Upotrebi klikere
Поздрав, Upotrebi klikere. Добро дошли на Википедију на српском језику! | |||
Здраво, Upotrebi klikere. Хвала на учешћу у пројекту. Надамо се да ћете уживати у сарадњи и да ће вам боравак с нама бити пријатан. | |||
Википедија на српском језику је слободна енциклопедија која је настала 2003. године. Од тада смо успоставили различита правила у нашој заједници. Одвојите мало времена и прочитајте следеће теме, пре него што почнете да уређујете Википедију. | |||
Пет стубова Википедије Шта је Википедија? |
Помоћ Општи приручник за уређивање Википедије | ||
Упутства Брзо научите да правите измене, корак по корак |
Песак За увежбавање рада на Википедији | ||
Основни курс Тражи персонализовану помоћ при првим покушајима |
Научите како се уређује страница Водич за уређивање страница | ||
Ствари које не би требало да радите Сажетак најучесталијих грешака које треба избегавати |
Најчешће постављана питања Питања која многи постављају | ||
Правила Википедије Правила и смернице које је усвојила заједница |
Трг Место где можете питати друге википедијанце | ||
Потписујте се на страницама за разговор помоћу четири тилде (~~~~) или кликом на дугме које се налази изнад уређивачког прозора — тиме додајете ваше корисничко име, тренутно време и датум. Такође, немојте се потписивати у чланцима. Пре него што почнете с уређивањем чланака, прочитајте важне напомене о писању српским језиком на Википедији. Чланци на Википедији на српском језику могу се потпуно равноправно уређивати ћирилицом и латиницом, екавицом и ијекавицом, али није дозвољено мешање писама нити изговора у истом чланку. Измене латиницом у ћириличком тексту (и обрнуто) и измене „osisanom” латиницом, односно ASCII-јем, биће уклоњене без одлагања. Don't speak Serbian? Sr-0? - talk to us via our Village Pump in English.
Надамо се да ћете уживати са нама доприносећи Википедији и да ћете постати њен стални корисник. Уколико имате било каква питања, слободно се обратите мени или другим уредницима на некој од страница на Тргу. Још једном, добро дошли на Википедију, пројекат слободне енциклопедије. Срећан рад! --Ф± 23:00, 23. децембар 2014. (CET)
This Month in Education: [January 2015]
уреди- Czech Republic: Young Czech scientists upload pictures at Fluorescent Night
- India: 100+ Indian college students will contribute to Wikipedia to support national pilgrimage
- Sweden: Master students design prototypes for categorizing images on Wikimedia Commons
- Egypt: Wikipedia Education Program expands to new campuses in Cairo
- Syria: Pilot Wikipedia Education Program in Syria
- Wikimania: Get a scholarship to attend Wikimania 2015 and discuss education with the worldwide movement
- Mexico: Wiki Learning expands to three campuses at Tec de Monterrey
- Sweden: Open Badges in the Education Program in Sweden
- Czech Republic: Senior citizens learn to edit Wikipedia in the Czech Republic
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Egypt, India, Armenia, Books, Jimmy Wales, and more
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 05:16, 1. фебруар 2015. (CET)
This Month in Education: [February 201
уреди- Armenia: Wikimedia Armenia runs WikiCamps with great success
- Greece: Corfu adult school piloting WikiExpeditions and article writing on Wikipedia
- Serbia: High school student advocates for Education Program
- Sweden: Education Program succeeds with high school students
- Armenia: WikiClub contributes more than 300,000 bytes to Armenian Wiktionary in a month
- Egypt: New campus ambassador and new Chinese translation class
- Resources: New education toolkit helps program leaders develop their programs
- Resources: New education learning patterns answer many of your questions
- Communications: Wikipedia Education Program is now on Facebook
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Australia, Ireland, Black History Month, WikiWomen and Jimmy Wales
Headlines · Highlights · Single page · Newsroom · Archives · Unsubscribe
Category:This Month in Education MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 22:25, 28. фебруар 2015. (CET)
This Month in Education: March 2015
уреди- Uruguay: A new edition of Wikipedia Education Program kicks off in Uruguay
- Czech Republic: Czech senior citizen program scales up
- Egypt: Cairo University students wrap up their sixth term on Wikipedia
- Israel: Education/Newsletter/March 2015/Educator conference successfully concludes teachers' online courses
- Argentina: Wikimedia Argentina reinforces gender diversity on Wikipedia with several women targeted events
- Mexico: Novel photo projects related to editathon at Tec de Monterrey
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Events commemorating WikiWomen History Month, WikiMed and Black History editathons
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 02:31, 1. април 2015. (CEST)
This Month in Education: April 2015
уреди- WMF: Quarterly update from the education team
- Armenia: Teachers and journalists of Armenian community in Lebanon joined Wikipedia and Wikipedia Education program
- Ukraine: First round of WikiStudia wraps up with success
- Greece: Greek Adult school completes wikiexpedition on Greek villages
- Mexico: New to Wikipedia: A personal perspective
- Latvia: Education Program Extension enabled on Latvian Wikipedia
- Russia: Education Program Extension enabled on Russian Wikipedia
- Sweden: Students nominated for their MOOC on Swedish Wikiversity
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Studies and news from Harvard to Cambridge, women events and history editathons
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 17:17, 1. мај 2015. (CEST)
Са поштовањем желим да поставим једно питање: зашто се шаблон да се ради о семинарском раду не поставља на самом почетку израде странице, тако да се има обзира и дозволи израда до краја? Овако се прави магарећа услуга, нема ефекта и нико нема користи. Поздрав, --Дарко Чуча Гајић (разговор) 17:30, 12. мај 2015. (CEST)
Поштовани Дарко Чуча Гајић, идеја и јесте да се шаблон постави на самом почетку израде. Међутим, има студената који забораве да то ураде, па ја, када уочим пропуст, убацим шаблон. Већини студената који пишу први пут није блиска синтакса и треба их понекад подсетити како да "заштите" свој чланак у току израде. Срдачан поздрав, --Милица (разговор) 17:42, 12. мај 2015. (CEST)
WIki in Serbia
уредиhi, Милица!
I'm Mykola Prykhodko from Cherinih, Ukraine. Please, tell me more about your образовног програма Викимедије Србије. Do you have a shot-list of topics? Like this -
== Програма ==
- ЩО таке Українська Вікіпедія (Ukrainian Wikipedia), хто її може редагувати; навіщо реєструватися; Структура статті, розділи; Вступ, редагування — 4 березня 2015;
- Реєстрація і оформлення власної сторінки, повторення Структура статті, ВП:Підпис, Ілліпе - для зразку оформлення — 13 березня 2015 - заняття для 3-ої групи 28 березня (Детальніше);
- Вікіпедія:Шпаргалка — вікі-розмітка та панель інструментів; створення статі (Довідка:Створення нової статті, Вікіпедія:Як редагувати статтю, ВП:СТИЛЬ); Бліфельд Давід Ісакович - для зразку оформлення — 20 березня 2015;
- Зображення, використання фото, підпис, галерея — 21 березня 2015 (Детальніше) та 27 березня (Детальніше);
- Шаблони, використання карток, створення шаблону - для прикладу - Шаблон:Стільникові телефони Lenovo та Шаблон:Стільникові телефони Bravis - 3 квітня Детальніше;
- Категорії, створення категорій (Довідка:Категорія), коли не варто додавати категорії; Авторські права; Налаштування власного оточення - ХотКат, Вікіфікація і неоднозначності - 17 квітня (Записуйтеся!!!);
- Вибрані і добрі статті (Good articles); Вікісховище (Wikimedia Commons) — завантаження фото; підпис фото; категоризація фото; вибрані; зображення року; Категоризація фотографій у Вікіпедії; Різні технічні речі - Нові редагування, Патрулювання, Адміністратори, Кнайпа, або ДЕ шукати допомоги?
See - uk:Вікіпедія:Проект:ВікіСтудія.
Thanks! ^-^ --Nickispeaki (разговор) 14:01, 14. мај 2015. (CEST)
- Dear Mykola,
we don't have such a list (maybe we could think of incorporating one to our work?!). Model we use depends on specific institution (kind of University/School) we cooperate with.
- Mostly students pick subject on their own. Sometimes professors make a list of topics related to course subject and students receive or pick one topic from the list. There are cases when students pick one optional topic and one topic related to the course subject.
- The list sounds like a good idea.
If you need some closer details, be free to write me.
- Cheers,
Thank you! Photoes?
How much of student continue to write in Wikipedia after one article? Can you have a list of articles? We have a category of articles.--Nickispeaki (разговор) 23:46, 14. мај 2015. (CEST)
- We have a list of articles made within EDU program. To be more precize, we have two pages on sr.wikipedia entirely dedicated to education program, where you can see the principles of the program, schools/universities involved and articles made for every semester. Here is the page for high-schools (you can click on the link for the particular school/semester and check the list of topics), and the link for universities.
- You can check the photos in this category.
- As for the retention of students, I believe it's the greatest problem of EDU program, cause very small number of students continue writing when the semester ends. We are trying to encourage them through Wiki clubs and other peer activities. We'll see the outcome. --Milica (разговор) 10:59, 15. мај 2015. (CEST)
- Thank you, Милица! Good luck! ;-)--Nickispeaki (разговор) 00:26, 18. мај 2015. (CEST)
This Month in Education: May 2015
уреди- Tunisia: Rachidia music school celebrates 80 years of love and art by editing Wikipedia
- Mexico: Five new classes begin experimenting with Wikipedia
- Arab World: Arab World Education Program at WikiArabia 2015
- China: Chinese students commemorate deceased philanthropist Run Run Shaw
- Argentina: Editathon for young students to edit articles about their school
- Mexico: Maria enjoys editing Wikipedia as her community service
- Global: Registration for Wikimania Education Pre-Conference in Mexico City is now open!
