Главочи или гламци (лат. Gobiidae) је породица риба из реда гргечки (лат. Perciformes) тј. надреда тврдоперки (лат. Acanthopterygii) која обухвата више од 2.000 врста.[1] Ова породица је једна од најбројнијих рибљих породица, сврстаних у 250 родова.[2][3] Породица се даље дели на пет подпородица, а то су: Oxudercinae, Amblyopinae, Sicydiinae, Gobionellinae и Gobiinae[4]. Већина главоча је релативно мала, мања од 10 цм, а поједине врсте родова Trimmaton и Pandaka једва досегну и 1 цм дужине. Постоје и већи главочи, који су у поређењу са наведенима дивови, као што су припадници родова Gobioides и Periophthalmodon који нарасту и преко 30 цм дужине. Највећи од свих главоча је Gobioides broussenetii који нарасте и до 50 цм дужине[5]. Генерално говорећи, главочи не представљају значајну ставку у људској прехрани, али имају знатну улогу у прехрани других врста (ража, бакалар, лубин,...). Такође, главочи као приднени предатори имају важну улогу у чишћењу дна од разних остатака. Поједине врсте се узгајају и као рибице за морске акваријуме.
Главочи | |
Гујоч блатар (Гобиус нигер) | |
Microgobius gulosus | |
Научна класификација | |
Домен: | Еукарyота |
Царство: | Анималиа |
Тип: | Цхордата |
Класа: | Ацтиноптерyгии |
Ред: | Гобииформес |
Породица: | Гобиидае G. Cuvier, 1816 |
Потфамилије | |
уредиЈедно од најважнијих обележја главоча јесте њихова трбушна пераја, односно спој њихових трбушних пераја. Оне су срасле заједно и чине танирасти орган сличних особина као ловке хоботнице који служи да се главоч прилепи за подлогу, стварајући подпритисак, који може да издржи његову тежину и у усправном положају. Друго важно обележје главоча је њихово леђно пераје, односно подељеност истог, тако да формира два одвојена дела.
Главочи су већином становници приобалног дела мора, малих дубина, а такође су бројни и у бочатим водама. Поједине врсте су прилагођене и за живот у потпуно слаткој води. Већином се хране малим бескичмењацима, а поједине веће врсте се хране мањим рибама. Ретки главочи су и вегетаријанци, те се хране алгама.
Приликом размножавања, већина главоча скрива своја јајаа лепећи их за стену, корал или траву. Такође, код великог броја врста, отац чува јаја док се млади не излегу. Неколико врста главоча је познато да мења пол током живота, премда ово није типично за главоче.
уредиГлавочи понекад живе у симбиози с другим морским организмима. Један од таквих примера је саживот с козицом, где главоч живи у рупи коју је направила козица. Рупа главочу пружа сигурност, а козица је добила „извиђача”, односно, систем раног упозорења. Наиме, вид козице је слаб и она се ослања на упозорења главоча о наилазећој опасности да би се сакрила у рупу.
Други пример симбиозе је код рода Elacatinus, који су развили свој талент чишћења паразита с већих риба, које их не нападају иако би у нормалним околностима то урадиле. Овде, већа риба доноси храну главочима, а за узврат, они их чисте од паразита.
уреди- Aboma Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
- Acanthogobius Gill, 1859
- Acentrogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Afurcagobius Gill, 1993
- Akko Birdsong and Robins, 1995
- Amblychaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Amblyeleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Amblygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Amblyotrypauchen Hora, 1924
- Amoya Herre, 1927
- Anatirostrum Iljin, 1930
- Aphia Risso, 1827
- Apocryptes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Apocryptichthys Day, 1876
- Apocryptodon Bleeker, 1874
- Arcygobius Larson and Wright, 2003
- Arenigobius Whitley, 1930
- Aruma Ginsburg, 1933
- Asra Iljin, 1941
- Asterropteryx Rüppell, 1830
- Astrabe Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Aulopareia Smith, 1945
- Austrolethops Whitley, 1935
- Awaous Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Barbulifer Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Barbuligobius Lachner and McKinney, 1974
- Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878
- Benthophiloides Beling and Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus Eichwald, 1831
- Boleophthalmus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Bollmannia Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Brachyamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Brachygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Bryaninops Smith, 1959
- Buenia Iljin, 1930
- Cabillus Smith, 1959
- Caecogobius Berti and Ercolini, 1991
- Caffrogobius Smitt, 1900
- Calamiana Herre, 1945
- Callogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Caragobius Smith and Seale, 1906
- Caspiosoma Iljin, 1927
- Chaenogobius Gill, 1859
- Chaeturichthys Richardson, 1844
- Chlamydogobius Whitley, 1930
- Chriolepis Gilbert, 1892
- Chromogobius de Buen, 1930
- Clariger Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Clevelandia Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Corcyrogobius Miller, 1972
- Coryogalops Smith, 1958
- Coryphopterus Gill, 1863
- Cotylopus Guichenot, 1863
- Cristatogobius Herre, 1927
- Croilia Smith, 1955
- Cryptocentroides Popta, 1922
- Cryptocentrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Crystallogobius Gill, 1863
- Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
- Ctenogobius Gill, 1858
- Ctenotrypauchen Steindachner, 1867
- Deltentosteus Gill, 1863
- Didogobius Miller, 1966
- Discordipinna Hoese and Fourmanoir, 1978
- Drombus Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Ebomegobius Herre, 1946
- Echinogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Niimura, 1998
- Economidichthys Bianco, Bullock, Miller and Roubal, 1987
- Egglestonichthys Miller and Wongrat, 1979
- Ego Randall, 1994
- Elacatinus Jordan, 1904
- Eleotrica Ginsburg, 1933
- Enypnias Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Eucyclogobius Gill, 1862
- Eugnathogobius Smith, 1931
- Eutaeniichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Evermannia Jordan, 1895
- Evermannichthys Metzelaar, 1919
- Eviota Jenkins, 1903
- Evorthodus Gill, 1859
- Exyrias Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Favonigobius Whitley, 1930
- Feia Smith, 1959
- Flabelligobius Smith, 1956
- Fusigobius Whitley, 1930
- Gammogobius Bath, 1971
- Gillichthys Cooper, 1864
- Ginsburgellus Böhlke and Robins, 1968
- Gladiogobius Herre, 1933
- Glossogobius Gill, 1859
- Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874
- Gobiodon Bleeker, 1856
- Gobioides Lacepède, 1800
- Gobionellus Girard, 1858
- Gobiopsis Steindachner, 1861
- Gobiopterus Bleeker, 1874
- Gobiosoma Girard, 1858
- Gobius Linnaeus, 1758
- Gobiusculus Duncker, 1928
- Gobulus Ginsburg, 1933
- Gorogobius Miller, 1978
- Gymneleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Gymnoamblyopus Murdy and Ferraris, 2003
- Gymnogobius Gill, 1863
- Hazeus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Hemigobius Bleeker, 1874
- Hetereleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Heterogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Heteroplopomus Tomiyama, 1936
- Hyrcanogobius Iljin, 1928
- Ilypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Istigobius Whitley, 1932
- Karsten Murdy, 2002
- Kelloggella Jordan and Seale in Jordan and Evermann, 1905
- Knipowitschia Iljin, 1927
- Larsonella Randall and Senou, 2001
- Lebetus Winther, 1877
- Lentipes Günther, 1861
- Lepidogobius Gill, 1859
- Lesueurigobius Whitley, 1950
- Lethops Hubbs, 1926
- Leucopsarion Hilgendorf, 1880
- Lobulogobius Koumans in Blegvad and Løppenthin, 1944
- Lophiogobius Günther, 1873
- Lophogobius Gill, 1862
- Lotilia Klausewitz, 1960
- Lubricogobius Tanaka, 1915
- Luciogobius Gill, 1859
- Luposicya Smith, 1959
- Lythrypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Macrodontogobius Herre, 1936
- Mahidolia Smith, 1932
- Mangarinus Herre, 1943
- Mauligobius Miller, 1984
- Mesogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Microgobius Poey, 1876
- Millerigobius Bath, 1973
- Minysicya Larson, 2002
- Mistichthys Smith, 1902
- Mugilogobius Smitt, 1900
- Myersina Herre, 1934
- Nematogobius Boulenger, 1910
- Neogobius Iljin, 1927
- Nes Ginsburg, 1933
- Nesogobius Whitley, 1929
- Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941
- Odondebuenia de Buen, 1930
- Odontamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874
- Ophiogobius Gill, 1863
- Oplopomops Smith, 1959
- Oplopomus Valenciennes, 1837
- Opua Jordan, 1925
- Oxuderces Eydoux and Souleyet, 1850
- Oxyurichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Padogobius Berg, 1932
- Paedogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Larson, 2001
- Palatogobius Gilbert, 1971
- Palutrus Smith, 1959
- Pandaka Herre, 1927
- Papillogobius Gill and Miller, 1990
- Papuligobius Chen and Kottelat, 2003
- Parachaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Paragobiodon Bleeker, 1873
- Paragobiopsis Koumans, 1941
- Parapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Paratrimma Hoese and Brothers, 1976
- Parawaous Watson, 1993
- Pariah Böhlke, 1969
- Parkraemeria Whitley, 1951
- Parrella Ginsburg, 1938
- Periophthalmodon Bleeker, 1874
- Periophthalmus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Phyllogobius Larson, 1986
- Platygobiopsis Springer and Randall, 1992
- Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
- Polyspondylogobius Kimura and Wu, 1994
- Pomatoschistus Gill, 1863
- Porogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Priolepis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Proterorhinus Smitt, 1900
- Psammogobius Smith, 1935
- Pseudaphya Iljin, 1930
- Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Pseudogobius Popta, 1922
- Pseudorhinogobius Zhong and Wu, 1998
- Pseudotrypauchen Hardenberg, 1931
- Psilogobius Baldwin, 1972
- Psilotris Ginsburg, 1953
- Pterogobius Gill, 1863
- Pycnomma Rutter, 1904
- Quietula Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Redigobius Herre, 1927
- Rhinogobiops Hubbs, 1926
- Rhinogobius Gill, 1859
- Risor Ginsburg, 1933
