocampa Harris, 1833
- Dryocoetes Eichhoff, 1864
- Dryocoetoides Hopkins, 1915
- Dryocosmus Giraud, 1859
- Dryomyza
- Dryophthorus Germar, 1824
- Dryopomorphus Hamilton, 1936
- Dryops Olivier, 1791
- Dryotribodes Zimmerman, 1942
- Dryotribus Horn, 1873
- Dryotype Hampson, 1906
- Dryoxylon Bright and Rabaglia, 1999
- Drypta Latreille, 1796
- Dryptelytra Laporte, 1833
- Dryudella Spinola, 1843
- Dschangelophilus Verhoeff, 1937
- Duadicus Dallas, 1851
- Duarina Dodd, 1926
- Dubiaranea Mello-Leitao, 1943
- Dubiepeira Levi, 1991
- Dubininiola Volgin, 1969
- Dubioniscus Vandel, 1963
- Dubiraphia Sanderson, 1954
- Duboisius Abdullah, 1961
- Duckeanthidium Moure and Hurd, 1960
- Duckeola Moure, 1944
- Dudichella Balogh, 1970
- Dudichoplophora Mahunka, 1982
- Dufourea Lepeletier, 1841
- Dufouria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Dufouriellus Kirkaldy, 1906
- Dugastella Bouvier, 1912
- Dugdalea Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Dugdaleiella Grehan & C. Mielke, 2018
- Dulderana Distant, 1905
- Dulichia Krøyer, 1845
- Dulichiella Stout, 1912
- Dulichiopsis Laubitz, 1977
- Dulichius Stål, 1866
- Dulinius Distant, 1903
- Dulitocoris Miller, 1940
- Dulzura J. L. Barnard, 1969
- Dumbia Schouteden, 1932
- Dumbletonius Dugdale, 1994
- Dumitrescoella Teruel, 2017
- Dumoga Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Dundocera Machado, 1951
- Dundonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Dundoxenos Luna de Carvalho, 1956
- Dundubia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Dunedinia Millidge, 1988
- Dunhevedia King, 1853
- Duninia Marusik & Fet, 2009
- Dunstanoides Forster & Wilton, 1989
- Duonota Hill, 1984
- Duoporus Cook, 1901
- Duplaspidiotus Macgillivray, 1921
- Duplorbis Smith, 1906
- Dupophilus Mulsant and Rey, 1872
- Durangona Distant, 1911
- Durevius Villiers, 1962
- Durganda Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Durgandana Miller, 1957
- Duriocoris Miller, 1940
- Duriopsis Melichar, 1906
- Duripelta Forster, 1956
- Durium Stål, 1861
- Durodamus Harvey, 1995
- Dusmadiores Jocqué, 1987
- Dussartiella Ruffo, 1979
- Duta Nixon, 1933
- Dyakocoris Miller, 1951
- Dybasia Loomis, 1964
- Dycoderus Uhler, 1901
- Dycticopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Dyctidea Uhler, 1889
- Dyctionannus Gross, 1951
- Dymasia Higgins, 1960
- Dynamene Leach, 1814
- Dynamenella Hansen, 1905
- Dynameniscus Richardson, 1905
- Dynamenoides Hurley & Jansen, 1977
- Dynamenopsis Baker, 1908
- Dynamine Hübner, 1819
- Dynastes MacLeay, 1819
- Dynatopechus Marshall, 1931
- Dynatosoma
- Dynatozetes Grandjean, 1960
- Dynatus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845
- Dynoides Barnard, 1914
- Dynomene Latreille, 1825
- Dynoria Chamberlin, 1939
- Dyodesmophilus Verhoeff, 1938
- Dyopedos Bate, 1857
- Dypterygia Stephens, 1829
- Dyrines Simon, 1903
- Dysaphis
- Dysbiota Lindner, 1958
- Dyscheromorphus Kleine, 1916
- Dyschimus Barnard, 1934
- Dyschiriognatha Simon, 1893
- Dyschirius Bonelli, 1810
- Dyscinetus Harold, 1869
- Dyscophellus Godman and Salvin, 1893
- Dyscritobaeus Perkins, 1910
- Dyscritulus Hincks, 1943
- Dysdera Latreille, 1804
- Dysdercus Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Dysderella Dunin, 1992
- Dysderina Simon, 1891
- Dysderocrates Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman, 1988
- Dysderoides Fage, 1946
- Dyseuaresta Hendel, 1928
- Dysides Perty, 1832
- Dysis Mulsant, 1850
- Dysmerus Casey, 1884
- Dysmesus Chamberlin, 1944
- Dysmicoccus
- Dysmicohermes Munroe, 1953
- Dyspanopeus Martin and Abele, 1986
- Dyspharsa Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Dysphenges Horn, 1894
- Dyspontius Thorell, 1859
- Dyspteris Hübner, 1818
- Dyspyralis Warren, 1891
- Dysschema Hübner, 1818
- Dysstroma Hübner, 1825
- Dystaxia LeConte, 1866
- Dystecta Breddin, 1901
- Dysticheus Horn, 1876
- Dythemis Hagen, 1861
- Dyticodopoea Sanborn, 2020
- Dytiscacarus Hajikanbar and Lindquist, 2018
- Dytiscus Linnaeus, 1758
- Dzhungaria Farzalieva, Zalesskaja and Edgecombe, 2004
- Dzhungarocosa Fomichev & Marusik, 2017
- Dziedzickia
- Ea Distant, 1911
- Eacles Hübner, 1819
- Eantis Boisduval, 1836
- Earias Hübner, 1825
- Earinus Wesmael, 1837
- Earomyia
- Earota Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Easonobius Edgecombe, 2003
- Eatoniana Cambridge, 1898
- Ebalia Leach, 1817
- Ebboa Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ebelingia Lehtinen, 2005
- Eberlanzia Roewer, 1941
- Eblisia Lewis, 1889
- Ebo Keyserling, 1884
- Ebonius Lewis, 1885
- Eborilaira Eskov, 1989
- Ebrechtella Dahl, 1907
- Eburia Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830
- Eburneana Wesolowska & Szuts, 2001
- Eburniogaster Seevers, 1938
- Eburnipauropus Scheller, 2008
- Ecarinosphaerula Hatch, 1929
- Ecchaetomyia Lindner, 1949
- Ecclisister Reichensperger, 1935
- Ecclisocosmoecus Schmid, 1964
- Ecclisomyia Banks, 1907
- Ecclisopteryx Kolenati, 1848
- Eccoptarthrus Arnoldi, 1977
- Eccoptomera
- Eccoptura Klapálek, 1921
- Eccritosia
- Ecdelphax Yang, 1989
- Ecdyonurus Eaton, 1868
- Ecelenodalus Elkins and Wygodzinsky, 1957
- Echeclus Thorell, 1890
- Echemella Strand, 1906
- Echemographis Caporiacco, 1955
- Echemoides Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Echemus Simon, 1878
- Echetus Krøyer, 1863
- Echidnophaga
- Echinacrus Kiefer, 1966
- Echinargus Nabokov, 1945
- Echinarmadillidium Verhoeff, 1901
- Echinax Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995
- Echiniphimedia K. H. Barnard, 1930
- Echinisca
- Echinocamptus Chappuis, 1929
- Echinochaetus Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1983
- Echinocoris Miller, 1949
- Echinocreagris Dashdamirov, 2012
- Echinocythereis Puri, 1954
- Echinodillo Jackson, 1935
- Echinoecus M. J. Rathbun, 1894
- Echinoeupodes Khaustov, 2017
- Echinogalla Takagi, 2001
- Echinogammarus Stebbing, 1899
- Echinohelea
- Echinolaophonte Nicholls, 1941
- Echinomunna Vanhoffen, 1914
- Echinomysides Murano, 1977
- Echinomysis Illig, 1905
- Echinopericlimenes Marin & T.-Y. Chan, 2014
- Echinophthirius Giebel, 1871
- Echinopla Smith, 1857
- Echinopleura G. O. Sars, 1897
- Echinosquilla Manning, 1969
- Echinothambema Menzies, 1956
- Echinotheridion Levi, 1963
- Echinothrips Moulton, 1911
- Echinozone G. O. Sars, 1897
- Echinussa Simon, 1901
- Echmepteryx Aaron, 1886
- Echoma Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Echthodopa
- Echthrodesis Masner, 1968
- Echthrogaleus Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861
- Echthromyrmex McLachlan, 1867
- Echucoides Leclercq, 1957
- Ecitocala Frank in Frank and Thomas, 1981
- Ecitocobius Bonaldo & Brescovit, 1998
- Ecitomyia
- Eciton Latreille, 1804
- Ecitonetes Brues, 1902
- Ecitonidia Wasmann, 1900
- Ecitoptera
- Ecitoxenidia Wasmann, 1909
- Eclecticus Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Ecliptopera Warren, 1894
- Ecnomina Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Ecnomobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Ecnomus McLachlan, 1864
- Ecphorella Forel, 1909
- Ectactolpium Beier, 1947
- Ectaetia
- Ectatoderus Guérin-Méneville, 1847
- Ectatomma Smith, 1858
- Ectatommiphila Lea, 1914
- Ectatosticta Simon, 1892
- Ectecephala
- Ectemnia Enderlein, 1930
- Ectemnius Dahlbom, 1845
- Ectemnostega Enderlein, 1912
- Ectemnostegella Lundblad, 1928
- Ectias Richardson, 1906B
- Ectinoderus Westwood, 1843
- Ectinoplectron Ohaus, 1915
- Ectinosoma Boeck, 1865
- Ectinosomella G. O. Sars, 1911
- Ectinosomoides Nicholls, 1945
- Ectmetacanthus Reuter, 1882
- Ectoantennoseius Walter, 1998
- Ectobius Stephens, 1835
- Ectocemus Pascoe, 1862
- Ectoceras Stecker, 1875
- Ectocyclops Brady, 1904
- Ectomocoris Mayr, 1865
- Ectonyx Brennan, 1960
- Ectopiocerus Uhler, 1890
- Ectopomyia Hardy, 1973
- Ectopria LeConte, 1853
- Ectopsocopsis Badonnel, 1955
- Ectopsocus McLachlan, 1899
- Ectrepesthoneura
- Ectrichodia Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Ectrichodiella Fracker and Bruner, 1924
- Ectromachernes Beier, 1944
- Ectropis Hübner, 1825
- Ectrychotes Burmeister, 1835
- Ectrychotoides Miller, 1954
- Ectypia Clemens, 1861
- Ecuadattus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Ecuadogastrura Palacios-Vargas & Thibaud, 2001
- Ecuadoribates Ermilov & Kalúz, 2012
- Ecuadoron Chamberlin, 1956
- Ecuadoroniscus Vandel, 1968
- Ecualeon Stange, 1994
- Ecyrus LeConte, 1852
- Edaphobates Jäch and Díaz, 2003
- Edenticosa Roewer, 1960
- Edentistoma Tömösväry, 1882
- Edessa Fabricius, 1803
- Edestochilus
- Edestosperma
- Edia Dyar, 1913
- Edidapus
- Edidiehlia Malicky, 1993
- Edilemma Ruiz & Brescovit, 2006
- Editha J. Parker, 1929
- Edmundsius Day, 1953
- Edocla Stål, 1859
- Edoclella Miller, 1956
- Edoclina Jeannel, 1919
- Edoneus Holthuis, 1978
- Edonis Needham, 1905
- Edotia Guérin-Méneville, 1843
- Edpercivalia McFarlane, 1964
- Edricus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1890
- Edriobittacus Byers, 1974
- Eduarctus Holthuis, 2002
- Edwardsya Ruiz & Bustamante, 2016
- Edwardzetes Berlese, 1913
- Edwinjoycea Menzies and Kruczynski, 1983
- Efate Berland, 1938
- Efferia
- Efflagitatus Pacheco, 1964
- Effractapis Michener, 1977
- Egerniella Brailovsky, 2000
- Egidyella Reitter, 1899
- Egira Duponchel, 1845
- Egius Mulsant, 1850
- Egle
- Egleis Mulsant, 1850
- Egyptobuthus Lourenço, 1999
- Eicissus Fowler, 1897
- Eicochalcidina Lindner, 1964
- Eiconaxius Spence Bate, 1888
- Eidalimus Kertesz, 1914
- Eidmannella Roewer, 1935
- Eidmannia Taeuber, 1934
- Eidoreus Sharp, 1885
- Eileenella Fergusson, 1992
- Eilema Hübner, 1819
- Eilica Keyserling, 1891
- Eilithyia Distant, 1912
- Einfeldia Keiffer
- Eirmopauropus Scheller in Scheller and Minor, 2010
- Eisonyx LeConte, 1880
- Eisothistos Haswell, 1884
- Ektonodiastylis Gerken, Watling and Klitgaard, 2000
- Elacatis Pascoe, 1860
- Elachiptera
- Elachisme Kirkaldy, 1904
- Elachisoma
- Elachistelmis Maier, 2012
- Elachodelphax Vilbaste, 1965
- Elachyleon Esben-Petersen, 1927
- Elachysoma Torres, 1964
- Elaeomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Elanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Elaphidion Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Elaphidionopsis Linsley, 1936
- Elaphocranus Bergroth, 1904
- Elaphodelphax Fennah, 1949
- Elaphognathia Monod, 1926
- Elaphoidella Chappuis, 1928
- Elaphoppia Balogh, 1983
- Elaphria Hübner, 1818
- Elaphrolaelaps Berlese, 1910
- Elaphromyia Bigot, 1859
- Elaphropoda Lieftinck, 1966
- Elaphropus Motschulsky, 1839
- Elaphrothrips Buffa, 1909
- Elaphrus Fabricius, 1775
- Elasmia Möschler, 1886
- Elasmocnema Karsch, 1892
- Elasmocniella Brailovsky, 2011
- Elasmodema Stål, 1860
- Elasmogaster Stål, 1854
- Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844
- Elasmolomus Stål, 1859
- Elasmomorpha Kozlov, 1975
- Elasmopoda Stål, 1873
- Elasmopus Costa, 1853
- Elasmostethus Fieber, 1860
- Elasmothemis Westfall, 1988
- Elasmotropis Stål, 1874
- Elasmucha Stål, 1864
- Elassochirus J. E. Benedict, 1892
- Elassoctenus Simon, 1909
- Elassoneura Torres, 1964
- Elassoptes Horn, 1873
- Elassorhis Child, 1982
- Elateroides Schaeffer, 1766
- Elateropsis Chevrolat, 1862
- Elatophilus Reuter, 1884
- Elatotrypes Fisher, 1919
- Elattobius Chamberlin, 1941
- Elattogarypus Beier, 1964
- Elaver O. P.-Cambridge, 1898
- Elcarmenia Kraus, 1954
- Eldarca Signoret, 1863
- Eldonnia Tanasevitch, 2008
- Electotreta Kazantsev, 2012
- Electragapetus Ulmer, 1912
- Electribius Crowson, 1973
- Electrobates Andersen and Poinar, 1992
- Electrobisium Cockerell, 1917
- Electrochaerilus Santiago-Blay, Fet, Soleglad and Anderson, 2004
- Electrochelifer Beier, 1937
- Electrogerris Andersen, 2000
- Electromyrmex Wheeler, 1910
- Electroponera Wheeler, 1915
- Electrostrymon Clench, 1961
- Electroteleia Brues, 1940
- Electrovelia Andersen, 1998
- Eleleis Simon, 1893
- Elemacoris Miller, 1958
- Elencholax Kinzelbach, 1971
- Elenchus Curtis, 1831
- Eleodiphaga Walton, 1918
- Eleoniscus Racovitza, 1907
- Elephantis Castellin, Marquet & Klotz, 2013
- Elephantomyia Osten-sacken, 1859
- Eleusis Laporte, 1835
- Elga Ris, 1909
- Elgiva
- Elgonina Munro, 1957
- Elhamma Walker, 1856
- Elianella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1956
- Elicura Navás, 1911
- Elipsocus Hagen, 1866
- Elissoma White, 1916
- Elixothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Elizabetha Schouteden, 1916
- Elleguna Gray & Smith, 2008
- Ellescus Dejean, 1821
- Ellida Grote, 1876
- Ellingsenius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Elliotta Zacharda, 1980
- Ellipes Scudder, 1902
- Ellipodesmus Chamberlin, 1918
- Elliponeura
- Ellipsoptera Dokhtouroff, 1883
- Ellipsozetes Bernini, 1980
- Elliptera Schiner, 1863
- Elliptochthonius Norton, 1975
- Elliptoleus Bates, 1882
- Ellucana Sewell, 1940
- Elmidolia Fairmaire, 1879
- Elminius Leach, 1825
- Elmis Latreille, 1802
- Eloceria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Elodes Latreille, 1796
- Elofsonella Pokorny, 1955
- Elofsonia Wagner, 1957
- Elongicoris Hidaka and Miller, 1959
- Elonus Casey, 1895
- Elophila Hübner, 1822
- Elousa Walker, 1858
- Elpidemis Delève, 1964
- Elpidium O. F. Müller, 1880
- Elthusa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Eludohygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Eluma Budde-Lund, 1879
- Elumoides Taiti and Ferrara, 1983
- Elymiotis Walker, 1857
- Elysoceraphron Szelenyi, 1936
- Elytracantha Kleine, 1915
- Elytrogona Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Elytroleptus Duges, 1879
- Elytroteinus Marshall, 1920
- Emarginea Guenée, 1852
- Emarginoptyx Ballantyne in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Emariannia Benjamin, 1933
- Emasia Bocáková and Janisova, 2010
- Emathia Stål, 1866
- Emathis Simon, 1899
- Ematurga Lederer, 1853
- Emballonuria Uchikawa, Zhang, O'Connor and Klompen, 1994
- Embidobia Ashmead, 1896
- Embidopsocus Hagen, 1866
- Embioctonus Masner, 1980
- Emblemasoma
- Emblethis Fieber, 1860
- Emblyna Chamberlin, 1948
- Embolophora Stål, 1853
- Embolorrhinus Jeannel, 1942
- Embolosterna Stål, 1870
- Emdenia Spaeth, 1915
- Emeia Fu, Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2012
- Emelinus Casey, 1895
- Emelyanodelphax Koçak, 1981
- Emenista Simon, 1894
- Emerita Scopoli, 1777
- Emertonella Bryant, 1945
- Emertonius Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Emeryopone Forel, 1912
- Emesa Fabricius, 1803
- Emesaya McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Emesella Dohrn, 1859
- Emesis [Fabricius], 1807
- Emesites Popov and Weitschat, 2005
- Emesopsis Uhler, 1893
- Emetha Schioedte & Meinert, 1883
- Emheringia Hardy, 1989
- Emilianovelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Eminella Özdikmen, 2007
- Emmelostiba Pace, 1982
- Emmenomma Simon, 1884
- Emmesa
- Emmesomyia
- Emoloana Asche, 2000
- Empanda Simon, 1903
- Empedocles Stål, 1867
- Empherozoster Crabill, 1959
- Emphyastes Mannerheim, 1852
- Empia Weise, 1900
- Empicoris Wolff, 1811
- Empidideicus
- Empiploiariola Popov, 1993
- Empis
- Emplastus Donisthorpe, 1920
- Emplesiogonus Simon, 1903
- Empoasca Walsh, 1862
- Empocryptus Sharp, 1900
- Empoulsenia Kornicker, 1975
- Empyreuma Hübner, 1818
- Empyrocoris Miller, 1954
- Empysarus Martin, 1904
- Emydodillo Verhoeff, 1926
- Emyduracarus Fain, 1968
- Enacantha Donnelly and Alayo, 1966
- Enacrosoma Mello-Leitão, 1932
- Enada Walker, 1868
- Enagria Spaeth, 1913
- Enalcyonium Olsson, 1868
- Enallagma Charpentier, 1840
- Enallopaguropsis McLaughlin, 1981
- Enallopagurus McLaughlin, 1981
- Enalosalda J. Polhemus, 1969
- Enantia Hübner, 1819
- Enantiogonus Loomis, 1961
- Enantioppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847
- Enargia Hübner, 1821
- Enarthrobius Chamberlin, 1926
- Encantada Wicksten, 1989
- Encedonia Stål, 1868
- Encephalus Kirby, 1832
- Enchemicrum Pate, 1929
- Enchoria Hulst, 1896
- Enckella Fresi, Idato & Scipione, 1980
- Encolpius Simon, 1900
- Encopognathus Kohl, 1897
- Encoptarthria Main, 1954
- Encoptolophus Scudder, 1875
- Encosternum Spinola, 1850
- Encyclops Newman, 1838
- Encymachus Simon, 1902
- Encyocratella Strand, 1907
- Encyocrates Simon, 1892
- Encyocrypta Simon, 1889
- Encyosaccus Simon, 1895
- Encyrtoscelio Dodd, 1914
- Endaphis
- Endasys Förster, 1868
- Endecascelio Masner & Dessart, 1972
- Endecatomus Mellié, 1847
- Endeis Philippi, 1843
- Endeitoma Sharp, 1894
- Endelomyia Ashmead, 1898
- Endeodes
- Endere Loomis, 1938
- Enderleinellus Fahrenholz, 1912
- Enderleiniella
- Endernia Danzig, 1971
- Endochiella Hsiao, 1979
- Endochilus Weise, 1898
- Endochironomus Kieffer
- Endochopsis Hsiao, 1979
- Endochus Stål, 1859
- Endoclita C. Felder & R. Felder in C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874
- Endogeophilus Bonato, Zapparoli, Drago and Minelli, 2016
- Endomychus Panzer, 1795
- Endophionyssus Radovsky, 2010
- Endopodoseius Abo-Shnaf and Moraes in Abo-Shnaf et al., 2023
- Endoptelus Chamberlin, 1939
- Endotribelos Grodhaus
- Endotrombicula Ewing, 1931
- Endrodiellus Endrödy-Younga, 1962
- Endynomena Chaudoir, 1872
- Enema Hope, 1837
- Enetea Huber, 2000
- Engaeus Erichson, 1846
- Engaewa Riek, 1967
- Engelhardtia Barnes and Benjamin, 1923
- Engicerus Lindner, 1964
- Engidotea Barnard, 1914
- Enguterothrix Denis, 1962
- Engynoma Drake, 1942
- Engyotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Engystenopus Alcock and A. R. S. Anderson, 1894
- Engytatus Reuter, 1875
- Enhydrosoma Boeck, 1872
- Enhydrosomella Monard, 1935
- Enhydrus Laporte, 1834
- Enicita
- Enicocephalus Westwood, 1837
- Enicomira
- Enicoptera Macquart, 1848
- Enicopterina Malloch, 1939
- Enicosoma Lewis, 1904
- Enielkenie Ono, 2007
- Enigmazomus Harvey, 2006
- Enigmina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Enigmocephala Rédei, 2007
- Enigmogramma Lafontaine and Poole, 1991
- Enischnispa Gressitt, 1957
- Enisella Ayyildiz & Luxton, 1989
- Enispa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Enithares Spinola, 1837
- Enitharoides Brooks, 1953
- Enkyosoma Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Enlinia
- Enna O. P.-Cambridge, 1897
- Enneadesmus Mulsant, 1851
- Enneamerus Mayr, 1868
- Ennearthron Mellié, 1847
- Enneboeus Waterhouse, 1878
- Enneobranchus García-Gómez, 1988
- Enneopagurus McLaughlin, 1997
- Enneophyllus McLaughlin, 1997
- Ennodithiana Haitlinger, 1993
- Ennomos Treitschke, 1825
- Enochrus Thomson, 1859
- Enoclerus Gahan, 1910
- Enoicyla Rambur, 1842
- Enoicylopsis Navas, 1917
- Enoplocephala Miller, 1940
- Enoploctenus Simon, 1897
- Enoplognatha Pavesi, 1880
- Enoplolindenius Rohwer, 1911
- Enoplometopus A. Milne-Edwards, 1862
- Enoplomischus Giltay, 1931
- Enoplops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Enoplopteron Meijere, 1913
- Enosmaeus Thomson, 1878
- Enosteoides Johnson, 1970
- Enrera Navás, 1915
- Enriquea Baba, 2005
- Enrogalia Reinhard, 1964
- Ensayara J. L. Barnard, 1964
- Ensina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Ensliniana Alfken, 1938
- Ensliniella Vitzthum, 1925
- Ensorra Navás, 1915
- Entanoneura Enderlein, 1910
- Entelecara Simon, 1884
- Entepherus Bere, 1936
- Entephria Hübner, 1825
- Enterocola Beneden, 1860
- Enteropsis Aurivillius, 1885
- Entocythere Marshall, 1903
- Entomobrya Rondani, 1861
- Entomocrabro Kohl, 1905
- Entomognathus Dahlbom, 1844
- Entomopison Menke, 1968
- Entomopisthius De Muizon, 1959
- Entomoscelis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Entomosericus Dahlbom, 1845
- Entomovelia Esaki, 1930
- Entoniscus Mueller, 1862
- Entonyssus Ewing, 1923
- Entophilus H. Richardson, 1903
- Entophionyssus Fain, 1960
- Entophiophaga Fain, 1960
- Entophioptes Fain, 1960
- Entychides Simon, 1888
- Entypesa Simon, 1902
- Envia Ott & Höfer, 2003
- Enyo Hübner, 1819
- Enypia Hulst, 1896
- Enypnium Kertesz, 1914
- Eoadalia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Eoanthidium Popov, 1950
- Eoaphidius Samanta and Raychaudhuri, 1990
- Eobates Drake and Harris, 1934
- Eobelus Arnoldi, 1977
- Eobrachiella Ho and Do, 1984
- Eobrachycentrus Wiggins, 1965
- Eobrachychthonius Jacot, 1936
- Eobrolgus J. L. Barnard, 1979
- Eocader Drake and Hambleton, 1934
- Eocanthecoma Bergroth, 1915
- Eocapnia Kawai, 1955
- Eocenidris Wilson, 1985
- Eocenometra Andersen, 1982
- Eocenoxenos Henderickx and Bosselaers in Henderickx et al., 2013
- Eocosmoecus Wiggins & Richardson, 1989
- Eoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Eocuma Marcusen, 1894
- Eocyzicus Daday, 1914
- Eodelphax Kirkaldy, 1901
- Eodinarthrum Martynov, 1931
- Eodipseudopsis Marlier, 1959
- Eodryas Kirkaldy, 1907
- Eoeurysa Muir, 1913
- Eoevania Nel, Waller, Hodebert & De Ploëg, 2002
- Eoformica Cockerell, 1921