- Sweden: Wikimedia conference 2015: better understanding for Wikipedia in Education
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: School editathons, medical research, Jimmy wales and new Wiki
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Category:This Month in Education MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 21:44, 1. јун 2015. (CEST)
This Month in Education: June 2015
уреди- Uruguay: A Wikipedia project in foreign languages receives a teaching award
- Hong Kong: The First Wikipedia Education Program in Hong Kong
- Greece: Adult school graduates learn to edit Wikipedia and inspire their peers
- Sweden: Mid-year Summary from the Wikipedia Education Program
- Mexico: New video tutorial for Commons created by students
- Armenia: Wikimedia Armenia New Office, Annual Conference, and WikiCamp 2015
- Argentina: Argentina contributes to a massive cross-border course of free knowledge in Spanish-speaking countries
- Israel: Education Program Extension enabled on Hebrew Wiktionary
- Global: New recognition certificates for program students, teachers and leaders
- Media Articles of interest in other publications: Uk, India, Palestine and more
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 22:07, 30. јун 2015. (CEST)
уредиDaj mi ime sablona koji treba skloniti iy clanaka. -- Bojan Razgovor 13:08, 30. јул 2015. (CEST)
Evo spiska šablona:
- {{ФБ032015}}
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- {{ПФ032015}}
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- {{ФФ042015}}
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- {{5БГ052014}}
Hvala puno, --Милица (разговор) 16:26, 30. јул 2015. (CEST)
- Бојане, пребацилас сам ручно све шаблоне. Не треба више никаква интервенција. Поздрав, --Милица (разговор) 17:21, 5. август 2015. (CEST)
- Милицњ, требало је да ми одговориш на мојој страници. Ја нисам видео поруку све до сада. -- Bojan Razgovor 17:22, 5. август 2015. (CEST)
This Month in Education: July 2015
уреди- Israel: Wikimedia Israel's annual conference helps expanding its education activity
- Community: Join the Community Health learning campaign on Meta
- Global: Wikimania 2015: education highlights
- Education Collaborative: Wikipedia Education Collaborative is changing. Be part of the movement!
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Wikimania, Wikipedians in residence and public domain value
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 01:02, 2. август 2015. (CEST)
This Month in Education: August 2015
уреди- Sweden: The benefits of teaching with Wikipedia broadcasted on Swedish National Radio
- Mexico: Summer term ends with great success and Fall begins at Tec de Monterrey
- Newsletter: On its third birthday, a retrospective of This Month In Education and proposed changes to the publication process
- Newsletter: Call for volunteers - This Month In Education
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Israel, Mexico and Australia
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MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 16:59, 1. септембар 2015. (CEST)
уредиVazi, samo malo ce potrajati. -- Bojan Razgovor 04:18, 20. октобар 2015. (CEST)
Није мени проблем обрисати то из чланака, него стављати на странице за разговор. -- Bojan Razgovor 12:23, 20. октобар 2015. (CEST)
- Odradjeno je. Samo ce se ti clancimorati prekontrolisati, ima tu djubreta pravog. -- Bojan Razgovor 14:17, 24. октобар 2015. (CEST)
Пол и превод
уредиВаљало би подесиш свој пол на женски у подешавањима због правилног обраћања софтвера а и олакшаваш мени да приметим евентуалне грешке у превод и превод за образовну екстензију треба ажурирати у догледно време --Милићевић (разговор) 13:37, 22. октобар 2015. (CEST)
Поени нису лепо израчунати. Рачуна се само оно што је унето, а не цели чланци. То онда није фер.--Марко Станојевић (разговор) 20:24, 12. новембар 2015. (CET)
Семинарски рад
уредиЗначи није лош рад, и мислите да неће бити обрисан? Dzoni Djuric (разговор) 17:03, 17. новембар 2015. (CET)
Маче за тебе!
уредиmalo mache
Wikimedia Education Newsletter: December 2015
уреди- Arab World: Arab World Education Program at WISE Doha 2015
- Argentina: Wikimedia Argentina, about the global and local in the digital and academic communities
- Argentina: The collaborative production in open educational environments: Is Wikipedia an answer?
- Armenia: Armenian students inspire their teachers to join Wikipedia
- Armenia: Wikipedia Education Program participants commemorated the creation/discovery of the Armenian alphabet in Beirut
- Bangladesh: Wikimedia Bangladesh's new secondary school education program aims to increase Bangla Wikipedia readers
- Bulgaria: First Wiki Education Workshop in Bulgaria
- Central and Eastern Europe: Education Program at Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015 in Estonia
- Czech Republic: Collaboration with Masaryk University turns official
- Egypt: Online ambassador played a prominent role in helping Egyptian students to nominate their excellent content
- France: A portal for teachers and education institutions on the French Wikipedia
- Greece: Two Wikimedian adult educators and an adult student present paper on Wikimedia editing at CIE2015 in Greece
- Hong Kong: The very first Wikipedia Education Program of Wikimedia Hong Kong
- Israel: Wikipedia in Higher Education in Israel: A new for-credit elective course focusing on contributing to Wikipedia at Tel Aviv University
- Israel: Dozens of articles were created by dint of a structured teaching process that incorporates new training tools and involvement of scientists
- Mexico: Wiki expeditions, animation clips about alebrijes and more at the Tec de Monterrey in Mexico
- Norway: Norwegian Masters students in History and Archeology twists their brains on Wikipedia
- Serbia: What I Learned: Wiki Photo School in Serbia
- Serbia: Teachers in Serbia professionally trained to use Wikipedia in the classroom by Wikimedians
- Sweden: Science Outreach on Wikipedia has impact on the Education Program in Sweden
- Uruguay: Education students in Uruguay reflect on Wikipedia as a learning tool
- Global: The Wikipedia Education Program now on Twitter
- Global: Recent improvements to the Wikipedia Education Collaborative bear fruit
- Global: Articles of interest in other publications
Требало би да јавиш овим гимназијалцима да је сад децембар месец а не новембар и википедија не може сам себе да буде референца! [1] --Милићевић (разговор) 14:02, 9. децембар 2015. (CET)
- Blago nama, najbolje da se produži u nedogled pa ko zna možda nešto i nauče za desetak godina. Slobodna jeste ali ta sloboda nije neograničena, koji je po redu ovo ispad gimnazijalaca/studenata? Mašinski prevod, tarzanski srpski i neograničeno mnogo drugih stvari, da se čovek zapita zašta ti primaš platu. Ti umesto da poništiš njihove izmene ti se nadovezuješ na iste --Милићевић (разговор) 20:06, 9. децембар 2015. (CET)
- Cela mudrost je bila da poništiš pogrešne izmene, da im kažeš da mogu iskopirati reference (bukvalno copy-paste) sa enwiki pošto očigledno neznaju, ako ti je stalo da se ne brišu njihovi radovi nemoj da ih rade u glavnom imenskom prostoru, broj efektivno aktvinih patrolera na srwiki je jednocifren a broj studenata trocifren. Otuda i moje pitanje zašta ti primaš platu kad ne znaju ni osnove, i da stvar bude gora poništavaju valjanje izmene iskusnih urednika kao da već nemamo dovoljno vandala pa sad treba da ratujemo i sa njima --Милићевић (разговор) 13:21, 10. децембар 2015. (CET)
- Preporuka, da rade u svom korisničkom prostoru znači Корисник:IME KORISNIKA/članka pa ako šta od toga valja da se lako prebaciti u gip, ovo će rasteretiti patrolere i neće ništa biti obrisano, nisam pristalica teoretisanja otuda i savetujem da rade u svom imenskom prostoru pa i ako 100x pogreše ništa strašno 101x će pogoditi, najbolje se uči kroz praksu, toliko od mene --Милићевић (разговор) 14:33, 10. децембар 2015. (CET)
- Cela mudrost je bila da poništiš pogrešne izmene, da im kažeš da mogu iskopirati reference (bukvalno copy-paste) sa enwiki pošto očigledno neznaju, ako ti je stalo da se ne brišu njihovi radovi nemoj da ih rade u glavnom imenskom prostoru, broj efektivno aktvinih patrolera na srwiki je jednocifren a broj studenata trocifren. Otuda i moje pitanje zašta ti primaš platu kad ne znaju ni osnove, i da stvar bude gora poništavaju valjanje izmene iskusnih urednika kao da već nemamo dovoljno vandala pa sad treba da ratujemo i sa njima --Милићевић (разговор) 13:21, 10. децембар 2015. (CET)
уредиPozz...pošto vidim da si ti zadužena za ove seminarske iz sociologije itd...čisto da te obavestim (nzn ni koliko je uopšte relevantno) da sam video par njih (i radova i korisnika) na srpskohrvatskoj inačici...izgleda da nisu uboli pravu viki :)...Zz..--ANTI_PRO92 (разговор) 12:17, 10. децембар 2015. (CET)
No prob...i ja bi se izgubio (na ovoliko inačica za jedan isti jezik xD) --ANTI_PRO92 (разговор) 12:40, 10. децембар 2015. (CET)
- Спреман сам да помогнем у вези чланака о социологији и помажем колико је то реално и да се не трпам превише. Највећи проблем је што аутори на самом почетку не ставе шаблон да се ради о семинарском раду, што је случај и са другим програмима. Овако лепимо шаблоне да су почетнички, брзо брисање,... па враћамо и понешто исправимо. Такође, да поставим питање да ли колеге знају и желе да комуницирају преко порука, пошто немам баш неко искуство да одговарају или ураде што им препоручим, а све у корист побољшања квалитета странице. Поздрав, --Ванилица (разговор) 10:47, 1. јануар 2016. (CET)
Вики Књиге
уредиПоштована Милице, пре свега хвала на указаним грешкама. Исправићу их чим пре. Друго, почео сам да преводим са енглеског вики књигу LaTeX, али се нисам баш најбоље снашао у томе. Проблем је веза главне стране и осталих страна. Да ли постоји неки водич за писање књига? Да ли можда админи треба да ,,отворе" књигу, а корисник да додаје странице? Свако добро, --Никола (разговор) 23:29, 12. децембар 2015. (CET) Измена: Научих како функционише и то. Не треба више помоћ око вики књига. Хвала у сваком случају. Поздрав --BbcNkl (разговор) 02:17, 13. децембар 2015. (CET)
Поређење Линукс дистрибуција
уредиПоштована Милице,
Излазе ми при дну неке грешке око навођења, а ја не знам о чему се ради.