- Robinsichthys Birdsong, 1988
- Sagamia Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Scartelaos Swainson, 1839
- Schismatogobius de Beaufort, 1912
- Sicydium Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Sicyopterus Gill, 1860
- Sicyopus Gill, 1863
- Signigobius Hoese and Allen, 1977
- Silhouettea Smith, 1959
- Siphonogobius Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998
- Speleogobius Zander and Jelinek, 1976
- Stenogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stiphodon Weber, 1895
- Stonogobiops Polunin and Lubbock, 1977
- Sueviota Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Sufflogobius Smith, 1956
- Suruga Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Synechogobius Gill, 1863
- Taenioides Lacepède, 1800
- Tamanka Herre, 1927
- Tasmanogobius Scott, 1935
- Thorogobius Miller, 1969
- Tomiyamichthys Smith, 1956
- Tridentiger Gill, 1859
- Trimma Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Trimmatom Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
- Trypauchen Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Trypauchenopsis Volz, 1903
- Tryssogobius Larson and Hoese, 2001
- Typhlogobius Steindachner, 1879
- Valenciennea Bleeker, 1856
- Vanderhorstia Smith, 1949
- Vanneaugobius Brownell, 1978
- Varicus Robins and Böhlke, 1961
- Vomerogobius Gilbert, 1971
- Wheelerigobius Miller, 1981
- Yongeichthys Whitley, 1932
- Zappa Murdy, 1989
- Zebrus de Buen, 1930
- Zosterisessor Whitley, 1935
уреди- Aboma etheostoma Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
- Acanthogobius elongatus (Ni and Wu, 1985)
- Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Acanthogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Acanthogobius insularis (Shibukawa and Taki, 1996)
- Acanthogobius lactipes (Hilgendorf, 1879)
- Acanthogobius luridus Ni and Wu, 1985
- Acentrogobius audax Smith, 1959
- Acentrogobius caninus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Acentrogobius chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1849)
- Acentrogobius dayi Koumans, 1941
- Acentrogobius ennorensis Menon and Rema Devi, 1980
- Acentrogobius griseus (Day, 1876)
- Acentrogobius janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Acentrogobius masoni (Day, 1873)
- Acentrogobius multifasciatus (Herre, 1927)
- Acentrogobius pellidebilis Lee and Kim, 1992
- Acentrogobius pflaumii (Bleeker, 1853)
- Acentrogobius pyrops (Whitley, 1954)
- Acentrogobius simplex (Sauvage, 1880)
- Acentrogobius suluensis (Herre, 1927)
- Acentrogobius therezieni Kiener, 1963
- Acentrogobius viganensis (Steindachner, 1893)
- Acentrogobius viridipunctatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Afurcagobius suppositus (Sauvage, 1880)
- Afurcagobius tamarensis (Johnston, 1883)
- Akko brevis (Günther, 1864)
- Akko dionaea Birdsong and Robins, 1995
- Akko rossi Van Tassell and Baldwin, 2004
- Amblychaeturichthys hexanema (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblychaeturichthys sciistius (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Amblyeleotris arcupinna Mohlmann and Munday, 1999
- Amblyeleotris aurora (Polunin and Lubbock, 1977)
- Amblyeleotris bellicauda Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris biguttata Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris callopareia Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris delicatulus Smith, 1958
- Amblyeleotris diagonalis Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris downingi Randall, 1994
- Amblyeleotris ellipse Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris fasciata (Herre, 1953)
- Amblyeleotris fontanesii (Bleeker, 1852)
- Amblyeleotris guttata (Fowler, 1938)
- Amblyeleotris gymnocephala (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblyeleotris harrisorum Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris japonica Takagi, 1957
- Amblyeleotris katherine Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris latifasciata Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris macronema Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris marquesas Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris masuii Aonuma and Yoshino, 1996
- Amblyeleotris melanocephala Aonuma, Iwata and Yoshino, 2000
- Amblyeleotris novaecaledoniae Goren, 1981
- Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis Yanagisawa, 1978
- Amblyeleotris periophthalma (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese and Steene, 1978
- Amblyeleotris rhyax Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris steinitzi (Klausewitz, 1974)
- Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris sungami (Klausewitz, 1969)
- Amblyeleotris triguttata Randall, 1994
- Amblyeleotris wheeleri (Polunin and Lubbock, 1977)
- Amblyeleotris yanoi Aonuma and Yoshino, 1996
- Amblygobius albimaculatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Amblygobius buanensis Herre, 1927
- Amblygobius bynoensis (Richardson, 1844)
- Amblygobius decussatus (Bleeker, 1855)
- Amblygobius esakiae Herre, 1939
- Amblygobius hectori (Smith, 1957)
- Amblygobius linki Herre, 1927
- Amblygobius nocturnus (Herre, 1945)
- Amblygobius phalaena (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Amblygobius semicinctus (Bennett, 1833)
- Amblygobius sewardii (Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Amblygobius sphynx (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Amblygobius stethophthalmus (Bleeker, 1851)
- Amblygobius tekomaji (Smith, 1959)
- Amblyotrypauchen arctocephalus (Alcock, 1890)
- Amoya andhraensis (Herre, 1944)
- Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
- Amoya gracilis (Bleeker, 1875)
- Amoya madraspatensis (Day, 1868)
- Amoya moloanus (Herre, 1927)
- Amoya signatus (Peters, 1855)
- Amoya veliensis (Geevarghese and John, 1982)
- Anatirostrum profundorum (Berg, 1927)
- Aphia minuta (Risso, 1810)
- Apocryptes bato (Hamilton, 1822)
- Apocryptichthys sericus Herre, 1927
- Apocryptodon madurensis (Bleeker, 1849)
- Apocryptodon punctatus Tomiyama, 1934
- Arcygobius baliurus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Arenigobius bifrenatus (Kner, 1865)
- Arenigobius frenatus (Günther, 1861)
- Arenigobius leftwichi (Ogilby, 1910)
- Aruma histrio (Jordan, 1884)
- Asra turcomanus Iljin, 1941
- Asterropteryx atripes Shibukawa and Suzuki, 2002
- Asterropteryx bipunctata Allen and Munday, 1995
- Asterropteryx ensifera (Bleeker, 1874)
- Asterropteryx semipunctata Rüppell, 1830
- Asterropteryx spinosa (Goren, 1981)
- Asterropteryx striata Allen and Munday, 1995
- Astrabe fasciata Akihito and Meguro, 1988
- Astrabe flavimaculata Akihito and Meguro, 1988
- Astrabe lactisella Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Aulopareia cyanomos (Bleeker, 1849)
- Aulopareia janetae Smith, 1945
- Aulopareia koumansi (Herre in Herre and Myers, 1937)
- Aulopareia spilopterus (Smith, 1932)
- Aulopareia unicolor (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Austrolethops wardi Whitley, 1935
- Awaous acritosus Watson, 1994
- Awaous aeneofuscus (Peters, 1852)
- Awaous banana (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous commersoni (Schneider in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Awaous flavus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous fluviatilis (Rao, 1971)
- Awaous grammepomus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous guamensis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous jayakari (Boulenger, 1888)
- Awaous lateristriga (Duméril, 1861)
- Awaous litturatus (Steindachner, 1861)
- Awaous macrorhynchus (Bleeker, 1867)
- Awaous melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous nigripinnis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous ocellaris (Broussonet, 1782)
- Awaous pallidus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous percivali (Boulenger, 1901)
- Awaous personatus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous tajasica (Lichtenstein, 1822)
- Awaous transandeanus (Günther, 1861)
- Barbulifer antennatus Böhlke and Robins, 1968
- Barbulifer ceuthoecus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1884)
- Barbulifer mexicanus Hoese and Larson, 1985
- Barbulifer pantherinus (Pellegrin, 1901)
- Barbuligobius boehlkei Lachner and McKinney, 1974
- Bathygobius aeolosoma (Ogilby, 1889)
- Bathygobius andrei (Sauvage, 1880)
- Bathygobius burtoni (O'Shaughnessy, 1875)
- Bathygobius casamancus (Rochebrune, 1880)
- Bathygobius coalitus (Bennett, 1832)
- Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854)
- Bathygobius cotticeps (Steindachner, 1879)
- Bathygobius crassiceps (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Bathygobius curacao (Metzelaar, 1919)
- Bathygobius cyclopterus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Bathygobius fishelsoni Goren, 1978
- Bathygobius fuscus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Bathygobius hongkongensis Lam, 1986
- Bathygobius karachiensis Hoda and Goren, 1990
- Bathygobius kreftii (Steindachner, 1866)
- Bathygobius laddi (Fowler, 1931)
- Bathygobius lineatus (Jenyns, 1841)
- Bathygobius meggitti (Hora and Mukerji, 1936)
- Bathygobius mystacium Ginsburg, 1947
- Bathygobius niger (Smith, 1960)
- Bathygobius ostreicola (Chaudhuri, 1916)
- Bathygobius padangensis (Bleeker, 1851)
- Bathygobius panayensis (Jordan and Seale, 1907)
- Bathygobius petrophilus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Bathygobius ramosus Ginsburg, 1947
- Bathygobius smithi Fricke, 1999
- Bathygobius soporator (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Benthophiloides brauneri Beling and Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus baeri Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus casachicus Ragimov, 1978
- Benthophilus ctenolepidus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus granulosus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus grimmi Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus kessleri Berg, 1927
