Косци (Opiliones) су зглавкари који веома личе на пауке, али се од њих разликују по јако дугим, танким ногама које се лако ломе. У случају опасности могу да одбаце екстремитете. Име су вероватно добили по томе што се најчешће налазе у свежем сену у време косидбе. Поред тога могу се наћи и у влажним стаништима, пећинама а многе од њих су ноћне животиње. Познато је преко 6.650 врста косаца широм света,[1] а процењује се да укупан број постојећих врста премашује 10.000.[2] Ред Opiliones обухвата пет подредова: Cyphophthalmi, Eupnoi, Dyspnoi, Laniatores, и Tetrophthalmi, који је именован 2014. године.[3][4]
Косци Временски распон:
| |
![]() | |
Hadrobunus grandis | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Подтип: | Chelicerata |
Класа: | Arachnida |
Ред: | Opiliones Sundevall, 1833 |
Подредови | |
Синоними | |
Phalangida |
Спољашња анатомија
уредиТело им је подељено на два региона, који су широко спојени:
- прозому, одговара главеногрудном региону и
- опистозому, трбушни део.
На прозоми се налази 6 пари екстремитета:
- пар су хелицере које се састоје од три чланка и завршавају се клештима; помоћу хелицера се врши дробљење хране; у њиховој близини су отвори жлезда које луче секрет снажног мириса;
- пар у педипалпи који су слични ногама за ходање само што су краћи од њих; када су узнемирени подижу педипалпе јер се на њиховим крајевима налазе чулне ћелије;
- четири пара ногу за ходање чија дужина неколико пута превазилази дужину тела које је спуштено ниско па се средишњи део ногу налази изнад тела.
Опистозома се састоји од 9 сегмената, али се јасно уочава само 7 пошто су први и други сегмент срасли и образују оперкулум, поклопац на коме се налазе полни отвори.
Унутрашња анатомија
уредиЗа разлику од других пауколиких животиња класе арахнида косци не узимају само течну, полусварену храну већ и парчиће чврсте хране. Хране се врло разноврсно деловима биљака, живим и мртвим инсектима које хватају педипалпима, а ови их додају хелицерама на мацерирање.
Излучивање врше паром коксалних жлезда које се изливају између места поласка трећег и четвртог пара ногу.
Крвни систем је отворен са срцем које има два пара остија[потребна одредница].
Косци дишу помоћу система трахеја.
Полни органи се отварају на оперкулуму. Женски полни систем садржи и легалицу (овипозитор) на трбушној страни опистозоме, а мушки дугачку, цев обложену хитином (пенис) којом се завршава полни отвор. Мужјаци се међусобно боре да придобију женку. Женке помоћу легалице полажу на стотине јаја у групама шупљине дрвета, земљу или испод камења. Врло често легалица може да буде и три пута дужа од самог тела (видети слику). Код већег броја врста постоји и партеногенеза.
уредиРед косаца (Opiliones) подељен је на следеће подредове:
- цифофталмес (Cyphophthalmes), коме припадају врсте сличне крпељима; овом реду припада фамилија сирониде (Sironidae) чије врсте:
- Siro duricorius и
- Siro đorđevici живе на просторима бивше Југославије;
- ланиаторес (Laniatores) обухвата углавном врсте које живе у тропима, а само неке од њих су становници Европе као што је то ендемична врста Travunia vjetrenicae из Херцеговине;
- палпаторес (Palpatores) распрострањен у холарктичкој области; у Србији живе родови:
Списак породица
уреди- Acropsopilionidae Roewer, 1924
- Agoristenidae Silhavý, 1973
- Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884
- Biantidae Thorell, 1889
- Caddidae Banks, 1892
- Cosmetidae Koch, 1839
- Dicranolasmatidae Simon, 1879
- Epedanidae Sørensen, 1886
- Escadabiidae Kury and Pérez, 2003
- Fissiphalliidae Martens, 1988
- Gonyleptidae Sundevall, 1833
- Guasiniidae González-Sponga, 1997
- Icaleptidae Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Ischyropsalididae Simon, 1879
- Kimulidae Pérez Gonzalez, Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2007
- Metasarcidae Kury, 1994
- Nemastomatidae Simon, 1872
- Neogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Neopilionidae Lawrence, 1931
- Nippononychidae Suzuki, 1975
- Nipponopsalididae Martens, 1976
- Ogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Paranonychidae Briggs, 1971
- Petrobunidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Pettalidae Shear, 1980
- Phalangiidae Latrelle, 1802
- Phalangodidae Simon, 1879
- Podoctidae Roewer, 1912
- Protolophidae Banks, 1893
- Pyramidopidae Sharma, Prieto and Giribet, 2011
- Sabaconidae Dresco, 1970
- Samoidae Sørensen, 1886
- Sandokanidae Özdikmen and Kury, 2007
- Sclerosomatidae Simon, 1879
- Sironidae Simon, 1879
- Stygnidae Simon, 1879
- Stygnommatidae Roewer, 1923
- Stygnopsidae Sørensen, 1932
- Stylocellidae Hansen and Sørensen, 1904
- Synthetonychiidae Forster, 1954
- Taracidae Schönhofer, 2013
- Tithaeidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Travuniidae Absolon and Kratochvíl, 1932
- Triaenonychidae Sørensen, 1886
- Tricommatidae Roewer, 1912
- Troglosironidae Shear, 1993
- Trogulidae Sundevall, 1833
- Zalmoxidae Sørensen, 1886
Списак родова
уреди- Absonus González-Sponga, 1987
- Acanthominua Sørensen, 1932
- Acuclavella Shear, 1986
- Acumontia Loman, 1898
- Adaeulum Roewer, 1914
- Adaeum Karsch, 1880
- Akdalima Silhavý, 1977
- Algidia Hogg, 1920
- Allobunus Hickman, 1958
- Allonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Alpazia Özdikmen and Kury, 2006
- Amatola Lawrence, 1931
- Americobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1972
- Anaceros Lawrence, 1959
- Anamota Silhavý, 1979
- Ankaratrix Lawrence, 1959
- Ankylonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Antongila Roewer, 1931
- Araguita González-Sponga, 1987
- Araucanobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1973
- Arbasus Roewer, 1935
- Arganotus Silhavý, 1977
- Arulla Suzuki, 1969
- Austromontia Lawrence, 1931
- Austronuncia Lawrence, 1931
- Ausulus Roewer, 1927
- Avilaia González-Sponga, 1998
- Azulitaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Babrius Thorell, 1891
- Baculigerus H. Soares, 1979
- Badessa Sørensen, 1886
- Badessania Roewer, 1949
- Banksula Roewer, 1949
- Bebedoura Roewer, 1949
- Belemarua Roewer, 1949
- Benoitinus Rambla, 1984
- Biacumontia Lawrence, 1931
- Biantella Roewer, 1927
- Biantes Simon, 1885
- Biantessus Roewer, 1949
- Biantomma Roewer, 1942
- Bichito González-Sponga, 1998
- Biconibunus Roewer, 1915
- Bidoma Silhavý, 1973
- Bindoona Roewer, 1929
- Bishopella Roewer, 1927
- Bissopius Roewer, 1949
- Brasiloctis Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Breviacantha Kauri, 1954
- Briggsus Özdikmen and Demir, 2008
- Brotasus Roewer, 1928
- Bryonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Buemarinoa Roewer, 1956
- Buruquelia González-Sponga, 1999
- Caddo Banks, 1892
- Caecobunus Roewer, 1927
- Calicina Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicynorta C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Callihamina Roewer, 1942
- Callihamus Roewer, 1931
- Calliuncus Roewer, 1931
- Carayaca González-Sponga, 1998
- Caribbiantes Silhavý, 1973
- Caribula Silhavý, 1979
- Cenefia Roewer, 1931
- Ceratolasma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Ceratomontia Roewer, 1915
- Cersa Silhavý, 1979
- Chamaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Chilobunus Hickman, 1958
- Chinquipellobunus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1944
- Chirimena González-Sponga, 1999
- Chrestobunus Roewer, 1915
- Cleombrotus Sørensen, 1932
- Clinobiantes Roewer, 1927
- Cluniella Forster, 1955
- Contuor Roewer, 1963
- Costabrimma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Crosbycus Roewer, 1914
- Crosbyella Roewer, 1927
- Cryptadaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Cryptobiantes Kauri, 1961
- Cryptomaster Briggs, 1969
- Cubiria González-Sponga, 1987
- Curimaguanus González-Sponga, 2003
- Dalquestia Cokendolpher, 1984
- Decarynella Fage, 1945
- Decuella Avram, 1977
- Dendrolasma Banks, 1894
- Denticynorta Roewer, 1947
- Detlefilus Roewer, 1949
- Diaenobunus Roewer, 1915
- Diasia Sørensen, 1902
- Dinaria Roewer, 1915
- Dingupa Forster, 1952
- Dipristes Roewer, 1931
- Enigmina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Equitius Simon, 1880
- Erebomaster Cope, 1872
- Escadabius Roewer, 1949
- Ethobunus Chamberlin, 1925
- Eubiantes Roewer, 1915
- Eubunus Hickman, 1958
- Eulacurbs Roewer, 1949
- Euminua Sørensen, 1932
- Euminuoides Mello-Leitão, 1935
- Eurybunus Banks, 1893
- Fageibiantes Roewer, 1949
- Feretrius Simon, 1879
- Fijicolana Roewer, 1963
- Fissiphallius Martens, 1988
- Flavonuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Fudeci González-Sponga, 1998
- Fumontana Shear, 1977
- Galanomma Juberthie, 1970
- Galibrotus Silhavý, 1973
- Garanhunsa Roewer, 1949
- Gjellerupia Roewer, 1913
- Glyptobunus Roewer, 1915
- Graemontia Lawrence, 1931
- Granulaia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guagonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Guaiquinimia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guasinia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guayania González-Sponga, 1999
- Gunturius Roewer, 1949
- Gunvoria Kauri, 1961
- Hadrobrunus Banks, 1900
- Haitonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Hedwiga Roewer, 1931
- Hendea Roewer, 1931
- Hendeola Forster, 1954
- Hesperonemastoma Gruber, 1970
- Heteradaeum Lawrence, 1963
- Heterobabrius Roewer, 1915
- Heterolacurbs Roewer, 1912
- Heteronuncia Roewer, 1920
- Heteroscotolemon Roewer, 1912
- Hickmanoxyomma Hunt, 1990
- Hinzuanius Karsch, 1880
- Hirstienus Roewer, 1949
- Holonuncia Forster, 1955
- Holoscotolemon Roewer, 1915
- Hovanoceros Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Hummelinckiolus Silhavý, 1979
- Icaleptes Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Ignacianulus Roewer, 1957
- Isaeolus Roewer, 1954
- Isolachus Briggs, 1971
- Ivobiantes Lawrence, 1965
- Ivohibea Lawrence, 1959
- Izunonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Jajinia González-Sponga, 1987
- Jim H. Soares, 1979
- Jimeneziella Avram, 1970
- Johorella Roewer, 1949
- Junquito González-Sponga, 1999
- Kainonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Kalominua Sørensen, 1932
- Kaolinonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Karamea Forster, 1954
- Kimula C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Kokoda Roewer, 1949
