

This metadata template links Wikipedia articles to various biological and taxonomic databases. Taxonbar displays these links as short strings, indicating the unique identifier each database has assigned the taxon for catalogue purposes.

Taxonomic identifiers of each taxon are stored and retrieved from each taxon's corresponding Wikidata entry, but can be overridden in individual articles with locally entered data. Adding the data to Wikidata is preferable.

This project is based on the work of {{Authority Control}} and Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy. If you are a template editor or Wikipedia administrator, you may contribute at Module:Taxonbar. Please discuss ideas/thoughts for improvement or use on Template:Taxonbar/talk.

Taxonbar is placed below all navigation templates, except Authority control (not shown here).



Please place Taxonbar correctly. As a metadata template, Taxonbar should be placed:

Add Taxonbar to an article:

  1. In Source editing mode, insert {{Taxonbar|from=}} below all other navigation templates except Authority control — it is preferable to add the from = QID parameter even if just a single Wikidata item points to the article.
  2. Click "Show preview" to check placement, and to see which taxon identifiers are automatically pulled from Wikidata.
  3. If you have more identifiers to add, consider adding them to the article's Wikidata item, so that all versions of Wikipedia automatically benefit. Be careful not to edit the structure or names of Wikidata taxa until you have become familiar with Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy and Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy/Tutorial.

Basic code:


Taxon example

Scarlet macaw (Ara macao)

{{Taxonbar | from=Q243761}} when placed in the Scarlet macaw article:

Basic use samples


Taxon identifiers


The template can automatically get its information from the following properties on Wikidata. This is configured in Module:Taxonbar/conf.