- Benthophilus leptocephalus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus leptorhynchus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus macrocephalus (Pallas, 1787)
- Benthophilus magistri Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus mahmudbejovi Ragimov, 1976
- Benthophilus spinosus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus stellatus (Sauvage, 1874)
- Benthophilus svetovidovi Pinchuk and Rahimov, 1979
- Boleophthalmus birdsongi Murdy, 1989
- Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas, 1770)
- Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Boleophthalmus dussumieri Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Boleophthalmus sculptus Günther, 1861
- Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Bollmannia communis Ginsburg, 1942
- Bollmannia eigenmanni (Garman, 1896)
- Bollmannia gomezi Acero P., 1981
- Bollmannia jeannae Fowler, 1941
- Bollmannia litura Ginsburg, 1935
- Bollmannia longipinnis Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia macropoma Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia marginalis Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia ocellata Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia pawneea Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia stigmatura Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia umbrosa Ginsburg, 1939
- Brachyamblyopus brachysoma (Bleeker, 1853)
- Brachygobius aggregatus Herre, 1940
- Brachygobius doriae (Günther, 1868)
- Brachygobius kabiliensis Inger, 1958
- Brachygobius mekongensis Larson and Vidthayanon, 2000
- Brachygobius nunus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Brachygobius sabanus Inger, 1958
- Brachygobius xanthomelas Herre in Herre and Myers, 1937
- Brachygobius xanthozonus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Bryaninops amplus Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops dianneae Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops erythrops (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Bryaninops isis Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops loki Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops natans Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops nexus Larson, 1987
- Bryaninops ridens Smith, 1959
- Bryaninops tigris Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops yongei (Davis and Cohen, 1969)
- Buenia affinis Iljin, 1930
- Buenia jeffreysii (Günther, 1867)
- Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
- Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
- Cabillus macrophthalmus (Weber, 1909)
- Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
- Caecogobius cryptophthalmus Berti and Ercolini, 1991
- Caffrogobius agulhensis (Barnard, 1927)
- Caffrogobius caffer (Günther, 1874)
- Caffrogobius dubius (Smith, 1959)
- Caffrogobius gilchristi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Caffrogobius natalensis (Günther, 1874)
- Caffrogobius nudiceps (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Caffrogobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927)
- Calamiana illota Larson, 1999
- Calamiana kabilia (Herre, 1940)
- Calamiana mindora (Herre, 1945)
- Calamiana polylepis (Wu and Ni, 1985)
- Calamiana variegata (Peters, 1868)
- Callogobius amikami Goren, Miroz and Baranes, 1991
- Callogobius andamanensis Menon and Chatterjee, 1974
- Callogobius bauchotae Goren, 1979
- Callogobius bifasciatus (Smith, 1958)
- Callogobius centrolepis Weber, 1909
- Callogobius clitellus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius crassus McKinney and Lachner, 1984
- Callogobius depressus (Ramsay and Ogilby, 1886)
- Callogobius dori Goren, 1980
- Callogobius flavobrunneus (Smith, 1958)
- Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851)
- Callogobius hastatus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius liolepis Koumans, 1931
- Callogobius maculipinnis (Fowler, 1918)
- Callogobius mucosus (Günther, 1872)
- Callogobius nigromarginatus Chen and Shao, 2000
- Callogobius okinawae (Snyder, 1908)
- Callogobius plumatus (Smith, 1959)
- Callogobius producta (Herre, 1927)
- Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner, 1879)
- Callogobius seshaiyai Jacob and Rangarajan, 1960
- Callogobius snelliusi Koumans, 1953
- Callogobius stellatus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius tanegasimae (Snyder, 1908)
- Caragobius rubristriatus (Saville-Kent, 1889)
- Caragobius urolepus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Caspiosoma caspium (Kessler, 1877)
- Chaenogobius annularis Gill, 1859
- Chaenogobius gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
- Chaenogobius isaza Tanaka, 1916
- Chaenogobius scrobiculatus Takagi, 1957
- Chaeturichthys stigmatias Richardson, 1844
- Chlamydogobius eremius (Zietz, 1896)
- Chlamydogobius gloveri Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius japalpa Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius micropterus Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius ranunculus Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius squamigenus Larson, 1995
- Chriolepis atrimelum Bussing, 1997
- Chriolepis benthonis Ginsburg, 1953
- Chriolepis cuneata Bussing, 1990
- Chriolepis dialepta Bussing, 1990
- Chriolepis imswe (Greenfield, 1981)
- Chriolepis lepidota Findley, 1975
- Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert, 1892
- Chriolepis tagus Ginsburg, 1953
- Chriolepis vespa Hastings and Bortone, 1981
- Chriolepis zebra Ginsburg, 1938
- Chromogobius britoi Van Tassell, 2001
- Chromogobius quadrivittatus (Steindachner, 1863)
- Chromogobius zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Clariger chionomaculatus Shiogaki, 1988
- Clariger cosmurus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Clariger exilis Snyder, 1911
- Clariger papillosus Ebina, 1935
- Clariger sirahamaensis Sakamoto, 1932
- Clevelandia ios (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Corcyrogobius liechtensteini (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Corcyrogobius lubbocki Miller, 1988
- Coryogalops adamsoni (Goren, 1985)
- Coryogalops anomolus Smith, 1958
- Coryogalops bretti Goren, 1991
- Coryogalops bulejiensis (Hoda, 1983)
- Coryogalops monospilus Randall, 1994
- Coryogalops ochetica (Norman, 1927)
- Coryogalops sordida (Smith, 1959)
- Coryogalops tessellatus Randall, 1994
- Coryogalops william (Smith, 1948)
- Coryphopterus alloides Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus dicrus Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus eidolon Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus glaucofraenum Gill, 1863
- Coryphopterus hyalinus Böhlke and Robins, 1962
- Coryphopterus lipernes Böhlke and Robins, 1962
- Coryphopterus personatus (Jordan and Thompson, 1905)
- Coryphopterus punctipectophorus Springer, 1960
- Coryphopterus thrix Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus urospilus Ginsburg, 1938
- Coryphopterus venezuelae Cervigón, 1966
- Cotylopus acutipinnis Guichenot, 1863
- Cristatogobius aurimaculatus Akihito and Meguro, 2000
- Cristatogobius gobioides (Ogilby, 1886)
- Cristatogobius lophius Herre, 1927
- Cristatogobius nonatoae (Ablan, 1940)
- Cristatogobius rubripectoralis Akihito, Meguro and Sakamoto, 2003
- Croilia mossambica Smith, 1955
- Cryptocentroides arabicus (Gmelin, 1789)
- Cryptocentroides bulbiceps Whitley, 1953
- Cryptocentroides cristatus (Macleay, 1881)
- Cryptocentroides insignis (Seale, 1910)
- Cryptocentroides magnusi (Klausewitz, 1968)
- Cryptocentrus albidorsus (Yanagisawa, 1978)
- Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus (Herre, 1933)
- Cryptocentrus caeruleopunctatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Cryptocentrus callopterus Smith, 1945
- Cryptocentrus cephalotaenius Ni, 1989
- Cryptocentrus cinctus (Herre, 1936)
- Cryptocentrus cryptocentrus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (Bleeker, 1853)
- Cryptocentrus diproctotaenia Bleeker, 1876
- Cryptocentrus fasciatus (Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Cryptocentrus flavus Yanagisawa, 1978
- Cryptocentrus inexplicatus (Herre, 1934)
- Cryptocentrus insignitus (Whitley, 1956)
- Cryptocentrus leonis Smith, 1931
- Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Bleeker, 1876
- Cryptocentrus leucostictus (Günther, 1872)
- Cryptocentrus lutheri Klausewitz, 1960
- Cryptocentrus malindiensis (Smith, 1959)
- Cryptocentrus maudae Fowler, 1937
- Cryptocentrus melanopus (Bleeker, 1859-60)
- Cryptocentrus nigrocellatus (Yanagisawa, 1978)
- Cryptocentrus niveatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Cryptocentrus octofasciatus Regan, 1908
- Cryptocentrus pavoninoides (Bleeker, 1849)
- Cryptocentrus pretiosus (Rendahl, 1924)
- Cryptocentrus russus (Cantor, 1849)
- Cryptocentrus shigensis Kuroda, 1956
- Cryptocentrus singapurensis (Herre, 1936)
- Cryptocentrus strigilliceps (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Cryptocentrus wehrlei Fowler, 1937
- Cryptocentrus yatsui Tomiyama, 1936
- Crystallogobius linearis (Düben, 1845)
- Ctenogobiops aurocingulus (Herre, 1935)
- Ctenogobiops feroculus Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
- Ctenogobiops formosa Randall, Shao and Chen, 2003
- Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir in Roux-Estève and Fourmanoir, 1955)
- Ctenogobiops pomastictus Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
- Ctenogobiops tangaroai Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
- Ctenogobiops tongaensis Randall, Shao and Chen, 2003
- Ctenogobius aestivaregia (Mori, 1934)
- Ctenogobius boleosoma (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Ctenogobius brevirostris (Günther, 1861)
- Ctenogobius cervicosquamus Wu, Lu and Ni, 1986
- Ctenogobius chengtuensis (Chang, 1944)
- Ctenogobius clarki Evermann and Shaw, 1927
- Ctenogobius claytonii (Meek, 1902)
- Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, 1858
- Ctenogobius filamentosus Wu, 1939
