Датотека:Grant Wood - American Gothic - Google Art Project.jpg

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Grant Vud: Америчка готика  wikidata:Q464782 reasonator:Q464782
Grant Vud  (1891–1942)  wikidata:Q217434
Grant Vud
Друга имена
Grant DeVolson Wood
Опис амерички сликар, универзитетски професор и графичар
Датум рођења/смрти 13. фебруар 1891. Уреди на Википодацима 12. фебруар 1942. / 13. фебруар 1942. Уреди на Википодацима
Место рођења/смрти Анамоса Уреди на Википодацима Чикаго Уреди на Википодацима
Место рада
Нормативна контрола
artist QS:P170,Q217434
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
American Gothic

Америчка готика
title QS:P1476,en:"American Gothic"
label QS:Len,"American Gothic"
Врста предмета слика
object_type QS:P31,Q3305213
Приказане особе
Датум 1930
date QS:P571,+1930-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Техника Уље на beaverboard
Димензије висина: 780 mm; ширина: 653 mm
dimensions QS:P2048,780U174789
dimensions QS:P2049,653U174789
institution QS:P195,Q239303
Актуелна локација
Пописни број
Место настанка Сједињене Америчке Државе Уреди на Википодацима
Историја предмета
English: The artist; sold to the Art Institute, November 1930.

Историја изложби

Art Institute of Chicago, The Forty-third Annual Exhibition of American Paintings and Sculpture, October 30-December 14, 1930, cat. 207, ill.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 1931.

Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, Twenty-Fifth Annual Exhibition of Selected Paintings by American Artists, April 26-June 22, 1931, cat. 139, ill. p. 26.

San Diego Fine Art Gallery, Show of Contemporary Eastern Painting [probably], c. June 1932, no cat.; traveled to Santa Barbara, Calif., Faulkner Memorial Art Gallery, c. August 1932.

New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Paintings and Prints by Chicago Artists, February 28-March 30, 1933, cat. 37, ill. frontispiece.

Art Institute of Chicago, A Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, June 1-November 1, 1933, cat. 666, pl. 92.

Washington, DC., Phillips Collection, November 1933-February 1934.

Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Mus of Art, March 31-April 10, 1934.

Art Institute of Chicago, A Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, June 1-November 1, 1934, cat. 716.

Chicago, Lakeside Press Galleries, Loan Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings by Grant Wood, February-March 1935, cat. 33, ill. p. 23.

New York, Ferargil Galleries, An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Grant Wood, March-April 1935, cat. 15.

Kansas City, Mo., William R. Nelson Gallery, October 2-November 8, 1935.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, The Centennial Exposition, June 6-November 29, 1936, cat. 15, ill. p. 64.

Chicago, Ill., Chicago Woman's Club, Jan 20, 1937.

Bloomington, Ill., Central Illinois Art Exposition, March 19-April 8, 1939, cat. 106, ill. p. 29.

Iowa City, Fine Arts Festival, Iowa Union Lounge, University of Iowa, Exhibition of Paintings by Grant Wood and Marvin D. Cone, July 16-23, 1939, cat. 23.

Art Institute of Chicago, Half a Century of American Art, November 16, 1939-January 7, 1940, cat. 178, pl. 46.

Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cranbrook Academy of Art, May 17-June 6, 1940.

Northampton, Mass., Smith College Museum of Art, American Art: Aspects of American Painting, 1900-1940, June 12-22, 1940, cat. 33.

Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art Museum, A Decade of American Painting 1930-1940, February 18-March 22, 1942, ill. p. 23.

Cedar Rapids Art Association, Grant Wood Memorial Exhibition, September 1-October 1, 1942, no cat. See Cedar Rapids Gazette, 9/6/1942.

Art Institute of Chicago, Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Grant Wood, included in the Fifty-third Annual Exhibition of American Paintings and Sculpture, October 29-December 12, 1942, cat. 2, color ill. frontispiece.

New York, Museum of Modern Art, 20th Century Portraits, December 8, 1942-January 24, 1943, p. 145, ill. p. 99.

Baltimore, Md., February 12-March 7, 1943.

Worcester Art Museum, March 17-April 19, 1943.