Вики књиге
уредиПоштована Милице, како само преводимо са енглеског књигу LaTeX и како је тамо врло развијенa, вероватно неће бити потребе да убацујемо додатан садржај попут слика и осталог. Што се тиче страница, одвајамо их косом цртом као и на енглеској верзији, тј. LaTeX/Наслов_стране. Да ли представља проблем ако копирамо и њихове шаблоне за нашу вики књигу? Поздрав, --BbcNkl (разговор) 17:37, 14. децембар 2015. (CET)
Чланак "Фернандо I од Леона"
уредиДрага Милице, извини што тек сада одговарам на твоју поруку, али нисам знала како то да урадим раније. Чланак Фернандо I од Леона је завршен. Барем колегиница која је радила са мном и ја сматрамо да јесте. Чланак нам се више свиђа са твојим сугестијама, па смо их спровеле у дело. Имам само једно питање и у вези референци је. Наш чланак их има, али колегиницама које раде друге чланке треба помоћ око њих. Ако би могла да ми пошаљеш како да их ураде, биле бисмо ти много захвалне. Хвала на саветима. Поздрав--Lola251196 (разговор) 20:08, 15. децембар 2015. (CET)Лола (разговор) 20:04, 15. децембар 2015.
Драга Милице, што се тиче колегиница тиче и референци, данас су ми рекле да су се снашле. Хвала у сваком случају. Поздрав--Lola251196 20:26, 16. децембар 2015.
Курс Рачунарски алати
уредиПробао сам да се испишем са курса и кад кликнем на disenroll ништа се не дешава, чак сам и скинуо шаблон фин 2015 са свих докумената и поново ништа. Једино ако ви можете да ме избиришете па поново вратите на курс. Поздрав --Kosta2103 (разговор) 17:44, 17. децембар 2015. (CET)Kosta21
Изгледа да више нисам на курсу па ако можете ви да ме убаците да се не би поновио онај проблем. Поздрав --Kosta2103 (разговор) 19:09, 30. децембар 2015. (CET)Kosta2103
Да ли можете да промените наслов https://sr.wiki.x.io/wiki/%CE%9C-%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%84%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B0 у μ-рекурзивна функција, хвала. Поздрав --Andjela1013 (разговор) 18:28, 9. јануар 2016. (CET)
уредиPozdrav, studiram računarske nauke na Računarskom fakultetu, i u okviru predmeta algoritmi i strukture podataka pišem članke, zato imam šablon "seminarski radovi" na svakom od njih. Imam problem na članku "igra 15 pazli", rečeno mi je da će biti izbrisan ukoliko ga ne izmenim, međutim nakon izmene i dalje stoji to obaveštenje. --Natasa2604 (разговор) 17:05, 25. децембар 2015. (CET)
Tako je, svi smo kod profesora Vlade, i biće još studenata koji će pisati seminarske radove. Pozdrav.
--Natasa2604 (разговор) 01:47, 03. јануар 2016. (CET)
Лиценцирање слике
уредиНедавно сам направио чланак вебОС и требало је да поставим слику али не знам коју лиценцу(шаблон) треба да ставим пошто та слика већ постоји на енглеској википедији и нисам ја њен аутор. Поздрав --Kosta2103 (разговор) 23:03, 7. јануар 2016. (CET)Kosta2103
Покушао сам да лиценцирам слику LG webOS.jpg али изгледа да нисам нешто урадио како треба и поново на страници имам шаблон упозорења. Изгледа да треба да пребацим ову слику са енглеске википедије у википедија коммонс али на оригиналу слике пише да се никако не пребацује тамо. Да ли то значи да немам дозволу да користим ту слику или једноставно не знам како то да одрадим? Поздрав --Kosta2103 (разговор) 23:19, 9. јануар 2016. (CET)Kosta2103
Поштована Милице, ја сам превела страницу Cellular automaton, међутим на мом преводу је постављен шаблон да чланак ће бити обрисан у наредних 7 дана. Ја сам проверила цео превод и линкове и све је у реду па ме занима можете ли ми помоћи у решавању овог проблема да мој рад не би био узалудан. Поздрав --Socaacos (разговор) 17:29, 11. јануар 2016. (CET)
Целуларни аутомат
уредиПоштовани, ја сам урадила превод за страницу Cellular automaton међутим на мом преводу је окачен шаблон да ће чланак бити обрисан за 7 дана. Ја сам проверила цео превод детаљно па ме занима можете ли ми помоћи и указати где је грешка јер не бих волела да мој рад буде узалудан. Поздрав --Socaacos (разговор) 17:34, 11. јануар 2016. (CET)
Целуларни аутомат
уредиПоштованa, ја сам урадила превод за страницу Cellular automaton међутим на мом преводу је окачен шаблон да ће чланак бити обрисан за 7 дана. Ја сам проверила цео превод детаљно па ме занима можете ли ми помоћи и указати где је грешка јер не бих волела да мој рад буде узалудан. Поздрав --Socaacos (разговор) 17:35, 11. јануар 2016. (CET)
Добар чланак
уредиПоштована Милице,
Исправио сам доста грешака у чланку Историја алгоритама. Убацио сам референце, додао још материјала. Хтео бих да овај чланак постане добар чланак. Да ли можете да ми кажете шта још треба да средим у њему да могу да конкуришем? Ако мислите да испуњава услове за добар чланак, како могу да конкуришем?
Свако добро,--BbcNkl (разговор) 01:04, 13. јануар 2016. (CET)
Help decide the future of Wikimania
уредиThe Wikimedia Foundation is currently running a consultation on the value and planning process of Wikimania, and is open until 18 January 2016. The goals are to (1) build a shared understanding of the value of Wikimania to help guide conference planning and evaluation, and (2) gather broad community input on what new form(s) Wikimania could take (starting in 2018).
After reviewing the consultation, we'd like to hear your feedback on on this survey.
In addition, feel free to share any personal experiences you have had at at a Wikimedia movement conference, including Wikimania. We plan to compile and share back outcomes from this consultation in February.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk), from Community Resources 22:32, 13. јануар 2016. (CET)
Семинарски радови
уредиМолим Вас да објасните вашим студентима да не пишу чланке тако што ће чланак са енглеске википедије убацити у Гуглов преводилац и да онда то налепе овде. Машински преводи су уочљиви а оваквим понашањем правите више штете него користи. Нико не треба да буде натеран да пише на вилипедији већ то треба да добровољно учини. Знам да су млађе генерације слабије образоване и незаинтересоване за школу, а поготово за српски језик, али ако већ пишу те семинарске радове онда нека то учине како треба - у духу српскога језика. Самарџија (разговор) 01:49, 19. јануар 2016. (CET)
Добар чланак
исправио сам грешке за које сте ме обавестили у чланку историја алгоритама. Надам се да сам референцирање добро урадио и да има довољно референци.
Да ли у делу Архимедов алгоритам слика мора да садржи опис? Да ли треба још материјала да се дода? Да ли уводни део треба да се прошири?
Свако добро, --Никола(разговор) 21:29, 19. јануар 2016. (CET)
Промена наслова
уредиПоштована Милице, да ли можете променити наслов чланка https://sr.wiki.x.io/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B8_%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B0 у Математичка и теоријска биологија? Хвала --Andjela1013 (разговор) 01:58, 20. јануар 2016. (CET)
уредиПоштована Милице,
Да ли би сте могли да ми прегледате рад који сам написао.
Ево линка Баблсорт.
Јавите ми ако нађете било какве грешке.
Унапред захвалан
--Milenovic (разговор) 17:45, 20. јануар 2016. (CET)
У међувремену сам написао још једну тему.Алгоритам линеарног претраживања.
Веома сам Вам захвалан на указаној помоћи.Написо сам још тема ако сте заинтересовани можете их погледати,линкови се налазе на мом профилу.