Parameter Wikidata ID Authority Description
aba P4526 identifier for a bird taxon, issued by the American Birding Association
adw P4024 identifier for a taxon in the Animal Diversity Web database
afd P6039 identifier for a taxon on the Australian Faunal Directory website
afromoths P6093 identifier for a species on the AfroMoths website
algaebase P1348 URL for a taxon in
amphibiaweb P5036 identifier for a species, in the AmphibiaWeb database
antweb P5299 identifier for a taxon in the AntWeb database
aoi P5003 identifier for a species of amphibian in the Amphibians of India database
aofp P6159 identifier for a species on the Atlas of Florida Plants website
apa P6137 identifier for a species on the Alabama Plant Atlas website
apdb P2036 база података научних имена, води до Џејстора (и осталих)
apni P5984 identifier for a plant, in the Australian Plant Name index
apsa P2809 identifier for a pollen or spore in the Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas, managed by the Australian National University
araneae P3594 identifier for a taxon in
arkive P2833 identifier for a taxon, in the ARKive database
asw P5354 identifier for a taxon in the Amphibian Species of the World database
atrf P6904 Biljke australijskih tropskih prašuma identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian Tropical Rainforest plants database
ausfungi P9076 identifier for a taxon (a fungus), in the Australian 'Fungi' database
auslichen P9093 identifier for a taxon (a lichen), in the Australian Lichen database
avibase P2026 identifier for a species, subspecies, or genus in the global bird database Avibase
bacdive P2946 identifier for a microorganism, in the BacDive database
bamona P3398 identifier for taxa in the "Butterflies and Moths of North America" database
bhl P687 Библиотека биодиверзитетског насљеђа identifier for a page in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)
biolib P838 identifier for a taxon in the biological encyclopedia BioLib
birdlife P5257 identifier for an avian taxon, in the BirdLife factsheet database
birdlife-australia P6040 identifier for a species on the BirdLife Australia website
bold P3606 identifier for a taxon in
bto P4798 identifier for a bird species or sub-species in the BTO Birds of Britain/ BirdFacts database
bugguide P2464 identifier in
butmoth P3060 identifier for a butterfly or moth genus in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Butterflies and Moths of the World' database
calflora P3420 identifier for a taxon in Calflora
cal-ipc P6176 identifier for a species on the California Invasive Plant Council website
col P10585 identifier of a taxon or synonym in the Catalogue of Life
center P6003 identifier for a taxon on the Center for Biological Diversity website
cms P6033 identifier for a taxon on the 'Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals' website
cnps P4194 identifier in the California Native Plant Society database
cockroach species file P6052 identifier for a taxon on the Cockroach Species File website (old archived version)
conifers P1940 identifier for a taxon in the database
coreoidea species file P6053 identifier for a taxon on the Coreoidea Species File website
bow P3444 identifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird database
ebird P3444 identifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird database
ecocrop P4753 identifier of a plant used as an agricultural crop in the Ecocrop database
ecos P6030 identifier for a taxon on the United States' 'Environmental Conservation Online System' website
eflorasa P6933 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'South Australian electronic Flora' database
eol P830 item reference number
eppo P3031 идентификатор за таксон у EPPO глобалној бази података
eunis P6177 identifier for a species on the European Nature Information System website
euring P3459 identifier for a species or subspecies, in the EURING database
faunaeuropaea P1895 identifier for a taxon in Fauna Europaea
faunaeuropaeanew P4807 identifier for a taxon at the Fauna Europaea portal launched end of 2016
feis P6044 identifier for a taxon on the Fire Effects Information System website
fishbase P938 identifier for a species in FishBase
florabase P3101 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Government of Western Australia's FloraBase database
flow P6096 identifier for a species on the Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web website
fna P1727 identifier for a taxon in the Flora of North America database
foao P3100 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Flora of Australia Online
foao2 P6756 identifier for a plant taxon, in an Australian Commonwealth database
foc P1747 Флора Кине identifier for a taxon in Flora of China (English-language revision of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae)
foio P3795 identifier for a plant taxon or cultivar in the Flora of Israel Online database
fossilworks P842 identifier for an animal, plant, or microorganism in the Fossilworks database
fungorum P1391 Index Fungorum identifier for a fungus taxon in Index Fungorum
gbif P846 taxon identifier in GBIF
gisd P5626 identifier for a taxon in the IUCN's Global Invasive Species Database
gnab P4715 identifier for a bird taxon in the Guide to North American Birds on the National Audubon Society website
goniat P5216 identifier for a taxon, in the GONIAT database
grassbase P1832 identifier in GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora
grin P1421 GRIN Taxonomy for Plants URL for a taxon in the GRIN website
ibc P3099 identifier for a species of bird, in the Internet Bird Collection database
ifpni P6341 identifier for a species at the International Fossil Plant Names Index
inaturalist P3151 идентификатор у iNaturalist-у
ipa P6161 identifier for a species on the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States website
ipni P961 numerical identifier for a plant name in the International Plant Names Index
