Nestale i ubijene domorodačke žene
Nestale i ubijene domorodačke žene (MMIW), takođe poznat kao nestale i ubijene starosedelačke žene i devojke (MMIVG) i šire kao nestali i ubijeni starosedelački srodnici (MMIR) ili nestali i ubijeni starosedeoci (MMIP), je kriza ljudskih prava nasilja nad domorodačkim ženama u Kanadi i Sjedinjenim Državama,[1][2] posebno onih u starosedelačkim narodima u Kanadi i zajednicama Indijanaca,[3][4][5] ali i među drugim domorodačkim narodima kao što su oni u Australiji i na Novom Zelandu,[2] i osnovni pokret za podizanje svesti o MMIV kroz organizovanje marševa; izgradnja baza podataka nestalih; održavanje sednica mesne zajednice, gradskog veća i plemenskog veća; i sprovođenje obuka o nasilju u porodici i drugih informativnih sesija za policiju.[6]
Nestale i ubijene domorodačke žene | |
![]() Umetnička instalacija inspirisana projektom REDress (Vankuver, Kanada, Nacionalni dan bdenja za MMIW, 2016.) | |
Skraćenica | MMIW |
Osnovana | Kanada i Sjedinjene Države |
Datum osnivanja | Kanada i Sjedinjene Države |
Namena | Pokret za povećanje svesti o nesrazmerno velikom nasilju koje doživljavaju starosedeoci Kanada i Indijanke |
Međunarodno članstvo |
Organi za sprovođenje zakona, novinari i aktivisti u starosedelačkim zajednicama u SAD i Kanadi borili su se da podignu svest o vezi između trgovine ljudima sa seksualnim sadržajem, seksualnog uznemiravanja, seksualnih napada i žena koje nestanu i budu ubijene.[7][8][9] Od 2001. do 2015. godine, stopa ubistava starosedelaca u Kanadi bila je skoro šest puta veća od one za druge žene.[10]:22 U Nunavutu, Jukonu, Severozapadnim teritorijama i u provincijama Manitoba, Alberta i Saskačevan, ova prevelika zastupljenost domorodačkih žena među žrtvama ubistava bila je još veća.[10]:22 U SAD, Indijanke imaju više nego dvostruko veće šanse da dožive nasilje nego bilo koja druga demografska grupa; jedna od tri domorodačke žene je seksualno zlostavljana tokom svog života, a 55,5% je nasilno napadnuto od strane intimnog partnera. Njih 66,4% je iskusilo psihološku agresiju od strane intimnog partnera. Udeo od 67% prijavljenih napada uključuje počinioce koji nisu autohtoni, dok 70% napada ostane neprijavljeno.[11][12][13][14][15][а]
MMIW je opisan kao kanadska nacionalna kriza[17][18][19] i kanadski genocid.[20][21] Kao odgovor na ponovljene pozive starosedelačkih grupa, aktivista i nevladinih organizacija, Vlada Kanade pod premijerom Džastinom Trudoom je pokrenula Nacionalnu istragu o nestalim i ubijenim ženama i devojčicama starosedelaca u septembru 2016. godine.[22][23] Prema pozadini istrage, „Žene i devojke starosedelaca u Kanadi su neproporcionalno pogođene svim oblicima nasilja. Iako domorodačke žene čine 4 odsto ženske populacije Kanade, 16 odsto svih žena ubijenih u Kanadi između 1980. i 2012. bile su starosedelačke.“[24] Ispitivanje je završeno i predstavljeno javnosti 3. juna 2019. godine.[22] Značajni slučajevi MMIW-a u Kanadi uključuju 19 žena ubijenih u ubistvima na autoputu suza, i neke od 49 žena iz oblasti Vankuvera koje je ubio serijski ubica Robert Pikton.[25]
U SAD je 2013. ponovo odobren savezni Zakon o nasilju nad ženama (VAWA), koji je po prvi put dao plemenima nadležnost da istražuju i krivično gone dela nasilja u porodici koja uključuju i prestupnike američkih Indijanaca, kao i one koji nisu starosedeoci u rezervatima.[26][б] Godine 2019, Predstavnički dom, na čelu sa Demokratskom strankom, usvojio je HR 1585 (ponovnu autorizaciju Zakona o nasilju nad ženama iz 2019.) sa 263–158 glasova, što znatno dodatno povećava prava plemena na krivično gonjenje. Predlog zakona nije uzeo u obzir Senat, koji je u to vreme imao republikansku većinu.[28]
уреди- ^ „UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues calls for an Expert Group Meeting on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women”. Архивирано из оригинала 22. 9. 2020. г. Приступљено 7. 9. 2020. „The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues has recommended that the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States, in cooperation with UN entities, “organize an international expert group meeting, by 2021, on ongoing issues of violence against indigenous women and girls in the region, including trafficking as well as the continuing crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women.””
