Датотека:Beriev MBR-2 Prototype (14467132033).jpg

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Catalog #: 15_002208 Title: Beriev MBR-2 Prototype Date: 1932 Collection: Charles M. Daniels Collection Photo Album Name: Soviet Aircraft Page #: 3 Tags: Soviet Aircraft, Charles Daniels,

PUBLIC COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Извор Beriev MBR-2 Prototype
Аутор SDASM Archives


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This image was originally posted to Flickr by San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives at https://www.flickr.com/photos/49487266@N07/14467132033. It was reviewed on 24. мај 2015. by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the No known copyright restrictions.

24. мај 2015.

Public domain This image is a photograph from San Diego Air & Space Museum at Flickr Commons. According to the museum, there are no known restrictions on the publication of these photos.


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скраћено име аутора српски (транслитерација): SDASM Archives
Фликр српски (транслитерација): 49487266@N07

статус ауторског права српски (транслитерација)

17. јун 2014

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1.677 пиксел

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тренутна09:19, 24. мај 2015.Минијатура за верзију на дан 09:19, 24. мај 2015.1.677 × 1.000 (160 kB)Sujay25Transferred from Flickr via Flickr2Commons

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