Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh[5] (azer. Lütfi Rəhim oğlu Ələsgərzadə;[6] pers. لطفی علی‌عسکرزاده;[4] 4. februar 1921 – 6. september 2017)[1][2] bio je matematičar, informatičar, elektroinženjer, istraživač veštačke inteligencije i profesor[7] računarskih nauka na Univerzitetu Kalifornije, Berkli. Zadeh je najpoznatiji po predlaganju rasplinute matematike, koja se sastoji od nekoliko rasplinutih koncepata: rasplinutih skupova,[8] rasplinute logike,[9] rasplinutih algoritama,[10] rasplinute semantike,[11] rasplinutih jezika,[12] rasplinute kontrole, [13] rasplinutih sistema,[14] rasplinute verovatnoće,[15] rasplinutih događaja[15] i rasplinutih informacija.[16] Zadeh je bio jedan od osnivača Evroazijske akademije.[1][17]

Lofti Zadeh
Lofti 2016.
Datum rođenja4 februar 1921(1921-02-04)
Mesto rođenjaBaku, Azerbejdžanska Sovjetska Socijalistička Republika
Datum smrti6. septembar 2017.(2017-09-06) (96 god.)[1][2]
Mesto smrtiBerkeli, Kalifornija[3]
PoslodavacUniverzitet Kalifornije (Berkli)
RadoviOsnivač rasplinute matematike,
teorija rasplinutih skupova, i rasplinuta logika, Z brojevi, Z-transformacija
SupružnikFaj Zadeh
Deca2, uključujući Norman Zada
NagradeErindžen medalja (1976)
IEEE Hamingova medalja (1992)[1]
Rufus Oldenbergerova medalja(1993)
IEEE medalja časti (1995)[1]
2012 BBVA Nagrada Fondacije za granice znanja
počasni doktorat Univerziteta u Teheranu (2016)[4]
ACM član
IEEE član
AAAS član
AAAI član
član Nacionalne akademije inžinjera
osnivački član Evroazijske akademije


  1. ^ а б в г д Crowley, Magdalene L. (2017-09-06). „Lotfi Zadeh has passed away”. Berkeley | Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (на језику: енглески). UC Berkeley College of Engineering. Архивирано из оригинала 2021-10-03. г. Приступљено 2021-11-30. „CS Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, known as the Father of Fuzzy Logic, passed away on the morning of September 6, 2017. He was 96. Zadeh touched many lives and had a tremendous impact on many scientific and technological fields. He is best known as the founder of fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy set theory, fuzzy logic, Z numbers and Z-transform. He won many awards including the IEEE Medal of Honor, the Honda Prize, the Okawa Prize, and the IEEE Hamming Medal. He was a founding member of the Eurasian Academy and a member of the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame. A state funeral will be held in his birth city of Baku, Azerbaijan. 
  2. ^ а б „Lotfi Zadeh dead: Computing revolutionary and founder of fuzzy logic dies aged 96”. International Business Times. 2017-09-12. Архивирано из оригинала 2021-11-30. г. Приступљено 2021-12-02. „Lotfali Rahim Oglu Asgarzadeh, better known as Lotfi A. Zadeh, was an Iranian mathematician, artificial intelligence researcher and professor of computer science at the University of California. He died on 6 September at 7.30 am it was confirmed by close friend. 
  3. ^ Metz, Cade (2017-09-11). „Lotfi Zadeh, Father of Mathematical 'Fuzzy Logic,' Dies at 96” . The New York Times (на језику: енглески). ISSN 0362-4331. OCLC 1645522. eISSN 1553-8095. Архивирано из оригинала 2021-12-01. г. Приступљено 2021-12-02. „Lotfi Zadeh, the computer scientist and electrical engineer whose theories of "fuzzy logic" rippled across academia and industry, influencing everything from linguistics, economics and medicine to air-conditioners, vacuum cleaners and rice cookers, died on Wednesday at his home in Berkeley, Calif. He was 96. 
  4. ^ а б „Granting honorary doctorate from Tehran University to professor Lotfizadeh”. Official website of University of Tehran (UT) (на језику: персијски). Tehran, Iran. 9. 3. 2016. Архивирано из оригинала 16. 1. 2021. г. Приступљено 1. 7. 2017. 
  5. ^ „Dr. Lotfi A. Zadeh was elected in 1973 as a member of National Academy of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics, Communication & Information Systems Engineering.”. Архивирано из оригинала 2015-12-08. г. Приступљено 2015-12-08. 
  6. ^ „Diasporla İş üzrə Dövlət Komitəsi”. Архивирано из оригинала 2014-07-04. г. Приступљено 2014-06-07. 
  7. ^ „Lotfi A. Zadeh: Former Professor Emeritus”. Berkeley | Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (на језику: енглески). UC Berkeley College of Engineering. n.d. Архивирано из оригинала 2021-12-02. г. Приступљено 2021-12-04. „Lotfi Zadeh was a Professor in the Graduate School of the Computer Science Division of Berkeley EECS. He also e served as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing). Lotfi Zadeh passed away on September 6, 2017. Zadeh was an alumnus of the University of Tehran, MIT and Columbia University. From 1950 to 1959, he was a member of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at UC Berkeley in 1959 and served as its Chair from 1963 to 1968. During his tenure as Chair, he played a key role in changing the name of the Department from EE to EECS. He held visiting appointments at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ; MIT, Cambridge, MA; IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA; AI Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA; and the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. 
  8. ^ „Fuzzy sets”. Information and Control. San Diego. 8 (3). 1965. ISSN 0019-9958. doi:10.1016/S0019-9958(65)90241-X . 
  9. ^ — (1996). „Fuzzy logic = computing with words”. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 4 (2): 103—111. ISSN 1063-6706. doi:10.1109/91.493904. 
  10. ^ — (1968-02-01). „Fuzzy algorithms”. Information and Control (на језику: енглески). San Diego, California: Academic Press. 12 (2): 94—102. ISSN 0019-9958. LCCN 59047612. OCLC 871736339. doi:10.1016/S0019-9958(68)90211-8 . 
  11. ^ — (1971). „Quantitative fuzzy semantics”. Information Sciences. 3 (2): 159—176. doi:10.1016/S0020-0255(71)80004-X. 
  12. ^ Lee, E. T.; — (1969). „Note on fuzzy languages”. Information Sciences. 1 (4): 421—434. doi:10.1016/0020-0255(69)90025-5. 
  13. ^ — (1972). „A Rationale for Fuzzy Control”. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 94: 3. doi:10.1115/1.3426540. 
  14. ^ — (1969). „Toward a theory of fuzzy systems” (PDF). Архивирано (PDF) из оригинала 22. 10. 2014. г. Приступљено 18. 10. 2014. 
  15. ^ а б — (1984). „Fuzzy probabilities”. Information Processing & Management. 20 (3): 363—372. doi:10.1016/0306-4573(84)90067-0. 
  16. ^ — (1997). „Toward a theory of fuzzy information granulation and its centrality in human reasoning and fuzzy logic”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 90 (2): 111—127. doi:10.1016/S0165-0114(97)00077-8. 
  17. ^ „Eurasian Academy Official Site”. Архивирано из оригинала 2020-06-21. г. Приступљено 2021-05-12. 



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