- Ctenogobius fukushimai (Mori, 1934)
- Ctenogobius lepturus (Pfaff, 1933)
- Ctenogobius manglicola (Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895)
- Ctenogobius notophthalmus Bleeker, 1875
- Ctenogobius parvus Luo in Zheng et al., 1989
- Ctenogobius phenacus (Pezold and Lasala in Pezold and Gilbert, 1987)
- Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus (Gilbert and Randall in Gilbert and Kelso, 1971)
- Ctenogobius punctatus (Oshima, 1926)
- Ctenogobius puncticeps Deng and Xiong in Xu, Deng, Xiong and Zhan, 1980
- Ctenogobius saepepallens (Gilbert and Randall, 1968)
- Ctenogobius sagittula (Günther, 1861)
- Ctenogobius shennongensis Yang and Xie, 1983
- Ctenogobius shufeldti (Jordan and Eigenmann, 1887)
- Ctenogobius smaragdus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Ctenogobius stigmaticus (Poey, 1860)
- Ctenogobius stigmaturus (Goode and Bean, 1882)
- Ctenogobius szechuanensis (Liu, 1940)
- Ctenogobius thoropsis (Pezold and Gilbert, 1987)
- Ctenogobius yaoshanensis Luo in Zheng et al., 1989
- Ctenotrypauchen chinensis Steindachner, 1867
- Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860)
- Deltentosteus collonianus (Risso, 1820)
- Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Didogobius bentuvii Miller, 1966
- Didogobius kochi Van Tassell, 1988
- Didogobius schlieweni Miller, 1993
- Didogobius splechtnai Ahnelt and Patzner, 1995
- Discordipinna griessingeri Hoese and Fourmanoir, 1978
- Drombus globiceps (Hora, 1923)
- Drombus halei Whitley, 1935
- Drombus key (Smith, 1947)
- Drombus kranjiensis (Herre, 1940)
- Drombus lepidothorax Whitley, 1945
- Drombus ocyurus (Jordan and Seale, 1907)
- Drombus palackyi Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Drombus simulus (Smith, 1960)
- Drombus triangularis (Weber, 1909)
- Ebomegobius goodi Herre, 1946
- Echinogobius hayashii Iwata, Hosoya and Niimura, 1998
- Economidichthys pygmaeus (Holly, 1929)
- Economidichthys trichonis Economidis and Miller, 1990
- Egglestonichthys bombylios Larson and Hoese, 1997
- Egglestonichthys melanoptera (Visweswara Rao, 1971)
- Egglestonichthys patriciae Miller and Wongrat, 1979
- Ego zebra Randall, 1994
- Elacatinus atronasus (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus chancei (Beebe and Hollister, 1933)
- Elacatinus digueti (Pellegrin, 1901)
- Elacatinus evelynae (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus figaro Sazima, Moura and Rosa, 1997
- Elacatinus genie (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus horsti (Metzelaar, 1922)
- Elacatinus illecebrosus (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus janssi Bussing, 1981
- Elacatinus limbaughi Hoese and Reader, 2001
- Elacatinus louisae (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus macrodon (Beebe and Tee-Van, 1928)
- Elacatinus multifasciatus (Steindachner, 1876)
- Elacatinus nesiotes Bussing, 1990
- Elacatinus oceanops Jordan, 1904
- Elacatinus prochilos (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus randalli (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus saucrus (Robins, 1960)
- Elacatinus tenox (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus xanthiprora (Böhlke and Robins, 1968)
- Elacatinus zebrellus (Robins, 1958)
- Eleotrica cableae Ginsburg, 1933
- Enypnias aceras Ginsburg, 1939
- Enypnias seminudus (Günther, 1861)
- Eucyclogobius newberryi (Girard, 1856)
- Eugnathogobius microps Smith, 1931
- Eugnathogobius oligactis (Bleeker, 1875)
- Eugnathogobius paludosus (Herre, 1940)
- Eugnathogobius siamensis (Fowler, 1934)
- Eutaeniichthys gilli Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Evermannia erici Bussing, 1983
- Evermannia longipinnis (Steindachner, 1879)
- Evermannia panamensis Gilbert and Starks, 1904
- Evermannia zosterura (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Evermannichthys bicolor Thacker, 2001
- Evermannichthys convictor Böhlke and Robins, 1969
- Evermannichthys metzelaari Hubbs, 1923
- Evermannichthys silus Böhlke and Robins, 1969
- Evermannichthys spongicola (Radcliffe, 1917)
- Eviota abax (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Eviota afelei Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota albolineata Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota bifasciata Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota bimaculata Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota cometa Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota corneliae Fricke, 1998
- Eviota disrupta Karnella and Lachner, 1981
- Eviota distigma Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota epiphanes Jenkins, 1903
- Eviota fasciola Karnella and Lachner, 1981
- Eviota guttata Lachner and Karnella, 1978
- Eviota herrei Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota indica Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota infulata (Smith, 1957)
- Eviota inutilis Whitley, 1943
- Eviota irrasa Karnella and Lachner, 1981
- Eviota japonica Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota lachdeberei Giltay, 1933
- Eviota lacrimae Sunobe, 1988
- Eviota latifasciata Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota melasma Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota mikiae Allen, 2001
- Eviota monostigma Fourmanoir, 1971
- Eviota nebulosa Smith, 1958
- Eviota nigripinna Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota nigriventris Giltay, 1933
- Eviota pardalota Lachner and Karnella, 1978
- Eviota pellucida Larson, 1976
- Eviota prasina (Klunzinger, 1871)
- Eviota prasites Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota pseudostigma Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota punctulata Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota queenslandica Whitley, 1932
- Eviota raja Allen, 2001
- Eviota rubra Greenfield and Randall, 1999
- Eviota saipanensis Fowler, 1945
- Eviota sebreei Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota sigillata Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota smaragdus Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Eviota sparsa Jewett and Lachner, 1983
- Eviota spilota Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota storthynx (Rofen, 1959)
- Eviota susanae Greenfield and Randall, 1999
- Eviota variola Lachner and Karnella, 1980
- Eviota zebrina Lachner and Karnella, 1978
- Eviota zonura Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Evorthodus lyricus (Girard, 1858)
- Evorthodus minutus Meek and Hildebrand, 1928
- Exyrias belissimus (Smith, 1959)
- Exyrias ferrarisi Murdy, 1985
- Exyrias puntang (Bleeker, 1851)
- Favonigobius aliciae (Herre, 1936)
- Favonigobius exquisitus Whitley, 1950
- Favonigobius gymnauchen (Bleeker, 1860)
- Favonigobius lateralis (Macleay, 1881)
- Favonigobius lentiginosus (Richardson, 1844)
- Favonigobius melanobranchus (Fowler, 1934)
- Favonigobius neili (Day, 1868)
- Favonigobius opalescens (Herre, 1936)
- Favonigobius reichei (Bleeker, 1853)
- Feia nota Gill and Mooi, 1999
- Feia nympha Smith, 1959
- Feia ranta Winterbottom, 2003
- Flabelligobius fourmanoiri Smith, 1956
- Flabelligobius latruncularia (Klausewitz, 1974)
- Flabelligobius smithi Chen and Fang, 2003
- Fusigobius aureus Chen and Shao, 1997
- Fusigobius duospilus Hoese and Reader, 1985
- Fusigobius gracilis (Randall, 2001)
- Fusigobius humeralis (Randall, 2001)
- Fusigobius inframaculatus (Randall, 1994)
- Fusigobius longispinus Goren, 1978
- Fusigobius maximus (Randall, 2001)
- Fusigobius melacron (Randall, 2001)
- Fusigobius neophytus (Günther, 1877)
- Fusigobius pallidus (Randall, 2001)
- Fusigobius signipinnis Hoese and Obika, 1988
- Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971
- Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper, 1864
- Gillichthys seta (Ginsburg, 1938)
- Ginsburgellus novemlineatus (Fowler, 1950)
- Gladiogobius ensifer Herre, 1933
- Glossogobius ankaranensis Banister, 1994
- Glossogobius aureus Akihito and Meguro, 1975
- Glossogobius bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894)
- Glossogobius brunnoides (Nichols, 1951)
- Glossogobius bulmeri Whitley, 1959
- Glossogobius callidus (Smith, 1937)
- Glossogobius celebius (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Glossogobius circumspectus (Macleay, 1883)
- Glossogobius coatesi Hoese and Allen, 1990
- Glossogobius concavifrons (Ramsay and Ogilby, 1886)
- Glossogobius flavipinnis (Aurich, 1938)
- Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822)
- Glossogobius hoesei Allen and Boeseman, 1982
- Glossogobius intermedius Aurich, 1938
- Glossogobius kokius (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Glossogobius koragensis Herre, 1935
- Glossogobius matanensis (Weber, 1913)
- Glossogobius minutus Geevarghese and John, 1983
- Glossogobius obscuripinnis (Peters, 1868)
- Glossogobius olivaceus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Glossogobius sparsipapillus Akihito and Meguro, 1976
- Glossogobius torrentis Hoese and Allen, 1990
- Gnatholepis anjerensis (Bleeker, 1851)
- Gnatholepis cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853)
- Gnatholepis davaoensis Seale, 1910
- Gnatholepis gymnocara Randall and Greenfield, 2001
- Gnatholepis thompsoni Jordan, 1904
- Gobiodon acicularis Harold and Winterbottom, 1995
- Gobiodon albofasciatus Sawada and Arai, 1972
- Gobiodon albolineatus Smith, 1959
- Gobiodon atrangulatus Garman, 1903
- Gobiodon axillaris De Vis, 1884
- Gobiodon brochus Harold and Winterbottom, 1999
- Gobiodon ceramensis (Bleeker, 1852)
- Gobiodon citrinus (Rüppell, 1838)
- Gobiodon erythrospilus Bleeker, 1875
- Gobiodon fulvus Herre, 1927
- Gobiodon heterospilos Bleeker, 1856
- Gobiodon histrio (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Gobiodon micropus Günther, 1861
- Gobiodon multilineatus Wu, 1979
- Gobiodon oculolineatus Wu, 1979
- Gobiodon okinawae Sawada, Arai and Abe, 1972
- Gobiodon quinquestrigatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Gobiodon reticulatus Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867