Са поштовањем
--Milenovic (разговор) 12:07, 22. јануар 2016. (CET)
Конзола емулатора видео игре
уредиМој превод је обрисан а није ни завршен био. Да ли постоји могућност да га вратите да бих завшила започето. Поздрааав --Socaacos (разговор) 04:02, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Поздрав.Овај текст је комплетно преписан са сајта Факултета [2]. --Drazetad (разговор) 09:26, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Саветујте ауторима семинарских радова да своје радове пишу или у Песку, или на својој корисничкој страници. Када радови буду прегледани и оцењени, могу се пребацити у ГИП. Оваку добијамо хрпу недовршених радова, са смешним покушајима превода и са неразумевањем тематике рада.
--Sly-ah (разговор) 11:27, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу
уредиПоштована Милице,
неко од администратора нам је обрисао чланак Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу. Као разлог је навео да је чланак узет са сајта факултета и да представља рекламирање факултета. Да ли тај администратор може да објасни како онда да саставимо чланак о факултету у коме неће бити речи о факултету, и зашто не брише чланке везане за друге факултете? Могу навести овде примере других факултета чији су текстови преузети са сајта, ако вам значи нешто.
Ми смо за литературу користили монографију и наравно сајт факултета. Наравно да имамо дозволу за тај текст и слике. Да ли можете да вратите тај чланак да завршимо?
Мислим да није ниједно правило прекршено и да тај администратор није морао да обрише чланак, што представља чин вандализма.
Измена: Ево један пример копирања са сајта без икаквих референци... Електротехнички факултет Универзитета у Београду http://www.etf.bg.ac.rs/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1878&Itemid=211
Са поштовањем, --Никола(разговор) 15:08, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу
уредиМилице, захваљујем се на указаним пропустима, такође се извињавам због непоштовања правила. Убудуће ћу се трудити да што више текста сам пишем и да га на основу извора парафразирам. Штета за уложени труд (време) али наредни пут ћемо се више потрудити. Такође имам пар питања везана за неке козметичке ствари око самих чланака - везано за слике/лого унутар самог шаблона-инфокутије, надам се да ми ви можете помоћи у вези њих? --WhiTexKg (разговор) 17:31, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу - захтев за враћање чланка због добијене дозволе
уредиПоздрав. Поставио сам на разговору:Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу дозволу факса за коришћење информација. Све је тамо у разговору, уђите и погледајте. Молио бих Вас стварно да вратите чланак у што краћем временском року, по могућству одмах чим видите разговор, јер нам је чланак потребан хитно. Послао сам поруку и Милићевићу али ништа није урађено. Хвала унапред. -- Vukasin Paunovic (разговор) 17:31, 21. јануар 2016. (CET)
Захтев за преглед
уредиПоздрав, желео бих да поднесем захтев у вези скидања шаблона - реклама са чланка Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу. Увидели смо огромне грешке у самом чланку тј. делове текста где је заиста чланак алаудирао на рекламни. Такође смо и отклонили "грешку" у вези превише референци које је чланак имао. Надам се да је чланак сад у реду и да заслужује да му се горе наведени шаблон уклони. Унапред захвалан --WhiTexKg (разговор) 20:37, 22. јануар 2016. (CET)
Seminarski radovi
Poštovana Milice, članak sam napisala vec prije mjesec dana, ali kada upišem naziv članka (Teorije o uticaju medija) u rubriku za seminarske radove, tamo ga nema. -- (разговор) 20:53, 25. јануар 2016. (CET)Danka17
Чланак Тетрација
Милице, чланак који сам радио а чији је назив Тетрација, можете да избришете јер тренутно немам времена да га исправљам.
Поздрав, Филип
Towards a New Wikimania results
уредиLast December, I invited you to share your views on the value of Wikimedia conferences and the planning process of Wikimania. We have completed analysis of these results and have prepared this report summarizing your feedback and important changes for Wikimania starting in 2018 as an experiment. Feedback and comments are welcome at the discussion page. Thank you so much for your participation. I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, 23:47, 8. фебруар 2016. (CET)
This Month in Education: [March 2016]
уредиBy Walaa Abdel Manaem (Wikipedia Education Program Egypt) & (Egypt Wikimedians user group)
Snippet: Education Leaders at WISE Doha 2015 introducing Wikipedia Education Program in Egypt to WISE Conference attendees, as an example of a program in the Arab World, to share their experience to inspire other universities and institutions starting new programs in the area.
WISE 2015 Sessions and Plenaries were designed around three main pillars such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals; education and the economy; fostering innovation in education systems. Each pillar examined a variety of key topics including: the linkages between education, employment, and entrepreneurship; education reform and innovation in the MENA region and Qatar; emerging models of education financing, attracting, rewarding and retaining quality teachers; and the importance of investing in early childhood development.
Representatives of Wikipedia Education Program Walaa Abdel Manaem and Reem Al-Kashif participated in WISE Doha 2015 in Qatar, the annual World Innovation Summit for Education is the premier international platform dedicated to innovation and creative action in education where top decision-makers share insights with on-the-ground practitioners and collaborate to rethink education. Also, WISE 2015 was the first global education conference following the ratification of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015. Contributions ranged from Arabic Brochure of Editing Wikipedia for students in WEP in Egypt and everybody who would like to edit Wikipedia without problems, The Arabic version of Welcome to Wikipedia reference guideline, PDF of brochure handed out during Arabic Wikipedia Convening, Doha, Qatar, 2011 and Introduction to Wikipedia. These contributions are related to show a case study of Wikipedia Education program in Egypt and how it worked since February 2012 till the November 2015, as the seventh edition ended last October. All discussions were about the program's mechanism and what were the motivations keeping it going. The program helped increasing gender diversity and supported the featured content on Arabic Wikipedia. Wikipedia Education Program, like any other initiative, has achievements and dark sides, for that reason, the representatives had to locate both of them and how they influence the Arabic community and how the community interact with this phenomenon.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Egypt here.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education program in the Arab World here (in Arabic).
Snippet: A first-of-its-kind, for-credit, elective course that focuses on contributing to Wikipedia has opened at Tel Aviv University and is now available to all B.A. students on campus
On October 19th a new for-credit elective course called "Wikipedia: Skills for producing and consuming knowledge"[1] has opened at Tel Aviv University (TAU). The semester-long course (13 weeks) is available to all B.A. students on campus and this semester about 50 students from various disciplines are taking part in this first-of-its-kind course in Israel.
The course draws from "flipped classroom" concepts and uses "blended learning" methods, which practically means combining in-class lectures, workshops and small-group activities, as well as online individual learning. Both the Moodle learning management system (LMS) and the Wikipedia Education Extension are used to monitor the students' work and progress throughout the course.
The course has 2 main assignments - expanding an existing stub, as well as writing a new article, in the hopes that the content added during the course will assist not only the students themselves, but also future generations of learners as well as the general public. Though the course focuses on adding quality content to Wikipedia, it also aims to help students sharpen their academic skills and their 21st century skills, highlighting collaborative learning, joint online research and interdisciplinary collaborations in the process of constructing knowledge.
This course was initiated and is led by Shani Evenstein, an educator, Wikimedian and member of the Wikipedia Education Collaborative, in collaboration with the Orange Institute for Internet Studies, as well as the School of Education at TAU. The syllabus for the new course builds on the success of Wiki-Med, a for-credit elective course, which was designed in 2013 and is led by Evenstein at the Sackler school of Medicine for the third consecutive year. While Wiki-med is focused on contributing medical content to Wikipedia and is only available to Medical Students on campus, the new course is designed to accommodate students from different academic disciplines and varying backgrounds.
The course was chosen to be part of TAU's cross-discipline elective courses system ("Kelim Shluvim") and was approved by the Vice-Rector, who heads the program. In that, the course marks an important precedent in the collaboration between Academia and the Wikipedia Education Program, as it is the first time a higher institution acknowledges the importance of a course focusing on Wikipedia on a university level, offering it to all students, rather than a faculty level or individual lecturers as mostly practiced. It is our hope that other higher education institutions will follow this example and offer similar courses to students both in Israel and around the world.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Israel here.
уреди- ^ Link to the course page at the TAU website (in Hebrew) - http://www2.tau.ac.il/yedion/syllabus.asp?course=1880180101&year=2015
By Melina Masnatta, Wikimedia Argentina
Snippet: University professors become Wikipedians in an online course during just a week.
Educators with different profiles and from different latin america countries, but most of them professors at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) from different faculties, have just participated in the online training and free course "Educational scenarios with technology. Among the real and the possible" organized by the Center for Innovation in Technology and Pedagogy (CITEP) of this university.
Different educational activities were carried out simultaneously. During the week and under the topic “Open movement”, Wikimedia Argentina participated with three different proposals: starting with an interview of Patricio Lorente accompanied with a short text to know more about the movement. To make an immersive experience we designed " Knowing Wikipedia by first-hand or Wikipedia in the first person" to work directly on the platform translating articles from english to spanish from a list created especially for that purpose. Along with this specific proposal, educators participated in a videoconference with Galileo Vidoni (available in Spanish), where participants could talk and learn more about how are the first steps to become a Wikipedian and the importance of the movement at the local and regional level.
With only seven days and without being mandatory, different educators discovered how to edit on Wikipedia, indeed many of them mentioned that they had it as a pending to learn and participate on the free encyclopedia, but never had the time or the real chance. The enthusiasm was also present on social networks, where they shared the experience with the hashtag #escenariostec.
