Bwca_derecho.jpg (418 × 287 пиксела, величина датотеке: 30 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: Some of the millions of trees that were blown down in the Boundary Waters on July 4, 1999.
Датум 1. мај 2007. (првобитни датум слања)
Извор National Weather Service. Пребачено са en.wikipedia на Оставу од стране Atmoz помоћу CommonsHelper. (dead link; archived)
Аутор Датотеку је првобитно послао WxGopher на енглески Википедија


Public domain This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by the National Weather Service (NWS), including its name from 1870–1970, the United States Weather Bureau (USWB).
This includes the sub-branches of the National Weather Service:

As a file created by an employee of the NWS (formerly USWB) in the course of their official duties, whether hosted

this work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

(Click here to view)
  • Use of the NWS name ("National Weather Service") and/or visual identifier are protected under trademark law and may not be used without permission from the NWS. NWS disclaimer
  • NWS websites host a large number of files created by members of the public or other third parties. These are not necessarily in the public domain.
  • Third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material appearing in NWS webpages must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the NWS material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection.17 U.S.C. § 403 NWS disclaimer
  • Monthly Weather Review was created and published solely by the USWB/NWS until the end of 1973. Starting in 1976, the journal was published, under copyright, by the American Meteorological Society. Between 1974–1975, the journal was published, without a copyright notice, and is still in the public domain under {{PD-US-no-notice}}.

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Оригиналан опис странице је био овде. Сва наведена корисничка имена воде на en.wikipedia.
  • 2007-05-01 19:46 WxGopher 418×287× (30305 bytes) ==Summary== Some of the millions of trees that were blown down in the [[BWCA|Boundary Waters]] on [[July 4]], [[1999]]. == Licensing == {{PD-USGov-NOAA}}


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287 пиксел

418 пиксел

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тренутна17:51, 5. август 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 17:51, 5. август 2010.418 × 287 (30 kB)Atmoz{{Information |Description={{en|Some of the millions of trees that were blown down in the Boundary Waters on July 4, 1999.}} |Source=[ National Weat

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