Boston, The Institute of Modern Art, Ten Americans, October 20-November 21, 1943, cat. 29, ill.

Saginaw, Mich., Saginaw Museum of Art, An Exhibition of American Painting from Colonial Times until Today, January 10-February 15, 1948, cat. 71, pl. 13.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Famous American Paintings, October 9-31, 1948, n.pag., ill.

Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art, Milestones of American Painting in Our Century, c. January 2-c. March 3, 1949, cat. 21.

Montreal, Canada, March 18-April 20, 1949.

Canadian National Exhibition Art Exhibit, August 26-September 10, 1949.

Beloit, Wisc., Beloit College, October 11-November 11, 1949.

Dayton, Ohio, Dayton Art Institute, The Artist and His Family, March 3-April 1950, cat. 40.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Coe College, Centennial Exhibition, May 15-June 9, 1952, cat. 24.

New York, Wildenstein, Landmarks in American Art, 1670-1950, Feb 26-Mar 28, 1953, cat. 50, ill.

Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, 125 Years of American Art, September 15-October 11, 1953, cat. 59, ill. p. 18.

Dubuque, Iowa, Dubuque Art Association, Thirty Years of Grant Wood, Feb 15-Feb 23, 1955, cat. 9.

Des Moines, Iowa, Des Moines Art Center, Communicating Art from Midwest Collections: American and European Paintings and Sculpture, 1835-1955, October 13-November 6, 1955, cat. 20, ill.

Davenport, Iowa, Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, Grant Wood and the American Scene, February 3-24, 1957, cat. 5, ill. p. 5.

Lake Forest, Ill., Durand Art Institute, Lake Forest College, A Century Of American Painting: Masterpieces Loaned by The Art Institute of Chicago, June 10-16, 1957, cat. 24.

Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Face of America: The History of Portraiture in the United States, November 13, 1957-January 26, 1958, cat. 92, fig. 41.

Washington, DC, Corcoran Gallery of Art, The American Muse: Parallel Trends in Literature and Art, April 4-May 17, 1959, cat. 130.

Art Institute of Chicago, Art in Illinois, In Honor of the Illinois Sesquicentennial, June 15-September 8, 1968, p. 10.

Art Institute of Chicago, 100 Artists, 100 Years: Alumni of the SAIC, Centennial Exhibition, November 23, 1979-January 20, 1980, cat. 112, ill. p. 35.

New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Grant Wood: The Regionalist Vision, June 16-September 4, 1983, cat. 25, pl. 32, traveled to Minneapolis Institute of Arts, September 25, 1983-January 1, 1984, Art Institute of Chicago, January 21-April 15, 1984; San Francisco, M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum, May 12-August 12, 1984.

Omaha, Neb., Joslyn Art Museum, Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed, December 10, 1995-February 25, 1996, cat. 14, pl. 16, traveled to Davenport, Iowa, Davenport Museum of Art, March 23-September 8, 1996; Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art Museum, October 6-December 31, 1996.

New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The American Century: Art and Culture, 1900-1950, April 23-August 22, 1999, cat. 435, color ill. p. 225.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Grant Wood at 5 Turner Alley, September 10-December 4, 2005.

English: Signed and dated lower right on overalls: GRANT / WOOD / 1930

Белешке More info at museum site
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Извор/фотограф 5QEPm0jCc183Aw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
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Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
American Gothic

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тренутна15:49, 25. август 2015.Минијатура за верзију на дан 15:49, 25. август 2015.4.973 × 6.001 (6,91 MB)ArmbrustReverted to version as of 00:42, 17 November 2012 this version was featured on en.wp, please upload your version under a different filename
23:13, 25. јул 2015.Минијатура за верзију на дан 23:13, 25. јул 2015.4.973 × 6.001 (7,86 MB)Jean-Christophe BENOISTRemove color cast
01:42, 17. новембар 2012.Минијатура за верзију на дан 01:42, 17. новембар 2012.4.973 × 6.001 (6,91 MB)DcoetzeeBot=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Google Art Project |commons_artist={{Creator:Grant Wood}} |commons_title= |commons_description= |commons_date= |commons_medium= |commons_dimensions= |commons_institution= |commons_location= |commons_references= |commons_object_hi...

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