ОписOrde van de Leider Afghanistan 1923 Ie Klasse met diamanten.jpg
English: The Nishan-i-Sardari "Order of the Leader", founded by King Amanullah in 1923, as a reward for exceptional services to state and crown, conferred by the King on his own initiative, enjoyed the titles of Sardar-i-Ala 'the most high leader' or Sardar-i-Ali (first viz. second class) before their names and received grants of land, until the order was made obsolete in 1929 (no longer when later revived by King Muhammad Zahir Shah).
Nederlands: De Nishan-i-Sardari "Order of the Leader", founded by King Amanullah in 1923, as a reward for exceptional services to state and crown, conferred by the King on his own initiative, enjoyed the titles of Sardar-i-Ala 'the most high leader' or Sardar-i-Ali (first viz. second class) before their names and received grants of land, until the order was made obsolete in 1929 (no longer when later revived by King Muhammad Zahir Shah).
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=The Nishan-i-Sardari "Order of the Leader", founded by King Amanullah in 1923, as a reward for exceptional services to state and crown, conferred by the King on his own initiative, enjoyed the titles of Sardar-i-Ala 'the