Датотека:ESC 2007 Denmark - DQ - Drama Queen.jpg

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Опис Eurovision Song Contest 2007
Danmark (Denmark): DQ - Drama Queen
Датум 11.05.2007
Извор http://nagi.ee/photos/sAgApO/818712/in-set/16886/
Аутор Indrek Galetin
Остале верзије Derivative works of this file:  ESC 2007 Denmark - DQ - Drama Queen (cropped).jpg


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This file, which was originally posted to Nagi, was reviewed on 11 April 2011 by reviewer Lymantria, who confirmed that it was available there under the stated license on that date.


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тренутна06:21, 17. мај 2007.Минијатура за верзију на дан 06:21, 17. мај 2007.1.500 × 1.000 (1.019 kB)B1mbo{{Information |Description= Eurovision Song Contest 2007<br/>Danmark ''(Denmark)'': DQ - ''Drama Queen'' |Source=http://nagi.ee/photos/sAgApO/818712/in-set/16886/ |Date=11.05.2007 |Author=[http://nagi.ee/profile/sAgApO Indrek Galetin] |Per

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