- Eogammarus Birstein, 1933
- Eognosippus Dunlop, Erdek and Bartel, 2023
- Eogorytes R. Bohart, 1976
- Eohaustorius J. L. Barnard, 1957
- Eohydara Bergroth, 1925
- Eohypochthonius Jacot, 1938
- Eojapyx Smith, 1960
- Eoleptestheria Daday, 1913
- Eoluciola Kazantsev, 2012
- Eomyrmex Hong, 1974
- Eonaemia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Eonecrophorus Kurosawa, 1985
- Eoneureclipsis Kimmins, 1955
- Eonychius Jäch and Boukal, 1996
- Eopachylopus Reichardt, 1926
- Eoparargyractis Lange, 1956
- Eopenthes
- Eophanes Banks, 1931
- Eophliantis Sheard, 1936
- Eophreatoicus Nicholls, 1926
- Eophrixus Caroli, 1930
- Eopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Eordea Simon, 1899
- Eorissa Fennah, 1965
- Eoschizopera Wells and Rao, 1976
- Eosentomon Berlese, 1908
- Eosericostoma Schmid, 1955
- Eosphoropteryx Dyar, 1902
- Eosymtes Bousfield and Hendrycks, 1994
- Eotapinoma Dlussky, 1988
- Eotettix Scudder, 1897
- Eothea Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1986
- Eotingis Scudder, 1890
- Eotrechus Kirkaldy, 1902
- Eovernevania Deans, 2004
- Eoxenos Peyerimhoff, 1919
- Epacalles Kissinger, 1964
- Epacanthaclisis Okamoto, 1910
- Epacmus
- Epacrocerus Hardy, 1982
- Epacteriscus Fosshagen, 1973
- Epactiochernes Muchmore, 1974
- Epactiohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Epactophanes Mrázek, 1893
- Epactozetes Grandjean, 1930
- Epalpus Rondani, 1850
- Epanthidium Moure, 1947
- Epantius Le Conte, 1851
- Epargyreus Hübner, 1819
- Eparsothrips zur Strassen, 1968
- Epectris Simon, 1893
- Epeiroides Keyserling, 1885
- Epeirotypus O. P.-Cambridge, 1894
- Epelis Hulst, 1896
- Epelysidris Bolton, 1987
- Epeoloides Giraud, 1863
- Epeolus Latreille, 1802
- Epeorus Eaton, 1881
- Eperiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Epeurysa Matsumura, 1900
- Epeus Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Ephebopus Simon, 1892
- Ephebus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Ephedrodoma Polhemus and Polhemus, 1984
- Ephedrus Haliday, 1833
- Ephelops Dietz, 1891
- Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758
- Ephemerella Walsh, 1862
- Ephemeroporus Frey, 1982
- Ephimia Reitter, 1883
- Ephippiochthonius Beier, 1930
- Ephistemus Stephens, 1829
- Ephoron Williamson, 1802
- Ephydra
- Ephyriades Hübner, 1819
- Ephyrina S. I. Smith, 1885
- Ephyrodes Guenée, 1852
- Ephyrogymna Hedgpeth, 1943
- Epiaeschna Hagen, 1877
- Epialtoides Garth, 1958
- Epialtus Edwards, 1834
- Epibellowia Tanasevitch, 1996
- Epicadinus Simon, 1895
- Epicadus Simon, 1895
- Epicaerus Schönherr, 1834
- Epicalymma Heron, 1977
- Epicauta Dejean, 1834
- Epicepon Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1931
- Epiceraticelus Crosby & Bishop, 1931
- Epicharis Klug, 1807
- Epicharitus Rainbow, 1916
- Epichernes Muchmore, 1982
- Epichlorops
- Epiclopocoris Miller, 1952
- Epiclopus Spinola, 1851
- Epicoinoneus Senna, 1892
- Epicratinus Jocqué & Baert, 2005
- Epicriopsis Berlese, 1916
- Epicypta
- Epidaucus Hsiao, 1979
- Epidaus Stål, 1859
- Epidelaxia Simon, 1902
- Epidemas Smith, 1894
- Epidiplosis
- Epidius Thorell, 1877
- Epidromia Guenée, 1852
- Epiechinus Lewis, 1891
- Epieremulus Berlese, 1916
- Epierus Erichson, 1834
- Epigastrina Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Epiglaea Grote, 1878
- Epiglyptus Lewis, 1906
- Epigomphus Hagen in Selys, 1854
- Epigorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Epigrimyia Townsend, 1891
- Epigryon Masner, 1980
- Epigyphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2004
- Epigytholus Tanasevitch, 1995
- Epilabidocera C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Epilachna Dejean, 1836
- Epilampra Burmeister, 1838
- Epilineutes Coddington, 1986
- Epilohmannia Berlese, 1910
- Epilohmannoides Jacot, 1936
- Epimechus Dietz, 1891
- Epimecinus Simon, 1908
- Epimecis Hübner, 1825
- Epimerella Kulijev, 1967
- Epimeria Costa, 1851
- Epimeriella Walker, 1906
- Epimetopus Lacordaire, 1854
- Epimixia Kirkaldy, 1908
- Epimyia
- Epimyodex Fain and Orts, 1969
- Epimyrma Emery, 1915
- Epina Walker, 1866
- Epinannolene Brolemann, 1903
- Epinettyra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Epinysson Pate, 1935
- Epipenaeon Nobili, 1906
- Epiphanis
- Epiphile E. Doubleday, 1845
- Epiphrades Wiersema and McCafferty, 2000
- Epiphragma Osten-sacken, 1859
- Epiphrixus Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1932
- Epiplema Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Epipleoneura Williamson, 1915
- Epipleuria Fürsch, 2001
- Epipocus Germar, 1843
- Epipontonia Bruce, 1977
- Epipotoneura Williamson, 1915
- Epipyga Hamilton, 2001
- Epiroderoides Villiers, 1962
- Epirranthis Hübner, 1823
- Epirrhoe Hübner, 1825
- Epirrita Hübner, 1822
- Episalus Gerstaecker, 1885
- Episcepsis Butler, 1877
- Epischura S. A. Forbes, 1882
- Episcirrus Kuschel, 1958
- Episemasia Hulst, 1896
- Episernus Thomson, 1863
- Episinus Walckenaer in Latreille, 1809
- Episolder Tanasevitch, 1995
- Episphales Kirsch, 1871
- Epistictina Hincks, 1950
- Epistrophe
- Episus Billberg, 1820
- Episyron Schiödte, 1837
- Epitausa Walker, 1857
- Epitheca Burmeister, 1839
- Epitoxasia Cooman, 1932
- Epitoxus Lewis, 1900
- Epitrix Foudras in Mulsant, 1859
- Epiverta Dieke, 1947
- Epiwubana Millidge, 1991
- Epochrinopsis Hering, 1939
- Epocilla Thorell, 1887
- Epodelmis Hinton, 1973
- Epoicocladius Zavrel, 1924
- Epopostruma Forel, 1895
- Epopterus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Epora Walker, 1857
- Eporiella Melichar, 1914
- Epuraea Erichson, 1843
- Epuraeosoma Slipinski and Mazur, 1999
- Equasystatus Asche, 1983
- Equitius Simon, 1880
- Eragia Markham, 1994
- Erannis Hübner, 1825
- Erasinus Simon, 1899
- Erastria Hübner, 1813
- Eratigena Bolzern, Burckhardt & Hänggi, 2013
- Eratyrus Stål, 1859
- Erbessus Stål, 1872
- Erbolaspis Spaeth, 1924
- Erdelyia Hoffman, 1962
- Erebia Dalman, 1816
- Erebidus Reichardt, 1941
- Erebomaster Cope, 1872
- Ereboporus K. B. Miller, Gibson and Alarie, 2009
- Erebus Latreille, 1810
- Eremaeozetes Berlese, 1913
- Eremaeus Koch, 1835
- Eremanthe Munroe, 1972
- Eremaphanta Popov, 1940
- Eremapis Ogloblin, 1956
- Eremella Berlese, 1913
- Eremerium Chamberlin, 1941
- Eremiasphecium Kohl, 1897
- Ereminellus Harrington, 1980
- Eremionycha Spaeth, 1911
- Eremioscelio Priesner, 1951
- Eremisopus Wilson and Keable, 2002
- Eremnophila Menke, 1964
- Eremobates Banks, 1900
- Eremobelba Berlese, 1908
- Eremobina McDunnough, 1937
- Eremobittacus Byers, 1997
- Eremoblatta Rehn, 1903
- Eremobodes Jacot, 1937
- Eremochares Gribodo, 1882
- Eremochelis Roewer, 1934
- Eremochernes Beier, 1932
- Eremochilus Weise, 1912
- Eremochrysa Banks, 1903
- Eremocoris Fieber, 1860
- Eremocosta Roewer, 1934
- Eremogarypus Beier, 1955
- Eremoleon Banks, 1901
- Eremopedes Cockerell, 1898
- Eremorhax Roewer, 1934
- Eremorus Chamberlin, 1963
- Eremosaprinus Ross, 1939
- Eremostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Eremothera Muma, 1951
- Eremoxenus Semenov-Tian-Schanskij, 1892
- Erempsalta Moulds, 2012
- Eremulus Berlese, 1908
- Erendira Bonaldo, 2000
- Erepsocassis Spaeth, 1936
- Eresia Boisduval, 1836
- Eresus Walckenaer, 1805
- Eretes Laporte, 1833
- Eretmapodites Theobald, 1901
- Eretmophora Stein, 1860
- Eretmoptera
- Eretmotus Lacordaire, 1854
- Erga Walker, 1868
- Ergane L. Koch, 1881
- Ergasilus Nordmann, 1832
- Ergates Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Ergene Chamberlin, 1943
- Ergodesmus Chamberlin, 1949
- Ergyne Risso, 1816
- Erianotoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Erianotus Fieber, 1861
- Eriauchenius O. P.-Cambridge, 1881
- Eribella Mesnil, 1960
- Eribolus
- Erica Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Ericaella Bonaldo, 1994
- Erichia Reitter, 1895
- Erichsonella J. E. Benedict in Richardson, 1901
- Ericotrombidium Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965
- Ericrocis Cresson, 1887
- Ericthonius Milne-Edwards, 1830
- Ericydeus Pascoe, 1880
- Eridantes Crosby & Bishop, 1933
- Erigone Audouin, 1826
- Erigonella Dahl, 1901
- Erigonoploides Eskov, 1989
- Erigonoplus Simon, 1884
- Erigonops Scharff, 1990
- Erigophantes Wunderlich, 1995
- Erileptus Rathbun, 1893
- Erimacrus Benedict, 1892
- Erinnyis Hübner, 1819
- Eriocheir De Haan, 1835
- Eriococcus
- Erionota Mabille, 1878
- Eriophora Simon, 1864
- Eriopis Mulsant, 1850
- Eriopisa Stebbing, 1890
- Eriopisella Chevreux, 1920
- Erioppia Balogh, 1983
- Eriopreda Jeannel, 1917
- Eriopredoides Miller, 1955
- Erioptera Meigen, 1800
- Eriopyga Guenée, 1852
- Eriorhynchus Qin and Halliday, 1997
- Eriosoma Leach, 1818
- Eriothrix Meigen, 1803
- Eriovixia Archer, 1951
- Eriozona
- Eriphantes Crabill, 1970
- Eriphia Latreille, 1817
- Eriphrixus Markham, 1990A
- Eripison Fennah, 1969
- Eriplatymetra Grote, 1873
- Eripnopelta Xiong, van Achterberg and Chen, 2017
- Eris C. L. Koch, 1846
- Erissoides Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Erissus Simon, 1895
- Eristalinus
- Eristalis
- Eritettix Bruner, 1890
- Erithionyx Blackburn, 1892
- Erithophilus Cook, 1899
- Eritingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Eritrissomerus Ashmead, 1893
- Ermetus Ponomarev, 2008
- Ernobius Thomson, 1859
- Ernodes Wallengren, 1891
- Ernoneura Becker, 1894
- Ernoporicus Berger, 1917
- Ernstmayria B. Curcic and Dimitrijevic, 2006
- Ero C. L. Koch, 1836
- Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972
- Eropterus Green, 1951
- Erora Scudder, 1872
- Eros Newman, 1838
- Erosia Guenée, 1857
- Erotesis McLachlan, 1877
- Erotylocoptes Fain, 1987
- Erpetogomphus Selys, 1858
- Errabundus Mazur, 2006
- Erratodiomus Gordon, 1999
- Errolium Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Ersachus Erichson, 1847
- Ersephila Hulst, 1896
- Erucophaga
- Erugissa Hamilton, 2001
- Eryciniolia Strand, 1912
- Erynephala Blake, 1936
- Eryngiopus Summers, 1964
- Erynglpusopsis Tseng, 1982
- Erynnia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Erynniopsis Townsend, 1926
- Erynnis Schrank, 1801
- Eryon Desmarest, 1822
- Erythemis Hagen, 1861
- Erythracarus Berlese, 1903
- Erythraeus Latreille, 1806
- Erythrandra
- Erythraspides Ashmead, 1898
- Erythraxus Southcott, 1961
- Erythrellus Southcott, 1946
- Erythrites Southcott, 1961
- Erythrocheylus Berlese, 1903
- Erythrodiplax Brauer, 1868
- Erythroides Southcott, 1946
- Erythrolychnia Motschulsky, 1853
- Erythroneda Timberlake, 1943
- Erythrops G. O. Sars, 1869
- Erythrothrips Moulton, 1911
- Esacidia Ito, 1984
- Esada Boulard, 1973
- Esakia Lundblad, 1933
- Esakiella China, 1932
- Esarcus Reiche, 1864
- Esbenia Jensen-Haarup, 1931
- Escadabius Roewer, 1949
- Escaphiella Platnick & Dupérré, 2009
- Escaria Grote, 1882
- Escaryus Cook and Collins, 1891
- Eschatocerus Mayr, 1881
- Eschatothrips Stannard, 1955
- Escimobius Chamberlin, 1949
- Escualdoniscus Vandel, 1948
- Escura Navás, 1914
- Esenbeckia
- Eshanus Ding, 2006
- Eskimaia Zacharda, 1980
- Eskovia Marusik & Saaristo, 1999
- Eskovina Kocak & Kemal, 2006
- Esocampylia Hacker, 1929
- Esola Edwards, 1891
- Esolus Mulsant and Rey, 1872
- Espagnella Attems, 1952
- Esparzaniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Espeletiacarus Fain, 1987
- Esperanza Barber, 1906
- Esselenia Hebard, 1920
- Essostrutha Thomson, 1868
- Estellacarus Habeeb, 1954
- Estelloxus Habeeb, 1963
- Estenorhinus Lacordaire, 1865
- Estheria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Estigmena Hope, 1840
- Estigmene Hübner, 1820
- Estola Fairmaire and Germain, 1859
- Estoloides Breuning, 1940
- Estrandia Blauvelt, 1936
- Eteoneus Distant, 1903
- Eterocerceis Messana, 1990
- Eterodiurus Senna, 1911
- Eterosonycha Butler, 1932
- Eterozemus Senna, 1903
- Etesinalda Froeschner, 1996
- Ethelum Budde-Lund, 1899
- Ethelumoides Ferrara & Taiti, 1989
- Ethelumoris Richardson, 1907
- Ethiovertex Mahunka, 1982
- Ethirothrips Karny, 1925
- Ethmostigmus Pocock, 1898
- Ethobuella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Ethobunus Chamberlin, 1925
- Ethochorema Neboiss, 1977
- Ethojulus Chamberlin, 1918
- Ethopolys Chamberlin, 1912
- Ethra Laporte, 1833
- Ethusa Roux, 1828
- Ethusina Smith, 1884
- Etienneus Heurtault, 1984
- Etisus H. Milne Edwards, 1834
- Etlastenasellus Argano, 1977
- Etruscodytes Mazza, Cianferoni and Rocchi, 2013
- Euacidalia Packard, 1873
- Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900
- Euagona Dallas, 1852
- Euagoras Burmeister, 1835
- Euagoropsis Hsiao, 1979
- Euagrus Ausserer, 1875
- Euahanes Distant, 1911
- Eualus Thallwitz, 1892
- Euamiana Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Euandania Stebbing, 1899
- Euantha Wulp, 1885
- Euaontia Barnes and McDunnough, 1910
- Euaraba
- Euaresta Loew, 1873
- Euarestella Hendel, 1927
- Euarestoides Benjamin, 1934
- Euarestopsis Hering, 1937
- Euaspilates Packard, 1874
- Euaspis Gerstäcker, 1858
- Euastacus Clark, 1936
- Euasteron Baehr, 2003
- Euathlus Ausserer, 1875
- Euaugaptilus G. O. Sars, 1920
- Euaulana Drake, 1945
- Eubactrus Lacordaire, 1865
- Eubaphe Hübner, 1823
- Eubarnesia Cockerell, 1917
- Eubasilissa Martynov, 1930
- Eubelba Miko, 2021
- Eubelum Budde-Lund, 1885
- Eubiantes Roewer, 1915
- Eublemma Hübner, 1821
- Euboarhexius Grigarick and Schuster, 1966
- Euboeana Gogala, Drosopoulos and Trilar, 2011
- Euboettcheria
- Eubolina Harvey, 1875
- Euborellia Burr, 1910
- Eubosmina Seligo, 1900
- Eubrachium Wollaston, 1862
- Eubrachycercus Pocock, 1897
- Eubranchipus Verrill, 1870
- Eubrianax Kiesenwetter, 1874
- Eubrychius C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Eubule Stål, 1867
- Eubulus Kirsch, 1870
- Eubunus Hickman, 1958
- Eucaerus LeConte, 1853
- Eucalanus Dana, 1852
- Eucalastacus Sakai, 1992
- Eucalliax Manning & Felder, 1991
- Eucalliaxiopsis Sakai, 2011
- Eucalliphora
- Eucalymnatus Cockerell, 1901
- Eucamaragnathus Jeannel, 1937
- Eucameruna Melichar, 1906
- Eucamptopus Pocock, 1900
- Eucanthus Westwood, 1848
- Eucanuella T. Scott, 1900
- Eucapnopsis Okamoto, 1922
- Eucaterva Grote, 1882
- Eucatocha
- Eucelatoria Townsend, 1909
- Eucera Scopoli, 1770
- Euceramus Stimpson, 1860
- Euceratocerus LeConte, 1874
- Eucerceris Cresson, 1865
- Eucereon Hübner, 1819
- Eucerinoda Michener and Moure, 1957
- Euceromasia Townsend, 1912
- Euceroplatus
- Eucessia
- Euchaeta Philippi, 1843
- Euchaetes Harris, 1841
- Euchaetogyne Townsend, 1908
- Euchaetomera G. O. Sars, 1884
- Euchaetomeropsis W. M. Tattersall, 1909
- Euchalcia Hübner, 1821
- Eucheila Dejean, 1829
- Eucheletopsis Volgin, 1969
- Euchelichir Jeannel, 1942
- Eucheyletia Baker, 1949
- Eucheyletiella Volgin, 1960
- Euchirella Giesbrecht, 1888
- Euchirograpsus H. Milne Edwards, 1853
- Euchlaena Hübner, 1823
- Euchloe Hübner, 1819
- Euchre Szawaryn, 2023
- Eucicones Sharp, 1894
- Eucilinus Buchanan, 1926
- Eucinetus Germar, 1818
- Eucirroedia Grote, 1875
- Euclasea Lewis, 1888
- Euclea Hübner, 1819
- Euclidia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Euclimacia Enderlein, 1910
- Euclystis Hübner, 1823
- Euclytia Townsend, 1908
- Eucnephalia Townsend, 1892
- Euconchoecia G. W. Müller, 1890
- Eucondylops Brauns, 1902
- Euconnus
- Euconocephalus Karny, 1907
- Euconomelus Haupt, 1929
- Euconon Fennah, 1975
- Eucopia Dana, 1852
- Eucoptocnemis Grote, 1874
- Eucoptus Wollaston, 1873
- Eucorethra
- Eucoronimyia Townsend, 1908
- Eucrada LeConte, 1861
- Eucrate De Haan, 1835
- Eucratodes A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Eucratonyx Pocock, 1898
- Eucratopsis Smith, 1869
- Eucratoscelus Pocock, 1898
- Eucrossus LeConte, 1873
- Eucryptocerus Kempf, 1951
- Eucteniza Ausserer, 1875
- Eucurtia Mjöberg, 1912
- Eucurtiopsis Silvestri, 1926
- Eucyclops Claus, 1893
- Eucyllus Horn, 1876
- Eucypris Vávra, 1891
- Eucyrtopogon
- Eucyrtops Pocock, 1897
- Eucythere Brady, 1866
- Eucytherura Müller, 1894
- Eudactylina Beneden, 1853
- Eudactylinella C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Eudactylinodes C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Eudactylopus A. Scott, 1909
- Eudalaca Viette, 1950
- Eudarmistus Breddin, 1903
- Eudasyphora
- Eudeilinia Packard, 1876
- Euderces LeConte, 1850
- Euderia Broun, 1880
- Eudesma LeConte, 1863
- Eudesmia Hübner, 1823
- Eudevenopus Thomas and Barnard, 1983
- Eudiagogus Schönherr, 1840
- Eudiaptomus Kiefer, 1932
- Eudicrana
- Eudiestota Sharp, 1908
- Eudima Schouteden, 1912
- Eudioctria
- Eudioxys Mavromoustakis, 1963
- Eudiplister Reitter, 1909
- Eudistenia Fall, 1907
- Eudmeta Wiedemann, 1830
- Eudocima Billberg, 1820
- Eudociminus Leng, 1918
- Eudorella Norman, 1867
- Eudorellopsis Sars, 1882
- Eudrepanulatrix Rindge, 1949
- Eudryas Boisduval, 1836
- Eueana Prout, 1912
- Eueides Hübner, 1816
- Euepicrius Womersley, 1942
- Eueremaeus Mihelcic, 1963
- Eueretagrotis Smith, 1890
- Euerythra Harvey, 1876
- Euetheola Bates, 1888
- Euexorista Townsend, 1912
- Eufallia
- Eufidonia Packard, 1876
- Eufijia Bezzi, 1928
- Eufriesea Cockerell, 1908
- Eugamandus Fisher, 1926
- Eugaurax
- Eugenysa Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Eugerda Meinert, 1890
- Eugerdella Kussakin, 1965
- Eugeusis Westwood, 1853
- Euglossa Latreille, 1802
- Eugnamptus Schönherr, 1839
- Eugnophomyia Alexander, 1947
- Eugnoriste
- Eugonatonotus Schmitt, 1926
- Eugonobapta Warren, 1894
- Eugonus Schoenherr, 1833
- Eugrammicus Lewis, 1907
- Eugubinus Distant, 1903
- Euhadenoecus Hubbell, 1978
- Euhalidaya Walton, 1914
- Euherbstia Friese, 1925
- Euhesma Michener, 1965
- Euhrychiopsis Dietz, 1896
- Euhybus
- Euhyparpax Beutenmüller, 1893
- Euidastor Fennah, 1969
- Euidellana Metcalf, 1950
- Euidelloides Muir, 1926
- Euides Fieber, 1866
- Euidopsis Ribaut, 1948
- Euidotea Collinge, 1917
- Eukiefferiella Thienemann
- Eukoenenia Börner, 1901
- Eulachnus
- Eulacurbs Roewer, 1949
- Eulaema Lepeletier, 1841
- Eulaira Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Eulasiona Townsend, 1892
- Eulechriops Faust, 1896
- Euleia Walker, 1835
- Eulenaios Ng & Nakasone, 1993
- Eulepidotis Hübner, 1823
- Eulimnadia Packard, 1874
- Eulimnichus Casey, 1889
- Eulinognathus Cummings, 1916
- Eulithis Hübner, 1821
- Eulithomyrmex Carpenter, 1935
- Eulithosia H. Edwards, 1884
- Eulohmannia Berlese, 1910
- Eulomalus Cooman, 1937
- Eulonchopria Brèthes, 1909
- Eulonchus
- Eulyes Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eumacaria Packard, 1873
- Eumacrodes Warren, 1905
- Eumacronychia
- Eumaeus Hübner, 1819
- Eumanningia Crosnier, 2000
- Eumantispa Okamoto, 1910
- Eumayria Ashmead, 1887
- Eumea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Eumecacis Enderlein, 1921
- Eumecochernes Beier, 1932
- Eumecomera Arnett, 1951
- Eumecopodus Calabresi, 1920
- Eumegaparia Townsend, 1908
- Eumegilla Crotch, 1871
- Eumenes Latreille, 1802
- Eumenogastrina Enderlein, 1914
- Eumenophorus Pocock, 1897
- Eumenotes Westwood, 1844
- Eumerus
- Eumesocampa Silvestri, 1933
- Eumetopiella
- Eumetopina Breddin, 1896
- Eumichthus LeConte, 1873
- Eumicrodinodes Delève, 1965
- Eumicrota Casey, 1906
- Eumictoxenus Munro, 1962
- Euminua Sørensen, 1932
- Euminuoides Mello-Leitão, 1935
- Eumolpus Weber, 1801
- Eumorpha Hübner, 1807
- Eumorsea Hebard, 1935
- Eumunida S. I. Smith, 1883
- Eunausibius Grouvelle, 1912
- Eunemobius Hebard, 1913
- Eunemorilla Townsend, 1919
- Euneognathia Stebbing, 1893
- Eunephrops Smith, 1885
- Eunica Hübner, 1819
- Eunicolina Berlese, 1911
- Eunorithiana Haitlinger, 2001
- Eunota Rivalier, 1954
- Euochin Prószynski, 2018
- Euoniticellus Janssens, 1953
- Euonyx Norman, 1867
- Euophrys C. L. Koch, 1834
- Euoplos Rainbow, 1914
- Eupachygaster Kertesz, 1911
- Eupackardia Cockerell, 1912
- Eupalaestrus Pocock, 1901
- Eupalea Mulsant, 1850
- Eupaleoides Gordon, 1994
- Eupalopsellus Sellnick, 1949
- Eupalopsis Canestrini, 1886
- Euparagia Cresson, 1879
- Euparholaspulus Petrova, 1967
- Euparia LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Euparius Schoenherr, 1823
- Euparixia Brown, 1927
- Euparthenos Grote, 1876
- Euparyphus Gerstaecker, 1857
- Eupasiphae Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1893
- Eupastillus Lawrence, 2019
- Eupatrella Walter, 1935
- Eupeithes Senna, 1898
- Eupelmella Masi, 1919
- Eupelmus Dalman, 1820
- Eupelops Ewing, 1917
- Eupelte Claus, 1860
- Eupeodes
- Eupetersia Bluethgen, 1928
- Eupetinus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Euphalepsus Reitter, 1883
- Euphausia Dana, 1852
- Eupheno Gistel, 1832
- Euphilomedes Poulsen, 1962
- Euphilotes Mattoni, 1978
- Euphoria Burmeister, 1842
- Euphorticus G. Horn, 1881
- Euphranta Loew, 1862
- Euphrictus Hirst, 1908
- Euphrosynoplax Guinot, 1969
- Euphrynichus Weygoldt, 1995
- Euphrytus Jacoby, 1881
- Euphthiracarus Ewing, 1917
