Oslobodilačka vojska Čamerije

Oslobodilačka vojska Čamerije (OVČ; alb. Ushtria Çlirimtare e Çamërisë), poznata po svom akronimu UČČ (od alb. UÇÇ), je albanska separatistička milicija aktivna u periferiji Epir.[1][2][3][4] Ima za cilj odvajanje Čamerije od Grčke, kao i uspostavljanje Velike Albanije. Predvode je Čami.[5]

Oslobodilačka vojska Čamerije
Ushtria Çlirimtare e Çamërisë
Vreme delovanja2001—danas
Saveznici Albanija (navodno)
Protivnici Grčka

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  1. ^ Vickers, Miranda (2002) (.pdf), The Cham Issue - Albanian National & Property Claims in Greece, ARAG Balkan Series, Swindon, United Kingdom: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, pp. 21, ISBN 1-903584-76-0,
  2. ^ Gregory R. Copley,THE ROAD TO PEACE IN THE BALKANS IS PAVED WITH BAD INTENTIONS,Washington, DC, June 27, 2007 Arhivirano avgust 28, 2008 na sajtu Wayback Machine,"...an Albanian sponsored group, the UCC, seeking secession for part of Greece, Epirus, known historically also as Chameria (In Albanian)... ...the UCC was formed by the KLA and is in fact a part of the quest for a “Greater Albania”... ...A delegation of the UCC on June 10, 2007, delivered a letter to President Bush during his visit to Tirana, referring to the existence of an Albanian minority in Western Greece (Epirus) and the UCC requested recognition of the “genocide of the Albanian Chamerians” allegedly conducted by the Greeks in the end of World War II, and to recognize “the right of the people to return to their homes in Greece from where they were expelled”, and “return their estate that was attached” etc... ...The UCC, meanwhile, has been building its support base with demonstrations and events leading toward today — June 27, 2007 — the date that the Albanian Parliament in 1994 called the “Chameria national anniversary”.
  3. ^ „HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF STRATEGIC STUDIES”. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 3. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 14. 5. 2015. 
  4. ^ „Macedonian Press Agency: News in Greek, 01-06-05”. www.hri.org. Pristupljeno 2023-10-15. 
  5. ^ „Macedonian Press Agency: News in English, 2001-05-31”. Pristupljeno 14. 5. 2015. 

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