- Lacurbs Sørensen, 1896
- Larifuga Loman, 1898
- Larifugella Lawrence, 1933
- Lawrencella Strand, 1932
- Leiobunum C.L. Koch, 1839
- Leionuncia Hickman, 1958
- Leptobunus Banks, 1893
- Leuronychus Banks, 1894
- Liomma Roewer, 1959
- Liopilio Schenkel, 1951
- Lispomontia Lawrence, 1937
- Lizamontia Kury, 2004
- Lomanella Pocock, 1903
- Malgaceros Lawrence, 1959
- Manahunca Silhavý, 1973
- Manuelangelia Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2011
- Maracaynatum Roewer, 1949
- Megacina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Mensamontia Lawrence, 1931
- Mestonia Hickman, 1958
- Metabiantes Roewer, 1915
- Metaconomma Pickard-Cambridge, 1905
- Metakimula Avram, 1973
- Metalacurbs Roewer, 1915
- Metanippononychus Suzuki, 1975
- Metanonychus Briggs, 1971
- Metanuncia Roewer, 1915
- Metapellobunus Roewer, 1923
- Metasiro Juberthie, 1960
- Micradaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Micrisaeus Roewer, 1957
- Micro González-Sponga, 1987
- Microcina Briggs and Ubick, 1989
- Microcinella Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microconomma Roewer, 1915
- Microminua Sørensen, 1932
- Micromontia Lawrence, 1939
- Millomontia Lawrence, 1959
- Millotonyx Lawrence, 1959
- Minuella Roewer, 1949
- Minuides Sørensen, 1932
- Miobunus Roewer, 1915
- Mirda Silhavý, 1973
- Mitopus Thorell, 1779
- Mitraceras Loman, 1902
- Mitraia Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2011
- Monobiantes Lawrence, 1962
- Monomontia Lawrence, 1931
- Montadaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Munis Roewer, 1963
- Muscicola Forster, 1954
- Nahuelonyx Maury, 1988
- Negreaella Avram, 1977
- Nelima Roewer, 1910
- Neobabrius Roewer, 1949
- Neocea Özdikmen, 2008
- Neocynortina C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Neonuncia Roewer, 1915
- Neoorsa Özdikmen, 2006
- Neoparalus Özdikmen, 2006
- Neoscotolemon Roewer, 1912
- Nippononychus Suzuki, 1975
- Niquitaia González-Sponga, 1999
- Notonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Nucina Hickman, 1958
- Nuncia Loman, 1902
- Nunciella Roewer, 1929
- Nuncioides Hickman, 1958
- Octophthalmus Wood, 1869
- Odiellus Roewer, 1923
- Odontonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Ogovea Roewer, 1923
- Oligolophus C. Koch, 1872
- Oo Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2011
- Opilio Herbst, 1789
- Opilioparamo Özdikmen, 2008
- Orituco González-Sponga, 1987
- Ortholasma Banks, 1894
- Ortizia Roewer, 1952
- Ostracidium Perty, 1833
- Pachylicus Roewer, 1923
- Panaquire González-Sponga, 1987
- Panopiliops Roewer, 1949
- Parabupares Suzuki, 1982
- Paraconomma Roewer, 1915
- Paradaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Paraminuella Caporiacco, 1951
- Paramontia Lawrence, 1934
- Paranonychus Briggs, 1971
- Paranuncia Roewer, 1915
- Paraphalangodus Roewer, 1915
- Parasamoa C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1957
- Parascotolemon Roewer, 1912
- Parattahia Roewer, 1915
- Paroligolophus Lohmander, 1945
- Paulianyx Lawrence, 1959
- Pegulius Roewer, 1949
- Pellobunus Banks, 1905
- Peltamma Roewer, 1927
- Peltonychia Roewer, 1935
- Pentos Roewer, 1952
- Perthacantha Roewer, 1931
- Phalangium Linnaeus, 1758
- Phalangodella Roewer, 1912
- Phalangodes Tellkampf, 1844
- Phalangodinella Caporiacco, 1951
- Phalangodinus Roewer, 1912
- Phalangoduna Roewer, 1949
- Phanerobunus Roewer, 1915
- Philacarus Sørensen, 1932
- Phoxobunus Hickman, 1958
- Picunchenops Maury, 1988
- Pijiguaia González-Sponga, 1998
- Pilosa González-Sponga, 1999
- Pirassunungoleptes H. Soares, 1966
- Planimontia Kauri, 1961
- Prasma Roewer, 1931
- Prasmiola Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus Roewer, 1931
- Probiantes Roewer, 1927
- Prolacurbs Roewer, 1949
- Promecostethus Enderlein, 1909
- Proscotolemon Roewer, 1916
- Protodiasia Ringuelet, 1955
- Protolophus Banks, 1893
- Psalenoba Roewer, 1931
- Pseudominua Mello-Leitão, 1933
- Pseudomitraceras Roewer, 1912
- Pucallpana Avram and Soares, 1983
- Pyenganella Hickman, 1958
- Pyropharynx Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2011
- Recifesius H. Soares, 1978
- Retropedis González-Sponga, 1987
- Reventula Silhavý, 1979
- Rhynchobunus Hickman, 1958
- Rilaena Herbst, 1799
- Roewerania Lawrence, 1934
- Rostromontia Lawrence, 1931
- Sabacon Simon, 1879
- Samoa Sørensen, 1886
- Sawaiellus Roewer, 1949
- Sclerobunus Banks, 1893
- Seblatus Roewer, 1949
- Sergitius Roewer, 1949
- Siro Latreille, 1796
- Siryseus Roewer, 1949
- Sitalcina Banks, 1911
- Sivianus Roewer, 1949
- Soerensenella Pocock, 1903
- Soledadiella González-Sponga, 1987
- Spaeleoleptes H. Soares, 1966
- Spalicus Roewer, 1949
- Speleomaster Briggs, 1974
- Speleomontia Lawrence, 1931
- Speleonychia Briggs, 1974
- Sphoeroforma González-Sponga, 1987
- Spiniella González-Sponga, 1987
- Spinolatum C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Stenostygnus Simon, 1879
- Stygnoleptes Banks, 1914
- Stygnomimus Roewer, 1927
- Stygnomma Roewer, 1912
- Stylonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Synthetonychia Forster, 1954
- Taguaza González-Sponga, 1998
- Taracus Simon, 1879
- Tarmaops Roewer, 1956
- Tasmanonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Tasmanonyx Hickman, 1958
- Tegipiolus Roewer, 1949
- Tetebius Roewer, 1949
- Texella C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Thelbunus Hickman, 1958
- Theromaster Briggs, 1969
- Timoleon Sørensen, 1932
- Togwoteeus Roewer, 1952
- Tolus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Traiania Soares and Avram, 1981
- Travunia Absolon, 1920
- Triaenobunus Sørensen, 1886
- Triaenonychoides H. Soares, 1968
- Triaenonyx Sørensen, 1886
- Triconobunus Roewer, 1914
- Triregia Forster, 1948
- Trojanella Karaman, 2005
- Tularina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Turquinia Silhavý, 1979
- Tweedielus Roewer, 1933
- Unare González-Sponga, 1987
- Undulus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Unicornia González-Sponga, 1987
- Urachiche González-Sponga, 1987
- Valdivionyx Maury, 1988
- Valifema Silhavý, 1979
- Venezuelana Özdikmen, 2008
- Vestitecola Silhavý, 1973
- Viacha Roewer, 1949
- Vlachiolus Silhavý, 1979
- Vonones Simon, 1879
- Wespus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Weyrauchiana Roewer, 1952
- Yacambuia González-Sponga, 1987
- Yatala Roewer, 1942
- Yulella Lawrence, 1939
- Yuria Suzuki, 1964
- Zairebiantes Kauri, 1985
- Zalmopsylla Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Zalmoxis Sørensen, 1886
- Zalmoxista Roewer, 1949
- Zuma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
уреди- Absonus ayalai González-Sponga, 1987
- Absonus caracasensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Acanthominua tricarinata Sørensen, 1932
- Acuclavella cosmetoides Shear, 1986
- Acuclavella leonardi Richart and Hedin, 2013
- Acuclavella makah Richart and Hedin, 2013
- Acuclavella merickeli Shear, 1986
- Acuclavella quattuor Shear, 1986
- Acuclavella sheari Richart and Hedin, 2013
- Acuclavella shoshone Shear, 1986
- Acumontia alluaudi (Roewer, 1915)
- Acumontia armata Loman, 1898
- Acumontia capitata (Lawrence, 1959)
- Acumontia cowani Pocock, 1902
- Acumontia echinata Pocock, 1902
- Acumontia flavispina (Lawrence, 1959)
- Acumontia hispida (Roewer, 1915)
- Acumontia horrida (Roewer, 1915)
- Acumontia hystrix (Lawrence, 1959)
- Acumontia longipes Lawrence, 1959
- Acumontia majori Pocock, 1902
- Acumontia milloti (Lawrence, 1959)
- Acumontia nigra (Lawrence, 1959)
- Acumontia pococki Roewer, 1915
- Acumontia remyi (Roewer, 1949)
- Acumontia roberti Pocock, 1903
- Acumontia roeweri Starega, 1992
- Acumontia rostrata Pocock, 1902
- Acumontia soerenseni (Roewer, 1915)
- Acumontia spinifrons (Roewer, 1915)
- Acumontia succinea Mendes and Kury, 2012
- Acumontia venator (Roewer, 1931)
- Adaeulum areolatum (Pocock, 1902)
- Adaeulum bicolor Lawrence, 1931
- Adaeulum brevidentatum Lawrence, 1934
- Adaeulum coronatum Kauri, 1961
- Adaeulum godfreyi Lawrence, 1931
- Adaeulum humifer Lawrence, 1963
- Adaeulum monticola Lawrence, 1939
- Adaeulum moruliferum Lawrence, 1938
- Adaeulum robustum Lawrence, 1937
- Adaeulum supervidens Lawrence, 1933
- Adaeulum warreni Lawrence, 1933
- Adaeum asperatum Karsch, 1880
- Adaeum capense (Roewer, 1915)
- Adaeum granulosum Lawrence, 1931
- Adaeum hewitti Roewer, 1931
- Adaeum latens Loman, 1898
- Adaeum obtectum Loman, 1898
- Adaeum spatulatum Lawrence, 1931
- Adaeum squamatum Lawrence, 1931
- Akdalima jamaicana Silhavý, 1979
- Akdalima vomeroi Silhavý, 1977
- Algidia chiltoni Roewer, 1931
- Algidia cuspidata Hogg, 1920
- Algidia homerica Forster, 1954
- Algidia interrupta Forster, 1954
- Algidia marplesi Forster, 1954
- Algidia nigriflava (Loman, 1902)
- Algidia viridata Forster, 1954
- Allobunus distinctus Hickman, 1958
- Allonuncia grandis Hickman, 1958
- Alpazia minima (Roewer, 1949)
- Amatola armata (Lawrence, 1938)
- Amatola dentifrons Lawrence, 1931
- Amatola durbanica (Lawrence, 1937)
- Amatola maritima (Lawrence, 1937)
- Amatola setifemur (Lawrence, 1931)
- Amatola unidentata (Lawrence, 1937)
- Americobunus ringueleti Muñoz-Cuevas, 1972
- Anaceros anodonta Lawrence, 1959
- Anaceros canidens Lawrence, 1959
- Anaceros humilis Lawrence, 1959
- Anaceros pauliani Lawrence, 1959
- Anamota custodiens Silhavý, 1979
- Ankaratrix cancrops Lawrence, 1959
- Ankaratrix illota Lawrence, 1959
- Ankylonuncia barrowensis Hickman, 1958
- Ankylonuncia fallax Hickman, 1958
- Ankylonuncia mestoni Hickman, 1958
- Antongila spinigera Roewer, 1931
- Araguita speciosa González-Sponga, 1987
- Araucanobunus juberthiei Muñoz-Cuevas, 1973
- Arbasus caecus (Simon, 1911)
- Arganotus macrochelis (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953)
- Arganotus robustus Silhavý, 1979
- Arganotus strinatii Silhavý, 1979
- Arulla parvula Suzuki, 1969
- Austromontia bidentata Lawrence, 1934
- Austromontia caledonica Lawrence, 1931
- Austromontia capensis Lawrence, 1931
- Austromontia formosa Lawrence, 1963
- Austromontia litoralis Lawrence, 1934
- Austromontia silvatica Lawrence, 1931
- Austronuncia leleupi Lawrence, 1963
- Austronuncia spinipalpis Lawrence, 1931
- Ausulus minutus Roewer, 1927
- Avilaia cordillerensis González-Sponga, 1998
- Azulitaia rubicunda González-Sponga, 1987
