Датотека:Syllable onset nucleus coda.svg

Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 512 × 206 пиксела, величина: 2 kB)


Deutsch: Silbenstruktur aufgeteilt in Kopf, Kern und Schwanz als Baumdiagramm nach diversen phonologischen Traditionen und Theorien. Englische Beschriftung.
English: Syllable structure with division into onset, nucleus and coda as tree diagrams according to several phonologic traditions and theories, i.e. segmental ones.
Датум 19. јул 2012. (првобитни датум слања)
Извор Own work based on: Syllable onset nucleus coda.png by Crissov
Аутор Vectorization: Alhadis
SVG genesis
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This vector image was created with Adobe Illustrator, and then manually edited.
This file is saved in human-editable plain text format. Any editing of the image or creation of any derivative work should be performed using a text editor. Please do not upload edits saved or exported with Inkscape or similar vector graphics editors, as well as with automated tools such as SVG Translate.
This file supersedes the file Syllable onset nucleus coda.png. It is recommended to use this file rather than the other one.

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Creative Commons CC0 License Serbian (Cyrillic script) (транслитерација)

19. јул 2012



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тренутна08:52, 7. јун 2023.Минијатура за верзију на дан 08:52, 7. јун 2023.512 × 206 (2 kB)Alhadis== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information | Description = {{de|Silbenstruktur aufgeteilt in Kopf, Kern und Schwanz als Baumdiagramm nach diversen phonologischen Traditionen und Theorien. Englische Beschriftung.}} {{en|Syllable structure with division into onset, nucleus and coda as tree diagrams according to several phonologic traditions and theories, i.e. segmental ones.}} | Source = {{Own based|Syllable onset nucleus coda.png|by=Crissov}} | Date = {{Original upload date|2012-07-19}} | Author = {...

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