- Euphydryas Scudder, 1872
- Euphyes Scudder, 1872
- Euphyia Hübner, 1825
- Euphylax Stimpson, 1860
- Euphyto
- Euphytomima
- Eupithecia Curtis, 1825
- Euplecterga Park and Wagner, 1962
- Euplectus Leach, 1817
- Eupleurus Mulsant, 1842
- Euplexia Stephens, 1829
- Eupliloides Pate, 1946
- Eupnigodes McNeill, 1897
- Eupoa Zabka, 1985
- Eupodes C. L. Koch, 1835
- Eupogonius LeConte, 1852
- Eupograpta Raven, 2009
- Eupolemus Distant, 1910
- Eupolybothrus Verhoeff, 1907
- Eupompha LeConte, 1858
- Eupontonia Bruce, 1971
- Euprenolepis Emery, 1906
- Euprionota Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Eupristocerus Deyrolle, 1864
- Euproctinus Leng and Mutchler, 1927
- Euproctis Hübner, 1819
- Euprognatha Stimpson, 1871
- Eupronoe
- Euproserpinus Grote and Robinson, 1865
- Euprosthenops Pocock, 1897
- Euprosthenopsis Blandin, 1974
- Eupsalomorphus Kleine, 1926
- Eupsenius LeConte, 1849
- Eupseudomorpha Dyar, 1893
- Eupseudosoma Grote, 1865
- Eupsilia Hübner, 1821
- Eupteromalus Kurdjumov, 1913
- Eupterotegaeus Berlese, 1916
- Euptilon Westwood, 1837
- Euptilopareia Townsend, 1916
- Euptoieta E. Doubleday, 1848
- Euptychia Hübner, 1818
- Euptychodera Bergroth, 1908
- Eupyrrhoglossum Grote, 1865
- Euraphia Conrad, 1837
- Eurekapnia Stark and Broome in Broome, Stark and Baumann, 2019
- Eurelus Chamberlin, 1941
- Eurema Hübner, 1819
- Eurhexius Sharp, 1887
- Eurhinocricus Brolemann, 1903
- Eurhinosea Packard, 1873
- Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961
- Eurhoptus LeConte, 1876
- Eurhynchoribates Miko, 2016
- Eurhynchus Kirby, 1828
- Eurindicus De Grave, Arjun & Raghavan, 2018
- Eurispa Baly, 1858
- Eurobowmaniella Murano, 1995
- Eurocconota Miller, 1941
- Eurocoelotes Wang, 2002
- Eurois Hübner, 1821
- Euroleon Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Europiella Reuter, 1909
- Europs Wollaston, 1854
- Eurorhinus Damoiseau, 1961
- Euros H. Edwards, 1881
- Eurosoma Mazur and Ôhara, 2009
- Eurosomocoris Miller, 1958
- Eurosta Loew, 1873
- Eurostocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Eurostus Dallas, 1851
- Euryalona G. O. Sars, 1901
- Euryattus Thorell, 1881
- Eurybregma Scott, 1875
- Eurybunus Banks, 1893
- Eurycercus Baird, 1843
- Eurychilopterella Reuter, 1909
- Eurycletodes G. O. Sars, 1909
- Eurycope G. O. Sars, 1864
- Eurycotis Stål, 1874
- Eurycyde Schiödte, 1857
- Eurycypris
- Euryderus LeConte, 1846
- Eurydice Leach, 1815
- Euryeidon Dankittipakul & Jocqué, 2004
- Eurygarka
- Eurygaster Laporte, 1832
- Eurygastor Vandel, 1973
- Eurygenius LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Eurygeophilus Verhoeff, 1899
- Eurygerris Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Euryglossa Smith, 1853
- Euryglossina Cockerell, 1910
- Euryglossula Michener, 1965
- Euryhapsis
- Eurylana Jansen, 1981
- Euryligia Verhoeff, 1926
- Eurylister Bickhardt, 1920
- Eurylophella Tiensuu, 1935
- Eurymastinocerus Wittmer, 1976
- Eurymerodesmus Brolemann, 1900
- Eurymetra Esaki, 1926
- Eurymetropsiella Poisson, 1950
- Eurymetropsielloides Poisson, 1956
- Eurymetropsis Poisson, 1948
- Eurymnus Bergroth, 1917
- Eurymorion Millidge, 1993
- Eurymycter LeConte, 1876
- Euryneura Schiner, 1868
- Eurynogaster Van Duzee
- Eurynome
- Euryognathus Wittmer, 1976
- Euryolpium Redikorzev, 1938
- Euryomma
- Euryopa Gorham, 1881
- Euryopis Menge, 1868
- Eurypanopeus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881
- Euryparasitus Oudemans, 1902
- Eurypauropus Ryder, 1879
- Eurypedus Gistel, 1834
- Eurypelmella Strand, 1907
- Eurypepla Boheman, 1854
- Euryphalara Munro, 1938
- Euryphara Horváth, 1912
- Eurypharsa Stål, 1873
- Euryphorus Milne Edwards, 1840
- Euryphthiria
- Euryplax Stimpson, 1859
- Eurypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eurypoena Wunderlich, 1992
- Eurypogon Motschulsky, 1859
- Eurypylus Brady, 1869
- Euryrhynchina Powell, 1976
- Euryrhynchoides Powell, 1976
- Euryrhynchus Miers, 1877
- Eurysa Fieber, 1866
- Eurysanoides Holzinger, Kammerlander and Nickel, 2003
- Euryscelis Dejean, 1835
- Eurysella Emeljanov, 1995
- Eurysilenium M. Sars, 1870
- Eurysister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Eurysphindus LeConte, 1878
- Eurysquilla Manning, 1963
- Eurystheus
- Eurystylops Bohart, 1943
- Eurysula Vilbaste, 1968
- Euryte Philippi, 1843
- Eurytemora Giesbrecht, 1881
- Eurythenes S. I. Smith, 1884
- Eurythrips Hinds, 1902
- Eurytides Hübner, 1821
- Eurytium Stimpson, 1859
- Eurytoma Illiger, 1807
- Euryurus Koch, 1847
- Eusaperium Brennan, 1970
- Eusarca Hübner, 1813
- Eusarsiella Poulsen, 1965
- Eusattodera Schaeffer, 1906
- Euscalpellum Hoek, 1907
- Euscaphurus Casey, 1885
- Euscelus
- Euscepes Schönherr, 1844
- Eusceptis Hübner, 1823
- Euscheloribates Kunst, 1958
- Euschistus Dallas, 1851
- Euschizus Kleine, 1922
- Euschoengastia Ewing, 1938
- Euschoengastoides Loomis, 1954
- Euscirrhopterus Grote, 1866
- Euscopolia Townsend, 1892
- Euscorpius Thorell, 1876
- Euseladia Crotch, 1874
- Eusenotainia
- Eusergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008
- Eusimonia Kraepelin, 1899
- Eusipalia Sharp, 1908
- Eusiphona
- Eusirella Chevreux, 1908
- Eusirogenes Stebbing, 1904
- Eusiroides Stebbing, 1888
- Eusirus Krøyer, 1845
- Euso Saaristo, 2001
- Eusomalia Casey, 1912
- Eusparassus Simon, 1902
- Eusphaeriodesmus Brolemann, 1916
- Eusphyrus LeConte, 1876
- Euspilotus Lewis, 1907
- Eustacesia Caporiacco, 1954
- Eustala Simon, 1895
- Eustalomyia
- Eusthenes Laporte, 1833
- Eusthenimorpha Yang, 1935
- Eusthenomus Bates, 1875
- Eustictus Reuter, 1909
- Eustigmaeus Berlese, 1910
- Eustiromastix Simon, 1902
- Eustroma Hübner, 1825
- Eustromula Cockerell, 1906
- Eustrophopsis Champion, 1889
- Eustrophus Illiger, 1807
- Eusymmerus H. Richardson, 1899
- Eutaenionotum
- Eutegaeus Berlese, 1916
- Eutelia Hübner, 1823
- Euterpina Norman, 1903
- Euterpnosia Matsumura, 1917
- Eutetramorium Emery, 1899
- Euthauma Munro, 1949
- Euthelyconychia Townsend, 1927
- Euthemopsaltria Moulds, 2014
- Euthera Loew, 1866
- Eutheria Spaeth, 1909
- Euthetus Dallas, 1852
- Euthlastoblatta Hebard, 1917
- Euthochtha Mayr, 1865
- Euthore Selys, 1869
- Euthotorax Solier, 1849
- Euthryptus Sharp, 1902
- Euthyas Piersig, 1898
- Euthycaelus Simon, 1889
- Euthycera
- Euthyneura
- Euthyplocia Eaton, 1871
- Euthyrhynchus Dallas, 1851
- Euthyrrhapha Burmeister, 1838
- Eutichurus Simon, 1897
- Eutidium Lewis, 1903
- Eutochia
- Eutogenes Baker, 1949
- Eutonella Mueller, 1921
- Eutrachelus Berthold, 1827
- Eutrapela Hübner, 1809
- Eutrecha Maury, 1982
- Eutrepsia Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Eutreta Loew, 1873
- Eutretosoma Hendel, 1914
- Eutrichillus Bates, 1885
- Eutrichites LeConte, 1880
- Eutrichocheles Wood-Mason, 1876
- Eutrichopagurus Komai, 2015
- Eutrichota
- Eutricopis Morrison, 1875
- Eutriptus Wollaston, 1862
- Eutrixa Coquillett, 1897
- Eutrombicula Ewing, 1938
- Eutropistes Schaum, 1853
- Eutynellus Chamberlin, 1940
- Eutyphlus LeConte, 1880
- Eutyporhachis Pocock, 1909
- Euvacusus Casey, 1904
- Euvarroa Delfinado and Baker, 1974
- Euvelia Drake, 1957
- Euvira Sharp, 1883
- Euvonymus Distant, 1904
- Euvrilletta Fall, 1905
- Euwallacea Hopkins, 1915
- Euwandesia André & Naudo, 1962
- Euxema Baly, 1885
- Euxenister Reichensperger, 1923
- Euxenulus Valentine, 1960
- Euxenus LeConte, 1876
- Euxesta
- Euxestonotus Fouts, 1925
- Euxestus Wollaston, 1858
- Euxoa Hübner, 1821
- Euzetes Berlese, 1908
- Euzimmermania Fletcher, 1979
- Evadne Lovén, 1836
- Evadorhagidia Zacharda, 1980
- Evalljapyx Silvestri, 1911
- Evallogeophilus Silvestri, 1918
- Evania Fabricius, 1775
- Evaniella Bradley, 1905
- Evaniscus Szépligeti, 1903
- Evanophanes Banks, 1940
- Evansia O. P.-Cambridge, 1900
- Evanssellus Ryke, 1961
- Evansula T. Scott, 1906
- Evarcha Simon, 1902
- Evaza Walker, 1856
- Evibacus S. I. Smith, 1869
- Evidomyia Reinhard, 1958
- Evippa Simon, 1882
- Evippomma Roewer, 1959
- Eviridemas Barnes and Benjamin, 1929
- Evita Capps, 1943
- Evodinus LeConte, 1850
- Evolenes LeConte, 1853
- Evolocera Sharp, 1902
- Evotus LeConte, 1874
- Evoxysoma Ashmead, 1888
- Ewartia Moulds, 2012
- Ewartithrips Nakahara, 1995
- Exacanthomysis Holmquist, 1981
- Exaerete Hoffmannsegg, 1817
- Exaeretina Enderlein, 1921
- Exaeretosoma Elkins, 1962
- Exaesiopus Reichardt, 1926
- Exaetoleon Kimmins, 1948
- Exaireta Schiner, 1868
- Exalbidion Wunderlich, 1995
- Exallanthura Kensley, 1980A
- Exalloniscus Stebbing, 1911
- Exallosophira Hardy, 1980
- Exallostethus Hoffman, 1975
- Exanthoppia Balogh & P. Balogh, 1983
- Exapion Bedel, 1887
- Excirolana H. Richardson, 1912
- Excorallana Stebbing, 1904
- Exechia
- Exechiopsis
- Exechocentrus Simon, 1889
- Exechopsis Millidge, 1991
- Exeirus Shuckard, 1838
- Exelis Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Exema Lacordaire, 1848
- Exepacmus
- Exeretoneura
- Exestastica Spaeth, 1909
- Exhippolysmata Stebbing, 1915
- Exilcrus Zhang, Yao, Ren and Zhao, 2011
- Exiliniscus Siebenaller and Hessler, 1981
- Exiliscelis
- Exillis Pascoe, 1860
- Eximacris Otte, 1984
- Exitianus
- Exix Mason, 1981
- Exmesselensis Wappler, 2003
- Exneria Klausnitzer, 2013
- Exocelina Broun, 1886
- Exocerceis Baker, 1926
- Exochocepheus Woolley & Higgins, 1968
- Exochomus Redtenbacher, 1843
- Exochostoma Macquart, 1842
- Exoclimenella Bruce, 1995
- Exocora Millidge, 1991
- Exodontha Rondani, 1856
- Exodontiella Wharton, 1977
- Exoediceros Stebbing, 1899
- Exolimnius Delève, 1954
- Exomalopsis Spinola, 1853
- Exomella Casey, 1912
- Exoneura Smith, 1854
- Exoneurella Michener, 1963
- Exoneuridia Cockerell, 1911
- Exopalicus Castro, 2000
- Exopalystes Hogg, 1914
- Exoplectra Chevrolat, 1844
- Exopontonia Bruce, 1988
- Exoprosopa
- Exorhabdus Lewis, 1910
- Exoribatula Jacot, 1936
- Exorista Meigen, 1803
- Exoristoides Coquillett, 1897
- Exoryza Mason, 1981
- Exosphaeroides Holdich & Harrison, 1983
- Exosphaeroma Stebbing, 1900
- Exosternus Lewis, 1902
- Exothispa Kolbe, 1897
- Exothorhis Summers, 1960
- Exotoxus Mazur, 1991
- Expansicervinia Montagna, 1981
- Exphora Signoret, 1860
- Explorator Pacheco, 1964
- Exspina Lang, 1968
- Extenuipalpus Reck, 1959
- Extraneza Barber, 1939
- Extraordinarius Rheims, 2019
- Extraschoengastia Kudryashova, 1998
- Exulmus Froeschner, 1996
- Exulonyx Mason, 1981
- Exyra Grote, 1875
- Exysma Gorham, 1891
- Exzaes Barnard, 1932
- Eyakia J. L. Barnard, 1979
- Eylais Latreille, 1796
- Eyndhovenia Rudnick, 1960
- Eysarcoris Hahn, 1834
- Ezaxius Matos-Pita & Ramil, 2015
- Faba Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1930
- Fabaeformiscandona Krstic, 1972
- Fabia Dana, 1851
- Fabogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Fabria Milne, 1934
- Fadrina Navás, 1912
- Fagegnathophausia Petryashov, 2015
- Fageia Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Fageibiantes Roewer, 1949
- Fageicera Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1992
- Fageiella Kratochvíl, 1934
- Fagepauropus Remy, 1951
- Fagetophilus Folkmanová, 1956
- Fagisuga Lindinger, 1909
- Fagitana Walker, 1865
- Fahrenholzia Kellogg and Ferris, 1915
- Faiditus Keyserling, 1884
- Fainharpirhynchus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013
- Fakoanum Paulian de Felice, 1941
- Fala Grote, 1875
- Falagria Leach, 1819
- Falagrioma Casey, 1906
- Falagriota Casey, 1906
- Falcaryus Shinohara, 1970
- Falcatpsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Falciconus Mackauer, 1959
- Falcicula Rehn, 1903
- Falcileptoneta Komatsu, 1970
- Falconina Brignoli, 1985
- Falcotoya Fennah, 1969
- Falklandia Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Falklandoglenes Usher, 1983
- Fallablemma Shear, 1978
- Fallceon Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Fallia
- Fallicambarus Hobbs, 1969
- Falloria Hoffman, 1948
- Fallotritella McCain, 1968
- Falsivalgothrombium Zhang & Xin, 1989
- Falsocalleros Pic, 1933
- Falsocolobaspis Pic, 1942
- Falsogastrallus Pic, 1914
- Falsomordellistena Ermisch, 1941
- Falsophaeopterus Pic, 1911
- Falsophrixothrix Pic, 1937
- Falsotemnaspis Pic, 1951
- Fangdelphax Ding, 2006
- Fannia
- Fansipangana Mey, 1996
- Faradja Grasshoff, 1970
- Farajimaeus Ueckermann, 2008
- Farallonophilus Rentz, 1972
- Farchacarus Wallwork, 1967
- Farqua Saaristo, 2001
- Farrania G. O. Sars, 1920
- Farranula C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Farrellioides Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Farrodes Peters, 1971
- Farula Milne, 1936
- Fattigia Ross & Wallace, 1974
- Faucheria Dollfus & Vire, 1905
- Fauranius Brennan and Lukoschus, 1971
- Faustinus Berg, 1898
- Favognathus Luxton, 1973
- Faxonella Creaser, 1933
- Faxonius Ortmann, 1905
- Feadillo Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1983
- Feaella Ellingsen, 1906
- Featheroides Peng, Yin, Xie & Kim, 1994
- Fecenia Simon, 1887
- Fedotovia Charitonov, 1946
- Feiderzetes Subías, 1977
- Felderimyia Hendel, 1914
- Fellia Poulsen, 1969
- Felsina Simon, 1895
- Feltia Walker, 1856
- Feltiella
- Feltomyina
- Feltria Koenike, 1892
- Femoracoelotes Wang, 2002
- Femtobuthus Lowe, 2010
- Fenestrobelba Balogh, 1970
- Fenestroleon New, 1985
- Fenichelia Balogh, 1970
- Feniseca Grote, 1869
- Fennasiraca Asche, 1985
- Fennellia Loomis, 1941
- Fennera Holthuis, 1951
- Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986
- Fennerogalathea Baba, 1988
- Fennerosquilla Manning and Camp, 1983
- Fenusa Leach, 1817
- Feralia Grote, 1874
- Ferchestina Saaristo & Marusik, 2004
- Ferdinandea
- Ferepauropus Scheller, 2008
- Feretrius Simon, 1879
- Fereus Brennan and Jones, 1961
- Ferganodelphax Dubovsky, 1970
- Fergusonix Mustelin and Leuschner, 2000
- Fernaldella Hulst, 1896
- Fernandezina Birabén, 1951
- Fernandocepheus Mahunka, 1982
- Ferolocella Grabowski, 1971
- Ferrandia Roewer, 1933
- Ferrieria Tullgren, 1901
- Ferrisia Fullaway, 1923
- Feshina Stys, 1983
- Fessonia Heyden, 1826
- Festucula Simon, 1901
- Fetilinia Lowe and Kovarík, 2021
- Fibrenus Stål, 1861
- Fibulanoetus Mahunka, 1973
- Ficalbia Theobald, 1903
- Ficarasa Walker, 1857
- Ficiomyia
- Ficticaris Sket & Zaksek in Juguvic et al., 2019
- Fidelia Friese, 1899
- Fideliopsis Engel, 2002
- Fidia Baly, 1863
- Fidicina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Fidicinoides Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Fidiobia Ashmead, 1894
- Fieberocapsus Carvalho and Southwood, 1955
- Figura Ukrainsky, 2006
- Fijibates Hammer, 1971
- Fijicolana Roewer, 1963
- Fijipsalta Duffels, 1988
- Fijivelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2006
- Fijocrypta Raven, 1994
- Filexilia Conroy-Dalton and Huys, 1997
- Filhollianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Filientomon Rusek, 1974
- Filieupodes Jesionowska, 2010
- Filipinolotis Miyatake, 1994
- Filippinodillo Schmalfuss, 1987
- Filipponus Chamberlin, 1962
- Filiptschenkia Pleske, 1926
- Filistata Latreille, 1810
- Filistatinella Gertsch & Ivie, 1936
- Filistatoides F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899
- Filitanais Kudinova-Pasternak, 1973
- Fillus Navás, 1919
- Filophryxus Bruce, 1972B
- Finaloniscus Brian, 1951
- Finmarchinella Swain, 1963
- Finoculodes J. L. Barnard, 1971
- Fiorinia Targioni-tozzetti, 1868
- Firmicus Simon, 1895
- Firmothrips Schliephake, 1972
- Fischerotrephes Zettel, 1994
- Fishia Grote, 1877
- Fissarcturus Brandt, 1990
- Fissarena Henschel, Davies & Dickman, 1995
- Fissicaudus Starý and Schlinger, 1967
- Fissicepheus Balogh & Mahunka, 1967
- Fissilicreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Fissiphallius Martens, 1988
- Fissiscapus Millidge, 1991
- Fissurobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Fistulaphantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Fistulaster Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Fistulobalanus Zullo, 1984
- Fitana Villiers, 1948
- Fitchia Stål, 1859
- Fittkauimyia Karunakaran, 1969
- Fjellbergella Nosek, 1980
- Flabellobelba Pérez-Íñigo, 1995
- Flabellopalpodes Bocáková and Bocak, 2016
- Flabellorhagidia Elliott, 1976
- Flabellototreta Pic, 1911
- Flacillula Strand, 1932
- Flagelliphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Flagellocepheus P. Balogh, 1984
- Flagellozetes Balogh, 1970
- Flamencopsis Goloboff, 1995
- Flammaeremaeus Balogh, 1968
- Flastena Nast, 1975
- Flavarchaea Rix, 2006
- Flaviellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Flaviludia Ito, 1984
- Flavipanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Flavius Stål, 1862
- Flavomeliturgula Patiny, 1999
- Flavonuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Fletcherana Zimmerman, 1958
- Fletcherimyia
- Flexicoelotes Chen, Li & Zhao, 2015
- Flexicrurum Tong & Li, 2007
- Flexitibia Zhao, Pham, Truong and Cai, 2014
- Flintiella Angrisano, 1995
- Flintoconis Sziráki, 2007
- Florea Shelley, 1996
- Floresiobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2008
- Floresocoris Miller, 1958
- Floresorchestia
- Floricaudus Yao, Ren and Shih in Yao et al., 2011
- Florichelifer Hoff, 1964
- Floricomus Crosby & Bishop, 1925
- Floridobolus Causey, 1957
- Floridocassis Spaeth in Hincks, 1952
- Floridoscia Schultz and C. Johnson, 1984
- Floridoxenos Kathirithamby and Peck, 1994
- Florilegus Robertson, 1900
- Florinda O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Floritrichus Coetzee, 2003
- Florodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Floronia Simon, 1887
- Fluda Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Foadia Pakaluk, 1985
- Focillidia Hampson, 1913
- Fokkeria Schouteden, 1904
- Foldicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Folengus Distant, 1914
- Foliabitus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Folioquinpes Fiers and Rutledge, 1990
- Folkia Kratochvíl, 1970
- Folsomia Willem, 1902
- Folsomides Stach, 1922
- Folsomina Denis, 1931
- Fomentocricus Pérez-Asso, 1998
- Fonsecia Radford, 1942
- Fonsecula Loomis, 1966
- Fonteboanius Senna, 1893
- Fontecilla Navás, 1932
- Fontidessus K. B. Miller and Spangler, 2008
- Foraminitermes Holmgren, 1912
- Foraminoppia Subías & Arillo, 1998
- Forania Southcott, 1961
- Forbesomyia
- Forcepsioneura Lencioni, 1999
- Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
- Forelia Halller, 1882
- Forelius Emery, 1888
- Forelophilus Kutter, 1931
- Forestocheles McLaughlin & Lemaitre, 2009
- Forestopagurus García-Gómez, 1995
- Forficula Linnaeus, 1758
- Formica Linnaeus, 1758
- Formicilla LeConte, 1851
- Formicium Westwood, 1854
- Formicoxenus Mayr, 1855
- Formiphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Formocicada Lee and Hayashi, 2004
- Formodelphax Yang, 1989
- Formosargus James, 1939
- Formosaxius Komai, F.-J. Lin & T.-Y. Chan, 2010
- Formosemia Matsumura, 1917
- Formosillo Verhoeff, 1928
- Formotosena Kato, 1925
- Fornax
- Fornicia Brullé, 1846
- Fornicocassis Spaeth, 1917
- Forsebia Richards, 1935
- Forstera Koçak & Kemal, 2008
- Forsterella Jocqué, 1991
- Forsterina Lehtinen, 1967
- Forsteriola Brignoli, 1981
- Forstertyna Harvey, 1995
- Forstrarchaea Rix, 2006
- Forticauda Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019
- Fortuynia Hammen, 1960
- Fosseremus Grandjean, 1954
- Fosshageniella Jaume and Boxshall, 1997
- Fossispa Staines, 1989
- Fossocarus Howden, 1961
- Fossoniscus Strouhal, 1965
- Fossoppia Mahunka, 1994
- Fota Grote, 1882
- Fotella Grote, 1882
- Foucartus Bérenger, 2006
- Foveacheles Zacharda, 1980
- Foveolatoppia Mahunka, 1988
- Foveosa Russell-Smith, Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2007
- Foveoscapha Park and Wagner, 1962
- Foxia Ashmead, 1898
- Foxiphalus J. L. Barnard, 1979
- Foxita Pate, 1942
- Fozustium Haitlinger, 2005
- Fracastorius Distant, 1902
- Fractuosella Boulard, 1979
- Fragillianassa Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019
- Frameus Bartlett, 2009
- Francapseudes Bacescu, 1981
- Francilia
- Franckeus Soleglad and Fet, 2005
- Franclemontia Ferguson, 1992
- Francochthonius Vitali-di Castri, 1975
- Frankliniella Karny, 1910
- Franklinothrips Back, 1912
- Franzenia Esben-Petersen, 1929
- Fratia Ho, Conradi & López-González, 1998
- Fraus Walker, 1856
- Frechinia Munroe, 1961
- Frederickus Paquin et al., 2008
- Frenchia Maskell, 1892
- Frenesia Betten & Mosely, 1940
- Freniger Szabó, 1956
- Freraea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Fresnerhynchus D'Udekem D'Acoz & Degrave, 2018
- Frespera Braul & Lise, 2002
- Frevillea A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Frewena Richardson, 2013
- Freya C. L. Koch, 1850
- Freyomyia Hardy, 1974
- Frickius Germain, 1897
- Friesea Dalla Torre, 1895
- Friesella Moure, 1946
- Frieseomelitta Ihering, 1912
- Frigga C. L. Koch, 1850
- Friobius Chamberlin, 1943
- Frisonia Ricker, 1943