- Babrius murcidus Thorell, 1891
- Baculigerus littoris H. Soares, 1979
- Badessa ampycoides Sørensen, 1886
- Badessania metatarsalis Roewer, 1949
- Banksula californica (Banks, 1900)
- Banksula elliotti Briggs and Ubick, 1981
- Banksula galilei Briggs, 1974
- Banksula grahami Briggs, 1974
- Banksula grubbsi Briggs and Ubick, 1981
- Banksula incredula Ubick and Briggs, 2002
- Banksula martinorum Briggs and Ubick, 1981
- Banksula melones Briggs, 1974
- Banksula rudolphi Briggs and Ubick, 1981
- Banksula tuolumne Briggs, 1974
- Banksula tutankhamen Ubick and Briggs, 2002
- Bebedoura rugosa Roewer, 1949
- Belemarua nitens (Soares and Soares, 1946)
- Benoitinus elegans Rambla, 1984
- Biacumontia cornuta Lawrence, 1931
- Biacumontia elata Kauri, 1961
- Biacumontia fissidens Lawrence, 1931
- Biacumontia maculata Lawrence, 1938
- Biacumontia paucidens Lawrence, 1931
- Biacumontia truncatidens Lawrence, 1931
- Biacumontia variegata Lawrence, 1934
- Biantella reticulata Roewer, 1927
- Biantes aelleni Silhavý, 1973
- Biantes albimanus (Loman, 1902)
- Biantes annapurnae Martens, 1978
- Biantes atroluteus Roewer, 1915
- Biantes brevis Martens, 1978
- Biantes carli Roewer, 1929
- Biantes conspersus Roewer, 1927
- Biantes dilatatus Martens, 1978
- Biantes fuscipes Thorell, 1891
- Biantes gandaki Martens, 1978
- Biantes gandakoides Martens, 1978
- Biantes ganesh Martens, 1978
- Biantes godavari Martens, 1978
- Biantes gurung Martens, 1978
- Biantes jirel Martens, 1978
- Biantes kathmandicus Martens, 1978
- Biantes lecithodes Thorell, 1889
- Biantes longimanus Simon, 1885
- Biantes magar Martens, 1978
- Biantes minimus Rambla, 1984
- Biantes newar Martens, 1978
- Biantes pernepalicus Martens, 1978
- Biantes quadrituberculatus Roewer, 1929
- Biantes rarensis Martens, 1978
- Biantes sherpa Martens, 1978
- Biantes simplex Martens, 1978
- Biantes thakkhali Martens, 1978
- Biantes thamang Martens, 1978
- Biantes vitellinus Thorell, 1891
- Biantessus nigrotarsus (Lawrence, 1933)
- Biantessus vertebralis (Lawrence, 1933)
- Biantomma nigrospinosum Roewer, 1942
- Bichito pijiguaoensis González-Sponga, 1998
- Biconibunus fuscus Roewer, 1915
- Bidoma indivisum Silhavý, 1973
- Bindoona glauerti Roewer, 1929
- Bishopella jonesi C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Bishopella laciniosa (Crosby and Bishop, 1924)
- Bishopella marianna C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Bissopius rugosus Roewer, 1949
- Brasiloctis bucki Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Breviacantha gisleni Kauri, 1954
- Briggsus bilobatus (Briggs, 1971)
- Briggsus clavatus (Briggs, 1971)
- Briggsus flavescens (Briggs, 1971)
- Briggsus hamatus (Briggs, 1971)
- Briggsus pacificus (Briggs, 1971)
- Brotasus megalobunus Roewer, 1928
- Bryonuncia distincta Hickman, 1958
- Buemarinoa patrizii Roewer, 1956
- Buruquelia cornifera González-Sponga, 1999
- Caddo agilis Banks, 1892
- Caddo pepperella Shear, 1975
- Caecobunus termitarum Roewer, 1927
- Calicina arida Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina basalta Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina breva (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina cloughensis (Briggs and Hom, 1967)
- Calicina conifera Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina digita (Briggs and Hom, 1967)
- Calicina diminua Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina dimorphica Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina ensata (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina galena Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina kaweahensis (Briggs and Hom, 1966)
- Calicina keenea (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina macula (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina mariposa (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina mesaensis Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicina minor (Briggs and Hom, 1966)
- Calicina morroensis (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina palapraeputia (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina piedra (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina polina (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina sequoia (Briggs and Hom, 1966)
- Calicina serpentinea (Briggs and Hom, 1966)
- Calicina sierra (Briggs and Hom, 1967)
- Calicina topanga (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicina yosemitensis (Briggs, 1968)
- Calicynorta bimaculata (Banks, 1893)
- Callihamina adelaidia Roewer, 1942
- Callihamus badius Roewer, 1931
- Calliuncus ephippiatus Roewer, 1931
- Calliuncus ferrugineus Roewer, 1931
- Calliuncus glaber Kauri, 1954
- Calliuncus labyrinthus Hunt, 1972
- Calliuncus odoratus Hickman, 1958
- Calliuncus vulsus Hickman, 1959
- Carayaca ornata González-Sponga, 1998
- Caribbiantes cubanus Silhavý, 1973
- Caribula longimana Silhavý, 1979
- Cenefia adaeiformis Roewer, 1931
- Cenefia delli Forster, 1954
- Cenefia sorenseni Forster, 1954
- Cenefia westlandica Forster, 1954
- Ceratolasma tricantha C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Ceratomontia annae Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia argentina Canals, 1939
- Ceratomontia brasiliana Maury, 1999
- Ceratomontia capensis Roewer, 1915
- Ceratomontia centralis Maury and Roig Alsina, 1985
- Ceratomontia cheliplus Roewer, 1931
- Ceratomontia fluvialis Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia irregularis Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia karooensis Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia mendocina Maury and Roig Alsina, 1985
- Ceratomontia minor Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia namaqua Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia nasuta Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia pusilla Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia reticulata Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia rumpiana Lawrence, 1937
- Ceratomontia ruricola Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia sanguinea Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia setosa Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia tabulae Lawrence, 1931
- Ceratomontia thornei Lawrence, 1934
- Ceratomontia werneri Lawrence, 1931
- Cersa kratochvili Silhavý, 1979
- Chamaia convexa González-Sponga, 1987
- Chilobunus spinosus Hickman, 1958
- Chinquipellobunus madlae (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1967)
- Chinquipellobunus russelli (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1967)
- Chirimena brevigranulata González-Sponga, 1999
- Chrestobunus fuscus Hickman, 1958
- Chrestobunus inermis Roewer, 1915
- Chrestobunus spinulatus Roewer, 1915
- Cleombrotus minutus Sørensen, 1932
- Clinobiantes paradoxus Roewer, 1927
- Cluniella distincta Forster, 1955
- Cluniella minuta Forster, 1955
- Cluniella ornata Forster, 1955
- Contuor novum Roewer, 1963
- Costabrimma cruzensis C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Costabrimma nicoyensis C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Costabrimma terrena C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Crosbycus dasycnemus (Crosby, 1911)
- Crosbyella distincta C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Crosbyella montana C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Crosbyella roeweri C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Crosbyella spinturnix (Crosby and Bishop, 1924)
- Crosbyella tuberculata C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Cryptadaeum capense Lawrence, 1931
- Cryptobiantes protector Kauri, 1961
- Cryptomaster behemoth Starrett and Derkarabetian, 2016
- Cryptomaster leviathan Briggs, 1969
- Cubiria inflata González-Sponga, 1999
- Cubiria peculiaris González-Sponga, 1987
- Curimaguanus infrequentis (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Dalquestia formosa (Banks, 1910)
- Dalquestia rugosa (Schenkel, 1951)
- Decarynella gracilipes Fage, 1945
- Decuella cubaorientalis Avram, 1977
- Dendrolasma dentipalpe Shear and Gruber, 1983
- Dendrolasma mirabile Banks, 1894
- Denticynorta denticus (Walker, 1928)
- Detlefilus trispinosus Roewer, 1949
- Diaenobunus armatus Roewer, 1915
- Diasia araucana Maury, 1987
- Diasia michaelsenii Sørensen, 1902
- Diasia platnicki Maury, 1987
- Dinaria vjetrenicae (Hadzi, 1932)
- Dingupa glauerti Forster, 1952
- Dipristes serripus Roewer, 1931
- Enigmina granita (Briggs, 1968)
- Enigmina warrenorum Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Equitius altus (Forster, 1955)
- Equitius doriae Simon, 1880
- Equitius formidabilis Hunt, 1985
- Equitius manicatus (Roewer, 1920)
- Equitius meyersi (Phillipps and Grimmett, 1932)
- Equitius montanus Hunt, 1985
- Equitius richardsae Hunt, 1985
- Equitius rotundus (Forster, 1955)
- Equitius spinatus (Pocock, 1903)
- Equitius tambourineus (Roewer, 1920)
- Erebomaster acanthinus (Crosby and Bishop, 1924)
- Erebomaster flavescens Cope, 1872
- Erebomaster weyerensis (Packard, 1888)
- Escadabius schubarti Roewer, 1949
- Escadabius spinicoxa Roewer, 1949
- Escadabius ventricalcaratus Roewer, 1949
- Ethobunus acanthotibialis (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953)
- Ethobunus albitrochanteris (Roewer, 1933)
- Ethobunus armatus (Roewer, 1954)
- Ethobunus atroluteus (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus brasiliensis (Mello-Leitão, 1941)
- Ethobunus brevis (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus calvus (González-Sponga, 1998)
- Ethobunus ceriseus (Sørensen, 1932)
- Ethobunus cubensis (Silhavý, 1979)
- Ethobunus filipes (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus foliatus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1983)
- Ethobunus gertschi (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Ethobunus goodnighti (Rambla, 1969)
- Ethobunus gracililongipes (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Ethobunus gracilipes (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus llorensis (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1983)
- Ethobunus longus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Ethobunus meridionalis (Caporiacco, 1951)
- Ethobunus minutus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977)