irmng P5055 идентификатор научног имена, у бази података Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG)
isc P5698 identifier for a taxon datasheet in the Invasive Species Compendium, produced by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
itis P815 identifier for a taxon in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System
iucn P627 identifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database; source for conservation status (P141)
lepindex P3064 Globalni indeks imena lepidoptera identifier for a Lepidoptera taxon, in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Global Lepidoptera Names Index'
lob P5862 identifier in the Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Belgium
lpsn P1991 Листа имена прокариота са евиденцијом у номенклатури URL for the website List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)
lygaeoidea species file P11311 Lygaeoidea Species File identifier for a taxon on the Lygaeoidea Species File website
mantodea species file P6055 identifier for a taxon on the Mantodea Species File website
michiganflora P6103 identifier for a species on the Michigan Flora website
mobotpf P6034 identifier for a taxon in Plant Finder, on the Missouri Botanical Garden website
mol P6092 identifier for a taxon on the Map of Life website
mnhn P6046 identifier for a taxon on the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle website
mona P4758 identifier for a Lepidoptera species, in the Hodges List (i.e. the "Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico", with subsequent revisions)
msw P959 identifier from Mammal Species of the World database
mycobank P962 identifier per MycoBank - a database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of fungi
nas P6163 identifier for a species in the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database, on the U.S. Geological Survey website
natureserve P10243 identifier of a species or ecosystem in the Americas in the NatureServe Explorer database
nbn P3240 identifier of a taxon in the National Biodiversity Network (UK)
ncbi P685 identifier for a taxon in the Taxonomy Database by the National Center for Biotechnology Information
neotropical P6047 identifier for a taxon on the Neotropical Birds website
noaa P6049 identifier for a species on the NOAA Fisheries website
nswflora P3130 identifier for a plant taxon, in the NSW Flora Online
ntflora P5953 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Northern Territory (Australia) 'NT Flora' database
nzbo P6048 identifier for a species on the New Zealand Birds Online website
nzor P2752 идентификатор за имена таксона у Регистру новозеландских организама
nzpcn P7496 ID of a plant taxon held by the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
odnr P6289 identifier for a taxon in the Species Guide Index of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website
ottol P9157 Otvoreno stablo života identifier for an entity in Open Tree of Life, a comprehensive, dynamic and digitally-available tree of life by synthesizing published phylogenetic trees along with taxonomic data
orthoptera species file P6050 identifier for a taxon on the Orthoptera Species File Online website (old version now archived)
paldat P4122 identifier for a plant species in the Palynological Database (PalDat) for pollen of the University of Vienna
panartic P2434 identifier for a taxon in the Panarctic Flora
pfaf P4301 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Plants For A Future database of uses of plants and their parts
pfi P6114 identifier for a species on the Portal to the Flora of Italy website
phasmida species file P4855 identifier for a Phasmida taxon, in the Phasmida SpeciesFile website
ppe P6061 identifier for a taxon at the Plant Parasites of Europe database
plantlist P1070 identifier in The Plant List database from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
plants P1772 identifier in the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database
plazi P1992 identifier for a taxon treatment at
powo P5037 identifier of a (vascular) plant name in the Plants of the World online database
psocodea species file P8145 numerical identifier for a taxon on the Psocodea Species File project
rd P5473 identifier for all living reptile species in The Reptile Database
rhs P8765 identifier for plants listed on the Royal Horticultural Society website
sanbi P6056 identifier for a species on the Red List of South African Plants website
scc P6057 identifier for a taxon at the Systematic Catalog of Culicidae
sealifebase P6018 identifier for a taxon on the SeaLifeBase website
seinet P6209 identifier for a species on the SEINet website
species+ P2040 identifier for a taxon in the Species+ database (CITES)
sprat P2455 identifier from Species Profile and Threats Database managed by Australian Government Department of the Environment
steere P6035 identifier for a taxon on the Steere Herbarium website
tree of life P5221 identifier in the Tree of Life Web Project
tropicos P960 identifier for a taxon name in the Tropicos database
tsa P5397 identifier for a species in the Animal Sound Archive Berlin
ubio P4728 identifier for a taxon, in the uBio 'Namebank' database
vascan P1745 identifier for a taxon in the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
vicflora P5945 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'Flora of Victoria' database
watson P1761 familyID in Watson & Dallwitz: The families of flowering plants
wio P6285 identifier for a taxon on the Weeds in Ontario website
wisflora P6227 identifier for a taxon on the Flora of Wisconsin website
woi P3746 identifier of a taxon in the Wildflowers of Israel database
wfo P7715 identifier for a plant in World Flora Online
worms P850 identifier in the World Register of Marine Species
wsc P3288 identifier of a taxon in the World Spider Catalog
xeno-canto P2426 Xeno-canto taxon identifier on the platform
zoobank P1746 identifier for a name or nomenclatural act at ZooBank