- Fritschisyringophilus Bochkov, Fain and Skoracki, 2004
- Fritzia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879
- Fritzruehlia Schmidt, 1924
- Friula O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897
- Froeschneria Harrington, 1980
- Froeschnerisca Coscarón, 1997
- Froggattella Forel, 1902
- Froggattia Froggatt, 1901
- Froggattisca Esben-Petersen, 1915
- Froggattoides Distant, 1910
- Fromundus Distant, 1901
- Frontella Kulczynski, 1908
- Frontinella F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1902
- Frontinellina van Helsdingen, 1969
- Frontiniella Townsend, 1918
- Frontiphantes Wunderlich, 1987
- Frontipoda Koenike, 1891
- Frontoserolis Brandt, 1991
- Frostia Fender, 1951
- Fucellia Robineaux-desvoidy, 1842
- Fuchiba Haddad & Lyle, 2008
- Fuchibotulus Haddad & Lyle, 2008
- Fudeci González-Sponga, 1998
- Fuentes Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Fufius Simon, 1888
- Fujientomon Imadaté, 1964
- Fulgoraecia Newman, 1851
- Fultonia T. Scott, 1902
- Fulvius Stål, 1862
- Fumontana Shear, 1977
- Fumua Schouteden, 1912
- Funchalia J. Y. Johnson, 1868
- Fungiseius Moraza and Lindquist, 2011
- Furcaspis Lindinger, 1908
- Furcatopanorpa Ma and Hua, 2011
- Furchadaspis
- Furcilla
- Furcillaria Shelley, 1981
- Furcilliger Horváth, 1925
- Furcobates Sellnick, 1959
- Furcochrysa Freitas and Penny, 2001
- Furcodamaeus Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio, 1980
- Furcoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Furcoribula Balogh, 1943
- Furcula Lamarck, 1816
- Furculattus Balogh, 1980
- Furgella Markl, 1953
- Fusciludia Ito, 1984
- Fusciphantes Oi, 1960
- Fuscozetes Sellnick, 1928
- Fusicornia Risbec, 1950
- Fusicornis Philippi, 1866
- Fusius Stål, 1862
- Fusohericia Vitzthum, 1931
- Fusoleon New, 1985
- Fusozetes Balogh, 1972
- Fustiger LeConte, 1866
- Fusuloppia Balogh, 1983
- Fylgia Kirby, 1889
- Gabara Walker, 1866
- Gabaza Walker, 1858
- Gabirobius Schouteden, 1955
- Gabriola Taylor, 1904
- Gabrius
- Gabunillo Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1983
- Gabunoscia Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Gaeana Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Gaediopsis Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Gaenima Casey, 1911
- Gaesischia Michener, LaBerge and Moure, 1955
- Gaesochira Moure and Michener, 1955
- Gaetanus Giesbrecht, 1888
- Gaetulia Stål, 1864
- Gagatopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Gageus Villiers, 1961
- Gahniacarus Beard and Ochoa, 2011
- Gahrliepia Oudemans, 1912
- Gaidiopsis A. Scott, 1909
- Gaillardiellus Guinot, 1976
- Gaiziapis Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Galacantha A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Galaesus Dallas, 1852
- Galagocheles Fain, 1979
- Galanga Moulds, 2012
- Galanomma Juberthie, 1970
- Galapa Huber, 2000
- Galapagacarus P. Balogh, 1985
- Galapagodinus Beier, 1978
- Galapagoleon Stange, 1994
- Galapalaophonte Mielke, 1981
- Galaporella Levi, 2009
- Galathea Fabricius, 1793
- Galatheascus Boschma, 1929
- Galbifascia Hardy, 1973
- Galearctus Holthuis, 2002
- Galeatus Curtis, 1833
- Galenara McDunnough, 1920
- Galene De Haan, 1833
- Galeodes Olivier, 1791
- Galeodopsis Birula, 1903
- Galeodumus Roewer, 1960
- Galeophthirus Eichler, 1950
- Galeosoma Purcell, 1903
- Galerita Fabricius, 1801
- Galeruca Geoffroy, 1762
- Galerucella Crotch, 1873
- Galgacus Distant, 1899
- Galgoria Lee, 2016
- Galgula Guenée, 1852
- Galgupha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Galianoella Goloboff, 2000
- Galianora Maddison, 2006
- Galibrotus Silhavý, 1973
- Galindomyia Stone and Barreto, 1969
- Gallacoccus Beardsley, 1971
- Gallasellus Henry & Magniez, 1981
- Galliena Simon, 1898
- Gallieniella Millot, 1947
- Gallienius Villiers, 1948
- Gallinoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1973
- Galliophilus Ribaut and Brolemann, 1927
- Gallipeza
- Galliphilopsis Skoracki and Sikora, 2004
- Gallitobius Chamberlin, 1933
- Gallobelgicus Distant, 1906
- Gallocaris Sket & Zaksek, 2009
- Galloisiana Caudell, 1924
- Gallomesovelia A. Nel, P. Nel, Krieg-Jacquier, Pouillon, and Garrouste, 2014
- Galloscelio Nel & Prokop, 2005
- Gallulacoccus
- Galotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Galumna Heyden, 1826
- Galumnella Berlese, 1916
- Galumnopsis Grandjean, 1931
- Galziniella Muller, 1991K
- Gamakia Ramírez, 2003
- Gamasellevans Loots and Ryke, 1967
- Gamaselliphis Ryke, 1961
- Gamasellodes Athias-Henriot, 1961
- Gamasellopsis Loots and Ryke, 1966
- Gamasellus Berlese, 1892
- Gamasholaspis Berlese, 1904
- Gamasiphis Berlese, 1904
- Gamasiphoides Womersley, 1956
- Gamasitus Womersley, 1956
- Gamasomorpha Karsch, 1881
- Gambacarus Mahunka, 1975
- Gambaquezonia Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
- Gamergomorphus Melichar, 1906
- Gamergus Stål, 1859
- Gammaracanthus Bate, 1862
- Gammarella Bate, 1857
- Gammarellus Herbst, 1793
- Gammaridacarus Canaris, 1962
- Gammaroporeia Bousfield, 1979
- Gammaropsis Liljeborg, 1855
- Gammarotettix Brunner, 1888
- Gammarus J. C. Fabricius, 1775
- Gamostolus Bergroth, 1927
- Gampsocoris Fuss, 1852
- Ganascus Casey, 1895
- Gandanameno Lehtinen, 1967
- Gandaritis Moore, 1868
- Ganesocoris Miller, 1955
- Gangemysis Derjavin, 1924
- Gangliopus Gerstaecker, 1854
- Ganguilus Navás, 1912
- Ganjampenaeopsis Sakai & Shinomiya, 2011
- Ganocapsus Van Duzee, 1912
- Ganonema McLachlan, 1866
- Ganus Ding, 2006
- Ganyra Billberg, 1820
- Gaoligonga Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Garaga Anufriev, 1977
- Garanhunsa Roewer, 1949
- Garceus Distant, 1893
- Garcibius Chamberlin, 1942
- Garcorops Corronca, 2003
- Gardena Dohrn, 1859
- Gardenoides Paulian and Grjebine, 1953
- Gardinerosergia Vereshchaka, Olesen & Lunina, 2014
- Gardinia W. F. Kirby, 1892
- Gareia Bourdon & Bruce, 1983A
- Garella Walker, 1863
- Garganus Stål, 1862
- Gargaphia Stål, 1862
- Garibius Chamberlin, 1913
- Gariwerdeus Wilson and Keable, 2002
- Garosyrrhoe J. L. Barnard, 1964
- Garrettella
- Garrina Chamberlin, 1915
- Garriscaphus Chamberlin, 1941
- Garthambrus Ng, 1996
- Garthiella Titgen, 1986
- Garthiope Guinot, 1990
- Garumna Melichar, 1914
- Garumnella Wang, Liang and Webb, 2009
- Garymunida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Garyops Banks, 1909
- Garypinidius Beier, 1955
- Garypinus Daday, 1888
- Garypus L. Koch, 1873
- Gascaricoptes Haitlinger, 2002
- Gasparia Marples, 1956
- Gasparinahla Patiny, 2001
- Gasteracantha Sundevall, 1833
- Gasterophilus
- Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860
- Gastrellarius Casey, 1918
- Gastrocentrella Ulmer, 1951
- Gastrocentrides Ulmer, 1930
- Gastrodelphys Graeffe, 1883
- Gastrodes Westwood, 1840
- Gastrogyrus Bergroth, 1921
- Gastromicans Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Gastrophysa Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Gastrops
- Gastroptychus Caullery, 1896
- Gastrosaccus Norman, 1868
- Gastrosericus Spinola, 1839
- Gastrotaphrus Buchanan, 1936
- Gastrothrips Hood, 1912
- Gastrotrypes Brues, 1922
- Gastroxya Benoit, 1962
- Gastrozona Bezzi, 1913
- Gasuthiana Haitlinger, 1989
- Gattonocoris Miller, 1957
- Gatzara Navás, 1915
- Gaucelmus Keyserling, 1884
- Gaucha Mello-Leitão, 1924
- Gaurax
- Gaurotes LeConte, 1850
- Gaussia Wolfenden, 1905
- Gaussicia Poulsen, 1973
- Gaussicuma Zimmer, 1907
- Gavarilla Ruiz & Brescovit, 2006
- Gayenna Nicolet, 1849
- Gayennoides Ramírez, 2003
- Gayomyia Banks, 1913
- Gazoryctra Hübner, 1820
- Gazuma Distant, 1905
- Gea C. L. Koch, 1843
- Geayia Thor, 1897
- Gebiacantha Nguyen Ngoc-Ho, 1989
- Gebicula Alcock, 1901
- Gecarcinus Leach, 1814
- Gedea Simon, 1902
- Geeopsis Huys, 1996
- Gehringia Darlington, 1933
- Gehypochthonius Jacot, 1936
- Geigyella Wittmer, 1972
- Gelachernes Beier, 1940
- Gelae Miller and Wheeler, 2005
- Gelanor Thorell, 1869
- Gelastagathis Sharkey, 2015
- Gelastocaris Kemp, 1914
- Gelastocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gelastreutes Bruce, 1990
- Gelidea Moulds, 2012
- Gelonaetha Thomson, 1878
- Gelonus Stål, 1866
- Gelotia Thorell, 1890
- Gelsana Budde-Lund, 1910
- Geminaria
- Geminia Thorell, 1897
- Geminorhabdus Mazur, 2007
- Geminozetes Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Gemmotheres Campos, 1996
- Genaparlatoria Macgillivray, 1921
- Genatropis Galloway, 1984
- Genavensia Mahunka, 1983
- Genea Rondani, 1850
- Geniotrigona Moure, 1961
- Genisphindus McHugh, 1993
- Gennadas Spence Bate, 1881
- Gennadota Casey, 1906
- Genogogus Kleine, 1925
- Genuchinus Westwood, 1874
- Genysa Simon, 1889
- Geoballus Crabill, 1969
- Geocerceis Menzies & Glynn, 1968
- Geocharax Clark, 1936
- Geococcus Green, 1902
- Geocolus Wenzel, 1944
- Geocoris Fallén, 1814
- Geocythere Hart, 1962
- Geoderces Horn, 1876
- Geodercodes Casey, 1888
- Geodessus Brancucci, 1979
- Geodimmockius Chapin, 1930
- Geodiscelis Michener & Rozen, 1999
- Geogamasus Lee, 1970
- Geogarypus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Geograpsus Stimpson, 1858
- Geolimnichus Hernando and Ribera, 2003
- Geolycosa Montgomery, 1904
- Geomerinus Brölemann, 1912
- Geomyphilus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Geomysaprinus Ross, 1940
- Geoperingueyia Attems, 1926
- Geophilella Ribaut, 1913
- Geophilus Leach, 1814
- Geopinus LeConte, 1847
- Geoporophilus Silvestri, 1919
- Geopsammodius Gordon and Pittino, 1992
- Georgibius Chamberlin, 1944
- Georgiulus Hoffman, 1992
- Georgium Fischer, 1964
- Georthocladius
- Georyssus Latreille, 1809
- Geosesarma De Man, 1892
- Geostiba Thomson, 1858
- Geotomus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Geotrigona Moure, 1943
- Geotrupes Latreille, 1797
- Geovelia Zimmermann, 1984
- Gepella Hölzel, 1968
- Gephyrazetes Hirauchi, 1999
- Gephyrellula Strand, 1932
- Gephyrina Simon, 1895
- Gephyroctenus Mello-Leitão, 1936
- Gephyrocuma Hale, 1936
- Gephyrota Strand, 1932
- Gepus Navás, 1912
- Geraesta Simon, 1889
- Geraeus Pascoe, 1889
- Geranopus White, 1916
- Gerbelius Distant, 1903
- Gerbillicula Kolebinova, 1984
- Gergithomorphus Haglund, 1899
- Gerloubia Coetzer, 1968
- Germalna Delorme, 2018
- Germalus Stål, 1862
- Germaria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Germarostes Paulian, 1982
- Geron
- Geropa Casey, 1912
- Gerra Walker, 1865
- Gerrhoceras Hering, 1941
- Gerris Fabricius, 1794
- Gerrisella Poisson, 1940
- Gerrodes Hampson, 1908
- Gerstaeckerella Enderlein, 1910
- Gerstaeckeria Champion, 1905
- Gertschanapis Platnick & Forster, 1990
- Gertschiola Brignoli, 1981
- Gertschius Graham and Soleglad, 2007
- Gertschosa Platnick & Shadab, 1981
- Gerufa Budde-Lund, 1909
- Geryon Krøyer, 1837
- Gesomyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Gessus Antropov, 2001
- Gesta Evans, 1953
- Gestroiella Montandon, 1897
- Gestronella Weise, 1911
- Geyria Esben-Petersen, 1920
- Ggomapsalta Lee, 2009
- Ghanister Mazur, 2005
- Ghanius Ahmad, 1973
- Ghanoetus Mahunka, 1973
- Ghelna Maddison, 1996
- Ghentia Munro, 1947
- Ghesperinus
- Ghesquierea Schouteden, 1931
- Ghilaroviella Zalesskaja, 1975
- Ghilarovizetes Shaldybina, 1969
- Ghilarovus Krivolutsky, 1966
- Ghilianella Spinola, 1835
- Ghinallelia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Ghumattus Prószynski, 1992
- Giardomyia
- Gibbafroneta Merrett, 2004
- Gibbagnathia Cohen & Poore, 1994
- Gibbamblyops Murano and Krygier, 1985
- Gibbaranea Archer, 1951
- Gibberosus Thomas and J. L. Barnard, 1986
- Gibberythrops Illig, 1930
- Gibbesia Manning and Heard, 1997
- Gibbicepheus Balogh, 1958
- Gibbidessus Watts, 1978
- Gibbifer Voet, 1778
- Gibbium Scopoli, 1777
- Gibbobruchus Pic, 1913
- Gibbocicada Ruschel, 2018
- Gibbosaverruca Young, 2002
- Gibbosella Chlond, 2010
- Gibbularctus Holthuis, 2002
- Gibothorax Eskov, 1989
- Gigacuma Kurian, 1951
- Gigantapseudes Kudinova-Pasternak, 1978
- Gigantione Kossmann, 1881
- Gigantiops Roger, 1863
- Gigantochernes Beier, 1932
- Gigantocypris Skogsberg, 1920
- Gigantodax
- Gigantometra Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Gigantometrus Couzijn, 1978
- Gigantoppia Mahunka, 2008
- Gigapassus Miller, 2007
- Gigiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Gilarovella Lange, 1974
- Gilbertiola Osella, 1982
- Gilbertnixonius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Gillaspytes Howden, 1980
- Gillotia Kieffer, 1921
- Giloloa Huber, 2019
- Gilpinia Benson, 1939
- Gilvossius Manning & Felder, 1991
- Gimnomera Rondani, 1866
- Ginglymia Townsend, 1892
- Ginglymocladus Van Dyke, 1918
- Ginkgoscia Jäch and Díaz, 2004
- Ginosigma Speijer, 1936
- Gint Kovarík, Lowe, Plísková and Stáhlavsky, 2013
- Gioharattia Haitlinger, 1989
- Gippsicola Hogg, 1900
- Girardwithius Heurtault, 1993
- Gironomysis Ortiz et al., 1997
- Gitana Boeck, 1871
- Gitanopsis G. O. Sars, 1892
- Gitava Drake, 1948
- Gitona
- Gitonides Knab
- Gittella Hammer, 1961
- Giuiria Strand, 1906
- Gjellerupia Roewer, 1913
- Glabellula
- Glabrinotum Ding, 2006
- Glabropilumnus Balss, 1932
- Glabroserolis Menzies, 1962C
- Glacicavicola Westcott, 1968
- Gladicosa Brady, 1987
- Glaenocorisa Thomson, 1869
- Glaesivelia Sánchez-García and Solórzano Kraemer in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Glanderemaeus Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Glaphyrometopus Pierce, 1913
- Glaphyromyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Glaphyrosoma Brunner, 1888
- Glareadessus Wewalka and Biström, 1998
- Glaresis Erichson, 1848
- Glariopsis Lindner, 1935
- Glaris Kertesz, 1923
- Glaucina Hulst, 1896
- Glauconyssus Uchikawa, 1991
- Glaucopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Glaucopsyche Scudder, 1872
- Glaucotes Casey, 1913
- Glaucothrips Karny, 1921
- Gledhillia Valdecasas, 2001
- Glena Hulst, 1896
- Glenanthe
- Glenidion H. Clark, 1860
- Glenodiplosis
- Glenognatha Simon, 1887
- Glenoides McDunnough, 1920
- Glenoleon Banks, 1913
- Glenostictia Gillaspy, 1962
- Glenurus Hagen, 1866
- Glipa LeConte, 1859
- Glipodes LeConte, 1862
- Glipostenoda Ermisch, 1950
- Glischrochilus Reitter, 1873
- Gloanna Nye, 1975
- Globarcturus Kussakin & Vasina, 1994
- Globarmadillo Richardson, 1910
- Globignatha Balogh & Loksa, 1968
- Globochthonius Beier, 1931
- Globocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Globodiplostix Vienna and Yélamos, 2006
- Globogalumna Balogh & P. Balogh, 1990
- Globopilumnus Balss, 1933
- Globoppia Hammer, 1962
- Globosolembos Myers, 1985
- Globosophotia Haitlinger, 1991
- Globospongicola Komai and Saito, 2006
- Globozetes Sellnick, 1928
- Glochinomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Gloeosoma Wollaston, 1854
- Gloiopotes Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861
- Gloma
- Glomerella Gordon, 1977
- Glomeridesmus Gervais, 1844
- Glomeroides Chamberlin, 1922
- Glomerulus Budde-Lund, 1904
- Glossicodex Izdebska and Rolbiecki, 2016
- Glossobius Schioedte & Meinert, 1883
- Glossocephalus Bovallius, 1887
- Glossodialictus Pauly, 1984
- Glossopelta Handlirsch, 1897
- Glossosoma Curtis, 1834
- Glossurocolletes Michener, 1965
- Gluphisia Boisduval, 1828
- Glutophrissa Butler, 1887
- Glutops
- Gluvia C. L. Koch, 1842
- Gluviella Caporiacco, 1948
- Gluviema Caporiacco, 1937
- Gluviola Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsida Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsilla Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsis Kraepelin, 1899
- Gluviopsona Roewer, 1933
- Glycobius LeConte, 1873
- Glymma Marseul, 1856
- Glymmatophora Stål, 1853
- Glympis Walker, 1859
- Glyphanoetus Oudemans, 1929
- Glyphesis Simon, 1926
- Glyphidops
- Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847
- Glyphocassis Spaeth, 1914
- Glyphocrangon A. Milne-Edwards, 1881
- Glyphocuma Hale, 1944
- Glyphopsyche Banks, 1904
- Glyphotaelius Stephens, 1833
- Glyphuroplata Uhmann, 1937
- Glyphus Filhol, 1884
- Glyptapanteles Ashmead, 1904
- Glyptelasma Pilsbry, 1907
- Glyptidotea Stebbing, 1902
- Glyptina J. L. LeConte, 1859
- Glyptobairdia Stephenson, 1946
- Glyptobaris Casey, 1892
- Glyptobasis McLachlan, 1871
- Glyptobunus Roewer, 1915
- Glyptocombus Heidemann, 1906
- Glyptogluteus Rowland, 1973
- Glyptogona Simon, 1884
- Glyptograpsus Smith, 1870
- Glyptolithodes Faxon, 1895
- Glyptonotus Eights, 1853
- Glyptonysius Usinger, 1942
- Glyptoplax Smith, 1870
- Glyptoscelimorpha Horn, 1893
- Glyptoscelis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Glyptosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Glyptotendipes
- Glyptotermes Froggatt, 1896
- Glyptothrips Hood, 1912
- Glyptoxanthus A. Milne-Edwards, 1879
- Glypturoides Sakai, 2011
- Glypturus Stimpson, 1866
- Gminatellus Miller, 1957
- Gminatus Stål, 1859
- Gmogala Keyserling, 1890
- Gnadochaeta Macquart, 1851
- Gnamptodon Haliday, 1833
- Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863
- Gnamptonychia Hampson, 1900
- Gnaphalodes Thomson, 1860
- Gnaphiscus Koenike, 1898
- Gnaphosa Latreille, 1804
- Gnaptogaster Tobias, 1976
- Gnathacmaeops Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Gnathamitermes Light, 1932
- Gnathaphanus W. MacLeay, 1825
- Gnathia Leach, 1814
- Gnathiphimedia K. H. Barnard, 1930
- Gnathium Kirby, 1818
- Gnathobleda Stål, 1859
- Gnathoceraphron Dessart & Bin, 1981
- Gnathocerus
- Gnathogastrura Dìaz & Najt, 1983
- Gnatholana Barnard, 1920
- Gnatholycosa Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Gnatholymnaeum Sharp, 1903
- Gnathonargus Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Gnathonarium Karsch, 1881
- Gnathonaroides Bishop & Crosby, 1938
- Gnathoncus Jacquelin-Duval, 1858
- Gnathopalystes Rainbow, 1899
- Gnathophausia Willemoes-Suhm, 1873
- Gnathophylleptum d'Udekem d'Acoz, 2001
- Gnathophylloides Schmitt, 1933
- Gnathophyllum Latreille, 1819
- Gnathopleustes Bousfield and Hendrycks, 1995
- Gnathoribautia Brölemann, 1909
- Gnathostenetroides Amar, 1957
- Gnathothlibus Wallengren, 1858
- Gnathotriche Felder and Felder, 1862
- Gnathotrichus Eichhoff, 1869
- Gnathoweisea Gordon, 1970
- Gnathusa Fenyes, 1909
- Gnesiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Gnistus Stål, 1874
- Gnoerichia Dahl, 1907
- Gnolus Simon, 1879
- Gnomobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1995
- Gnomocoris McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Gnophaela Walker, 1854
- Gnopholeon Stange, 1970
- Gnophomyia Osten Sacken, 1859
- Gnophos Treitschke, 1825
- Gnophothrips Hood and Williams, 1915
- Gnorimella Casey, 1915
- Gnorimosphaeroma Menzies, 1954
- Gnorismomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Gnoriste
- Gnosippus Karsch, 1880
- Gnostus Westwood, 1855
- Gnypeta Thomson, 1858
- Gnypetella Casey, 1906
- Gobertina Bigot, 1879
- Gobichelifer Krumpál, 1979
- Goeldia Keyserling, 1891
- Goeldichironomus
- Goeletapis Rozen, 1997
- Goellneriana van Doesburg, 2004
- Goera Stephens, 1829
- Goeracea Denning, 1968
- Goereilla Denning, 1968
- Goerita Ross, 1938
- Goerodella Mosely, 1949
- Goerodes Ulmer, 1907
- Goerodina Mosely, 1949
- Goes LeConte, 1852
- Goesia Boeck, 1871
- Goetghebueromyia Lindner, 1938
- Goffacarus Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Welbourn, 2021
- Goffinella C. B. Wilson, 1932
- Gohia Dalmas, 1917
- Golafrus Navás, 1912
- Goleba Wanless, 1980
- Golema Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Goleta Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Golmonia Popov, 1989
- Goloboffia Griswold & Ledford, 2001
- Golofa Hope, 1837
- Gomesius Distant, 1903
- Gomphaeschna Selys, 1871
- Gomphochernes Beier, 1932
- Gomphoides Selys, 1854
- Gomphomacromia Brauer, 1864
- Gomphomesus Wolff, 1962
- Gomphor Chamberlin, 1944
- Gomphus Leach, 1815
- Gomyopsis Dégallier, 1984
- Gomyoscelis Dégallier, 2001
- Gonarcticus Becker, 1894
- Gonatherus Rondani, 1856
- Gonatista Saussure, 1869
- Gonatium Menge, 1868
- Gonatoraphis Millidge, 1991
- Gondraena Jäch, 1994
- Gondwanalimnadia Rogers, Rabet and Weeks, 2016
- Gondysia Berio, 1955
- Goneatara Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Gonempeda
- Goneplax Leach, 1814
- Gonethella Chamberlin, 1918
- Gonethina Chamberlin, 1918
- Gongrodiplosis
- Gongromastix
- Gongroneurina Enderlein, 1933
- Gongrosargus Lindner, 1959
- Gongylidiellum Simon, 1884
- Gongylidioides Oi, 1960
- Gongylidium Menge, 1868
- Gonia Meigen, 1803
- Goniapteryx Perty, 1833
- Goniaspis
- Gonibius Chamberlin, 1925
- Gonibregmatus Newport, 1843
- Gonielmis Sanderson, 1954
- Goniocarsia Hampson, 1926
- Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Goniocercus Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Goniochaeta Townsend, 1891
- Goniochenia Weise, 1896
- Goniochernes Beier, 1932
- Goniocloeus Jordan, 1904