- Ethobunus misticus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977)
- Ethobunus parallelus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Ethobunus pecki (Rambla, 1969)
- Ethobunus pilosus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953)
- Ethobunus rectipes (Roewer, 1928)
- Ethobunus simplex Chamberlin, 1925
- Ethobunus tarsalis (Banks, 1909)
- Ethobunus tenuis (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus trochantericus (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus tuberculatus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1947)
- Ethobunus vitensis (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1983)
- Ethobunus xiomarae (González-Sponga, 1998)
- Ethobunus zalmoxiformis (Roewer, 1949)
- Ethobunus zebroides (Silhavý, 1979)
- Eubiantes africanus Roewer, 1915
- Eubunus crypsidomus Hickman, 1958
- Eulacurbs paradoxa Roewer, 1949
- Euminua brevitarsa Sørensen, 1932
- Euminuoides longitarsa (Sørensen, 1932)
- Eurybunus brunneus Banks, 1893
- Fageibiantes bicornis (Fage, 1946)
- Fageibiantes bispina Lawrence, 1959
- Feretrius quadrioculatus (L. Koch, 1865)
- Fijicolana tuberculata Roewer, 1963
- Fissiphallius chicoi Tourinho and Pérez-González, 2006
- Fissiphallius martensi Pinto-da-Rocha, 2004
- Fissiphallius orube Polydoro and Pinto-da-Rocha, 2012
- Fissiphallius spinulatus Martens, 1988
- Fissiphallius sturmi Martens, 1988
- Fissiphallius sympatricus Martens, 1988
- Fissiphallius tucupi Tourinho and Pérez-González, 2006
- Flavonuncia pupilla Lawrence, 1959
- Fudeci curvifemur González-Sponga, 1998
- Fumontana deprehendor Shear, 1977
- Galanomma microphthalmum Juberthie, 1970
- Galibrotus carlotanus Silhavý, 1973
- Galibrotus matiasis Avram, 1977
- Galibrotus riedeli Silhavý, 1973
- Garanhunsa pectanalis Roewer, 1949
- Gjellerupia minima Roewer, 1915
- Gjellerupia neoguinensis Roewer, 1913
- Glyptobunus ornatus Hickman, 1958
- Glyptobunus signatus Roewer, 1915
- Graemontia bicornigera Lawrence, 1963
- Graemontia bifidens Lawrence, 1931
- Graemontia decorata Lawrence, 1938
- Graemontia dentichelis Lawrence, 1931
- Graemontia erecta Kauri, 1961
- Graemontia natalensis Lawrence, 1937
- Graemontia viridiceps Kury, 2006
- Granulaia stygnoides González-Sponga, 1997
- Guagonia multispina González-Sponga, 1987
- Guaiquinimia longipes González-Sponga, 1997
- Guasinia delgadoi González-Sponga, 1997
- Guasinia persephone Pinto-da-Rocha and Kury, 2003
- Guayania inflata González-Sponga, 1999
- Gunturius glaber Roewer, 1949
- Gunvoria spatulata Kauri, 1961
- Hadrobunus fusiformis Schultz, 2010
- Hadrobunus grandis (Say, 1821)
- Hadrobunus maculosus (Wood, 1868)
- Haitonia alba González-Sponga, 1987
- Hedwiga manubriata Roewer, 1931
- Hendea aurora Forster, 1965
- Hendea bucculenta Forster, 1954
- Hendea coatesi Forster, 1965
- Hendea fiordensis Forster, 1954
- Hendea hendei Roewer, 1931
- Hendea maini Forster, 1965
- Hendea maitaia Forster, 1954
- Hendea myersi Forster, 1954
- Hendea nelsonensis Forster, 1954
- Hendea oconnori Forster, 1954
- Hendea phillippsi Forster, 1954
- Hendea spina Forster, 1965
- Hendea takaka Forster, 1965
- Hendea townsendi Forster, 1965
- Hendeola bullata Forster, 1954
- Hendeola woodwardi Forster, 1954
- Hesperonemastoma kepharti (Crosby and Bishop, 1924)
- Hesperonemastoma modestum (Banks, 1894)
- Hesperonemastoma packardi (Roewer, 1914)
- Hesperonemastoma pallidimaculosum (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1945)
- Hesperonemastoma smilax Shear, 2010
- Heteradaeum exiguum Lawrence, 1963
- Heterobabrius atroluteus Roewer, 1915
- Heterobabrius granulatus Roewer, 1927
- Heterolacurbs ovalis Roewer, 1912
- Heterolacurbs perezassoi Alegre and Armas, 2012
- Heteronuncia robusta Roewer, 1920
- Heteroscotolemon australis Roewer, 1912
- Hickmanoxyomma cavaticum (Hickman, 1958)
- Hickmanoxyomma clarkei Hunt, 1990
- Hickmanoxyomma cristatum Hunt, 1990
- Hickmanoxyomma eberhardi Hunt, 1990
- Hickmanoxyomma gibbergunyar Hunt, 1990
- Hickmanoxyomma goedei Hunt, 1990
- Hickmanoxyomma tasmanicum (Roewer, 1915)
- Hinzuanius africanus Pavesi, 1884
- Hinzuanius comorensis (Roewer, 1949)
- Hinzuanius flaviventris (Pocock, 1903)
- Hinzuanius gracilis (Roewer, 1949)
- Hinzuanius indicus (Roewer, 1915)
- Hinzuanius insulanus Karsch, 1880
- Hinzuanius littoralis (Lawrence, 1959)
- Hinzuanius madagassis (Roewer, 1949)
- Hinzuanius mauriticus Roewer, 1927
- Hinzuanius milloti (Fage, 1946)
- Hinzuanius pardalis (Lawrence, 1959)
- Hinzuanius parvulus Hirst, 1911
- Hinzuanius pauliani (Lawrence, 1959)
- Hinzuanius tenebrosus (Lawrence, 1959)
- Hinzuanius vittatus (Simon, 1885)
- Hirstienus nanus (Hirst, 1913)
- Holonuncia cavernicola Forster, 1955
- Holonuncia dewae Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia dispar Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia enigma Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia francesae Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia hamiltonsmithi Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia kaputarensis Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia katoomba Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia recta Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia seriata (Roewer, 1915)
- Holonuncia sussa Hunt, 1992
- Holonuncia tuberculata (Roewer, 1915)
- Holonuncia weejasperensis Hunt, 1992
- Holoscotolemon franzinii Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994
- Holoscotolemon jaqueti (Corti, 1905)
- Holoscotolemon lessiniensis Martens, 1978
- Holoscotolemon monzinii Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994
- Holoscotolemon naturae Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994
- Holoscotolemon oreophilus Martens, 1978
- Holoscotolemon querilhaci (Lucas, 1866)
- Holoscotolemon unicolor Roewer, 1915
- Hovanoceros bison Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanuncia bidentata Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanuncia monticola Lawrence, 1959
- Hummelinckiolus parvus Silhavý, 1979
- Icaleptes malkini Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Ignacianulus pumilio Roewer, 1957
- Isaeolus zilchi Roewer, 1954
- Isolachus spinosus Briggs, 1971
- Ivobiantes spinipalpis Lawrence, 1965
- Ivohibea cavernicola Lawrence, 1959
- Izunonychus ohruii Suzuki, 1975
- Jajinia bromeliaca González-Sponga, 1987
- Jajinia jajinia González-Sponga, 1998
- Jim benignus H. Soares, 1979
- Jimeneziella decui Avram, 1970
- Jimeneziella negreai Avram, 1970
- Johorella simplex Roewer, 1949
- Junquito denticuloso González-Sponga, 1999
- Kainonychus akamai (Suzuki, 1972)
- Kalominua alta (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kalominua bicolor Sørensen, 1932
- Kalominua bromeliaca (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kalominua inermichela (Soares and Avram, 1981)
- Kalominua leonensis (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kalominua manueli (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kalominua minuta (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kalominua tiarensis (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Kaolinonychus coreanus (Suzuki, 1966)
- Karamea lobata Forster, 1954
- Karamea trailli Forster, 1954
- Karamea tricerata Forster, 1954
- Karamea tuthilli Forster, 1954
- Kimula banksi Silhavý, 1969
- Kimula cokendolpheri Pérez and Armas, 2000
- Kimula elongata C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Kimula goodnightiorum Silhavý, 1969
- Kimula levii Silhavý, 1969
- Kimula tuberculata C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Kimula turquinensis Silhavý, 1969
- Kokoda luteoscutum Roewer, 1949
- Lacurbs nigrimana Roewer, 1912
- Lacurbs spinosa Sørensen, 1896
- Larifuga avus Starega, 1989
- Larifuga calcarata Lawrence, 1931
- Larifuga capensis Lawrence, 1931
- Larifuga dentifer Lawrence, 1931
- Larifuga granulosa Lawrence, 1931
- Larifuga mantonae Lawrence, 1934
- Larifuga montana Lawrence, 1931
- Larifuga oneraria Kauri, 1961
- Larifuga rugosa (Guérin-Méneville, 1837)
- Larifuga weberi Loman, 1898
- Larifugella afra Lawrence, 1933
- Larifugella longipalpis Lawrence, 1934
- Larifugella natalensis (Lawrence, 1931)
- Larifugella valida Lawrence, 1963
- Larifugella zuluana Lawrence, 1937
- Lawrencella inermis (Lawrence, 1931)
- Leiobunum aldrichi (Weed, 1893)
- Leiobunum annulatum (Walker, 1830)
- Leiobunum aurugineum Crosby and Bishop, 1924
- Leiobunum bicolor (Wood, 1870)
- Leiobunum bimaculatum Banks, 1893
- Leiobunum bracchiolum McGhee, 1975
- Leiobunum calcar (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum crassipalpe Banks, 1909
- Leiobunum cretatum Crosby and Bishop, 1924
- Leiobunum depressum Davis, 1934
- Leiobunum ephippiatum Roewer, 1910
- Leiobunum escondidum Chamberlin, 1925
- Leiobunum euserratipalpe Ingianni, McGhee and Shultz, 2011
- Leiobunum exillipes (Wood, 1878)
- Leiobunum flavum Banks, 1894
- Leiobunum formosum Wood, 1870
- Leiobunum gordoni C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1946
- Leiobunum hoffmani Ingianni, McGhee and Shultz, 2011
- Leiobunum holtae McGee, 1977
- Leiobunum longipes (Weed, 1890)
- Leiobunum maculosus (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum nigropalpi (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum oregonense C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Leiobunum peninsulare Davis, 1934
- Leiobunum politum (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum relictum Davis, 1934
- Leiobunum speciosum Banks, 1900
- Leiobunum townsendi Weed, 1893
- Leiobunum trimaculatum C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Leiobunum uxorium (Crosby and Bishop, 1924)
- Leiobunum ventricosum (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum verrucosum (Wood, 1868)
- Leiobunum vittatum (Say, 1821)
- Leionuncia levis Hickman, 1958
- Leptobunus aureus J.C. Cokendolpher, 1984
- Leptobunus borealis Banks, 1899
- Leptobunus californicus Banks, 1893
- Leptobunus parvulus (Banks, 1894)
- Leuronychus pacificus (Banks, 1894)
- Liomma laeve Roewer, 1959
- Liopilio glaber Schenkel, 1951
- Liopilio yukon J.C. Cokendolpher, 1981
- Lispomontia coxidens Lawrence, 1937
- Lizamontia draconensis (Lawrence, 1939)
- Lizamontia natalensis (Lawrence, 1931)
- Lizamontia starengai Kury, 2004