- ^ а б „About Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and the film WHO SHE IS”. Архивирано из оригинала 26. 3. 2024. г. Приступљено 26. 3. 2024.
- ^ Gambino, Lauren (7. 3. 2019). „REDress exhibit highlights epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women”. The Guardian. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 3. 2019. г. Приступљено 27. 3. 2019.
- ^ „Rep. Haaland addresses Congress on epidemic of missing, endangered indigenous women”. KRQE Media. 14. 3. 2019. Архивирано из оригинала 18. 11. 2021. г. Приступљено 27. 3. 2019.
- ^ Hopkins, Ruth (11. 9. 2018). „When the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Crisis Hits Home”. Teen Vogue. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 3. 2019. г. Приступљено 27. 3. 2019. „With issues concerning jurisdictional power and poor communication between families and local, state, tribal, and federal authorities contribute to the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women.”
- ^ Baker, Carrie N. (2. 12. 2019). „Making Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Visible”. Ms. magazine. Архивирано из оригинала 20. 12. 2019. г. Приступљено 2020-02-28.
- ^ Wood, Tyesha M. „Sex Trafficking & Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women – How Education can keep our communities safe” (PDF). Архивирано из оригинала (PDF) 16. 8. 2019. г. Приступљено 28. 10. 2019. „Intersection between Sex Trafficking and MMIW&C”
- ^ Martin, Nick (15. 10. 2019). „The Connection Between Pipelines and Sexual Violence – Attempts to address the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Crisis could be counteracted by the problems "man camps" cause for reservation communities”. The New Republic. Архивирано из оригинала 29. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 28. 10. 2019. „A number of studies, reports, and congressional hearings now connect man camps—which can be used in mines and other extractive efforts as well—with increased rates of sexual violence and sex trafficking. ... The most well-documented cases thus far have occurred in the Tar Sands region of Alberta, Canada, as well as in western North Dakota and eastern Montana—an area known otherwise as the Bakken oil fields—though such activity is in no way exclusive to the region.”
- ^ CTV News Montreal (15. 10. 2019). „Rape, murder and harassment: Painful stories shared at MMIWG hearings in Quebec”. CTV News. Архивирано из оригинала 30. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 28. 10. 2019. „Dozens of families travelled to the Innu community of Mani-Utenam near Sept-Iles to share their emotional stories, many opening up about allegations of rape, murder, and harassment at the hands of police.”
- ^ а б Mahony, Tina Hotton; Jacob, Joanna; Hobson, Heather (6. 6. 2017). Women and the Criminal Justice System (PDF) (Извештај). Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report. Statistics Canada. стр. 42. ISSN 1719-4407. Архивирано (PDF) из оригинала 5. 6. 2019. г. Приступљено 5. 6. 2017.
- ^ „True Consequences: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”. (на језику: енглески). Архивирано из оригинала 24. 12. 2019. г. Приступљено 2019-12-24.
- ^ Policy Insights – Brief Statistics on Violence Against Native Women (PDF). NCAI Policy Research Center. 2013. стр. 4. Архивирано (PDF) из оригинала 15. 1. 2020. г. Приступљено 22. 12. 2019. „A previously reported statistic that, “Among [American Indian and Alaska Native] victims of rape or sexual assault, 86 percent described the offender as non‐Indian” is accurate according to Perry's analysis (2004) in American Indians and Crime: A BJS Statistical Profile, 1992–2002. However, Perry's analysis includes reports by both Native men and women victims of rape or sexual assault. Given this brief's focus on violence against Native women, we include the updated rate of 67 percent reported by Native women victims of rape or sexual assault indicated in Bachman, et al., (2008).”
- ^ Rosay, André B. (мај 2016). „Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: 2010 Findings From the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey” (PDF). National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). National Institute of Justice. стр. 56. Архивирано (PDF) из оригинала 30. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 12. 1. 2020. „Table A.5: American Indian or Alaska Native Female Victims: Sexual violence in lifetime by interracial perpetrator confidence interval (likelihood) weighted estimate (weighed based on percentage of population) 91.9% to 100.5% and intraracial perpetrator 10.8% to 30.4%”
- ^ Roe, Bubar; Jumper Thurman, Pamela (2004). „Violence against native women”. Social Justice. 31 (4 [98]): 70—86. JSTOR 29768276. Архивирано из оригинала 30. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 30. 10. 2019. „Natives are more likely to be victims of crime than are any other group in the United States. People of a different race committed 70% of violent victimizations against Natives. The report also notes the rate of violent crime experienced by Native women between 1992 and 1996 was nearly 50% higher than that reported by African American males, long known to experience very high rates of violent victimization. According to the Department of Justice, 70% of sexual assaults of Native women are never reported, which suggests that the number of violent victimizations of Native women is higher (Ibid.).”
