Датотека:Wireless toilet control panel w. open lid.jpg

Оригинална датотека (800 × 750 пиксела, величина датотеке: 98 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)

Deutsch: Eine drahtlose Toilettensteuerung mit 38 Tasten.
English: This is a wireless toilet control panel for a japanese toilet with 38 buttons. The model is a high-end model photographed in a Toto showroom. Normally, many of the buttons are covered with the lid, that is currently in a lowered position, so in normal operation the user has to choose only among 18 different buttons. See also Image:WirelessToiletControlPanel.jpg for a less sophisticated model and Image:JapaneseToiletControlPanel.jpg for a very basic model.
1: 大 (ookii, big) causes to a large flush for large size waste (大便, daiben, feces)
2: 小 (chiisai, small) causes a small flush for small size waste (小便. shonben or shouben, urine).
3: Lowers the seat and closes the lid
4: Lowers the seat and raises the lid
5 Raises both the lid and the seat
6: Stops all operations
7: おしり(oshiri, Butt): Washing of the anus, hardcore mode
8: やわらか (yawaraka, tender): Washing of the anus, soft mode
9: ビデ: (Bide, Bidet): Washing of the vulva.
10: 乾燥 (kansou, dry): Blow dryer for drying the private parts
11: ムーブ (入/切)(Muubu, Move): Rotates the nozzle sideways back and forth
12: マッサージ (入/切) (Massaji, Massage): Cyclic increase in the nozzle pressure for a massage of the anus. Button for On/Off
13/14/15: 時刻設定,時/分/セット(clock setting,hour/minute/set)
16/17: 温度設定,便座+/-(temp. setting,seat +/-)
18/19: 温度設定,乾燥+/-(temp. setting,dry(brow) +/-)
20/21: 温度設定,温水+/-(temp. setting,water(for splay) +/-)
22/23: 温度設定,室温+/-(temp. setting,room +/-)
24/25: 水勢-強/弱(water power,strong/weak)
26: 便器そうじ,入/切(toilet cleaning,on/off)
27: ノズルそうじ,入/切(nozzle cleaning,on/off)
28: オート,プレ洗浄,入/切(auto,pre-cleaning on/off)
29: オート,流す,入/切(auto,flushing on/off)
30: オート,ふた開閉,入/切(auto,cover open-close on/off)
31: 節電,おまかせ節電(power saving,auto powersave on/off)
32: 節電,タイマー節電(power saving,timer powersave on/off)
33/34: 洗浄位置,前/後(washing position,front/back)
35: パワー脱臭(power deodorization)
36: 室温,室温,入/切(room temp.,on/off)
37: 室温,冷込防止,入/切(room temp.,cold prevention,on/off)
38: 室温,タイマー,入/切(room temp.,timer,on/off)
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Аутор User:Chris 73


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This Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons image is from the user Chris 73 and is freely available at //commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wireless_toilet_control_panel_w._open_lid.jpg under the creative commons cc-by-sa 3.0 license.

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750 пиксел

800 пиксел

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тренутна02:02, 15. март 2007.Минијатура за верзију на дан 02:02, 15. март 2007.800 × 750 (98 kB)Chris 73Reverted to earlier revision
10:41, 1. новембар 2004.Минијатура за верзију на дан 10:41, 1. новембар 2004.800 × 750 (98 kB)Chris 73

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