- Gonioctena Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Goniomma Emery, 1895
- Gonionida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Goniops
- Goniopsis De Haan, 1833
- Goniopsita
- Gonioryctus Sharp, 1878
- Goniosupradens Leene, 1938
- Goniothrips Hood, 1927
- Goniotropis Gray, 1831
- Goniurellia Hendel, 1927
- Goniusa Casey, 1906
- Gonocephalum
- Gonocerus Berthold in Latreille, 1827
- Gonodactylaceus Manning, 1995
- Gonodactylellus Manning, 1995
- Gonodactylus Berthold, 1827
- Gonodes Druce, 1908
- Gonodonta Hübner, 1818
- Gonodontodes Hampson, 1913
- Gonoessa Shelley, 1984
- Gonolabis Burr, 1900
- Gonomyia Meigen
- Gonomyodes
- Gonomyopsis
- Gononotus LeConte, 1876
- Gonopanope Guinot, 1967
- Gonophora Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Gonoporomiris Henry and Schuh, 2002
- Gonotropis LeConte, 1876
- Gonteosphodrus Cheesman, 1935
- Gonycentrum Bergroth, 1898
- Gonzaga Navás, 1913
- Goondnomdanepa Lansbury, 1974
- Gorareduvius Malipatil, 1991
- Gorbothorax Tanasevitch, 1998
- Gordania Berge and Vader, 2001
- Gordialycus Coineau, Fize and Delamare Deboutteville, 1967
- Gordonella Tirmizi, 1960
- Gordonita González, 2013
- Gordonoryssomus Almeida and Lima, 1995
- Goreopagurus McLaughlin, 1988
- Gorgasella Chickering, 1946
- Gorgonolaureus Utinomi, 1962
- Gorgopis Hübner, 1820
- Gorgyrella Purcell, 1902
- Gorgythion Godman and Salvin, 1896
- Gorhamia Pic, 1911
- Gorytes Latreille, 1805
- Gosendyla Chamberlin, 1960
- Gosibius Chamberlin, 1912
- Gosipina Chamberlin, 1940
- Gosiulus Chamberlin, 1940
- Gosodesmus Chamberlin, 1922
- Gosothrix Chamberlin, 1923
- Gourlayocoris Stys, 2002
- Gourretia de Saint Laurent, 1973
- Gowdeyana Curran, 1928
- Goyachalepus Pic, 1929
- Goyenia Forster, 1970
- Goyoppia Balogh, 1983
- Gozmanyina Balogh & Mahunka, 1983
- Gracchus Stål, 1862
- Graceus
- Gracilentulus Tuxen, 1963
- Gracilia Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Gracilimiris Stonedahl and Henry, 1991
- Gracilovelia Poisson, 1955
- Gradungula Forster, 1955
- Graeconiscus Strouhal, 1940
- Graemeloweus Soleglad, Fet, Graham and Ayrey, 2016
- Graemontia Lawrence, 1931
- Grais Godman and Salvin, 1894
- Grallacheles De Leon, 1962
- Gralliclava Dolling, 1978
- Gramastacus Riek, 1972
- Gramenca Rollard & Wesolowska, 2002
- Graminitigrina Ewart and Marques, 2008
- Grammia Rambur, 1866
- Grammococcus Miller and Lambdin, 1978
- Grammonota Emerton, 1882
- Grammopeplus Bickhardt, 1911
- Grammopoecilus Stål, 1868
- Grammoptera Audinet-Serville, 1835
- Grammostola Simon, 1892
- Grammotaulius Kolenati, 1848
- Grancanaridion Wunderlich, 2011
- Grandidierella Coutière, 1904
- Grandiella Lombardini, 1939
- Grandiellopsis Fain, 1989
- Grandifoxus J. L. Barnard, 1979
- Grandjeana Kocak and Kemal, 2009
- Grandjeanella Southcott, 1961
- Grandjeania Balogh, 1963
- Grandjeanicus Théron, 1974
- Grandjeanoplophora Balogh & Mahunka, 1979
- Granizetes Hammer, 1961
- Granmadesmus Pérez-Asso, 1996
- Granulaia González-Sponga, 1997
- Granulocheyletus Fain and Bochkov, 2002
- Granuloppia Balogh, 1958
- Granuloteratoppia P. Balogh, 1988
- Graonus Navás, 1922
- Graphelmis Delève, 1968
- Graphiphora Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Graphocephala
- Graphoderus Dejean, 1833
- Graphogaster Rondani, 1868
- Graphognathus Buchanan, 1939
- Graphomoa Chamberlin, 1924
- Graphomya
- Graphops J. L. LeConte, 1859
- Graphopsocus Kolbe, 1880
- Graphorhinus Say, 1831
- Graphosolus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Grapsicepon Giard and Bonnier, 1887
- Grapsodius Holmes, 1900
- Grapsus Lamarck, 1801
- Graptartia Simon, 1896
- Graptocleptes Stål, 1866
- Graptoclopius Stål, 1866
- Graptocorixa Hungerford, 1930
- Graptodytes Seidlitz, 1887
- Graptoleberis G. O. Sars, 1862
- Graptolestes Stål, 1866
- Graptoppia Balogh, 1983
- Graptopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Graptostethus Stål, 1868
- Graptotettix Stål, 1866
- Grassiella Silvestri, 1898
- Gratiana Spaeth, 1913
- Gravelyzomus Kulkarni, 2012
- Gravesteiniella Wagner, 1963
- Gravipalpus Millidge, 1991
- Graycassis Platnick, 2000
- Grayenulla Zabka, 1992
- Gredosella Gil-Martín, Arillo & Subías, 2000
- Greenomyia
- Greniera
- Grensia Ross, 1944
- Gressittacantha Wise, 1967
- Gressittidium Hardy, 1986
- Gressittolus Balogh, 1970
- Griburius Haldeman, 1849
- Griceus F. D. Ferrari and Markhaseva, 2000
- Grimaldina Richard, 1892
- Grimaldinia Popov and Heiss, 2014
- Grimaldivania Basibuyuk, Fitton and Rasnitsyn, 2000
- Grimothea Leach, 1820
- Grimshawomyia Hardy, 1965
- Griphomyia Hardy, 1987
- Griswoldia Dippenaar-Schoeman & Jocqué, 1997
- Griveaudicoris Villiers, 1961
- Groehnizomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Gronella Barnard and Karaman, 1991
- Gronocarus Schaeffer, 1927
- Gronoceras Cockerell, 1907
- Grosphus Simon, 1880
- Grossbeckia Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Grosshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Grosshygioides Brailovsky, 1993
- Grossoseta
- Grossovena
- Grotella Harvey, 1875
- Grotellaforma Barnes and Benjamin, 1922
- Grouvellinus Champion, 1923
- Grumicha Mueller, 1879
- Grumichella Mueller, 1879
- Gryllita Hebard, 1935
- Grylloblatta E. M. Walker, 1914
- Grylloblattella Storozhenko, 1988
- Grylloblattina Bey-Bienko, 1951
- Gryllodes Saussure, 1874
- Gryllotalpa Latreille, 1802
- Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758
- Grymeus Harvey, 1987
- Grynaminna Poore, 2000
- Grynia Stål, 1862
- Gryon Haliday, 1833
- Grypocephalus Hsiao, 1963
- Grypoceramerus Suzuki & Aoki, 1970
- Grypomyia Kertesz, 1923
- Grypus Germar, 1817
- Guadana Rheims, 2010
- Guagonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Guaiquinimia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guajirolus Flowers, 1985
- Guambius Chamberlin, 1912
- Guanazomus Teruel and Armas, 2002
- Guanolichoides Fain, 1979
- Guanolichus Fain, 1968
- Guapinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Guaraniella Baert, 1984
- Guaranisaria Distant, 1905
- Guaranita Huber, 2000
- Guaranozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Guasinia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guayania González-Sponga, 1999
- Gudanga Distant, 1905
- Gueneria Packard, 1876
- Guentherocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Gueriniopsis Reinhard, 1943
- Guernea Chevreux, 1887
- Guernella Richard, 1892
- Guerrobius Chamberlin, 1942
- Gufacies Ding, 2006
- Guianahister Tishechkin, 2007
- Guichardus Antropov, 2007
- Guidelphax Ding, 2006
- Guilbertocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2016
- Guillermo Slipinski, 2007
- Guilotes Zhao & S. Q. Li, 2018
- Guineapsaltria Boer, 1993
- Guiniella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Guionius Distant, 1909
- Guithera Distant, 1906
- Guizygiella Zhu, Kim & Song, 1997
- Gulbarentsia Stebbing, 1894
- Gulcamptus Miura, 1969
- Gulocosa Marusik, Omelko & Koponen, 2015
- Gumaga Tsuda, 1938
- Gumilla Navás, 1912
- Gunabopicobia Skoracki and Hromada, 2013
- Gunasekara Lehtinen, 1981
- Gunenotophorus O. G. Costa, 1838
- Guntheria Womersley, 1939
- Gunturius Roewer, 1949
- Gunungiella Ulmer, 1913
- Gunvoria Kauri, 1961
- Gustavia Kramer, 1879
- Guttipelopia
- Guttipsilopa
- Guyalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Guyanacaris Sakai, 2011
- Guyanochactas Lourenço, 1998
- Guyruita Guadanucci, Lucas, Indicatti & Yamamoto, 2007
- Gyaclavator Wappler, Guilbert, Wedmann and Labandeira in Wappler et al., 2015
- Gyalostethus Hoffman, 1965
- Gyalostoma Kleine, 1914
- Gyalotingis Drake, 1960
- Gyascutus LeConte, 1858
- Gyge Cornalia & Panceri, 1861
- Gylippus Simon, 1879
- Gyllenhaleus Weise, 1903
- Gyllenhalia Aurivillius, 1885
- Gymelloxes Viette, 1952
- Gymnaciura Hering, 1942
- Gymnanthelius Perkins, 1997
- Gymnaspis
- Gymnerythrops Hansen, 1910
- Gymnetina Casey, 1915
- Gymnetis MacLeay, 1819
- Gymnetron Schönherr, 1825
- Gymnobates Banks, 1902
- Gymnobatoides Woolley, 1966
- Gymnobisium Beier, 1931
- Gymnobodes Balogh, 1965
- Gymnocarena Hering, 1940
- Gymnocheta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Gymnochiromyia
- Gymnochthebius Orchymont, 1943
- Gymnoclytia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Gymnocnemia Schneider, 1845
- Gymnodamaeus Kulczynski, 1902
- Gymnodampia Jacot, 1937
- Gymnoganascus Werner, 1990
- Gymnognathus Schoenherr, 1826
- Gymnoleon Banks, 1911
- Gymnometriocnemus
- Gymnopais
- Gymnophora
- Gymnophryxe Villeneuve, 1922
- Gymnoprosopa
- Gymnopsidia
- Gymnopsyra Linsley, 1937
- Gymnopternus
- Gymnopyge Linell, 1896
- Gymnosagena Munro, 1935
- Gymnoscalpellum Newman and Ross, 1971
- Gymnoscelis Mabille, 1868
- Gymnoscirtetes Scudder, 1897
- Gymnosoma Meigen, 1803
- Gymnostigmaeus Ehara and Ueckermann, 2006
- Gymnotingis Hacker, 1928
- Gymnotympana Stål, 1861
- Gymnusa Gravenhorst, 1806
- Gynacantha Rambur, 1842
- Gynaephora Hübner, 1819
- Gynaikothrips Zimmermann, 1900
- Gynandropus Dejean, 1831
- Gynandrorhynchus Lacordaire, 1865
- Gyniulus Loomis, 1963
- Gynothemis Calvert in Ris, 1909
- Gypogyna Simon, 1900
- Gyponana
- Gyragathis van Achterberg & Long, 2010
- Gyrelmis Hinton, 1940
- Gyretes Brullé, 1834
- Gyrinophagus Ruschka, 1914
- Gyrinus Geoffroy, 1762
- Gyrocarisa Weaver, 1997
- Gyrocheilus Butler, 1867
- Gyrochus Enderlein, 1920
- Gyronycha Casey, 1893
- Gyrophaena Mannerheim, 1831
- Gyros Edwards, 1881
- Haarlovina Lawrence, 1956
- Haasellia Wagner, 1984
- Habralictus Moure, 1941
- Habreuresis Millidge, 1991
- Habrobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Habrocestoides Prószynski, 1992
- Habrocestum Simon, 1876
- Habrochila Horváth, 1912
- Habrodais Scudder, 1876
- Habrolotis Weise, 1895
- Habronattus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Habronestes L. Koch, 1872
- Habrophlebia Eaton, 1881
- Habrophlebiodes Ulmer, 1920
- Habrophorula Lieftinck, 1974
- Habropoda Smith, 1854
- Habroscelimorpha Dokhtouroff, 1883
- Habroteleia Kieffer, 1905
- Habroxenus Valentine, 1998
- Hachijopagurus Osawa & Okuno, 2003
- Hackmania Lehtinen, 1967
- Hada Billberg, 1820
- Hadena Schrank, 1802
- Hadenella Grote, 1883
- Hadenoecus Scudder, 1863
- Hadeodelphax Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hadites Keyserling, 1862
- Hadoa Moulds in Hill et al., 2015
- Hadoblothrus Beier, 1952
- Hadogenes Kraepelin, 1894
- Hadramorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Hadraule Thomson, 1863
- Hadrestia Thomson, 1869
- Hadrobelus Zimmerman, 1999
- Hadrobregmus Thomson, 1859
- Hadrobunus Banks, 1900
- Hadrokerala Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Hadrokolos
- Hadromastax Bruce, 1988
- Hadromeropsis Pierce, 1913
- Hadromychus Bousquet and Leschen, 2002
- Hadromyia
- Hadronema Uhler, 1872
- Hadroneura
- Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873
- Hadropenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1977
- Hadropygos Gonzon and Bartlett, 2008
- Hadrotarsus Thorell, 1881
- Hadrotes Le Conte, 1861
- Hadrotettix Scudder, 1876
- Hadrurochactas Pocock, 1893
- Hadruroides Pocock, 1893
- Hadrurus Thorell, 1876
- Haedacanthus Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Haedanula Caporiacco, 1941
- Haedus Distant, 1904
- Haemagogus Williston, 1896
- Haemaphysalis Koch, 1844
- Haematobia
- Haematobosca
- Haematochares Stål, 1855
- Haematochiton Gorham, 1888
- Haematoloecha Stål, 1874
- Haematomantispa Hoffman in Penny, 2002
- Haematomis Schaus, 1899
- Haematomyzus Piaget, 1869
- Haematopinoides Osborn, 1891
- Haematopinus Leach, 1815
- Haematopis Hübner, 1823
- Haematopota
- Haematorrhophus Stål, 1874
- Haematosiphon Champion, 1900
- Haemobaphes Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861
- Haemodipsus Enderlein, 1904
- Haemoplotina Miyatake, 1969
- Haemopsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Haerinella Fennah, 1965
- Haeterius Dejean, 1833
- Haetosmia Popov, 1952
- Hafenferrefia Jacot, 1939
- Hafenrefferia Oudemans, 1906
- Hagamiodes Fennah, 1975
- Hagenella Martynov, 1924
- Hagenius Selys, 1854
- Hagenomyia Banks, 1911
- Hagenulopsis Ulmer, 1919
- Hagia Stål, 1863
- Hagiana Miller, 1958
- Haglundina Schouteden, 1938
- Hahnia C. L. Koch, 1841
- Haidara Distant, 1908
- Haideoporus Young and Longley, 1976
- Haifameira
- Haigia
- Haigiopagurus McLaughlin, 2005
- Hainanaella Qin and Zhang, 2007
- Hainanosemia Kato, 1927
- Haitlingeria Kim et al., 2006
- Haitobolus Mauriès & Hoffman, 1998
- Haitonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Hakiulus Chamberlin, 1940
- Hakka Berry & Prószynski, 2001
- Hala Jocqué, 1994
- Halacarellus Viets, 1927
- Halacarsantia Wolff, 1989
- Halacarus Gosse, 1855
- Halacritus Schmidt, 1893
- Halarachne Allman, 1847
- Halectinosoma Lang, 1944
- Halemysis Bacescu and Udrescu, 1984
- Halesochila Banks, 1907
- Halesus Stephens, 1836
- Halffterinetis Morón and Nogueira, 2007
- Haliartus Melichar, 1914
- Halice Boeck, 1871
- Halicella Schellenberg, 1926
- Halicoides Walker, 1896
- Halicreion Boeck, 1871
- Halictillus Moure, 1947
- Halictonomia Pauly, 1980
- Halictophagus Dale in Curtis, 1832
- Halictoxenos Pierce, 1908
- Halictus Latreille, 1804
- Halicyclops Norman, 1903
- Halidayina
- Halimococcus Cockerell, 1902
- Haliophasma Haswell, 1881
- Haliophyle Warren, 1912
- Haliplus Latreille, 1802
- Haliporoides Stebbing, 1914
- Haliporus Spence Bate, 1881
- Halirages Boeck, 1871
- Haliragoides Sars, 1895
- Hallomenus Panzer, 1794
- Halmaheria Zettel, 2007
- Halmus Mulsant, 1850
- Halmyra Mitjaev, 1971
- Halmyrapseudes Bacescu and Gutu, 1974
- Halobates Eschscholtz, 1822
- Halobatopsis Bianchi, 1896
- Halobisium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Halobrecta Thomson, 1858
- Halobrecthina Bernhauer, 1909
- Halocaridina Holthuis, 1963
- Halocaridinides Fujino & Shokita, 1975
- Halocladius Thienemann
- Halocoryza Alluaud, 1919
- Halocosa Azarkina & Trilikauskas, 2019
- Halocypria Claus, 1874
- Halocypris Dana, 1853
- Halodiplosis
- Halodromus Muster, 2009
- Halohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Halominniza Mahnert, 1975
- Haloniscus Chilton, 1919
- Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908
- Halophytophilus Brian, 1917
- Haloptilus Giesbrecht, 1898
- Halorates Hull, 1911
- Haloribatula Schuster, 1957
- Halosalda Reuter, 1912
- Haloschizopera Lang, 1948
- Halotydeus Berlese, 1891
- Halovelia Bergroth, 1893
- Haloveloides Andersen, 1992
- Halozetes Berlese, 1916
- Halticoptera Spinola, 1811
- Halticotoma Townsend, 1892
- Halticus Hahn, 1832
- Halyomorpha Mayr, 1864
- Halysidota Hübner, 1819
- Halyzia Mulsant, 1846
- Hamadiana Benetti, Short and Michat, 2019
- Hamadruas Deeleman-Reinhold, 2009
- Hamadryas Hübner, 1806
- Hamatabanus
- Hamataliwa Keyserling, 1887
- Hamatoscalpellum Zevina, 1978
- Hamatothrix Urban, 1989
- Hamaxas Burr, 1907
- Hambletoniola Carvalho, 1954
- Hamedius Stål, 1860
- Hamertonia Turk, 1947
- Hamiger Borradaile, 1916
- Hammaptera Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Hammatoscelis Signoret, 1860
- Hammenia Zacharda, 1980
- Hammenius Lehtinen, 1981
- Hammerabates Balogh, 1970
- Hammerella Balogh, 1983
- Hamodactyloides Fujino, 1973
- Hamodactylus Holthuis, 1952
- Hamophthirius Mjöberg, 1925
- Hamopontonia Bruce, 1970
- Hamotus Aubé, 1844
- Hampa Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Hampsoniella Viette, 1950
- Hamza Distant, 1904
- Handelia
- Handlirschia Kohl, 1897
- Hanea Forster, 1988
- Hannemania Oudemans, 1911
- Hannonia Hoek, 1881
- Hanoniscus Budde-Lund, 1912
- Hansenauropus Remy, 1954
- Hanseniella Bagnall, 1913
- Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995
- Hansenius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Hansenochrus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Hansenolana Stebbing, 1900A
- Hansenomysis Stebbing, 1893
- Hansenulus Heron and Damkaer, 1986
- Hansonoperla Nelson, 1979
- Hantu Huber, 2016
- Hapalips Reitter, 1877
- Hapalocarcinus Stimpson, 1859
- Hapalogaster Brandt, 1850
- Hapalomellinus Ashmead, 1899
- Hapalomelus Stål, 1853
- Hapaloptyx Stebbing, 1920
- Hapalopus Ausserer, 1875
- Hapalotremus Simon, 1903
- Haphsa Distant, 1905
- Hapithus Uhler, 1864
- Haplacarus Wallwork, 1962
- Haplamerus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Hapleginella
- Haplelmis Delève, 1964
- Haplephippium Speiser, 1913
- Hapleurytion Verhoeff, 1940
- Haplidoeme Chemsak and Linsley, 1965
- Haplidus LeConte, 1873
- Haplinis Simon, 1894
- Haploa Hübner, 1820
- Haplobelba Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Haplocampa Silvestri, 1912
- Haplochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Haplochernes Beier, 1932
- Haplochthonius Willmann, 1930
- Haploclastus Simon, 1892
- Haplocope G. O. Sars, 1882
- Haplocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1996
- Haplocyclodesmus Attems, 1940
- Haplocytheridea Stephenson, 1936
- Haplodelphax Kirkaldy, 1907
- Haploditha Caporiacco, 1951
- Haplodrassus Chamberlin, 1922
- Haploembia Verhoeff, 1904
- Haplofijia Bezzi, 1928
- Haplogarypinus Beier, 1959
- Haploglenius Burmeister, 1839
- Haploglossa Kraatz, 1856
- Haplohyphes Allen, 1966
- Haploisotoma Izarra, 1965
- Haplolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Haplomaro Miller, 1970
- Haplomesus Richardson, 1908
- Haplomunna Richardson, 1908
- Haplomyza
- Haploniscus Richardson, 1908
- Haplonotocoris Miller, 1940
- Haploops Liljeborg, 1855
- Haploperla Navás, 1934
- Haplophilus Cook, 1896
- Haplophthalmus Schoebl, 1861
- Haplopodia Huys and Böttger-Schnack, 1997
- Haplopogon
- Haploprocta Stål, 1872
- Haplopsecas Caporiacco, 1955
- Haplopus Burmeister, 1838
- Haplorhynchites Voss, 1924
- Haplosaccus Chatton and Harant, 1924
- Haploschendyla Verhoeff, 1900
- Haplosterna Westwood, 1837
- Haplostethops Casey, 1920
- Haplostoma Canu, 1886
- Haplostomella Chatton and Harant, 1924
- Haplostomides Chatton and Harant, 1924
- Haplostylus Kossmann, 1877
- Haplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Haplothyrus Lehtinen, 1995
- Haplotmarus Simon, 1909
- Haplusia
- Hapona Forster, 1970
- Happlodontus Poinar and Santiago-Blay, 1989
- Hapsidohedra G. Wilson, 1989
- Haptolana Bowman, 1966
- Haraldaria Jäch and Boukal, 1996
- Harbansus Kornicker, 1978
- Harcledo J. L. Barnard, 1964
- Hardametopa Barnard and Karaman, 1991
- Hardyadrama Lee, 1991
- Hardybodes Balogh, 1970
- Hargeinella Haitlinger, 1989
- Hargeria Lang, 1973
- Harina
- Harkeria Cameron, 1900
- Harlomillsia Bonet, 1944
- Harmalia Fennah, 1969
- Harmalianodes Asche, 1988
- Harmandia
- Harmatelia Walker, 1858
- Harmelinella Ledoyer, 1989
- Harmiella Brignoli, 1979
- Harmochirus Simon, 1885
- Harmonia Mulsant, 1850
- Harmonicon F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Harmostela Chamberlin, 1941
- Harmostes Burmeister, 1835
- Harmstonia
- Harnischia Kieffer, 1921
- Haroldiataenius Chalumeau, 1981
- Haroldiellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Harpactea Bristowe, 1939
- Harpacticella G. O. Sars, 1908
- Harpacticellus Verhoeff, 1941
- Harpacticus Milne Edwards, 1840
- Harpactira Ausserer, 1871
- Harpactirella Purcell, 1902
- Harpactocrates Simon, 1914
- Harpactor Laporte, 1833
- Harpactorella Wygodzinsky, 1946
- Harpactostigma Ashmead, 1899
- Harpactus Shuckard, 1837
- Harpagella Southcott, 1996
- Harpagochares Stål, 1859
- Harpagocoris Stål, 1853
- Harpagocythere Hobbs III, 1965
- Harpagonopus Loomis, 1960
- Harpagopyga
- Harpagoxenus Forel, 1893
- Harpalobrachys Tschitschérine, 1899
- Harpalus Latreille, 1802
- Harpaphe Cook, 1904
- Harpasus Mulsant, 1850
- Harpegnathos Jerdon, 1851
- Harperalpheus Felder & Anker, 2007
- Harpiliopsis Borradaile, 1917
- Harpilius Dana, 1852
- Harpinia Boeck, 1876
- Harpiniopsis Stephensen, 1925
- Harpirhynchus Mégnin, 1878
- Harpobittacus Gerstaecker, 1885
- Harpolithobius Verhoeff, 1904
- Harpotanais Wolff, 1956
- Harpypalpoides Lombert and Moss, 1983
- Harpypalpus Dubinin, 1957
- Harpyrhynchiella Fain, 1972
- Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972
- Harrieta Kensley, 1987
- Harrietella T. Scott, 1906
- Harrisimemna Grote, 1873
- Harrisocoris Miller, 1959
- Hartmanodes Bousfield and Chevrier, 1996
- Hartocythere Hobbs III, 1970
- Hartonymus Casey, 1914
- Harveyus Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Hasarina Schenkel, 1963
- Hasarinella Wesolowska, 2012
- Hasarius Simon, 1871
- Hastigerella Nicholls, 1935
- Haswellia Miers, 1884
- Hatchia Park and Wagner, 1962
- Hatchiana Fender, 1966
- Hatitia Brescovit, 1997
- Hatohylla Haitlinger, 1990
- Hatschekia Poche, 1902
- Hattena Domrow, 1963
- Hauserania Mahunka, 1972
- Hauseroplophora Mahunka, 1977
- Hauserozetes Mahunka, 1980
- Haustorioides Oldevig, 1958