- Lomanella alata Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella ambulatorio Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella atrolutea Roewer, 1915
- Lomanella balooki Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella blacki Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella browni Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella exigua Hickman, 1958
- Lomanella inermis (Roewer, 1931)
- Lomanella insolentia Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella kallista Forster, 1949
- Lomanella parva Forster, 1955
- Lomanella peltonychium Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella promontorium Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella quasiparva Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella raniceps Pocock, 1903
- Lomanella revelata Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella thereseae Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella troglodytes Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Lomanella troglophilia Hunt and Hickman, 1993
- Malgaceros boviceps Lawrence, 1959
- Manahunca bielawskii Silhavý, 1973
- Manahunca cuevajibarae Avram, 1977
- Manahunca silhavyi Avram, 1977
- Manuelangelia tuberosa (González-Sponga, 1998)
- Maracaynatum cubanum Silhavý, 1979
- Maracaynatum linaresi (Soares and Avram, 1981)
- Maracaynatum mariaeteresae González-Sponga, 1987
- Maracaynatum orchidearum Roewer, 1949
- Maracaynatum stridulans Silhavý, 1979
- Maracaynatum trinidadense Silhavý, 1979
- Maracaynatum wilmae González-Sponga, 1989
- Megacina cockerelli (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942)
- Megacina madera (Briggs, 1968)
- Megacina mayacma Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Megacina schusteri Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Mensamontia melanophora Lawrence, 1931
- Mensamontia morulifera Lawrence, 1931
- Mestonia acris Hickman, 1958
- Mestonia picra Hickman, 1958
- Metabiantes armatus Lawrence, 1962
- Metabiantes barbertonensis Lawrence, 1963
- Metabiantes basutoanus Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes cataracticus Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes convexus Roewer, 1949
- Metabiantes filipes (Roewer, 1912)
- Metabiantes flavus Lawrence, 1949
- Metabiantes hanstroemi Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes incertus Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes insulanus (Roewer, 1949)
- Metabiantes jeanneli (Roewer, 1913)
- Metabiantes kakololius Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes kosibaiensis Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes lawrencei Starega, 1992
- Metabiantes leighi (Pocock, 1902)
- Metabiantes litoralis Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes longipes Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes machadoi Lawrence, 1957
- Metabiantes meraculus (Loman, 1898)
- Metabiantes minutus Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes montanus Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes obscurus Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes parvulus Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes perustus Lawrence, 1963
- Metabiantes pumilio Roewer, 1927
- Metabiantes punctatus (Sørensen, 1910)
- Metabiantes pusulosus (Loman, 1898)
- Metabiantes rudebecki Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes stanleyi Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes submontanus Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes teres Lawrence, 1963
- Metabiantes teretipes Lawrence, 1962
- Metabiantes traegardhi Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes trifasciatus Roewer, 1915
- Metabiantes ulindinus Kauri, 1985
- Metabiantes unicolor (Roewer, 1912)
- Metabiantes urbanus Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes varius Kauri, 1961
- Metabiantes zuluanus Lawrence, 1937
- Metabiantes zuurbergianus Kauri, 1961
- Metaconomma femorale Pickard-Cambridge, 1905
- Metakimula botosaneanui (Avram, 1973)
- Metalacurbs cornipes (Roewer, 1958)
- Metalacurbs oedipus (Roewer, 1958)
- Metalacurbs simoni Roewer, 1915
- Metalacurbs villiersi (Roewer, 1953)
- Metanippononychus daisenensis Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus iriei Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus iyanus Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus tomishimai Suzuki, 1975
- Metanonychus idahoensis Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus nigricans Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus Briggs, 1971
- Metanuncia stewartia (Hogg, 1910)
- Metanuncia testacea (Hogg, 1910)
- Metapellobunus lapidosus Roewer, 1928
- Metapellobunus unicolor (Roewer, 1912)
- Metasiro americanus (Davis, 1933)
- Metasiro sassafrasensis Clouse and Wheeler, 2014
- Metasiro savannahensis Clouse and Wheeler, 2014
- Micradaeum rugosum Lawrence, 1931
- Micrisaeus gracillimus Roewer, 1957
- Micro obtusangulus González-Sponga, 1987
- Microcina edgewoodensis Briggs and Ubick, 1989
- Microcina jungi Briggs and Ubick, 1989
- Microcina leei Briggs and Ubick, 1989
- Microcina lumi Briggs and Ubick, 1989
- Microcina potrero Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microcina sanbruno Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microcina stanford Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microcina tamalpais Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microcina tiburona (Briggs and Hom, 1966)
- Microcinella coensis Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Microcinella homi (Briggs and Ubick, 1989)
- Microconomma armatipes Roewer, 1915
- Microminua flava (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Microminua parvula Sørensen, 1932
- Micromontia flava Lawrence, 1939
- Millomontia brevispina Lawrence, 1959
- Millomontia vadoni Lawrence, 1959
- Millotonyx tenuipes Lawrence, 1959
- Minuella barloventensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella choroniensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella crassa González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella denticulata González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella dimorpha (Sørensen, 1932)
- Minuella elias (Sørensen, 1932)
- Minuella guatopensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella momoyana González-Sponga, 1998
- Minuella montis González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella nebulae González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella parva González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella pinturelensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella punctiacuta González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuella scabra (Sørensen, 1932)
- Minuella venefica González-Sponga, 1987
- Minuides americanus (Roewer, 1952)
- Minuides koepckei Roewer, 1956
- Minuides milleri Silhavý, 1978
- Minuides oedipus Roewer, 1963
- Minuides rudicoxa Roewer, 1949
- Minuides setosa Sørensen, 1932
- Miobunus forficula Hunt, 1995
- Miobunus johnhickmani Hunt, 1995
- Miobunus levis Hickman, 1958
- Miobunus mainae Hunt, 1995
- Miobunus parvus (Hickman, 1958)
- Miobunus thoracicus Roewer, 1915
- Mirda insulanus (Banks, 1901)
- Mitopus dorsalis Banks, 1900
- Mitopus morio (Fabricus, 1779)
- Mitopus projectus (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942)
- Mitraceras crassipalpum Loman, 1902
- Mitraceras pulchrum Rambla, 1984
- Mitraia unispina (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Monobiantes benoiti Lawrence, 1962
- Monomontia aquilonaris Lawrence, 1963
- Monomontia aspera Lawrence, 1939
- Monomontia atra Lawrence, 1931
- Monomontia brincki Kauri, 1961
- Monomontia corticola Lawrence, 1938
- Monomontia cristiceps Lawrence, 1963
- Monomontia curvirostris Lawrence, 1938
- Monomontia flava Lawrence, 1933
- Monomontia granifrons Lawrence, 1938
- Monomontia intermedia Lawrence, 1938
- Monomontia krausi Kauri, 1961
- Monomontia lawrencei Kauri, 1950
- Monomontia montensis Lawrence, 1938
- Monomontia neglecta Schönhofer, 2008
- Monomontia rattrayi Lawrence, 1931
- Monomontia rugosa Lawrence, 1937
- Monomontia transvaalica Lawrence, 1963
- Monomontia versicolor Lawrence, 1963
- Montadaeum purcelli Lawrence, 1931
- Munis multivirgatus Roewer, 1963
- Muscicola picta Forster, 1954
- Nahuelonyx nasutus (Ringuelet, 1959)
- Negreaella fundorai Avram, 1977
- Negreaella palenquensis Avram, 1977
- Negreaella rioindiocubanicola Avram, 1977
- Negreaella vinai Avram, 1977
- Negreaella yumuriensis Avram, 1977
- Nelima elegans (Weed, 1889)
- Nelima paessleri (Roewer, 1910)
- Neobabrius parvulus Roewer, 1949
- Neocea lanceolata (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Neocynortina dixoni C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Neonuncia blacki Forster, 1954
- Neonuncia campbelli Forster, 1954
- Neonuncia eastoni Forster, 1954
- Neonuncia enderbei (Hogg, 1909)
- Neonuncia opaca (Roewer, 1931)
- Neoorsa daphne (Silhavý, 1979)
- Neoparalus granitus (Roewer, 1949)
- Neoscotolemon lutzi C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Neoscotolemon pictipes (Banks, 1908)
- Nippononychus japonicus (Miyoshi, 1957)
- Niquitaia convexa González-Sponga, 1999
- Notonuncia arvensis Hickman, 1958
- Notonuncia diversa Hickman, 1958
- Notonuncia obscura Hickman, 1958
- Nucina dispar Hickman, 1958
- Nucina silvestris Hickman, 1958
- Nuncia alpha Forster, 1954
- Nuncia americana Roewer, 1961
- Nuncia arcuata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia chilensis (H. Soares, 1968)
- Nuncia conjuncta Forster, 1954
- Nuncia constantia Forster, 1954
- Nuncia contrita Forster, 1954
- Nuncia coriacea (Pocock, 1902)
- Nuncia dentifera Forster, 1954
- Nuncia elongata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia fatula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia frustrata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia grandis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia heteromorpha Forster, 1954
- Nuncia inopinata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia kershawi Forster, 1965
- Nuncia levis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia marchanti Forster, 1965
- Nuncia nigriflava Roewer, 1923
- Nuncia obesa (Simon, 1899)