Hide specific identifier (optional)


Individual identifiers listed in the table above can be removed/hidden from the bar by setting the corresponding parameter to no. This is useful when trying to reduce the number of unhelpful links within Taxonbar. Spaces are optional. There is no sense in removing too many identifiers, for example: removing plant or fungi identifiers from an animal taxon would have no effect, as these parameters will not show up on an animal taxon in the first place. It is best to preview {{Taxonbar}} on the page and decide what entries provide little relevant data. Plant species will have the most entries and are most likely in need of hiding some entries.

Example: To remove FOC, IPNI, and AFPD, the code would look like:

{{Taxonbar | foc = no | ipni = no| apdb = no }}

On Coffea arabica, the result is:

Excluded databases


These databases are available at Wikidata, but are excluded by default here ( for being non-English.

Wikidata property name      ID Authority Description Language
Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID (old version) P3088 Catalogue of Life in Taiwan identifier (name code) for a taxon in the Catalogue of Life in Taiwan Taiwanese
CONABIO ID P4902 identifier for a taxon, issued by the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (aka CONABIO), a Federal Agency of the Mexican Government Spanish
NDOP ID P5263 identifier for a taxon in the Conservancy Species Occurrence Finding Database, managed by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic Czech
идентификатор централноафричких биљака P6115 identifier for a species on the Central African Plants website French
ДОРИС P4630 identifier of an underwater animal or plant species from French metropolitan and overseas waters on the participatory site DORIS French
Динтакса P1939 identifier for a taxon in the Swedish Taxonomic Database Swedish
Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer ID P6043 identifier for a species on the Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer website French
FloraCatalana ID P5179 FloraCatalana identifier for a plant taxon in the FloraCatalana database Catalan
Флоравеб P6094 identifier for a species on the FloraWeb website German
FOIH taxon ID P4311 identifier for a taxon in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage Dutch
GT IBMA ID P6054 identifier for a species on the Groupe de travail Invasions biologiques en milieux aquatiques website French
Index Hepaticarum ID P2794 identifier in the Index Hepaticarum, a nomenclatural database French ID P6025 identifier for a bird taxon on the website French
Плантаријум P3102 identifier for a plant taxon, in the Plantarium database Russian
TAXREF ID P3186 identifier for a biological taxon in TAXREF, the national taxonomic reference for fauna, flora and Fungi of metropolitan France and overseas developed by the National Museum of Natural History French
Тела ботаника P3105 identifier for a plant taxon in Tela Botanica's 'base des trachéophytes de France métropolitaine' - BDTFX - (Metropolitan France Tracheophyte Database) French
Титан P4125 identifier for a taxon (Cerambycidae) in the Titan database French ID P6142 identifier for a species on the website Dutch
Vlinderstichting ID P3322 Vlinderstichting vlinders identifier for lepidoptera species in the vlinderstichting database Dutch
Wiki Aves bird ID P4664 identifier for a bird species on Wiki Aves is a Brazilian catalogue website Portuguese

Additional parameters


Some taxon identifiers not currently in Wikidata can be added via additional parameters; however, adding the data to Wikidata is preferable, so that all versions of Wikipedia automatically benefit.


{{Taxonbar | emonocot = 280381 }}

On Lilium, the result is:

where the taxon identifier in the eMonocot has been added to those picked up from Wikidata.

Parameter Database Property URL/Interwiki link
eMonocot eMonocot$1
emonocotfamily eMonocot$1
wsc-species World Spider Catalog$1
wsc-genus World Spider Catalog$1
wsc-family World Spider Catalog$1
Wikispecies Wikispecies Wikispecies:$1

Multiple Wikidata entries


Some taxa will exist under multiple names (synonyms) on Wikidata. To add these synonyms, use the |from2=, |from3=, etc., parameters to specify their Wikidata IDs. The parameter |from= / |from1= will be implicitly determined by the Wikidata item linked to the article. While not required, it is preferable to explicitly store the linked Wikidata item in the |from= / |from1= parameter, for maintenance purposes. Parameters |from2=, |from3=, etc., can also be added, for example, if the linked Wikidata item differs from the taxon name of the en:Wikipedia article.

If there is more than one row, the taxon name from Wikidata will be shown in the leftmost column — to overwrite this, use the |title= / |title1=, |title2=, |title3=, etc. parameters. You can add taxon identifiers not present in Wikidata by appending the appropriate number to the end of the parameter name — for example, to add emonocot to the second row, use |emonocot2=.

For example, {{Taxonbar|from=Q26972265|from2=Q20717272}}, when placed on the page Dog produces:

The same approach can be used when monotypic taxa have a single article, but there are multiple entries in Wikidata. For example, at Haptanthus, which covers the genus and its sole species, {{Taxonbar|from1=Q15715555|from2=Q133951}} produces:



Basionyms available on Wikidata (via базионим (P566)) are automatically appended. You may also manually specify the basionym via |from#= to customize its location.

For example, both

{{Taxonbar|from1=Q43372357|from2=Q164254}} and

would produce identical taxonbars for Ponerorchis cucullata:

or {{Taxonbar|from1=Q43372357|from2=Q21977691|from3=Q164254}} for a customized location:

More taxon examples


Очисти кеш сервера

lthumb Arabica coffee, Coffea arabica

lthumb Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca

lthumb Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus

lthumb Jaguar, Panthera onca

lthumb Eastern bluebird, Sialia sialis

lthumb Firefly, Lampyridae

lthumb Fly agaric, Amanita muscaria

lthumb Saccharomyces cerevisiae

lthumb Lactobacillus acidophilus

lthumb Plasmodium falciparum

Module editing — to-do list

  • Continue to add support for new, useful parameters (search)

Module editing — to-don't list


See also


Tracking categories


Maintenance required


Maintenance desired


Tracking only (no error)



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TemplateData за Taxonbar

Links to taxonomic databases via Wikidata

Параметри шаблона

Овај шаблон преферира форматирање параметара у једном реду.

Wikidata itemfrom

нема описа