- Haustorius Müller, 1775
- Havaika Prószynski, 2002
- Havinthus Stål, 1859
- Hawaianira M. A. Miller, 1967
- Hawaiieupodes Strandtmann and Goff, 1978
- Hawaiioscia Schultz, 1973
- Hawaiodillo Verhoeff, 1926
- Hawaiorchestia Bousfield, 1984
- Hawinella Bellinger & Christiansen, 1974
- Hayashidonus Chace, 1997
- Hayhurstia
- Haywardiales Haedo Rossi, 1965
- Haywardina Aczel, 1951
- Hazisia Weise, 1916
- Hea Distant, 1906
- Heardaxius Sakai, 2011
- Heaslipia Ewing, 1944
- Hebardacris Rehn, 1952
- Hebecnema
- Hebefustis Siebenaller & Hessler, 1977
- Hebestatis Simon, 1903
- Hebestola Haldeman, 1847
- Hebetingis Drake, 1960
- Hebichneutes Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Hebridochernes Beier, 1940
- Hebrometra Cobben, 1982
- Hebrovelia Lundblad, 1939
- Hebrus Curtis, 1831
- Hecajapyx Smith, 1959
- Hecamede
- Hecamedoides
- Hecatera Guenée, 1852
- Hedana L. Koch, 1874
- Hedgpethia Turpaeva, 1973
- Hedgpethius Child, 1974
- Hedickiana Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Hedinobius Verhoeff, 1934
- Hediocoris Reuter, 1882
- Hedobia Dejean, 1821
- Hedria
- Hedriodiscus Enderlein, 1914
- Hedwiga Roewer, 1931
- Hedyselmis Hinton, 1976
- Heegeria Reuter, 1881
- Hegesidemus Distant, 1911
- Heidemanniella Poppius, 1914
- Heidrunea Brescovit & Höfer, 1994
- Heilipus Germar, 1824
- Heinsenia Melichar, 1906
- Heissaptera Stys and Banar, 2006
- Heisshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Heissiella Péricart, 1984
- Heizmannia Ludlow, 1905
- Hekelus Barnard, 1932
- Helaeomyia
- Helava Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Helavadites Tishechkin, 2007
- Helcomeria Stål, 1873
- Helcomyza
- Helconichia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Helembius Chamberlin, 1918
- Helenactyna Benoit, 1977
- Helenasaldula Cobben, 1976
- Helenicula Audy, 1954
- Heleniella
- Helenoniscus Legrand, 1943
- Heleocoris Stål, 1876
- Heleodromia
- Heleomyza
- Heleonaucoris Popov, 1971
- Helesius Casey, 1899
- Helia Hübner, 1818
- Heliastus Saussure, 1884
- Heliaula Caudell, 1915
- Helichus Erichson, 1847
- Helicius Zabka, 1981
- Helicobia
- Helicoconis Enderlein, 1905
- Heliconius Kluk, 1780
- Helicopha Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Helicopsyche von Siebold, 1856
- Helicoverpa Hardwick, 1965
- Heligmomerus Simon, 1892
- Helina
- Heliocausus Kohl, 1892
- Heliocharis Selys, 1853
- Heliocheilus Grote, 1865
- Heliocis Arnett, 1951
- Heliocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Heliodorus Reinhard, 1964
- Heliolonche Grote, 1873
- Heliomata Grote and Robinson, 1866
- Heliopetes Billberg, 1820
- Heliophanillus Prószynski, 1989
- Heliophanoides Prószynski, 1992
- Heliophanus C. L. Koch, 1833
- Helioppia Balogh, 1983
- Heliopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Heliopyrgus Herrera, 1957
- Heliothis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Heliothodes Hampson, 1910
- Heliothrips Haliday, 1836
- Heliscus Zang, 1906
- Helius Lepeltier and Serville, 1828
- Helladerythraeus Beron, 1988
- Hellenamerus Mahunka, 1974
- Helleria Ebner, 1868
- Hellica Stål, 1867
- Hellicoides Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Helluomorphoides Ball, 1951
- Hellyethira Neboiss, 1977
- Helminthocharis Grouvelle, 1906
- Helminthopsis Grouvelle, 1906
- Helmutkunzia Wells and Rao, 1976
- Helobata Bergroth, 1888
- Helocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Helocephalocoris Miller, 1958
- Helochares Mulsant, 1844
- Helocombus Horn, 1890
- Helocordulia Needham, 1901
- Helomesus Wolff, 1962
- Helonotus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helophilus
- Helophora Menge, 1866
- Helophorus Fabricius, 1775
- Helopicus Ricker, 1952
- Helorus Latreille, 1802
- Helotrephes Stål, 1860
- Helotropha Lederer, 1857
- Heloxycanus Dugdale, 1994
- Helpis Simon, 1901
- Helsdingenia Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2003
- Helsonia Forster, 1970
- Helveciagrion Machado, 1980
- Helvetia Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Helvibis Keyserling, 1884
- Helvidia Thorell, 1890
- Hemaris Dalman, 1816
- Hemerobiella Kimmins, 1940
- Hemerobius Linnaeus, 1758
- Hemeroblemma Hübner, 1818
- Hemerodromia
- Hemeromyia
- Hemeroplanis Hübner, 1818
- Hemerotrecha Banks, 1903
- Hemiacanthomysis Fukuoka and Murano, 2002
- Hemiaegina Mayer, 1890
- Hemianaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Hemiargus Hübner, 1818
- Hemiarthrus Giard and Bonnier, 1887
- Hemiberlesia Leonardi, 1897
- Hemibidessus Zimmermann, 1921
- Hemiblablera Saussure, 1893
- Hemiblossia Kraepelin, 1899
- Hemiblossiola Roewer, 1933
- Hemibryomima Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Hemibuthus Pocock, 1900
- Hemicampa Silvestri, 1911
- Hemiceras Guenée, 1852
- Hemicervinia Lang, 1935
- Hemichela Stock, 1954
- Hemichoma Enderlein, 1920
- Hemichroa Stephens, 1835
- Hemicletodes Lang, 1936
- Hemicloea Thorell, 1870
- Hemicloeina Simon, 1893
- Hemiclusiosoma Hardy, 1986
- Hemicoelus LeConte, 1861
- Hemicolonides Reichensperger, 1939
- Hemicordus Kleine, 1922
- Hemicyclops Boeck, 1872
- Hemicypris Sars, 1903
- Hemicythere Sars, 1925
- Hemicytherideis Ruggieri, 1952
- Hemicytherura Elofson, 1941
- Hemidictya Burmeister, 1835
- Hemidula Burmeister, 1874
- Hemierana Aurivillius, 1923
- Hemieuxoa McDunnough, 1929
- Hemiglyptus Horn, 1889
- Hemigrapsus Dana, 1851
- Hemigrotella Barnes and McDunnough, 1918
- Hemihaematorrhophus Murugan and Livingstone, 1995
- Hemikalliapseudes Lang, 1956
- Hemilamprops Sars, 1883
- Hemilaophonte Jakubisiak, 1932
- Hemilea Loew, 1862
- Hemileius Berlese, 1916
- Hemilepistoides Borutzkii, 1945
- Hemilepistus Budde-Lund, 1885
- Hemileptocerus Ulmer, 1922
- Hemileuca Walker, 1855
- Hemileucon Calman, 1907
- Hemilobophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Hemilychas Hirst, 1911
- Hemimesochra G. O. Sars, 1920
- Hemimorina McDunnough, 1941
- Hemimysis Sars, 1869
- Heminocloa Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Heminothrus Berlese, 1913
- Hemioniscus Buchholz, 1866
- Hemiorychodes Kleine, 1921
- Hemioslaria Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Hemiosus Sharp, 1882
- Hemipachnobia McDunnough, 1929
- Hemipauropus Silvestri, 1902
- Hemipenaeus Spence Bate, 1881
- Hemipenthes
- Hemipeplus Latreille, 1825
- Hemipharus Weise, 1897
- Hemiphileurus Kolbe, 1910
- Hemiphrynus Horn, 1889
- Hemiphryxus Bruce, 1978
- Hemipodistra Ganglbauer, 1922
- Hemiproto McCain, 1968
- Hemipsalis Sharp, 1895
- Hemipsocus Selys-Longchamps, 1872
- Hemirhabdus Wolfenden, 1911
- Hemirhiza Michener, 1965
- Hemiristina Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Hemirrhagus Simon, 1903
- Hemisamblus Kleine, 1925
- Hemisaprinus Kryzhanovskij in Kryzhanovskij and Reichardt, 1976
- Hemisarcoptes Lignières, 1893
- Hemisastrapada Livingstone and Ravichandran, 1989
- Hemischizocranium
- Hemisciera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hemiscolopendra Kraepelin, 1903
- Hemiscorpius Peters, 1861
- Hemisiriella Hansen, 1910
- Hemisolinus Beier, 1977
- Hemisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Hemisphaerodella Reuter, 1908
- Hemisphaeroma Hansen, 1905B
- Hemisphaerota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Hemisquilla Hansen, 1895
- Hemisturmia Townsend, 1927
- Hemiteles Gravenhorst, 1829
- Hemithea Duponchel, 1829
- Hemityphis Claus, 1879
- Hemnypia McDunnough, 1941
- Hemus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875
- Hemyda Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Henarrhodes Heller, 1913
- Hendea Roewer, 1931
- Hendecacentrus Bergroth, 1919
- Hendeola Forster, 1954
- Hendersonida Cabezas & Macpherson, 2014
- Hendrella Munro, 1938
- Hengconarius Zhao & S. Q. Li, 2018
- Henia C. L. Koch, 1847
- Heniartes Spinola, 1840
- Henicocephaloides Villiers, 1962
- Henicocorinus Stys, 1988
- Henicocoris Woodward, 1968
- Henicomus Loomis, 1941
- Henicomyia
- Henicops Newport, 1844
- Henicopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Henicotettix Stål, 1858
- Henicoxiphium Illg and Humes, 1971
- Heniochophilus Yamaguti and Yamasu, 1959
- Heniorya Cook, 1896
- Henorychodes Kleine, 1921
- Henosepilachna Li, 1961
- Henoticus Thomson, 1868
- Henotiderus Reitter, 1877
- Henria
- Henricohahnia Breddin, 1900
- Henriksenia Lehtinen, 2005
- Henrikus Drake, 1955
- Henryhowella Puri, 1957
- Henrylygus Schwartz in Schwartz and Foottit, 1998
- Henschiella Horváth, 1888
- Hentzia Marx, 1883
- Hentziectypus Archer, 1946
- Heoclisis Navás, 1923
- Hepatus Latreille, 1802
- Hephebocerus Schoenherr, 1840
- Hepialiscus Hampson, 1893
- Hepialus Fabricius, 1775
- Hepialyxodes Viette, 1951
- Hepomadus Spence Bate, 1881
- Heptacarpus Holmes, 1900
- Heptacarus Piffl, 1963
- Heptachispa Uhmann, 1953
- Heptaenida Perkins, 1997
- Heptagenia Walsh, 1863
- Heptalobus Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1930
- Heptanthura Kensley, 1978
- Heptascelio Kieffer, 1916
- Heptathela Kishida, 1923
- Heptatomispa Uhmann, 1940
- Heptispa Weise, 1906
- Heptium Loomis, 1937
- Heptonema Poulsen, 1965
- Heptozus Lindner, 1949
- Heradida Simon, 1893
- Heradion Dankittipakul & Jocqué, 2004
- Heraeus Stål, 1862
- Heratemita Strand, 1932
- Heratythrips Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Herbalima Emeljanov, 1972
- Herbertorossia Ulmer, 1957
- Herbessus Simon, 1903
- Herbiphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Herbstia H. Milne-Edwards, 1834
- Hercinothrips Bagnall, 1932
- Hercostomus
- Herdmaniopsis Brodsky, 1963
- Heremusina Ewart, 2018
- Herennia Thorell, 1877
- Heriades Spinola, 1808
- Heriadopsis Cockerell, 1931
- Heriaesynaema Caporiacco, 1939
- Heriaeus Simon, 1875
- Hericia Canestrini, 1888
- Heringia
- Heringina Aczel, 1940
- Heringomyia Hardy, 1968
- Herissa Spaeth, 1909
- Hermacha Simon, 1889
- Hermachura Mello-Leitao, 1923
- Hermanella Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Hermanellopsis Demoulin, 1955
- Hermanites Puri, 1955
- Hermanlentia Jurberg and Galvão, 1997
- Hermannia Nicolet, 1855
- Hermanniella Berlese, 1908
- Hermannobates Hammer, 1961
- Hermatobates Carpenter, 1892
- Hermetia Latreille, 1804
- Hermetiomima Grunberg, 1915
- Hermeuptychia Forster, 1964
- Hermilloides Schouteden, 1931
- Hermillus Stål, 1874
- Herminella Spaeth, 1913
- Herminocala Hampson, 1913
- Hermionella Pleske, 1925
- Hermippus Simon, 1893
- Hermosa Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Hermotimus Simon, 1903
- Herniosina
- Heroldia Verhoeff, 1926
- Herpetacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Herpetocypris Brady and Norman, 1889
- Herpyllobius Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861
- Herpyllus Hentz, 1832
- Herrera Distant, 1905
- Herreshoffia Sperry, 1949
- Herrmannella Canu, 1891
- Hersilia Audouin, 1826
- Hersiliola Thorell, 1870
- Herthania Klausnitzer, 2006
- Heser Tuneva, 2004
- Hesperagrion Calvert, 1902
- Hesperandra Arigony, 1977
- Hesperanoplium Linsley, 1957
- Hesperapis Cockerell, 1898
- Hesperempis
- Hesperentomon Price, 1960
- Hesperia Fabricius, 1793
- Hesperibalanus Pilsbry, 1916
- Hesperobaenus LeConte, 1861
- Hesperobaris Casey, 1892
- Hesperoboreus Penny, 1977
- Hesperochernes J. C. Chamberlin, 1924
- Hesperochthonius Muchmore, 1968
- Hesperocimex List, 1925
- Hesperocolletes Michener, 1965
- Hesperoconopa Alexander, 1948
- Hesperocorixa Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hesperocosa Gertsch & Wallace, 1937
- Hesperocranum Ubick & Platnick, 1991
- Hesperoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hesperodes
- Hesperodiaptomus Light, 1938
- Hesperodromus Schmidt, 1889
- Hesperolabops Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hesperolpium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Hesperomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Hesperonemastoma Gruber, 1970
- Hesperoperla Banks, 1938
- Hesperophanes Dejean, 1835
- Hesperophylax Banks, 1916
- Hesperophylum Reuter and Poppius, 1912
- Hesperopsis Dyar, 1905
- Hesperorhipis Fall, 1930
- Hesperotettix Scudder, 1875
- Hesperotingis Parshley, 1917
- Hesperotychus Schuster and Marsh, 1958
- Hesperumia Packard, 1873
- Hessebius Verhoeff, 1941
- Hestimodema Simon, 1909
- Hesydrus Simon, 1898
- Hetaerica Rainbow, 1916
- Hetaerina Hagen in Selys, 1853
- Hetaeriobius Reichensperger, 1925
- Hetaeriodes Schmidt, 1893
- Hetaeriomorphus Schmidt, 1893
- Hetaeroceocephalus Kleine, 1921
- Heteracanthia Macquart, 1850
- Heterachthes Newman, 1840
- Heteractaea Lockington, 1877
- Heteradaeum Lawrence, 1963
- Heteragrion Selys, 1862
- Heteralepas Pilsbry, 1907
- Heteramphus Sharp, 1885
- Heteranassa Smith, 1899
- Heterelmis Sharp, 1882
- Heterhelus DuVal, 1858
- Heterhydrus Fairmaire, 1869
- Heterias Richardson, 1904
- Heteribalia Sakagami, 1949
- Heterispa Chapuis, 1875
- Heterlimnius Hinton, 1935
- Hetermalla
- Heteroaxianassa Sakai, 2016
- Heterobabrius Roewer, 1915
- Heterobates Bianchi, 1896
- Heterobelba Berlese, 1913
- Heteroblysmia Kleine, 1917
- Heterobostrychus Lesne, 1899
- Heterobrenthus Sharp, 1895
- Heterocampa Doubleday, 1841
- Heterocaria Timberlake, 1943
- Heterocarpus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881
- Heterocepon Shiino, 1936A
- Heterocerus Fabricius, 1792
- Heterocheila
- Heterochemmis F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900
- Heterochernes Beier, 1966
- Heterochondria Yu, 1935
- Heterochorema Schmid, 1989
- Heterochthonius Berlese, 1910
- Heterocladius Deets and Ho, 1988
- Heterocleptes Villiers, 1948
- Heterocloeon McDunnough, 1925
- Heteroconis Enderlein, 1905
- Heterocontarinia Hardy, 1960
- Heterocope G. O. Sars, 1862
- Heterocoptes Fain, 1967
- Heterocordylus Fieber, 1858
- Heterocorideus Schouteden, 1952
- Heterocorixa White, 1879
- Heterocrypta Stimpson, 1871
- Heteroctenus Pocock, 1893
- Heterocubazomus Teruel, 2007
- Heterocuma Miers, 1879
- Heterocyprideis Elofson, 1941
- Heterocypris Claus, 1893
- Heterodiomus Brèthes, 1924
- Heteroecus Kinsey, 1922
- Heteroerythrops O. Tattersall, 1955
- Heterofragilia Hedgpeth, 1943
- Heterogalumna Balogh, 1960
- Heterogamasus Trägårdh, 1907
- Heterogaster Schilling, 1829
- Heterogenys Chace, 1986
- Heterognatha Nicolet, 1849
- Heterogriffus Platnick, 1976
- Heterogyna Nagy, 1969
- Heterogyrus Legros, 1953
- Heterohesma Michener, 1965
- Heterohorus Tooren, 2011
- Heterolacurbs Roewer, 1912
- Heterolaophonte Lang, 1948
- Heteroleius Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Heteroleucon Calman, 1907
- Heterolinyphia Wunderlich, 1973
- Heterolophus Tömösváry, 1884
- Heterolpium Sivaraman, 1980
- Heteromeringia
- Heteromesus Richardson, 1908
- Heterometrus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Heteromigas Hogg, 1902
- Heteromurus Wankel, 1860
- Heteromydas
- Heteromyia Say, 1825
- Heteromysis S. I. Smith, 1873
- Heteromysoides Bacescu, 1968
- Heteromyza
- Heteronebo Pocock, 1899
- Heteroneda Crotch, 1871
- Heteronida Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1996
- Heteronika Hendrickx, 2019
- Heteronucia Alcock, 1896
- Heteronuncia Roewer, 1920
- Heteronychocassis Spaeth, 1915
- Heteronymphon Gordon, 1932
- Heteroonops Dalmas, 1916
- Heteropenaeus De Man, 1896
- Heteropente Loomis, 1933
- Heteropeza
- Heteropezina
- Heterophleps Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
- Heterophlias Shoemaker, 1933
- Heterophotinus E. Olivier, 1894
- Heterophoxus Shoemaker, 1925
- Heterophrictus Pocock, 1900
- Heterophrynus Pocock, 1894
- Heterophryxus G. O. Sars, 1885
- Heteropinus Breddin, 1903
- Heteroplea Cook, 2011
- Heteroplectron McLachlan, 1871
- Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
- Heteropodagrion Selys, 1885
- Heteropogon
- Heteropolyonyx Osawa, 2001
- Heteroponera Mayr, 1887
- Heteroporcellana Haig, 1978
- Heteroppia Balogh, 1970
- Heterops Blanchard, 1842
- Heteropsaltria Jacobi, 1902
- Heteropsephenoides Jeng and Jäch, 2003
- Heteropsoa Lesne, 1895
- Heteropsontus Mendes, 1990
- Heteropsylla
- Heteropsyllus T. Scott, 1894
- Heteropterna
- Heteroptilus G. O. Sars, 1920
- Heteroptychus Baba, 2018
- Heterorhabdus Giesbrecht, 1898
- Heterorrhynchus Calabresi, 1921
- Heterosaccus Smith, 1906
- Heteroscelis Latreille, 1829
- Heteroschizomus Rowland, 1973
- Heteroscodra Pocock, 1900
- Heteroscorpion Birula, 1903
- Heteroscotolemon Roewer, 1912
- Heteroserolis Nordenstam, 1933
- Heterosignum Gamo, 1976
- Heterosilpha Portevin, 1926
- Heterosminthurus Stach, 1955
- Heterosquilla Manning, 1963
- Heterosquilloides Manning, 1966
- Heterosternuta Strand, 1935
- Heterostomus
- Heterostylites G. O. Sars, 1920
- Heterostylodes
- Heterostylum
- Heterota Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Heterotanais G. O. Sars, 1882
- Heterotanoides Sieg, 1978
- Heterotanytarsus
- Heterotectum Feider, 1983
- Heterotermes Froggatt, 1896
- Heterothele Karsch, 1879
- Heterotheridion Wunderlich, 2008
- Heterothesis Kleine, 1914
- Heterothrips Hood, 1908
- Heterotoma Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Heterotrephes Esaki and Miyamoto, 1959
- Heterotrichoncus Wunderlich, 1970
- Heterotrigona Schwarz, 1939
- Heterotrissocladius Sparck
- Heterozetes Willmann, 1917
- Heterrhachispa Gressitt, 1957
- Heterusia Hübner, 1831
- Heteryon Sharp, 1882
- Hethemia Ferguson, 1969
- Hetschkia Keyserling, 1886
- Hetschkomyia Hendel, 1914
- Heudister Cooman, 1940
- Heurodes Keyserling, 1886
- Hevaheva Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hewittia Lessert, 1928
- Hewlettia Smeds in Cole et al., 2023
- Hexabathynella Schminke, 1972
- Hexablemma Berland, 1920
- Hexachaeta Loew, 1873
- Hexachaetoniella Paschoal, 1987
- Hexachernes Beier, 1953
- Hexacinia Hendel, 1914
- Hexacola Förster, 1869
- Hexacraspis Enderlein, 1914
- Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940
- Hexadesmus Loomis, 1933
- Hexagenia Walsh, 1863
- Hexamela Zia, 1963
- Hexamerocerus Reuter, 1881
- Hexamitocera Becker, 1894
- Hexamunida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Hexanchorus Sharp, 1882
- Hexanoetus Fain and Philips, 1979
- Hexapanopeus Rathbun, 1898
- Hexapleomera Dudich, 1931
- Hexaptilona Hering, 1941
- Hexaresta Hering, 1941
- Hexarthrum Wollaston, 1860
- Hexathele Ausserer, 1871
- Hexatoma Latreille, 1809
- Hexelasma Hoek, 1913
- Hexepeolus Linsley & Michener, 1937
- Hexidionis Vercammen-Grandjean and Loomis, 1967
- Hexisopus Karsch, 1879
- Hexommulocymus Caporiacco, 1955
- Hexomyza
- Hexoppia Balogh, 1958
- Hexorthodes McDunnough, 1943
- Hexura Simon, 1884
- Hexurella Gertsch & Platnick, 1979
- Heydeniella Richters, 1907
- Heydonhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Heza Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hiallelgon Paulian de Felice, 1945
- Hiallides Richardson, 1909
- Hiallum Budde-Lund, 1899
- Hiarchas Distant, 1910
- Hiatomyia
- Hiatoniscus Barnard, 1932
- Hiatus
- Hibana Brescovit, 1991
- Hiboka Fage, 1922
- Hicanodon Tullgren, 1901
- Hickmanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Hickmanella Austin, 1981
- Hickmania Gertsch, 1958
- Hickmanolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Hickmanoxyomma Hunt, 1990
- Hierronius Endrödy-Younga, 1968
- Higginsius Hemming, 1964
- Higonius Lewis, 1883
- Hikonasukuna Sasaji, 1967
- Hilaira Simon, 1884
- Hilaphura Webb, 1979
- Hilara
- Hilarella
- Hilarimorpha
- Hilarocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Hilipinus Champion, 1902
- Hillia Grote, 1883
- Hiltonius Chamberlin, 1918
- Himacerus Wolff, 1811
- Himalaphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Himalayotityobuthus Lourenço, 1997
- Himalcoelotes Wang, 2002
- Himalmartensus Wang & Zhu, 2008
- Himalopsyche Banks, 1940
- Himantariella Chalande and Ribaut, 1909
- Himantarium C. L. Koch, 1847
- Himantigera James, 1982
- Himantochaeta Lindner, 1939
- Himantosoma Pocock, 1891
- Himatium Wollaston, 1873
- Himatolabus Jekel, 1860
- Himella Dallas, 1852
- Himella Grote, 1874
- Himellastella Brailovsky and Barrera, 1998
- Himeunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hinda Mulsant, 1850
- Hindophelister Mazur, 1975
- Hindsiothrips Stannard, 1958
- Hindumanes Logunov, 2004
- Hineomyia Townsend, 1916
- Hinewaia Zabka & Pollard, 2002
- Hingstepeira Levi, 1995
- Hingstoniola Turner and Waterston, 1926
- Hiniphis Lee, 1970
- Hinomotentomon Imadaté, 1974
- Hintonelmis Spangler, 1966
- Hinzuanius Karsch, 1880
- Hippa Fabricius, 1787
- Hippacanthomysis Murano and Chess, 1987
- Hippasa Simon, 1885
- Hippasella Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Hippelates
- Hippeutister Reichensperger, 1935
- Hippia Moeschler, 1878
- Hippiscus Saussure, 1861
- Hippobosca
- Hippocoon Kozlov, 1975
- Hippodamia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Hippolyte Leach, 1814
