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English: NM23-721-551 Salvador, All Saints Bay, Brazil Winter/Spring 1997
The first formally established settlement in Brazil, the city of Salvador, is located on the tip of the peninsula. All Saints Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, provides a protected harbor to the city. Salvador is divided into an upper city, which is built along a cliff overlooking the bay, and a lower city, which extends from the foot of the cliff westward to the bay. The upper and lower cities are connected by elevators, cable cars, and graded roads. Salvador is the commercial center of the Reconcavo, a major agricultural area, and a major shipping center for the Cacao district to the south. Food processing is one of the leading industries in the city. Salvador is also a leading and fashionable tourist center. Because of an influx of black African slaves, the area is noted for its African heritage in music, dance, folk customs, and cuisine. The lighter tan-colored region to the north-northeast of Salvador is a major oil field.
Извор https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=NM23&roll=721&frame=551
Аутор Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center
Остале верзије
File:Salvador e Baía de Todos os Santos.jpg


Public domain
This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was created by the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, of the NASA Johnson Space Center. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". (NASA media use guidelines or Conditions of Use of Astronaut Photographs). Photo source: NM23-721-551.

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3. април 1997

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тренутна18:56, 2. децембар 2016.Минијатура за верзију на дан 18:56, 2. децембар 2016.4.096 × 4.096 (16,58 MB)Ras67high resolution
06:19, 23. децембар 2005.Минијатура за верзију на дан 06:19, 23. децембар 2005.640 × 640 (313 kB)Kenta*~commonswikiNM23-721-551 Salvador, All Saints Bay, Brazil Winter/Spring 1997 The first formally established settlement in Brazil, the city of Salvador, is located on the tip of the peninsula. All Saints Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, provides a protected harbo

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