The result
More than 100 educators got involved and exchanged their experience in an online forum with more of 280 messages that reflected their learning process while experiencing with the activity. 80 of them were new users, and they created 61 new articles in spanish. An important fact: 78 of them were women, which means that working with educators is a key issue to continue closing the digital gender gap.
Finally from CITEP, they shared the following insights regarding the question that ran through all the activities that took place during the week dedicated to the open movement. Some thoughts can be sum up as follows:We share some of the voices of the protagonists in social networks with storify (available in Spanish). Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Argentina here.The collaborative production in open environments: chaos or construction? (...) For the teacher also means accepting new challenges: encourage students to produce knowledge in an environment of divergent nature, it requires permanent operations and convergence. In a space that fosters interventions unmarked, the teacher needs to frame depending on the purpose of education and teaching purposes. (…) Wikipedia is the best example of the challenges posed by the digital era in the educational field, it forces us to rethink the relationship between technology and the production of knowledge and allows us to confirm that the collaborative work does not lead to chaos, if not to the construction. (. ..) [Authors: Angeles Solectic and Miri Latorre]
By Vojtěch Dostál (Wikimedia Czech Republic)
Snippet: The second largest university in the Czech Republic has employed a Wikipedian in residence, leading to a boom of Wikimedia activities in the city of Brno.
Collaboration between Wikipedia and Czech institutions has always been a priority for Wikimedia Czech Republic, but the year 2015 has taken this to another level. First, an official memorandum of collaboration with the National Heritage Institute (NPÚ) was signed in May 2015, to be followed by official collaboration with Masaryk University in Brno (the second largest city and university in the Czech Republic), which was contracted in November 2015. In fact, Wikimedia activities in Brno have been blooming for several years now, mainly as a result of the community's own development, but aided substantially by the external interest in Wikipedia by Masaryk University alumni society, demonstrated as early as March 2013.
In February 2015, the university employed one of the most experienced Czech Wikipedians – Marek Blahuš (Blahma) – who was appointed to become the university's first "Wikipedian in residence". Marek Blahuš has been in the center of the Wikimedia community in Brno for about two years, organizing regular Wikipedia meetups, the 2014 edition of the annual WikiConference (more in English here) and creating the Czech-Slovak Wikipedia translation tool, which has famously led to the creation of >9000 articles on Czech and Slovak Wikipedias (more in English here). His current work as Wikipedian in residence is funded by Masaryk University and runs under the patronage of Wikimedia Czech Republic as well as Masaryk University's rector Mikuláš Bek.
Since February, Wikipedia has taken a prominent role within Masaryk University. Marek Blahuš started a "Masaryk University Wikipedians team", gathering local Wikipedians and facilitating contacts with the university, aided by his status of a graduate and current employee in its language center. Articles about Masaryk University alumni and faculties have been identified and improved after consultations with Masaryk University archives and libraries which provided helpful resources. Wikipedia citation templates can now be directly generated from the university's on-line archive of theses. In September, a public conference called "Masaryk University Is Getting High on Wikipedia" took place on university grounds, featuring the experienced Wikipedian Jan Sokol (Sokoljan), who is a philosopher, university teacher and a former presidential candidate. The talks focused on the use of Wikipedia in university education, in line with the successful Czech "Students Write Wikipedia" program. One of the teachers, Jiří Rambousek, expressed his desire to organize a Wikipedia Club as a regular meetup where articles would be improved in a collaborative effort and new editors introduced to Wikipedia.
The program is actively preparing for 2016 when we expect Wikimedia Czech Republic to take a more active role in overseeing the initiatives as well as the creation of a position of a "Wikipedian in Brno" – person officially in charge of the wide array of Wikimedia activities happening in the city. The chapter's annual plan includes initiatives to increase the number of university courses which incorporate Wikipedia into the curriculum, public presentations of Wikipedia at various events, scanning and uploading of images from institutional and personal archives, and much more. Let's wish that our plans come true!
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in the Czech Republic here.
By Leigh Thelmadatter (Wiki Learning-Tec de Monterrey)
Snippet: Student participation is more than just text!
For the Fall 2015 Wiki Learning-Tec de Monterrey held two wiki expeditions in Mexico City and began a collaboration with the Museo de Arte Popular. We also received our first grant!
Wiki expeditions
уредиThe 32-campus Tec de Monterrey system has each semester an event called "Semana i" (i Week), when students forego normal classes for an entire week to work on challenging projects called "retos." For the Mexico City and Santa Fe campuses, one option for students was to work with Wikimedia, with the aptly named projects "Reto Wikimedia." Both campuses opted to do wiki-expeditions to different parts of Mexico City. The Mexico City campus had the larger group with almost 90 students registered, who covered the two southern boroughs of Xochimilco and Tlalpan. The Santa Fe group had 35 participants, and covered the San Ángel neighborhood found not far from this campus.
Both campus took photos of landmarks with the Mexico City campus also focusing on photos of everyday life in the south of the city. The Mexico City campus tallied 5264 photos, 8 videos and 36 articles, including articles related to the area into French, Swedish and Danish. The Santa Fe group tallied 605 photos, and ten articles in Spanish on landmarks in San Ángel.
In addition, the Mexico City campus had a special speaker the borough chronicler of Xochmilco, Sebastián Flores Farfán. A short montage video of the event is in the works.
Some student photos:
Some video clips of the event:
Animation clips with the Museo de Arte Popular
уредиWikiservicio, students working with Wikimedia for their community service requirement, added a new component. To attract more students and encourage more students to do all of their community service hours with Wikimedia, a collaboration was set up with the Museo de Arte Popular (MAP)... the first of many we hope! Six students from the digital art and animation major (see last newsletter) have continued working with Wikimedia, but focusing their efforts in creating short animation clips in relation to the mission of promoting and preserving Mexican folk art. One clip has been completed and can be see to the right of this text. So far, the video has subtitles in English, German, French and Punjabi. A second clip is nearing completion at the time of this writing.
Classes and Wikimetrics
уредиFifteen students completed work with Wikiservicio doing translations, writing new articles and doing photography projects. As of this date, 7 have indicated interest in working with Wikiservicio on campus and another six with MAP.
Five university level classes and one high school class on the Mexico City (South) campus have had projects, all in writing and translation, with some video work.
Wikimetrics for the semester are:
According to Wikimetrics tool....
- 9,589,918 bytes to Spanish Wikipedia
- 3,098 edits to the mainspace of Spanish Wikipedia
- 367 pages created in the mainspace of Spanish Wikipedia
Manual count
- 302 student and teacher participants
- 281 Spanish Wikipedia articles created or expanded
- 6,057 photographs
- 10 videos
- 9 articles in English Wikipedia
- 2 articles in French Wikipedia
- 1 article in Swedish Wikipedia
- 1 article in Danish Wikipedia
First grant Wiki Learning received its first grant from the Wikimedia Foundation. The long-term goal of this grant is to establish a system for financing Wiki Learning. The grant, which totals a modest 12,500 Mexican pesos, will be used for swag, such as t shirts, stickers, buttons, etc, especially for Semana i activities and promotion of wiki activities to other campus. The money will also be used for incidental travel expenses, especially for projects needing to move expensive camera equipment.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Mexico here.
By Christian Cariño (Wikimedia México) and Melina Masnatta (Wikimedia Argentina)
Snippet: Aprender para Educar writes about Wikipedia Education Program in Argentina.
The digital free magazine Aprender para Educar (Learning to educate) of the National Technological University (UTN) is recognized in the community of education and technology in Argentina to write about innovation issues in Spanish, which is not common in the academic dissemination and teacher training field.
Cristina Velazquez, general editor of the magazine invited Wikimedia Argentina to write an article that generally describes their activities in the Education Program, after reading the proposal she decided to publish it as the main article of the 12th edition.
To describe the education program, WMAR wrote two notes completing one another, as doing a zoom: from the local to the global and from the global to the local, showing how a movement of this magnitude does not stand alone, it is part of a huge network.
Melina Masnatta, education manager in WMAR and Patricio Lorente, chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees wrote those two notes.The first one focuses on the Education Program, implementation, challenges and obstacles that they had at the beginning, plans to integrate it into the classrooms in Argentina and how different Wikimedia Projects are also relevant in education. The most important thing, Melina adds, is to strengthen the values that inspire them, show how the free culture give meaning to education in general and digital culture in particular.
Meanwhile in the second part, Lorente focuses on the global movement, the community pillars, the agenda of today's challenges and the effort of their volunteers as protagonists. It is not easy show the world what drives us and why we work as volunteers in different countries. In education very few people understand the value of building free knowledge. There is still a great prejudice or negative perceptions of Wikipedia in the classroom because teachers ignore how Wikipedia is built.
Everybody reads Wikipedia, but few people edit it. We can change this fact by spreading in spaces such as the Journal of the UTN and inviting more people to collaborate and be the protagonist of this huge collective work for humanity.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Argentina here.By Walaa Abdel Manaem (Wikipedia Education Program Egypt) & (Egypt Wikimedians user group)
Snippet: Online ambassador helped spanish students course in Cairo University to nominate their articles, scoring an exceptional record of WEP excellent content.
Bassem Fleifel, an online ambassador of Cairo university spanish course, played a prominent role to help all students to encourage them to nominate their excellent content to be a featured and good articles in Arabic Wikipedia. Those articles are History of bread (Featured article); Walt Disney; Daniel Radcliffe; Al-Andalus; Poet in New York; and Popol Vuh.