- Hippomedon Boeck, 1871
- Hippomelas Laporte and Gory, 1837
- Hippopedon Saussure, 1861
- Hippopsis Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Latreille, 1825
- Hippotion Hübner, 1819
- Hippuriphila Foudras in Mulsant, 1859
- Hiranetis Spinola, 1840
- Hirilcus Stål, 1862
- Hirmoneura
- Hirondellea Chevreux, 1889
- Hirozuunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hirriusa Strand, 1932
- Hirstienus Roewer, 1949
- Hirstiosoma Womersley, 1934
- Hirsutiella Schluger and Vysotzkaja, 1970
- Hirsutotriplax Skelley, 1993
- Hirtiteleas Risbec, 1956
- Hispa Linnaeus, 1767
- Hispaniolara Brown, 1981
- Hispanocader Golub, Popov and Arillo, 2012
- Hispanognatha Bryant, 1945
- Hispanozetes Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2012
- Hispellinus Weise, 1897
- Hispiniphus Moraza and Lindquist, 2015
- Hispo Simon, 1886
- Hispodes Marshall, 1955
- Hispodonta Baly, 1858
- Hispoleptis Baly, 1864
- Histagonia Simon, 1895
- Hister Linnaeus, 1758
- Histeromerus Wesmael, 1838
- Histiodroma Schiner, 1868
- Histiostoma Kramer, 1876
- Histopona Thorell, 1869
- Historis Hübner, 1819
- Hisukattus Galiano, 1987
- Hitobia Kamura, 1992
- Hoangus Ukrainsky, 2006
- Hobbseus Fitzpatrick and Payne, 1968
- Hobbsiella Danielpol and Hart, 1985
- Hoberlandtia Villiers, 1950
- Hoberlandtiana Kormilev and van Doesburg, 1986
- Hoctunus Mulaik, 1960
- Hodeidania Roewer, 1933
- Hodgesia Theobald, 1904
- Hodometrica Miller, 1940
- Hodophylax
- Hoedillus Simon, 1898
- Hoffeinsia Koteja, 2008
- Hofferia Tkalcu, 1984
- Hoffhorus Heurtault, 1976
- Hoffmannihadrurus Fet and Soleglad, 2004
- Hoffmannilena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2016
- Hoffmannina Brennan and Jones, 1959
- Hoffmannita Pelaez, 1962
- Hoffmannocoris China, 1940
- Hoggicosa Roewer, 1960
- Hogna Simon, 1885
- Hognoides Roewer, 1960
- Hogsbackia Ermilov, Hugo-Coetzee & Behan-Pelletier, 2021
- Hohonus Kissinger, 1964
- Hoia G. V. Avdeev and Kazachenko, 1986
- Holarchaea Forster, 1955
- Holarctia M. E. Smith, 1938
- Holaspina Berlese, 1916
- Holaspulus Berlese, 1904
- Holasteron Baehr, 2004
- Holcelmis Hinton, 1973
- Holcobius Sharp, 1881
- Holcocephala
- Holcocranum Fieber, 1860
- Holcolaetis Simon, 1886
- Holconia Thorell, 1877
- Holcopasites Ashmead, 1899
- Holcopsis
- Holcorhopalum Cameron, 1904
- Holcostethus Fieber, 1860
- Holhymenia Le Peletier and Serville, 1825
- Holidotea Barnard, 1920
- Holisomimus Cameron, 1920
- Holissus Simon, 1882
- Holistophallus Silvestri, 1909
- Holitys Cook, 1899
- Holjapyx Silvestri, 1948
- Holma Locket, 1974
- Holmelgonia Jocqué & Scharff, 2007
- Holmesiella Ortmann, 1908
- Holmesimysis Holmquist, 1979
- Holminaria Eskov, 1991
- Holoarctia Ferguson, 1984
- Holobomolochus Vervoort, 1969
- Holobrenthus Kleine, 1923
- Holobus Solier, 1849
- Holocentropus McLachlan, 1878
- Holochlora Stål, 1873
- Holochroa Hulst, 1896
- Holocneminus Berland, 1942
- Holocnemus Simon, 1873
- Holocnomus Quilis, 1940
- Holocoeliella Huggert, 1976
- Holocompsa Burmeister, 1838
- Holocorynus
- Holognathus G. Thomson, 1904
- Hologymnetis Martínez, 1949
- Hololena Chamberlin & Gertsch, 1929
- Hololepta Paykull, 1811
- Hololohmannia Kubota & Aoki, 1998
- Holomamoea Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Holoneurus
- Holonothrus Wallwork, 1963
- Holonuncia Forster, 1955
- Holoparamecus Curtis, 1833
- Holopedium Zaddach, 1855
- Holopelus Simon, 1886
- Holophleps Kozlov, 1966
- Holophryxus H. Richardson, 1905
- Holophygdon Kirkaldy, 1908
- Holoplagia Enderlein
- Holoplatys Simon, 1885
- Holopleura LeConte, 1873
- Holopogon
- Holopothrips Hood, 1914
- Holopsis Broun, 1883
- Holoptiloides Miller, 1956
- Holoptilus Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Holorusia
- Holoscotolemon Roewer, 1915
- Holostrophus Horn, 1888
- Holotachysphex de Beaumont, 1940
- Holoteleia Kieffer, 1908
- Holotelson Richardson, 1909
- Holothele Karsch, 1879
- Holothrips Karny, 1911
- Holothyrus Gervais, 1842
- Holotrichius Burmeister, 1835
- Holotrochus Erichson, 1839
- Holsingerius Karaman and Barnard, 1982
- Holthuisaeus Anker & De Grave, 2010
- Holthuispenaeopsis Sakai & Shinomiya, 2011
- Holubicula Daniel and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1985
- Holzezus Krivokhatsky, 1992
- Holzfussella Schmidt, 1926
- Homaemus Dallas, 1851
- Homalactia Townsend, 1915
- Homalaena Ordish, 1984
- Homalarthria Lindner, 1933
- Homalattus White, 1841
- Homaledra Busck, 1900
- Homalispa Baly, 1858
- Homalocephala
- Homaloceraphron Dessart & Masner, 1969
- Homalocerus Schönherr, 1839
- Homalocolpura Breddin, 1900
- Homalocoris Perty, 1833
- Homalodisca Stål, 1869
- Homalodromia Miers, 1884
- Homalometa Simon, 1897
- Homalonychus Marx, 1891
- Homalopterus Perty, 1832
- Homalopygus Boheman, 1858
- Homalosolus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Homalosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Homalota Mannerheim, 1831
- Homaluroides
- Homarinus Kornfield, Williams and Steneck, 1995
- Homarus Weber, 1795
- Homeognathia Huys and Böttger-Schnack, 1997
- Homeoura Kennedy, 1920
- Homeryon Galil, 2000
- Homia Blackwelder, 1952
- Homilia McLachlan, 1877
- Homoanarta Barnes and Benjamin, 1923
- Homobremia
- Homocaligus Berlese, 1910
- Homocerynea Barnes and McDunnough, 1913
- Homochlodes Hulst, 1896
- Homocyclops S. A. Forbes, 1897
- Homoeocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Homoeolabus Jekel, 1860
- Homoeomma Ausserer, 1871
- Homoeoneuria Eaton, 1881
- Homoeotarsus Gemminger and Harold, 1868
- Homoeothele Simon, 1908
- Homoeothrix Hering, 1944
- Homoeotricha Hering, 1944
- Homoglaea Morrison, 1876
- Homognetus Bergroth, 1923
- Homoiosternus Ohaus, 1901
- Homoiothemara Hardy, 1988
- Homola Leach, 1815
- Homolagoa Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Homoleptohyphes Allen and Murvosh, 1987
- Homolodromia A. Milne-Edwards, 1880
- Homologenus A. Milne-Edwards, 1888
- Homoneura
- Homophoberia Morrison, 1875
- Homophylax Banks, 1900
- Homophylus Kleine, 1920
- Homoplectra Ross, 1938
- Homorosoma Frivaldszky, 1894
- Homorthodes McDunnough, 1943
- Homostola Simon, 1892
- Homosura Melichar, 1912
- Homothraulus Demoulin, 1955
- Homotrigona Moure, 1961
- Hondoniscus Vandel, 1968
- Hong Slipinski, 2007
- Hongkongia Song & Zhu, 1998
- Hongophila Ashe, 1992
- Honiarrea Haitlinger, 1990
- Hoodothrips Bondar, 1931
- Hooperella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967
- Hoperius Fall, 1927
- Hoplammophila de Beaumont, 1960
- Hoplandria Kraatz, 1857
- Hoplandromyia Bezzi, 1923
- Hoplandrothrips Hood, 1912
- Hoplia Illiger, 1803
- Hoplinus Stål, 1874
- Hopliphora Lepeletier, 1841
- Hoplisoides Gribodo, 1884
- Hoplistes Macquart, 1834
- Hoplistopsis James, 1950
- Hoplistoscelis Reuter, 1890
- Hopliterrhynchus Senna, 1892
- Hoplitimyia James, 1934
- Hoplitis Klug, 1807
- Hoplitocoris Jeannel, 1942
- Hoplocampa Hartig, 1837
- Hoplocheiloma
- Hoplocheylus Atyeo and Baker, 1964
- Hoplocyrtoma
- Hoplodictya
- Hoplolaophonte Hamond, 1973
- Hoplolathys Caporiacco, 1947
- Hoplolomia Stål, 1873
- Hoplolythrodes Poole, 1995
- Hoplomachidea Reuter, 1909
- Hoplomachus Fieber, 1858
- Hoplomargasus Horváth, 1914
- Hoplonannus McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Hoplopheonoides Shoemaker, 1956
- Hoplopholcus Kulczynski, 1908
- Hoplophorella Berlese, 1923
- Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, 1933
- Hoplopisthius Senna, 1892
- Hoplopium Bergroth, 1910
- Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904
- Hoplopsyllus
- Hoploseius Berlese, 1914
- Hoplosphyrum Rehn and Hebard, 1912
- Hoplostelis Dominique, 1898
- Hoplotermes Light, 1933
- Hoplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hora Barnard, 1932
- Horadion Endrödy-Younga, 1976
- Horama Hübner, 1819
- Horcinia Stål, 1874
- Horcoma Fennah, 1969
- Horcomana Asche, 1988
- Horcotes Crosby & Bishop, 1933
- Horelophopsis Hansen, 1997
- Horelophus Orchymont, 1913
- Horesidotes Scudder, 1899
- Horisme Hübner, 1825
- Horistonotus
- Hormambogaster Karsch, 1892
- Hormiitis van Achterberg, 1995
- Hormiopius Blanchard, 1962
- Hormiops Fage, 1933
- Hormisca Telenga, 1941
- Hormius Nees von Esenbeck, 1819
- Hormocerus Schoenherr, 1823
- Hormopeza
- Hormops LeConte, 1876
- Hormorus Horn, 1876
- Hormoschista Möschler, 1890
- Hormosianoetus Fain, 1980
- Hormurus Thorell, 1876
- Hornaltica Barber, 1941
- Hornectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Hornellia Walker, 1904
- Hornia Riley, 1877
- Hornietus Stebnicka, 2000
- Horniolus Weise, 1900
- Hornylia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Horologion Valentine, 1932
- Horonia Chamberlin, 1966
- Horreolanus Mitchell, 1955
- Horribates Muma, 1962
- Hortipes Bosselaers & Ledoux, 1998
- Horus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Horvathianella Anufriev, 1980
- Horvathinia Montandon, 1911
- Hoshihananomia Kôno, 1935
- Hostis Cresson
- Hostus Simon, 1898
- Hottentotta Birula, 1908
- Houghia Coquillett, 1897
- Hourstonius P. M. Hoover and Bousfield, 2001
- Houshenzinus Tanasevitch, 2006
- Hovacassis Spaeth, 1952
- Hovacoris Villiers, 1964
- Hovahydrus Biström, 1982
- Hovana Distant, 1905
- Hovanoceros Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanysson Arnold, 1945
- Hovanyx Lawrence, 1960
- Hovasius Senna, 1895
- Hovatlas Schouteden, 1957
- Hovaulis Sicard, 1909
- Hovops Benoit, 1968
- Howardia Berlese and Leonardi, 1896
- Howdenia Wittmer, 1976
- Howeius Mantilleri, 2011
- Hsiaotycoris Lü, Zhao and Cai, 2006
- Hsuia Ferris, 1950
- Huabangsha Wen, Yu and Yang, 1980
- Huaca Clark, 1993
- Huacrabro Leclercq, 2000
- Huangyuania Song & Li, 1990
- Huara Forster, 1964
- Huashanentulus Yin, 1980
- Huavea Pate, 1948
- Hubbardia Cook, 1899
- Hubbellia Hebard, 1927
- Hubenthalia Bickhardt, 1918
- Huberia Forel, 1890
- Hubertella Platnick, 1989
- Hubneria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1848
- Huckettia Vockeroth, 1995
- Huddlestonium Polaszek & Johnson, 2007
- Hudsonema Mosely, 1936
- Hudsonimyia
- Huebneriella C. Mielke & Grehan, 2019
- Huechys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Huenia De Haan, 1839
- Hughleechia Perkins, 1981
- Hughscottiella Ulmer, 1910
- Huhentomon Yin, 1977
- Huilicheremaeus Fernández, Marcangeli & Eguaras, 1997
- Huitfeldtia Thor, 1898
- Huka Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Huleechius Brown, 1981
- Hulstaertiella Schouteden, 1931
- Hulstina Dyar, 1903
- Hulua Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Humerobates Sellnick, 1928
- Hummeliella Forsslund, 1936
- Hummelinckiolus Silhavý, 1979
- Humpatanannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Humua Ono, 1987
- Hungarobelba Balogh, 1943
- Hungarogryon Szabó, 1966
- Huntemannia Poppe, 1884
- Huntia Gray & Thompson, 2001
- Huntiglennia Zabka & Gray, 2004
- Huntonia Vandel, 1973
- Hurdchila Drake, 1953
- Hurius Simon, 1901
- Huronopus OConnor and Houck, 1989
- Husseyella Herring, 1955
- Hutchinsoniella Sanders, 1955
- Huttonia O. P.-Cambridge, 1879
- Huxelhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Hya J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Hyadesia Mégnin, 1891
- Hyadina
- Hyaenosa Caporiacco, 1940
- Hyale Rathke, 1837
- Hyalella S. I. Smith, 1874
- Hyalessa China, 1925
- Hyaliodes Reuter, 1876
- Hyalochiton Horváth, 1905
- Hyalochloria Reuter, 1907
- Hyalococcus Borchsenius, 1950
- Hyaloctoides Munro, 1937
- Hyalomma Koch, 1844
- Hyalopeplus Stål, 1870
- Hyalopeza Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Hyalophora Duncan, 1841
- Hyalopontius Sars, 1909
- Hyalopsallus Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Hyalopsocus Roesler, 1954
- Hyalopsyche Ulmer, 1904
- Hyalopsychella Ulmer, 1930
- Hyalotephritis Freidberg, 1979
- Hyalurgus Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Hyalymenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hyantia Stål, 1866
- Hyarinus J. C. Chamberlin, 1925
- Hyas Leach, 1814
- Hyastenus White, 1847
- Hyattolaspina Datta and Bhattacharjee, 1991
- Hybauchenidium Holm, 1973
- Hybocestus Hoffman, 1959
- Hybocoptus Simon, 1884
- Hybodera LeConte, 1873
- Hybodillo Herold, 1931
- Hybolasioptera
- Hybomatocoris Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Hybomitra
- Hybopharsa Hurd, 1946
- Hybophthirus Enderlein, 1909
- Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1873
- Hybos
- Hybosa Duponchel, 1842
- Hybosida Simon, 1898
- Hybosinota Spaeth, 1909
- Hybosispa Weise, 1910
- Hybosorus MacLeay, 1819
- Hybothecus Chaudoir, 1874
- Hyctiota Strand, 1911
- Hydara Dallas, 1852
- Hydarella Bergroth, 1925
- Hydarellamixia Brailovsky, 1988
- Hydaropsis Hsiao, 1965
- Hydascelis Brailovsky, 2010
- Hydaspoides Janisova and Bocakova, 2013
- Hydaticus Leach, 1817
- Hydatomanicus Ulmer, 1951
- Hydatophylax Wallengren, 1891
- Hydatopsyche Ulmer, 1926
- Hydatostega
- Hyderodes Hope, 1838
- Hydnobius Schmidt, 1841
- Hydnorobius Kuschel, 1959
- Hydora Broun, 1882
- Hydrachna O. F. Müller, 1776
- Hydraecia Guenée, 1841
- Hydraena Kugelann, 1794
- Hydraenida Germain, 1901
- Hydramara Knisch, 1925
- Hydrangeocola Brèthes, 1927
- Hydrelia Hübner, 1825
- Hydrellia
- Hydrethus Fairmaire, 1889
- Hydriomena Hübner, 1825
- Hydrobaenus Fries
- Hydrobiomorpha Blackburn, 1888
- Hydrobiosella Tillyard, 1924
- Hydrobiosis McLachlan, 1868
- Hydrobius Leach, 1815
- Hydrocanthus Say, 1823
- Hydrocassis Fairmaire, 1878
- Hydrochara Berthold, 1827
- Hydrochasma
- Hydrochorema Tillyard, 1924
- Hydrochoreutes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hydrochus Leach, 1817
- Hydrocolus Roughley and Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000
- Hydrocyrius Spinola, 1850
- Hydrodessus J. Balfour-Browne, 1953
- Hydrodroma C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hydrodytes K. B. Miller, 2001
- Hydroeciodes Hampson, 1905
- Hydroecocepheus Corpuz-Raros, 1979
- Hydrogamasellus Hirschmann, 1966
- Hydrogamasus Berlese, 1892
- Hydroglyphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Hydromanicus Brauer, 1865
- Hydrometra Latreille, 1797
- Hydromyza Fallen, 1813
- Hydronebrius Jakovlev, 1897
- Hydronema Martynov, 1914
- Hydroniscus Hansen, 1916
- Hydropeplus Sharp, 1882
- Hydroperla Frison, 1935
- Hydrophilus Geoffroy, 1762
- Hydrophoria
- Hydrophorus
- Hydrophylita Ghesquière, 1946
- Hydroporus Clairville, 1806
- Hydropsyche Pictet, 1834
- Hydroptila Dalman, 1819
- Hydroptilina Martynov, 1934
- Hydrosalpinx Barnard, 1934
- Hydroscapha LeConte, 1874
- Hydroschendyla Brölemann and Ribaut, 1911
- Hydrosmecta Thomson, 1858
- Hydrosmilodon Flowers and Domínguez, 1991
- Hydrotaea
- Hydrotrephes China, 1935
- Hydrotrupes Sharp, 1882
- Hydrovatus Motschulsky, 1853
- Hydrovolzia Thor, 1905
- Hydrovolziella Viets, 1935
- Hydrozetes Berlese, 1902
- Hydryphantes C. L. Koch, 1841
- Hyetussa Simon, 1902
- Hygia Uhler, 1861
- Hygrobates C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hygrochelifer Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Hygrocrates Deeleman-Reinhold, 1988
- Hygrolycosa Dahl, 1908
- Hygronemobius Hebard, 1915
- Hygropetrocoris Sites, 2015
- Hygroplitis Thomson, 1895
- Hygropoda Thorell, 1894
- Hygrotus Stephens, 1828
- Hyidiothrips Hood, 1938
- Hylaeonympha Rácenis, 1968
- Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793
- Hylastes Erichson, 1836
- Hylastinus Bedel, 1888
- Hylecthrus Saunders, 1850
- Hyledelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Hylemya
- Hylemyza
- Hyleoides Smith, 1853
- Hylephila Billberg, 1820
- Hyles Hübner, 1819
- Hylesia Hübner, 1820
- Hylesinus Fabricius, 1801
- Hyllosihemia Haitlinger, 1994
- Hyllus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Hylobittacus Byers, 1979
- Hylobius Germar, 1817
- Hylocurus Eichhoff, 1872
- Hylomyrma Forel, 1912
- Hyloniscus Verhoeff, 1909
- Hylopecheyla Fain, 1972
- Hylora Boulard, 1971
- Hylorops Enderlein, 1921
- Hylota Casey, 1906
- Hylotrupes Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Hylurgopinus Swaine, 1918
- Hylurgops LeConte, 1876
- Hylurgus Latreille, 1807
- Hylyphantes Simon, 1884
- Hymaloxylon Kurosawa, 1985
- Hymenanoetus Mahunka, 1963
- Hymenarcys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hymenobelba Balogh, 1962
- Hymenocera Latreille, 1819
- Hymenocoris Uhler, 1892
- Hymenodora G. O. Sars, 1877
- Hymenodria McDunnough, 1954
- Hymenopenaeus S. I. Smith, 1882
- Hymenopterites Heer, 1870
- Hymenozetes Balogh, 1963
- Hynesionella Poisson, 1949
- Hyocephalus Bergroth, 1906
- Hypaeus Simon, 1900
- Hypagyrtis Hübner, 1818
- Hypalocletodes Por, 1967
- Hypanartia Hübner, 1821
- Hypanthidioides Moure, 1947
- Hypanthidium Cockerell, 1904
- Hyparpax Hübner, 1825
- Hypasclera Kirsch, 1866
- Hypaurotis Scudder, 1876
- Hypena Schrank, 1802
- Hypencha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hypenidium Loew, 1862
- Hypenodes Doubleday, 1850
- Hypenula Grote, 1876
- Hypera Germar, 1817
- Hyperacanthomysis Fukuoka and Murano, 2000
- Hyperaeschra Butler, 1880
- Hyperafroneta Blest, 1979
- Hyperamblyops Birstein and Tchindonova, 1958
- Hyperaspidius Crotch, 1873
- Hyperaspis Dejean, 1836
- Hyperbius Stål, 1867
- Hyperborea Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1900
- Hypercepon Danforth, 1972
- Hypercompe Hübner, 1819
- Hyperdiplosis
- Hyperephanus Senna, 1892
- Hyperepia Barnes and Lindsey, 1922
- Hypererythrops Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 1905
- Hyperia Latreille in Desmarest, 1823
- Hyperiella Bovallius, 1887
- Hyperietta Bowman, 1973
- Hyperiimysis Nouvel, 1966
- Hyperioides Chevreux, 1900
- Hyperionyx Bowman, 1973
- Hyperiopsis Sars, 1885
- Hyperlasion Schmitz
- Hyperoche Bovallius, 1887
- Hyperoedesipus Nicholls and Milner, 1923
- Hyperomyzus
- Hyperphrixus Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1931
- Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847
- Hyperstoma Wittmer, 1979
- Hyperstrotia Hampson, 1910
- Hypertrophocera Townsend, 1891
- Hypertrophomma Townsend, 1915
- Hypexilis Horn, 1885
- Hyphalus Britton, 1971
- Hyphantria Harris, 1841
- Hyphantrophaga Townsend, 1892
- Hyphesma Michener, 1965
- Hyphovatus Wewalka and Biström, 1994
- Hyphydrophilus Pereira, Minelli and Barbieri, 1994
- Hyphydrus Illiger, 1802
- Hypnoonops Benoit, 1977
- Hypoblemum Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Hypobletus Schmidt, 1896
- Hypocacculus Bickhardt, 1914
- Hypocaccus C. Thomson, 1867
- Hypocala Guenée, 1852
- Hypocassida Weise, 1893
- Hypocepheus Krivolutsky, 1971
- Hypocepon Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1930
- Hypocera
- Hypoceras Chapuis, 1876
- Hypocerides
- Hypoceromys Lindner, 1935
- Hypocharassus
- Hypochilus Marx, 1888
- Hypochlora Brunner, 1863
- Hypochthonella China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypochthoniella Berlese, 1910
- Hypochthonius Koch, 1835
- Hypocoeliodes Faust, 1896
- Hypocoelotes Nishikawa, 2009
- Hypocoena Hampson, 1908
- Hypoconcha Guérin-Méneville, 1854
- Hypocrisias Hampson, 1901
- Hypocrita Hübner, 1807
- Hypocryphalus Hopkins, 1915
- Hypoctenes Jordan, 1922
- Hypoctonus Thorell, 1888
- Hypocuma Jones, 1973
- Hypocyrema Blackburn, 1892
- Hypodacne LeConte, 1875
- Hypoderma
- Hypodessus Guignot, 1939
- Hypodrassodes Dalmas, 1919
- Hypogastrura Bourlet, 1839
- Hypogeoppia Subías, 1981
- Hypognatha Guérin-Méneville, 1839
- Hypohyperphrixus Nierstrasz & Brender a Brandis, 1932
- Hypoleschus Fall, 1907
- Hypolestes Gundlach, 1888
- Hypolimnas Hübner, 1819
- Hypolithus
- Hypomachilodes Silvestri, 1911
- Hypomecis Hübner, 1821
- Hypomicrogaster Ashmead, 1898
- Hypomiolispa Kleine, 1918
- Hypomma Dahl, 1886
- Hyponeocula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Hyponysson Cresson, 1882
- Hypopetalia McLachlan, 1870
- Hypophagus Lyubarsky, 1989
- Hypophloeus
- Hypophryxus Shiino, 1934
- Hypopicheyla Volgin, 1969
- Hypopomyrmex Emery, 1891
- Hypoponera Santschi, 1938
- Hypoprepia Hübner, 1831
- Hypopteryx Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Hyporhagus Thomson, 1860
- Hyporhygma
- Hypositticus Lohmander, 1944
- Hyposmocoma Butler, 1881
- Hyposphales Kleine, 1927
- Hypostrymon Clench, 1961
- Hypotelus Erichson, 1839
- Hypothenemus Westwood, 1836
- Hypothyce Howden, 1968
- Hypotrachelizus Kleine, 1933
- Hypotrichia LeConte, 1861
- Hypotrigona Cockerell, 1934
- Hypotrix Guenée, 1852
- Hypotrombidium Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966
- Hypovertex Krivolutsky, 1969
- Hypovoria Villeneuve, 1913
- Hypoxycera Lindner, 1966
- Hypozetes Balogh, 1959
- Hyppa Duponchel, 1845
- Hypsacantha Dahl, 1914
- Hypsalonia Gurney and Eades, 1961
- Hypselistes Simon, 1894
- Hypselocara Millidge, 1991
- Hypselodesmus Loomis, 1941