- Gobiodon rivulatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Gobiodon spilophthalmus Fowler, 1944
- Gobiodon unicolor (Castelnau, 1873)
- Gobioides africanus (Giltay, 1935)
- Gobioides broussonnetii Lacepède, 1800
- Gobioides grahamae Palmer and Wheeler, 1955
- Gobioides peruanus (Steindachner, 1880)
- Gobioides sagitta (Günther, 1862)
- Gobionellus atripinnis Gilbert and Randall, 1979
- Gobionellus comma Gilbert and Randall, 1979
- Gobionellus daguae (Eigenmann, 1918)
- Gobionellus hastatus Girard, 1858
- Gobionellus liolepis (Meek and Hildebrand, 1928)
- Gobionellus microdon (Gilbert, 1892)
- Gobionellus munizi Vergara R., 1978
- Gobionellus mystax Ginsburg, 1953
- Gobionellus occidentalis (Boulenger, 1909)
- Gobionellus oceanicus (Pallas, 1770)
- Gobionellus stomatus Starks, 1913
- Gobiopsis angustifrons Lachner and McKinney, 1978
- Gobiopsis aporia Lachner and McKinney, 1978
- Gobiopsis arenaria (Snyder, 1908)
- Gobiopsis atrata (Griffin, 1933)
- Gobiopsis bravoi (Herre, 1940)
- Gobiopsis canalis Lachner and McKinney, 1978
- Gobiopsis exigua Lachner and McKinney, 1979
- Gobiopsis macrostoma Steindachner, 1861
- Gobiopsis malekulae (Herre, 1935)
- Gobiopsis pinto (Smith, 1947)
- Gobiopsis quinquecincta (Smith, 1931)
- Gobiopsis springeri Lachner and McKinney, 1979
- Gobiopsis woodsi Lachner and McKinney, 1978
- Gobiopterus birtwistlei (Herre, 1935)
- Gobiopterus brachypterus (Bleeker, 1855)
- Gobiopterus chuno (Hamilton, 1822)
- Gobiopterus lacustris (Herre, 1927)
- Gobiopterus macrolepis Cheng, 1965
- Gobiopterus mindanensis (Herre, 1944)
- Gobiopterus panayensis (Herre, 1944)
- Gobiopterus semivestita (Munro, 1949)
- Gobiopterus stellatus (Herre, 1927)
- Gobiosoma bosc (Lacepède, 1800)
- Gobiosoma chiquita (Jenkins and Evermann, 1889)
- Gobiosoma ginsburgi Hildebrand and Schroeder, 1928
- Gobiosoma grosvenori (Robins, 1964)
- Gobiosoma hemigymnum (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888)
- Gobiosoma hildebrandi (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Gobiosoma homochroma (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Gobiosoma longipala Ginsburg, 1933
- Gobiosoma lori (Colin, 2002)
- Gobiosoma nudum (Meek and Hildebrand, 1928)
- Gobiosoma paradoxum (Günther, 1861)
- Gobiosoma parri Ginsburg, 1933
- Gobiosoma puncticulatus Ginsburg, 1938
- Gobiosoma robustum Ginsburg, 1933
- Gobiosoma schultzi (Ginsburg, 1944)
- Gobiosoma spes (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Gobiosoma spilotum (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Gobiosoma yucatanum Dawson, 1971
- Gobius ater Bellotti, 1888
- Gobius ateriformis Brito and Miller, 2001
- Gobius auratus Risso, 1810
- Gobius boekeri Ahl, 1931
- Gobius bucchichi Steindachner, 1870
- Gobius cobitis Pallas, 1814
- Gobius couchi Miller and El-Tawil, 1974
- Gobius cruentatus Gmelin, 1789
- Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889
- Gobius gasteveni Miller, 1974
- Gobius geniporus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Gobius hypselosoma Bleeker, 1867
- Gobius kolombatovici Kovacic and Miller, 2000
- Gobius koseirensis Klunzinger, 1871
- Gobius leucomelas Peters, 1868
- Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758
- Gobius paganellus Linnaeus, 1758
- Gobius roulei de Buen, 1928
- Gobius rubropunctatus Delais, 1951
- Gobius scorteccii Poll, 1961
- Gobius senegambiensis Metzelaar, 1919
- Gobius silveiraemartinsi Ihering, 1893
- Gobius strictus Fage, 1907
- Gobius tetrophthalmus Brito and Miller, 2001
- Gobius tigrellus Nichols, 1951
- Gobius tropicus Osbeck, 1765
- Gobius uranoscopus Sauvage, 1882
- Gobius vittatus Vinciguerra, 1883
- Gobius xanthocephalus Heymer and Zander, 1992
- Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius, 1779)
- Gobulus birdsongi Hoese and Reader, 2001
- Gobulus crescentalis (Gilbert, 1892)
- Gobulus hancocki Ginsburg, 1938
- Gobulus myersi Ginsburg, 1939
- Gorogobius nigricinctus (Delais, 1951)
- Gymneleotris seminuda (Günther, 1864)
- Gymnoamblyopus novaeguineae Murdy and Ferraris, 2003
- Gymnogobius breunigii (Steindachner, 1879)
- Gymnogobius castaneus (O'Shaughnessy, 1875)
- Gymnogobius cylindricus (Tomiyama, 1936)
- Gymnogobius heptacanthus (Hilgendorf, 1879)
- Gymnogobius macrognathos (Bleeker, 1860)
- Gymnogobius mororanus (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Gymnogobius nigrimembranis (Wu and Wang, 1931)
- Gymnogobius opperiens Stevenson, 2002
- Gymnogobius petschiliensis (Rendahl, 1924)
- Gymnogobius taranetzi (Pinchuk, 1978)
- Gymnogobius uchidai (Takagi, 1957)
- Gymnogobius urotaenia (Hilgendorf, 1879)
- Hazeus maculipinna (Randall and Goren, 1993)
- Hazeus nephodes (Jordan, 1925)
- Hazeus otakii Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Hemigobius hoevenii (Bleeker, 1851)
- Hemigobius mingi (Herre, 1936)
- Hetereleotris apora (Hoese and Winterbottom, 1979)
- Hetereleotris bipunctata Tortonese, 1976
- Hetereleotris caminata (Smith, 1958)
- Hetereleotris diademata (Rüppell, 1830)
- Hetereleotris georgegilli Gill, 1998
- Hetereleotris kenyae Smith, 1958
- Hetereleotris margaretae Hoese, 1986
- Hetereleotris nebulofasciata (Smith, 1958)
- Hetereleotris poecila (Fowler, 1946)
- Hetereleotris tentaculata (Smith, 1958)
- Hetereleotris vinsoni Hoese, 1986
- Hetereleotris vulgaris (Klunzinger, 1871)
- Hetereleotris zanzibarensis (Smith, 1958)
- Hetereleotris zonata (Fowler, 1934)
- Heterogobius chiloensis (Guichenot, 1848)
- Heteroplopomus barbatus (Tomiyama, 1934)
- Hyrcanogobius bergi Iljin, 1928
- Ilypnus gilberti (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889)
- Ilypnus luculentus (Ginsburg, 1938)
- Istigobius campbelli (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Istigobius decoratus (Herre, 1927)
- Istigobius diadema (Steindachner, 1876)
- Istigobius goldmanni (Bleeker, 1852)
- Istigobius hoesei Murdy and McEachran, 1982
- Istigobius hoshinonis (Tanaka, 1917)
- Istigobius nigroocellatus (Günther, 1873)
- Istigobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Istigobius perspicillatus (Herre, 1945)
- Istigobius rigilius (Herre, 1953)
- Istigobius spence (Smith, 1947)
- Karsten totoyensis (Garman, 1903)
- Kelloggella cardinalis Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Kelloggella centralis Hoese, 1975
- Kelloggella oligolepis (Jenkins, 1903)
- Kelloggella quindecimfasciata (Fowler, 1946)
- Kelloggella tricuspidata (Herre, 1935)
- Knipowitschia cameliae Nalbant and Otel, 1995
- Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916)
- Knipowitschia croatica Mrakovic, Kerovec, Misetic and Schneider, 1996
- Knipowitschia ephesi Ahnelt, 1995
- Knipowitschia goerneri Ahnelt, 1991
- Knipowitschia iljini Berg, 1931
- Knipowitschia longecaudata (Kessler, 1877)
- Knipowitschia mermere Ahnelt, 1995
- Knipowitschia milleri (Ahnelt and Bianco, 1990)
- Knipowitschia panizzae (Verga, 1841)
- Knipowitschia punctatissima (Canestrini, 1864)
- Knipowitschia thessala (Vinciguerra, 1921)
- Koumansetta rainfordi Whitley, 1940
- Larsonella pumila (Larson and Hoese, 1980)
- Lebetus guilleti (Le Danois, 1913)
- Lebetus scorpioides (Collett, 1874)
- Lentipes andamanicus (Mukerji, 1935)
- Lentipes armatus Sakai and Nakamura, 1979
- Lentipes bandama (Risch, 1980)
- Lentipes bustamantaei Boulenger, 1916
- Lentipes concolor (Gill, 1860)
- Lentipes crittersius Watson and Allen, 1999
- Lentipes dimetrodon Watson and Allen, 1999
- Lentipes kaaea Watson, Keith and Marquet, 2002
- Lentipes multiradiatus Allen, 2001
- Lentipes rubrofasciatus Maugé, Marquet and Laboute, 1992
- Lentipes watsoni Allen, 1997
- Lentipes whittenorum Watson and Kottelat, 1994
- Lepidogobius lepidus (Girard, 1858)
- Lesueurigobius friesii (Malm, 1874)
- Lesueurigobius heterofasciatus Maul, 1971
- Lesueurigobius koumansi (Norman, 1935)
- Lesueurigobius sanzi (de Buen, 1918)
- Lesueurigobius suerii (Risso, 1810)
- Lethops connectens Hubbs, 1926
- Leucopsarion petersii Hilgendorf, 1880
- Lobulogobius bentuviai Goren, 1984
- Lobulogobius morrigu Larson, 1983
- Lobulogobius omanensis Koumans in Blegvad and Løppenthin, 1944
- Lophiogobius ocellicauda Günther, 1873
- Lophogobius androsensis Breder, 1932
- Lophogobius bleekeri Popta, 1921
- Lophogobius cristulatus Ginsburg, 1939
- Lophogobius cyprinoides (Pallas, 1770)
- Lotilia graciliosa Klausewitz, 1960
- Lubricogobius dinah Randall and Senou, 2001
- Lubricogobius exiguus Tanaka, 1915
- Lubricogobius ornatus Fourmanoir, 1966
- Luciogobius adapel Okiyama, 2001
- Luciogobius albus Regan, 1940
- Luciogobius ama (Snyder, 1909)
- Luciogobius brevipterus Chen, 1932
- Luciogobius dormitoris Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1976
- Luciogobius elongatus Regan, 1905
- Luciogobius grandis Arai, 1970
- Luciogobius guttatus Gill, 1859
- Luciogobius koma (Snyder, 1909)
- Luciogobius martellii Di Caporiacco, 1948
- Luciogobius pallidus Regan, 1940
- Luciogobius parvulus (Snyder, 1909)
- Luciogobius platycephalus Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1976
- Luciogobius saikaiensis Dôtu, 1957
- Luposicya lupus Smith, 1959
- Lythrypnus alphigena Bussing, 1990
- Lythrypnus brasiliensis Greenfield, 1988
- Lythrypnus cobalus Bussing, 1990
- Lythrypnus crocodilus (Beebe and Tee-Van, 1928)
- Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert, 1890)
- Lythrypnus elasson Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Lythrypnus gilberti (Heller and Snodgrass, 1903)
- Lythrypnus heterochroma Ginsburg, 1939
- Lythrypnus insularis Bussing, 1990
- Lythrypnus lavenbergi Bussing, 1990
- Lythrypnus minimus Garzón and Acero P., 1988
- Lythrypnus mowbrayi (Bean, 1906)
- Lythrypnus nesiotes Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Lythrypnus okapia Robins and Böhlke, 1964
- Lythrypnus phorellus Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Lythrypnus pulchellus Ginsburg, 1938
- Lythrypnus rhizophora (Heller and Snodgrass, 1903)
- Lythrypnus solanensis Acero P., 1981