- Nuncia oconnori Forster, 1954
- Nuncia pallida Forster, 1954
- Nuncia paucispinosa Forster, 1954
- Nuncia planocula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri Forster, 1954
- Nuncia rostrata Maury, 1990
- Nuncia smithi Hogg, 1920
- Nuncia spinulosa Maury, 1990
- Nuncia stabilis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia stewartia (Hogg, 1910)
- Nuncia sublaevis Pocock, 1902
- Nuncia sulcata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia tapanuiensis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia townsendi Forster, 1965
- Nuncia tumidarta Forster, 1954
- Nuncia tumula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia variegata (Hogg, 1920)
- Nuncia verrucosa Maury, 1990
- Nuncia vidua Forster, 1954
- Nunciella aspera (Pocock, 1902)
- Nunciella badia (Hickman, 1958)
- Nunciella cheliplus Roewer, 1931
- Nunciella dentata (Hickman, 1958)
- Nunciella granulata Roewer, 1931
- Nunciella kangarooensis Hunt, 1971
- Nunciella karriensis Kauri, 1954
- Nunciella montana Forster, 1955
- Nunciella parvula Roewer, 1931
- Nunciella tasmaniensis Hickman, 1958
- Nunciella tuberculata Forster, 1949
- Nunciella woolcocki Forster, 1955
- Nuncioides dysmicus Hickman, 1958
- Nuncioides infrequens Hickman, 1958
- Octophthalmus marginatus Wood, 1869
- Odiellus pictus (Wood, 1868)
- Odontonuncia saltuensis Hickman, 1958
- Ogovea cameroonensis Giribet and Prieto, 2003
- Ogovea grossa (Hansen and Sørensen, 1904)
- Ogovea nasuta (Hansen, 1921)
- Oligolophus tridens (C.L. Koch, 1836)
- Oo spinosum (González-Sponga, 1999)
- Opilio parietinus (DeGeer, 1778)
- Opilioparamo meridensis (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Opilioparamo regaladoi (González-Sponga, 1999)
- Orituco gracilipalpi González-Sponga, 1987
- Orituco pariensis González-Sponga, 1991
- Orituco tuberculosa González-Sponga, 1987
- Orituco tuyensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Ortholasma colossus Shear, 2010
- Ortholasma coronadense Cockerell, 1916
- Ortholasma levipes Shear and Gruber, 1983
- Ortholasma pictipes Banks, 1911
- Ortholasma rugosum Banks, 1894
- Ortizia gracilipes Roewer, 1952
- Ostracidium decoratum Kollar, 1839
- Ostracidium fuscum Perty, 1833
- Ostracidium succineum Perty, 1833
- Pachylicus acutus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Pachylicus castaneus (Silhavý, 1979)
- Pachylicus cotoensis C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Pachylicus foveolatus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Pachylicus hirsutus (Roewer, 1949)
- Pachylicus hispidus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Pachylicus petrunkevitchi (Mello-Leitão, 1944)
- Pachylicus rugosus (Banks, 1909)
- Pachylicus spinatus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Panaquire calva González-Sponga, 1987
- Panopiliops inops C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Panopiliops reimoseri (Roewer, 1949)
- Parabupares robustus Suzuki, 1982
- Paraconomma argentinum Roewer, 1915
- Paraconomma ovale Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942
- Paraconomma spinooculorum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942
- Paradaeum rattrayi Lawrence, 1931
- Paraminuella bristowei Caporiacco, 1951
- Paramontia infinita Lawrence, 1934
- Paramontia lisposoma (Lawrence, 1931)
- Paranonychus brunneus (Banks, 1893)
- Paranonychus concolor Briggs, 1971
- Paranuncia gigantea Roewer, 1915
- Paranuncia ingens Roewer, 1931
- Paraphalangodus synacanthus Roewer, 1915
- Parasamoa gressitti C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1957
- Parascotolemon bipunctus (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Parascotolemon hirsutus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Parascotolemon ornatus Roewer, 1912
- Parattahia u-signata Roewer, 1915
- Paroligolophus agrestis (Meade, 1855)
- Paulianyx brevipes Lawrence, 1959
- Paulianyx ferruginea Lawrence, 1959
- Pegulius parvulus Roewer, 1949
- Pellobunus camburalesi Rambla, 1978
- Pellobunus haitiensis (Silhavý, 1979)
- Pellobunus insularis Banks, 1905
- Pellobunus insulcatus (Roewer, 1954)
- Pellobunus longipalpus Goodnight and Goodnight, 1947
- Pellobunus trispinatus Goodnight and Goodnight, 1947
- Peltamma sumatranum Roewer, 1927
- Peltonychia clavigera (Simon, 1879)
- Peltonychia gabria Roewer, 1935
- Peltonychia leprieuri (Lucas, 1861)
- Peltonychia navarica (Simon, 1879)
- Peltonychia piochardi (Simon, 1872)
- Peltonychia postumicola (Roewer, 1935)
- Peltonychia sarea (Roewer, 1935)
- Peltonychia tenuis (Roewer, 1935)
- Pentos pygoplus Roewer, 1952
- Perthacantha jugata Roewer, 1931
- Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758
- Phalangodella aequatorialis Roewer, 1912
- Phalangodella flavipes (Mello-Leitão, 1949)
- Phalangodella fulvescens (Mello-Leitão, 1943)
- Phalangodella milagroi (Mello-Leitão, 1942)
- Phalangodella rhinoceros (Mello-Leitão, 1945)
- Phalangodella rugipes (Roewer, 1949)
- Phalangodella urarmata (Roewer, 1949)
- Phalangodes armata Tellkampf, 1844
- Phalangodinella araguitensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella arida González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella bicalcanei González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella calcanei González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella callositas González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella caporiaccoi González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella coffeicola González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella longipes González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella pilosa González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella pittieri González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella roeweri Caporiacco, 1951
- Phalangodinella santaeroseae González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinella tropophyla González-Sponga, 1987
- Phalangodinus surinamensis Roewer, 1912
- Phalangoduna granosa Roewer, 1949
- Phanerobunus armatus Roewer, 1915
- Phanerobunus asperrimus Hickman, 1958
- Phanerobunus hebes Hickman, 1958
- Phanerobunus saxatilis Hickman, 1958
- Philacarus samoides Sørensen, 1932
- Phoxobunus rostratus Hickman, 1958
- Phoxobunus tuberculatus Hickman, 1958
- Picunchenops spelaeus Maury, 1988
- Pijiguaia albina González-Sponga, 1998
- Pilosa pilosa González-Sponga, 1999
- Pirassunungoleptes analis (Roewer, 1949)
- Pirassunungoleptes calcaratus H. Soares, 1966
- Pirassunungoleptes lesserti (Roewer, 1949)
- Planimontia goodnightorum Kauri, 1961
- Prasma crassipalpus (Roewer, 1931)
- Prasma sorenseni Forster, 1954
- Prasma tuberculata (Hogg, 1920)
- Prasmiola unica Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acentrus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acuminatus (Hogg, 1920)
- Pristobunus barnardi Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus ceratias Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus hadrus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus henopoeus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus heterus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus ignavus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus laminus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus synaptus Forster, 1954
- Probiantes croceus Roewer, 1927
- Prolacurbs singularis Roewer, 1949
- Promecostethus unifalculatus Enderlein, 1909
- Proscotolemon sauteri Roewer, 1916
- Protodiasia saltensis Ringuelet, 1955
- Protolophus cockerelli C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Protolophus differens C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Protolophus dixiensis Chamberlin, 1925
- Protolophus niger C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Protolophus singularis Banks, 1893
- Protolophus tuberculatus Banks, 1893
- Psalenoba nunciaeformis Roewer, 1931
- Pseudominua convolvulus (Sørensen, 1932)
- Pseudominua peruviana Roewer, 1963
- Pseudomitraceras brasiliense Roewer, 1912
- Pseudomitraceras curvatum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942
- Pseudomitraceras minutum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942
- Pucallpana pullex Avram and Soares, 1983
- Pyenganella striata Hickman, 1958
- Pyropharynx gracilis (Pickard-Cambridge, 1905)
- Recifesius pernambucanus H. Soares, 1978
- Retropedis magnapatella González-Sponga, 1987
- Reventula amabilis Silhavý, 1979
- Rhynchobunus arrogans Hickman, 1958
- Rilaena triangularis Herbst, 1799
- Roewerania guduana Kauri, 1961
- Roewerania lignicola Lawrence, 1934
- Roewerania montana Kauri, 1961
- Roewerania spinosa Lawrence, 1938
- Rostromontia capensis Lawrence, 1931
- Rostromontia granulifera Lawrence, 1931
- Rostromontia truncata Lawrence, 1931
- Sabacon astoriensis Shear, 1975
- Sabacon briggsi Shear, 1975
- Sabacon bryantii (Banks, 1898)
- Sabacon cavicolens (Packard, 1884)
- Sabacon mitchelli Crosby and Bishop, 1924
- Sabacon occidentalis (Banks, 1894)
- Sabacon sheari Cokendolpher, 1984
- Sabacon siskiyou Shear, 1975
- Samoa obscura Sørensen, 1886
- Samoa sechellana Rambla, 1984
- Samoa variabilis Sørensen, 1886
- Sawaiellus berlandi Roewer, 1949
- Sclerobunus cavicolens (Banks, 1905)
- Sclerobunus glorietus Briggs, 1971
- Sclerobunus idahoensis Briggs, 1971
- Sclerobunus jemez Derkarabetian and Hedin, 2014
- Sclerobunus klomax Derkarabetian and Hedin, 2014
- Sclerobunus madhousensis (Briggs, 1971)
- Sclerobunus nondimorphicus Briggs, 1971
- Sclerobunus robustus (Packard, 1877)
- Sclerobunus skywalkeri Derkarabetian and Hedin, 2014
- Sclerobunus speoventus Derkarabetian and Hedin, 2014
- Sclerobunus steinmanni Derkarabetian and Hedin, 2014
- Sclerobunus ungulatus (Briggs, 1971)
- Seblatus coxalis Roewer, 1949
- Sergitius spiniger Roewer, 1949
- Siro acaroides (Ewing, 1923)
- Siro boyerae Giribet and Shear, 2010
- Siro calaveras Giribet and Shear, 2010
- Siro clousi Giribet and Shear, 2010
- Siro exilis Hoffman, 1963
- Siro kamiakensis (Newell, 1943)
- Siro shasta Giribet and Shear, 2010
- Siro sonoma Shear, 1980
- Siryseus tibialis Roewer, 1949
- Sitalcina borregoensis Briggs, 1968
- Sitalcina californica (Banks, 1893)
- Sitalcina catalina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Sitalcina chalona Briggs, 1968