- Hypselonotus Hahn, 1833
- Hypselophrum Kertesz, 1909
- Hypselopus Burmeister, 1835
- Hypselosoma Reuter, 1891
- Hypselosomops Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsilara Maier and Spangler, 2011
- Hypsiloporus Loomis, 1961
- Hypsimetopus Sayce, 1902
- Hypsipteryx Drake, 1961
- Hypsipyrgias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hypsocephalus Millidge, 1978
- Hypsohapsis Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsoropha Hübner, 1818
- Hypsosinga Ausserer, 1871
- Hypsostypos Baltazar, 1963
- Hypsotingis Drake, 1960
- Hyptia Illiger, 1807
- Hyptiogastrites Cockerell, 1917
- Hyptiotes Walckenaer, 1837
- Hypurus Rey, 1882
- Hyracarus Lawrence, 1949
- Hyrcanus Distant, 1910
- Hyrtanommatium Enderlein, 1920
- Hysia Mulsant, 1850
- Hyssia Guenée, 1852
- Hyssura Norman and Stebbing, 1886
- Hysterochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Hysterocrates Simon, 1892
- Hysteroneura
- Hystrichonyssus Keegan, Yunker and Baker, 1960
- Hystrichopauropus Remy, 1942
- Hystricia Macquart, 1844
- Hytanis Simon, 1893
- Iais Bovallius, 1886
- Ialysus A. Brian, 1927
- Ianduba Bonaldo, 1997
- Ianirella
- Ianiropsis Sars, 1897
- Ianisera Kensley, 1976
- Ianius Richards, 1939
- Ianthopsis Beddard, 1886
- Iardinis Simon, 1899
- Iarina Yélamos, 1996
- Iathrippa Bovallius, 1886
- Ibacus Leach, 1815
- Ibadana Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980
- Ibala Fitzpatrick, 2009
- Ibalia Latreille, 1802
- Iberacritus Yélamos, 1994
- Iberattus Prószynski, 2018
- Iberesia Decae & Cardoso, 2006
- Iberina Simon, 1881
- Iberobathynella Schminke, 1973
- Iberogalumnella Arillo & Subías, 1993
- Iberonectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Iberoneta Deeleman-Reinhold, 1984
- Iberoniscus Vandel, 1952
- Iberoporus Castro and Delgado, 2001
- Iberoppia Pérez-Íñigo, 1986
- Iberorhyzobius Raimundo and Canepari, 2006
- Iberovelia Sánchez-García and A. Nel in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Ibizella Haitlinger and Sundic, 1916
- Ibocoris Roche, 1947
- Ibotyporanga Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Icaleptes Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Icariella Brignoli, 1979
- Icelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Icelopagurus McLaughlin, 1997
- Icerya Signoret, 1875
- Ichilocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Ichnea Laporte, 1836
- Ichneumonopsis Hardy, 1973
- Ichneumonosoma Meijere, 1914
- Ichneutes Nees von Esenbeck, 1816
- Ichnopus Costa, 1853
- Ichnusella Cottarelli, 1971
- Ichoronyssus Kolenati, 1858
- Ichthyoxenus Herklots, 1870
- Ichthyurus Westwood, 1848
- Icilius Dana, 1849
- Icius Simon, 1876
- Icodema Reuter, 1875
- Icona Forster, 1955
- Iconella Mason, 1981
- Icosta
- Icteranthidium Michener, 1948
- Icterica Loew, 1873
- Ictericodes Hering, 1942
- Idaea Treitschke, 1825
- Idagona Buckett & Gardner, 1967
- Idana
- Idarcturus Barnard, 1914
- Idastrandia Strand, 1929
- Ideobisium Balzan, 1892
- Ideoblothrus Balzan, 1892
- Ideocaira Simon, 1903
- Ideoroncus Balzan, 1887
- Idia Hübner, 1813
- Idiataphe Cowley, 1934
- Idiobregma Anufriev, 1972
- Idiocarus Montandon, 1897
- Idiochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Idiocleptria Miller, 1956
- Idiocoris Esaki and China, 1927
- Idioctis L. Koch, 1874
- Idiocysta China, 1930
- Idiogaryops Hoff, 1963
- Idiognophomyia
- Idiogomphoides Belle, 1984
- Idiommata Ausserer, 1871
- Idiomyctus Williams, 1981
- Idiomyia Grimshaw
- Idiomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1922
- Idionella Banks, 1893
- Idioneura Selys, 1860
- Idionotus Scudder, 1894
- Idionysson Pate, 1940
- Idiophthalma O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Idiopidonia Swaine and Hopping, 1928
- Idiops Perty, 1833
- Idiopteron Bourgeois, 1905
- Idiopterus Davis, 1909
- Idiosemus Berg, 1883
- Idiosoma Ausserer, 1871
- Idiostatus Pictet, 1888
- Idiostethus Casey, 1892
- Idiostolus Berg, 1883
- Idiosystatus Berg, 1883
- Idiothele Hewitt, 1919
- Idiotrephes Lundblad, 1933
- Idiozetes Aoki, 1976
- Idister Marseul, 1880
- Idiurodesmus Silvestri, 1924
- Idolia Lewis, 1885
- Idomene Philippi, 1843
- Idotea Fabricius, 1798
- Idrionaria Shelley, 1996
- Idris Förster, 1856
- Idunella Sars, 1895
- Idusa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884
- Idyanthe G. O. Sars, 1909
- Idyanthopsis Bocquet and Bozic, 1955
- Idyella Sars, 1905
- Ifanella
- Ignacianulus Roewer, 1957
- Ignamba Budde-Lund, 1910
- Ignotingis Zhang et al., 2005
- Igora Hesse, 1925
- Iguanacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965
- Iguarima Brescovit, 1997
- Iguatonia Haitlinger, 2004
- Iguazu Ross & King, 1952
- Iheringula
- Iiella Bacescu, 1968
- Iimysis Nouvel, 1966
- Ikarotocepheus Mahunka, 1988
- Ikuma Lawrence, 1938
- Ilamelmis Delève, 1973
- Ilargus Simon, 1901
- Ilburnia White, 1878
- Ildefonsus Distant, 1910
- Ilemomyrmex Wilson, 1985
- Ilexia Ferguson, 2009
- Iliacantha Stimpson, 1871
- Iliotona Carnochan, 1917
- Ilipula Simon, 1903
- Ilisoa Griswold, 1987
- Illacme Cook & Loomis, 1928
- Illeis Mulsant, 1850
- Illidops Mason, 1981
- Illigiella Murano, 1981
- Illinichernes Hoff, 1949
- Illiniurus Shear, 1968
- Illinoia
- Illinothrips Stannard, 1954
- Illyria Moulds, 1985
- Illyrionethes Verhoeff, 1927
- Ilnacora Reuter, 1876
- Ilnacorella Knight, 1925
- Ilocomba Brescovit, 1997
- Ilyarachna G. O. Sars, 1870
- Ilybiosoma Crotch, 1873
- Ilybius Erichson, 1832
- Ilyobates Kraatz, 1856
- Ilyocoris Stål, 1861
- Ilyocryptus G. O. Sars, 1862
- Ilyocypris Brady and Norman, 1889
- Ilyodromus Sars, 1894
- Ilythea
- Imadateiella Rusek, 1974
- Imatidium Fabricius, 1801
- Imbabura Distant, 1911
- Imbrexodius Moore, 1992
- Imhoffia Heer, 1850
- Imitomyia Townsend, 1912
- Imnadia Hertzog, 1935
- Impeccantia Reinhard, 1961
- Imperceptus Prószynski, 1992
- Impleta
- Improphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Inachoides H. Milne Edwards and Lucas, 1842
- Inachus
- Inara Stål, 1859
- Inca LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Incachernes Beier, 1933
- Incasarus Gonzalez, Rasmussen and Engel, 2013
- Incasemidalis Meinander, 1972
- Incasoctenus Mello-Leitão, 1942
- Incastigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Incertametra Perez Goodwyn, 2002
- Incertella
- Incestophantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Inchanga Barnard, 1932
- Incisitermes Krishna, 1961
- Incisocalliope J. L. Barnard, 1959
- Incomptodessus K. B. Miller and García, 2011
- Incurvus González, 2013
- Indanthidium Michener and Griswold, 1994
- Indanthura Pillai & Eapen, 1966
- Indaphidius Starý, 1979
- Indiacarus Das and Bastawade, 2007
- Indiani Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Lemos, 2020
- Indicoblemma Bourne, 1980
- Indiopsocus Mockford, 1974
- Indjapyx Silvestri, 1930
- Indoapseudes Bacescu, 1976
- Indocader Péricart, 1981
- Indochernes Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Indoclystus Banks, 1941
- Indocrunoecia Martynov, 1936
- Indodiplostix Vienna, 2007
- Indoephedrus Samanta, Pramanik and Raychaudhuri, 1983
- Indoerythrops Panampunnayil, 1998
- Indoetra Kuntner, 2006
- Indogaetulia Schmidt, 1919
- Indogarypinus Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Indogarypus Beier, 1957
- Indohormius Ranjith, Belokobylskij and Quicke, 2017
- Indohya Beier, 1974
- Indoleon Banks, 1913
- Indolomia Dolling, 1986
- Indolpium Hoff, 1945
- Indomarengo Benjamin, 2004
- Indomolannodes Wiggins, 1968
- Indomyrma Brown, 1986
- Indomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1914
- Indoniscus Vandel, 1952
- Indopacifica Pfingstl, Shimano & Lienhard, 2018
- Indopalpares Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Indophantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2003
- Indophranta Agarwal & Kapoor, 1989
- Indoribates Jacot, 1929
- Indosmodicinus Sen, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2010
- Indosolus Bollow, 1940
- Indosquilla Ingle and Merrett, 1971
- Indostigmaeus Gupta and Ghosh, 1980
- Indothele Coyle, 1995
- Indothyrus Lehtinen, 1995
- Indotrephes Zettel, 1997
- Indotritia Jacot, 1929
- Indoxysticus Benjamin & Jaleel, 2010
- Indozodion Ovtchinnikov, 2006
- Indozuriel Fennah, 1975
- Inermocoelotes Ovtchinnikov, 1999
- Infernophilus Larson, 1969
- Inflata Boontop in Ballantyne et al., 2015
- Inflatopyga Duffels, 1997
- Ingcainyenzane Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Ingolfiella Hansen, 1903
- Ingoma Fennah, 1954
- Inkewana Hesse, 1925
- Innesa Roewer, 1934
- Inola Davies, 1982
- Inoma Hacker, 1927
- Inonemia Drake, 1942
- Inopeplus Smith, 1851
- Inopsis Felder, 1874
- Inopus Walker, 1850
- Inostemma Haliday, 1833
- Inpabasis Santos, 1961
- Insara F. Walker, 1869
- Inscudderia Caudell, 1921
- Insizwa Munro, 1929
- Insulanoetus Sevastianov, 1973
- Insulibrachys Soldán, 1986
- Insulocreagris B. Curcic, 1987
- Intandela Hesse, 1925
- Intecymbium Miller, 2007
- Interbelba Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2012
- Intercader Golub and Popov, 1998
- Interchernes Muchmore, 1980
- Intercutestrix Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Interleptomesochra Lang, 1965
- Intermedialia Yu, Yang and Wu, 1979
- Intermedioppia Subías & Rodríguez, 1987
- Interocoris La Rivers, 1974
- Interrhodeus Karg, 2000
- Inthaeron Platnick, 1991
- Inthanopsyche Malicky, 1989
- Inthaxara Distant, 1913
- Intihuatana Lehtinen, 1967
- Intruda Forster, 1979
- Inusitatomysis Ii, 1940
- Involvulus Schrank, 1798
- Inyo
- Inyodectes Rentz and Birchim, 1968
- Ioba Distant, 1904
- Iobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Iocoris Zhao, Luo and Cai, 2009
- Iodopepla Franclemont, 1964
- Iolania
- Iomachus Pocock, 1893
- Iomoides Loomis, 1934
- Iomus Cook, 1911
- Iona Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Ione Latreille, 1817
- Ionella Bonnier, 1900
- Ionescuellum Tuxen, 1960
- Ioscytus Reuter, 1912
- Ipa Saaristo, 2007
- Ipamu Schouteden, 1955
- Ipanema Barnard & Thomas, 1988
- Ipaoides Tanasevitch, 2008
- Ipelates Reitter, 1885
- Iphidonopsis Gwiazdowicz, 2004
- Iphidozercon Berlese, 1903
- Iphimedia Rathke, 1843
- Iphimediella Chevreux, 1911
- Iphinoe Bate, 1856
- Iphita Stål, 1870
- Iphithereuta Breddin, 1903
- Iphitrachelus Haliday, 1836
- Iphoctesis Simon, 1903
- Ipimorpha Hübner, 1821
- Ipochus LeConte, 1852
- Iporangella Harvey, Andrade and Pinto-da-Rocha, 2016
- Ipotrombicula Womersley, 1952
- Ips De Geer, 1775
- Ipsebiosis Neboiss, 1977
- Iracilda Slipinski, 2007
- Iraella Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Irakoniscus Vandel, 1980
- Iranattus Prószynski, 1992
- Iraniella Karimi Iravanlou, Kamali and Talebi, 2002
- Iranobuthus Kovarík, 1997
- Iranoleon Hölzel, 1968
- Iranotricha Zamani & Marusik, 2018
- Irantha Stål, 1861
- Iranthoides Miller, 1959
- Iraponia Kranz-Baltensperger, Platnick & Dupérré, 2009
- Irazunus Attems, 1933
- Irbisia Reuter, 1875
- Irdex Burr, 1911
- Ireneopone Donisthorpe, 1946
- Iridictyon Needham and Fisher, 1940
- Iridomyrmex Mayr, 1862
- Iridonida Macpherson & Baba in Machordom et al., 2022
- Iridopagurus de Saint Laurent-Dechancé, 1966
- Iridopelma Pocock, 1901
- Iridopsis Warren, 1894
- ...
уреди- Aaata finchi (Waterhouse, 1884)
- Aaptolasma americana (Pilsbry, 1916)
- Aaptolasma brintoni Newman and Ross, 1971
- Aaptolasma callistoderma (Pilsbry, 1911)
- Aaptolasma leptoderma Newman and Ross, 1971
- Aaptolasma triderma Newman and Ross, 1971
- Aaroniella achrysa (Banks, 1941)
- Aaroniella badonneli (Danks, 1950)
- Aaroniella maculosa (Aaron, 1883)
- Aatolana rapax Bruce, 1993A
- Aatolana schioedtei (Miers, 1884)
- Ababa tantilla (LeConte, 1866)
- Abablemma bilineata (Barnes and McDunnough, 1916)
- Abablemma brimleyana (Dyar, 1914)
- Abablemma duomaculata (Barnes and Benjamin, 1925)
- Abablemma grandimacula (Schaus, 1911)
- Abacaria barretti Korboot, 1964
- Abacaria fijiana (Mosely, 1934)
- Abacaria orkeni Illies, 1969
- Abacaria picea (Brauer, 1867)
- Abacaria ruficeps (Brauer, 1867)
- Abacaria subfusca Kimmins, 1962
- Abachrysa eureka (Banks, 1931)
- Abacion lactarium (Say, 1821)
- Abacion magnum (Loomis, 1943)
- Abacion tesselatum Rafinesque, 1820
- Abacion texensis (Loomis, 1937)
- Abacoceraphron ocellaris Dessart, 1975
- Abacoproeces molestus Thaler, 1973
- Abacoproeces saltuum (L. Koch, 1872)
- Abaeis nicippe (Cramer, 1779)
- Abaeletes coomani Gomy, 1977
- Abaeletes perroti (Cooman, 1940)
- Abagazara bicolorata (Distant, 1892)
- Abagazara omaruruensis Hesse, 1925
- Abagrotis alampeta Franclemont, 1967
- Abagrotis alcandola (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis alternata (Grote, 1864)
- Abagrotis anchocelioides (Guenée, 1852)
- Abagrotis apposita (Grote, 1878)
- Abagrotis baueri McDunnough, 1949
- Abagrotis belfragei (Smith, 1890)
- Abagrotis bimarginalis (Grote, 1883)
- Abagrotis brunneipennis (Grote, 1875)
- Abagrotis cryptica Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis cupida (Grote, 1865)
- Abagrotis denticulata McDunnough, 1946
- Abagrotis dickeli Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis discoidalis (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis dodi McDunnough, 1927
- Abagrotis duanca (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis durango Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis erratica (Smith, 1890)
- Abagrotis forbesi (Benjamin, 1921)
- Abagrotis glenni Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis hennei Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis hermina Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis kirkwoodi Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis magnicupida Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis mexicana Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis mirabilis (Grote, 1879)
- Abagrotis nanalis (Grote, 1881)
- Abagrotis nefascia (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis orbis (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis petalama Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis placida (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis pulchrata (Blackmore, 1925)
- Abagrotis reedi Buckett, 1969
- Abagrotis rubricundis Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis scopeops (Dyar, 1904)
- Abagrotis striata Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis totonaca (Schaus, 1894)
- Abagrotis trigona (Smith, 1893)
- Abagrotis turbulenta McDunnough, 1927
- Abagrotis variata (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis vittifrons (Grote, 1864)
- Abantiades albofasciatus (Swinhoe, 1892)
- Abantiades antenniochrus Moore, 2014
- Abantiades aphenges (A. Turner, 1904)
- Abantiades argentangulum Moore & Edwards, 2014
- Abantiades argentata (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades argyrosticha (A. Turner, 1929)
- Abantiades atripalpis (Walker, 1856)
- Abantiades aurilegulus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades barcas (Pfitzner, 1914)
- Abantiades barnardi (Tindale, 1941)
- Abantiades centralia Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades cephalocorvus Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades concordia Moore & Beaver, 2022
- Abantiades equipalpus Moore, 2014
- Abantiades fulvomarginatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades furva (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades horakae Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades hutchinsoni Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades hyalinatus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1853)
- Abantiades hydrographus (C. Felder & R. Felder in C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
- Abantiades inexpecta Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades karnka (Tindale, 1941)
- Abantiades kayi Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades kristenseni Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades labyrinthicus (Donovan, 1805)
- Abantiades latipennis Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades leucochiton (Pfitzner, 1914)
- Abantiades lineacurva Moore & Edwards, 2014
- Abantiades macropusinsulariae Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades magnificus (Lucas, 1898)
- Abantiades malleus Moore & Beaver, 2022
- Abantiades marcidus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades mcquillani Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades moesta (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades mysteriella Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades neglecta Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades obscura Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades ocellatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades pallida Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades paradoxa (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades penneshawensis Moore & Beaver, 2021
- Abantiades pica (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades rubrus Moore & Beaver, 2021
- Abantiades sericatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades sui Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades tembyi Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades zonatriticum Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão, 1942)
- Abapeba cleonei (Petrunkevitch, 1926)
- Abapeba echinus (Simon, 1896)
- Abapeba grassima (Chickering, 1972)
- Abapeba guanicae (Petrunkevitch, 1930)
- Abapeba hoeferi Bonaldo, 2000
- Abapeba kochi (Petrunkevitch, 1911)
- Abapeba lacertosa (Simon, 1897)
- Abapeba luctuosa (F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899)
- Abapeba lugubris (Schenkel, 1953)
- Abapeba pennata (Caporiacco, 1947)
- Abapeba rioclaro Bonaldo, 2000
- Abapeba saga (F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899)
- Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão, 1935)
- Abapeba taruma Bonaldo, 2000
- Abapeba wheeleri (Petrunkevitch, 1930)
- Abaria achwatirtha Schmid, 1982
- Abaria ateduna Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria boripat Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993
- Abaria devavrata Schmid, 1982
- Abaria dusyanta Schmid, 1982
- Abaria electa Marlier, 1960
- Abaria helinatha Mey, 1998
- Abaria madhavi Schmid, 1982
- Abaria margaritifera Schmid, 1958
- Abaria mindorocola Mey, 1995
- Abaria mindorogena Mey, 1995
- Abaria puma Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria puru Schmid, 1982
- Abaria quatila Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria richika Schmid, 1982
- Abaria tripunctata Mosely, 1948
- Abaria triquetra Mey, 1998
- Abaria uchinara Schmid, 1982
- Abaria yakcha Schmid, 1982
- Abaris splendidula (LeConte, 1863)
- Abaristophora diversipennis Borgmeier, 1962
- Abasanistus aureopictus James, 1973
- Abasanistus claviger (James, 1973)
- Abasanistus paulseni (Philippi, 1865)
- Abasanistus rubriceps (Philippi, 1865)
- Abasanistus rubricornis Kertesz, 1923
- Abasia pseudorostris C. B. Wilson, 1908
- Abathescalpellum koreanum (Hiro, 1933)
- Abatoleon deprivatus Banks, 1924
- Abatoleon frontalis (Banks, 1910)
- Abatoleon garcianus (Banks, 1930)
- Abatorus allredi Chamberlin, 1965
- Abavus maculatus Lindner, 1933
- Abavus multisignatus Lindner, 1949
- Abavus priscus Enderlein, 1914
- Abax parallelepipedus (Piller and Mitterpacher, 1783)
- Abboticoptes eddae Haitlinger, 1996
- Abbrosoga errata Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Abdastartus atrus (Motschulsky, 1863)
- Abdastartus longulus Drake, 1953
- Abdastartus muiri Drake, 1927
- Abdastartus sacchari Drake, 1930
- Abdastartus smetanai Péricart, 1992
- Abdia latipalpus
- Abditicoccus acaciae (Brain, 1918)
- Abditicoccus mystroxyloni Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019
- Abdiunguis fenderi Park and Wagner, 1962
- Abebaioscia troglodytes Vandel, 1973
- Abedus breviceps Stål, 1862
- Abedus decarloi Menke, 1960
- Abedus dilatatus (Say, 1832)
- Abedus herberti Hidalgo, 1935
- Abedus immaculatus (Say, 1832)
- Abedus immensus Menke, 1960
- Abedus indentatus (Haldeman, 1854)
- Abedus ovatus Stål, 1862
- Abedus parkeri Menke, 1966
- Abedus signoreti Mayr, 1871
- Abedus stangei Menke, 1960
- Abedus vicinus Mayr, 1871
- Abelamocoris inermis Miller, 1958
- Abelocephala albula Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- ...
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- Gould, S. J. (1990). Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. Hutchinson Radius. ISBN 978-0-09-174271-3.
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- Станисављевић Љ: Биологија 6 за 6 разред основне школе, Издавачка кућа Клет
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