Датотека:Roman trumpet brooch (FindID 623650).jpg

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Roman trumpet brooch
The Portable Antiquities Scheme, Dot Boughton, 2014-06-20 23:58:44
Roman trumpet brooch
English: A cast copper alloy trumpet brooch dating from the early Roman period, that is c. AD75-175. The brooch is in excellent condition with body, spring, pin and foot still intact. The trumpet brooch is composed of a strong, sturdy body, spring and pin. The head is trumpet-shaped with a thin moulded around the edges. The trumpet end doubles as the spring housing and there is a small extra loop attached to the back of the trumpet-shaped head. It is probably that a beaded string or a chain was suspended from it and/or attached to another, similar brooch which was worn on the other shoulder. The latter end of the brooch's bow has a circular cross section and tapers slightly towards the foot which terminates in a moulded knop. the bow itself is decorated with a moulded reel decoration, flanked by two acanthus leaves - a decor which is very typical for trumpet brooches.
Приказано место (County of findspot) Cumbria
Пописни број
FindID: 623650
Old ref: LANCUM-4BA25E
Filename: LCMJH4BA25E.jpg
The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) is a voluntary programme run by the United Kingdom government to record the increasing numbers of small finds of archaeological interest found by members of the public. The scheme started in 1997 and now covers most of England and Wales. Finds are published at https://finds.org.uk
Извор https://finds.org.uk/database/ajax/download/id/473698
Catalog: https://finds.org.uk/database/images/image/id/473698
Artefact: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/623650
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Ауторство: The Portable Antiquities Scheme/ The Trustees of the British Museum
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тренутна12:05, 21. јануар 2017.Минијатура за верзију на дан 12:05, 21. јануар 2017.4.343 × 3.900 (2,54 MB)Portable Antiquities Scheme, LANCUM, FindID: 623650, page 1296, batch count 2174

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