- Sitalcina flava Briggs, 1968
- Sitalcina lobata C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Sitalcina peacheyi Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Sitalcina rothi Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Sitalcina seca Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Sitalcina sura Briggs, 1968
- Sivianus titschacki Roewer, 1949
- Soerensenella bicornis Pocock, 1903
- Soerensenella formosana (Roewer, 1931)
- Soerensenella prehensor Pocock, 1903
- Soerensenella rotara Phillipps & Grimmett, 1932
- Soledadiella barinensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Soledadiella macrochelae González-Sponga, 1987
- Soledadiella pentaculeata González-Sponga, 1999
- Soledadiella roraima (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1943)
- Spaeleoleptes spaeleus H. Soares, 1966
- Spalicus oeditarsus Roewer, 1949
- Speleomaster lexi Briggs, 1974
- Speleomaster pecki Briggs, 1974
- Speleomontia cavernicola Lawrence, 1931
- Speleonychia sengeri Briggs, 1974
- Sphoeroforma familiaris González-Sponga, 1987
- Sphoeroforma fernandezi González-Sponga, 1987
- Sphoeroforma minima González-Sponga, 1987
- Sphoeroforma pusilla González-Sponga, 1987
- Spiniella grandituberculosa González-Sponga, 1987
- Spinolatum mediale C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Stenostygnus pusio Simon, 1879
- Stygnoleptes analis Banks, 1914
- Stygnoleptes crassus (Sørensen, 1932)
- Stygnoleptes gibber (Roewer, 1954)
- Stygnoleptes sellatus (Roewer, 1954)
- Stygnoleptes tarmanus (Roewer, 1956)
- Stygnomimus conopygus Roewer, 1927
- Stygnomimus malayensis Suzuki, 1969
- Stygnomma annulipes (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1947)
- Stygnomma batatalense González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma belizense Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977
- Stygnomma bispinatum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953
- Stygnomma cubiroense González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma delicatulum Rambla, 1976
- Stygnomma fiskei Rambla, 1969
- Stygnomma fuentesi González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma fuhrmanni Roewer, 1912
- Stygnomma furvum González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma gracilitibiae González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma granulosa (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977)
- Stygnomma jajoense González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma joannae Rambla, 1976
- Stygnomma larense González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma leleupi Rambla, 1976
- Stygnomma macrochelae González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma monagasiense Soares and Avram, 1981
- Stygnomma ornatum González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma pecki Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977
- Stygnomma planum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953
- Stygnomma purpureum González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma salmeronense González-Sponga, 2005
- Stygnomma solisitiens González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma spiniferum (Packard, 1888)
- Stygnomma spinipalpis Goodnight and Goodnight, 1953
- Stygnomma spinula (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1942)
- Stygnomma teapense Goodnight and Goodnight, 1951
- Stygnomma toledense Goodnight and Goodnight, 1977
- Stygnomma truxillense González-Sponga, 1987
- Stygnomma tuberculatum Goodnight and Goodnight, 1973
- Stylonuncia spinosa Hickman, 1958
- Synthetonychia acuta Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia cornua Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia fiordensis Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia florae Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia glacialis Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia hughsoni Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia minuta Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia obtusa Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia oliveae Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia oparara Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia proxima Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia ramosa Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia sinuosa Forster, 1954
- Synthetonychia wairarapae Forster, 1954
- Taguaza eliptica González-Sponga, 1998
- Taracus birsteini Ljovuschkin, 1971
- Taracus gertschi C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Taracus malkini C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1945
- Taracus nigripes C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Taracus packardi Simon, 1879
- Taracus pallipes Banks, 1894
- Taracus silverstrii Roewer, 1929
- Taracus spinosus Banks, 1894
- Tarmaops koepckei Roewer, 1956
- Tasmanonuncia segnis Hickman, 1958
- Tasmanonyx montanus Hickman, 1958
- Tegipiolus pachypus Roewer, 1949
- Tetebius latibunus Roewer, 1949
- Texella bifurcata (Briggs, 1968)
- Texella bilobata Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella brevidenta Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella brevistyla Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella cokendolpheri Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella deserticola Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella diplospina Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella fendi Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella grubbsi Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella hardeni Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella homi Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella jungi Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella kokoweef Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella longistyla Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella mulaiki C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Texella reddelli C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1967
- Texella renkesae Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella reyesi Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella shoshone Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella spinoperca Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Texella welbourni Ubick and Briggs, 1992
- Thelbunus mirabilis Hickman, 1958
- Theromaster archeri (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942)
- Theromaster brunneus (Banks, 1902)
- Timoleon armatanalis Roewer, 1956
- Timoleon crassipes Sørensen, 1932
- Togwoteeus biceps (Thorell, 1877)
- Tolus appalachius (C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942)
- Traiania abundantis González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania arairensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania cacaotera González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania cimarronera González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania debellardi González-Sponga, 1991
- Traiania inexspectata González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania mujicai González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania orghidani Soares and Avram, 1981
- Traiania simpatrica González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania simplex González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania torrealbai González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania triangularis González-Sponga, 1987
- Traiania venadoensis González-Sponga, 1998
- Travunia borisi (Hadzi, 1973)
- Travunia hofferi (Silhavý, 1937)
- Travunia jandai Kratochvíl, 1937
- Travunia troglodytes (Roewer, 1915)
- Triaenobunus armstrongi Forster, 1955
- Triaenobunus asper Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus bicarinatus Sørensen, 1886
- Triaenobunus cornutus Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus groomi Forster, 1955
- Triaenobunus hamiltoni Phillipps & Grimmett, 1932
- Triaenobunus inornatus Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus mestoni Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus minutus Forster, 1955
- Triaenobunus montanus Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus pectinatus Pocock, 1902
- Triaenobunus pescotti Forster, 1955
- Triaenobunus pilosus Hickman, 1958
- Triaenobunus woodwardi Forster, 1955
- Triaenonychoides breviops Maury, 1987
- Triaenonychoides cekalovici H. Soares, 1968
- Triaenonyx arrogans H. Soares, 1968
- Triaenonyx chilensis Sørensen, 1902
- Triaenonyx corralensis Roewer, 1915
- Triaenonyx dispersus Roewer, 1915
- Triaenonyx rapax Sørensen, 1886
- Triaenonyx valdiviensis Sørensen, 1902
- Triconobunus horridus Roewer, 1914
- Triregia bilineata (Forster, 1943)
- Triregia fairburni (Forster, 1943)
- Triregia monstrosa Forster, 1948
- Trojanella serbica Karaman, 2005
- Tularina plumosa Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Tularina scopula (Briggs, 1968)
- Tularina tularensis Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Turquinia montana Silhavý, 1979
- Tweedielus brevipes Roewer, 1949
- Tweedielus longipes Roewer, 1933
- Unare videodifficultatis González-Sponga, 1987
- Undulus formosus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Unicornia flava González-Sponga, 1987
- Urachiche nerysae González-Sponga, 1987
- Valdivionyx crassipes Maury, 1988
- Valifema blanda Silhavý, 1979
- Venezuelana absonustarsalis (González-Sponga, 1987)
- Vestitecola haitensis Silhavý, 1973
- Viacha granulata Roewer, 1949
- Vlachiolus vojtechi Silhavý, 1979
- Vonones ornatus (Say, 1821)
- Vonones sayi (Simon, 1879)
- Wespus arkansasensis C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Weyrauchiana oxapampa Roewer, 1952
- Yacambuia yacambuiensis González-Sponga, 1987
- Yatala aspera (Forster, 1949)
- Yatala hirsti Roewer, 1942
- Yulella natalensis (Lawrence, 1937)
- Yuria pulcra Suzuki, 1964
- Zairebiantes microphthalmus Kauri, 1985
- Zalmopsylla platnicki Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Zalmoxis armatipes Strand, 1910
- Zalmoxis armatus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis aspersus Roewer, 1949
- Zalmoxis austerus Hirst, 1912