The seventh term, the program started in Cairo University with promoting posts on Wikipedia and social media websites to help new participants understand the general idea of the program as well as holding meetings with professors from the departments of History, chinese, English language and Spanish language. Walaa Abdel Manaem (program leader in Cairo University) and Bassem Fleifel (online ambassador) have held some workshops in campus and online for the whole students to teach them "How to edit Wikipedia". On the other hand, Prof. Abeer Abdel-Hafiz has exerted great efforts with her students in addition to introducing Walaa to new classes of senior students for whom she has organized general seminars about Wikipedia and the education program. At the same time Walaa was assigning her Spanish department students of the first and second year to edit Wikipedia.
This term, Prof. Abeer let the chance to her students to choose any articles they would like to translate from the Spanish Wikipedia to the Arabic Wikipedia or working on articles about history. They already have chosen some articles to translate with the target of nominating them to be a featured and good articles.
Most of students worked on articles about different topics like history, writers, actors, history of food and drink, mayan literature, islam and politics, etc. This course itself achieved an exceptional record of Wikipedia Education program excellent content and the best term ever in the history of WEP in Egypt in general and in the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University in specific. Walaa has held 2 online webinars to follow up with her students in addition to the workshops held at the campus. Regarding numbers, 38 students joined this course, of which 35 are female and 3 are male students. They worked on 1748 articles adding more than 12,282,943 million bytes to the article namespace on the Arabic Wikipedia, with the help of the online ambassador, who also participated as a student.
See the course page of this group on the Arabic Wikipedia here.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Egypt here.
By Jorid Martinsen (Wikimedia Norge)
Snippet: This fall masters students in History and Archeology at the University of Oslo take on the task of Wikipedia editing as one of the main parts in a subject on communication of History.
The University of Oslo is Norway’s largest higher education institution, and it is the first time Wikimedia Norway collaborates with this University in forming and using Wikipedia editing as a integrated part of higher education. The collaboration started by Wikimedia Norway contacting assistant professor John McNicol, who already had gotten some media attention on his eagerness to make students skilled in knowledge sharing.
Starting off with a two hour lecture on the secret world of Wikipedia and a two hour editing workshop in mid-September, and in October the students will evaluate the life of their articles. Has there been many additional edits on their articles? Discussions? Request to delete everything? For Wikimedia Norge it is fun to see the students both engaging in Wikipedia editing and using the ways of Wikipedia to discuss how knowledge is formed.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Norway here.
MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 09:26, 1. март 2016. (CET).This Month in Education: [March 2016]
- Argentina: Educational hackathon about digital sources, big data, and Wikipedia
- Argentina and Mexico: First mentoring program between the Argentine and Mexican chapters
- Czech Republic: Czech education program turns professional with a new education manager
- Egypt: Egyptian Wikimedians celebrate the seventh conference of WEP
- Nigeria: Wikipedia workshop for students of Fountain University
- Sverige: Teacher celebrated for excellent pedagogy with Wikipedia
- Taiwan: Taiwanese students use Spoken Wikipedia as their service learning
- Global: Education Program Historic Data Campaign
- Global: Articles of interest in other publications
We apologize for an earlier distribution that mistakenly took on the older content. We hope you enjoy the newest issue of the newsletter we are sharing now.--Sailesh Patnaik (Distribution leader) using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 19:44, 2. март 2016. (CET)
уредиRadim polako, pa nisam hteo da se javljam dok ne zavrsim sve. Inace, mislim da bi buduci seminarski trebalo da se bave opstim temama tipa рачунар, процесор, матична плоча, тврди диск, Microsoft Windows, оперативни систем, интернет. То су неке основе, а и студентима ће бити лакше да преводе. -- Bojan Razgovor 11:56, 13. март 2016. (CET)
Kućica na steni (Kućica na Drini)
уредиDa li je ova tema odgovarajuća?
производња "управо на време"
уредида ли бих требао још нешто да поправим у свом чланку да би задовољио критеријуме википедије?
хвала, поздрав --Vladimirepo (разговор) 19:49, 7. април 2016. (CEST)
Kućica na steni (Kućica na Drini)
уредиPoštovana, Pokušala sam da napišem svoj članak na vikipediji u odeljku pesak, ali nije mi sačuvan u pesku. Evo link do članka https://sr.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=%D0%9A%D1%83%D1%9B%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8_(%D0%9A%D1%83%D1%9B%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%94%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8)&action=submit Šta da radim sada?
Hvala puno.
Miccciii (разговор) 16:55, 2. мај 2016. (CEST)Milica
This Month in Education: [June 2016]
- Argentina: A New Online Course in a New Virtual Campus
- Czech Republic: How to survive the Big Bang in your education program
- Estonia: An online elective course on Wikipedia for high school pupils in Estonia
- Greece: Argostoli Evening School students and a Wikitherapy participant turn Wiktionary project into Android app
- Israel: New training materials in Arabic by WMIL
- Mexico: Luz María Silva's students and their adventure editing Spanish Wikipedia
- Mexico: Spring semester wiki activities end at Tec de Monterrey, Mexico City
- Netherlands: Maastricht University 40 years
- Sweden: Students in Sweden edit Somali Wikipedia
- Taiwan: Visualizations of relationships among knowledge? Try WikiSeeker!
- Wikimania 2016: Education at Wikimania
- Wikimedia Foundation: Education Program surveys are here!
- Wikimedia Foundation: Vahid Masrour joins the education team at the Wikimedia Foundation
- Global: Programs and Events Dashboard Update
- Global: Articles of interest in other publications
We hope you enjoy the newest issue of the Education Newsletter.--Sailesh Patnaik (Distribution leader) using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 18:53, 1. јун 2016. (CEST)
Позивница за Википројекат Жена
уредиЗдраво! Жељели смо да Вам скренемо пажњу да је основан Википројекат Жена који има за циљ побољшање чланака о женама на Википедији. Помислили смо да ћете бити заинтересовани за ову тему, па Вас овом приликом позивамо да нам се придружите. Направите неки нови чланак или побољшајте већ постојећи. У случају да желите да нам се придржите, само кликните овдје! |
This Month in Education: [September 2016]
- Armenia: Armenian students inspire their parents to join Wikipedia
- Brazil: Brazilian Wikimedians interview editor of academic journal Wiki Studies
- Egypt: Cairo University students wrap up their eighth term and start their ninth term on WEP
- Egypt: Egyptian Wikimedians celebrate eighth WEP conference
- Greece: Online wiki training for educators in Greece
- Israel: Outcomes report on a Wikipedia Course “Skills for Producing and Consuming Knowledge”, Tel Aviv University
- Israel: Wikipedia as a Teaching and Learning Tool in Medical Education at IAMSE Medical Education Conference
- Israel: "Writing a new article is a special experience that feels new every time"
- Mexico: Video projects redefine student Wiki work and student community service
- Russia: Wiki Workshop at Saint Petersburg Internet Conference 2016 in Russia
- Sweden: Swedish National Agency of Education endorses Wikipedia Education Program
- Turkey: Psychology students of Uludag University are very proud of contributing Turkish Wikipedia
- West Africa: West African schools will test Kiwix, the offline Wikipedia reader
- Global: Programs and Events Dashboard Update
- Global: Articles of interest in other publications
We hope you enjoy the newest issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 14:59, 1. септембар 2016. (CEST)
This Month in Education: December 2016
- Greece: Greek schools collaborate to write on local history
- Israel: It’s a win win project: An interview with Sivan Lerer, a teacher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Germany: Open Science Fellows Program launched in Germany
- Basque Country: Students go wikipedian in the Basque Country
- Norway: Third term of Wikipedia editing at the University of Oslo
- Macedonia: First Wiki Club in Macedonia
- Global: Articles of interest in other publications
To get involved with the newsletter, please visit the newsroom. To browse past issues, please visit the archives.
Home • Subscribe • Archives • Newsroom - The newsletter team 19:51, 22. децембар 2016. (CET)
This Month in Education: [February 2017]
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 1 | February 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. Be sure to check out the full version, and past editions. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team!
In This Issue
We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 22:54, 28. фебруар 2017. (CET)
This Month in Education: [March 2017]
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 2 |March 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. Be sure to check out the full version, and past editions. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team!
In This Issue
The new issue of the newsletter is out! Thanks to everyone who submitted stories and helped with the publication. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using Saileshpat (talk) 19:07, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
This Month in Education: [April 2017]
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 3 | April 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. Be sure to check out the full version, and past editions. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team!