- Lythrypnus spilus Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Lythrypnus zebra (Gilbert, 1890)
- Macrodontogobius wilburi Herre, 1936
- Mahidolia mystacina (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Mangarinus waterousi Herre, 1943
- Mauligobius maderensis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Mauligobius nigri (Günther, 1861)
- Mesogobius batrachocephalus (Pallas, 1814)
- Mesogobius nigronotatus (Kessler, 1877)
- Mesogobius nonultimus (Iljin, 1936)
- Microgobius brevispinis Ginsburg, 1939
- Microgobius carri Fowler, 1945
- Microgobius crocatus Birdsong, 1968
- Microgobius curtus Ginsburg, 1939
- Microgobius cyclolepis Gilbert, 1890
- Microgobius emblematicus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Microgobius erectus Ginsburg, 1938
- Microgobius gulosus (Girard, 1858)
- Microgobius meeki Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Microgobius microlepis Longley and Hildebrand, 1940
- Microgobius miraflorensis Gilbert and Starks, 1904
- Microgobius signatus Poey, 1876
- Microgobius tabogensis Meek and Hildebrand, 1928
- Microgobius thalassinus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1883)
- Millerigobius macrocephalus (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Minysicya caudimaculata Larson, 2002
- Mistichthys luzonensis Smith, 1902
- Mugilogobius abei (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Mugilogobius adeia Larson and Kottelat, 1992
- Mugilogobius amadi (Weber, 1913)
- Mugilogobius cagayanensis (Aurich, 1938)
- Mugilogobius cavifrons (Weber, 1909)
- Mugilogobius chulae (Smith, 1932)
- Mugilogobius fasciatus Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius filifer Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius fusca (Herre, 1940)
- Mugilogobius fusculus (Nichols, 1951)
- Mugilogobius latifrons (Boulenger, 1897)
- Mugilogobius lepidotus Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius littoralis Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius mertoni (Weber, 1911)
- Mugilogobius myxodermus (Herre, 1935)
- Mugilogobius notospilus (Günther, 1877)
- Mugilogobius paludis (Whitley, 1930)
- Mugilogobius platynotus (Günther, 1861)
- Mugilogobius platystomus (Günther, 1872)
- Mugilogobius rambaiae (Smith, 1945)
- Mugilogobius rexi Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius rivulus Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius sarasinorum (Boulenger, 1897)
- Mugilogobius stigmaticus (De Vis, 1884)
- Mugilogobius tigrinus Larson, 2001
- Mugilogobius wilsoni Larson, 2001
- Myersina crocatus (Wongratana, 1975)
- Myersina filifer (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Myersina lachneri Hoese and Lubbock, 1982
- Myersina larsonae Allen, 1999
- Myersina macrostoma Herre, 1934
- Myersina nigrivirgata Akihito and Meguro, 1983
- Myersina papuanus (Peters, 1877)
- Myersina pretoriusi (Smith, 1958)
- Myersina yangii (Chen, 1960)
- Nematogobius brachynemus Pfaff, 1933
- Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
- Neogobius bathybius (Kessler, 1877)
- Neogobius caspius (Eichwald, 1831)
- Neogobius cephalargoides Pinchuk, 1976
- Neogobius constructor (Nordmann, 1840)
- Neogobius cyrius (Kessler, 1874)
- Neogobius eurycephalus (Kessler, 1874)
- Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814)
- Neogobius gorlap Iljin in Berg, 1949
- Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857)
- Neogobius kessleri (Günther, 1861)
- Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814)
- Neogobius platyrostris (Pallas, 1814)
- Neogobius ratan (Nordmann, 1840)
- Neogobius rhodioni Vasil'yeva and Vasil'ev, 1994
- Neogobius syrman (Nordmann, 1840)
- Nes longus (Nichols, 1914)
- Nesogobius hinsbyi (McCulloch and Ogilby, 1919)
- Nesogobius pulchellus (Castelnau, 1872)
- Obliquogobius cometes (Alcock, 1890)
- Obliquogobius turkayi Goren, 1992
- Odondebuenia balearica (Pellegrin and Fage, 1907)
- Odontamblyopus lacepedii (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Odontamblyopus rebecca Murdy and Shibukawa, 2003
- Odontamblyopus roseus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Odontamblyopus tenuis (Day, 1876)
- Oligolepis acutipennis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Oligolepis cylindriceps (Hora, 1923)
- Oligolepis jaarmani (Weber, 1913)
- Oligolepis keiensis (Smith, 1938)
- Oligolepis stomias (Smith, 1941)
- Ophiogobius jenynsi Hoese, 1976
- Oplopomops diacanthus (Schultz, 1943)
- Oplopomus caninoides (Bleeker, 1852)
- Oplopomus oplopomus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Opua atherinoides (Peters, 1855)
- Opua elati (Goren, 1984)
- Oxuderces dentatus Eydoux and Souleyet, 1850
- Oxuderces wirzi (Koumans, 1937)
- Oxyurichthys amabalis Seale, 1914
- Oxyurichthys auchenolepis Bleeker, 1876
- Oxyurichthys cornutus McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Oxyurichthys dasi Talwar, Chatterjee and Dev Roy, 1982
- Oxyurichthys formosanus Nichols, 1958
- Oxyurichthys guibei Smith, 1959
- Oxyurichthys heisei Pezold, 1998
- Oxyurichthys lemayi (Smith, 1947)
- Oxyurichthys lonchotus (Jenkins, 1903)
- Oxyurichthys microlepis (Bleeker, 1849)
- Oxyurichthys mindanensis (Herre, 1927)
- Oxyurichthys notonema (Weber, 1909)
- Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema (Bleeker, 1856-57)
- Oxyurichthys papuensis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Oxyurichthys paulae Pezold, 1998
- Oxyurichthys petersenii (Steindachner, 1893)
- Oxyurichthys saru Tomiyama, 1936
- Oxyurichthys stigmalophius (Mead and Böhlke, 1958)
- Oxyurichthys takagi Pezold, 1998
- Oxyurichthys tentacularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Oxyurichthys uronema (Weber, 1909)
- Oxyurichthys viridis Herre, 1927
- Oxyurichthys visayanus Herre, 1927
- Padogobius bonelli (Bonaparte, 1846)
- Padogobius martensii (Günther, 1861)
- Padogobius nigricans (Canestrini, 1867)
- Paedogobius kimurai Iwata, Hosoya and Larson, 2001
- Palatogobius grandoculus Greenfield, 2002
- Palatogobius paradoxus Gilbert, 1971
- Palutrus meteori (Klausewitz and Zander, 1967)
- Palutrus pruinosa (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Palutrus pusillus Tortonese, 1976
- Palutrus reticularis Smith, 1959
- Palutrus scapulopunctatus (de Beaufort, 1912)
- Pandaka lidwilli (McCulloch, 1917)
- Pandaka pusilla Herre, 1927
- Pandaka pygmaea Herre, 1927
- Pandaka rouxi (Weber, 1911)
- Pandaka silvana (Barnard, 1943)
- Pandaka trimaculata Akihito and Meguro, 1975
- Papillogobius punctatus Gill and Miller, 1990
- Papuligobius ocellatus (Fowler, 1937)
- Papuligobius uniporus Chen and Kottelat, 2003
- Parachaeturichthys ocellatus (Day, 1873)
- Parachaeturichthys polynema (Bleeker, 1853)
- Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Paragobiodon lacunicolus (Kendall and Goldsborough, 1911)
- Paragobiodon melanosomus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Paragobiodon modestus (Regan, 1908)
- Paragobiodon xanthosomus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Paragobiopsis orbicularis Visweswara Rao, 1971
- Parapocryptes batoides (Day, 1876)
- Parapocryptes maculatus (Oshima, 1926)
- Parapocryptes rictuosus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson, 1846)
- Paratrimma nigrimenta Hoese and Brothers, 1976
- Paratrimma urospila Hoese and Brothers, 1976
- Parawaous megacephalus (Fowler, 1905)
- Pariah scotius Böhlke, 1969
- Parkraemeria ornata Whitley, 1951
- Parrella fusca Ginsburg, 1939
- Parrella ginsburgi Wade, 1946
- Parrella lucretiae (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888)
- Parrella macropteryx Ginsburg, 1939
- Parrella maxillaris Ginsburg, 1938
- Periophthalmodon freycineti (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Periophthalmodon schlosseri (Pallas, 1770)
- Periophthalmodon septemradiatus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Periophthalmodon tredecemradiatus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Periophthalmus argentilineatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Periophthalmus barbarus (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Periophthalmus cantonensis (Osbeck, 1765)
- Periophthalmus chrysospilos Bleeker, 1852
- Periophthalmus gracilis Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus kalolo Lesson, 1831
- Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus Lee, Choi and Ryu, 1995
- Periophthalmus malaccensis Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus minutus Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus modestus Cantor, 1842
- Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus novemradiatus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Periophthalmus pearsei Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus sobrinus Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus spilotus Murdy and Takita, 1999
- Periophthalmus variabilis Eggert, 1935
- Periophthalmus walailakae Darumas and Tantichodok, 2002
- Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941
- Periophthalmus weberi Eggert, 1935
- Phyllogobius platycephalops (Smith, 1964)
- Platygobiopsis akihito Springer and Randall, 1992
- Pleurosicya annandalei Hornell and Fowler, 1922
- Pleurosicya australis Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
- Pleurosicya boldinghi Weber, 1913
- Pleurosicya carolinensis Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya coerulea Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya elongata Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya fringilla Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya labiata (Weber, 1913)
- Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield and Randall, 2004
- Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
- Pleurosicya mossambica Smith, 1959
- Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Pleurosicya occidentalis Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
- Pleurosicya prognatha Goren, 1984
- Pleurosicya sinaia Goren, 1984
- Pleurosicya spongicola Larson, 1990
