Milos Duma

Master of Visual Arts in Photography (Bachelor of Arts in Photography);

worked as a University Lecturer, teaching Art courses in Photography;

worked on numerous photographic projects and has been exhibiting in various solo and group exhibitions;

lived in Bijeljina (Bosnia), Belgrade (Serbia), New York City (USA), Limoges (France), Lugano (Switzerland), and Vienna (Austria);

currently lives in New York City.

Photocon / Fotokon

Photocon – emoticon that contains photograph that describes certain feeling, manifestation or phenomenon, is also the next step in the evolution of linear writing. (photocon: blend of photograph and icon)

From the moment of its creation, emoticon evolves. The original emoticon (ASCII-Emoticon), a smiley face, is composed of three characters (colon, dash, and parentheses). This then evolves into an icon (SVG smiley). The next step in evolution, e.g. Skype, emoticon becomes an illustrated animation (GIF smiley). In the near future, the emoticon will contain a photograph, and will become photocon. About evolution of linear writing into photographs, as of phenomenon already wrote Vilem Flusser in his book "The Philosophy of Photography", but he did not give a name to it. Photocons will replace linear writing as it carries more information than a single letter ("photograph speaks a thousand words"), thus which will radically accelerate communication between people.

Fotokon – Emotikon koji sadrži fotografiju koja opisuje određeno osjećanje, pojavu ili fenomen, a sledeći je korak u evoluciji linearnog pisma. (fotokon: naziv skovan od riječi fotografija i ikona)

Od momenta svog nastanka, emotikon evoluira. Prvobitni emotikon (ASCII-Emoticon) koji je predstavljao smajli (smiley face) sastavljen je od tri znaka interpunkcije (dvotačka, crta i zagrada). Takav emotikon zatim evoluira u ikonu (SVG smiley). Da bi u sledećem koraku evolucije, primjer je Skajp (Skype), emotikon postao ilustrovana animacija (GIF smiley). U bližoj budućnosti emotikon će sadržati fotografiju, te će postati fotokon. O evoluciji linearnog pisanja u fotografije kao fenomenu već je pisao Vilem Fluser (Vilem Flusser) u svom djelu „Filozofija fotografije“, ali tome nije dao naziv. Fotokonima će se pisati umjesto slova, jer će jedan fotokon nositi više informacija nego jedno slovo („fotografija govori hiljadu riječi“), te će se na taj način komunikacija između ljudi radikalno ubrzati.

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