Kristalografski defekt
(преусмерено са Crystal defect)
Kristalografski defekt je prekid pravilnih obrazaca rasporeda atoma ili molekula u kristalnim čvrstim materijama. Položaji i orijentacije čestica, koje se ponavljaju na fiksnim rastojanjima određenim parametrima jedinične ćelije u kristalima, pokazuju periodičnu kristalnu strukturu, ali ona je obično nesavršena.[2][3][4][5] Često se karakteriše nekoliko tipova defekata: tačkasti defekti, linijski defekti, planarni defekti, defekti mase. Topološka homotopija uspostavlja matematički metod karakterizacije.
уреди- ^ Hong, J.; Hu, Z.; Probert, M.; Li, K.; Lv, D.; Yang, X.; Gu, L.; Mao, N.; Feng, Q.; Xie, L.; Zhang, J.; Wu, D.; Zhang, Z.; Jin, C.; Ji, W.; Zhang, X.; Yuan, J.; Zhang, Z. (2015). „Exploring atomic defects in molybdenum disulphide monolayers”. Nature Communications. 6: 6293. Bibcode:2015NatCo...6.6293H. PMC 4346634 . PMID 25695374. doi:10.1038/ncomms7293.
- ^ Ehrhart, P. (1991) Properties and interactions of atomic defects in metals and alloys Архивирано 2013-02-03 на сајту, volume 25 of Landolt-Börnstein, New Series III, chapter 2, p. 88, Springer, Berlin
- ^ Siegel, R. W. (1982) Atomic Defects and Diffusion in Metals, in Point Defects and Defect Interactions in Metals, J.-I. Takamura (ED.), p. 783, North Holland, Amsterdam
- ^ Crawford, J. H.; Slifkin, L. M., ур. (1975). Point Defects in Solids. New York: Plenum Press.
- ^ Watkins, G. D. (1997) "Native defects and their interactions with impurities in silicon", p. 139 in Defects and Diffusion in Silicon Processing, T. Diaz de la Rubia, S. Coffa, P. A. Stolk, and C. S. Rafferty (eds), vol. 469 of MRS Symposium Proceedings, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, ISBN 1-55899-373-8
уреди- Hagen Kleinert, Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter, Vol. II, "Stresses and defects", pp. 743–1456, World Scientific (Singapore, 1989); Paperback ISBN 9971-5-0210-0
- Hermann Schmalzried: Solid State Reactions. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1981, ISBN 3-527-25872-8.