Špijunaža je obaveštajna delatnost koja se sastoje od odavanja ili saopštavanja prikupljenih podataka koji predstavljaju vojnu, službenu, privrednu ili industrijsku tajnu drugoj osobi, ratnoj strani, državi ili organizaciji. Podvrgnuta je međunarodnom pravu isključivo u oblasti međunarodnog humanitarnog prava, a u mirnodopskim uslovima spada pod krivično pravo pojedine države.

Osoba koja se bavi špijunažom naziva se špijun ili špijunka,[1] a sredstva i načini kojima oni dolaze do podataka su: praćenje, tajno i neprimetno prisluškivanje razgovora bilo da su to razgovori telefonom, na internetu, tj. društvenim mrežama ili uživo na javnom mestu razgovor između dve osobe tako što se tiho ušunjaju, sakriju se ili preko vrata ili zida prisluškuju, krađa pisama, tuđih podatka, pa tajno motrenje kretanja, rada ili neke druge aktivnosti posmatrane strane, dostavljanje podataka, poverljivih tajnih informacija, odavanje, potkazivanje ili cinkarenje itd.[2] Špijuni su često poliglote, govore više od dva ili tri strana jezika, a neretko se u zavisnosti od zadatka prerušavaju u npr. žene, noseći perike, haljine i šminku, nose odela, glume da su neka druga osoba, imaju lažna dokumenta, papire, pasoš i ličnu kartu. Trude se da ne ostave nikakve otiske prstiju, da su im đonovi čisti od cipela, nose rukavice, da ne piju ništa na javnom mestu ili događaju, ne pričaju mnogo, samo ako im se neko obrati itd.[3][4]

Vidi još



  1. ^ „Espionage”. MI5. 
  2. ^ Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2011-05-02). „TERMS & DEFINITIONS OF INTEREST FOR DoD COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROFESSIONALS” (PDF). 
  3. ^ „USA v. Robert Philip Hanssen: Affidavit in Support of Criminal Complaint, Arrest Warrant and Search Warrant”. fas.org. Pristupljeno 19. mart 2011. 
  4. ^ „Aldrich Ames Criminal Complaint”. jya.com. Arhivirano iz originala 13. 5. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 19. mart 2011. 



Prvi svetski rat

  • Andrew, Christopher. (2010-10-19). The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5. . (Allen Lane 2009) Section A
  • Boghardt, Thomas (2004). Spies of the Kaiser: German Covert Operations in Great Britain during the First World War Era. .
  • Boghardt, Thomas (2012). The Zimmermann telegram: intelligence, diplomacy, and America's entry into World War I. .
  • Dockrill, Michael., David French, eds. Strategy and Intelligence: British Policy During the First World War. . (1996).
  • Debruyne, Emmanuel. "Espionage" In: Ute Daniel, et al. eds. 1914-1918-online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War online 22 page scholarly history full text
  • Finnegan, Terrance (2009). „The Origins of Modern Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: Military Intelligence at the Front, 1914–18,”. Studies in Intelligence. 4: 25—40. .
  • Foley, Robert T (2005). „Easy Target or Invincible Enemy? German Intelligence Assessments of France Before the Great War.”. Journal of Intelligence History. 5 (2): 1—24. .
  • Hiley, Nicholas (1986). „Counter-espionage and Security in Great Britain during the First World War,”. English Historical Review. 3: 635—70. 
  • Hiley, Nicholas (1985). „The Failure of British Counter-espionage against Germany, 1907–1914,”. Historical Journal. 4: 835—62. .
  • Hiley, Nicholas (2006). „Entering the Lists: MI5's Great Spy Round-up of August 1914.”. Intelligence and National Security. 1: 46—76. .
  • Kahn, David (1980). „Codebreaking in World Wars I and II: The Major Successes and Failures, Their Causes and Their Effects”. Historical Journal. 3: 617—39. .
  • Larsen, Daniel (2014). „Intelligence in the First World War: The state of the field.”. Intelligence and National Security. 29 (2): 282—302. , comprehensive overview
  • Larsen, Daniel (2017). „British codebreaking and American diplomatic telegrams, 1914–1915.”. Intelligence and National Security. 32 (2): 256—263. . The British read the American secrets from late 1915 online
  • May, Ernest R. ed. Knowing One's Enemy: Intelligence Assessment Before the two World Wars (1984)
  • Mount, Graeme (1993). Canada's Enemies: Spies and Spying in the Peaceable Kingdom. ch. 3.
  • Pöhlmann, Markus (2005). „German Intelligence at War, 1914–1918.”. Journal of Intelligence History. 5 (2): 25—54. .
  • Seligmann, Matthew (2006). Spies in Uniform: British Military and Naval Intelligence on the Eve of the First World War. 
  • Spence, Richard B (1996). „K.A. Jahnke and the German Sabotage Campaign in the United States and Mexico, 1914–1918,”. Historian. 1: 89—112. .
  • Witcover, Jules. Sabotage at Black Tom: Imperial Germany's Secret War in America, 1914–1917 (1989).

Međuratni i Drugi svetski rat, 1919–1945




Engleska i Velika Britanija


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