- ^ Chekuru, Kavitha (6. 3. 2013). „Sexual violence scars Native American Women”. Al Jazeera. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 11. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 5. 2016. „According to the Department of Justice, 86 percent of rapes and sexual assaults against Native American women are committed by non-Native American men.”
- ^ „ACS Demographic and Housing Estimates – 2011–2015”. U.S. Census Bureau. Архивирано из оригинала 13. 2. 2020. г. Приступљено 23. 12. 2019.
- ^ Krishnan, Manisha (3. 8. 2016). „Here's What the Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Inquiry is Missing”. Vice News. Архивирано из оригинала 26. 10. 2017. г. Приступљено 25. 10. 2017. „After years of debate and inaction, the Canadian government has finally launched an inquiry into the national crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women.”
- ^ Walker, Connie (10. 4. 2016). „Missing, murdered aboriginal women crisis demands a look at root causes”. CBC News. Архивирано из оригинала 13. 10. 2017. г. Приступљено 25. 10. 2017.
- ^ Bailey, Jane; Shayan, Sara (2016). „Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Crisis: Technological Dimensions”. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 28 (2): 321—341. S2CID 151717583. doi:10.3138/cjwl.28.2.321. Архивирано из оригинала 26. 10. 2017. г. Приступљено 25. 10. 2017.
- ^ Barrera, Jorge (31. 5. 2019). „National inquiry calls murders and disappearances of Indigenous women a 'Canadian genocide'”. CBC News. Архивирано из оригинала 4. 6. 2019. г. Приступљено 5. 6. 2019.
- ^ Austen, Ian; Bilefsky, Dan (3. 6. 2019). „Canadian Inquiry Calls Killings of Indigenous Women Genocide”. The New York Times. Архивирано из оригинала 3. 6. 2019. г. Приступљено 4. 6. 2019.
- ^ а б "National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Архивирано јун 4, 2019 на сајту Wayback Machine"
- ^ „About Us — National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”. National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Архивирано из оригинала 2018-04-23. г. Приступљено 2017-10-31.
- ^ Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (22. 4. 2016). „Background on the inquiry”. Архивирано из оригинала 2017-09-13. г. Приступљено 5. 6. 2019.
- ^ Dalton, Jane (1. 6. 2019). „Murdered and missing women and girls in Canada tragedy is genocide rooted in colonialism, official inquiry finds” . The Independent. Архивирано из оригинала 15. 5. 2022. г. Приступљено 2. 6. 2019. „State ‘actions and inactions and ideology’ blamed for allowing attackers to get away with violence over nearly 50 years”
- ^ Cook, Andrea J. (1. 4. 2015). „Tribal leaders urged to apply Violence Against Women Act”. Rapid City Journal. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 11. 1. 2020.
- ^ Milke, Mark (12. 1. 2013). „Increasing number of Aboriginals choose not to live on reserves”. Calgary Herald and Regina Leader Post. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 12. 2019. г. Приступљено 23. 12. 2019.
- ^ Willis, Jay (13. 12. 2019). „Why Can't the Senate Pass the Violence Against Women Act?”. GQ. Архивирано из оригинала 11. 1. 2020. г. Приступљено 11. 1. 2020.
уреди- Anderson, Kim; Campbell, Maria & Belcourt, Christi, editors. Keetsahnak: Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters. The University of Alberta Press, 2018. ISBN 9781772123678
- Lavell-Harvard, Memee & Brant, Jennifer, editors. Forever Loved: Exposing the Hidden Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. Demeter Press, 2016. ISBN 1772580678
- McDiarmid, Jessica. Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference, and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Doubleday Canada, 2019. ISBN 9780385687577
Spoljašnje veze
уреди- About Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and the film WHO SHE IS
- Canadian National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Report, by Annita Lucchesi and Abigail Echo-Hawk (Pawnee), Urban Indian Health Institute (U.S.)
- Missing & Murdered: The Unsolved Cases of Indigenous Women and Girls (Canadian) CBC News, 2016–2017
- No More Stolen Sisters, Amnesty International campaign website
- Saskatchewan Provincial Partnership committee on Missing Persons, Final Report Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (23. јун 2015), October 2007
- Johnston, Samantha (October 2020). "MMIW: Understanding the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Crisis in the United States"
- "Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women: Resources & Information", US resources archived at US Senator Heidi Heitkamp's website
- MMIWG & Violence Prevention, Native Women's Association of Canada official website, resources page
- White Buffalo Calf Woman Society website, Native American women's resources online and in the Plains regions