- Polyspondylogobius sinensis Kimura and Wu, 1994
- Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982
- Pomatoschistus canestrinii (Ninni, 1883)
- Pomatoschistus knerii (Steindachner, 1861)
- Pomatoschistus lozanoi (de Buen, 1923)
- Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810)
- Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838)
- Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770)
- Pomatoschistus norvegicus (Collett, 1902)
- Pomatoschistus pictus (Malm, 1865)
- Pomatoschistus quagga (Heckel, 1837)
- Pomatoschistus tortonesei Miller, 1969
- Porogobius schlegelii (Günther, 1861)
- Priolepis agrena Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis ailina Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis aithiops Winterbottom and Burridge, 1992
- Priolepis anthioides (Smith, 1959)
- Priolepis ascensionis (Dawson and Edwards in Edwards and Glass, 1987)
- Priolepis aureoviridis (Gosline, 1959)
- Priolepis boreus (Snyder, 1909)
- Priolepis cinctus (Regan, 1908)
- Priolepis compita Winterbottom, 1985
- Priolepis dawsoni Greenfield, 1989
- Priolepis eugenius (Jordan and Evermann, 1903)
- Priolepis fallacincta Winterbottom and Burridge, 1992
- Priolepis farcimen (Jordan and Evermann, 1903)
- Priolepis goldshmidtae Goren and Baranes, 1995
- Priolepis hipoliti (Metzelaar, 1922)
- Priolepis inhaca (Smith, 1949)
- Priolepis kappa Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis latifascima Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis limbatosquamis (Gosline, 1959)
- Priolepis naraharae (Snyder, 1908)
- Priolepis nocturna (Smith, 1957)
- Priolepis nuchifasciata (Günther, 1873)
- Priolepis pallidicincta Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis profunda (Weber, 1909)
- Priolepis psygmophilia Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis randalli Winterbottom and Burridge, 1992
- Priolepis robinsi Garzón-Ferreira and Acero P., 1991
- Priolepis semidoliata (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Priolepis squamogena Winterbottom and Burridge, 1989
- Priolepis sticta Winterbottom and Burridge, 1992
- Priolepis triops Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Priolepis vexilla Winterbottom and Burridge, 1993
- Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas, 1814)
- Psammogobius biocellatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Psammogobius knysnaensis Smith, 1935
- Pseudaphya ferreri (de Buen and Fage, 1908)
- Pseudapocryptes borneensis (Bleeker, 1855)
- Pseudapocryptes elongatus (Cuvier, 1816)
- Pseudogobius avicennia (Herre, 1940)
- Pseudogobius isognathus (Bleeker, 1878)
- Pseudogobius javanicus (Bleeker, 1856)
- Pseudogobius masago (Tomiyama, 1936)
- Pseudogobius melanostictus (Day, 1876)
- Pseudogobius olorum (Sauvage, 1880)
- Pseudogobius poicilosoma (Bleeker, 1849)
- Pseudorhinogobius aporus Zhong and Wu, 1998
- Pseudotrypauchen multiradiatus Hardenberg, 1931
- Psilogobius mainlandi Baldwin, 1972
- Psilogobius prolatus Watson and Lachner, 1985
- Psilogobius randalli (Goren and Karplus, 1983)
- Psilotris alepis Ginsburg, 1953
- Psilotris amblyrhynchus Smith and Baldwin, 1999
- Psilotris batrachodes Böhlke, 1963
- Psilotris boehlkei Greenfield, 1993
- Psilotris celsus Böhlke, 1963
- Psilotris kaufmani Greenfield, Findley and Johnson, 1993
- Pterogobius elapoides (Günther, 1872)
- Pterogobius virgo (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Pterogobius zacalles Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Pterogobius zonoleucus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Pycnomma roosevelti Ginsburg, 1939
- Pycnomma semisquamatum Rutter, 1904
- Quietula y-cauda (Jenkins and Evermann, 1889)
- Redigobius amblyrhynchus (Bleeker, 1878)
- Redigobius balteatus (Herre, 1935)
- Redigobius bikolanus (Herre, 1927)
- Redigobius chrysosoma (Bleeker, 1875)
- Redigobius dewaali (Weber, 1897)
- Redigobius dispar (Peters, 1868)
- Redigobius leptochilus (Bleeker, 1875)
- Redigobius leveri (Fowler, 1943)
- Redigobius macrostoma (Günther, 1861)
- Redigobius penango (Popta, 1922)
- Redigobius roemeri (Weber, 1911)
- Redigobius sapangus (Herre, 1927)
- Redigobius tambujon (Bleeker, 1854)
- Redigobius vergeri (Bleeker, 1867)
- Rhinogobiops nicholsii (Bean, 1882)
- Rhinogobius albimaculatus Chen, Kottelat and Miller, 1999
- Rhinogobius brunneus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Rhinogobius carpenteri Seale, 1910
- Rhinogobius changjiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu and Fang, 2002
- Rhinogobius chiengmaiensis Fowler, 1934
- Rhinogobius cliffordpopei (Nichols, 1925)
- Rhinogobius davidi (Sauvage and Dabry de Thiersant, 1874)
- Rhinogobius delicatus Chen and Shao, 1996
- Rhinogobius duospilus (Herre, 1935)
- Rhinogobius flumineus (Mizuno, 1960)
- Rhinogobius genanematus Zhong and Tzeng, 1998
- Rhinogobius gigas Aonuma and Chen, 1996
- Rhinogobius giurinus (Rutter, 1897)
- Rhinogobius henchuenensis Chen and Shao, 1996
- Rhinogobius honghensis Chen, Yang and Chen, 1999
- Rhinogobius lanyuensis Chen, Miller and Fang, 1998
- Rhinogobius leavelli (Herre, 1935)
- Rhinogobius lentiginis (Wu and Zheng in Zheng and Wu, 1985)
- Rhinogobius lindbergi Berg, 1933
- Rhinogobius lineatus Chen, Kottelat and Miller, 1999
- Rhinogobius linshuiensis Chen, Miller, Wu and Fang, 2002
- Rhinogobius maculafasciatus Chen and Shao, 1996
- Rhinogobius maculicervix Chen and Kottelat, 2000
- Rhinogobius mekongianus (Pellegrin and Fang, 1940)
- Rhinogobius milleri Chen and Kottelat in Kottelat, 2001
- Rhinogobius multimaculatus (Wu and Zheng in Zheng and Wu, 1985)
- Rhinogobius nammaensis Chen and Kottelat in Kottelat, 2001
- Rhinogobius nandujiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu and Fang, 2002
- Rhinogobius nantaiensis Aonuma and Chen, 1996
- Rhinogobius rubromaculatus Lee and Chang, 1996
- Rhinogobius similis Gill, 1859
- Rhinogobius taenigena Chen, Kottelat and Miller, 1999
- Rhinogobius vermiculatus Chen and Kottelat in Kottelat, 2001
- Rhinogobius wangchuangensis Chen, Miller, Wu and Fang, 2002
- Rhinogobius xianshuiensis Chen, Wu and Shao, 1999
- Risor ruber (Rosén, 1911)
- Robinsichthys arrowsmithensis Birdsong, 1988
- Sagamia geneionema (Hilgendorf, 1879)
- Scartelaos cantoris (Day, 1871)
- Scartelaos gigas Chu and Wu in Chu, Chan and Chen, 1963
- Scartelaos histophorus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Scartelaos tenuis (Day, 1876)
- Schismatogobius ampluvinculus Chen, Shao and Fang, 1995
- Schismatogobius bruynisi de Beaufort, 1912
- Schismatogobius deraniyagalai Kottelat and Pethiyagoda, 1989
- Schismatogobius fuligimentus Chen, Séret, Pöllabauer and Shao, 2001
- Schismatogobius insignus (Herre, 1927)
- Schismatogobius marmoratus (Peters, 1868)
- Schismatogobius pallidus (Herre, 1934)
- Schismatogobius roxasi Herre, 1936
- Sicydium adelum Bussing, 1996
- Sicydium altum Meek, 1907
- Sicydium antillarum Ogilvie-Grant, 1884
- Sicydium brevifile Ogilvie-Grant, 1884
- Sicydium buscki Evermann and Clark, 1906
- Sicydium cocoensis (Heller and Snodgrass, 1903)
- Sicydium crenilabrum Harrison, 1993
- Sicydium fayae Brock, 1942
- Sicydium gilberti Watson, 2000
- Sicydium gymnogaster Ogilvie-Grant, 1884
- Sicydium hildebrandi Eigenmann, 1918
- Sicydium multipunctatum Regan, 1906
- Sicydium plumieri (Bloch, 1786)
- Sicydium punctatum Perugia, 1896
- Sicydium rosenbergii (Boulenger, 1899)
- Sicydium salvini Ogilvie-Grant, 1884
- Sicyopterus brevis de Beaufort, 1912
- Sicyopterus caeruleus (Lacepède, 1800)
- Sicyopterus caudimaculatus Maugé, Marquet and Laboute, 1992
- Sicyopterus crassus Herre, 1927
- Sicyopterus cynocephalus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Sicyopterus eudentatus Parenti and Maciolek, 1993
- Sicyopterus fasciatus (Day, 1874)
- Sicyopterus franouxi (Pellegrin, 1935)
- Sicyopterus fuliag Herre, 1927
- Sicyopterus griseus (Day, 1877)
- Sicyopterus hageni Popta, 1921
- Sicyopterus japonicus (Tanaka, 1909)
- Sicyopterus lacrymosus Herre, 1927
- Sicyopterus lagocephalus (Pallas, 1770)
- Sicyopterus lividus Parenti and Maciolek, 1993
- Sicyopterus longifilis de Beaufort, 1912
- Sicyopterus macrostetholepis (Bleeker, 1853)
- Sicyopterus marquesensis Fowler, 1932
- Sicyopterus microcephalus (Bleeker, 1854)
- Sicyopterus micrurus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Sicyopterus ouwensi Weber, 1913
- Sicyopterus parvei (Bleeker, 1853)
- Sicyopterus pugnans (Ogilvie-Grant, 1884)
- Sicyopterus rapa Parenti and Maciolek, 1996
- Sicyopterus sarasini Weber and de Beaufort, 1915
- Sicyopterus stimpsoni (Gill, 1860)
- Sicyopterus wichmanni (Weber, 1894)
- Sicyopus auxilimentus Watson and Kottelat, 1994
- Sicyopus bitaeniatus Maugé, Marquet and Laboute, 1992
- Sicyopus cebuensis Chen and Shao, 1998
- Sicyopus chloe Watson, Keith and Marquet, 2001
- Sicyopus discordipinnis Watson, 1995
- Sicyopus fehlmanni Parenti and Maciolek, 1993
- Sicyopus jonklaasi (Axelrod, 1972)
- Sicyopus leprurus Sakai and Nakamura, 1979
- Sicyopus multisquamatus de Beaufort, 1912
- Sicyopus mystax Watson and Allen, 1999
- Sicyopus nigriradiatus Parenti and Maciolek, 1993
- Sicyopus zosterophorum (Bleeker, 1857)
- Signigobius biocellatus Hoese and Allen, 1977
- Silhouettea aegyptia (Chabanaud, 1933)
- Silhouettea chaimi Goren, 1978
- Silhouettea dotui (Takagi, 1957)
- Silhouettea evanida Larson and Miller, 1986
- Silhouettea hoesei Larson and Miller, 1986
- Silhouettea indica Visweswara Rao, 1971
- Silhouettea insinuans Smith, 1959
- Silhouettea nuchipunctatus (Herre, 1934)
- Silhouettea sibayi Farquharson, 1970
- Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998
- Speleogobius trigloides Zander and Jelinek, 1976
- Stenogobius alleni Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius beauforti (Weber, 1907)
- Stenogobius blokzeyli (Bleeker, 1861)
