You may NOT use this image on your own web site or anywhere else unless you release this image and any derivative works (which may include the web page or other medium where this image is used, if it is not considered a "collective work") by following the terms of one of the following licenses. Any other use will be considered a breach of copyright law. Please do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license, as it is not in the public domain.
If you would like special permission to use, license, or purchase the image or prints of the image, or for use in any other fashion, or would simply like a copy of the original file, please contact me or email me first to ask. Please see the non-legalese usage guide for more information.
Note: While you are not required to do so by the license, please consider letting me know when you reuse one of my photograph images, as a courtesy.
Ja, nosilac autorskih prava nad ovim delom, objavljujem isto pod sledećim licencama:
Data je dozvola da se kopira, distribuira i/ili menja ovaj dokument pod uslovima GNU-ove licence za slobodnu dokumentaciju, verzije 1.2 objavljene od strane Zadužbine za slobodan softver; bez nepromenljivih odeljaka i bez teksta na naslovnoj i zadnjoj strani. Tekst licence možete pročitati ovde.
samo 1.2 1.2GNU Free Documentation License 1.2truetrue
da delite – da umnožavate, raspodeljujete i prenosite delo
da prerađujete – da preradite delo
Pod sledećim uslovima:
autorstvo – Morate da date odgovarajuće zasluge, obezbedite vezu ka licenci i naznačite da li su izmene napravljene. Možete to uraditi na bilo koji razuman manir, ali ne na način koji predlaže da licencator odobrava vas ili vaše korišćenje.
deliti pod istim uslovima – Ako izmenite, preobrazite ili dogradite ovaj materijal, morate podeliti svoje doprinose pod istom ili kompatibilnom licencom kao original.