In This Issue
The new issue of the newsletter is out! Thanks to everyone who submitted stories and helped with the publication. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 21:18, 1. мај 2017. (CEST)
This Month in Education: September 2017
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 8 | September 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
In This Issue
Featured Topic | "Wikipedia – Here and Now": 40 students in the Summer School "I Can – Here and Now" in Bulgaria heard more about Wikipedia | |
| ||
From the Community |
This Month in Education: October 2017
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 9 | October 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Featured Topic |
Your community should discuss to implement the new P&E Dashboard functionalities |
From the Community |
Wikidata implemented in Wikimedia Serbia Education Programe |
From the Education Team |
This Month in Education: November 2017
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 10 | November 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: December 2017
уредиVolume 6 | Issue 11 | December 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: January 2018
уредиVolume 7 | Issue 1 | January 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: February 2018
уредиVolume 7 | Issue 2 | February 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: March 2018
уредиVolume 7 | Issue 3 | March 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: April 2018
уредиVolume 7 | Issue 4 | April 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: May 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 5 | May 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: June 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: July 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: August 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 8 | August 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: September 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: November 2018
уредиVolume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: November 2018
уредиThis Month in Education: January 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: February 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: March 2019
уредиBring your idea for Wikimedia in Education to life! Launch of the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse
уредиstyle="Шаблон:Pre style;width:100%"|
Are you passionate about open education? Do you have an idea to apply Wikimedia projects to an education initiative but don’t know where to start? Join the the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse! It is an immersive co-learning experience that lasts 9 months and will equip you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to bring your ideas to life. You can apply as a team or as an individual, by May 12th. Find out more Education Greenhouse. For more information reachout to mguadalupe wikimedia.org |
This Month in Education: April 2019
This Month in Education Volume 8 • Issue 4 • April 2019 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue |
This Month in Education: May 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: June 2019
уредиПозивница за придруживање дискорд серверу
уредиЗдраво, Upotrebi klikere. Позивамо вас да се придружите дискорд серверу. Он служи да омогући лакшу комуникацију и сарадњу међу википедијанцима. Да бисте се придружили, кликните овде. За више информација, погледајте Википедија:Дискорд. Хвала! |
This Month in Education: July 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: August 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: September 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: October 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: November 2019
уредиThis Month in Education: January 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: February 2020
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 9 • Issue 1 • February 2020 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue
This Month in Education: March 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: April 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: May 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: June 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: July 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: August 2020
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 9 • Issue 8 • August 2020 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issuse |
This Month in Education: September 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: September 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: October 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: October 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: November 2020
уредиThis Month in Education: January 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 1 • January 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issuse
This Month in Education: January 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 1 • January 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issuse
This Month in Education: February 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 2 • February 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issuse |
This Month in Education: March 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • March 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issuse
This Month in Education: April 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: May 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: June 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: July 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: August 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: September 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 9 • September 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue |
This Month in Education: October 2021
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 10 • Issue 10 • October 2021 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue
This Month in Education: November 2021
уредиThis Month in Education: January 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 1 • January 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- 30-h Wikipedia Article Writing Challenge
- Announcing Wiki Workshop 2022
- Final exhibition about Cieszyn Silesia region
- Join us this February for the EduWiki Week
- Offline Education project WikiChallenge closed its third edition
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom ToT Experience of a Filipina Wikimedian
- Welcoming new trainers of the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program
- Wikimedia Israel’s education program: Students enrich Hebrew Wiktionary with Biblical expressions still in use in modern Hebrew
This Month in Education: January 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 1 • January 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- 30-h Wikipedia Article Writing Challenge
- Announcing Wiki Workshop 2022
- Final exhibition about Cieszyn Silesia region
- Join us this February for the EduWiki Week
- Offline Education project WikiChallenge closed its third edition
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom ToT Experience of a Filipina Wikimedian
- Welcoming new trainers of the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program
- Wikimedia Israel’s education program: Students enrich Hebrew Wiktionary with Biblical expressions still in use in modern Hebrew
This Month in Education: February 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 2 • February 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
- Open Foundation West Africa Expands Open Movement With UHAS
- Celebrating the 18th anniversary of Ukrainian Wikipedia
- Integrating Wikipedia in the academic curriculum in a university in Mexico
- Results of "Reading Wikipedia" workshop in the summer school of Plan Ceibal in Uruguay
- WikiFundi, offline editing plateform : last release notes and how-tos
- Writing Wikipedia as an academic assignment in STEM fields
- The Learning and Connection – 1Lib1Ref with African Librarians
This Month in Education: March 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 3 • March 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- Arte+Feminismo Pilipinas:Advocacy on Women Empowerment
- The edit-a-thon on Serbian Wikipedia on the occasion of Edu Wiki Week
- Call for Participation: Higher Education Survey
- Collection of Good Practices in Wikipedia Education
- Conversation: Open education in the Wikimedia Movement views from Latin America
- EduWiki Week 2022, celebrations and learnings
- EduWiki Week in Armenia
- Open Education Week at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
- Wikipedia + Education Talk With Leonard Hagan
- Wikimedia Israel cooperates with Yad Vashem in developing a training course for teachers
This Month in Education: April 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • April 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- Audio-Educational Seminar of Wikimedia Mexico
- Dagbani Wikimedians using digital TV broadcast to train Wikipedia contributors in Ghana
- Digital Education & The Open Space With Herbert Acheampong
- HerStory walks as a part of edit-a-thons
- Join us for Wiki Workshop 2022
- The youngest member of Tartu Wikiclub is 15-year-old student
This Month in Education: May 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 5 • May 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- Wiki Hackathon in Kwara State
- Introduction of the Wikimedia Fan Club to Kwara State University Malete
- Education in Kosovo
- Bringing the Wikiprojects to the Island of Catanduanes
- Tyap Wikipedia Goes Live
- Spring 1Lib1Ref edition in Poland
- Tyap Editors Host Maiden Wiktionary In-person Training Workshop
- Wikibooks project in teaching
- Africa Eduwiki Network Hosted Conversation about Wikimedian in Education with Nebojša Ratković
- My Journey In The Wiki-Space By Thomas Baah
This Month in Education: May 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 5 • May 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- Wiki Hackathon in Kwara State
- Introduction of the Wikimedia Fan Club to Kwara State University Malete
- Education in Kosovo
- Bringing the Wikiprojects to the Island of Catanduanes
- Tyap Wikipedia Goes Live
- Spring 1Lib1Ref edition in Poland
- Tyap Editors Host Maiden Wiktionary In-person Training Workshop
- Wikibooks project in teaching
- Africa Eduwiki Network Hosted Conversation about Wikimedian in Education with Nebojša Ratković
- My Journey In The Wiki-Space By Thomas Baah
This Month in Education: June 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 6 • June 2022
- Black Lunch Table: Black History Month with Igbo Wikimedians User Group
- Bolivian Teachers Welcomed Wikipedia in their Classroom
- Educational program & Wikivoyage in Ukrainian University
- The Great Learning and Connection: Experience from AFLIA
- New Mexico Students Join Wikimedia Movement Through WikiForHumanRights Campaign
- The school wiki-project run by a 15 year old student came to an end
- The students of Kadir Has University, Istanbul contribute Wikimedia projects in "Civic Responsibility Project" course
- Wiki Trip with Vasil Kamami Wikiclub to Berat, the town of one thousand windows
- Wikiclubs in Albania
- Wikidata in the classroom FGGC Bwari Experience
- Wikipedia and Secondary Schools in Aotearoa New Zealand
- А large-scale online course for teaching beginners to work in Wikipedia has been developed in Russia
This Month in Education: July 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 7 • July 2022
This Month in Education: August 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 8 • August 2022
- The Making of a Certified Trainer of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom
- Wikimania SDGs 2022: The Kwara Experience
- An adapted Module teacher’s guide in Yoruba and English about Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom in Nigeria is now available on Commons
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Kwara, Nigeria: The Trainers Experience
- Edu Wiki Camp 2022 in Serbia: Together again
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program Nigeria: The Teacher experience
- Wiki For Senior Citizens
- WikiLoves SDGs Nigeria Tours Kwara State University Malete
- Wikiteka project in Poland - summertime
This Month in Education: September 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 9 • September 2022
- OpenEdu.ch: centralising training documents, a platform for the teachers' community in Switzerland
- Senior Citizens WikiTown 2022: Exploring Olomouc and its heritage
- Wikimedia Research Fund
- Wikimedia Youths Commemorate the International Youth Day 2022 in an exciting way across the globe
- Wikipedia, Education, and the Crisis of Information
This Month in Education: End of the 2022
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 10 • October–November 2022
- 2nd Latin American Regional Meeting on Education
- Adopting Wikipedia for Secondary School Students in Nigeria Classroom
- Celebrating 2022 Vibrance in Kwara State University Malete
- Celebrating the Wikipedia and Wikidata Birthday in school
- Report on school libraries in Poland for the Wikiteka project
- Wiki For Senior Citizens Network
- WikiEducation, Educational practices and experiences in Mexico with Wikipedia and other open resources
- Wikimedia & Education Workshops: a Wiki Movimento Brasil initiative
- An event at the National History Museum in Tirana
- Students 24-hour competition on Wikipedia article writing
- Wiki-Data a Giant at 10
- WikiGraphers: Visualizing Open Knowledge
- Wikimedia Israel’s Educational Innovation: “Students Write Wikipedia” as a Matriculation-Exam Alternative
- Wikimedia Morocco User Group Empowers Moroccan Teachers to Use Wikipedia in the Classroom
- Wikimedia Russia has released the "Introduction to Wikipedia" textbook
- “Wikipedia for School” contest was held in Ukraine for the third time
- Announcing the Wikipedia & Education User Group Election Results
This Month in Education: January 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 1 • January 2023
- Educational Projects 2023-1 in Mexico
- Integration of Wikipedia in Ukrainian universities – teacher-led and student-led
- Transitional Justice in Kosovo edit-a-thon and Partnership with Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Prishtina
- Wikidata Citation Hunt Program for secondary school students, Dubai
- Wikipedia edit-a-thon with students from Art Faculty - University of Prishtina
- Тeacher from Belgrade got a reward for using Wikibooks in teaching
This Month in Education: February 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 2 • February 2023
- A Strategic Direction for a Massive Online Course for Educators in Brazil
- Alliance Funding for Wikipedia as a school resource in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, New Zealand
- Call for Submissions to Wiki Workshop 2023
- Collaboration with Charles University on the creation of Czech Wikipedia started in January
- Open Education Week 2023 in the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- Wikiclubs with different schools in Albania
This Month in Education: March 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 3 • March 2023
- Audio-seminar project of the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- Empowering Nigerian Female Artists: Through Art & Feminism Edith-A-Thon at KWASU Fan Club
- Exploring How Wikipedia Works
- Florida graduate students complete Library History edit-a-thon for credit
- Improving hearing health content in Brazil
- Media Literacy Portal to become a key resource for media education in Czech Libraries
- Wikeys in the Albanian language
- Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia
- Wikimedia Polska short report
- Wikimedia Serbia participated in the State Seminar of the The Mathematical Society of Serbia
This Month in Education: April 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 4 • April 2023
- Auckland Museum Alliance fund project update
- Introducing Wikipedia to Kusaal Language Teachers
- KWASU Fan Club Leads the Way in 21st Century Learning with Wiki in School Program
- On-line Courses for Educators in Poland
- Online meeting of Ukrainian educators working with Wikipedia – four perspectives
- Wikiclubs Editathon in Elbasan, Albania
- Wikipedia at the Brazilian Linguistics Olympiad
- Wikipedia at the University of Łódź Information Management Conference
This Month in Education: June 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 5 • June 2023
- Africa Day 2023: Abuja Teachers celebrates
- From editing articles to civic power – Wikimedia UK's research on democracy and Wikipedia
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program in Yemen Brings Positive Impact to Yemeni Teachers
- Using Wikipedia in education: students' and teachers' view
- The Journey of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Lagos State
- WMB goes to Serbia
- But we don't want it to end!
