Разговор:Хрватски ослободилачки покрет/Архива 1
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Први поднаслов
Добро би било ако би неко прегледао написано и поправио граматичке и стилске грешке. Хвала унапред.-- (разговор) 02:47, 26. мај 2012. (CEST)
Неколико цитата из докторске тезе
The internal dynamics of terrorist cells: A social network analysis of terrorist cells in an Australian context by Stuart A. Koschade, PhD Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland 2007 [1] Copyright Stuart Andrew Koschade
Страна 53: 2.3.1 USTASHI GROUPS (section title)
Страна 54: Aided by a strong Croatian Diaspora in Australia, the former Ustashi members established the Australian section of the Hrvatski Oslobodilacki Pokret (Croatian Liberation Movement, HOP) following its establishment by Pavelic in 1956 while exiled in Argentina.
From the early 1960s, the Ustashi groups began conducting military training in Australia, many run by HOP, and attended by members of the other organizations. Perhaps the most significant of these camps was run by HOP in 1963 near Wodonga in Victoria207 In close proximity to this camp, the Australian Citizen Military Forces (CMF) were undertaking manoeuvres using their standard armament ...
Страна 55: ... in addition to armoured vehicles. The CMF were approached by HOP members who were in turn given a demonstration of the equipment and weapons. Photos of HOP members holding CMF weapons and sitting on armoured vehicles were subsequently published in the HOP magazine, Spremnost208. This camp was attended by members of the HRB209. In early July 1963 two HRB members who were at the Wodonga camp, along with seven other Australian residents, illegally entered the SFRY through Italy for the purpose of waging a terrorist campaign against the Yugoslav government.
The nine individuals were caught and sentenced to severe prison terms by the SFRY Government ranging from six to fourteen years210
By 1966, the violence had escalated to death threats, stabbings, and attempted murders. In the mid to late 1960s, the Ustashi activities in Australia had advanced into the realm of terrorism. On September 17, 1966 a parcel bomb exploded prematurely in a parcel chute in the General Post Office (GPO) in Melbourne. The parcel was addressed to Marijan Jurjevic, a Yugoslav that had set out to publicise the Ustashi group's activities since the early 1960s211. Between January 1967 and November 1971, seven separate bombings were carried out against the:
i. Yugoslav Consulate-General in Double Bay
ii. Yugoslav National Day ball
iii. Yugoslav Consulate-General in Sydney
iv. Yugoslav Embassy in Canberra
v. Yugoslav Consulate-General in Melbourne
vi. a Serbian orthodox Church
vii.a Yugoslav travel agency in Sydney212
These operations, in addition to the 1963 incursion into Yugoslavia, posed serious questions as to the level of the Australian Federal Government's response to anti-Communist terrorism.
Страна 56: The change in government in 1972 levelled severe measures against the Croatian groups213.
The HOP military training continued in 1970s, when the Ustashi groups had to constantly increase and revise their security measures214. By this stage, the HOP had established the Savez Hrvatske Ujedinjene Mladezi Svijeta (Croatian united Youth of the World, SHUMS) and the Hrvatska Mladez (Croatian Youth) movements, and were training with automatic weapons and high-powered explosives in remote areas of Victoria and South Australia. SHUMS was led by Srecko Blaz Rover, who had earlier also led the HOP (in 1963) and HNO216. The Secretary of SHUMS was Zdenko Marincic, who arrived in early 1970. In 1972, Marincic flew to Frankfurt, West Germany, without any form of permit or visa, and was subsequently refused entry. Marincic returned to Australia and was arrested after concealing a rifle in his luggage, as well as four silencers in a toy koala217.
-- (talk) 23:49, 28 May 2012 (UTC)
Hrvatska verzija u srpskom clanku
Ako ko hoce da cita sta Hrvati misle o njihovom "oslobodilackom pokretu", to vec imaju na njihovoj Vikipediji. Srpska Vikipedija nije stranica ove hrvatske stranke.-- (разговор) 00:21, 22. август 2012. (CEST)
Ово није српска википедија него википедија на српском језику. Измене у тексту може правити сваки корисник. Корисник Kepkke је веома коректан корисник и у текстове не уноси провокативне ствари. Ако имаш нешто против његових измена договори се са њим, пре него поново вратиш, јер би ти то било треће враћање после којег према правилима википедије следи блокада. Поздрав--Drazetad (разговор) 14:04, 22. август 2012. (CEST)
Молио бих за објашњење бризања мојих измејна у чланку од странке нерегистрираног корисника и корисника Miut. Мислим да нисам био некоректан у написаним измјенама и да нисам прекршио неко правило.--Kepkke (разговор) 15:55, 22. август 2012. (CEST)
Овдје се ради о ХОП-у као терористичкој усташкој организацији. ИП корисник је са правом избацио део који се односи на ХОП (политичка странка). Ради се дакле о два празличита појма. О тој странци може да се пише нови чланак.--Miut (разговор) 16:56, 22. август 2012. (CEST)
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Овај чланак захтева поуздане рецензиране изворе како би се тема чланка представила квалитетно и објективно. Препорука је да то буду извори доступни на сајту GoogleBooks. Погледајте Википедија:Навођење извора--Autobot (разговор) 07:22, 17. октобар 2013. (CEST)
- Kako nekakav bot zna sta je pouzdano a sta nije?-- (разговор) 09:59, 25. јул 2018. (CEST)