- Zalmoxis australis (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis bendis Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxis bonka (Forster, 1949)
- Zalmoxis brevipes (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis cardwellensis Forster, 1955
- Zalmoxis cheesmani (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis convexus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis crassitarsis Suzuki, 1982
- Zalmoxis cuspanalis (Roewer, 1927)
- Zalmoxis dammermani (Roewer, 1927)
- Zalmoxis darwinensis (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1948)
- Zalmoxis derzelas Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxis falcifer Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis ferrugineus (Roewer, 1912)
- Zalmoxis furcifer Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis gebeleizis Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxis granulatus (Loman, 1902)
- Zalmoxis heynemani Suzuki, 1977
- Zalmoxis insula Forster, 1955
- Zalmoxis insularis (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis jewetti (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1947)
- Zalmoxis kaiensis Suzuki, 1982
- Zalmoxis kaktinsae Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis kotys Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxis lavacaverna Hunt, 1993
- Zalmoxis lavongaiensis Suzuki, 1985
- Zalmoxis luzonicus Roewer, 1949
- Zalmoxis maculosus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis marchei Roewer, 1912
- Zalmoxis mendax Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis mindanaonicus Suzuki, 1977
- Zalmoxis minimus Roewer, 1912
- Zalmoxis mitobatipes (Roewer, 1926)
- Zalmoxis muelleri Sharma et al., 2011
- Zalmoxis mutus Sharma et al., 2011
- Zalmoxis neobritanicus Suzuki, 1982
- Zalmoxis neocaledonicus Roewer, 1912
- Zalmoxis neoguinensis (Roewer, 1915)
- Zalmoxis occidentalis (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis pallidus (Roewer, 1915)
- Zalmoxis patellaris (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis perditus Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis ponapeus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis princeps Sharma, 2012
- Zalmoxis pumilus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis pygmaeus Sørensen, 1886
- Zalmoxis remingtoni (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1948)
- Zalmoxis robustus Sørensen, 1886
- Zalmoxis sabazios Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxis sarasinorum Roewer, 1914
- Zalmoxis savesi (Simon, 1880)
- Zalmoxis sepikus (Roewer, 1949)
- Zalmoxis similis Suzuki, 1982
- Zalmoxis solitarius (Roewer, 1917)
- Zalmoxis sorenseni Simon, 1892
- Zalmoxis spinicoxa Roewer, 1949
- Zalmoxis thorelli Sharma et al., 2011
- Zalmoxis tristis (Thorell, 1891)
- Zalmoxis tuberculatus (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1948)
- Zalmoxis zibelthiurdos Sharma et al., 2012
- Zalmoxista australis (Sørensen, 1886)
- Zuma acuta C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Zuma tioga Briggs, 1971
уреди- Algidia chiltoni chiltoni Roewer, 1931
- Algidia chiltoni longispinosa Forster, 1954
- Algidia chiltoni oconnori Forster, 1954
- Algidia cuspidata cuspidata Hogg, 1920
- Algidia cuspidata multispinosa Forster, 1954
- Algidia interrupta interrupta Forster, 1954
- Algidia interrupta solatia Forster, 1954
- Algidia viridata bicolor Forster, 1954
- Algidia viridata viridata Forster, 1954
- Cenefia sorenseni hawea Forster, 1954
- Cenefia sorenseni sorenseni Forster, 1954
- Erebomaster flavescens coecus (Packard, 1888)
- Erebomaster flavescens flavescens Cope, 1872
- Hendea myersi assimilis Forster, 1954
- Hendea myersi cavernicola Forster, 1954
- Hendea myersi myersi Forster, 1954
- Hendea myersi ochrea Forster, 1954
- Hendea myersi roeweri Forster, 1954
- Hendea phillippsi phillippsi Forster, 1954
- Hendea phillippsi stiphra Forster, 1954
- Hendeola bullata bullata Forster, 1954
- Hendeola bullata pterna Forster, 1954
- Kainonychus akamai akamai (Suzuki, 1972)
- Kainonychus akamai esoensis Suzuki, 1975
- Kaolinonychus coreanus coreanus (Suzuki, 1966)
- Kaolinonychus coreanus longipes (Suzuki, 1966)
- Karamea lobata aurea Forster, 1954
- Karamea lobata australis Forster, 1954
- Karamea lobata lobata Forster, 1954
- Metanippononychus iriei iriei Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus iriei yakuensis Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus tomishimai awanus Suzuki, 1975
- Metanippononychus tomishimai tomishimai Suzuki, 1975
- Metanonychus nigricans nigricans Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus nigricans oregonus Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus cascadus Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus mazamus Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus navarrus Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus obrieni Briggs, 1971
- Metanonychus setulus setulus Briggs, 1971
- Nuncia arcuata aorangiensis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia arcuata arcuata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia conjuncta conjuncta Forster, 1954
- Nuncia conjuncta fiordensis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia conjuncta magnopercula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia coriacea coriacea (Pocock, 1902)
- Nuncia coriacea ovata Roewer, 1915
- Nuncia heteromorpha heteromorpha Forster, 1954
- Nuncia heteromorpha prolobula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia nigriflava nigriflava Roewer, 1923
- Nuncia nigriflava parva (Phillipps and Grimmett, 1932)
- Nuncia nigriflava parvocula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia obesa grimmetti Forster, 1954
- Nuncia obesa magna Forster, 1954
- Nuncia obesa obesa (Simon, 1899)
- Nuncia obesa rotunda Forster, 1954
- Nuncia oconnori conocula Forster, 1954
- Nuncia oconnori kopua Forster, 1954
- Nuncia oconnori oconnori Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri callida Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri demissa Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri gelida Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri humilis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri moderata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri pilgrimi Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri roeweri Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri seditiosa Forster, 1954
- Nuncia roeweri unica Forster, 1954
- Nuncia stewartia stewartia (Hogg, 1910)
- Nuncia stewartia tumosa Forster, 1954
- Nuncia variegata australis Forster, 1954
- Nuncia variegata delli Forster, 1954
- Nuncia variegata granulata Forster, 1954
- Nuncia variegata variegata (Hogg, 1920)
- Prasma sorenseni regalia Forster, 1954
- Prasma sorenseni sorenseni Forster, 1954
- Prasma tuberculata intermedia Forster, 1954
- Prasma tuberculata mearosa Forster, 1954
- Prasma tuberculata mulsa Forster, 1954
- Prasma tuberculata tuberculata (Hogg, 1920)
- Pristobunus acentrus acentrus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acentrus hilus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acentrus insulanus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acentrus nodosus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acuminatus acantheis Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acuminatus acuminatus (Hogg, 1920)
- Pristobunus acuminatus hamiltoni Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus acuminatus tragulus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus henopoeus gorensis Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus henopoeus henopoeus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus henopoeus ileticus Forster, 1954
- Pristobunus henopoeus pelorus Forster, 1954
- Proscotolemon sauteri latens Suzuki, 1973
- Proscotolemon sauteri sauteri Roewer, 1916
- Soerensenella bicornis bicornis Pocock, 1903
- Soerensenella bicornis parva Forster, 1954
- Soerensenella bicornis waikanae Forster, 1954
- Soerensenella prehensor nitida Forster, 1954
- Soerensenella prehensor obesa Forster, 1954
- Soerensenella prehensor prehensor Pocock, 1903
- Stygnomma spiniferum bolivari (Goodnight and Goodnight, 1945)
- Stygnomma spiniferum spiniferum (Packard, 1888)
- Stygnomma spiniferum tancahense Goodnight and Goodnight, 1951
- Triregia fairburni fairburni (Forster, 1943)
- Triregia fairburni grata Forster, 1954
- Yuria pulcra briggsi Suzuki, 1975
- Yuria pulcra pulcra Suzuki, 1964
уреди- ^ Kury, Adriano B. „Classification of Opiliones”. www.museunacional.ufrj.br. Архивирано из оригинала 12. 11. 2020. г. Приступљено 29. 11. 2017.
- ^ Glauco Machado, Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha & Gonzalo Giribet (2007). „What are harvestmen?”. Ур.: Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha, Glauco Machado & Gonzalo Giribet. Harvestmen: the Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press. стр. 1–13. ISBN 978-0-674-02343-7.
- ^ Garwood, Russell J.; Sharma, Prashant P.; Dunlop, Jason A.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2014). „A Paleozoic Stem Group to Mite Harvestmen Revealed through Integration of Phylogenetics and Development”. Current Biology. 24 (9): 1017—1023. PMID 24726154. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.03.039. Приступљено 17. 4. 2014.
- ^ Tepper, Fabien (11. 4. 2014). „Ancient four-eyed wonder resolves daddy longleg mystery”. Christian Science Monitor. Приступљено 16. 4. 2014.
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- Крстић, Љ: Човек и микроби, Драганић, Београд, 2003.
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Спољашње везе
уреди- -{BioNet škola Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (11. фебруар 2012)
- Harvestman: Order Opiliones Diagnostic photographs and information on North American Harvestmen
- Order Opiliones Sundevall
- Checklist of valid genera of Opiliones of the World
- Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog[мртва веза] (2005)
- Harvestman: Order Opiliones Diagnostic photographs and information on European harvestmen
- University of Aberdeen: The Rhynie Chert Harvestmen (fossils)
- Pocock, Reginald Innes (1911). „Harvester”. Encyclopædia Britannica (на језику: енглески) (11 изд.).