This Month in Education: July 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 7 • July 2023
- Wikimedia Kaduna Connect Campaign
- Wikimedia Serbia published a paper Promoting Equity in Access to Open Knowledge: An Example of the Wikipedia Educational Program
- Wikimedia and Education Kailali Multiple campus
- WikiCamp in Istog, Kosovo: Promoting Knowledge and Nature Appreciation
- Wiki at the Brazilian National History Symposium
- US & Canada program reaches 100M words added
- Renewed Community Wikiconference brought together experienced Wikipedians and newcomers
- Kusaal Wikipedia Workshop at Ajumako Campus, University of Education, Winneba
- Join us to celebrate the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program Graduation Ceremony
- Activities that took place during the presentation of the WikiEducation book. Educational practices and experiences in Mexico with Wikipedia and other open resources in Xalala, Veracruz from the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- 62+ Participants Graduates from the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program
- “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom” course launched in Ukraine
- OFWA and Goethe Institute Host Wiki Skills For Librarians Workshop-Ghana
This Month in Education: September 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 7 • September 2023
- Inauguration of the Kent Wiki Club at the Wikimania 2023 Conference
- Letter Magic: Supercharging Your WikiEducation Programs
- Réseau @pprendre (Learning Network) : The Initiative for Educational Change in Francophone West Africa
- WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique closes its 5th edition with 13 winning schools
- WikiConecta: connecting Brazilian university professors and Wikimedia
- Wikimedia Germany launches interactive event series Open Source AI in Education
This Month in Education: October 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 8 • October 2023
- 3 Generations at Wikipedia Education Program in Türkiye
- CBSUA Launches Wiki Education in Partnership with PhilWiki Community and Bikol Wikipedia Community
- Celebrating Wikidata’s Birthday in Elbasan
- Edu Wiki Camp 2023 - together in Sremski Karlovci
- PhilWiki Community promotes language preservation and cultural heritage advocacies at ADNU
- PunjabWiki Education Program: A Wikipedia Adventure in Punjab
- WikiConference on Education ignites formation of Wikimedia communities
- Wikimedia Estonia talked about education at CEE meeting in Tbilisi
- Wikimedia in Brazil is going to be a book
- Wikipedian Editor Project: Arabic Sounds Workshop 2023
This Month in Education: November 2023
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 9 • November 2023
- 4th WikiUNAM Editathon: Community knowledge strengthens education
- Edit-a-thon at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo
- EduWiki Nigeria Community: Embracing Digital Learning Through Wikipedia
- Evening Wikischool offers Czech seniors further education on Wikipedia
- Expansion of Wikipedia Education Program through Student Associations at Iranian Universities
- Exploring Wikipedia through Wikiclubs and the Wikeys board game in Albania
- First anniversary of the game Wikeys
- Involve visiting students in education programs
- Iranian Students as Wikipedians: Using Wikipedia to Teach Research Methodology and Encyclopedic Writing
- Kiwix4Schools Nigeria: Bridging Knowledge Gap through Digital Literacy
- Lire wikipedia en classe à Djougou au Bénin
- Tyap Wikimedians Zaria Outreach
- Art Outreach at Aje Comprehensive Senior High School 1st November 2023, Lagos Mainland
- PhilWiki Community holds a meet-up to advocate women empowerment
This Month in Education: January 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 1 • January 2024
- Cross-Continental Wikimedia Activities: A Dialogue between Malaysia and Estonia
- Czech programme SWW in 2023 – how have we managed to engage students
- Extending Updates on Wikipedia in Education – Elbasan, Albania
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Teacher’s guide – now available in Bulgarian language
- Summer students at Auckland Museum
- WikiDunong: EduWiki Initiatives in the Philippines Project
- Wikimedia Armenia's Educational Workshops
- Wikimedia Foundation publishes its first Child Rights Impact Assessment
This Month in Education: February 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 2 • February 2024
- 2 new courses in Students Write Wikipedia Starting this February
- More two wiki-education partnerships
- Open Education Week 2024 in Mexico
- Reading Wikipedia in Bolivia, the community grows
- Wiki Education Philippines promotes OERs utilization
- Wiki Loves Librarians, Kaduna
- Wiki Workshop 2024 CfP – Call for Papers Research track
This Month in Education: March 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 3 • March 2024
This Month in Education: April 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 4 • April 2024
This Month in Education: May 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 5 • May 2024
- Albania - Georgia Wikimedia Cooperation 2024
- Aleksandër Xhuvani University Editathon in Elbasan
- Central Bicol State University of Agriculture LitFest features translation and article writing on Wikipedia
- Empowering Youth Council in Bulqiza through editathons
- We left a piece of our hearts at Arhavi
- Wiki Movimento Brasil at Tech Week and Education Speaker Series
- Wikimedia MKD trains new users in collaboration with MYLA
This Month in Education: June 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 6 • June 2024
- From a Language Teacher to a Library Support Staff: The Wikimedia Effect
- 5th WikiEducation 2024 Conference in Mexico
- Lviv hosted a spring wikischool for Ukrainian high school students
- First class of teachers graduated from Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom 2024
- Empowering Digital Citizenship: Unlocking the Power of Open Knowledge with Participants of the LIFE Legacy
- Wiki Movimento Brazil supports online and in-person courses and launches material to guide educators in using Wikimedia projects
- Where to find images for free? Webinar for librarians answered many questions
- Wikimedia MKD and University of Goce Delchev start a mutual collaboration
This Month in Education: August 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 7 • August 2024
- Cross-Cultural Knowledge Sharing: Wikipedia's New Frontier at University of Tehran
- Let's Read Wikipedia in Bolivia reaches teachers in Cochabamba
- Results of the 2023 “Wikipedia for School” Contest in Ukraine
- Edu Wiki Camp in Serbia, 2024
- Wikimedia Human Rights Month this year engaged schools in large amount
- Strengthening Education Programs at Wikimania 2024: A Global Leap in Collaborative Learning
- Wiki Education programs are featured in a scientific outreach magazine, and Wiki Movimento Brasil offers training for researchers in the Amazon
- Wiki Movimento Brasil aims to adapt a game about Wikipedia, organize an academic event for scientific dissemination, and host the XXXIII Wiki-Education Workshop
This Month in Education: October 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 8 • October 2024
- CBSUA Wiki Education turns 1 year
- 7th Senior WikiTown took place in Becov nad Teplou, Czech Republic
- Edit-a-thon about Modern Architecture in Kosovo
- Empowering Digital Literacy through Wikimedia in South Sudan
- Many new articles and contributions in September and October for Wikimedia MKD
- New Record: 5 Events in Municipal Library within a Month
- Wiki-Education programs in Brazil are centered around the Wikidata and Wikisource platforms
- WikiChallenge African Schools wins the “Open Pedagogy” Award 2024 from OE Global
- Wikipedia helps in improving cognitive skills
- Wikipedia in Graduate Studies: Expanding Research Impact
- WiLMa PH establishes a Wiki Club
This Month in Education: November 2024
уредиThis Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 9 • November 2024
- Auckland Museum Wikipedia Student Programme
- Citizenship and free knowledge on Wikipedia in Albanian language
- Engaging students with Wikipedia and Wikidata at Hasanuddin University’s Wikimedia Week
- Minigrant initiative by empowering the Rrëshen community in Albania
- Wikidata birthday in Albania, 2024
- Wikidata birthday in School
- Wikimedia Education Workshop at Lumbini Technological University
- Wikimedia MKD's new collaborations and new content
- Improving Historical Knowledge on Persian Wikipedia through a continuous Wikimedia Education Program: Shahid Beheshti University Wikipedia Education Program