- Stenogobius caudimaculosus Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius fehlmanni Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius genivittatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Stenogobius gymnopomus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Stenogobius hawaiiensis Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius hoesei Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius ingeri Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius kenyae Smith, 1959
- Stenogobius kyphosus Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius lachneri Allen, 1991
- Stenogobius laterisquamatus (Weber, 1907)
- Stenogobius macropterus (Duncker, 1912)
- Stenogobius marinus Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius marqueti Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius mekongensis Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius ophthalmoporus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Stenogobius polyzona (Bleeker, 1867)
- Stenogobius psilosinionus Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius randalli Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius squamosus Watson, 1991
- Stenogobius yateiensis Keith, Watson and Marquet, 2002
- Stenogobius zurstrassenii (Popta, 1911)
- Stigmatogobius borneensis (Bleeker, 1851)
- Stigmatogobius minima (Hora, 1923)
- Stigmatogobius pleurostigma (Bleeker, 1849)
- Stigmatogobius sadanundio (Hamilton, 1822)
- Stigmatogobius sella (Steindachner, 1881)
- Stiphodon alleni Watson, 1996
- Stiphodon astilbos Ryan, 1986
- Stiphodon atratus Watson, 1996
- Stiphodon atropurpureus (Herre, 1927)
- Stiphodon birdsong Watson, 1996
- Stiphodon caeruleus Parenti and Maciolek, 1993
- Stiphodon discotorquatus Watson, 1995
- Stiphodon elegans (Steindachner, 1879)
- Stiphodon hydroreibatus Watson, 1999
- Stiphodon imperiorientis Watson and Chen, 1998
- Stiphodon julieni Keith, Watson and Marquet, 2002
- Stiphodon larson Watson, 1996
- Stiphodon martenstyni Watson, 1998
- Stiphodon multisquamus Wu and Ni, 1986
- Stiphodon olivaceus Watson and Kottelat, 1995
- Stiphodon ornatus Meinken, 1974
- Stiphodon pelewensis Herre, 1936
- Stiphodon percnopterygionus Watson and Chen, 1998
- Stiphodon rutilaureus Watson, 1996
- Stiphodon semoni Weber, 1895
- Stiphodon surrufus Watson and Kottelat, 1995
- Stiphodon tuivi Watson, 1995
- Stiphodon weberi Watson, Allen and Kottelat, 1998
- Stiphodon zebrinus Watson, Allen and Kottelat, 1998
- Stonogobiops dracula Polunin and Lubbock, 1977
- Stonogobiops medon Hoese and Randall, 1982
- Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese and Randall, 1982
- Stonogobiops pentafasciata Iwata and Hirata, 1994
- Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese and Randall, 1982
- Stonogobiops yasha Yoshino and Shimada, 2001
- Sueviota aprica Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Sueviota atrinasa Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Sueviota larsonae Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Sufflogobius bibarbatus (von Bonde, 1923)
- Suruga fundicola Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Synechogobius ommaturus (Richardson, 1845)
- Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Taenioides buchanani (Day, 1873)
- Taenioides caniscapulus Roxas and Ablan, 1938
- Taenioides cirratus (Blyth, 1860)
- Taenioides eruptionis (Bleeker, 1849)
- Taenioides esquivel Smith, 1947
- Taenioides gracilis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Taenioides jacksoni Smith, 1943
- Taenioides kentalleni Murdy and Randall, 2002
- Taenioides limicola Smith, 1964
- Taenioides mordax (De Vis, 1883)
- Taenioides nigrimarginatus Hora, 1924
- Taenioides purpurascens (De Vis, 1884)
- Tamanka siitensis Herre, 1927
- Tasmanogobius gloveri Hoese, 1991
- Tasmanogobius lasti Hoese, 1991
- Tasmanogobius lordi Scott, 1935
- Thorogobius angolensis (Norman, 1935)
- Thorogobius ephippiatus (Lowe, 1839)
- Thorogobius macrolepis (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Thorogobius rofeni Miller, 1988
- Tigrigobius dilepis (Robins and Böhlke, 1964)
- Tigrigobius gemmatus (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Tigrigobius pallens (Ginsburg, 1939)
- Tomiyamichthys alleni Iwata, Ohnishi and Hirata, 2000
- Tomiyamichthys oni (Tomiyama, 1936)
- Tridentiger barbatus (Günther, 1861)
- Tridentiger bifasciatus Steindachner, 1881
- Tridentiger brevispinis Katsuyama, Arai and Nakamura, 1972
- Tridentiger kuroiwae Jordan and Tanaka, 1927
- Tridentiger microsquamis (Wu, 1931)
- Tridentiger nudicervicus Tomiyama, 1934
- Tridentiger obscurus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Tridentiger trigonocephalus (Gill, 1859)
- Trimma anaima Winterbottom, 2000
- Trimma annosum Winterbottom, 2003
- Trimma avidori (Goren, 1978)
- Trimma barralli Winterbottom, 1995
- Trimma benjamini Winterbottom, 1996
- Trimma bisella Winterbottom, 2000
- Trimma caesiura Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Trimma corallina (Smith, 1959)
- Trimma dalerocheila Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985
- Trimma filamentosus Winterbottom, 1995
- Trimma fishelsoni Goren, 1985
- Trimma flammeum (Smith, 1959)
- Trimma flavicaudatus (Goren, 1982)
- Trimma fraena Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma grammistes (Tomiyama, 1936)
- Trimma griffithsi Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma haima Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma halonevum Winterbottom, 2000
- Trimma hoesei Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma lantana Winterbottom and Villa, 2003
- Trimma macrophthalma (Tomiyama, 1936)
- Trimma mendelssohni (Goren, 1978)
- Trimma milta Winterbottom, 2002
- Trimma naudei Smith, 1957
- Trimma necopinus (Whitley, 1959)
- Trimma okinawae (Aoyagi, 1949)
- Trimma omanensis Winterbottom, 2000
- Trimma rubromaculatus Allen and Munday, 1995
- Trimma sheppardi Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma stobbsi Winterbottom, 2001
- Trimma striata (Herre, 1945)
- Trimma taylori Lobel, 1979
- Trimma tevegae Cohen and Davis, 1969
- Trimma unisquamis (Gosline, 1959)
- Trimma volcana Winterbottom, 2003
- Trimma winchi Winterbottom, 1984
- Trimma winterbottomi Randall and Downing in Randall et al., 1994
- Trimma woutsi Winterbottom, 2002
- Trimmatom eviotops (Schultz, 1943)
- Trimmatom macropodus Winterbottom, 1989
- Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
- Trimmatom offucius Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
- Trimmatom pharus Winterbottom, 2001
- Trimmatom sagma Winterbottom, 1989
- Trimmatom zapotes Winterbottom, 1989
- Trypauchen raha Popta, 1922
- Trypauchen taenia Koumans in Weber and de Beaufort, 1953
- Trypauchen vagina (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Trypauchenichthys sumatrensis Hardenberg, 1931
- Trypauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860
- Trypauchenopsis intermedius Volz, 1903
- Tryssogobius colini Larson and Hoese, 2001
- Tryssogobius longipes Larson and Hoese, 2001
- Typhlogobius californiensis Steindachner, 1879
- Valenciennea alleni Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea bella Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea decora Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858)
- Valenciennea immaculata (Ni, 1981)
- Valenciennea limicola Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea longipinnis (Lay and Bennett, 1839)
- Valenciennea muralis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Valenciennea parva Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea persica Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea puellaris (Tomiyama in Tomiyama and Abe, 1956)
- Valenciennea randalli Hoese and Larson, 1994
- Valenciennea sexguttata (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Valenciennea strigata (Broussonet, 1782)
- Valenciennea wardii (Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir, 1957)
- Vanderhorstia atriclypea (Garman, 1903)
- Vanderhorstia auropunctata (Tomiyama, 1955)
- Vanderhorstia delagoae (Barnard, 1937)
- Vanderhorstia fasciaventris (Smith, 1959)
- Vanderhorstia flavilineata Allen and Munday, 1995
- Vanderhorstia lanceolata Yanagisawa, 1978
- Vanderhorstia longimanus (Weber, 1909)
- Vanderhorstia macropteryx (Franz, 1910)
- Vanderhorstia mertensi Klausewitz, 1974
- Vanderhorstia ornatissima Smith, 1959
- Vanderhorstia praealta Lachner and McKinney, 1981
- Vanneaugobius canariensis Van Tassell, Miller and Brito, 1988
- Vanneaugobius dollfusi Brownell, 1978
- Vanneaugobius pruvoti (Fage, 1907)
- Varicus bucca Robins and Böhlke, 1961
- Varicus fisheri (Herre, 1942)
- Varicus marilynae Gilmore, 1979
- Vomerogobius flavus Gilbert, 1971
- Wheelerigobius maltzani (Steindachner, 1881)
- Wheelerigobius wirtzi Miller, 1988
- Yongeichthys criniger (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Yongeichthys thomasi (Boulenger, 1916)
- Yongeichthys tuticorinensis (Fowler, 1925)
- Zappa confluentus (Roberts, 1978)
- Zebrus zebrus (Risso, 1827)
- Zosterisessor ophiocephalus (Pallas, 1814)
уреди- ^ 1671 Специес ин Фамилy Гобиидае
- ^ [1] Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (24. април 2019) (гобиидае.цом)
- ^ Патзнер, Р.А.; Ван Тасселл, Ј.L.; Ковачић, M.; Капоор, Б.Г., ур. (2011). Тхе Биологy оф Гобиес. Енфиелд, НХ: Сциенце Публисхерс. стр. 685. ИСБН 978-1-57808-436-4.
- ^ [2] (фисхбасе.орг)
- ^ [3] (анималдиверситy.)
Спољашње везе
уреди- Gobioid Research Institute Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (24. април 2019)
- Themudskipper.org: a website on mudskippers
- Article on cleaner gobies in aquaria
- Brackish water aquarium FAQ entry on gobies
- „Гобy”. Неw Интернатионал Енцyцлопедиа. 1906.
- Smith, J.L.B. 1960. Fishes of the family Gobiidae in South Africa. Ichthyological Bulletin; No. 18. Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
- Smith, J.L.B. 1959. Gobioid fishes of the families Gobiidae, Periophthalmidae, Trypauchenidae, Taenioididae, and Kraemeriidae of the Western Indian Ocean. Ichthyological Bulletin; No. 13. Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.