Датотека:Man's 3-piece velvet suit c. 1755.jpg

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НепознатUnknown author
English: Man’s suit (coat, waistcoat and breeches), France, circa 1755. Silk cut, uncut, and voided velvet.
Датум circa 1755
date QS:P571,+1755-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
English: Silk cut, uncut, and voided velvet (ciselé) on satin foundation
Димензије A) Coat Center back length: 40 in. (101.6 cm); B) Waistcoat Center back length: 32 1/2 in. (82.55 cm); C) Breeches Inseam length: 14 1/8 in. (35.8775 cm); C) Breeches side length: 21 1/4 in. (53.975 cm)
institution QS:P195,Q1641836
Актуелна локација
Costume and Textiles Department.
Пописни број
Порекло Purchased with funds provided by Suzanne A. Saperstein and Michael and Ellen Michelson, with additional funding from the Costume Council, the Edgerton Foundation, Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer, Maureen H. Shapiro, Grace Tsao, and Lenore and Richard Wayne
Референце Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700 - 1915, Sharon Sadako Takeda and Kaye Durland Spilker, Prestel USA (2010), ISBN 9783791350622
Извор/фотограф LACMA Image Library. Photograph LACMA.
This file is in the public domain because it has been released by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art www.lacma.org with its "Public Domain High Resolution Image Available" mark. LACMA is unaware of any current copyright restrictions on Content so designated, either because (i) the term of copyright has expired, (ii) no evidence has been found that copyright restrictions apply, or (iii) because LACMA owns copyright but would like to share this Content with the public without exercising control as part of its mission to engage and educate its communities. LACMA does not warrant that the sharing of this Content will not infringe upon the rights of third parties holding rights to these works. For more information see the LACMA Image Library Terms and Conditions.

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Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


habit à la française енглески

voided velvet енглески

5.928 пиксел

3.584 пиксел


Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна02:49, 8. април 2011.Минијатура за верзију на дан 02:49, 8. април 2011.3.584 × 5.928 (8,67 MB)PKM{{Artwork |artist={{unknown}} |description={{en|Man’s suit (coat, waitscoat and breeches), France, circa 1755. Silk cut, uncut, and voided velvet.}} |date=c. 1755 |medium={{en|Silk cut, uncut, and voided velvet (''ciselé'') on satin foundation}} |dime

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