Peptid PHI (ili peptid histidin izoleucin) je peptid koji funkcioniše kao hormon.[1][2]

Ovaj hormon ima udela u regulaciji prolaktina kod ljudi.[3]


  1. ^ Polak JM, Bloom SR (1984). „Regulatory peptides--the distribution of two newly discovered peptides: PHI and NPY”. Peptides. 5 Suppl 1: 79—89. PMID 6384956. 
  2. ^ Felíu JE, Marco J (1983). „Stimulatory effect of the intestinal peptide PHI on glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes”. The Biochemical Journal. 214 (3): 999—1002. PMC 1152344 . PMID 6312969. 
  3. ^ Kulick R, Chaiseha Y, Kang S, Rozenboim I, El Halawani M (2005). „The relative importance of vasoactive intestinal peptide and peptide histidine isoleucine as physiological regulators of prolactin in the domestic turkey”. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 142 (3): 267—73. PMID 15935152. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2004.12.024. 

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  • Peptide+PHI на US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)